Inverted - Bucket - Steam - Traps IM 2 400 US
Inverted - Bucket - Steam - Traps IM 2 400 US
Inverted - Bucket - Steam - Traps IM 2 400 US
1.14 Freezing
Provision must be made to protect products
which are not self-draining against frost
damage in environments where they may be
4 7
exposed to temperatures below freezing point.
1.15 Disposal
Unless otherwise stated in the Installation
and Maintenance Instructions, this product
is recyclable and no ecological hazard is
anticipated with its disposal providing due
4 7
care is taken.
is fully inspected and
pressure tested by the Do not over tighten. Flange bolts should be gradually tightened across
manufacturer. Use correct torque figures. diameters to ensure even load and alignment.
Thermal expansion: Guides
Limit rods movement Large
Guides lateral
1.) Before installing trap, the inlet piping should be care- 9.) When installed outdoors, trap will not freeze in con-
fully blown down to remove any existing pipe debris. tinuous operation but can be damaged if steam pres-
CAUTION: Before Installation, inspection or mainte- sure is lost or inadvertently turned off. To prevent
nance, ensure that the steam inlet and outlet piping freezeup damage, the body must be drained manually
valves are closed and the trap isolated to prevent per- or can be protected automatically with a Spirax Sarco
sonnel injury. Thermoton set for 75°F opening temperature.
2.) Check the maximum operating pressure stamped on
the nameplate. If the actual system operating pres- Inspection and Maintenance
sure is greater than the maximum operating pressure Spirax Sarco Inverted Bucket Traps for horizontal piping
of the trap, a trap having a higher operating pressure may be inspected and cleaned without removing the trap
must be substituted. from the line. Vertical threaded body types require a union
3.) Depending upon the type, trap body pattern will after the outlet to permit disassembly.
require either horizontal or vertical piping. Install trap 1.) Flash steam - When condensate at steam tempera-
with bottom and/or arrow cast on trap pointing down- ture is discharged to a lower pressure, part of it re-
ward so that the inverted bucket can freely move in a evaporates, forming flash steam. This should not be
vertical plane. confused with live steam when inspecting the opera-
4.) Locate the trap below and close to the drain point tion of steam traps.
where it is accessible for inspection and servic- 2.) To clean or inspect the trap inlet port - Remove
ing. A pipeline strainer should be fitted ahead of the any obstruction or debris from the inlet cavity. If the
trap along with isolation valves and pipe unions as trap is fitted with a strainer, make sure the screen
required by good piping practices. perforations are clear and unobstructed.
5. To prevent backflow, a check valve is recommended 3.) To clean, inspect or replace the trap mechanism
after the trap when condensate is elevated. With a a.) Remove the cover bolts and cover.
modulating pressure condition, or on superheated b.) Remove all dirt and incrustation from the mech-
steam service, a check valve should also be located anism, trap body and cover. Inspect the body
ahead of the trap inlet to prevent prime loss. and cover for condensate corrosion.
6. When draining equipment controlled by modulating c.) Inspect the valve head and seat for dam-
valves with vacuum breakers, and whenever greater age and/or signs of wear or wiredrawing,
air venting capability is desired, an auxiliary thermo- and replace is required. To remove the seat,
static air vent should be fitted in parallel above the detach the bucket arm by removing the pin and
trap. unscrew the seat.
7. Any bypass piping should have reduced capacity and d.) Inspect the vent hole in the bucket and make
be installed above the trap to reduce the chance of sure it is clear and fully open.
prime and steam loss. However, unless continuous e.) Remove the old gasket from the cover and/or
service is necessary, bypass piping should be avoid- body and replace with a new gasket.
ed whenever possible. f.) Reinstall the cover and mechanism to the trap
8. On startup, slowly open inlet valve, then outlet valve, body and tighten the cover bolts. It is recom-
to establish a ‘prime’ or water seal around the inverted mended that the cover bolts be retightened after
bucket inside the body. If trap does not have enough the trap has been operating for a few hours
startup condensate to ‘prime’ itself, shut if off and to account for gasket relaxation and thermal
manually pour water into the body. Problems with expansion.
‘prime’ loss may indicate that the trap is oversized for
the load and it should be changed to a smaller size.
Check Valve if Condensate
is to be Elevated
Hookup for Horizontal Inverted Bucket Trap
Check Valve
if Condensate
Check Valve Required if
is to be Elevated
Inlet Steam Pressure is
Variable or Superheated
B1, B2
B2, B22, B3, B32
Spirax Sarco Applications Engineering Department
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