Design and Implementation of 64-Bit SRAM and CAM On Cadence and Open-Source Environment

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DOI: 10.46300/9106.2021.15.65 Volume 15, 2021

Design and Implementation of 64-bit SRAM and

CAM on Cadence and Open-source environment
N. Shylashree1, Yatish D. Vahvale2, N. Praveena3, A. S. Mamatha4
Department of Electronics and communication Engineering, RV College of Engineering, Bengaluru, India.
Department of Electronics and communication Engineering, RV College of Engineering, Bengaluru, India
Department of Electronics and communication Engineering, RV College of Engineering, Bengaluru -560059 and affiliated to
VTU, Belagavi, Karnataka, India.
Department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, St.Joseph Engineering College, Mangaluru-5750 28, India.

Received: January 30, 2021. Revised: July 21, 2021. Accepted: July 10, 2021. Published: July 14, 2021.

Abstract— Low-power IC design has become a priority in Large integrated storage is required for image processing and
recent years because of the growing proliferation of portable other multimedia applications. Approximate memory has
battery-operated devices, bringing Static Random-Access been proposed as a possible energy-efficient solution for
Memory (SRAM) and Content Addressable Memory (CAM) such error-tolerant applications in some previous studies.
into play. In today's SoCs, embedded SRAM units have When compared to normal 6-T SRAM cells with the same
become a necessary component. There is a lack of chips in the bit error rate, a single-ended 6-T (SE6T) static random-
current world and to manufacture chips there is the access memory (SRAM) cell has around 50% less dynamic
requirement of Electronic Design Automation(EDA) tools that power[1]. In the XNOR-SRAM bitcell, the ternary XNOR
can perform better. In this paper, the main motive is to
operations are accumulated on the read bit line (RBL) by
showcase the performance of open-source tools available
currently which can still generate the required output with no
turning on all 256 rows at the same time, resulting in a
cost. In this new era of fast mobile computing, traditional resistive voltage divider. The analog RBL voltage is digitized
SRAM cell designs are power-demanding and by a column-multiplexed 11-level flash analog-to-digital
underperforming. Rather than lowering manufacturing costs converter (ADC) at the XNOR-SRAM peripheral[2]. Yosys
through high-volume production, specialty memory give cost- for Verilog synthesis and nextpnr for placement, routing, and
effective alternatives through architecture. Specialty memory bitstream generation is introduced in the [3] paper as a fully
devices enable the designer to address issues like board area, free and open-source software (FOSS) architecture-neutral
important timing, data flow bottlenecks, and so on in ways that FPGA framework. A novel task-based parallel incremental
high-volume regular memory devices cannot. Implementation timing analysis engine to overcome the performance
of memory devices on Cadence environment and open-source bottleneck of traditional loop-based methods, a new
environment to check the compatibility and compare the application programming interface (API) approach to utilize
power, area, and delay of both 64-bit SRAM and CAM also high degrees of parallelism, and improved support for
analysing and validating the results of both the memory industry-standard design formats to increase user experience
devices in this paper. For SRAM in a cadence environment, the [4]. The high dynamic power consumption associated with
calculated power, area, and slack have improved values, traditional CAM design's massive and active parallel
namely 0.145mW, 1104.3µm2, and positive slack of 6636 for hardware has long been a problem. However, with multigate
pre-layout analysis. Furthermore, the power for 64-bit CAM in devices replacing planar MOSFETs, deeply scaled
a cadence context is nearly identical to those for an open-
technology nodes are projected to provide additional
source environment ~0.8mW. In an open-source environment,
the calculated slack for CAM is 4.74.
tradeoffs to CAM design [5-8]. By increasing the ratio to 4,
read stability is improved, and write stability is improved by
Keywords—Yosys, OpenSta, genus, Graywolf, innovus, charging and discharging the storage node using two
qflow tool transistors. The proposed 8T SRAM architecture is compared
to standard 6T, decoupled 8T, and 10T SRAM cells. To
write data into a cell at 1.2V supply voltage, a 6T SRAM cell
I. INTRODUCTION required 584.1mV word line voltage, but the suggested
Computer memory refers to any physical device capable SRAM cell requires just only 512mV [9]. The suggested
of temporarily storing information, such as RAM (random placement tool [10] begins by running a cutting-edge CMOS
access memory), or permanently storing information, such as placer, which arranges rows of fixed-height but variable-
ROM (read-only memory) (read-only memory). Memory width cells on the chip. Each row's cells are then clustered
devices use integrated circuits (ICs), which are used by together in groups of at least k cells with the same logic
operating systems, software, and hardware. A CAM is a level. Increasing k reduces chip area while also potentially
memory that implements the lookup-table function in a lowering performance. Place-and-route results of a 32-bit
single clock cycle using dedicated comparison circuitry. Kogge-Stone [10] adder for various values of k is provided
CAMs are often found in network routers for packet to evaluate the effectiveness of the suggested methodology.
forwarding and categorization, but they can also be found in When compared to the results of a standard CMOS
a wide range of other applications that require quick table placement with an H-tree clock net, the overall chip size can
searching. The key CAM design problem is to limit the be decreased by 27% employing this innovative design
amount of power consumed by the vast quantity of parallel process. Because of its parallel search accessibility, content
active circuitry without losing speed or memory density. addressable memory (CAM) is one of the most promising

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HSEs. However, it suffers from significant dissipation, III. METHODOLOGY

which is exacerbated when several components, such as cells Before implementing the tool, it is of prime importance
and accompanying match lines (MLs), are accessed during to first understand the methodology of the design movement
each search [11-14]. A ternary content-addressable memory from Verilog code to generating synthesized netlist and then
(TCAM) cell with 12 transistors and two magnetic tunneling from the .sdc file to control the timing parameters. Finally,
junctions (MTJs) is presented. The suggested TCAM cell generating gds2 on both the environment. In the previous
consumes no static power during the search process, section, the learning about SRAM and CAM and also the
resulting in a very energy-efficient operation. The resistance tools used in both the environments is done. This section
of an MTJ in the anti-parallel state is compared to that of an demonstration of a better methodology of looking into the
MTJ in the parallel state for search operations [15-17]. flow of the project.
papers [18-20] discuss the implementation of memory
devices and their reaction to internal noise. In the paper [20- The process of converting a design into manufacturable
22] the authors discuss the various techniques used and the geometry is known as physical design. Floorplanning,
basic memory-based explanations required to understand the placement, clock tree synthesis, and routing are among the
GDS flow. The ASIC understanding and its flow has been steps involved. The physical design process begins with the
clearly explained in [23-25] these explanations have been creation of a netlist from RTL. The netlist is a diagram that
used in this project. Based on the above analysis and shows how a circuit's components are connected. The first
understanding, the project has been implemented and and most important stage is to plan the layout of the space. It
exploring of new open-source tools is done. entails determining which buildings should be put next to
one another while taking into account space constraints,
Through the continuous review of different journals and speed, and the numerous constraints imposed by
papers, concluding the behavior of memory architectures in components. Figure 1 shows the flow chart for generating
not yet been explored on open-source tools. So, the GDSII in a cadence environment. Figure 2 shows the flow
comparison can be done on cadence environment and open- chart for generating GDSII in an open-source environment.
source environment. The final values are to be expected to The open-source tool “qrourter” is used for the placement
have almost nearest value with respect to each other. This and detailed routing of the cells. To have a proper layout the
validation of the resulting power, area and delay of memory tool used is “magic”.
device on open-source environment is the new approach to
view the results in a perspective of VLSI EDA tools.
Design.v Nclaunch Functional
II. VLSI TOOLS testbench tool verificatio
.v n
A. Open source VLSI tools
First, the different open source tools available in the
market for generating gds2 files from scratch are yosys,
magic, gray wolf, qflow, and openSta to calculate the timing, .v .lib .sdc Genus Synthesis
area, and power parameters. The magic tool is used for the script.tcl tool for the
placement of the cells also qrouter is to route the cell nets to netlist.v design
connect to different parts of the design. The qflow is used to
process different backend aspects of design to generate a
gds2 file. These are the tools used to produce gds2 for
memory design CAM and SRAM.
.lef, Innovus Generating
B. Cadence environment for the development of the design .lib,.sdc,i tool gds2
Cadence's toolkit includes several programs for a variety
of tasks, including schematic sketching, layout, verification,
and simulation. These programs work on a variety of Fig. 1. The flow of cadence environment to generate gds2 from design.
computer platforms. The open architecture also enables the
incorporation of third-party or custom-built solutions. An The “open timer” tool is utilized for the final timing
application named Design Framework II is responsible for analysis; this tool uses C++ programming because it is an
integrating all of these tools (DFW). The layout is created object-oriented technique to solve highly complex numerical
using the Virtuoso Layout Editor. A layout is made up of problems. In a cadence set, the blocks above illustrate the
geometrical figures in various colors. It is then feasible to basic flow of code to the final GDS II of digital design. The
generate the final mask layers that are employed in the Nclaunch tool is used to verify the functionality of a Verilog
production of the design based on the size and color of these code with the DUT and testbench as inputs. The Genus tool
figures. Other cells can be included by instantiating their is used to build a netlist from a design, whereas Innovus is
layout views. PNR is the final stage in constructing a huge used to build a final GDS II file. “Yosys” tool is used to
design. This is when all of the chip's various components are verify the code, “BliFanout" is used for synthesis, Graywolf
positioned in their proper locations and connected. Because a is used for placement as shown in fig 2. A chip is partitioned
design can easily have hundreds of connection points, into functional blocks. The location of each component or
manually connecting them would be difficult and time- block on the die is determined by placement, which takes
consuming. The designer may also want to experiment with into account timing and connection length. Inserting buffers
other layouts for the components, output buffers, memory or inverters into a clock tree allows the clock to be
structures, amplifiers, and so on. distributed equally across consecutive parts in a design while
minimizing skew and latency. The different tools used in the

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DOI: 10.46300/9106.2021.15.65 Volume 15, 2021

cadence environment are as shown in fig 1 i.e., genus and to discover a mistake than simulation. Interconnect
Innovus tools. The genus tool takes few files such as the pathways, including conventional cell and macro pins, are
Verilog design file, testbench file, constraint files to generate determined by routing. This stage completes all of the
synthesis files. This generated netlist from synthesis is then connections defined in the netlist in the most efficient and
used in the physical design of SRAM and CAM. The time-constrained manner possible. GDSII, a data format that
generated constraints file from synthesis is also used to clock represents layout information, is usually the final result of
constraint and liberty files and the lef file is used for floor the physical design process. Qrouter is a VLSI fabrication
planning and power planning. From the obtained files from tool that generates metal layers and vias to physically
synthesis and physical design to calculate area, power, and
connect a netlist. It's a maze router, sometimes known as a
timing report. The available open-source tools Icarus Verilog
"sea-of-gates" router or an "over-the-cell" router. That is,
is a simulation and synthesis tool for Verilog. It functions as
a compiler, converting Verilog (IEEE-1364) source code to a unlike a channel router, it starts with a description of where
target format. The compiler can generate an intermediate standard cells should be located, usually at the smallest
form called vvp assembly for batch simulation. The vvp possible spacing, and then builds metal routes over the
command is used to execute this intermediate form. The standard cells.
compiler generates netlists in the desired format for
synthesis. Magic is a VLSI layout tool with a long history. IV. IMPLEMENTATION ON VLSI ENVIRONMENT
Universities and small businesses continue to use Magic
VLSI. Even for folks who eventually rely on commercial A. 64-bit SRAM on cadence environment
tools for their product design flow, Magic is frequently rated
as the easiest tool to use for circuit designing. Netgen is a In this section, the discussion about the implementation
program that compares netlists, a process known as LVS of 64-bit SRAM in a cadence environment. Fig 3 shows the
(Layout vs. Schematic). generated netlist for SRAM on the genus tool of cadence
environment. The connection of the input registers to the
internal flip flops and LUT (lookup table) of the design is
Design.v and done in the netlist. The netlist contains details such as the
Yosys testbench.v number of inputs, outputs and intermediate gates, and flip
flops that are used to produce the functionality of the desired
design. Similarly, the design on the backend has been
continued on the innovus tool.
Synthesis of
BlifFanout code

Placement of
Graywolf cells

Qrouter and Routing and

magic layout tool

OpenSta (slack)
Fig. 2. Flow chart of generating gds2 from open-source VLSI tools for
both SRAM and CAM

Fig. 3. Generated netlist of 64 bit SRAM using genus tool.

This is a crucial phase in the integrated circuit design
process because it ensures that the laid-out geometry
matches the predicted circuit. By proving circuit operation Using the innovus tool, the placement of cells and routing of
through extraction and simulation, very tiny circuits can wires for the design are done. Also, the power and clock
skip this stage. Large digital circuits are typically created arrangements of the design will be performed on innovus
using tools that generate high-level descriptions and tools themselves. The 64-bit SRAM has been developed
compilers that ensure proper layout geometry. Large analog from innovus tool s shown in fig 4 & fig 5. Fig 5 shows the
or mixed-signal circuits that cannot be simulated in a final arrangements and placements of the clock, wires,
reasonable amount of time are the most in need of LVS. power grid, input and output location on the floor planning
LVS can be done considerably faster than simulation, even of the allotted area.
for small circuits, and offers feedback that makes it quicker

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DOI: 10.46300/9106.2021.15.65 Volume 15, 2021

Fig. 4. Placement of 64 bit SRAM cells using Innovus tool.

Fig. 6. 64 bit CAM netlist on genus tool of cadence environment.

Fig. 5. Placement and routing did generate final gds2 for SRAM on the
Innovus tool. Fig. 7. 64 bit CAM placement of cells using innovus tool.

The fig 5 shows the final placement and routing defined for Also, generated a gds2 file for both SRAM and CAM. The
the SRAM on cadence environment. The section is ended calculation of power, area, and slack for the design is done
with the final implementation of SRAM on cadence on both genus and innovus tools of cadence environment for
environment, the final power, area and slack are discussed pre and post-validation. In the upcoming section, a
in the Result section. discussion about the implementation of open source tools
for both SRAM and CAM is shown.
B. 64-bit CAM on cadence environment
This section discusses the implementation of 64-bit CAM
on cadence environment with the tools shown in the fig1.The
64-bit CAM netlist has been shown in fig 6. The netlist
shows the connection of wires, gates, flip flops, lookup
tables from input to output of CAM design. The
arrangements of clock given to different parts of the design
and power grids to connect to different parts to distribute the
power equally without any loss of power over the design
without changing the functionality have been connected as
shown in fig 7 for CAM. Similarly, from fig 8 the placement
and routing of the CAM cells have been shown. In this
section, the conclusion of the implementation of SRAM and
CAM on cadence environment using genus and innovus tool.
From the latter and former section implementation of the
backend process for the design such as generating a netlist
file, sdc file, and placing the cells in the proper place. Fig. 8. Placement and Routing(PNR) done for 64 bit CAM on Innovus

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C. 64-bit SRAM on the open-source environment

Open-source tools are mainly a solution to the new VLSI
generation as they can be downloaded free of cost and there
is always a community working on the development of the
tools. The open-source environment has been a newly
emerging tool in the VLSI field to generate gds2 for the
design to overcome the commercial problem of money to
students and design understanding enthusiasts. In this section
the discussion of implementation of 64-bit SRAM on open-
source environment using tools such as Yosys, OpenSta,
Qflow and Magic.
Fig 9 shows the cell placement of 64-bit SRAM on the
GRAYWOLF tool available as an open-source for
generating the area layout of the design SRAM. The cell
placement is done following the rules of the design so that, it
doesn’t encounter any DRC and LVS. Thus, the tool is
efficient in understanding of basic tool flow of the design.
Fig. 10. Placement and Routing did for SRAM using the magic tool.

Fig. 11. Generating gds2 using qflow tool for 64 bit SRAM.

D. 64-bit CAM on the open-source environment

Fig. 9. Cell placement of 64 bit SRAM on Graywolf tool.

The yosys tool is used to generate synth.v file which will

later be used to calculate power and area report for SRAM
design. The SRAM.ys file should contain a design file,
technology file path so that it can generate synth.v file. This
file is later used for calculating the power and area of the
Fig 10 shows the placement and routing for SRAM on
the MAGIC tool. The placement of different cells and
routing the wires to proper cells and gates have been shown
in fig 10. This tool has explored the new connectivity for the
open-source environment and gives easy privilege to users.
Fig 11 shows the QFLOW tool used to generate gds2 for
SRAM, the process begins from selecting the design file and
technology osu035 to conduct. The process begins from
preparation, synthesis, placement, static timing analysis,
routing, post-STA, migration, DRC, LVS, and then final
generating gds2 file. Fig. 12. Placement of cells done on Graywolf tool for 64 bit CAM.

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DOI: 10.46300/9106.2021.15.65 Volume 15, 2021

The implementation of CAM in an open-source integrated circuit makers. This creates an undesirable void in
environment is discussed in this section. fig 12 shows the which small enterprises and startups cannot afford to perform
arrangement of CAM cells in the layout. The arrangement is any type of integrated circuit design. Digital synthesis
done using the GRAYWOLF tool for 64-bit CAM. The PnR algorithms are completely locked up in closed-source
of CAM is shown in figure 13 using the MAGIC tool of software, and development is monopolized by a few EDA
open-source environment. software companies.


As in the previous discussion of implementing SRAM
and CAM on both cadence and open-source tool, got the
values of power, area, and delay. Table I and Table II depicts
the values obtained from both the environment for 64-bit
SRAM and CAM. The pre-layout values of power, area, and
slack for SRAM and CAM are calculated using the GENUS
tool of cadence environment. The post-layout is calculated
after generating gds2 using the INNOVUS tool from
For calculating the power, area, and slack from an open-
Fig. 13. Placement and Routing(PnR) done for 64 bit CAM using a magic source environment, using OPENSTA tool for calculated the
power and slack of the designs. YOSYS tool is used to
calculate the area of the chip in µm2.



Sl. SRAM Cadence Open-

No. environment source
Pre-layout Post- environment
1. Power(mW) 0.145 0.431 1.78
2. Area(µm2) 1104.3648 1868 55808
3. slack 6636 5.672 17.84

Fig. 14. Generation of gds2 for 64 bit CAM using qflow tool.
. Table I shows the power values in mW for 64-bit
The QFLOW tool is used to process the technology SRAM. The power value is comparatively less in the
osu035 for the design and then synthesis of the CAM is also cadence tool with a ~10% saving to that of the open-source
done using the same design file. fig 14 shows the process tool. Similarly, the area can also be saved by ~50% when
that happens in the qflow tool to generate the gds2 file for cadence tools are used for demonstrating. As both power and
CAM. Once, the placement is done i.e the allotment of the area have the upper hand in using cadence tools, therefore it
pins on the different sides of the chip to reduce the is always preferable to use cadence tools to develop gds2 for
connectivity and unnecessary bias. The DRC(design rule 64-bit SRAM for their performance analysis. The osu035
check) and layout versus schematic are checked if the technology is used to generate the report for 64-bit SRAM on
design is anyway violating. Then as the last step gds2 file is the open-source tools. From the report we can conclude that
generated. the wires/nets used to connect the internal blocks of SRAM
is 1259 and wire bits is 1559. The number of public wires is
Qrouter accepts and outputs files in the open standard 6 and the total number of public wire nets is 299. The
LEF and DEF formats. It examines the geometry for each obtained internal power is 85.0497% of the total obtained
cell to detect contact points and route impediments, using power. It is better to reduce the internal power to reduce the
cell definitions from a LEF file. It then reads a DEF file for total power. Also, the sequential power in the block takes the
cell location, pin placement, and netlist, runs the detailed highest power i.e., 95.98% so reducing the power used by the
route, and outputs an annotated DEF file. Qflow is a sequential circuits will definitely be able to reduce the
complete toolchain for synthesizing digital circuits, from overall power used by SRAM after post-layout on cadence
Verilog source through physical layout for a specific environment. The power obtained for SRAM is 1.78mW
fabrication method. Digital synthesis with a goal application which comprises of internal power of 1.5mW and switching
of a chip design is frequently incorporated into large EDA power of 0.286mW. The most of the power is used from the
software packages like Cadence or Synopsys in the internal circuits. So, overall power of the block can be
commercial electronics market. Commercial toolchains are reduced if the internal power is taken care because it takes
becoming increasingly expensive as commercial electronics the power of almost 84% of the total power. Similarly, the
designers strive for cutting-edge performance, and have power taken from the sequential block is 75% as obtained on
largely priced themselves out of all but the most established open-source tools has the internal power is more. So, it better

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to take care of the internal power that is generated from the VII. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
sequential block.
Table II shows the different values obtained for the The authors thank the Principal and HOD of the Dept. of
parameters such as power, area, and slack for 64-bit CAM. ECE for the kind support extended to us on the project
The power values are almost the same for CAM on both the completion.
environment with just 2% variation for the post-layout value
of cadence environment to that of one obtained from the REFERENCES
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competing with the commercial tools available in the Systems (iSES) (Formerly iNiS), 2019, pp. 369-372, doi:
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[15] M. Irfan and A. Ahmad, "Impact of Initialization on Gate-Based Area scholar category. She is a life member of ISTE, IETE,
Efficient Ternary Content-Addressable Memory," 2018 International
Conference on Computing, Electronics & Communications
fellow member of ISVE, Senior member of IEEE and
Engineering (iCCECE), 2018, pp. 328-332, doi: IEEE-CAS Bangalore section execom member
[16] K. Hinsen, "The Magic of Content-Addressable Storage," in Mr. Yatish D Vahvale is a post graduate student of VLSI
Computing in Science & Engineering, vol. 22, no. 3, pp. 113-119, 1 Design and Embedded systems. He is currently pursuing his
May-June 2020, doi: 10.1109/MCSE.2019.2949441.
final year in Master of Technology degree at RV College of
[17] D. Cho, K. Kim and C. Yoo, "A Non-Volatile Ternary Content-
Addressable Memory Cell for Low-Power and Variation-Toleration Engineering, Bengaluru, India. His areas of interest are
Operation," in IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, vol. 54, no. 2, pp. 1- VLSI, Analog and Digital design and IC manufacturing.
3, Feb. 2018, Art no. 9300103, doi: 10.1109/TMAG.2017.2763579.
[18] J. -W. Lee et al., "A 1.8 Gb/s/pin 16Tb NAND Flash Memory Multi- Prof. Praveena N is a part-time research scholar in the
Chip Package with F-Chip of Toggle 4.0 Specification for High Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Performance and High Capacity Storage Systems," 2020 IEEE
Symposium on VLSI Circuits, 2020, pp. 1-2, doi: at RV College of Engineering, Bengaluru and also she is
10.1109/VLSICircuits18222.2020.9163052. currently working as an Assistant Professor in the
[19] M. Saitoh et al., "Emerging Non-Volatile Memory and Thin-Film Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Transistor Technologies for Future 3D-LSI," 2018 48th European at Sir MVIT, Bangalore. She has 11 years of teaching
Solid-State Device Research Conference (ESSDERC), 2018, pp. 138-
141, doi: 10.1109/ESSDERC.2018.8486916.
experience. Her areas of interest are VLSI, Embedded
[20] M. Janai and I. Bloom, "Charge Gain, NBTI, and Random Telegraph
systems, HDL and Nano electronics etc. She has completed
Noise in EEPROM Flash Memory Devices," in IEEE Electron Device BE and M.Tech from VTU in the year 2004 and 2008
Letters, vol. 31, no. 9, pp. 1038-1040, Sept. 2010, doi: respectively.
[21] Cherry Bhargava; Gaurav Mani Khanal, "Basic VLSI Design Dr. Mamatha A.S is currently working as Associate
Technology: Technical Questions and Solutions," in Basic VLSI
Design Technology: Technical Questions and Solutions , River Professor in the Department of Electronics and
Publishers, 2020, pp.i-xx. Communication Engineering at St.Joseph Engineering
[22] Cherry Bhargava; Gaurav Mani Khanal, "2 IC Fabrication College, Mangalore. She has 22 years of teaching
Technology," in Basic VLSI Design Technology: Technical experience. She is the author of four international journals
Questions and Solutions , River Publishers, 2020, pp.91-112.
and six international conferences in the field of
[23] Cherry Bhargava; Gaurav Mani Khanal, "4 Verilog Hardware
Descriptive Language," in Basic VLSI Design Technology: Technical
Multispectral Image Compression. She is the author of the
Questions and Solutions , River Publishers, 2020, pp.153-200. Network Theory textbook, Engineering Statistics & Linear
[24] H. Chu et al., "An ASIC Design of Multi-Electrode Digital Basket Algebra textbook and Control Engineering text book. Her
Catheter Systems with Reconfigurable Compressed Sampling," 2018 areas of interest are Signal Processing, Image Compression,
31st IEEE International System-on-Chip Conference (SOCC), 2018, and Control Engineering etc. She is a Senior IEEE member
pp. 124-129, doi: 10.1109/SOCC.2018.8618535.
[25] C. Zhao, Y. Yan and W. Li, "An efficient ASIC Implementation of
QARMA Lightweight Algorithm," 2019 IEEE 13th International
Conference on ASIC (ASICON), 2019, pp. 1-4, doi:

Dr. Shylashree N is currently working as Associate

Professor in the Department of Electronics and
Communication Engineering at RV College of Engineering,
Bengaluru. She is having 15 years of teaching experience.
She was a recipient of the best PhD thesis award for the year
2016-2017 in Electronics and Communication Engineering
from BITES. She has received the best IEEE researcher
award in IEEE-AGM meeting held during 2021 from
Bangalore IEEE section. She has also received the best
paper award in IEEE-ICERECT held during 2015 at
Mandya. She has research publication in 18 International
Journals (out of which 5 journals are Springer-SCI journals),
4 Springer book chapters and 9 International conferences.
She has published 2 patents and filed 1 German patent in the
area of cryptography. She has also published 2 patents in the
area of VLSI out of which one of them got a grant. She is
also the author of the Network Theory textbook,
Engineering Statistics & Linear Algebra text book and
Control Engineering textbook. She has funded project on
chalcogenide materials & consultancy projects on FPGA
and has delivered many technical talks on VLSI. She has
delivered lectures as a subject matter expert in VTU e-
shikshana and EDUSAT program. She is a recipient of
international travel grant under SERB young research

E-ISSN: 1998-4464 593

DOI: 10.46300/9106.2021.15.65 Volume 15, 2021

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