MB Organic SAT

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REGISTRATION NO: 22212110004

Soil Organic Carbon: The dark-colored substance called soil organic matter (SOM), which is
created in the soil when plant and animal wastes decompose, is made up of soil organic
carbon (SOC). More carbon is stored in SOC than in the atmosphere and all of the world's
vegetation put together. It is the biggest storehouse of terrestrial carbon. It is a naturally
occurring energy storage material made from organic materials found in soil and is highly
prized as an earthly biopolymer. SOC enhances the water-holding capacity, structural
stability, and biological, chemical, and physical characteristics of soil. It is essential to the
synthesis of the organic acids in the soil, which are necessary for the dissolving of minerals,
their availability to plants, and nutrient leaching. SOC protects soil from extreme changes in pH
and builds up soil organic matter reserves (SOMs) that are essential for many soil processes and
ecosystem functions. Organic carbon plays a role in many human activities (agriculture, medicine,
textiles, cosmetics and food) and by-products of these activities are removed and discharged into the
environment (e.g., soil organic carbon, CO2, etc.). The effects of SOC on climatic science (adaptation
and mitigation) have been well-documented. It is estimated that global soil carbon stocks contain 62%
of organic carbon and 38% of inorganic carbon pools (Laurel, 2004). The amount of SOC in a soil is
largely determined by the balance between how much C enters the soil and how much C leaves the
soil (e.g. CO2, carbon based respiratory gases, etc.) due to microbial mineralization and leaching from
the soil. On the local level, C is lost or gained due to erosion or deposition of soil, resulting in a
redistributive shift of soil C at a local, landscape-wide and regional level. Soil organic carbon (soil
organic C)

Soil Organic Carbon Sequestration: Soil organic carbon sequestration is a natural process
by which atmospheric co2 trapped into the terrestrial body basically in soil via plants or
organic residues. Here's a closer look at the SOC sequestration cycle:
Photosynthesis: Plants take in carbon dioxide (CO2) from the air and, using sunlight
energy, convert it into organic compounds during photosynthesis.
Plant growth: The captured carbon becomes incorporated into the plant's biomass,
including its leaves, roots, stems, and fruits.
Plant death and decomposition: When plants die, their residues and roots become
deposited on the soil surface. Soil microbes then begin to decompose this organic matter,
releasing some of the carbon back into the atmosphere as CO2.
SOC formation: A portion of the plant material is not fully decomposed by microbes.
This remaining organic matter becomes stabilized and stored in the soil as SOC.
Some agricultural practices also promote organic carbon sequestration significantly like-
Reduce tillage, Cover cropping, Compositing and manure application, Biochar application
etc. By adopting these practices, farmers can contribute to a more sustainable agricultural
system and help mitigate climate change.
Soil sampling tools: Soil sampling can be done using usual agricultural spade, pick-axe,
etc. or sampling could also be done in open furrow.

Soil sampling bags: Ordinary plastic cover or cloth bag can be used for collecting soil

Sampling: The first step in a sound sampling procedure is to subdivide the area into
homogeneous units. These units can be based on visual differences in the soil or crop,
known differences in the past management, differences delineated in a soil survey or other
criteria. Usually samples collected from 2-6 inches depth are considered to give correct
information of the nutrient supply. The proper time to take sample is that before the
fertilizer is applied. At least 10 to 20 subsamples have to be collected from each sampling
area. These samples must be mixed well and made into a composite sample. Grind the
composite sample in to a finer soil mass and this soil should be used for the analysis of
organic carbon.


1. Organic carbon reagent -1 (OC-1) 1 x 125ml 7. Gloves 1 Pair

2. Organic Carbon reagent-2 (OC-2) 1 x125ml 8. Hand book of testing procedure with
Color Chart 1no.
3. Cylinder (10ml) 1No
4. Test tube (25ml) 1 No
5. Soil Mixing bottle (No-1) 1 No
6. Spatula / Spoon 1 No
Estimation of Organic Carbon in soil:
1. Organic Carbon reagent-1 (OC-1)
2. Organic Carbon reagent - 2 (OC-2)
3. Organic Carbon color chart
Test Method:
1. Transfer one full spoon of soil into soil mixing bottle (No-1)

2. Put the gloves and add 5 ml of Organic carbon reagent - 1 (OC-1) into the soil and mix.

3. Add very slowly 5 ml of Organic carbon reagent-2 (OC-2), mix well and allow to stand for
10 minutes to complete the reaction. Then transfer the supernatent liquid carefully into a
glass test tube. The colour that form is compared with Organic carbon colour chart and re
low, medium or high. Discard the solution car furly and clear all the tubes well.

Amount of Organic Carbon in soil Approximate quantity of Organic Carbon

present in percentage (%)

Low <0.5%

Medium 0.5-0.75%

High 0.5-0.75%

4. Results of our test:

Observation Of The Study: In this study, we have examined the soil organic carbon content across
different locations. The results of this study show that soil organic carbon levels vary from high to
very low. This is due to several factors such as climate, soil type, land cover and vegetation, and other
human-induced factors. In this study, 15 locations were considered to compare the soil organic carbon
levels of various locations. The results show that the soil organic carbon level in three locations is
high, seven locations are medium, and the remaining locations are low. Below is a list of the benefits
of different soil organic carbon levels. High soil organic carbon levels promote good soil aggregation
which results in better water infiltration and drainage. Increased soil organic carbon levels increase
the soil's capacity to hold nutrients and reduce leaching. Lower soil organic carbon levels result in
higher soil compaction.

 High SOC content promotes good soil aggregation, leading to better infiltration and
drainage of water.
 Increased SOC enhances the capacity of soil to hold nutrients, reducing leaching and
making them more readily available for plants.
 Lower SOC levels are associated with increased soil compaction and erosion,
hindering plant growth.
It is essential to comprehend these geographical differences in SOC in order to put focused
land management techniques into effect. Strategies in high SOC areas should concentrate on
sustaining these advantageous levels. On the other hand, areas with low SOC might need to
use techniques like cover crops or composting that encourage the buildup of organic matter.
Throughout a variety of geographies, we may enhance overall soil health and production by
adjusting management strategies to particular SOC circumstances.

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