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A Detailed Lesson Plan in English 10

I. Lesson Objectives:

At the end of the discussion, the students are able to:

• Acknowledge citations by preparing a bibliography;

• Familiarize with the importance and usage of citing sources; and

• Comply and associate with different kind of formats for basic

bibliographic information recommended by the American Psychological
Association (APA).

II. Subject Matter:

a. Topic: Writing Bibliography Using American Psychological Association

(APA) Format.

b. Materials: Laptop,PowerPoint Presentation, cartolina.

c. References: Celebrating Diversity through English 10 World Literature page 183-


I. Learning Strategies
Teachers activity Students Activity

Daily Routine


Good afternoon, class!

Good afternoon, Maam!

The students will pray.
Let us pray.

3.Classroom Management
Before you sit, kindly pick up those candy
wrappers under and check the alignment of
your chairs. (The students will follow)

Please be seated.
4.Checking of Attendance

(The class secretary will give the list of

absentees to the teacher)
Is there any absentee for today?

(Students answer may vary)

Last meeting you had a classroom discussion
with Ma’am Joy Reyes, could somebody share
what you have tackled?


Class, before we start our lesson, we will have

a game first. The name of the game is PLUS-
Class we will be using mathematics in this
game. You are going to add and subtract the
words to form another word which is
( The students will do the task)
connected to our topic for today.
The student who got the right answer in a short
period of time will get plus 5 points.

Bible – le + Lion – on +

Yes Ma’am
graph + y
= Bibliography

Did you enjoy our game class?

Good to hear that!


Class the answer earlier in our game is our

topic for today which is Bibliography.

Before we proceed to our lesson I will show

you different pictures first.

We get information from books, newspaper,

dictionary and magazines.
We use those materials Ma’am during
Class what do you usually get from these
Give credit to them Ma’am by writing or citing
the source in your research.

Very good! When do you usually use these Bibliography is a list of all the sources you
materials? have used (whether referenced or not) in the
process of researching your work.

Preparing bibliographies helps researchers

keep track of the sources they consulted or
cited for their written material and gives
That is correct! So class, when you get readers a framework of how the writers’
information from these materials, what will arguments were formed.
you do with the author?

Very good!

What is bibliography? At the back of the book Ma’am

Precisely! Now why is a bibliography and

referencing important?

- Authors name
- Title of the publication (and the title of the
article if it’s a magazine or encyclopedia)
- Date of publication
- The place of publication of a book
That’s correct! - The publishing company of a book
- The volume number of a magazine or
In which part of the book do you usually see printed encyclopedia
the bibliography? - The page number(s)

Very good!
Today we are going to learn how to write a
bibliography using the American Psychological
Association (APA).

What are the informations that we need in

writing a bibliography?
Great! All of your answers are correct!

Class remember that your list of work should

begin at the end of the paper on the new page
with centered title, References. Alphabetize the
entries in your list by the author’s last name,
using letter-by-letter system. Only the initials
of the first and middle names are given. If the
author’s name is unknown, alphabetize by title,
ignoring any A, An, or The.

For the dates, spell out the names of months in

the text of your paper, but abbreviate them in
the list of works cited, except for May, June,
July. Use either the day-month-year style (22
Kalaw, M. M (1986). The Development of the
July 1999) and be consistent. With the month-
Philippine Politics (1872-1920) reprint ed.,
day-year style, be sure to add a comma after Manila: Solar Publishing Corp., 1986).
the year unless another punctuation mark goes

Format example for book:

Author’s last name, first initial. (Publication

date). Book title. Additional information. City
of publication: Publishing company.


Nicol, A. M., & Pexman, P. M. (1999).

Presenting your findings: A practical guide
for creating tables. Washington, Dc: American Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary (10th
Psychological Association. ed.). (1993). Springfield, MA: Merriam-

Who can give me another example of

bibliography of the book?
Format example for dictionary and
encyclopedia: Rothbart, D. (2008, October). How I caught up
with dad. Men’s Health, 108-113.
Author’s last name, first initial. (Date). Title of
Article. Title of Encyclopedia (Volume, pages).
City of publication: Publishing company.


Tobias, R. (1991). Thurber, James.

Encyclopedia Americana. (p. 600) New York:
Scholastic Library Publishing.

Who can give me another example of

bibliography of the dictionary or encyclopedia?

Format example for Magazine and



Kanfer, S. (1986, July 21). Heard any good

books lately? Time, 113, 71-72.

Who can give me another example of

bibliography of the magazine or Newspaper?

Format example for Website or Webpage:

Online periodical:
Author’s name. (Date of publication). Title of
Periodical, volume number, Retrieved month
day, year, from full url.

Online document:
Author’s name (Date of publication). Title of GVU’s 8th WWW usersurvey. (n.d). Retrieved
work. August 8,2000, from
Retrieved month day, year from full URL
Note: when citing Internet sources, website
document. If a document is undated, use “n.d.”
(for no date) immediately after the document
title . Break a lengthy URL that goes to another
line after a slash or before a period.
Continually check your references to online
documents. There is no period following a
NOTE: If you cannot find some of this
information, cite what is available.
Note: If a document is contained within a large
and complex website (such as that for a
university or a government agency) identify
the host organization and the relevant program
or department before giving the URL for the
document itself. Precede URL with a colon.


Hilts, P. J. (1999, February 16). In forecasting

their emotions, most people flunk out. New
York Times. Retrieved November 21, 2000,

Who can give me another example of

bibliography of the website or webpage?


Below are the standard formats and examples

for basic bibliographic information
recommended by the American Psychological
Association (APA)

Format Format Examples

Books Author’s last Allen,
name, first
initial. T. (1974)
(Publication Vanishing
date). Book wildlife
Additional of North
information. America.
City of Washington,
publication: D. C:
Publishing National
company. Geographic
Boorstin, D.
(1992). The
creators: A
of the

of the
New York:

Encyclopedi Author’s last Bergmann,

a & name, first P. G. (1993).
Dictionary initial. Relativity. In
(Date). Title The New
of Article. Encyclopedi
Title of a Britanica
Encyclopedi (Vol. 26, pp.
a (Volume, 501-508).
pages). City Chicago:
of Encyclopedi
publication: a Britannica.
company. Merriam-
(10th ed.).

Pettingill, O.
S., Jr (1980).
Falcon and
World Book
(pp. 150-
World Book.

Magazine Author’s last Harlow, H. F.

and name, first (1983).
Newspaper initial. Fundamental ( The students will do the task)
Articles (Publication s for
date). Article preparing
title. psychology
Periodical journal
tittle, volume articles.
number Journal of
(issue Comparative
number if and
available), Psychologic
inclusive al
pages. Psychology,
Note do not 55, 893-896.
enclose the
title in Henry, W.
quotation A., III.
marks. Put a (1990,
period after April9).
the title. If a Making the
periodical grade in

includes a today’s
volume schools.
number, Time, 135,
italicize it 28-31.
and then give
the page Kalette, D.
range (in (1986, July
regular type) 210).
without California
“pp.”. If the town counts
periodical town to bug
does not use quake. USA
volume Today, 9 p.
numbers, as A1.
use p. or pp
for page
Note: Unlike
periodicals, p
or pp.
numbers for
a newspaper
reference in
APA style.

Website or Online
Webpage periodical: Devitt, T.
Author’s (2001,
name. (Date August 20.
of Lightning
publication). injures four
Title of at music
Periodical, festival. The
volume Why? Files.
number, Retrieved
Retrieved January 23,
month day, 2002, from
year, from http//whyfile
full url.
Online index.html.
name (Date Dove, R.
of (1998). Lady
Title of work.
among us.
Retrieved The
month day, Electronic
year from
Text Center.
full URL Retrieved
June 19,
Note: when 1998, from
citing Alderman
Internet Library,
sources, University of
website Virginia
document. If website:
a document http//etext.lib
is undated,
use “n.d.” subjects/afa
(for no date) m.html
after the Fredrickson.
document B. L. (2000,
title . Break a March 7).
lengthy URL Cultivating
that goes to positive
another line emotions to
after a slash optimize
or before a health and
period. well- being.
Continually Prevention
check your & Treatment,
references to 3, Articles
online 0001a.
documents. Retrieved
There is no November
period 20, 2000,
following a from
URL. http://journal
you cannot vention/volu
find some of me3pe00300
this 1a.html
cite what is
available. GVU’s 8th
Note: If a (n.d).
document is Retrieved
contained August
within a 8,2000, from
large and http://www.c
website /gvu/usersur
(such as that veys/survey1
for a 997-10/
university or
a Health
government Canada.
agency) (2002,
identify the February).
host The Safety of
organization Genetically
and the Modified
relevant Food Crops.
program or Retrieved
department March 22,
before giving 2005, from
the URL for http//www.hc
the document -
Precede URL ish/protectio
with a colon. n/biologics/g


Group Work!

Destined to be Yours!

Class I will divide you into three groups. Each

group will be given a several charts.
Representatives must fill the column/s by
pasting some information written in a piece of
cartolina) accordingly to its needs. The group
who got the right answers in a short period of
time is the winner.

Group 1

Aut Firs Mid (pu Bo Plac publ

hor’ t dle blic ok e of ishe
s initi initi atio title publ r
Last al al n icati
Na date on
me )

To Kill a Mockingbird New York

H. 198 Lee Wamer Books

Group 2

Book (Publicat Place of Publisher

Title ion Date) Publicati

2004 Phil adelpha

Chelsea house
The American Renaissance.
Group 3

Book ( Publi Place Author publis

title cation of her
Date) public

2005 Global Warming: New york

Myth or Reality?

Spring Publication Marcel A. Leroux


Arrange the following:

1. Author(s): Lynn
Smith Year : 2010
Title: A Study of A Undergraduate Students.
Page number: article pgs. 170-191;quote pg172
Journal: Collegiate Learning Review


2. Author(s): Steven Marisol

Publisher: McGraw-Hill
Title: Mathematical Concepts for Non- Math
City of Publication: New York City, New York
Year: 2008
Page number: quote pg. 214

3. Author(s): Jan Plumm and Carol Neischke
Publisher: Harley Publishing, Inc
Title: A Creationist View of Sexuality
City of Publication: New Brunswick, New
Year: 2008
Page number: quote pg. 113-114


4. Author(s): John P. Ackran

Date of Publication: September 21, 2013
Title of website: Statistics of Insurance
Coverage of Elderly
Date of access: April 4, 2014
Sponsoring Organization: Organization for
medical Reform


5. Author(s): No specific author

Date of publication: May 3,
Title: Coordinating Grassroot Campaigns for
Liberal Conservatives
Date of access: June 28, 2014
Main page: Grossroot Strategies
Sponsoring organization: Grossroot of
America URL:

Prepared by
Ms. Anjelyn M. Reana
Student Teacher, Kolehiyo ng Lungsod ng Lipa

Ms. Joy S. Reyes

Cooperating Teacher, Lodlod Integrated National High School

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