Chapter 1

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Republic of the Philippines


Normal Road, Baliwasan, Zamboanga City, 7000

Research Title:

Understanding Students Lives: Exploring the Impact of

Socioeconomic Factors on Academic Performance of Economic
Students in Western Mindanao State University


De Tomas, Richelle B.
Montecino, Maica T.
Acorin, Annelie M.
Fernandez, Khaya
Dumas, Mary Pilar
Adah, Wintazier U.

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for

ECON 105: Econometrics

Submitted to:
Jen Orquijo
January 31, 2024


The content of this chapter includes an overview of the study’s

background, statement of the problem, hypothesis formulation, its significance,

and the study’s scope and delimitations. Its primary objective is to evaluate and

compare how socioeconomic factor impact the academic performance of

economic students in Western Mindanao State University.

Background of the Study

Education is widely recognized as a critical factor influencing an

individual's social and economic success, as it provides a pathway to improved

opportunities and a better quality of life (OECD, 2020). According to human

capital theory, investment in education leads to formation of human capital this

is an important factor of economic growth. Education and training impart skills

and productive knowledge and transforms human capital. The stock of skills and

productive knowledge embodied in people constitutes human capital (Risen

1989 cited in Mlamelin 2001). Education is the best legacy a nation can give to

her citizens especially the youth. This is due to the fact that a country's or

community's ability to develop is largely dependent on the caliber of its

educational system

In many nations, the only way to assess the quality of education is to look at

the grades that students receive. Every student must perform in order to

maintain a decent academic record and fulfill all of the learning institution's

academic requirements. The final grade obtained in several subject areas serves

as a gauge. According to Carter (2014), a student's academic performance is

judged by how much of the subject matter they study in a predetermined length

of time. Though there are learning objectives or instructional standards for every

grade level that teachers must follow. Hence, there are numerous other factors

that can have an impact on a high-quality education.

Educational performance is affected by various socioeconomic factors may

include as family’s socioeconomic background decides its social and economic

stand in the hierarchy of society. This becomes the most powerful factor

determining a child’s academic achievements. The variables comprising

socioeconomic background are the income of the family, the occupation they

follow, the level of family members’ education, and where they live. The

background of a student’s family and socioeconomic level is important both

within and outside of the classroom (Mirza et al. 2001).

Families with high socio-economic status often have more success in

preparing their young children for school because they typically have access to a

wide range of resources to promote and support young children’s development.

They are able to provide their children with high-quality child education, books,

and technology advancement to encourage children in various learning activities

at home or in school. Also, they get easy access to information regarding their

children’s health, as well as social, emotional, and cognitive development. In

addition, families with high socioeconomic status often seek out information to

help them better prepare their children for school (Sparkes, 1999). These factors

such as family income, parental education levels, parental occupation that affect

students' academic performance, engagement, and overall well-being. This study

seek to explore the relationship between socio-economic factors and academic

performances among economic students at WMSU to identifying potential

barriers and challenges faced by students from different socio-economic


Statement of the Problem

This study exploring the impact of socio-economic factors on education at

Western Mindanao State University for the school year 2023-2024.

Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions:

1. This study aims to identify the common socio-economic factors impacting

Academic Performance of Economic Students at Western Mindanao State


2. Is there a significant association between the factor of parental income and

the Academic Performance of Economic students at Western Mindanao State


3. Is there a significant association between the factor of Parents' Occupation

and the Academic Performance of Economic students at Western Mindanao State


4. Is there a significant association between the factors of Parents Level of

education and Academic Performance of Economic Students at Western

Mindanao State University?


The null hypothesis serves as the basis for this study.

Null Hypothesis (H0):

1. There is no significant relationship between Parent’s Income and Academic

Performance of the Economic Students.

2. There is no significant relationship between Parent’s Occupation and

Academic Performance of the Economic Students.

3. There is no significant relationship between Parents Level of Education and

Academic Performance of the Economic Students.

4. Is there a significant association between the factors of Parents Level of

education and Academic Performance of Economics Students at Western
Mindanao State University?
Significance of the Study

The study focuses on the relationship between socioeconomic factors

and learning outcomes at Western Mindanao State University. To ensure clarity,
it specifies concepts such as socioeconomic standing, parental income, Parent’s
level of education, and parental occupation.

For Students, by comprehending the connection between socioeconomic

characteristics and academic achievement, students will be better equipped to

recognize potential challenges and pursue the right kind of assistance and

resources to improve their learning outcomes.

For the Department of Economics, the outcomes can be applied to

enhance research projects, curriculum development, and community outreach

initiatives centered around understanding socioeconomic dynamics and their

influence on academic achievement.

For Academic performance, by highlighting the significance of

socioeconomic factors in determining educational outcomes, the study enhances

comprehension of the factors influencing students' ability to excel academically

and their academic performance.

For Parents, by understanding the impact of socioeconomic

circumstances on their children's educational journey, parents may advocate for

resources and support systems that advance educational equity.

For Teachers, by becoming mindful of the socioeconomic background of

their students, educators can more effectively adapt their approaches of

instruction and systems of support, which will ultimately help establish a more

favorable learning environment for all young people.

For Future Researchers, by laying the groundwork for further

investigation into the complex connection between socioeconomic factors and

academic achievement, this study will enable researchers to develop creative

approaches and interventions to close the achievement gap in education.

For University, Information from the study at Western Mindanao State

University can guide efforts to provide an inclusive learning environment that

supports students from a range of socioeconomic backgrounds by informing

policies and practices at the university.

Scope and Delimitation

This study was conducted by researchers and started on February 1–March 1,


The focus of this research is the impact of socioeconomic factors on Economics

students' academic performance at Western Mindanao State University. Factors

are only exclusive to the student's characteristics in terms of their parents’

income, parents’ occupations and, parents’ level of education. This study is only

for the students of Western Mindanao State University for the school year 2024-


Conceptual Framework


Total amount of money earned by EDUCATION
The job or profession that one
parents from work or the other The educational attainment of
per both parents engage in for
sources. parents profoundly shapes their
child’s academic success and
future opportunities.

Academic Performance


Dependent Variable Independent Variable

Socioeconomic Status Impact of Economics Students

on Academic Performance

Moderating Variable

School resources
parental involvement
access to technology
FIGURE 1. The figure showed the three factors of socioeconomic status. Parental income

has a direct impact on a family's level of life, influencing whether they can afford basic

necessities like housing, food, healthcare, and education. Higher income levels give

families more financial security, allowing them to afford adequate healthcare, nutritious

food, safe housing, and educational possibilities. Parental occupation not only impacts

money source and stability, but it also has an impact on the family's social status,

professional networks, and career goals. Parents with higher levels of education have

more opportunities for higher-paying professions, professional growth, and social

networks, which can lead to increased household incomes and financial security.

These three factors—parent's income, parent's occupation, and parent's level of

education—are interconnected and collectively shape a family's socio-economic status

and opportunities for success. Understanding the complex interplay between these

factors is essential for identifying and addressing disparities, promoting equity and

social mobility, and fostering environments where all individuals and families can thrive

and reach their full potential. Socio economic Status act as dependent variable affecting

the independent variable is the impact of Economics Students on Academic

Performance at Western Mindanao State University.

Theoretical Framework

The study on Understanding Students Lives: Exploring the Impact of

Socioeconomic Factor on Academic Performance of Economic Students in Western

Mindanao State University is theoretically fortified by three (5) theories: The

Intergenerational mobility theory, The Economic Cycle Theory, Social

Reproduction Theory, Human Capital Theory and the Social Capital Theory.

The study is anchored on the theoretical of parental income impacting the

academic performance of students by Jonsson (2017). The Intergenerational
mobility theory. This Theory examines how individuals' socioeconomic status (like
income or education level) is related to that of their parents. The theory reveals a
persistent influence of parental education on children's educational attainment across
these countries, indicating a strong intergenerational transmission of educational
advantage. Despite variations in educational systems and social policies, the trend of
parental education significantly impacting children's educational pathways remains
consistent. According to the study of Schumpeter, Keynes, and Friedman, (1990).
The Economic Cycle Theory, also known as the business cycle theory, attempts to
explain the recurring pattern of economic growth and contraction that occurs in
market economies over time. It suggests that economies go through periods of
expansion, peak, contraction, and trough, forming a cyclical pattern. posits that
parental income trends are influenced by broader economic cycles, such as periods of
growth, recession, or recovery. During economic booms, parents may experience
increased income due to higher wages or better job opportunities, while during
recessions, income levels may stagnate or decline. This theory has been developed
and refined by various economists and scholars over time.
This study is anchored on the theoretical of parental occupation impacting the
academic performance of students by Baxter and Warren (2015). Social
Reproduction Theory. This theory examines how social inequalities, including those
related to parental occupation, are reproduced and perpetuated across generations,
impacting various aspects of individuals' lives, including educational outcomes. It
explores the relationship between parental occupation and children's academic
performance. Using data from the Longitudinal Study of Australian Children, the
researchers analyze how factors like parental skill level and income affect children's
educational outcomes over time. According to the study of Goldthorpe, and
Portocarero (1979) the impact of parental occupation on children's academic
achievement using data from the National Child Development Study in Britain. It
investigates how parental occupational status influences various educational
outcomes, such as completing different levels of schooling and entering higher
education. The study delves into the mechanisms through which parental occupation
affects academic performance, considering factors like parental education, family
background, and social mobility. Overall, it sheds light on the complex relationship
between socioeconomic status, parental occupation, and educational attainment,
emphasizing the need to address structural inequalities in educational opportunities.
This study is anchored on the theoretical of parent’s level of education by Niu
and Tejada (2018) Human Capital Theory, posits that individuals acquire education
and skills that enhance their productivity and earning potential, thereby increasing
their human capital. In this context, parents' education levels are considered a form of
human capital that can positively influence their children's educational outcomes,
including their likelihood of attending college. The study looked at how parents'
education levels affect whether their kids go to college in Chile. They used data from
university applications to see if there was a link between parents' education and their
children's chances of going to college. Basically, they wanted to understand if parents
who had gone to college themselves were more likely to have kids who also went to
college. Their findings help us understand how parents' education can influence their
children's opportunities for higher education. According to Bourdieu. (1990) Social
Capital Theory suggests that parents with higher levels of education tend to have
larger social networks and access to helpful information and resources. These
connections can benefit their children's education in several ways. For example, these
parents might know more about how the education system works and can better
advocate for their kids. They may also have friends or colleagues who can provide
guidance or support with homework and school-related activities. Overall, the theory
highlights how the relationships and connections parents have can positively
influence their children's educational outcomes.

Operational Definition of Terms

The operational definition of the crucial variables was provided in the

following manner to enhance the precision and depth of understanding in the

research study:

Socio-economic Status (SES): SES refers to a social and economic

position within society, encompassing factors such as income, education level,

occupation, and access to resources.

Academic performance: The term "performance" encompasses students'

academic achievements, grades, and overall performance at Western Mindanao

State University, which represent their comprehension, proficiency, and

application of knowledge across several topics and disciplines.

Parental Income: This phrase refers to the entire amount of money that

parents or guardians of Western Mindanao State University students have

earned, as stated by the students or their families, including salaries, wages,

bonuses, and other sources of income.

Parent’s level of education: This describes the educational background

of the parents or guardians of students attending Western Mindanao State

University. It includes each parent's highest educational attainment, which may

have an impact on the home's academic climate and expectations

Parent’s Occupation: Pertaining to the students or their families, this

term includes the kinds of jobs or careers that parents or guardians of Western

Mindanao State University students hold, as well as job titles, industries, sectors,

and employment levels.

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