Preliminary Modelling of A Cubesat Attitude Control System Using A Reaction Wheel
Preliminary Modelling of A Cubesat Attitude Control System Using A Reaction Wheel
Preliminary Modelling of A Cubesat Attitude Control System Using A Reaction Wheel
Abstract—Stabilization of satellite attitude is the most closely related to the motor's maximum speed and is usually
important thing that should always be maintained during orbit. limited by the reaction wheel's maximum voltage [8].
A model of satellite stillness controllers fairly stable against
interference and simple has been developed. This is evidenced by Due to these limitations, reaction wheels cannot perform
testing models to control motion on the Z-axis. A Proportional optimally, decreasing work performance [9]. Internal and
Integral (PI) controller has been selected as the actuator external interference, such as gravity torque, radiation torque,
controller. By tuning parameters P=423.6 and I=693.7, producing and environmental torque, may further limit the control
relatively good system characteristics, the maximum overshoot system's accuracy [10].
(MP) decreases by 3%, and the rise time improves (tr=3.1s), but
the settling time increases. By making a few modifications, this Following CubeSat's mission, modelling is required to
model can be used as a basis for transferring motion control to develop an appropriate ACS model and ensure its availability.
other axes—i.e., the X-axis (roll) and Y-axis (pitch). This article provides such modeling. According to the specified
reference, ACS controls satellite motion on three axes, i.e., X,
Keywords—CubeSat, ACS modeling, reaction wheel, PI Y, and Z axes. The control process is carried out sequentially,
controller depending on the sequence of satellite rotation. In this study,
the satellite rotation was modeled in the sequence of 323 or
I. INTRODUCTION ZYZ, i.e., rotated on the Z-axis, then the Y-axis, then to the Z-
axis. It is therefore modeled rotation control on the Z-axis.
A CubeSat is a satellite with a standard size of 10 x 10 x 10
cm3 and a maximum weight of 1.33 kg, categorized into The satellite attitude control modeling described in this
nanosatellite [1-3]. After launch, such a satellite must remain in paper begins by explaining how inertia and body frame are
a designated orbit and orientation. For this, an Attitude Control used. Then proceed with the equation's derivation for the
System (ACS) is necessary. satellite body's motion, actuators, and controllers. Furthermore,
the model equation is simulated using software to see its
ACS has two functions, first, to produce external torque to characteristics. By looking at the model's system
direct satellites, and second, to exchange momentum. The most characteristics, it can be concluded that the model is good or
widely used momentum exchange device is the reaction wheel. not, can be implemented or not.
Although this device has a fairly high accuracy level, it cannot
be very easy because it requires considerable power. This paper is organized into five sections. Section 1, the
introduction, explains the research background, Section
A reaction wheel is an actuator that works based on the describes related work, including previous research related to
principle of angular momentum. It employs a DC motor ACS modeling. Section 3, ACS modeling, contains a
mounted on a central flywheel, located at all three satellite axes derivation of mathematical equations for actuators, satellite
[4]. This rotating motor produces the torque required by the bodies, and control systems. Section 4 presents the simulation
satellite, and a change in angular velocity affects the motion and discussion, while Section 5 offers several conclusions.
and orientation of the satellite.
However, reaction wheels have a notable weakness, i.e., II. RELATED WORK
saturation [5], which occurs when a change in momentum The reaction wheel is one of the main components of ACS,
exceeds the storage capacity of the satellite [6,7]. Saturation is which is the source of disturbance [11], usually caused by
B. Actuator Modeling
The actuator used to drive the satellite is the reaction wheel,
a DC motor [14,17,18]. DC motors are actuators that produce
angular acceleration on flywheels, thereby producing torque
and angular momentum that can change the satellite's
orientation. Change in momentum is generated by the reaction
wheel to move the satellite in the opposite direction.
Fig. 1. Inertia framework. DC motor modeling is grouped into three elements: the
electrical system, the mechanical system, and the rotational
The body frame describes the position of the object's body system, as expressed in Equation 7.
when rotating in three axes, namely the x-axis (roll), the Y-axis
(pitch), and the Z-axis (yaw), as described in Figure 2. The (7)
torque is generated on each axis, expressed by equation 1-3.
ACS controls satellite torque on roll, pitch and yaw axes. In is load torque, is the internal disturbance torque
this simulation, the torque to be controlled is the torque on the motor; in this initial study, the disturbance was ignored. By
Z-axis. using the Laplace transform, Equation 8 was obtained.
Advances in Engineering Research, volume 208
Advances in Engineering Research, volume 208
This research is supported by doctoral dissertation research
form The Directorate General of Higher Education, The
Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture through contract
number 2086/UN1/DITLIT/DIT-LIT/PT/2020.
Advances in Engineering Research, volume 208
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