Visual Dictionary Summary
Visual Dictionary Summary
Visual Dictionary Summary
Corps de logis Cymk color model Double cable structure Effective length factor
In french architecture, a term describing the central A color model in which the four colored inks used in color A suspension structure having upper and lower sets of A coefficient for modifying the actual length of a column
element of a building as opposed to its subsidiary wings printing - cyan, magenta, yellow, and black. Subtract 198. cables of different curvatures, pretensioned by ties or according to its end conditions in order to determine its
and pavilions. brightness from the typically white background of the compression struts to make the system more rigid and effective length. Fixing both ends of a long column
Cortile paper, with black resulting from the full combination of resistant to flutter. reduces its effective length by half and increases its load
171. 186.
A large or principal courtyard of an italian palazzo. colored inks. Each of these colors absorbs certain Double complementary carrying capacity by a factor of 4.
Court wavelengths of light, with the colors we see being the 199. A combination of two analogous colors and their Effective span
172. An area open to the sky and mostly or entirely colors that are not absorbed. By using a halftone of dots complementary colors on a color wheel. 215. The center-to-center distance between the supports of a
surrounded by walls or buildings. for each color, the full spectrum of printed colors can be Double curvature structure span.
Courtyard achieved. A suspension structure composed of a field of crossed Ell
173. A court adjacent to or within a building, esp. One Dark cables of different and often reverse curvatures. Each set A wing at right angles to the length of a building.
enclosed on all four sides. Designating a color having low lightness and low of cables has a different natural period of vibration, thus Enamel
Cove saturation, and reflecting only a small fraction of incident forming a self-dampening system that is more resistant to A vitreous, usually opaque, decorative or protective
light. 217.
A Concave surface forming part of a ceiling at its edge so flutter. coating applied by fusion to the surface of metal, glass, or
174. Deck
as to eliminate the usual interior angle between the wall Double hanging beam pottery.
and the ceiling. 188. An open, unroofed porch or platform extending from a A simple beam extending beyond both of its supports. Engineered brick
Cove ceiling house or other building. Drift 218. A brick having nominal dimensions of 4 x 31/5 x 8 in. (102
175. Deep
A ceiling having a cove. The thrust of an arched structure on its abutments. x 81 x 203mm).
Crawl space 189. Designating a color having low lightness and strong Proportional to the total load and span, and inversely Engineering
An area in a building having a clearance less than human saturation. propotional to the rise. The art and science of applying scientific principles to
176. height, but accessible by crawling, esp. Such a space Deflection Drop arch practical ends in the design and construction of
below the first floor that is enclosed by the foundation The perpendicular distance a spanning member deviates 203. A pointed arch having two centers and radii less than the structures, machines, and systems.
walls. from a true course under tranverse loading. Increasing span. English bond
Critical buckling load with a load and span, and decreasing with an increase in Drop ceiling A brickwork bond having alternate courses of headers
The maximum axial load that can theoretically be applied the moment of inertia of the section or the modulus of 204. A secondary ceiling formed to provide space for piping or 220. and stretchers in which the headers are centered on
to a column without causing it to buckle. The critical elasticity of the material. ductwork, or to alter the proportions of a room stretchers and the joints between stretchers line up
177. Designing Architecture
buckling load for a column is inversely proportional to the Dry press process vertically in all courses.
square of its effective length, and directly proportional to 191. The profession of designing buildings and other habitable The process of forming brick by molding relatively dry English cross bond
the moment of inertia of the cross section. environments. 205. clay having a moisture content of 5% to 7% under high A modified english bond in which the head joints in the
Critical buckling stress Diaconicon pressure, resulting in sharp-edged, smooth-surfaced stretching courses are offset by half the length of a
178. The critical buckling load for a column divided by the area 192. A sacristy in an early christian or eastern church, usually bricks. stretcher
of its cross section. on the south side of the bema. Earthware Entrained air
Crocket Dicalcium silicate Low fired, opaque, nonvitreous ceramic ware. Microscopic, spherical air bubbles, typically 0.004 to 0.04
A projecting ornament, usually in the form of curved A compound constituting about one quarter of the volume Eaves in. (0.1 to 1.0mm) in diameter, intentionally dispersed in a
179. 193.
foliage, used esp. In gothic architecture to decorate the of portland cement and responsible for the aging or long 207. If the roof extends beyond the wall that supports it, the concrete or mortar mix by an air-entraining agent.
outer angles of pinnacles, spires, and gables. term gain in strength of the cement. projection is called Environmental design
Crossing Digital fabrication Eccentricity The ordering of the physical environment by means of
180. The intersection of the nave and transept in a cruciform The use of 3d modeling software and a cnc router, a laser 208. The amount by which an axis deviates from another architecture, engineering, construction, landscape
church. 194. cutter, or z plotter to fabricate a physical object or parallel axis. architecture, urban design, and city planning.
Cross-in-square component . The nature of the process encourages Economy brick Equilateral arch
A typical byzantine church plan having nine bays. The generative strategies. 209. A modular brick having nominal dimensions of 4 x 4 x 8 224. A pointed arch having two centers and radii equal to the
181. center bay is large square surmounted by a dome; the Digital lighting in. (102 x 102 x 203mm) span.
smaller square corner bays are domed or vaulted; and Any of a range of digital techniques for modeling and Edifice Equilateral arch
the rectangular side bays are barrel vaulted. simulating the lighting of three dimensional forms and 210. A building, esp. One of large size, massive structure, or
Cross tee spaces. imposing appearance.
A secondary member of the grid supporting a suspended Display resolution Effective length
182. The resolution at which a computer monitor displays an 211.
ceiling system , usually a sheet metal tee carried by the ...
main runners image, which may be specified by the number of pixels Effective length
Crown 196. per inch (ppi) that can be displayed in each direction (e.g. The distance between inflection points in a column 225.
183. The highest part or point of a convex construction, such A pixel density of 96ppi), or by the number of columns 212. subject to buckling. The effective length of a column
as an arch, vault, or roadway. and rows of pixels per inch (ppi) creating the display(e.g. determines its critical buckling load.when this portion of a
Crypt Pixel dimension 1280x800). column buckles, the entire column fails.
184. An underground chamber or vault used as a burial place, Dosseret Effective length
esp. One beneath the main floor of a church. 197. A thickened abacus or supplementary capital set above a The distance between inflection points in the span of a
column capital to receive the thrust of an arch. 213. A pointed arch having two centers and radii equal to the
Cull fixed-end or continuous beam, equivalent in nature to the
185. span.
A brick or timber rejected as being of inferior quality. actual length of a simply supported beam.
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Thin-bed process Trellis Type III: high early strength Vertical shearing stress
A tile-setting process in which ceramic tile is bonded to a 580. A frame supporting open latticework, used as a screen or A very finely ground portland cement having an increased The shearing stress developed along a cross section of a
565. continuous, stable backing with a thin coat a dry -set a support for growing vines or plants. content of tricalcium silicate, causing it to cure faster and 606. beam to resist transverse shear, having a maximum value
mortar, latex -portland cement mortar, epoxy mortar, or Triad 594. gain strength earlier than normal portland cement; used at the neutral axis and decreasing nonlinearly toward the
an organic adhesive, 1/32 to 1/8 in. (0.8 to 3.2mm) thick. 581. A combination of three colors forming an equilateral when the early removal of formwork is desired, or in outer faces.
Three-hinged arch triangle on a color wheel. cold-weather construction to reduce the time required for Vitreous
A three-hinged frame structure having an arched form. Triangular arch protection from low temperatures. 607. Resembling glass, as in transparency, hardness,
Thrust 582. A primitive form of arch consisting of two stones laid Type II: moderate brittleness, luster, or having low or no porosity.
567. The outward force or pressure exerted by one part of a diagonally to support each other over an opening. A portland cement having a reduced content of Tricalcium Vitrify
structure against another. Tribune aluminate, making it more resistant to sulfates and 608. To make a clay body vitreous by firing at a specified
Tie rod 583. The bishop's throne, occupying a recess or apse in an causing it to generate less heat of hydration; used in temperature.
568. An iron or steel rod serving as a structural tie esp. One early christian church. general construction where resistance to moderate Voussoir
keeping the lower ends of an arch frame from spreading. Tricalcium aluminate sulfate action is required or where heat buildup can be 609. Any of wedge-shaped units in a masonry arch or vault,
Tile accessory A compound constituting about one tenth of the volume of damaging, as in the construction of large piers and heavy having side cuts converging at one of the arch centers.
584. retaining walls.
Any of the ceramic or nonceramic articles designed to be portland cement and responsible for the initial setting of Warm
569. Type I: normal
affixed to or inserted in tilework, such as tower bars, soap the cement. 610. Designating a color inclined toward or dominated by red,
holders, and the like. Tricalcium silicate 596. A portland cement used for general construction, having orange, or yellow.
Tile grout A compound constituting about half the volume of none of the distinguishing qualities of the other types. Water-struck brick
585. Type IV: low heat
570. A cementitious or resinous mix for filling joints in ceramic portland cement and responsible for the hardening or Brick formed in the soft-mud process with a mold
A portland cement having a reduced content of tricalcium 611.
tilework. early gain in strength of the cement. lubricated with water to prevent sticking, producing a
Tint Triforium silicate and an increased content of dicalcium silicate, smooth, dense surface.
571. A relatively light value of a color, produced by adding An arcaded story in a church, between the nave arches 597. causing it to generate less heat of hydration than normal Westwork
586. portland cement; used in the construction of massive
white to it. and clerestory and corresponding to the space between The monumental western front a romanesque church,
concrete structures, such as gravity dams, where a large 612.
Tone the vaulting and the roof of an aisle. treated as a tower or towers containing a low entrance
572. An intermediate value of a color between a tint and Trimmer buildup in heat can be damaging. hall below and a chapel open to the nave above.
shade. 587. Any of various specially shaped ceramic tiles for finishing Type V : sulfate resisting Wheel window
A portland cement having a reduced content of tricalcium 613.
Tone an edge or angle. A rose window having distinctly radiating mullions or bars.
573. An intermediate value of a color between a tint and a True color 598. aluminate, lessening the need for gypsum, a sulfate White portland cement
shade. A method for representing and storing graphical image normally added to cement to retard its setting time ; used A portland cement produced from raw materials low in
588. where resistance to severe sulfate action is required.
Topiary information using a 24-bit color depth to allow more than 614. iron oxide and manganese oxide, the substances that
574. Clipped or trimmed into ornamental and fantastic shapes, 16 million colors to be displayed in digital image. Unbraced length give concrete its gray color, used in precast concrete
or the work of art of such clipping. Trumeau The distance between the points at which a structural work and in the making of terrazzo, stucco, and tile grout.
Tower 589. A column supporting the tympanum of a doorway at its member is braced against buckling in a direction normal Wing
A building or structure high in proportion to its lateral center. to its length. 615. A part of a building projecting from and subordinate to a
575. Urban Design
dimensions, either standing alone or forming part of a Tudor arch central or main part.
larger building. 600. The aspect of architectural and city planning that deals Wireframe modeling
Transept with design of urban structures and spaces. Computer modeling that represents the form of a
576. The major transverse part of a cruciform church, crossing Valley three-dimensional object or building by specifying the
601. If the walls meet in a reentering angle, the inclined line of 616.
the main axis at a right angle between the nave and choir. vertices and edges off all mathematically continuous
Transverse shear 590. intersection is a called a surfaces, including opposite sides and all internal
A shear force at a cross section of a beam or other Value components normally hidden from view.
577. The degree by which a color appears to reflect more or
member subject to bending, equal to the algebraic sum of 602. Z plotter
transverse forces on one side of section. less of the incident light, corresponding to lightness of the a computer controlled machine that uses additive
A four- centered arch having an inner pair of curves with perceived color. 617.
Trefoil arch manufacturing technology to fabricate a plot of three
578. An arch having a cusped intrados with three round or a radius much greater than that of the outer pair. Vault dimensional data.
pointed foils. Tudor arch 603. The space between two parallel walls is sometimes
Trefoil arch 591. A four- centered arch having an inner pair of curves with covered by a sort of continuous arch called
a radius much greater than that of the outer pair. Vector image
An arch having a Two-hinged arch A digital image created and defined by mathematically
cusped intrados A two-hinged frame structure having an arched form. 604. based software routines for such geometric primitives as
with three round or Tympanum points, straight lines, curves, and shapes, and form which
579. more complex graphic elements can be created.
pointed foils. 593. The space between an arch and the horizontal head of a
door or window below, often decorated with sculpture. Veranda
A large, open porch, usually roofed and partly enclosed,
as by a railing, often extending across the front and sides
of a house.
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139. An area used for a stroll or walk, especially in a public
place, as for pleasure or display
140. A frame supporting open latticework, used as a screen or
a support for growing vines or plants
141. A structure of crossed strips arranged to form a regular
pattern of open spaces
142. A building or architectural feature of a building, designed
and situated to look out upon a pleasing scene
143. Clipped or trimmed into ornamental and fantastic shapes,
or the work or art of such clipping
144. An ornamental arrangement of flower beds of different
shapes and sizes
145. The overhead interior surface or lining of a room, often
concealing the underside of the floor or roof above
Beam Ceiling
146. The underside of a floor showing the supporting beams
and finished to form a ceiling
Drop Ceiling
147. A secondary ceiling formed to provide space for piping or
ductwork, or to alter the proportions of a room
Suspended Ceiling
A ceiling suspended from an overhead floor or roof
structure to provide space for pipes, ductwork, lighting
fixtures, or other service equipment
The space between a suspended ceiling and the floor
structure above, especially one that serves as a receiving
chamber for conditioned air to be distributed to inhabited
spaces or for return air to be conveyed back to a central
plant for processing
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