Assignment Power Engineering
Assignment Power Engineering
Assignment Power Engineering
A cyclic steam power plant is to be designed for a steam temperature at turbine inlet of 360 C and an exhaust pressure of 0.08 bar. After isentropic expansion of steam in the turbine the moisture content at the turbine exhaust is not to exceed 1!". #etermine the maximum allowable steam pressure at the turbine inlet and calculate the $an%ine cycle efficiency for these steam conditions. &stimate also the mean temperature of heat addition. [Ans. 16.83 bar 31.'" 18'.! c( A steam power station uses the following cycle* +team at boiler outlet* 1!0 bar !!0 C. $eheat at ,0 bar to !!0 c. Condenser at 0.1 bar. Assuming ideal processes find -a. the /uality at turbine exhaust -b. the cycle efficiency and -c. the steam rate. [Ans. -a. 0.88 -b. ,3.0" -c. ).18 %g1%2h( 3n a single4heater regenerati5e cycle the steam enters the turbine at 30 bar ,00 C and the exhaust pressure is 0.10 bar. 6he feedwater heater is a direct contact type which operates at ! bar. 7ind -a. the efficiency and the steam rate of the cycle and -b. the increase in mean temperature of heat addition .efficiency and steam rate as compared to the $an%ine cycle -without regeneration.. 8eglect pumps wor%. [Am. -a. 3!.36" 3.03 %gl%2h -b. )'., #C 1.18" 0.,' %g1%2h( A simple steam power cycle uses solar energy for the heat input. 2ater in the cycle enters the pump as a saturated li/uid at ,0 #C and is pumped to ) bar. 3t then e5aporates in the boiler at this pressure and enters the turbine as saturated 5apour. At the turbine exhaust the conditions are ,0 C and 10" moisture. 6he flow rate is 1!0 %g1h. #etermine -a. the turbine isentropic efficiency -b. the net wor% output -c. the cycle efficiency and -d. the area of the solar collector needed if the collectors pic% up 0.!8 %21m). [Ans. -a. '6.'" -b. 1!.! %2 -c. 1).'8"9 -d. 18) m)( 3n a nuclear power plant heat is transferred in the reactor to li/uid sodium. 6he li/uid sodium is then pumped to a heat exchanger where heat is transferred to steam. 6he steam lea5es this heat exchanger as saturated 5apour at !0 bar and is then superheated in an external gas fired superheater to 600 #C. 6he steam enters the turbine which has one extraction point at , bar where steam flows to an open feedwater heater. 6he turbine efficiency is '!" and the condenser temperature is ,0 #C. #etermine the heat transfer in the reactor and in the superheater to produce a power output of 80 :2 and the thermal efficiency. [Ans. 1'8.! :2 '1.1 :2 0.3)( 3n a reheat cycle the initial steam pressure and the maximum temperature are 1!0 bar and !!0 0C respecti5ely. 3f the condenser pressure is 0.1 bar and the moisture at the condenser inlet is 1!" and assuming ideal processes determine -a. the reheat pressure -b. the cycle efficiency and -c. the steam rate. [Ans. -a. 13.! bar -b. ,3.6" -c. ).0! %g1%2h( 3n a reheat steam cycle the maximum steam temperature is limited to !00 #C. 6he condenser pressure is 0.1 bar and the /uality at turbine exhaust is 0.8''8. ;ad there been no reheat the exhaust /uality would ha5e been 0.'!0). Assuming ideal processes determine -a. the reheat pressure -b. the boiler pressure -c. the cycle efficiency and -d. the steam rate. [Ans. -a. 30 bar -b. 1!0 bar -c. !0.!1 " -d. 1.0,1) %g1%2h( 3n a reheat cycle steam at !00 C expands in an h.p. turbine till it is saturated 5apour. 3t is reheated at constant pressure to ,00 C and then expands in an l.p. turbine to ,0 #C. 3f the maximum moisture content at the turbine exhaust is limited to 1!" find -a. the reheat pressure -b. the boiler pressure -c. the net specific wor% output -d. the cycle efficiency and -e. the steam rate. Assume all processes ideal. 2hat would ha5e been the /uality at turbine exhaust the net wor% output and the cycle efficiency without the reheating of steam<