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Program Plan Sample

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Sport: Arnis – Sinawali and Footwork Group#1

Topic: Fundamental Skills St. Michael

Objectives for Coaching:

By the end of the discussion/coaching session, the participants are expected to:

 Identify and remember the different basic terminologies in Arnis.

 Memorize the instructions on how to execute the Sinawali together with the Footwork.
 Execute the instructions for Sinawali and Footwork.
Objectives for Evaluation:
By the end of the evaluation/assessment program the participants are expected to:

 Properly execute the Forward Sinawali together with the different kinds of footwork in Arnis (if
time permits, with mastery).
 Understand and follow the rubrics of the evaluation/assessment program.
 Appreciate the importance of learning the fundamental skill (Sinawali) on its benefits for
practical use in the martial art, together with general health and fitness.
Content for Coaching:
The coaching program of this Sports Clinic in Arnis is focused on teaching one of its fundamental skills,
known as “Sinawali”. The program will be divided into 4 segments:
Part 1 – Arnis Footwork Tutorial: (10 mins)
In this segment, the coaches will teach the four (4) fundamental footwork in Arnis:
a. Guerrero
b. Caballero
c. Triangle
d. Reverse Triangle
Part 2 – Forward Sinawali Tutorial: (15 mins)
In this part, the coaches will lay down the step-by-step tutorial on how to execute one of the most
complex fundamental Skills in Arnis which is the Forward Sinawali. The Sinawali requires ambidexterity
and mastery of Baston wielding.
Part 3 – Forward Sinawali + Footwork Tutorial: (15 mins)
In this segment, the coaches will demonstrate and teach how to execute the Forward Sinawali
together with the four (4) basic footwork in Arnis.

Part 4 – Practice Time! (20 mins)

For the last segment of the Sports Clinic, the coaches will provide an opportunity to the
participants to prepare for the next session, which is the evaluation/assessment program. In this segment,
the coaches will allow the participants to freely practice the newly learned fundamental skills and ask
questions/guidance for those who are having troubles in execution/demonstration.

Content for Evaluation:

For the evaluation/assessment program, the coaches have prepared the following activity:
Activity: Arnis Fundamental Skill – Forward or Basic Sinawali Execution (50 Mins):
General Instructions:
Students are tasked to execute the Forward Sinawali in Arnis together with the 4 basic Footwork
(Guerrero, Caballero, Triangle and Reversed-Triangle) with proper technique, and if time permits, with
To measure the level of mastery, students will only have a single trial for the evaluation.
Things to Bring:
- 2 Arnis Baston(s)
- Complete P.E. Uniform
- ¼ Sheet of Paper
- Ballpen

Criteria Score
Strikes Quality 10
- Each Strike must be executed with Power,
Accuracy, and Full range of motion.
Footwork Quality 10
- Each step for all footwork must be executed with
Explosiveness/Agility, proper weight distribution,
and Full range of motion.
Whole Body Coordination 10
- Students are expected to demonstrate coordinated
flow of movement when executing the 12 basic
strikes and footwork simultaneously.
Overall Execution 10
- Students must apply the proper handling of the
weapon (Baston), fighting stance, and perform the
activity with zero to minimal error.
Total 40


Quality: Pertains to the students’ ability to demonstrate the proper execution of the fundamental skill with the correct technique and requirement
from a specific criterion.
5 – Excellent 4 – Very Good 3 – Good 2 – Fair 1 – Poor 0 – Very Poor
Consistency: Pertains to the students’ ability to maintain the proper execution/quality for a specific criterion throughout their entire performance.
5 – Very Evident 4 – Mostly Evident 3 – Evident 2 – Fairly Evident 1 – Rarely Evident 0 – Not

Criteria Quality
5 – Excellent 4 – Very 3– 2 – Fair 1 – Poor 0 – Very poor
Satisfactory Satisfactory
Sinawali Execution (10 The learner’s The learner’s The learner’s The learner’s The learner’s The learner’s
pts) performance for performance performance performance performance performance for
- The Forward/Basic the for the for the for the for the the Forward/Basic
Sinawali must be Forward/Basic Forward/Basic Forward/Basic Forward/Basic Forward/Basic Sinawali did not
executed with Sinawali has Sinawali has Sinawali has Sinawali has Sinawali has hit any objectives
Flow and Rhythm, excellent good quality adequate hit 2 objectives hit 1 objective from the
Accuracy, and quality on all on all the quality on all from the from the following
Power. the following following the following following following parameters:
parameters: parameters: parameters: parameters: parameters: 1. Flow and
1. Flow and 1. Flow and 1. Flow and 1. Flow and 1. Flow and Rhythm
Rhythm Rhythm Rhythm Rhythm Rhythm 2. Accuracy
2. Accuracy 2. Accuracy 2. Accuracy 2. Accuracy 2. Accuracy 3. Power
3. Power 3. Power 3. Power 3. Power 3. Power
Footwork Execution (10 The learner’s The learner’s The learner’s The learner’s The learner’s The learner’s
pts) footwork footwork footwork footwork footwork footwork
- Each step for all performance performance performance performance performance performance
footwork must be together with together with together with together with together with together with the
executed with the the the the the Forward/Basic
Explosiveness/Ag Forward/Basic Forward/Basic Forward/Basic Forward/Basic Forward/Basic Sinawali did not
ility, proper Sinawali has Sinawali has Sinawali has Sinawali has Sinawali has hit hit any objectives
weight excellent good quality on adequate hit 2 objectives 1 objective from the
distribution, and quality on all all the quality on all from the from the following
Full range of the following following the following following following parameters:
motion. parameters: parameters: parameters: parameters: parameters: 1. Agility
1. Agility 1. Agility 1. Agility 1. Agility 1. Agility 2. Proper
2. Proper 2. Proper 2. Proper 2. Proper 2. Proper weight
weight weight weight weight weight distribution
distributi distributio distributi distributi distributio 3. Full Range
on n on on n of Motion.
3. Full 3. Full 3. Full 3. Full 3. Full
Range of Range of Range of Range of Range of
Motion Motion Motion. Motion. Motion.
Whole Body The learner The learner The learner The learner’s The learner’s The learner
Coordination (10pts) demonstrates demonstrates demonstrates execution in execution in cannot perform
- Students are outstanding well- adequate performing the performing the the 4 basic
expected to coordinated coordinated coordinated Forward/Basic Forward/Basic footwork
demonstrate flow of flow of flow of Sinawali Sinawali simultaneous
whole body movement in movement in movement in together with together with with the
coordination and performing the performing the performing the the 4 basic the 4 basic Forward/Basic
awareness when Forward/Basic Forward/Basic Forward/Basic footwork in footwork in Sinawali.
executing the Sinawali Sinawali Sinawali Arnis needs Arnis needs
Forward/Basic together with together with together with minimal major
Sinawali and the 4 basic the 4 basic the 4 basic improvement improvement to
footwork footwork in footwork in footwork in to reach reach adequacy
simultaneously. Arnis. Arnis. Arnis. adequacy in in terms of
terms of coordinated
coordinated flow of
flow of movement.
Overall Execution (10 The learner’s The learner’s The learner’s The learner’s The learner’s The learner
pts) performance performance performance performance performance cannot perform
Students must apply the has no error(s) has minimal has minimal has minimal has minimal to the 4 basic
proper handling of the and can hit all error(s) and can error(s) and error(s) but can several errors footwork
weapon (Baston), the objective hit all the can hit 2 only hit 1 and can only hit simultaneous
fighting stance, and from the objective from objectives objective from 1 objective with the
perform the activity with following the following from the the following from the Forward/Basic
zero to minimal error. parameters: parameters: following parameters: following Sinawali.
1. Proper 1. Proper parameters: 1. Proper parameters:
weapon weapon 1. Proper weapon 1. Proper
handling handling weapon handling weapon
2. proper 2. proper handling 2. proper handling
fighting fighting 2. proper fighting 2. proper
stance stance fighting stance fighting
proper pugay. proper pugay. stance proper pugay. stance
proper pugay. proper pugay.
Criteria Consistency
5 – Very 4 – Mostly 3 –Evident 2 – Fairly 1 – Rarely 0 – Not Evident
Evident Evident Evident Evident
Sinawali The learner The learner The learner The learner The learner The learner’s
Execution (10 pts) was able to was able to was able to was able to was able to performance for
- The maintain the maintain the maintain the maintain the maintain the the
Forward/Basi quality of quality of quality of quality of quality of Forward/Basic
c Sinawali his/her his/her his/her his/her his/her Sinawali did not
must be Forward/Bas Forward/Basi Forward/Basi Forward/Basi Forward/Basi hit any objectives
executed with ic Sinawali c Sinawali c Sinawali on c Sinawali on c Sinawali on from the
Flow and throughout for the most 3 out of the 4 2 out of the 4 1 out of the 4 following
Rhythm, his/her part of basic basic basic parameters:
Accuracy, simultaneous his/her footwork footwork footwork 1. Flow and
and Power. performance simultaneous simultaneousl simultaneousl simultaneousl Rhythm
of the 4 performance y. y. y. 2. Accuracy
basic of the 4 basic 3. Power
footwork. footwork.
Footwork The learner The learner The learner The learner The learner The learner’s
Execution (10 pts) was able to was able to was able to was able to was able to footwork
Each step for all maintain the maintain the maintain the maintain the maintain the performance
footwork must be quality of quality of quality of quality of quality of together with the
executed with his/her his/her his/her his/her his/her Forward/Basic
Explosiveness/Agi footwork footwork for footwork on 3 footwork on 2 footwork on 1 Sinawali did not
lity, proper weight throughout the most part out of 4 basic out of 4 basic out of 4 basic hit any objectives
distribution, and his/her of his/her footwork footwork footwork from the
Full range of performance performance simultaneous simultaneous simultaneous following
motion. of the 4 of the 4 basic with the with the with the parameters:
basic footwork Forward/Basi Forward/Basi Forward/Basi 1. Agility
footwork simultaneous c Sinawali. c Sinawali. c Sinawali. 2. Proper
simultaneous with the weight
with the Forward/Basi distribution
Forward/Bas c Sinawali. Full Range of
ic Sinawali. Motion.
Whole Body The learner The learner The learner The learner The learner The learner
Coordination was able to was able to was able to was able to was able to cannot perform
(10pts) maintain the maintain the maintain the maintain the maintain the the 4 basic
Students are quality of quality of quality of quality of quality of footwork
expected to his/her his/her his/her whole- his/her whole- his/her whole- simultaneous
demonstrate whole whole-body whole-body body body body with the
body coordination coordination coordination coordination coordination coordination Forward/Basic
and awareness throughout for the most on 3 out of 4 on 2 out of 4 on 1 out of 4 Sinawali.
when executing his/her part of basic basic basic
the Forward/Basic performance his/her footwork footwork footwork
Sinawali and of the 4 performance simultaneous simultaneous simultaneous
footwork basic of the 4 basic with the with the with the
simultaneously. footwork footwork Forward/Basi Forward/Basi Forward/Basi
simultaneous simultaneous c Sinawali. c Sinawali. c Sinawali.
with the with the
Forward/Bas Forward/Basi
ic Sinawali. c Sinawali.
Overall Execution The learner The learner The learner The learner The learner 3. The learner
(10 pts) was able to was able to was able to was able to was able to cannot
- Students maintain the maintain the maintain the maintain the maintain the perform the
must apply quality of quality of quality of quality of quality of 4 basic
the proper his/her his/her his/her overall his/her overall his/her overall footwork
handling of overall overall execution on execution on execution on simultaneou
the weapon execution execution for 3 out of 4 2 out of 4 1 out of 4 s with the
(Baston), throughout the most part basic basic basic Forward/Bas
fighting his/her his/her footwork footwork footwork ic Sinawali.
stance, and performance performance simultaneous simultaneous simultaneous
perform the of the 4 of the 4 basic with the with the with the
activity with basic footwork Forward/Basi Forward/Basi Forward/Basi
zero to footwork simultaneous c Sinawali. c Sinawali. c Sinawali.
minimal simultaneous with the
error. with the Forward/Basi
Forward/Bas c Sinawali.
ic Sinawali.

List of Responsibilities/Tasks:
Coaching Program Coaches:
Footwork Coach: Isaiah Marq Ebrada
Forward Sinawali Coach: Sai Ebrada
Sinawali + Footwork Coach: Sai Sensei
Assistant Coaches: Isaiah Sai, Sai Isaiah, Isaiah Ebrada

Evaluation Program:
Footwork Evaluator: Isaiah Marq
Sinawali Evaluator: Sai Marq
Coordination Evaluator: Marq Isaiah

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