The idea of red light green light theory was first raised by Carol Harlow and Richard Rawling in 1948 and it is
one of the theories of law and order. Rule of Law is a basic principle of administrative law. This theory was
acquainted to evaluate administrative law with a rationale to stop the abuse of power. The red light theory
essentially centers around the control of powers that are vested with the government and puts legal control on
top. In the green light theory, the state procures a more extensive job and has bigger power and permits state
intercessions. This theory puts political accentuation on top of than legal executive. Most legal frameworks in
every one of the nations are a blend of both these theories. For administration to be perceived as equitable it
ought to be in the middle of between these two theories and this sort of administration is prevalently known as
the Amber light theory. The two schools of thought explain the impedance of law in the administration of a
country. This article centers around the idea of administrative law, the traffic light theories, and their analysis
concerning the administration.
KEY WORDS: Law, State, Governance, Powers, Rights, Liabilities.
Laws that oversee the administrative acts are known as administrative laws and the red light green light theory
is one among the theories of laws that makes administration more productive. As per (Dicey, 1889) 1
administrative law is a blend of rights and liabilities of people in terms with authorities which determines the
system through which the vested rights are being implemented. The instance of (Marbury v. Madison, 1803) 2 is
the principal case that should the judicial supremacy and later it was perceived in numerous different nations to
date. In this paper we will get into the profundity of these school of thoughts and examine their values.
A. V. Dicey, Introduction to the Study of the Law of the Constitution, MacMillan & Co, Third Edition, 1889
Marbury v. Madison 5 U.S. 137 (1803)
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by the article (Dhital, 2020) , the idea of legal power is an impression of the red light theory on the grounds that
the government should work according to the legitimate rules and regulations laid by the parliament. In legal
power there should be a body that orders and where individuals can pursue. It essentially limits people or
gatherings from acting past the extent of the law. Administrative law will undoubtedly control the state exercises
which will safeguard private rights. On account of (Indira Gandhi v. Raj Narain, 1975) 4 the 39th amendment
remembered the appointment of the Head of the state for the ninth schedule making it liberated from judicial
investigation. This obviously shows us that the state needed to safeguard their chief and made the amendment
according to their desire which is a reasonable abuse of power by the government. The Supreme Court for this
case properly ascertained that the 39th amendment was unconstitutional. Assuming this case was supportive of
the government it would have prompted state
intercession and we can plainly forecast that there would emerge a situation of oppression and defilement.
A significant presumption of this theory is that when public bodies or executive authorities surpass their powers,
judicial mediation functions as an approval. This is on the grounds that regulatory and executive power of the
state and its establishments, if uncontrolled, will compromise the freedom, everything being equal. Subsequently,
judicial control is expected in the political structure of a state. The red light scholars likewise accept that the
judiciary has its own principles of freedom and reasonableness and can be depended upon, in analyzing the
legality of executive activity. Thus, it tends to be utilized as a viable component for check and equilibrium in a
state framework.
These are the different principles of this theory:
1. Courts are the essential weapon for insurance of the citizen and control of the executive.
2. The supremacy of law should beat politics.
3. The administrative authorities should be held under judicial control.
4. For judicial control, the overall arrangement of settlement is fitting.
5. Public law should be arranged towards reinforcing individual freedoms.
6. The universe of law is objective, nonpartisan and free of the universe of government, politics and
7. Administrative law ought to mean to check or control the state.
Accordingly, the red light theory accentuates on law as an instrument for the control of power and security of
individual freedom. It advocates for an interventionist viewpoint by the courts to the review of administrative
choices. As clarified by Dicey, this theory shifts focus over to the model of the 'adjusted constitution' obliging
the judicial control of executive power as dependent upon political control by the Parliament through regulation
of severe standards and to legal control through judicial checking by the courts.
This theory specifies that one individual holding power can be risky. It expresses more than individual rights
there should be aggregate rights and for that state should change over into absolutist simultaneously it should be
ensured that cooperation is constantly advanced and the prosperity of individuals is at its pinnacle. This theory
is essentially a counter to the red light theory. As per (Stott and Felix, 1997) 5 green light theory may likewise be
known as a functionalist theory which shows a positive methodology toward the states. As per this theory, the
law is only a simple matter of political conversation and administrative law should not zero in just on lessening
negative practices by the government be that as it may, ought to likewise zero in on working with the
administration. The Authors here feel this theory has advanced from the utilitarian theory since philosophers, for
example, Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Plant have pushed that an action is correct assuming an actiony
advances happiness and wrong assuming it gives happiness. Thus, the crucial target of green light theory is to
Anjana Dhital, Red, Green and Amber light theories of administrative law, IPLEADERS, https://blog.ipleaders.in/red-green-amber-
light-theories-administrative-law/#_ftn7 (Last Accessed on 18/12/2022, 05.56pm )
Indira Gandhi v. Raj Narain AIR 1976 (2) SCR 347
David Stott & Alexandra Felix, Principles of administrative law, Cavendish Publishing Limited, London, United Kingdom, 1997.
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restrict the impact of courts over administration since courts are viewed as a boundary to administrative
development due to their legal values.
These are the different fundamentals of this theory:
1. Law is only a question of political conversation. In this way, law isn't better than administration or can't
beat administration.
2. Public administration is definitely not a means to an end yet a decent component of the state.
3. Administrative law shouldn't just concentration towards restricting negative acts of the government. It
ought to likewise deal with working with the administration and sound administrative practices.
4. For empowering the administration, adjudication in light of legal standards isn't the sole fitting thought.
5. There can be different options in contrast to courts.
Thusly, the fundamental worry of green light theory is to lessen the impact of courts over administration on the
grounds that the courts with their legal qualities are considered as an obstacle to administrative advancement.
The green light favors vote based type of responsibility. In view of these suspicions, green light scholars consent
in working with the administration through anticipation of any judicial or legal command over executive
Mark Said, No one is above the law, TIMES MALTA, (Last Accessed on December 19, 2022),
Robert Franklin, The Red Light Theory and The Green Light Theory Portray Contrary Views as to the Extent and Object of
Administrative law, THE LAWYERS AND JURISTS, (Last Accessed on December 25, 2022),
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acts of the executive body whenever required. Compelling executive administration is of most extreme
significance for the fruitful running of any country. The Red Light Theory carries to the light issue related with
the executive administration. The procedural inappropriateness, abuse of power by executive requests for the
obstruction of judiciary in the administrative issues. The idea of Public interest suit is a creating idea in India
and red-light theory is predominantly worried about individual rights. The Red Light Theory which can likewise
be called control-situated theory is vital in the present circumstances. The new hardly any dubious bills drafted
by the government have gotten analysis from the world, in such a case judicial control is an unquestionable
necessity to safeguard the uprightness of the country. Judicial control will guarantee that the government abuses
no arrangement of the constitution. Any administrative action which disregards standards, such movement ought
to be disallowed by law. For instance, in India, it has been a pattern now to have 'Hartals' to satisfy the necessities.
Be that as it may, once in a while these hartals make public irritation and misfortune the economy. Despite the
fact that the hartals are now and again for good explanation, the judiciary should have the power to mediate to
forestall conceivable misfortune. The law ought to have more prominent power than politics. Having
administrative power better than the law is off-base.
Nonetheless, in the event that the administration is liberated from the control it can meet strategy goals in a
superior manner. The laws outlined by the government are as per the arrangements of the constitution, seldom it
happens that the law is unconstitutional. 'The resistance condemning the government' is currently similar to a
laid out standard and this standard guarantees that the government don't cause one-sided law and resistance to
bring to the general public the genuine flaw related with the law. Subsequently judiciary shouldn't control the
administration cycle as the executive body keeps the guidelines and guidelines, and the judiciary totally being
an alternate body from the council (politics), shouldn't meddle except if the law hampers the freedom of
individuals. For instance, In India to be a State leader, just least age rules must be observed though there is no
most extreme cutoff for his/her term thus Top state leader could serve the country for quite a while. Then again,
a representative of a government organization or bank can't offer its types of assistance to the country for quite
a while, as the residency must be trailed by them. Here, the subject of 'balance under the watchful eye of the law'
emerges. Green Light Theory shows that the law is better than the executive.
It is challenging to conclude who ought to triumph ultimately the last say - government or court. In India law is
supreme. Law concludes everything including the working of the government. Despite the fact that both the way
of thinking are in opposition to one another however they have something typical, the prerequisite for judicial
mediation assuming the law is erratic. Safeguarding the interest of people from mediation is an unquestionable
requirement and administrative law manages this intercession. There ought to be a really look at over the
administrative state. Administrative bodies should have straightforwardness so there doesn't emerge the subject
of judicial intercession. The green light theory favors inside control and accepts uncontrolled nature in the
administration would assist with offering better types of assistance to its kin yet at present time it's anything but
a decent choice to forbid the judiciary from controlling the government activities. As the public law hold back
nothing red-light theory would be viable. The government should be considered liable for its unlawful acts. It
doesn't make any difference who includes in misbehavior or abuse of power, the law is supreme. In some cases
executive bodies don't uncover the data to the overall population expressing that it doesn't go under the ambit of
Right to Data, in such case judiciary should be kept mindful of the happenings in the government as it could
assist with controlling the maladministration of the government, if any, consequently safeguarding the singular's
freedom. This large number of theories had been propounded at different places of time to decide the targets of
administrative law and the degree to which public administration can involve watchfulness in practicing its
powers and works. The red light theory states that the administration should not be given uncontrolled
carefulness. Assuming it is permitted to practice limitless carefulness, there are high probabilities for it to abuse
its powers. Consequently, the point of administrative law should be to hold the government under severe control
so the freedoms of all citizens are safeguarded.
Conversely, the green light theory keeps up with that public administration can't work proficiently when held
under severe judicial control. It doesn't deny the job of law altogether anyway suggests that regardless of whether
the component of law is applied to public administration, it ought to be facilitative instead of prohibitive or
At last, the golden light theory looks for a place of agreement or compromise between the two theories and holds
that nobody theory beats the other. Both the theories have positive components in their fundamentals, as a matter
of fact. Furthermore, the point of administrative law ought to be to extricate positive components from the two
theories and apply those in the state structure. Assuming we are to evaluate the meaning of every one of this
Adam Tomkins, ‘In Defence of the Political Constitution’, Oxford Journal of Legal Studies, 2002, available at
https://s3.amazonaws.com/oxbridgenotes/samples/15602/original/Theory_sample.pdf, accessed on 29
December 2022.
Carol Harlow & Richard Rawlings, Law and Administration, Cambridge University Press, New York, USA,
2009, p.25.
Ian Ellis-Jones, Essential Administrative Law, Cavendish Publishing Limited, London, United Kingdom, 2001,
Peter Leyland & Gordon Anthony, Textbook on Administrative Law, Oxford University Press, United
Kingdom, 2013, p.5.
William Wade & Christopher Forsyth, Administrative Law, Oxford University Press, United Kingdom, 2014,
pp. 5-6.