Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Research Title:
De Tomas, Richelle B.
Montecino, Maica T.
Acorin, Annelie M.
Fernandez, Khaya
Dumas, Mary Pilar
Adah, Wintazier U.
Submitted to:
Jen Orquijo
January 31, 2024
and the study’s scope and delimitations. Its primary objective is to evaluate and
and productive knowledge and transforms human capital. The stock of skills and
1989 cited in Mlamelin 2001). Education is the best legacy a nation can give to
her citizens especially the youth. This is due to the fact that a country's or
educational system
In many nations, the only way to assess the quality of education is to look at
the grades that students receive. Every student must perform in order to
maintain a decent academic record and fulfill all of the learning institution's
academic requirements. The final grade obtained in several subject areas serves
judged by how much of the subject matter they study in a predetermined length
of time. Though there are learning objectives or instructional standards for every
grade level that teachers must follow. Hence, there are numerous other factors
stand in the hierarchy of society. This becomes the most powerful factor
socioeconomic background are the income of the family, the occupation they
follow, the level of family members’ education, and where they live. The
preparing their young children for school because they typically have access to a
They are able to provide their children with high-quality child education, books,
at home or in school. Also, they get easy access to information regarding their
addition, families with high socioeconomic status often seek out information to
help them better prepare their children for school (Sparkes, 1999). These factors
such as family income, parental education levels, parental occupation that affect
recognize potential challenges and pursue the right kind of assistance and
instruction and systems of support, which will ultimately help establish a more
income, parents’ occupations and, parents’ level of education. This study is only
for the students of Western Mindanao State University for the school year 2024-
Conceptual Framework
Academic Performance
Moderating Variable
School resources
parental involvement
access to technology
FIGURE 1. The figure showed the three factors of socioeconomic status. Parental income
has a direct impact on a family's level of life, influencing whether they can afford basic
necessities like housing, food, healthcare, and education. Higher income levels give
families more financial security, allowing them to afford adequate healthcare, nutritious
food, safe housing, and educational possibilities. Parental occupation not only impacts
money source and stability, but it also has an impact on the family's social status,
professional networks, and career goals. Parents with higher levels of education have
networks, which can lead to increased household incomes and financial security.
and opportunities for success. Understanding the complex interplay between these
factors is essential for identifying and addressing disparities, promoting equity and
social mobility, and fostering environments where all individuals and families can thrive
and reach their full potential. Socio economic Status act as dependent variable affecting
Theoretical Framework
Reproduction Theory, Human Capital Theory and the Social Capital Theory.
research study:
Parental Income: This phrase refers to the entire amount of money that
term includes the kinds of jobs or careers that parents or guardians of Western
Mindanao State University students hold, as well as job titles, industries, sectors,