Hospital Management - Univ Questions

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Hospital Management
Previous Year Anna University Questions
S.No Unit – I YEAR

1 Give the technical aspects of equipment planning?

Nov/Dec 2020
2 Write the role of hospital administrators in legal matters.

3 What do you mean by succession planning?

Nov/Dec 2021
4 What are the important challenges to hospital administration?

5 What is meant by Equipment planning in hospitals?

April/May 2022
6 Why functional planning is important?

7 What is needed for administrative personnel to run a hospital?

Nov/Dec 2022
8 List of few hospital ethics.


1 Discuss hospital planning and functional planning in detail.

Nov/Dec 2020
Describe the conditions to which the distinction between hospital
and industry can be attributed.
3 Explain the challenges in hospital administration?
Nov/Dec 2021
4 Discuss the difference between a hospital and an industry.

5 What are the challenges to hospital administration?

April/May 2022
6 Write the distinction between a hospital and an industry.
(i)Discuss the functions of hospitals.
(ii) Describe about the six sigma in hospital.
Nov/Dec 2022
Discuss the difference between the administrative works in hospital
and other organizations.
Unit – II

1 State the need for hospital's human resource department.

Nov/Dec 2020
2 What is the need for man power planning?

3 What strategies are to be adopted to retain the employees.

Nov/Dec 2021
4 Enumerate the role of HRD manager.

5 What should be the profile of human resource manager?

April/May 2022
6 What are the content of line function?
What is the one of the primary steps to make sure that the human
resource strategy is good?
Nov/Dec 2022
8 Give the significance of human resource management.

What are the objectives of manpower planning and explain the steps
involved in manpower planning process.
Nov/Dec 2020
Explain with neat diagram the Human Resource Recruitment model
and discuss the six retention tools used in hospital administration.
Back bone of any organization is ‘‘HUMAN RESOURCES
DEPARTMENT’’. If it true explain with reasons.
Nov/Dec 2021
Discuss the need & benefits of Man power planning. Also bring out
the objectives of Manpower planning.
What are the fundamental principles of human resource
April/May 2022
Discuss the nature and scope of man power planning. Also bring out
the benefits of manpower planning.
Discuss about
7 (i) Characteristics of Human Resource Management
(ii) Manpower Planning Nov/Dec 2022
8 What is skill inventory in human resource management? Explain

Unit – III


1 What is training evaluation?

Nov/Dec 2020
2 What are training guidelines?

3 What are the guidelines and different types of training?

Nov/Dec 2021
What is meant by Utility and Administration tests? What is the
purpose of those tests for selection?
5 What are the guidelines to be followed for a Training Programme?
April/May 2022
6 List the different types of transfer.

7 Define raiding
Nov/Dec 2022
8 What is On-The-Job Training?

Explain the various levels of training and management of technical
staff in hospital. How are these training programs developed?
Nov/Dec 2020
2 List and explain the sources of recruitment in Hospitals
Draw the format of the Job Application form of a hospital. What is
the purpose and uses of the job application form?
Nov/Dec 2021
Discuss the various steps involved in induction program of a
hospital. What are the advantages of the induction program?
5 How the grooming of leaders takes place in an Organization?
April/May 2022
What are the recruitment polices framed by the human resources
(i) Elucidate upon the internal and external sources of
7 recruitment.
(ii) Discuss the various type of Transfer
Nov/Dec 2022
(i) Why does the need for training arise? Discuss.
8 (ii) Explain the analytical or quantitative system of job
Unit – IV

Part – A

1 What are the functions of laundry services?

Nov/Dec 2020
2 What is the role played by pharmacy department?
Write the list of equipment and area needed for a laundry in a
Nov/Dec 2021
4 What are the support service technical information systems?

5 Give the list of space and equipment required in a hospital laundry.

April/May 2022
6 What are the main objectives of the central sterilization department?

7 List the major services required in designing hospitals.

Nov/Dec 2022
8 Where should the food service department be located in the hospital?
Part – B
Explain the important functions of medical record department and
1 draw the flowcharts of medical records on admission and discharge
of patient.
Nov/Dec 2020
List and explain the objectives, functions and procedures of CSSD
2 and the points to be considered in while determining the staffing
norms for CSSD.
What is the role played by the food services department and how it
can be divided?
Nov/Dec 2021
What is the importance of the medical records department and write
their functions?
What is the role played by the food services department and how it
can be divided?
To run a pharmacy department in a hospital, what all the April/May 2022
6 requirements are needed? What is the role of played by the
pharmacist ?
Discuss about
7 (i) Functions of central sterilization and supply department
(ii) Planning elements of laundry services.
Nov/Dec 2022
Discuss about
8 (i) Drug distribution in pharmacy
(ii) Medical record department
Unit – V


1 What precautions are taken for fire safety?

Nov/Dec 2020
2 What is the need for voltage fluctuation alarm?

3 What is down ward communication? Give examples.

Nov/Dec 2021
4 What are the main factors causing the accident?

5 What is ISDN mode of communication?

April/May 2022
What all the points to be included in the safety programme of an
7 Why is blood bank alarm needed?
Nov/Dec 2022
8 Mention the advantages of centralized medical gas system.


1 Explain the different mode of communication in hospital?

Nov/Dec 2020
2 Explain in detail about the Alarm Systems in hospitals.
List and explain various types of barrier to communication and
explain the effect of barriers.
Nov/Dec 2021
4 What are the requisites of a good safety programme? Explain
State the general fire information and the basic responsibilities of
every employee.
April/May 2023
6 List and explain the various modes communication?

7 Discuss about hospital safety rules. Nov/Dec 2022

8 Explain about security and Loss-prevention program.

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