Pottery Roman Empire
Pottery Roman Empire
Pottery Roman Empire
The Encyclopedia of Ancient History, First Edition. Edited by Roger S. Bagnall, Kai Brodersen, Craige B. Champion, Andrew Erskine,
and Sabine R. Huebner, print pages 5482–5489.
© 2013 Blackwell Publishing Ltd. Published 2013 by Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
DOI: 10.1002/9781444338386.wbeah18104
Figure 1 Potting tools (potter’s rib, fettling knife, grinding stone, and scraper), stamps for decorating molds,
and molds for oinophoroi (wine flasks), figurines, and oil lamps found in the late Roman Coroplast workshop at
Sagalassos, southwest Turkey. Courtesy of Sagalassos Archaeological Research Project of the Katholieke
Universiteit Leuven.
The concept of chaı̂ne opératoire helps to influence and recursively are influenced by
structure archaeological data, revealing each other, and which can be elucidated from
non-coincidental patterns in empirical the material record. Discussions of Roman
observations, with the aim of approaching period production organization and scales of
the relationship between the execution of production have very much centered on the
certain technological processes and their important work by Peacock (1982). This text,
social embedment (Dobres 2000). Material fundamental in the promotion of ceramic pro-
culture should not only be studied in duction studies in Roman archaeology, defines
a traditional analytical/descriptive way, but modes of production by classifying industries
aspects, such as decision-making processes, according to organizational complexity (house-
skills, and knowledge of the parties involved hold production, household industry, work-
in production, the cultural transformation of shops, nucleated workshops, manufactories,
things into commodities, consumption behav- estate production, and production by authori-
ior affecting goods, as well as the limitations ties). Peacock himself warns against the poten-
and constraints of these aspects, need to be tially reductionist nature of this classification,
approached also (Poblome et al. 2007). which oversimplifies and blurs fundamental var-
When considering the production of Roman iability expressed in the archaeological record,
pottery, no single line of inquiry should be advocating the detailed study of the production
considered in isolation, but the production environment (Bergamini 2007).
unit must be considered as a complex In addition, the work of Arnold (1985) has
network of social, cultural, economic, and proven seminal to ancient ceramic production
technological interactions that constantly studies. This text impressively integrates a
large corpus of ethnographic ceramic produc- earned in the artisanal sector (Mattingly and
tion data in an attempt to theoretically blend Salmon 2001) attracting, in specific cases,
systems thinking with cultural ecology. This third-party investors into the craft. However,
approach makes Roman pottery less self- the scale of output and investment was depen-
explanatory through drawing attention to issues dent on population size. The “low equilibrium
such as the variability of resources, the threshold trap” in which, in the long term, limited
model of exploiting ceramic resources, the increases in output raise surpluses that do
importance of weather and climate in a general not match the increase of the population, and
model of cultural process, the necessity of sched- population growth will eventually offset inter-
uling the artisanal production process in relation mittent productivity gains, characterized
to (other) subsistence activities, the role of the Roman economy (Scheidel et al. 2007).
demand in planning the level of output, the The production of Roman pottery also wrote
effects of population growth, policies of land itself into the contemporary constitution of the
sustainability, and technological innovations. market, which can generally be regarded as
Once again, although providing a very useful a free market in antiquity (Morley 2007).
conceptual framework, the generalizing theoret- However, the proportion of few suppliers in
ical nature of this text must be employed solic- relation to many customers, the limited level
itously, allowing for unique variability of each of available information on product availabil-
archaeological site. Recent archaeological schol- ity and demand (Bang 2008), the restricted
arship on craft production in other regions has amount of product differentiation (e.g., the
begun to proceed in different theoretical direc- popularity of the late Roman amphora series
tions and to expand the application and inter- throughout the Mediterranean, Tomber 2004),
pretive potential of production studies. Aspects and the absence of global competition, charac-
such as ritualized production, social value, terized Roman markets as an oligopolitical
control over and transmission of knowledge, system (Vives 1999). As such market systems
gender, and social standing of artisans, are strive towards stable conditions, the producers
beginning to take center stage in the investiga- of Roman pottery, like most other contempo-
tion of craft industries in antiquity (Hruby and rary economic initiators, probably tried to
Flad 2008). contain risks as much as possible, resulting in
In Roman times, each artisanal production investment in the craft mainly aimed at
process formed part of a pre-industrial envi- guaranteed sales in the immediate, known
ronment (Wilson 2002), but the potters made environment and satisfied customers with
good use of innovations, technological and a near-constant quality level product. In stable
otherwise, of the Hellenistic East, for example, socio-economic conditions, these processes
the invention of the mold for making identical resulted in the establishment of a socio-
relief bowls (Rotroff 2007), the emergence cultural koinè or common language of material
of the concept of mass production of highly culture, the geographical outreach of which
standardized vessel forms (Lund 2004), and was dependent on the action radius of produc-
the emergence of lead-glazed pottery (Greene tion sites/towns/regions (faciès géographiques
2007). Although the reconstruction of total as documented by Bonifay 2004). As most
production output of Roman pottery is still regions within the Roman Empire displayed
a hazardous scientific experiment, proportions a modest potential of connectivity (Horden
can be considered astronomical (Willet and and Purcell 2000), artisanal and pottery studies
Poblome 2010), albeit dependent on time/ can make an important contribution to discus-
space specific options of supply and demand. sions on local community (Gerritsen 2004),
Pottery was used for practically every aspect of regional identity (Hales and Hodos 2010;
daily life and was also generally affordable and Whitmark 2010), and ethnicity (Derks
available. Evidently there was money to be and Roymans 2009), as well as socializing the
production landscape through the professional and Poblome 2005). It is recognized that ico-
associations (Van Nijf 1997) and the role nography and iconology are complementary
of non-elite groups involved in pottery pro- analytic and synthetic means of addressing
duction tapping into the potential of regional the meanings of artistic representations.
societal evolutions (Roth 2007). Until recently, scholars rejected a research
In general, the production of Roman method going beyond the traditional typology
pottery demonstrates how technology formed and classificatory system, but it is now realized
part of political, social, economic, and reli- that in order to understand the relief-decorated
gious dimensions of daily life in antiquity ware, it is necessary to try to explain the
(Cuomo 2007) mirroring Roman society. presence of specific images and schemes, taking
In this sense, each piece of Roman pottery the key role played by form, function, and dec-
should be regarded as a sign of its times. Both orative repertoire into account (Malfitana
its production and consumption involve 2006).
aspects of non-coincidental and intentional Arretine relief pottery is a striking example of
behavior, demonstrating how the making and this. Many studies have shown that it drew its
using of material culture formed part decorative repertoire from images taken over
of implicit and/or explicit communication from Hellenistic iconography, in particular
strategies at individual and/or group level from its toreutics (Siebert 2007). New was that
(Schiffer 1999), attesting to how mere objects the craftsmen in Arretium were obliged to
became cognitively and culturally charged choose from their source repertoire, making
commodities, and promoting the study choices that were apparently strongly
of object biographies (Kopytoff 1986). Both influenced by market demands. They evidently
the application of methodologies of contextual gave priority to subjects that were known,
analysis (Papaconstantinou 2006) as well as appreciated, and understood by large groups
our increased understanding of Roman pot- of potential buyers. In the early production
tery in the archaeological record, indicate the phase, the workshops employed themes that
potentially complex use-life of Roman pottery, had previously been developed in Augustan
including stages of manufacture, distribution, propaganda (Troso 2002). The vessels were an
prime use, maintenance, reuse, recycling, excellent vehicle for this, since they were sold
discard, and reclamation (Peña 2007; Lawall both in Italy and the provinces, and circulated
and Lund 2011). widely among private citizens. The craftsmen
As in other branches of scientific research, also inserted mythological and epic themes
scholars are confronted with a large arsenal of into their repertoire, which played a significant
theoretical approaches, and there is a growing role in the early imperial ideology, for example,
realization that it is legitimate and even desir- the Amazonomachy, the Centauromachy, the
able to combine them, since no single labors of Hercules, and Hercules and Omphale.
approach is likely to answer the “big ques- The Arretine picture cycles are an important
tions” that we seek to illuminate. testimony at the iconographic level, and they
A good unexpected example concerns offer a decisive contribution to the knowledge
pottery as a source for the ancient mindset. of the themes developed within official contexts,
It is true that Roman pottery is mostly where the mythical tales played a key role.
undecorated, but a great many vessels, partic- Other prime examples of Roman pottery
ularly those used for drinking, carried relief- used as vehicles for iconographic messages
decoration. Our ability to read and understand are the so-called Corinthian relief bowls from
ancient images in general has progressed in the second to the third century CE (Malfitana
recent years, enabling a glimpse into their 2007) and, at a later time, the pilgrim flasks
intrinsic social, political, cultural, and religious produced in the Holy Land or in Asia Minor,
meanings, etc. (Massa-Pairault 2005; Talloen which were acquired by the pilgrims during
their visits to major places of worship. These REFERENCES AND SUGGESTED READINGS
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