The Shield (DDE)

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The Shield uses D&D Essentials rules: Dungeon Masters Kit, Monster
Vault, Rules Compendium, Heroes of the Fallen Lands, and (supplemental)
Heroes of the Forgotten Kingdoms. Other supplements may be used at
the DMs discretion.
The Shield is an evil campaign.
the city of Westgate.

The PCs play corrupt city guards in

Available Races: (Common) Human, Dwarf, Eladrin, Elf, Halfling (a.k.a.

Hin); (Uncommon) Drow, Half-Elf, Half-Orc, Hobgoblin
Unavailable Races:

Dragonborn, Tiefling

Core Classes:
Warpriest (Cleric), Knight, Slayer (Fighter), Thief
(Rogue), Mage (Wizard)
Expanded Classes (supplemental):
Executioner (Assassin),
(Paladin) (Unaligned only), Hunter, Scout (Ranger)




Players Handbook Classes (supplemental):

Templar (Cleric), Weaponmaster (Fighter),
Divinate (Paladin) (Unaligned only), Pathfinder (Ranger), Scoundrel (Rogue), Marshal
(Warlord) (unavailable), Covenanter (Warlock) (unavailable), Arcanist (Wizard)
Unavailable Classes:

Hexblade (Warlock)

The Shield is a tip o the hat to old school D&D.

out of place in this setting.

Dragonborn, Tieflings and Warlocks are

Generating Ability Scores: For an old-school experience, use Method III: Rolling Scores
(described on page 78 of the DDE Rules Compendium).
Roll four 6-sided dice (4d6) and add up the highest three numbers. Do that six times,
and then assign the numbers to the characters six ability scores. Then apply racial
ability bonuses.
These Optional Rules create a grittier play experience:
Daily Powers: Regardless of how many daily powers a character knows, he or she can use
only one per day at the heroic tier, two per day at the paragon tier, and three per day
at the epic tier. Whenever the group reaches a milestone, each character can use one
additional daily power that day.
Action Points: Your character starts with 1 action point. No more than once per encounter,
you can spend an action point to take an extra action (see page 286), use certain feats,
or use paragon path powers.
When you spend an action point, its gone, but you can gain more in two ways: after
reaching two milestones or by taking an extended rest. After you take an extended rest,
you lose any action points you havent spent, but you start fresh with 1 action point.
Cursed Items:
Cursed magic items were a mainstay of old-school D&D, much to Dungeon
Masters' delight and players' occasional frustration. Use the rules for cursed items
from Mordenkainens Magnificent Emporium.
Currency: In addition to copper, silver and gold coins, there are other unusual metals
used in exchange. Most of these come from failed currencies. As such, they are viewed
with skepticism by many honest folk. Principal among these coins are the electrum and
platinum pieces. These coins are rarely circulated, and most are hidden away in ancient
treasure hoards.


Playing Evil
Dungeons & Dragons recommends you avoid choosing the evil alignment for good reason. Evil
characters cause problems. Not only must the players contend with their enemies on the
battlefield but also they must keep an eye on their evil-minded companions. Furthermore,
evil adventurers tend to become alienated as a result of their actions. In time, they
are no longer welcome in any community that knows them or knows of them. An evil
adventurer's career is often brutish and short, ending with quests left unfulfilled and
the campaign a failure.
Given all this, why bother playing an evil character? In truth, many reasons exist: You
might be looking for a change of pace or a roleplaying challenge, your DM might be running
a one-shot adventure suitable for evil characters, or you might be hankering for an
object lesson in behavior and consequences. If that's your wont, don't let the rules
dissuade you from trying something new.

Proceed with Caution

Playing an evil adventurer is usually not a good idea. Some players take the evil
alignment as a license to behave badly and an excuse to cause mischief and suffering
whenever and wherever the opportunity arises. Evil characters seem to have a hard time
honoring agreements and are quick to turn against their allies. They aren't about to risk
their necks for a town on the edge of civilization without a considerable reward. Even
if they take that job, there's no guarantee that they won't double-cross the town by
taking the money and running.
Despite the problems evil characters can cause, such a play style can work. If you embrace
the following suggestions, you can mitigate the challenges and enjoy a successful, if
sinister, adventuring experience.

Cooperative Game
Dungeons & Dragons is a cooperative game. Player characters work best when they work
together, and most D&D encounters are built around this assumption. That one or more of
the heroes are evil doesn't change this fact or alter your responsibility to your
teammates. You might not like the people you work with, but if you expect them to watch
your back, you had better watch theirs. Nothing dictates that evil characters are unable
work within an adventuring group. They can contribute to the group dynamic as their role
To ensure the group remains together, it's critical that you shield your companions from
whatever wickedness you intend. In sum, you must avoid stealing from, maiming, exploiting,
and murdering the other members of your party. One way to keep everyone in check is to
make sure you have a strong reason for being together in the first place. You might serve
a more powerful master, follow the same god, be from the same homeland, or pursue a
common goal, such as wiping out all orcs, elves, or dragons. If everyone can agree to a
party-binding element from the outset and can create a plausible explanation for
maintaining this truce, your group should find success.

Be Considerate
Playing an evil adventurer gives you a chance to explore the dark side: to be the ruthless
killer, to steal without regard for the victim, to dabble in dark magic, and to bargain
with terrible powers. Although such options and other, more dreadful actions are possible,
always consider the feelings of other players at the table. Avoid offending other players
by exploring taboo subjects. Many people play D&D as an escape from real world problems
and ugly truths. Games that focus too much on the sinister have limited appeal for many
Before play begins, talk with the Dungeon Master and the other players to determine what
events they want to avoid and what subjects they'd rather not explore. Respect these
limits and don't test them. Doing so ensures the game remains fun for everyone involved.

Understand the Implications

Good adventurers earn fame and notoriety from their achievements, gaining advocates among
the people they help and accolades for the monsters they defeat. Evil adventurers gain
few of these rewards. Their actions lead to infamy, enemies, and scorn. In place of open
gates and celebrations, evil characters find closed doors and suspicious stares. The more
evil these characters do, the harder it becomes for them to find haven and move safely
through the world.
A reckless, insane killer might not care about the implications, but an adventurer
probably should. Needlessly and wantonly closing off havens and cutting off access to
supplies makes it harder to survive and complete any given mission. Always keep in mind
the repercussions of your actions, thinking about how your choices impact your character's
chances for survival in the long term.

Evil Adventuring Groups

You cannot do enough to ensure that the evil adventuring group stays together. No matter
how much you prepare, no matter how many connections you make to other characters, no
matter how much you discuss limits and player comfort levels, odds are significant
conflict will arise. If handled poorly, the group's destruction is almost certain to
follow. The trick is to prevent that level of discord from happening in the first place.
The best way to do that is to focus on strengthening the connections between the
Before you get down to the business of creating your character, it's a good idea to work
with your fellow players to construct a strong group identity. One of the best ways to
accomplish this goal is to adopt a group concept. Simply put, the group concept describes
the reasons why you work together.


Evil Adventuring
Although evil characters require special considerations to encourage teamwork and
cooperation, they are still adventurers and thus undertake many of the same exploits
heroes do. Characters still chase after treasure, explore ancient ruins, and fight
monsters. Alignment doesn't alter much about what they do; it only influences how and
why they do it.

One key difference between evil adventurers and their good or unaligned counterparts is
their motivations for adventuring. Evil characters aren't likely to risk their lives to
help the innocent and are not going to help those in need without compensation. Traditional
adventure hooks might not work, so you will have to find other ways to draw players into
the story.
Greed: The reward for performing a service must outweigh its risks. Even then, evil
adventurers are likely to take more than they were offered. For example, they might rob
their employers or claim their reward without completing their task. Adventurers are also
apt to dicker over their fees, so you should set the payment low and allow players to
haggle for a higher price. Do not, however, give characters the full reward up front.
They should claim their prize when they complete the mission and can prove it.
Also, be ready for adventurers to double-cross their employers. Don't be surprised when
characters return from a mission and then sack the town they just saved. You should never
quash players when they are roleplaying. If you leave a situation open for their
exploitation, let them do it to the best of their ability-even if doing so upsets your
plans. Instead, think about the consequences of the characters' actions, and adapt the
story to accommodate them.
Revenge: Even though the promise of reward can drive an evil party, revenge is a far
stronger motivator. Evil characters are less likely to forgive slights or let a defeat
go unpunished, as is evidenced when they plot against each other. Don't be afraid to
harass characters during their adventures to draw them deeper into the plot. Be aggressive
with your villains. Have them send goons and monsters after the adventurers. It won't
take long for players to turn their attention to the source of their troubles and devote
every resource toward destroying their foes.
Power: Evil adventurers crave power. Adventuring gives them a chance to gain levels and
find magic items and other booty. The promise of personal power can draw a party into an
adventure, but it can also turn its members against each other when they squabble about
who gets what.
Hinting at great rewards and vast power should be sufficient to lure adventurers into
accepting a mission. When it's time for characters to acquire magic items, give prizes
out in groups to avoid conflict about ownership. Alternatively, you can offer specialized
rewards, such as divine boons, legendary boons, and grandmaster training, to particular

Methods and Consequences

Good and unaligned adventurers typically walk lightly through the world. They might wreak
havoc in a dungeon environment and wipe out infestations of nasty creatures, but between
adventures, they are usually well behaved. Evil characters offer no such assurances.
Their motivations and methods for achieving their objectives are what make them evil.
They murder, steal, betray, and perform all kinds of nasty actions. Each time characters
indulge their darker impulses, you must decide what consequences, if any, they face.
Resist the temptation to drop the hammer of justice on them. Evil characters are hardly
evil if they don't do bad things. You wouldn't deny a paladin the chance to risk his or
her life to save an innocent, so you shouldn't deny a thief the opportunity to pick
pockets in a crowded inn or an assassin the chance to knife a victim in a dark alley.
Let players play, within reason. Sacking a town, murdering an innkeeper, poisoning a
merchant, or some other action is fine as long as it aligns with a character's personality.
However, if adventurers satisfy their evil tendencies too often, they should suffer
consequences. Ambushing too many caravans eventually attracts the attention of a local
government or an adventuring band. Killing townspeople results in demands for justice
and an official search for the culprit. Civilization cannot tolerate unchecked evil and
moves to contain dangerous elements to safeguard its future.
Keep track of what characters do and where they do it. Think about how the world would
react to the characters actions, and come up with suitable consequences for those
actions. A few close calls with righteous knights and witch hunters should be enough to
curb players' enthusiasm for carnage and mayhem.
Of course, wicked characters don't have to be destructive and uncontrolled. They might
be subtle or cunning, revealing their evil tendencies only in special situations. Evil
characters are still people and, thus, their moral failings manifest in a variety of
ways. Urge players to look beyond obvious caricatures and to regard their characters as
complex individuals who are willing to act in ways others find objectionable.

[The Book of Vile Darkness (a supplement for 4e) has more advice along this same line.]

Making Evil Fun

The great gift of roleplaying is that it allows people to temporarily experience what its
like to be someone else, and sometimes it can be fun play someone very different from
yourselfa person who may transgress your own morals and taboos. Playing an evil character
can be a safe and entertaining way to explore humanitys darker urges, as well as a way to
help us better understand the motives and basic personhood of those people we might otherwise
write off as simply bad.
Yet while playing an evil character can be rewarding, its also challenging. As a member of
an adventuring party, an evil character may see other characters as adversaries, victims,
or expendable resources. That same selfish, potentially abusive mentality between players
can ruin games, or even friendships.
The key to playing evil well is making sure everyone in your group is on the same page.
While not every party member needs to be evil, every player does need to be comfortable
with both where the story may go and the potential interpersonal dynamics. Just as theres
nothing wrong with wanting to play an evil character, theres nothing wrong with not wanting
to play that way, either. Above all, be honest and opena conversation where people feel
judged or pressured will only set your group up for failure.
First, your group should create guidelines for player interaction. For some groups, PC
versus PC scheming, in character insult battles, and even PCs literally backstabbing other
PCs can be as much fun as working together against a challenge. Other groups feel the team
bond is central to play, or just dont like interpersonal conflict in their leisure time;
the line between attacking a PC and antagonizing the player can be hard to find, so talk
about it up front.
Regardless of your play style, things will run smoother if you determine from the outset
why the group works together. If youre the only evil character in a party, decide why your
particular brand of evil makes you a good fit. Your partys paladin might take pity on a
dangerous addict or tolerate a power-hungry noble if shes working toward the same goal as
you are, but she probably cant work with someone who kills innocents for fun.
Perhaps most importantly, both your group and your GM need to agree on basic boundaries.
Many people may have triggers, or situations that they absolutely dont want to come up in
a gameexamples might include rape or cruelty to children or animals. If someone voices
such a concern, there should be no discussionjust leave those situations out of the game.
Other things might be okay if they take place off-camera: a player could be fine with the
story of torturing an enemy for information, but might not want to roleplay every grisly
Its best to discuss these boundaries at the beginning, but bear in mind that comfort levels
vary from person to person, and may change over time. If you or someone else stops enjoying
the game, pause the action and adjust accordingly. And whatever guidelines your group agrees
to, respect themand each other.
[PATHFINDER Champions of Corruption]

Three (or Four) Important Things to Know about the Shield Campaign
1. Low Level. The Shield campaign focuses on providing challenges the adventurers can face
and overcome during the heroic tier. Think of it as a street level campaign.
2. Intrigue. Everyone wants something: the characters, normal folk, secret cults, rebels,
mercenaries, invaders, assassins, conquerors, looters, would-be kings. The Shield campaign
presents many organizations and non-player characters with a multitude of plans. The PCs
can interact with all these groups, discovering secret ploys, allying with some, making
enemies of others, and playing them against one another or taking them all on. Allies can
become enemies and enemies can become friends; it's up to the players to decide. Again,
with a street level focus.
3. Old-School. At least in which races and classes are available. The races and classes
seen in AD&D are most appropriate, while those seen in 3e and 4e are less so.
So, no
dragonborn, tieflings, or warlocks.
Other old-school bits include rolling 4d6 for ability scores, cursed items, and even
electrum and platinum pieces.
4. Prime Directive. In our home games, we all agreed upon this house rule: Alignment is
how you treat people outside your party. Regardless of your alignment, you will get along
with fellow party members and will not allow that portion of your character sheet to
interfere with the continuance of the story.
= = =
Sentries/Guards/Militia: The most common form of defense a community will have is men and
women trained to defend the public. From a hamlet, where a few residents act as sentries
and volunteer defenders, to a large city with several guard forces, these people will be
the first to combat whatever problems arise. There should be a base of 1 guard per 150
residents, with a minimum of 3 guards. If the community is on peaceful terms with its
neighbors and has no known enemies, there will be 1 guard per 200 residents, with a minimum
of 3 guards. If, however, the community is on uneasy terms with its neighbors, or has unrest
within its own boundaries, there will be 1 guard per 100 residents, with a minimum of 5
Communities with less than 5,000 residents are not likely to have an army (militia), unless
the community has known enemies or feels threatened. In an army, there should be a base of
25 soldiers per 1,000 residents. This number will double, triple, or quadruple, depending
on the severity of the threat posed against the community. A standing army is responsible
for patrolling a communitys boundaries and the surrounding lands.

The Lords of Dust,

an evil cabal of rakshasas and other fiends, have been playing

games with the races for thousands of years. They hide in the shadows, scheming for greater
power, or spreading pain and suffering among the common races. The cabal uses a stylized
silhouette of a broken tower to identify its members.
The Lords of Dust have little interest in complex hierarchies. The most powerful fiends
occasionally gather in the ancient capital of the rakshasas to discuss their current schemes
and goals, but they have no leader.
Membership is earned and kept through cunning and
personal power. The organization also includes a host of weaker fiends, lesser rakshasas
and other demons content to serve the scheming lords.
The Lords of Dust are immortal, and their motivations are difficult for creatures of flesh
and blood to understand. Sometimes their actions serve a clear purpose; other times they
seek to cause chaos for its own sake, toying with the common races like pawns on a chessboard.
These games can continue for centuries.
The most cunning and clever fiends always search for ways to increase their own power. Some
seek to release the rajahs they once served. Others explore ways to drain power from their
former masters to exploit as their own. The Lords of Dust are masters of deception, and
they rarely deal openly with mortals. Rakshasas can read the thoughts of others and shift
their shape to mimic any humanoid form, and they have infiltrated many governments, guilds,
and other organizations.
But the plans of the fiends can take decades or centuries to
unfold, and a rakshasa infiltrator may spend an entire human lifetime waiting for the right
moment to make its move. So, almost any organization can be tricked into serving the Lords
of Dust, at least temporarily.
The Lords of Dust are the purest manifestation of evil to be found in the world. There is
no place within the cabal for mortals, except as tools, playthings, and servants. Most
often, adventurers fight against the Lords of Dust, either directly or by exposing their
schemes. It is possible for heroes to be tricked into serving the Lords of Dust; a rakshasa
in the form of a trusted ally could send them on a quest that causes more harm than good.

No Single Deity:
Most people revere more than one deity, praying to different gods at
different times. Commoners in a small town might visit a temple that has three altars, where
they pray to Bahamut for protection, Pelor for fertile crops, and Moradin to aid their skill
at crafting. Clerics and paladins more often serve a single deity, championing that gods
particular cause in the world. Other adventurers range across the spectrum, from paying lip
service to the whole pantheon, to fervently serving a single god, to ignoring the gods
entirely as they pursue their own divine ascension.
Thats not to say that everyone worships every god. A truly good person has little use for
Lolth; a law-abiding town-dweller might never have heard of Gruumsh. Rather, every community
and individual has a collection of deities to whom they devote their reverence. They
occasionally offer a prayer to another god, if circumstances warrantonly a fool goes to
sea without invoking Melora, and a village that doesnt normally venerate Bane might offer
him prayers over a makeshift altar if suddenly forced to warbut their personal pantheon
receives the overwhelming bulk of their attention.
A communitys collection of deities shapes how they see each individual god. A community
beset by the dangers of the surrounding wilderness, and includes Bane and Erathis among
their deities, likely views Bane as more of a stabilizing influence, and less actively evil,
than a tyrannical city-state whose power-hungry leaders worship Asmodeus alongside the Black
No Universal Churches:
Just as most points of light settings presumes individual
communities are rarely linked into large kingdoms, so too are the worlds religions made up
of autonomous sects, without monolithic governing entities. There are no churches, in the
sense of Union-wide theological authorities that oversee all practitioners of a given faith.

Thus, a temple or sect of the Raven Queen in one community is differentat least in the
details, and frequently in major practicesfrom any other. It also means that followers of
the Raven Queen arent necessarily in agreement on religious matters. Its possible for two
or more Raven Queen worshipers to prove competitors, or even downright enemies.
The deities are described in the Players Handbook (pages 20-22) and in the Dungeon Masters
Guide (pages 162-163).


Roll of Years is a system by which each year has its own personal name.


refer to births, deaths, weddings, and other events by the name of the year. Children learn
the order of the years from bards songs, artistic designs in the great temples, and the
teachings of their elders.
The naming of a year is not random, nor does it necessarily commemorate any great event or
occurrence. Many centuries ago the Lost Sage wrote out thousands of years and named them
in the Great Library. Its a rare year that doesnt see some event that seems clearly
connected with its name (at least in retrospect), and most folks view the Lost Sages name
as mysterious portents of the years ahead.

Each month is named after one of the eleven deities in the Players Handbook and also
Asmodeus from the Dungeon Masters Guide.
Asmodeus is the only deity whose name is used in the calendar
that is not good or unaligned. A silver-tongued devil, Asmodeus
is revered by many ambitious and powerful people (a few of whom
were involved in the creation of the calendar). As a result,
the deitys name is as widely recognized and accepted as any
The influence Asmodeus exerts is deceptive; many
people see a god of rulership rather than a dominating tyrant.
The real world Gregorian calendar is an equivalent. October
has 31 days for instance, so the equivalent month also has 31
The months can be named as desired (it makes no
difference). For instance, October (commonly associated with
Halloween) might be known as Asmodeus; July (commonly the
warmest month) might be known as Pelor. Its entirely up the
DM and players which month gets named what.
Day and Night: A day is 24 hours long. Seven days comprise a week: Godsday, Moonday,
Waterday, Earthday, Starday, Sunday, Freeday. Godsday is commonly associated with worship,
and Freeday with rest. The remaining days are considered "work days."

Proudly proclaiming they were made from the earth
itself, dwarves share many qualities with the rock
they love. They are strong, hardy, and dependable.
They value their ancestral traditions, which they
preserve through the ages as fiercely as they defend
the carved structures of their mountain homes.
Dwarves believe in the importance of clan ties and
ancestry. They deeply respect their elders, and they
honor long-dead clan founders and ancestral heroes.
They place great value on wisdom and the experience
of years, and most are polite to elders of any race.
More so than most other races, dwarves seek guidance
and protection from the gods. They look to the divine
for strength, hope, and inspiration, or they seek to
propitiate cruel or destructive gods. Individual
dwarves might be impious or openly heretical, but
temples and shrines of some sort are found in almost
every dwarven community. Dwarves revere Moradin as
their creator, but individual dwarves honor those
deities who hold sway over their vocations; warriors
pray to Bahamut or Kord, architects to Erathis, and
merchants to Avandraor even to Tiamat, if a dwarf is
consumed by the dwarven taste for wealth.
Dwarves never forget their enemies, either individuals who have wronged them or entire races
of monsters who have done ill to their kind. Dwarves harbor a fierce hatred for orcs, which
often inhabit the same mountainous areas that dwarves favor and which wreak periodic
devastation on dwarf communities.
Dwarves also despise giants and titans, because the dwarf race once labored as the giants
slaves. They feel a mixture of pity and disgust toward those corrupted dwarves who still
have not freed themselves from the giants yokeazers and galeb duhrs among them.
To a dwarf, it is a gift and a mark of deep respect to stand beside an ally in battle, and
a sign of deepest loyalty to shield that ally from enemy attack. Dwarven legends honor many
heroes who gave their lives to save their clans or their friends.
Dwarves average about 4 feet in height and are very broad, weighing as much as an adult
human. Dwarves have the same variety of skin, eye, and hair colors as humans, although dwarf
skin is sometimes gray or sandstone red and red hair is more common among them. Male dwarves
are often bald and braid their long beards into elaborate patterns. Female dwarves braid
their hair to show clan and ancestry. Dwarven attire and equipment, including weapons and
shields, are decorated with bold geometric shapes, natural gems, and ancestral faces.
Although they reach physical maturity at roughly the same age as humans, dwarves age more
slowly and remain vigorous well past 150 years of age, often living to see 200.

Eladrin society straddles the boundary between the Feywild and the natural
world. Eladrin build their elegant cities and towers in places of striking
natural splendor, especially where the veil between the worlds is thin
isolated mountain vales, green islands along wild and storm-wracked
coasts, and the deepest recesses of ancient forests. Some eladrin realms
exist mostly in the Feywild, only rarely touching the world, while others
appear in the world at sunset each day, only to fade back into the Feywild
at dawn.
Long-lived and strongly tied to the Feywild, eladrin have a detached view
of the world. Eladrin often have difficulty believing that events in the
world have much importance to them, and they consider courses of action
that can last for centuries.
Their general detachment from the world can make eladrin seem distant and
intimidating to other races. Their fey nature also makes them
simultaneously alluring and a little frightening. However, eladrin take
friendships and alliances to heart and can react with swift fury when
their friends are endangered. Combined with their intellect, bravery, and
magical power, this loyalty makes them powerful and respected allies.
Eladrin live by an aesthetic philosophy common to the Feywild and
personified by Corellon, the god of beauty and patron of the fey. Eladrin seek to exemplify
grace, skill, and learning in every part of life, from dance and song to swordplay and
magic. Their cities are places of stunning beauty that shape and guide their natural
surroundings into elegant forms.
Eladrin are close cousins to the elves and are occasionally called high elves or gray elves.
Eladrin favor the Feywild and arcane magic more than elves do, but the two races hold each
other in high regard. They share a burning hatred for the third branch of their racethe
The Feywilds most powerful eladrin, called noble eladrin, become so infused with their
realms inherent magic that they transform into entirely new creatures. These noble eladrin
take on characteristics of the seasons and other natural phenomena.
Eladrin are of human height. They are slim, and even the strongest simply look athletic
rather than musclebound. They have the same range of complexions as humans, though they are
more often fair than dark. Their straight, fine hair is often white, silver, or pale gold,
and they wear it long and loose. Their ears are long and pointed, and their eyes are pearly
and opalescent orbs of vibrant blue, violet, or green, lacking pupils. Eladrin cant grow
facial hair and have little body hair.
Eladrin children grow much as human children do, but their aging process slows to a crawl
when they reach maturity. They enjoy youth and health for most of their lives and dont
begin to feel the effects of age until the middle of their third century. Most live for
over 300 years, and even at the end they suffer few of the infirmities of old age.

Elves are a people of deeply felt but short-lived passions. They are
easily moved to delighted laughter, blinding wrath, or mournful tears.
They are inclined to impulsive behavior, and members of other races
sometimes see elves as flighty or impetuous, but elves do not shirk
responsibility or forget commitments. Thanks in part to their long life
span, elves sometimes have difficulty taking certain matters as seriously
as other races do, but when genuine threats arise, elves are fierce and
reliable allies.
Elves revere the natural world. Their connection to their surroundings
enables them to perceive much. They never cut living trees, and when
they create permanent communities, they do so by carefully growing or
weaving arbors, tree houses, and catwalks from living branches. They
prefer the primal power of the natural world to the arcane magic their
eladrin cousins employ. Elves love to explore new forests and new lands,
and its not unusual for individuals or small bands to wander hundreds
of miles from their homelands.
Elves are loyal and merry friends. They love simple pleasuresdancing,
singing, footraces, and contests of balance and skilland rarely see a
reason to tie themselves down to dull or disagreeable tasks. Despite how unpleasant war can
be, a threat to their homes, families, or friends can make elves grimly serious and prompt
them to take up arms.
At the dawn of creation, elves and eladrin were a single race dwelling both in the Feywild
and in the world, and passing freely between the two. When the drow rebelled against their
kin, under the leadership of the god Lolth, the resulting battles tore the fey kingdoms
asunder. Ties between the peoples of the Feywild and the world grew tenuous, and eventually
the elves and eladrin grew into two distinct races.
Elves are descended from those who lived primarily in the world, and they no longer dream
of the Feywild. They love the forests and wilds of the world that they have made their home.
Elves are slender, athletic folk about as tall as humans. They have the same range of
complexions as humans, tending more toward tan or brown hues. A typical elf s hair color
is dark brown, autumn orange, mossy green, or deep gold. Elves ears are long and pointed,
and their eyes are vibrant blue, violet, or green. Elves have little body hair, but they
favor a wild and loose look to their hair.
Elves mature at about the same rate as humans, but show few effects of age past adulthood.
The first sign of an elf s advancing age is typically a change in hair colorsometimes
graying but usually darkening or taking on more autumnal hues. Most elves live to be well
over 200 years old and remain vigorous almost to the end.

Halflings are an affable, warm, and cheerful people.
They survive in a world full of larger creatures by
avoiding notice or, barring that, avoiding offense.
They appear harmless and so have managed to survive
for centuries in the shadow of empires and on the
edges of wars and political strife.
Halflings are practical and down-to-earth. They
concern themselves with basic needs and simple
pleasures, harboring few dreams of gold or glory.
Adventurers are no more rare among halflings than
among other races, but they usually pursue the
friendship, wanderlust, or curiosity.
companions, relying on stealth and trickery in battle
rather than raw might or magic. Tight-knit halfling
communities are found near the settlements of other
races, often along or even on the surface of a body
of water. Halflings have never built a kingdom of
their own or even held much land. They dont recognize
any sort of royalty or nobility of their own, instead
looking to family elders to guide them. This emphasis
on family and community has enabled halflings to
maintain their traditional ways for thousands of years, unaffected by the rise and fall of
According to halfling legend, Melora and Sehanine created the halflings together, giving
the race a love of nature and the gift of stealth. When their interest waned, Melora and
Sehanine stopped looking after the race, or so the legends go, and halflings made their own
way in the world. They say Avandra, the god of luck, admired their resourcefulness and
adopted them, favoring them with good fortune. Not all halflings worship Avandra, but nearly
all breathe a prayer of thanks to her when fortune favors them.
Halflings are fond of stories and legends such as the myth of Avandra, and their culture is
rich in oral tradition. Few members of other races realize that halfling folktales contain
a vast amount of lore about people and places long past. Many halflings are able to dredge
up knowledge about the history, religion, or culture of other races, but that knowledge is
usually wrapped in a fable.
Halflings stand about 4 feet tall and weigh about 80 pounds. They resemble small humans and
are proportioned like human adults. Halflings have the same range of complexions as humans,
but most halflings have dark hair and eyes. Halfling males dont have beards, but many have
long, full sideburns. Halflings of both genders often wear complicated hairstyles, featuring
complex braiding and weaving.
Halflings typically dress in clothes that match their surroundings and prefer earth tones
and various shades of green. Their clothing and gear feature woven textures and stitching.
Birds, river patterns, boats, and fish are common images in halfling art and decoration.
Halflings have life spans comparable to humans.

Humans are decisive and sometimes rash. They explore the darkest reaches of the world in
search of knowledge and power. They hurl themselves into danger, dealing with consequences
as they arise. They act first and ponder later, trusting their will to prevail and their
native resourcefulness to see them through perilous situations.
Humans always look to the horizon, seeking to expand their influence and their territory.
They chase power and want to change the world, for good or for ill. Their settlements are
among the brightest lights in a dark and untamed world, and humans constantly seek to
explore new lands and settle new frontiers.
Their self-reliance and bravery inclines humans toward martial classes such as fighter,
warlord, and rogue. They often prefer to find hidden reserves of strength in themselves
rather than trust to the magic of wizards or clerics.
That said, humans tend to be a pious race, worshiping the whole pantheon of gods. Their
myths name no god as the creator of the race. Some tales say the gods worked together to
create them, infusing them with the best qualities of each race that had come before. Other
tales say that humans were the creation of a god whose name is no longer known, a god killed
in the war against the primordials or perhaps assassinated by another deity (Asmodeus and
Zehir are often accused of the deed).
Humans are tolerant of other races, different beliefs, and foreign cultures. Most human
settlements are diverse places where different races live together in relative peace. The
human empire of Nerath, the last great world power, united many different peoples. Most of
the human towns that have survived the empires fall are fortified bastions against the
encroaching darkness. When elven forests are razed or dwarven mines overrun, the survivors
often flee to the nearest human town for protection.
Despite the far reach and power of Nerath, humans in the present day are a scattered and
divided people. Dozens of small kingdoms, fiefdoms, and free cities have arisen from Neraths
ruins, and many of these realms are petty, weak, or isolated. Tensions and misunderstandings
among them often precipitate skirmishes, espionage, betrayal, and even open warfare.
Humans come in a wide variety of heights, weights, and colors. Some humans have black or
dark brown skin, others are as pale as snow, and they cover the whole range of tans and
browns in between. Their hair is black, brown, or a range of blonds and reds. Their eyes
are most often brown, blue, or hazel.
Human attire varies wildly, depending on the environment and society in which they live.
Their clothing can be simple, ostentatious, or anything in between. Its not unusual for
several distinct human cultures to live side by side in a particular area and mingle, so
human armor, weaponry, and other items incorporate a variety of designs and motifs. Humans
average life spans of about 75 years, though some venerable members of the race live as
long as 90 or more years.

Once children of the Seldarine, drow now exist as outcast from
their brother and sister races. Originally, Eladrin, Elves and
Drow existed as one race, living in peace and unity in the Feywild.
The gods of the Seldarine (Corellon, Sehanine, and Lolth) held
them all in loving esteem, but it was the petty and jealous
plotting of Lolth that twisted the hearts of her children.
Millenia of bitter wars followed, resulting in the drow retreating
to the underdark.
Lolth was cast out of the Feywild to the
deepest parts of the Abyss, cursed to exist forevermore as a demon.
In the underdark the drow adhered to their dark and chaotic nature,
and their societies are as harsh and deadly as the drow themselves.
Lolth remains their primary deity, though some drow societies
worship other fell gods or entities. Those that don't worship
Lolth rarely adhere to the matriarchal societal structure. These
drow cities are often viewed as heretical by their more
traditional kin.
Across the realm, there is perhaps no race more feared or hated
than the drow. It is rare for one of their kind to deviate from
the race's evil nature.
Those that do often have a hard time
finding acceptance on the surface.
Drow appear as dark-skinned eladrin with white or gray hair and
glowing eyes, most often red in color. Dark elves are shorter
than their elven kin, with the males standing shorter than the

Half-elves are more than just a combination of two
racesthe combination of human and elf blood produces
a unique race with qualities all its own. They share
some of the natural grace, athleticism, and keen
perceptiveness of elves, along with the passion and
drive of humans. But in their own right, they are
charismatic, confident, and open-minded and are
natural diplomats, negotiators, and leaders.
Half-elves like to be around people, the more diverse
the better. They gravitate toward population centers,
especially larger settlements where members of many
races mingle freely. Half-elves cultivate large
networks of acquaintances, as much out of genuine
friendliness as for practical purposes. They like to
establish relationships with humans, elves, and
members of other races so they can learn about them,
the way they live, and how they make their way in the
Half-elves rarely settle down for any length of time.
Their wanderlust makes them natural adventurers, and
they quickly make themselves at home wherever they
end up. When their paths take them back to a place
they have visited before, they track down old friends
and renew old contacts. Ultimately, half-elves are
survivors, able to adapt to almost any situation.
They are generally well liked and admired by everyone,
not just elves and humans. They are empathetic,
better at putting themselves in others shoes than
Half-elves naturally inspire loyalty in others, and
they return that feeling with deep friendship and a
keen sense of responsibility for those who place
themselves in their care. Half-elf warlords and
generals do not order their followers into danger
that they would not face themselves, and they usually
lead from the front, trusting their allies to follow.
Half-elves have no culture of their own and are not a numerous people. They usually bear
human or elf names, sometimes using one name among elves and a different one among humans.
Some are anxious about their place in the world, feeling no kinship with any race, except
other half-elves, but most call themselves citizens of the world and kin to all.
Half-elves tend to be sturdier of build than elves but more slender than most humans. Halfelves have the same range of complexions as humans and elves, and like elves, half-elves
often have eye or hair colors not normally found among humans. Male half-elves can grow
facial hair, unlike male elves, and often sport thin mustaches, goatees, or short beards.
Half-elves ears are about the size of human ears, but they are tapered, like the ears of
their elven ancestors.
Half-elves usually adopt the dress and hairstyles of the society they spend the most time
with; for example, a half-elf raised among a barbaric human tribe dresses in the furs and
skins favored by the tribe and adopts the tribes style of braids and face paint. However,
it would not be unusual for half-elves raised among humans to seek out articles of elven
clothing or jewelry so that they can proudly display signs of their dual heritage.
Half-elves have life spans comparable to humans, but like elves they remain vigorous well
into old age.

Half-orcs combine the best qualities of humans and orcs, though
some would argue that the good qualities of orcs are few and
hard to find. From their orc blood, half-orcs inherit great
physical strength and toughness. They are fierce warriors, fleet
of foot as they charge into battle. Their human blood makes
half-orcs decisive and bold, resourceful and self-reliant. They
are adaptable and able to make their way in almost any
Although half-orcs often live on the fringes of society in human
towns and cities, they still find ways to prosper in a world to
which they dont fully belong. For all their good qualities,
many half-orcs exhibit characteristics that polite society
finds uncouth or undesirable. Half-orcs have little patience
for complicated rules of etiquette or procedure and find little
value in hiding their true opinions in order to spare someones
feelings. They enjoy the simple pleasures of food and drink,
boasting, singing, wrestling, drumming, and dancing, and they
dont find much satisfaction in more refined or sophisticated
arts. Theyre prone to act without much deliberation, preferring
to overcome obstacles as they arise rather than consider every
possible outcome and make contingency plans. These qualities
lead some members of other races to consider them rude or crass, but others find their
brashness refreshing.
Half-orcs generally live among either human or orc culturessome in bustling human towns or
cities, others among remote human or orc tribes. Most half-orcs have two half-orc parents,
but sometimes half-orcs marry and have half-orc children with humans or orcs. Orcs show
grudging respect to half-orcs for their considerable strength and for their cunning
intelligence, which sometimes allows halforcs to rise to leadership positions in orc tribes.
Although possessed of many strengths, half-orcs frequently encounter prejudice in human
communities. Thus, most half-orcs gravitate to careers involving physical labor or violence.
For some, the life of an adventurer is either a natural extension of that trend or a way to
throw off the weight of prejudice. The adventuring life also means finding a place in a
group of allies and equalsa simple pleasure that is all too hard for many half-orcs to
find in the world.
Half-orcs favor their human lineage in appearance, but are distinguished by skin that tends
to various shades of gray, broad jaws, and prominent lower canine teeththough these are
still a far cry from the jutting tusks of orcs. On average, they are taller and stronger
than humans as well. Their hair is usually black, though it grays quickly with age. Most
half-orcs who live among humans favor human styles of clothing and hairstyle, but a few
adopt orc traditions, tying small bones or beads into long braids or bunches of hair.
Half-orcs dont live quite as long as humans do. They mature quickly, reaching adulthood at
about 16 years, and rarely live past the age of 60.

Unavailable Races and Classes

The Shield is a tip o the hat to old school D&D. Therefore, the dragonborn and tiefling
races, and the warlock class, are out of place in this setting.

Winning Races:

By Jim Auwaerter

Illustration by Jason Juta

Hobgoblins exemplify the dark side of civilization,
where adherence to the law is more important than
justice. They expand their power through military
conquest wherever they can, and they have little care
for the fate of those swept aside or crushed underfoot. Though it can be easy to disdain or even hate the
hobgoblins for their excesses, their immorality is tempered by pragmatism that keeps them from plunging
into absolute evil.
Because hobgoblins are the most intelligent and
civilized of goblinkind, a few of them suppress or
deny their baser urges and embark on adventuring
careers. This article explores the use of hobgoblins as
player characters in a campaign.

P hysical Q ualities
Hobgoblins stand slightly taller than humans, though
their military bearing makes them appear to tower
over others more than their actual height would suggest. Hobgoblins are also more likely to wear heavier
armor even when out of combat, giving them a stocky
appearance. Their skin tone varies from dark yellow
to brown, with brick-red or orange coloring being
most common. Their hair is black or dark brown, and
it frequently begins to go gray by the age of 30. Many
hobgoblin males cultivate well-trimmed beards,
though few grow mustaches with them.
Hobgoblin ears are long, pointed, and mobile.
Although most hobgoblins have good control of their

TM & 2013 Wizards of the Coast LLC. All rights reserved.

facial expressions, giving them a reputation for being

emotionless, its harder for them to keep their ears
from lying back when they are upset or angry. Their
shining yellow eyes and overdeveloped canines give
them a wolflike appearance.
Hobgoblin males are taller and broader than
females, but both sexes are capable of sustained physical activity. Hobgoblins can march for 20 miles per
day over rough terrain for a week and still arrive in
fighting condition at the end.
Hobgoblins lives are slightly shorter than those of
humans. Few hobgoblins live to be much older than
seventy, and the rare hobgoblin who reaches eighty
years or more is considered venerable and favored by
luck and the gods.

Hobgoblin Discipline

Hobgoblin Racial Utility

You steel yourself against a harmful effect, and that malady

Free Action
Trigger: You start your turn subjected to an effect that a
save can end.
Effect: The triggering effect ends.

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Winning Races: Hobgoblins

Racial Traits
Average Height: 6165
Average Weight: 190240 lb.
Ability Scores: +2 Constitution; +2 Intelligence or +2
Size: Medium
Speed: 6 squares
Vision: Low-light vision
Languages: Common, Goblin
Skill Bonuses: +2 Athletics, +2 History
Battle Ready: You gain a +2 racial bonus to initiative
Phalanx Soldier: You gain a +1 racial bonus to AC while
you and at least one ally stand adjacent to each other
and each wield a shield.
Hobgoblin Discipline: You have the hobgoblin discipline

Attitudes and
There is no denying that hobgoblins are strict by the
standards of most races. Those who make mistakes
are punished swiftly, and poor excuses for dishonorable behavior are not tolerated. From a young age,
hobgoblins are taught that untruths weaken the one
who speaks them, making that individual unworthy
of being trusted in the future. Conversely, a hobgoblin who takes responsibility for errors and accepts
the punishment without flinching may receive some
amount of acclaim for doing so.
Hobgoblins worship two gods above all others:
Bane and his exarch Maglubiyet receive great respect
within hobgoblin society. In particular, Banes
doctrine of seizing power over the undeserving is
accepted unthinkingly by most hobgoblins.
The warriors in the ranks of a hobgoblin army
typically have proficiency with shields and flails. The

advocacy of defense, and an offense that overcomes

it is an important part of the doctrine of hobgoblin
warfare. The combination of flail and shield, aside
from being effective on the attack, also provides a
built-in defense against others turning the hobgoblins weapons against them, since both items are
difficult to use effectively without training. In addition, many hobgoblins are adept in using flails to
strike around inexpertly wielded shields.
Hobgoblins greatly prefer being in control to any
sense of indecision or chaos. This mind-set has led
them to organize themselves and their kin, goblins
and bugbears, into an orderly society in an attempt
to civilize the wilderness. The thought of untamed
nature is likely to cause a hobgoblin to curl a lip in
distaste. The main exception to this attitude among
hobgoblins is in the art of beast handling, where
tamer is not necessarily better. Hobgoblins (and to
a lesser extent, goblins) have reputations for being
excellent riders, using horses and sometimes more
exotic mounts such as dire tigers as steeds. These
mounts cannot be considered domesticated, but the
hobgoblins do know how to channel the creatures
aggression to work against the hobgoblins foes. In
this way, the mounts resemble the hobgoblins themselvesfar from tame, but tightly controlling their
behavior to achieve their goals.

Hobgoblin H istory
Hobgoblins have a great deal of reverence for the
history of their people, and hobgoblin loremasters
hold an honored place within the clans. Due to their
reliance on oral tradition, loremasters must have
exceptional memories and exemplary honor, because
any minor gloss or change could be passed down for
generations. At the same time, most hobgoblins distrust written histories: Who can be certain who wrote
them? This distrust has led to few histories being
written down by hobgoblins, thereby indirectly justifying their point of view.

According to the loremasters, the hobgoblins were

the first people from the natural world to cross into
the Feywild. The people there were fractious and
wild, attacking the hobgoblins scouts. The clan chiefs
realized that order would need to be imposed. The
next scouting parties were better protected, and they
focused on mapping out the corresponding sides of
fey crossings. As the attacks on the scouts dropped off
due to the improved defenses, the hobgoblin armies
massed on the other side of the fey crossings. The fey
creatures lack of interest in the natural world proved
to be their downfall when the hobgoblins invaded
simultaneously from a variety of positions. This was
the start of the hobgoblins Feywild empire.
The hobgoblins rule continued on for many generations, but the history grows vague during this era.
Stories speak of brother turning against sister, the
poisoned words of the fey whispered in their ears,
until finally the empire split apart. The loss of their
empire, along with the loss of face, continues to drive
the revulsion that most hobgoblins feel toward elves
and eladrin.
Since the fall of the empire, hobgoblins have
spread out throughout the natural world, though
some pockets still remain within the Feywild, fighting a guerrilla war against their foes. Every century
or two since that time, a leader has arisen from one
of the tribes, and this leader seeks to unite his or her
people and reclaim past glory. These attempts have
ended in failuresometimes the unity lasts as long
as a decade, but most such uprisings are put down
within a couple of years.

Hobgoblin S ociety
Hobgoblin society is organized into clans consisting
of several extended families. Loyalty to ones clan
comes first, then to the hobgoblin race, and then to
the goblinoid races, including goblins and bugbears.
That being said, much honor is accorded to those
who balance these obligations, or better still, bring

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Winning Races: Hobgoblins

them to a common purpose. Even their greatest
enemies cannot deny that hobgoblins have considerable ability in training and leading armies against
their foes. These armies consist primarily of their
goblin and bugbear cousins, as well as the hobgoblin officer corps and heavy cavalry, but on occasion
include other races. Kobolds, ogres, and even bands of
humans have all been part of hobgoblin armies.
From an early age, young hobgoblins are encouraged to determine their greatest strengths, and then
make use of them. Although their society places more
value on some kinds of jobs than others, its better to
do a less honored job well than to be merely mediocre
at a more honored job. Those professions involved in
producingfarming, mining, and the likegarner the
least respect, and those involved in creating somethingsmithing, building, and so forthgain more.
The most honored professions are those relating to
war and territorial expansion, so while a silversmith
is respected, an armorer is revered. This means that
most political leaders have been involved in the military, and no noble is separate from the other classes.
Although the children of great leaders are more likely
to have the opportunity to distinguish themselves
(and thereby rise to the nobility themselves), such
honor is by no means guaranteedit must be earned.
Slavery is a fact of life in most hobgoblin societies, and many clans have at least a small number
of slaves. Some of the people and other creatures
that outsiders see as hobgoblin slaves are actually
indentured servants, serving out ten- and twentyyear terms. This practice is not done out of kindness.
Rather, hobgoblins have found that most slaves
provide poorer labor when they have no hope of freedom, and such slaves are also much more likely to try
to escape or revolt. By giving their laborers a chance
to earn their freedom earlier through good behavior,
the hobgoblins see substantially better results and
have cut down on slave revolts considerably. Indeed,
they encourage servants to inform their masters of

any revolts or escapes being planned in exchange for

a reduction in their terms. In this way, they breed distrust, greatly reducing the likelihood of a large-scale
slave uprising.
Hobgoblins lives revolve around two kinds of
honor, though honor is a poor translation from the
original Goblin, which actually encompasses two
words. Atcha is honor obtained through glorious
deeds, such as the subjugation of new lands or the
development of powerful new magic weapons and
armor. Muut is honor obtained through doing ones
duty well, whatever that duty is. Young hobgoblins
focus on atcha when they jostle for rank among their
peers, and this is encouraged to some degree by their
parents and clan elders. But a common saying states
that A blade without a hilt cuts its wielder: a warning to those who seek atcha at the expense of muut
that their failings will catch up with them one day.

A dventurers
Despite the strong pressure to conform within hobgoblin society, some hobgoblins rebel and leave their
families and clans. Others are banished for a perceived weakness or personal failing, and still others
believe that they will find atcha more easily by seeking out new lands alone. Even though they have left
their society, their society never truly leaves them.
These hobgoblins often seek to replace the void left by
the loss of clan by bringing together a band of fellows.

Hobgoblins love for history and tales of martial
combat lends itself to making them exceptional bards
and skalds. Their words serve a key role in uniting
goblin and bugbear tribes as parts of a hobgoblinled army. Their words are not the only things others
should fear, however, because their fighting style

draws upon all the greatest warriors in hobgoblin


Psionic powers are no more common among hobgoblins than they are in most other races. Hobgoblins
who awaken their psionic potential and channel their
wilder sides make excellent battleminds. Training
with shields and heavier armor serves them well as
they draw attackers away from vulnerable allies.

Although hobgoblins do not make great outward
signs of faith as dwarves and elves do, their piety for
their dark gods runs deep. The greatest reverence is
expressed by those who draw upon the darkness of
their own souls to weaken and overwhelm their foes.
These blackguards have iron control of their own
minds and bodies but sow the seeds of discord while
they fight, turning ally against ally and kin against

The image of hobgoblin as warlord has been
ingrained in the minds of civilized races after countless incursions. Whether they choose to focus on
their tactical acumen or to inspire their comrades
to fight all the harder, hobgoblins excel in leading at
every level from small four- or five-person units all
the way up to an army. Perhaps their greatest skill on
the battlefield is ensuring that everyone maintains
the proper position to gain the maximum tactical
advantage. Few sights inspire such fear as ordered
ranks of hobgoblins and their allies marching in perfect unison.

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Winning Races: Hobgoblins

Roleplaying a

Hobgoblin Feats

When creating a hobgoblin adventurer, here are a

few points to consider.
The lone wolf starves, but the pack feasts. You
know that a single person going up against any real
threat faces a grave disadvantage. After all, in a fair
fight, youre just as likely to lose as to win. By joining a group, or better still, organizing one yourself,
you become more capable of achieving your goals.
Its your duty to ensure that the party is prepared for
battle and to know what each member is capable of.
The end can justify the means. Its not always
pleasant, but you will do what it takes to get the job
done. This isnt an excuse for cruelty without purpose.
When the situation is grim and someone has to make
the hard choice, youre the leader who steps forward
and makes it. Let others keep their consciences clean.
Youre keeping them alive.
Honor extends both ways. When you pledge
yourself to follow anothers banner, it is your duty
to obey all orders to the best of your ability. When
others pledge themselves to you, it is your duty to provide for them and use them to their best potential.
These duties do not require mindless devotion from
followers; honest opposition has its time and place.
The people and the leader must work as one.

Goblinoid Mount Training

Hobgoblin Characteristics: Brusque, courageous, disciplined, inspiring, meticulous, militaristic,

pragmatic, proud, unforgiving
Hobgoblin Male Names: Dagii, Drazen, Galtai,
Haruuc, Oaan, Rhaano
Hobgoblin Female Names: Bauchana, Ekhaas,
Hobgoblin Clan Names: Dar Kuun, Felmarsh,
Naan Ven, Taikhaal, Vrataash

These feats enhance the capabilities of hobgoblins.

None doubt the goblinoids ability to form tight bonds

with mounts.
Prerequisite: Goblin or hobgoblin
Benefit: When you ride a friendly mount, the
creature can use your defenses in place of its own (not
including any temporary bonuses or penalties).
In addition, the mount can make Acrobatics,
Athletics, Endurance, or Stealth checks using your
modifier (not including any temporary bonuses or
penalties) in place of its own.

Hobgoblin Beast
Your ability to brush aside effects that would harm
you extends to your companion animal.
Prerequisite: Hobgoblin, ranger, Beast Companion class feature, hobgoblin discipline racial power
Benefit: When you use hobgoblin discipline and
your beast companion is adjacent to you, you can also
end one effect a save can end affecting your beast
In addition, your beast companion gains a +1 feat
bonus to all defenses while it is adjacent to you.

Hobgoblin Phalanx Soldier

Hobgoblins favor the phalanx formation above all
others. Wielding spear and shield, hobgoblins can
protect themselves and their neighbors while marching forward to impale their enemies.
Prerequisite: Strength 13, hobgoblin
Benefit: You gain proficiency with all shields.
In addition, you ignore the check penalty for wearing a shield.

Hobgoblin Weapon Training

The focus on mastery at arms, warfare, and conquest
gives hobgoblins ample opportunity to hone their
weapon skills. Of all the various weapons hobgoblins
use, flails and spears are the most common.
Prerequisite: Hobgoblin
Benefit: You gain proficiency with all flails and
In addition, you gain a +2 feat bonus to the
damage rolls of weapon attacks that you make using
flails and spears. This bonus increases to +3 at 11th
level and +4 at 21st level.

Phalanx Advance
On the battlefield, hobgoblin bards beat drums and
bark chants to help soldiers march at the same pace
and maintain their formations.
Prerequisite: Hobgoblin, bard, Virtue of Valor
class feature
Benefit: When you use your Virtue of Valor class
feature, you and each ally adjacent to you can shift 1
square as a free action. Your allies must end the shift
in a square adjacent to you.

Warcaster Tactics
Hobgoblin warcasters employ magical attacks to
destroy and scatter their enemies. A warcasters
destructive spells sometimes cause casualties among
allied soldiers. You learn better control over your
magic and can bend its effects away from an ally.
Prerequisite: Hobgoblin, any arcane class
Benefit: You can omit one square adjacent to you
from the area of effect of any arcane close blast or
burst power you use.

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Winning Races: Hobgoblins

Warriors Sacrifice

Hold Formation

Superior Discipline

Hobgoblin warriors eat together, rest together, fight

together, and die together. A shout and a shove is
enough to remind their fellow warriors of the cause
for which they fight.
Prerequisite: Hobgoblin, hobgoblin discipline racial
Benefit: As a free action on your turn, you can
expend your hobgoblin discipline power to allow an ally
adjacent to you to make a saving throw.

Any break in the battle lines can turn a fight into a

rout. You know to hold firm your resolve and keep
your position no matter what.

A hardy and determined people, some hobgoblins

strengthen their internal discipline even further.

Hobgoblin Utility
When your hobgoblin character gains a class utility
power after 1st level, you can forgo taking a power
granted to you by your class. Instead, you gain a hobgoblin utility power of the same level or lower.

Rousing Battle Cry

You shout with the authority gained from your battle
experience, ensuring allies regain their feet and
defend themselves when enemies attack.

Rousing Battle Cry

Hobgoblin Utility 2

You loose a stirring shout that rouses injured allies to fight

once more.
Minor Action
Close burst 3
Target: Each ally in the burst
Effect: The target gains 5 temporary hit points. If the
target is asleep, it wakens. If the target is prone, it can
stand up as a free action.

Hold Formation

Hobgoblin Utility 6

When a foe tries to move you from your position, you brace
yourself to keep the battle line intact.
Immediate Interrupt Personal
Trigger: An enemys attack pushes, pulls, or slides you.
Effect: The forced movement does not affect you, and
you gain combat advantage against the triggering enemy until the end of your next turn.

Plug the Gap

Veteran hobgoblins know the best way to defeat their
enemies is to control their movement. You spring into
motion when an enemy tries to escape.

Plug the Gap

Hobgoblin Utility 10

When a foe tries to escape, you move to intercept it or block

its path.
Immediate Interrupt Personal
Trigger: An enemy within 3 squares of you moves
without shifting.
Effect: You shift up to 3 squares to a square adjacent to
the triggering enemy. You then mark that enemy until
the end of your next turn.

Superior Discipline

Hobgoblin Utility 16

Calling upon your extensive experience in battle, you improve

your ability to fight on through hardship.
No Action
Trigger: You use hobgoblin discipline.
Effect: You regain the use of hobgoblin discipline.

Tactical Deployment
You have seen hundreds of battlefields. Each has
taught you the value of quickly moving yourself and
your allies to better positions.

Tactical Deployment

Hobgoblin Utility 22

You shout orders and gesture to your allies, sparking them to

move to a more advantageous position.
Move Action
Close burst 5
Target: Each ally in the burst
Effect: The target can shift up to half its speed.

About the Author

Jim Auwaerter is the author of several D&D Insider articles,

including Monk Basics and Bazaar of the Bizarre: From
the Attic of Alluvius Ruskin. He would like to thank Don
Bassingthwaite for his excellent portrayal of hobgoblin culture in the Legacy of Dhakaan trilogy. Raat shan gathkai dor.

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By Rodney Thompson
Illustrations by Eric Belisle, Ben Wootten, and UDON
Assassins embrace shadow magic and pledge a shard of their souls to
the Shadowfell to gain their power. By replacing a fundamental part
of themselves with a dark ref lection, they can manifest that piece of
shadow to accomplish incredible things. The infusion of shadow magic
allows assassins to identify weak points in an opponents defenses so
that with a few moments of study they can reduce the stoutest enemies
to corpses.
An assassin usually keeps his or her profession a secret, since few trust
those who regularly deal in death. Assassins guilds provide some measure
of protection, especially in those regions where the study of shadow magic
and assassination as an art form are banned.
As an assassin, you are an outcast. You traded away a part of your soul
for the power of death, and only the most-loyal companions accept your
skills into their midst. Whatever drew you onto the assassins path, you
become a trained killer from whom few can escape unharmed.

The type of assassin you can create with this article is the executioner.

TM & 2010 Wizards of the Coast LLC. All rights reserved.

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E xecutioner
Martial and Shadow Striker: Your sense of timing, skill with weapons, and
ability to use the shadows as a weapon allow you to strike with lethal effect
against an unsuspecting foe. You even mix in some shadow magic when
Key Abilities: Dexterity, Charisma
Executioners are more than just assassins for hire. When someone wants to send
a message through an assassination, an executioner arranges the death in such a
way that the message is delivered with maximum effectiveness. This might mean
the quiet poisoning of a crooked
merchant to warn other merchants to
Executioner Traits
deal fairly, or it could be a public exeHit Points: You start with hit points
cution of a tyrannical noble, meant
equal to 12 + your Constitution score.
to frighten the leaders of an area
You gain 5 each time you gain a level.
into treating the common folk more
Bonuses to Defenses: +1 to Fortitude,
humanely. Though many execution+1 to Will
ers perform these deeds at the request
of a third party, others might do what
they do in order to accomplish personal goals related to battling evil or
enforcing justice.
Executioners rely on their effectiveness as both infiltrators and
assassins to get the job done. They
dabble in shadow magic, which lets
them walk through walls, create artificial shadows, and craft illusions to
hide their intrusion into secure areas.
They also master the art of poison
use, giving them the ability to strike at
enemies both directly and i ndirectly.
Adventuring executioners tend to
perform their assassinations in the
pursuit of the goals of their fellow
adventurers, using such killings

Healing Surges per Day: 7 + your Constitution modifier

Armor Proficiencies: Cloth, leather
Weapon Proficiencies: Simple onehanded melee, military one-handed
melee, garrote, simple ranged, blowgun, bola, shortbow
Implement Proficiencies: Ki focuses
Class Skills: Acrobatics (Dex), Arcana
(Int), Athletics (Str), Bluff (Cha),
Endurance (Con), Insight (Wis),
Intimidate (Cha), Perception (Wis),
Stealth (Dex), Streetwise (Cha),
Thievery (Dex)
Trained Skills: Stealth, plus four more
from the list of class skills

to influence the partys allies and enemies. An executioner stands as a capable

warrior, even when not performing an assassination. This quality makes the executioner an invaluable member of an adventuring party that frequently finds itself
immersed in conflict.

Creating an E xecutioner
This section walks you through the steps of creating an executioner. As you make
choices at each step, consider how those choices relate to your characters personality, history, and goals.
Consult the three class tables, one for each tier of play, for a summary of what
you gain as you advance in level.

Assassins Guild
When you create your assassin, you must choose which guild you belong to. The
executioner assassin has a choice between the Red Scales and the League of Whispers, though your Dungeon Master might substitute his or her own guild names and
descriptions for these. Your choice of guild determines some of your weapon proficiencies and the kinds of special attack techniques you learn throughout your career.

Red Scales This order of assassins works to keep society in balance. If

any organization grows too powerful, too corrupt, too wealthy, or too vile, the
Red Scales weigh and measure the members of that organization and then collect a payment that they are owed in blood. Though one might call the Red Scales
idealists, none can say what truly drives them. Rumors abound that this guilds
Grandfather of Assassins is touched by some planar entity. They say that his eyes
are orbs of golden fire, a feature he gained, along with his new policies, only after
he returned from a journey to the distant East.
League of Whispers The very existence of this guild of executioners is often dismissed as myth or urban legend. The League of Whispers keeps its
membership a secret. Although individual members might be known as assassins,
their association with the guild is rarely more than a matter of speculation for
nonmembers. The league keeps its existence a mystery by executing anyone who
discovers the truth. The order holds secret meetings once every full moon, where
the members converge to discuss jobs, trade secrets and tricks, and receive orders
from their Grandfather of Assassins.

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Choose your race. Drow, human, and revenant make good choices for an

Drow Perhaps no race is better suited for the role of executioner than the
drow. Not only do the drows racial bonuses to Dexterity and Charisma match
the executioners ability score preferences, the races cloud of darkness power is
extremely useful in sowing confusion, providing cover, and warding off interference. Additionally, the drow racial bonuses to Intimidate and Stealth can provide
the executioner with the ability to bully people out of his or her way or to avoid
them entirely.
As a drow assassin, you can let your experience in the Underdark guide the way
in which you perform your duties. You might prefer to stick to the shadows, leaving public assassinations to others. You might work only at night, giving you an
advantage over the surface-dwelling races that are all but blinded by the darkness.
Furthermore, you probably have some experience in the cutthroat world of drow
politics, so you might tend to seek out targets who have significant political strength
or whose death could serve as the trigger for a significant shift in political power.
Drow assassins often worship the Raven Queen, the god of fate and death. Executioners directly serve the Raven Queen every time they perform an assassination
by sending another soul into her domain. Many even believe that they are the
Raven Queens weapons in the world and that she moves them around like playing
pieces on a game board. Other drow executioners worship Sehanine for her connection to the moon and night, the time when executioners flourish.
Human Human executioners are among the most common assassins in
existence, both because of the sheer number of humans in the world as well as
the versatility that humans display (a trait executioners need in order to succeed
and survive). Use the races ability score bonus to boost Dexterity. The extra skill is
useful for expanding the scope of your talents; training in Bluff might get you past
gate guards, or Thievery might disable traps on the magistrates windows.
When you play a human executioner, consider how your races penchant for versatility and ambition played into your decision to become an assassin. Perhaps you
were recruited at a young age, an orphan snatched off the street by a guild of assassins and given training in a wide variety of weapons and assassination techniques.
Alternatively, you might have been a simple thug who dabbled in shadow magic or

the use of poisons before you

were wooed into an assassins
guild with promises of wealth
and power. Maybe you simply
saw a way to put your talent for
killing to good use and began
advancing through the ranks
of your assassins guild with
your eyes set on the
position of Grandfather Assassin.
Human executioners
are usually adherents of
the Raven Queen, guided
to do her bidding through
the touch of shadow
magic they possess.
Some human executioners worship Erathis,
particularly her aspect
of civilization; these
rare individuals turn
their weapons on
any that threaten the
strength of a civilization, such as insurgents
and rebels who try to
break the bonds of society.

Revenant Revenants
have the combination of
implacability and physical
prowess needed to flourish as executioners.
To accomplish
whatever task
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returned the revenant to life, the skills and powers of an executioner might be just
the edge required to get the job done. The touch of shadow already inherent within
the revenants returned form blends and combines perfectly with the shadow
magic employed by the executioner.
Revenants most often follow the Raven Queen, because the Lady of Fate is often
the source of their return to the natural world. Whether willingly or unwillingly,
a revenant must complete the tasks set before him or her by the Raven Queen, for
the goals of death cannot be long denied.

Ability Scores
Determine your ability scores, remembering that an executioner is best served by a
superior Dexterity score. You use Dexterity to make your weapon attacks; a steady
hand and quick reflexes help you exploit an enemys weaknesses. Because you rely
on stealth to evade guards and other obstacles, you also need a good Dexterity to
boost your Armor Class and skill checks.
Charisma helps you deceive and distract your foes, so you also want to have a
high score in this ability. The Bluff and Streetwise skills in particular can be crucial when you must throw an enemy off your trail.
You increase two ability scores of your choice by 1 each when you reach certain levels: 4th, 8th, 14th, 18th, 24th, and 28th. In addition, all your ability scores
increase by 1 at 11th and 21st levels.
Your other ability scores can help shape your characters background and
interests. If you have a solid Strength score, you are likely the kind of assassin who
leaps from rooftop to rooftop, clambers over walls, and uses physical ability to get
close to your foes. If you have a good Wisdom score, you might instead be a more
thoughtful and studious executioner, one who likes to spend hours and days studying a target before striking with lethal precision.

At 1st level, you have training in Stealth. In addition, you choose four more trained
skills from the following list of class skills: Acrobatics, Arcana, Athletics, Bluff,
Endurance, Insight, Intimidate, Perception, Streetwise, and Thievery.
For an executioner, each skill represents a tool that can be used when the
time is right. Executioners have many different skill needs, depending on the situation. Sometimes they need to be secretive and silent, while at other times they
need to be cunning and street smart. It benefits an executioner to have a wide

range of skills so that any situation can be dealt with swiftly without disrupting
the plan.
Your skills help describe your preferred assassination methods. An executioner
who has training in Acrobatics and Athletics might have spent his formative years
dashing across rooftops and might now specialize in second-story intrusions and
assassinations in a targets lair. Alternatively, an executioner with training in Bluff
and Streetwise might be a master of blending in. Such assassins spend years learning the mannerisms and habits of a variety of different cultures so that they can
range far and wide in the pursuit of a target.

Class Features and Powers

Note which class features and powers you gain at 1st level, as specified on the
Executioner Heroic Tier table on page 6.
For your guild attacks, decide whether you want to fight with melee or ranged
weapons. If you want to fight close up and personal, choose Red Scales and the
powers associated with that guild. If you want to attack from a distance, select
League of Whispers and the powers connected to that guild. You also have a choice
of two types of poison that you are familiar with.

Choose one feat at 1st level. You gain an additional feat at every even-numbered
level, plus a feat at 11th and 21st levels.
Feats from the quick reaction category are a good choice for ref lecting the
executioners ability to react and move quickly in any unexpected situation.
Similarly, feats from the weapon training category can give the assassin an edge
in combat. Assassins prefer melee weapons and those that can be easily used at
close range, where they are most effective. Because executioners can use shields,
consider taking the expertise feat that applies to a one-handed weapon, such as a
dagger (light blades). The Master at Arms feat is also a great choice if you plan to
use multiple weapons.
Additionally, many executioners spend a great deal of time studying and practicing their abilities. Consider taking feats from the learning and lore category,
particularly those that enhance Athletics, Bluff, and Stealth, all of which can be
extremely useful to executioners.

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Superior melee weapons

You have proficiency with the following types of armor: cloth and leather. You
can also use light shields. You have proficiency with the following weapons and
weapon types: simple one-handed melee, military one-handed melee, garrote,
simple ranged, blowgun, bola, shortbow.
You have 100 gp to buy your starting equipment. Begin by purchasing a poisoners kit, which you will need to create the poisons you use. Next, buy a suit of
leather armor, a light shield, and a one-handed weapon. A dagger is a good choice
for a melee weapon because it is small, easy to conceal, and lightweight. A spear is
also a good choice for an executioner who does not need to hide his weapon, since
its larger damage die will make you a bit more dangerous. Likewise, be sure to purchase the weapons associated with your guild attacks.
You also want a ki focus, an item through which you channel shadow magic.
Once you have a magic ki focus, you will be able to confer its enhancement bonus
to your arsenal of weapons.

Assassin Tools

All assassins have certain tools of their trade that they specialize in. Described
below are three weapons and a new item of gear for use with the executioner.
Blowgun: This long, tubular weapon is used by blowing on one end. It can
launch darts and other agents.
Bola: Consisting of two or three weighted spheres connected by cord, bolas
tangle up opponents, but the spheres are also strong enough to inflict injuries.
Garrote: This strangling tool is a length of wire or knotted rope with handles
at either end.
Poisoners Kit: A poisoners kit is an essential part of the assassins repertoire. It contains the base components and tools needed to craft poisons. Cost
10 gp; weight 1 lb.



Prof. Damage Range

Price Weight Prop. Group

1 gp
1 lb.
HC, S Garrote
*The only attacks that you can make with a garrote are ones that require or allow its
use. Also, if you are holding a garrote in both hands, you can use the grab action even
without a hand free. If the grab hits, the target takes 1[W] damage from the garrote.

superior ranged weapons




Damage Range

5 gp

Weight Prop.
2 lb. LT



Damage Range

5 gp

Weight Prop.
2 lb. LM, S




Defenses and Hit Points

Calculate your defenses using your ability modifiers and the bonus for your characters armor and shield. In addition, you gain a +1 bonus to Fortitude and a +1
bonus to Will.
You start with hit points equal to 12 + your Constitution score. You gain 5 hit
points each time you gain a level. You have a number of healing surges per day
equal to 7 + your Constitution modifier.

Alignment and Final Details

At this point, you should have all the mechanical details of your character determined. There are a few more decisions to make.
Pick an alignment, which represents a basic outlook on the world that helps
shape how your character acts. Do you execute only those who are perpetrating
evil on the world? If so, lawful good or good is the best match for your character. If
you perform executions only to serve your own needs and wants, then unaligned is
a good choice.
Finally, check with your DM to see where you are from in the campaign setting,
the people you already know, and what your current situation is. It also helps to
spend a few minutes working out how or if you know the other players characters.

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Heroic E xecutioner
As your career begins, you work on the basic skills that allow you to evade notice
and deliver killing strikes. Although you might begin by assassinating goblin chiefs
and orc warlords, the abilities you develop in the heroic tier set the stage for far
greater accomplishments.

Executioner Heroic Tier

XP Level
Class Features and Powers

Versatile Defense

Attack Finesse

Guild Attacks

Assassins strike

Quick Swap

Poison Use

+1 Utility power


Death Attack

Ability score increase
Nimble Drop


Improved Poison Use

+1 Utility power

Hidden stab

Ability score increase

Flawless Disguise


Improved Poison Use
+1 Utility power

Level 1: Versatile Defense

Ever watchful, an executioner practices techniques for staying alive. You have
learned a mode of defense tailored to your fighting style.
Benefit: You choose a bonus feat, either Shield Proficiency: Light or TwoWeapon Defense. You dont have to meet the feats prerequisite.

Level 1: Attack Finesse

For the executioner, speed, agility, and precision are more important than muscle.
An executioner learns how to handle any weapon with a finesse that lends itself to
more accurate strikes.
Benefit: You can use Dexterity instead of Strength for your melee basic attacks.
In addition, once per turn you can deal 1d8 extra damage with a weapon attack
using a one-handed weapon, a garrote, a blowgun, or a shortbow. The extra damage
increases to 2d8 at 11th level and 3d8 at 21st level.

Level 1: Guild Attacks

As a member of either the Red Scales or the League of Whispers, you have learned
various deadly attack techniques. At the start of your career, you can use the techniques associated with your guild.

Red Scales
The Red Scales are considered by many to be the masters of close-quarters combat.
The techniques that their guild members learn combine decades of study of both
martial arts and common assassination techniques, giving them an edge when
they are unarmed, wielding a dagger, or using a garrote.
Benefit: You gain the powers garrote strangle, poisoned dagger, and quick lunge.

Garrote Strangle The garrote is a favorite weapon for silent executions. It

gives the assassin a silent and efficient weapon for use on the unsuspecting. Though
it is difficult to use a garrote on someone who is aware of its presence, assassins have
been known to lie in wait for just the right moment when their target wanders too
close, then reach out to strangle the target before he or she can react.

Basic Attacks

As an assassin, you make most of your attacks using basic attacks. Your guild
attacks and poisons are more situational, giving you a diverse array of tools
in battle.

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Garrote Strangle

Assassin Attack

Quick Lunge

Assassin Attack

You wait for the perfect moment when your foe is within reach, then strangle it with your garrote.

You lunge forward quickly, upending your foe with a kick and a thrust of your weapon.

At-Will F Martial, Weapon

Standard Action Melee weapon
Requirement: You must use this power with a garrote.
Effect: You shift up to 2 squares before the attack.
Target: One creature you are hidden from
Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex
Hit: 2[W] + Dexterity modifier damage, and the target is grabbed until the end of your
next turn. While the grab persists, the target takes a 2 penalty to attack rolls against
you and cannot speak, and you cannot make other attacks.
Level 21: 4[W] + Dexterity modifier damage.
Sustain Standard: The grab persists, and the target takes 2[W] + your Dexterity modifier
Level 21: 4[W] + Dexterity modifier damage.

At-Will F Martial, Weapon

Standard Action Melee 1
Effect: You shift 1 square before the attack.
Target: One creature
Attack: Dexterity vs. AC
Hit: 1[W] damage, and you knock the target prone. You can then shift 1 square back to
your starting position.
Level 21: 2[W] damage.

Poisoned Dagger The daggers narrow blade excels at piercing armor

and slipping through gaps in defenses, making it a good candidate for delivering
poisons. Since only a slight nick is required to administer a poison, many assassins
carry daggers for just this purpose, even when using some other weapon as their
primary one.

Poisoned Dagger

Assassin Attack

Your piercing blade delivers poisons quickly and cleanly, making them difficult to shake off.
At-Will F Martial, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Requirement: You must use this power with a dagger.
Target: One creature
Attack: Dexterity vs. AC
Hit: 1[W] + Dexterity modifier damage. If you deliver an assassin poison with this attack,
the target takes a 4 penalty to its first saving throw, if any, against the poisons effect.
Level 21: 2[W] + Dexterity modifier damage.
Effect: If the dagger has an assassin poison on it that is normally delivered on a hit, you
can deliver that poison to the target even if the attack misses.

Quick Lunge You focus some of your training on the speed of your movements in combat. This particular attack technique allows you to lash out quickly
at an enemy that believes itself to be out of your reach. You can not only attack a
quarry that would normally be protected by an intervening bodyguard, but you
can also upend a foe to prevent its retreat.

League of Whispers
Members of the League of Whispers specialize in the use of a variety of ranged
weapons. This training allows them to perform special tricks that can help them
execute a target or escape the local authorities. League members undergo training
with bolas, hand crossbows, and blowguns to give them an edge against enemies
both near and far. Like other executioners, members of the League are trained in
the use of multiple weapons and usually carry a variety of weapons with which
they are skilled.
Benefit: You gain the powers bola takedown, precision dart, and quick shot.

Bola Takedown The proper application of bolas can bring down even
the most nimble of enemies. Executioners frequently use bolas to keep their targets from escaping, since most creatures tend to flee from their killers on sight.
However, this particular technique, which uses a specialized throwing motion to
ensure maximum extension of the weapon, is also sometimes used to trip up pursuit when fleeing from the scene of an execution.
Bola Takedown

Assassin Attack

You whirl your bola over your head and take careful aim before hurling it at a foes legs.
At-Will F Martial, Weapon
Standard Action Ranged weapon
Requirement: You must use this power with a bola.
Target: One creature
Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex
Hit: 1[W] damage, and the target falls prone.
Level 21: 2[W] damage.

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Precision Dart Though one of the weaker weapons in the executioners

Level 1: Assassins Strike

repertoire, the blowgun is an excellent tool for ensuring that a poison is delivered
directly to an opponent and not turned aside by armor that can deflect a dagger.
This technique gives you pinpoint accuracy with the blowgun. A well-placed dart
can even be lethal to weaker foes if it punctures a vital area.

The heart of the executioners ability to take down a foe is the assassins strike technique. An executioner often has only one chance to eliminate an enemy. Once the
element of surprise is lost, bodyguards (or even targets themselves, if capable) can
interfere with the mission, leaving the target regretfully alive. This powerful technique represents the intersection of the assassins knowledge of vital areas of the
body, extreme mastery of weapons, and ability to throw everything he has into a
single formidable attack. The executioner must wait for the exact right moment to
strike, but when he does, this attack can slay a target instantly.
Benefit: You gain the assassins strike power.

Precision Dart

Assassin Attack

The poisoned dart flies from your blowgun with unerring accuracy.
At-Will F Martial, Weapon
Standard Action Ranged weapon
Requirement: You must use this power with a blowgun.
Target: One creature
Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex
Hit: 1[W] + Dexterity modifier damage. If you deliver an assassin poison with this attack,
the target takes a 4 penalty to its first saving throw, if any, against the poisons effect.
Level 21: 2[W] + Dexterity modifier damage.
Effect: If the ammunition has an assassin poison on it that is normally delivered on a hit,
you can deliver that poison to the target even if the attack misses.

Quick Shot The hand crossbow is one of the great equalizers when it
comes to lethal ranged combat. Executioners often prefer to perform most of their
assassinations up close, which can sometimes bring the assassin too close to other
enemies. This particular quick-fire technique uses the hand crossbow to surprise
and stagger nearby enemies long enough for the executioner to escape.

Quick Shot

Assassin Attack

You loose a quick bolt from your crossbow, thereby creating a momentary opening for your escape.
At-Will F Martial, Weapon
Standard Action Ranged 1
Requirement: You must use this power with a hand crossbow.
Target: One creature
Attack: Dexterity vs. AC
Hit: 1[W] + Dexterity modifier damage.
Level 21: 2[W] + Dexterity modifier damage.
Effect: You shift up to 2 squares.
Special: Using this power doesnt provoke opportunity attacks.

Assassins Strike

Assassin Attack

You strike with precision at the exact right moment, landing an attack that can be instantly fatal.
Encounter F Martial
No Action
Trigger: You hit a creature within 5 squares of you with an attack using a weapon.
Target: The creature you hit
Effect: The target takes 1d10 extra damage from the triggering attack. If the target is
helpless, this damage is maximized.
Level 3: 2d10 extra damage.
Level 7: 3d10 extra damage.
Level 13: 4d10 extra damage.
Level 17: 5d10 extra damage.
Level 23: 6d10 extra damage.
Level 27: 7d10 extra damage.
Special: Nothing but a short or an extended rest can allow you to regain the use
of this power.

Level 1: Quick Swap

Your weapons are extensions of your body. When you are changing your focus
from nearby foes to distant enemies, you can switch between your melee and
ranged weapons with ease.
Benefit: Once during each of your turns, you can draw or stow a weapon as a
free action instead of a minor action,

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Level 1: Poison Use

Carrion Crawler Brain Juice Carrion crawler brain juice is exactly

Executioners have a long history with poison. All become masters at mixing their
own poisons. For most assassins, poison is only one of their many weapons. Most
of the poisons used by executioners are merely the set-up for a later attack, a precursor to ensure that the target wont be able to stop the executioner once the
assassination attempt begins in earnest.
Many poisons are outlawed in civilized realms, so executioners learn to craft
simple, unstable venoms that quickly break down into inert components. In this
manner, an assassin can travel with a seemingly innocent array of materials. When
it is time to strike, the executioner quickly crafts a poison as needed. Because
the poison is unstable, it decays rapidly and leaves no incriminating evidence if
unused. A shrewd executioner can maintain an innocent facade even in the face of
a thorough search of his or her person and quarters.
Benefit: You learn the recipes for two 1st-level assassin poisons of your choice.
During an extended rest, you can prepare one vial of a 1st-level assassin poison.
You must know the poisons recipe and have a poisoners kit. The vial contains a single use of the poison, which expires if it isnt used before the start of
your next extended rest. An item can benefit from the effects of only one assassin poison at a time.
Only you can use your assassin poisons, and you are immune to the effects of
the ones you create.

what its name claims: a poison derived from the brains of vicious carrion crawlers,
which makes it a difficult substance to harvest. Carrion crawler brain juice makes
the body of the target sluggish as the poison attacks muscles and essential tissues
that help the body move. Longer exposure to brain juice causes a form of paralysis
that makes it impossible for the victim to move a significant distance.

Bloodroot Poison The poison created from the oil of the bloodroot
plant causes a temporary fever and weakening of the body. Bloodroot (named for
the deep crimson color of the root) is a relatively common plant often mistaken for
other, harmless plants that grow nearby. The poison is favored by assassins who
seek to knock an enemy off balance and disorient it before the lethal strike.

Bloodroot Poison

Level 1

This crimson liquid causes fever and disorientation.

Assassin Poison
Power (Consumable F Poison): Minor Action. You apply the poison to your melee
weapon or one piece of your ammunition. During this encounter, the next creature you
hit with a weapon attack using the poisoned item takes 6 extra poison damage, and it
is dazed (save ends).
Power (Consumable F Poison): Minor Action. You pour the poison into a drink or onto
a plate of food. The first creature to consume the food or drink within the next hour is
dazed until the end of its next extended rest.

Carrion Crawler Brain Juice

Level 1

Purple, oily carrion crawler brain juice can cause sluggishness and paralysis.
Assassin Poison
Power (Consumable F Poison): Minor Action. You apply the poison to your melee
weapon or five pieces of your ammunition. Until the end of the encounter, whenever
you hit a creature with a weapon attack using the poisoned item, the target takes 4
extra poison damage, and it is slowed until the end of your next turn.
Power (Consumable F Poison): Minor Action. You apply the poison to a single handheld
object. Within the next hour, the first creature other than you to hold or wear the object
for more than 1 minute is immobilized until the end of its next extended rest.

Greenblood Oil Named for its color and thickness, greenblood oil is a
viscous poison derived from poisonous plants that grow deep in primeval forests.
This combination of oils from several different sources has medicinal uses: It
breaks up dangerous blood clots and can be used to help drain infections from the
body. Assassins, however, use greenblood oil to make it more difficult for the body
to heal. This poison is often used to make a target more vulnerable to harm rather
than by harming directly. For example, an assassin might pour greenblood oil over
a targets food early in the day before performing a very public assassination, to
ensure that the victim cannot be magically healed once the attack takes place.
Greenblood Oil

Level 1

This thick, green oil has the consistency of blood and makes enemies more susceptible to
grievous injuries.
Assassin Poison
Power (Consumable F Poison): Minor Action. You apply the poison to your melee
weapon or one piece of your ammunition. During this encounter, the next enemy you
hit with a weapon attack using the poisoned item takes 10 extra poison damage, and
it cannot regain hit points (save ends).
Power (Consumable F Poison): Minor Action. You pour the poison into a drink or onto a
plate of food. The first creature to consume the food or drink within the next hour takes
a 4 penalty to saving throws and cannot regain hit points until the end of its next
extended rest.

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Id Moss Powder Id moss grows primarily in caves and crevasses in the
earth, particularly in places where the sun never reaches. Most forest-dwelling
people know to avoid consuming id moss even in desperate situations, because
the moss causes mental trauma and eventually insanity. When crushed into a
fine powder, id moss powder can be inhaled, allowing it to attack the mind more

Id Moss Powder

Level 1

This green powder causes mental anguish and eventually insanity.

Assassin Poison
Power (Consumable F Implement, Poison, Psychic): Standard Action. Effect: You make
the following attack.
Ranged 5
Target: One creature
Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d10 + Dexterity modifier poison damage, and ongoing 5 psychic damage (save
Each Failed Saving Throw: The target makes a basic attack as a free action against its
nearest ally.
Miss: Half damage, and ongoing 5 psychic damage (save ends).
Special: If the DM allows it, a creature reduced to 0 hit points by this poison is not
killed, but is instead driven permanently insane.
Power (Consumable): Standard Action. You place the poison in a closed container, such
as a chest or a jewelry box. Make the attack above against the first creature to open
the container within the next hour.

Nitharit Poison One of the few slow-acting poisons in the assassins repertoire, nitharit poison gradually breaks down a creatures natural defenses against
toxins and eventually turns those defenses against the poisoned creature. Nitharit
poison is often used as a precursor to weaken a target before a second poisoning
assault. For example, an assassin might put nitharit poison in a magistrates wine,
then later in the evening return to finish the job with a stronger poison once the
targets body is in no shape to fight it off.

Nitharit Poison

Level 1

This clear, odorless, tasteless liquid slowly turns a creatures natural defenses against poison
into a harmful weapon.
Assassin Poison
Power (Consumable F Poison): Minor Action. You apply the poison to your melee
weapon or five pieces of your ammunition. Until the end of the encounter, when
you hit a creature with a weapon attack using the poisoned item, the creature takes
ongoing 2 poison damage (save ends).
First Failed Saving Throw: The creature instead takes ongoing 5 poison damage
(save ends).
Power (Consumable F Poison): Minor Action. You apply the poison to a handheld object.
Within the next hour, the first creature other than you to hold or wear the object for
more than 1 minute gains vulnerable 5 poison and loses all poison immunity and
resistance until the end of its next extended rest.

special Poisons
Several of the poisons described here have special effects that begin with
If the DM allows it, a creature reduced to 0 hit points by this poison is not
killed, but . . .
These are discretionary effects in that they call for some interpretation
by the players and the DM. For example, id moss powder causes permanent
insanity. We dont define what that means; its up to you. You might decide
that the targets Intelligence and Wisdom scores drop to 1 with no hope of
recovery, or that it regains its former mental capacity but is forever twisted in
some psychotic way. Likewise, the extent of the visible scarring caused by ungol
dust is open to interpretation. Do the scars cover the victims whole body or
only its face? Do they affect Charisma?
All of this assumes, of course, that the assassin leaves the target alive at 0
hit points rather than just finishing it off.
If these poisons are ever used against fellow player characters, the DM
should consider allowing the permanent effects to be removed through
quests, long-lost rituals, or some other adventurous process.

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Ungol Dust Ungol dust is a black powder made of the crushed remains of
dried-up spiders and scorpions that is so fine that one errant breath can blow away
an entire dose. Most of those who craft this poison wear masks to ensure that they
do not accidentally disperseor inhalethe dust before packing it into small, easily
shattered pellets. When ungol dust comes into contact with flesh or other living
material, it becomes highly corrosive.

Ungol Dust

Level 1

This black powder dissolves organic material.

Assassin Poison
Power (Consumable F Acid, Implement, Poison): Standard Action. Effect: You make
the following attack.
Ranged 5
Target: One creature
Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex
Hit: 3d8 + Dexterity modifier poison damage, and ongoing 5 acid damage (save ends).
Miss: Half damage, and ongoing 5 acid damage (save ends).
Special: If the DM allows it, a creature reduced to 0 hit points by this poison is not
killed, but is instead knocked unconscious until the end of the encounter, and it is
permanently and visibly scarred.
Power (Consumable): Standard Action. You place the ungol dust in a closed container,
such as a chest or a jewelry box. Make the attack above against the first creature to
open the container within the next hour.

Level 2: Utility Power

Part of being an assassin is knowing which tool to use in any situation. Some executioners master the power of shadow magic early to gain a supernatural edge over
their targets. Others simply refine their natural skills, pushing themselves to peak
Benefit: You gain a 2nd-level assassin utility power of your choice.

Distracting Illusion Mastering the ability to weave shadow magic to

create illusions can be a useful skill for the assassin who wants to focus on subterfuge
and misdirection. The images created by distracting illusion wont fool anyone who
examines them closely or interacts with them. Instead, these illusions are meant to
cover up the assassins actions. For example, an assassin might create an illusion of
the guard that the assassin just killed, standing at his assigned post, in order to fool
observers into thinking the guard is still on duty. Alternatively, an assassin might lure

his or her quarry out into the open by creating an illusion of a trusted companion
beckoning the target urgently to where the assassin lurks in the shadows.

Distracting Illusion

Assassin Utility 2

The image of a creature flickers and then solidifies as you craft an illusion meant to cover your
dark deeds.
Encounter F Illusion, Shadow
Minor Action
Close burst 10
Effect: You create the illusion of a Medium creature of your choice in an unoccupied square
in the burst. The illusion is silent but moves and acts as though it was the creature it
appears to be. Creatures that closely examine the illusion can make an Insight check to
discover the illusion for what it really is. The check is opposed by a Bluff check that you
make when you create the illusion. The illusion lasts until the end of your next turn.
Sustain Minor: The illusion persists until the end of your next turn, and you can move it
up to 6 squares.

Silent Stalker You have learned to quiet your steps and keep your equipment from making noise. As soon as your enemies turn their backs on you, you can
approach quickly and quietly, using your enemys body to shield yourself from sight.
Silent Stalker

Assassin Utility 2

You pad quietly toward your victim, unseen and unheard.

At-Will F Martial
Move Action
Requirement: You must be hidden.
Effect: You move up to your speed to a square within 2 squares of an enemy. You remain
hidden until the end of this turn or until you make an attack.

Summon the Mists Summon the mists is a simple power that provides
rudimentary cover against observation. It allows you to call up a bank of fog that
rolls out from the shadows to conceal your actions. When used properly, it usually
draws little attention from observers because the fog appears to be perfectly natural even as it conceals dark deeds.

Summon the Mists

Assassin Utility 2

A thick fog rises around you.

Daily F Shadow, Zone
Minor Action
Close burst 5
Effect: The burst creates a zone of lightly obscured squares that lasts until the end of
the encounter.

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Level 3: Death Attack

Ghost of the Rooftops Streets and alleyways are filled with city

Executioners know how to ensure that the job gets done. You rarely leave your enemies on the brink of death and know how to drive your weapon just a little deeper
to turn a grave wound into a killing blow.
Benefit: When you hit an enemy with a melee or a ranged attack that deals
damage, you can choose to reduce the enemy to 0 hit points automatically if it has
10 hit points or fewer after the damage is dealt.

guards and other witnesses, so some executioners learn the art of dancing from
roof to roof with speed and precision. For such a character, clearing the distance
between buildings or scaling a palace wall is like taking a stroll around the corner.

Level 4: Ability Score Increase

Shadow is becoming so ingrained within you that it infuses your essential nature
and makes you more than you were before.
Benefit: You increase two ability scores of your choice by 1.

Level 4: Nimble Drop

Whether high on the rooftops or lurking along the edge of a cliff, you often find
yourself using hiding places that are perched upon great heights. You know how to
soften a fall so that you can leap into action from your lofty lair.
Benefit: When you take falling damage, you can take a free action to reduce the
damage by 6 + your level. If this reduces the damage to 0, you dont fall prone.

Level 5: Improved Poison Use

Your confidence in your skills as a maker of poisons grows, as does your speed in
doing so. Even when handling deadly toxins, your hand remains steady, and your
eye for mixtures gives you the ability to accomplish more in a short time.
Benefit: You learn the recipe for another 1st-level assassin poison of your
choice. During an extended rest, you can now prepare two vials of 1st-level assassin poison.

Level 6: Utility Power

You have learned to master a more advanced assassination technique, ranging
from improved skill in shadow magic to practical experience in staying out of sight.
Benefit: You gain a new assassin utility power of your level or lower.

Ghost of the Rooftops

Assassin Utility 6

Your skill at climbing and leaping allows you to move across the rooftops unhindered.
At-Will (Special) F Martial
Move Action
Effect: You climb or make a long jump, moving a number of squares up to your speed,
without making an Athletics check.
Special: You can use this power only once per round.

Darkness Not every execution can be performed with only your victim
present. Bodyguards, servants, and innocent bystanders sometimes interfere with
assassinations. Darkness allows you to sow confusion by creating an area of pure,
magical darkness that no light can penetrate. Those in the area of its effect cannot
see you performing your lethal task. Some executioners also use this power to
conceal their hiding places from outside observers; a well-placed darkness effect
can block the light of lamps and candles, making a room in an inn appear dark to
observers who might be hunting the assassin just outside the window.

Assassin Utility 6

A cloud of pure shadow expands from you, shrouding the area in darkness.
Daily F Shadow, Zone
Minor Action
Close burst 2
Effect: The burst creates a zone that lasts until the end of your next turn. To creatures
other than you, the zone is totally obscured and blocks line of sight.
Sustain Minor: The zone persists until the end of your next turn. You must be in the zone
to sustain it.

Vanish A quick escape is one of the most valued tools in your repertoire.
This power ensures that you can disappear without a trace, at least long enough
to retreat without being pursued. It envelops you in a cloak of invisibility, then
teleports you a short distance to make sure that your enemies are completely

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Assassin Utility 6

Without warning you disappear from the sight of all around you. By the time you reappear, you
are far from where you once stood.
Encounter F Shadow, Teleportation
Immediate Reaction
Trigger: You are hit by an attack.
Effect: You become invisible until the start of your next turn, and you teleport up to
your speed.

Level 7: Hidden Stab

An assassins target is not often easy prey. Assassins are usually tasked with taking
down enemies that have powerful spells, years of training, and extensive experience in avoiding assassination attempts. However, the most skilled assassins are
those who can land their devastating strikes on these powerful enemies, and most
successful assassins use this technique to catch a well-defended enemy off guard
and then land a killing blow.
Benefit: You gain the hidden stab power.

Hidden Stab

Assassin Attack

With a quick grab from behind, you cause your enemy to lower its defenses, allowing you to
land a deadly blow even as they struggle to break free.
At-Will F Martial, Weapon
Standard Action Melee 1
Requirement: You must have a hand free and use this power with a light blade.
Target: One creature
Attack: Dexterity vs. AC
Hit: 1[W] damage, and the target is grabbed until the end of your next turn. While the
grab persists, the target grants combat advantage, and it takes a 2 penalty to its first
escape attempt. If you make a melee weapon attack against the target before the grab
ends and your assassins strike is not expended, you can use that power against the
target even if the attack misses.
Level 21: 2[W] damage.
Sustain Minor: The grab persists until the end of your next turn.

Level 8: Ability Score Increase

You are long accustomed now to the darkness within you, and your body and mind
become more formidable.
Benefit: You increase two ability scores of your choice by 1.

Level 8: Flawless Disguise

Deception is a key part of the executioners ability to reach his or her targets without impediment. Because infiltration is often necessary for gaining access to a
target, executioners learn to disguise themselves well enough to blend in with their
surroundings. You might pass yourself off as a servant to infiltrate the local lords
manor or appear as a merchants cook to get into his dining chambers.
Benefit: During a short rest, you can craft an excellent disguise that makes
you appear to be another humanoid of your size (either a specific person or a nondescript member of a race or an organization). Any creature that attempts to see
through your ruse makes an Insight check opposed by your Bluff check, with a +5
bonus to your check. You must use a disguise kit to create the disguise.

Level 9: Improved Poison Use

The longer you work with your poisons, the more you learn about them. Whether
you pick up the knowledge from a fellow assassin, pay a local apothecary for new
instruction, or simply learn of new poisons by trial and error, your repertoire of
poisons continues to grow.
Benefit: You learn the recipe for another 1st-level assassin poison of your
choice. During an extended rest, you can now prepare three vials of 1st-level assassin poison.

Level 10: Utility Power

At the peak of your power in the heroic tier, your mastery of shadow magic gives
you access to a variety of tools that you can use to perform your executions without
being obstructed or captured.
Benefit: You gain a new assassin utility power of your level or lower.

Death Mark Executioners often mark their targets in some way before the
assassination occurs. This power creates a singed, black sigil somewhere on the
targets body that pulses with shadow magic. This mark creates a bond between
the executioner and the target that gives the executioner the ability to detect the
target with unerring accuracy. Once a death mark is placed, the assassin is rarely far

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Death Mark

Assassin Utility 10

A black mark appears on the targets form, appearing to be burned in with a hot iron. It warns
of impending death.
Daily F Shadow
Minor Action
Close burst 5
Target: One creature in the burst
Effect: Until the end of your next extended rest, you always know the direction and
approximate distance to the target. In addition, the target cannot become invisible
to you.

Eyes Unseen A useful power that has saved the lives of many an executioner, eyes unseen allows the user to peer through walls, around corners, and even
through ceilings and floors to see what lies ahead. It creates a small, invisible
sensor crafted by shadow magic that can appear within a small radius and pass
visions back to the assassin. Many executioners use eyes unseen to search for guards,
keep an eye on pursuers, or reveal traps and ambushes before walking into them.

Eyes Unseen

Assassin Utility 10

You conjure a sensor of shadow that appears nearby and allows you to see through walls and
other barriers.
Encounter F Shadow
Minor Action
Effect: Choose a square within 5 squares of you, even a square on the other side of
blocking terrain. Until the end of your next turn, you can see and hear from that
square, as well as from your own.

Walk Through Shadow When you use walk through shadow, you
create a brief, flickering shadow that whisks you quickly from one place to another.
Unlike some other teleportation abilities, walk through shadow can take the user into
unknown places and allows him or her to bypass walls, doors, and other barriers
with a blind jump.

Walk Through Shadow

Assassin Utility 10

A swirling mass of shadow surrounds you before transporting you instantaneously

a short distance.
Encounter F Shadow, Teleportation
Move Action
Effect: You teleport up to 5 squares. You do not need line of sight to the destination space.
If you try to teleport into a space that you cannot occupy, the teleportation is negated.

Paragon E xecutioner
Executioners who reach the paragon tier have proven themselves more than
capable of carrying out assassinations (both clandestine and public) without
being caught or killed themselves. For you, simple political assassinations and
hired killings begin to lose their luster, because city watchmen or the bodyguards
of local merchants rarely challenge your skills. Your abilities are better utilized
stalking more powerful quarrythose that threaten the entire world, if not the
planes themselves.

Paragon Path: Guild Executioner

At 11th level, your executioner takes on a paragon path, typically the guild executioner paragon path. As a member of a powerful guild, you are afforded training
and education in the killing arts that surpasses the prowess of most who work
alone. You learn secret fighting techniques, gain access to experts in the field of
poison use, and rise through the ranks of your guild as your skills progress. Perhaps one day you will even challenge the Grandfather of Assassins for control of
the guild.
Prerequisite: Only an executioner can take this paragon path.

Executioner paragon Tier

XP Level
Class Features and Powers
Ability score increase

Blindside [guild executioner]

Devastating Assassination [guild executioner]
Executioners Action [guild executioner]
Daring escape [guild executioner]

Improved Death Attack

Ability score increase


Improved Poison Use
Vital Strike [guild executioner]

Untraceable step

Shadow coffin
Ability score increase

Improved Poison Use
Poisoners Secrets [guild executioner]

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Level 11: Ability Score Increase

Level 12: Daring Escape

As if to prepare you for the paragon tier, your body and mind gird themselves
against future threats by making you more formidable in every way.
Benefit: Each of your ability scores increases by 1.

Guild executioner paragon path feature

When the kill is made, you need to be prepared to bolt away at a moments notice.
Your guildmasters taught you a special slaying technique that uses the momentum
of your last, deadly strike to propel yourself away. Before your enemies even know
that their ally is dead, you are already speeding out of sight.
Benefit: You gain the daring escape power.

Level 11: Blindside

Guild executioner paragon path feature
A key trait taught to you by your guild is how to take advantage of the ignorance of
your enemies. While hidden, you can remain so still that, when your strike comes,
your enemies have no time to react or to defend themselves. Though truly blindsiding your enemies is difficult (requiring them to move within striking distance of
you without seeing you), good luck and a good hiding place can often make your
assassinations easier than ever.
Benefit: If you are hidden from your enemies at the start of an encounter, you
gain a +4 bonus to your first attack roll during the encounter.

Level 11: Devastating Assassination

Guild executioner paragon path feature
Your guild has taught you its secret techniques for executions. These secrets may
be as simple as the angle of a blade or as complex as a long period of preparation
before the execution takes place. Regardless of the actual form it takes, this knowledge increases the potency of your deadliest attack.
Benefit: When you use assassins strike, increase the extra damage it deals by

Level 11: Executioners Action

Guild executioner paragon path feature
For you, the span of time when your killing blow streaks toward your enemys body
seems to slow to a crawl. That crucial instant passes in the blink of an eye for your
enemies and allies, but you perceive each fraction of it in full clarity that lets you
guide your strike to where it will do the most harm.
Benefit: When you spend an action point to make an attack and you roll a 1, 2,
or 3 on any damage die associated with that attack (including extra damage from
assassins strike or critical hit dice), that die instead deals 4 damage.

Daring Escape

Guild Executioner Utility 12

You transfer the momentum of a killing blow into a rapid dash that leaves remaining enemies
far behind.
Encounter F Martial
Free Action
Trigger: You reduce an enemy to 0 hit points.
Effect: You shift up to twice your speed. You gain a +5 power bonus to Athletics checks
made to climb and jump during the shift.

Level 13: Improved Death Attack

Death comes swiftly to the wounded, and even more swiftly when you are
involved. Your ability to end the life of a wounded enemy grows to the point that
even those who dont yet feel truly endangered can fall to your attack.
Benefit: When you hit an enemy with a melee or a ranged attack that deals
damage, you can choose to reduce the enemy to 0 hit points automatically if it has
20 hit points or fewer after the damage is dealt.

Level 14: Ability Score Increase

Your continued cultivation of the dark forces within you enhances your physical
and mental resilience.
Benefit: You increase two ability scores of your choice by 1.

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Level 15: Improved Poison Use

Insanity Mist

As you gain greater experience in the wider world, you also come across rare substances that can enhance the effectiveness of your poisons. Through study and
experimentation, you learn to create dangerous toxins that draw their potency
from exotic creatures and plants.
Benefit: You learn the recipe for a 15th-level assassin poison of your choice.
When you prepare vials of assassin poison during an extended rest, one of them
can be up to 15th level.

Black Lotus Extract This powder is derived from the legendary black
lotus flower. The effect is devastating when this substance comes in contact with
a creature for more than a few seconds. Black lotuses bloom only once every three
years, and it is during that time that the flowers can be harvested to produce this
toxic oil. Black lotuses grow only in deep swamps, along shadowed riverbanks, and
at the edges of caves where they are sheltered from direct light.
Black Lotus Extract

Level 15

This thick oil is dark blue, though it becomes invisible when applied to a weapon or object.
Assassin Poison
Power (Consumable F Poison): Minor Action. You apply the poison to your melee
weapon or five pieces of your ammunition. Until the end of the encounter, when you
hit a creature with a weapon attack using the poisoned item, the creature takes 8
extra poison damage.
Power (Consumable F Poison): Minor Action. You apply the poison to a handheld object.
Within the next hour, the next creature other than you to hold or wear the object for
more than 1 minute takes 40 poison damage.

Insanity Mist Another poison designed to affect the mind as much as the
body, insanity mist is a liquid that is only potent when made airborne and then
inhaled. A liquid is distilled from the brains of mind flayer thralls (or mind flayers
themselves, which produce a much higher quantity of poison) and combined with
several kinds of mold spores to deliver the poison straight to the brain. Insanity
mist begins eroding the consciousness of the victim almost instantly.

Level 15

This deep purple liquid swirls with milky colors that sometimes seem to resolve into
disturbing images.
Assassin Poison
Power (Consumable F Implement, Poison, Psychic): Standard Action. Effect: Make the
following attack:
Ranged 5
Target: One creature
Attack: Dexterity vs. Fortitude
Hit: 3d10 + Dexterity modifier poison damage, and ongoing 10 psychic damage
(save ends).
First Failed Saving Throw: The ongoing damage increases to 15.
Miss: Half damage, and ongoing 5 psychic damage (save ends).
Special: If the DM allows it, a creature reduced to 0 hit points by this poison is not
killed, but is instead driven permanently insane.
Power (Consumable F Poison): Standard Action. You place the insanity mist in a closed
container, such as a chest or a jewelry box. Make the attack above against the first
creature to open the container within the next hour.

Lich Dust To those uneducated in the art of poison crafting, lich dust is often
believed to be a powder made from the ground-up bones of liches. This belief is
only partially correct; in truth, lich dust is made from a combination of pulverized
bones taken from a variety of undead creatures (liches among them) mixed with
other alchemical and natural substances. Lich dust retains some of the necromantic power that once animated the bones it is made from, which can drain the
energy and spirit of creatures that consume it or are injured by a weapon coated
with the poison.

Lich Dust

Level 15

This white powder looks to be the residue of ground-up bones.

Assassin Poison
Power (Consumable F Poison): Minor Action. You apply the poison to your melee
weapon or one piece of your ammunition. During this encounter, the next creature you
hit with a weapon attack using the poisoned item takes 10 extra poison damage, and
it is weakened (save ends).
Power (Consumable F Poison): Minor Action. You pour the poison into a drink or onto
a plate of food. Within the next hour, the first creature to consume the food or drink is
weakened until the end of its next extended rest.

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Level 16: Vital Strike

Shadow Coffin

Guild executioner paragon path feature

In your pursuit of a greater ability to execute your targets quickly and efficiently,
one of your fields of study is the anatomies of various types of creatures. You have
found about more than just the natural racesyouve learned where to strike
demons to inflict the most damage, where the weak points of angels can be found,
and where an archons armor leaves tiny but dangerous gaps.
Benefit: Your at-will weapon attack powers deal half damage on a miss.

Level 16: Untraceable Step

When you use untraceable step, you use the power of shadow magic to create a veil
around yourself that hides you from the sight of others. This veil is short-lived, but
it does not waver even when you engage in strenuous activity. Many assassins use
this power as a means of both infiltration and escape, either slipping past the eyes
of guards on the way to an assassination or vanishing from sight long enough to get
free of the chaos that follows a killing.
Benefit: You gain the untraceable step power.

Untraceable Step

Assassin Utility 16

The air wavers for a moment before a veil of invisibility covers you from head to toe.
Encounter F Shadow
Move Action
Effect: You become invisible and move up to your speed. You remain invisible until the
end of your next turn.

Level 17: Shadow Coffin

Those who hire executioners usually want proof of a targets death. The shadow
coffin power is an application of shadow magic that allows the executioner to
bring back more than just a simple token of the assassination; it retrieves the
entire body of the intended target. Even in situations when no proof of death is
necessary, an executioner might use shadow coffin to quickly and expertly dispose
of an inconvenient corpse. This is especially important when authorities are
investigating nearby.
Benefit: You gain the shadow coffin power.

Assassin Utility

You trap the target of your assassination in a small object, which keeps the body out of sight
until you are ready to release it.
Encounter F Shadow
Free Action
Melee 1
Trigger: You kill an adjacent creature and dont already have a corpse trapped by this
Target: The creatures corpse
Effect: The target disappears and is trapped in a nonmagical object of your choice on
your person (such as a handheld mirror, a small gem, or a piece of jewelry). The target
remains trapped until you release it or until the object is destroyed. To release the
target into an adjacent square, you must hold the object and concentrate for 1 minute.

Level 18: Ability Score Increase

Seemingly, there is no end to how much you can hone your abilities by surrendering to, and taking control of, the power of the dark.
Benefit: You increase two ability scores of your choice by 1.

Level 19: Improved Poison Use

Your mastery of the arts of making and using poison continues to become stronger.
Your repertoire of toxins is more debilitating than ever before.
Benefit: You learn the recipe for another 15th-level assassin poison of your
choice. When you prepare vials of assassin poison during an extended rest, two of
them can be 15th level.

Level 20: Poisoners Secrets

Guild executioner paragon path feature
When you reach the height of your power within your assassins guild, you become
privy to the secrets and mysteries that your guilds poisonmasters have held for
many years. You not only learn the secret to crafting the deadly poison known as
wyvern venom, you also learn how to mix your poisons more efficiently so that you
can craft more of them in the same amount of time.
Benefit: You learn the recipe for the assassin poison wyvern venom. During an
extended rest, you can prepare a 20th-level assassin poison that does not count as
one of the poisons you can normally prepare.

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Wyvern Venom The secret to creating this rare and potent toxin is
closely guarded by the most powerful assassins guilds. Versatile in its application, it not only does injury to a creatures body, it rots away flesh and bone, melts
sinew, and boils the blood. Even after the initial shock of the effect of the venom is
over, the pain and damage inflicted by the poison linger, making it difficult for the
body to heal. The base of the poison is the venom from an actual wyvern, though
the poison used by executioners is the result of a complex alchemical process that
increases its potency tenfold.

Wyvern Venom

Level 20

This poison is far more dangerous than that delivered by the sting of a wyvern itself, as a result
of the alchemical process that produces this inky-black liquid.
Assassin Poison
Power (Consumable F Necrotic, Poison): Minor Action. You apply the poison to your
melee weapon or one piece of your ammunition. During this encounter, the next
creature you hit with a weapon attack using the poisoned item takes 25 extra necrotic
and poison damage.
Power (Consumable F Necrotic, Poison): Minor Action. You pour the poison into a drink
or onto a plate of food. Within the next hour, the first creature to consume the food or
drink takes necrotic and poison damage equal to half of its bloodied value, and it cannot
regain hit points until the end of its next extended rest.
Power (Consumable F Necrotic, Poison): Minor Action. You apply the poison to a
single handheld object. Within the next hour, the first creature other than you to hold
or wear the object for more than 1 minute takes necrotic and poison damage equal
to half of its bloodied value, and it cannot regain hit points until the end of its next
extended rest.

Epic E xecutioner
By the time you reach the epic tier, you are much more than a simple killer for
hire: You are among the greatest assassins ever to have lived. Elemental princes
watch over their shoulders for a sign that you might be lurking in their shadows,
and the very whisper of your name sends chills through the courts of the fey.
When your executioner reaches 21st level, he or she takes on an epic destiny
of your choice. This epic destiny represents the grand finale of your adventuring
career, and like your paragon path, it grants a set of related features and powers.

Executioner epic Tier

XP Level
Class Features and Powers
Ability score increase
Epic destiny feature
Ignore barriers

Improved Death Attack
Ability score increase
Epic destiny feature

Improved Poison Use
+1 Epic destiny feature

Ability score increase

Improved Poison Use
+1 Epic destiny feature

Level 21: Ability Score Increase

Your entrance into the epic tier is heralded by a rush of vitality and clarity. You are
now stronger, wiser, and even more unassailable.
Benefit: Each of your ability scores increases by 1.

Level 21: Epic Destiny Feature

As you enter the epic tier, your final destiny comes into focus. Perhaps you are
fated to save the world from some great evil, or maybe fate has dictated that you
must fight against a god. The destiny you pursue shapes you just as your actions
shape the cosmos.
Benefit: You gain a feature associated with your epic destiny.

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Level 22: Ignore Barriers

Level 25: Improved Poison Use

Executioners often receive assignments to assassinate powerful individuals that

cordon themselves off from the world behind walls of stone and gates of steel. This
power allows you to use shadow magic to cause walls, doors, and other objects to
temporarily fade from existence when you approach them, allowing you to pass
through barriers that would keep other creatures out.
Benefit: You gain the ignore barriers power.

Like any other field of learning, mastery of poisons comes only after a long period
of practice and diligent studying. As you approach the apex of knowledge in the
poisoning arts, you learn how to manipulate poisons extracted from the bodies of
powerful beings such as angels, basilisks, and dragons.
Benefit: You learn the recipe for a 25th-level assassin poison of your choice.
When you prepare vials of assassin poison during an extended rest using your
Poison Use feature, one can be up to 25th level and two can be up to 15th level.

Ignore Barriers

Assassin Utility 22

Your physical form becomes as unstable as a shadow, allowing you to step through physical
barriers with ease.
Daily F Shadow
Minor Action
Effect: You are phasing until the end of the encounter.

Level 23: Improved Death Attack

Your gift for executing the weak and dying allows you to put down creatures of greater
power quickly and without a mess. Your attacks rarely leave your enemies at deaths
door; instead, they escort your enemies through that door into deaths parlor.
Benefit: When you hit an enemy with a melee or a ranged attack that deals
damage, you can choose to reduce the target to 0 hit points automatically if it has
30 hit points or fewer after the damage is dealt.

Level 24: Ability Score Increase

Yet again, the darkness in your soul works physical and mental changes within
Benefit: You increase two ability scores of your choice by 1.

Level 24: Epic Destiny Feature

Your place in the cosmic order becomes cemented as you gain still more power. At
this point, fate seems to bend and weave to ensure your survival.
Benefit: You gain a feature associated with your epic destiny.

Dark Reaver Powder Said to come from the pulverized bodies of angels
devoted to gods of death, dark reaver powder has the ability to knock a creature
unconscious for a long time. Assassins use dark reaver powder to get enemies out
of the way without killing them or to send a message not to cross the wrong person.
When applied in powder form to a weapon, the poison seeps into the blood and produces a diluted effect that renders enemies woozy for a short period of time.
Dark Reaver Powder

Level 25

This black powder can render a creature comatose if consumed.

Assassin Poison
Power (Consumable F Poison): Minor Action. You apply the poison to your melee
weapon or five pieces of your ammunition. Until the end of the encounter, when you
hit a creature with a weapon attack using the poisoned item, the creature takes 10
extra poison damage, and it is dazed until the end of your next turn.
Power (Consumable F Poison): Minor Action. You pour the poison into a drink or
onto a plate of food. Within the next hour, the first creature to consume the food or
drink falls unconscious (save ends). The creature can make a saving throw against this
unconsciousness only at the end of an extended rest and does so with a 5 penalty.

Dragon Bile Dragon bile is one of the most sought-after substances harvested
from dragons. It can be made into a deadly poison that can slay a person in a matter of
minutes. The dragon bile used by assassins is among the most potent, and is harvested
from the bodies of powerful and ancient dragons slain by adventurers. A brief touch of
dragon bile can make it impossible for a creature to move or do anything else, while
prolonged exposure is almost always fatal.

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Dragon Bile

Level 26: Epic Destiny Feature

Level 25

Harvested from the bodies of ancient dead dragons, this

poison is one of the most lethal.

Your foes worst attacks cannot sway you from the great goal that lies before you.
When all seems lost, you have the strength and determination to deny death and
fight on.
Benefit: You gain a feature (typically a utility power) associated with your epic

Assassin Poison
Power (Consumable F Poison): Minor Action. You
apply the poison to a melee weapon or one piece of
your ammunition. During this encounter, the next
creature you hit with a weapon attack using the
poisoned item falls prone, and it is stunned until the
end of your next turn.
Power (Consumable F Poison): Minor Action. You
apply the poison to a single handheld object. Within
the next hour, the first creature other than you to
hold or wear the object for more than 1 minute dies,
but only if the creature is your level or lower.

Level 28: Ability Score Increase

Your destiny is not yet fulfilled, and you need to be stronger and sharper to stand
up to the challenges that await.
Benefit: You increase two ability scores of your choice by 1.

Level 29: Improved Poison Use

Eye of Basilisk Powder Among the

rarest of poisons used by assassins, eye of basilisk
powder is exceptionally potent in minute quantities. The eyes of actual basilisks (harvested at great
expense by adventurers) are dried out and ground
into a powder that, when properly prepared, can turn its victims to stone. Assassins
put small amounts of the powder into alchemical pellets that explode when broken to
release a small cloud of the poison around the victim.

Eye of Basilisk Powder

Level 25

This unremarkable white powder harnesses the petrifying ability of the basilisk.
Assassin Poison
Power (Consumable F Implement, Poison): Standard Action. Effect: You make the following attack.
Ranged 5
Target: One creature
Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex
Hit: 6d10 + Dexterity modifier poison damage.
Miss: Half damage.
Effect: The target is slowed (save ends). First Failed Saving Throw: The target is instead
immobilized (save ends). Second Failed Saving Throw: The target is instead petrified
(save ends).
Power (Consumable F Poison): Standard Action. You place the poison in a closed container, such as a chest or a jewelry box. Make the attack above against the first creature to open the container within the next hour.

If theres anyone in the world better at the poisoners art than you, its only because
that individual hasnt crossed paths with you yet.
Benefit: You learn the recipe for another 25th-level assassin poison of your
choice. When you prepare vials of assassin poison during an extended rest using
your Poison Use feature, two of them can be up to 25th level and one can be up to
15th level.

Level 30: Epic Destiny Feature

You have achieved the absolute pinnacle of your abilities. On the verge of facing
your destiny, you gain one final edge that could spell the difference between ultimate victory and utter defeat.
Benefit: You gain a feature associated with your epic destiny.

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By Erik Scott de Bie

Illustration by Eric Belisle

Coin can buy almost anything in Westgate, and what coin
cant afford, blood certainly can.
Ilira Fox-at-Twilight Nathalan,
The Year of the Awakened Sleepers, 1484 DR
Known as the Gateway to the West, this seedy port
metropolis was born in piracy and greed, built on the
backs of slaves, and sealed with blood. Westgate is the
most powerful city on the Inner Sea, and it thrives on
trade and skullduggery.
Westgate is a city of dangerous opportunity.
Anyone can make it big with enough gold, regardless
of how it was obtained. The gold of half-orcs, drow,
known criminals, and vicious warlords spends just as
well as that of anyone else, and ones history poses no
impediment to advancement. The two main hurdles
folk face in the city are their own scruples and the
host of others who have none. Fall, and a dozen rivals
will scramble over youand probably kick and stab
you on the way.

A City of Secrets
Westgate arose from the jagged Dragon Coast on the
south edge of the Sea of Fallen Stars many centuries
ago under the cruel eye of a powerful dragon. Saldrinar of the Seven Spells overthrew the monster and
named himself king some 1,700 years ago. Ruled
since by a succession of tyrants, pirate kings, and
TM & 2013 Wizards of the Coast LLC. All rights reserved.

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even monsters like vampires and lamias, the city ultimately did away with its monarchy over two hundred
years ago. Since then, the council of ruling lords has
ruled the independent port city, free of foreign influence, where coin is king.

Daily Life in Westgate

Merchants of Westgate can and do make underhanded
deals and take as much advantage of their clients and
supposed partners as possible. It is considered a mark
of pride to get away with a good deal, especially if the
other party loses more than they gain. Unscrupulous
business practices are barely illegal, and suspicious
watchmen can always be bribed or done away with.
Second to gold, violence is the citys other currency. Bodies wash up out of the bay or are dumped
in the street every morning, and some of the streets
have acquired a perpetual red stain from spilled
blood. Wealth matters only as much as the strength
one can employ to gain it and keep it.

Law and Order

Westgate is a free city, stubborn in its resistance to
foreign interests, but the Ruling Council keeps a tight
hold on its people.
For decades, Westgate was effectively run and
policed by the notorious Night Masks gang. Eventually
the Masks power was broken by an alliance of merchants, adventurers, and rival gangs that scooped up the
fragments of power scattered by the Night Masks fall.
Westgate now employs a city watch about 2,000
strong. Its primary duties are suppressing uprisings
and stopping riots. Troopers of the watch are outfitted
with leather armor, blades, and nets to capture troublemakers. As with most things in Westgate, the amount
of trouble someone can expect from the city watch
depends more on the weight of their purse than on their
adherence to the law. Most watch officers and municipal officials are corrupt to one degree or another.

Despite the lawlessness, theft, murder, and other

crimes are just as illegal in Westgate as they would
be anywhere else. Unless an offense is committed
against a merchant lord, criminals can usually get off
with a fine: the more of the fine that is paid directly
to the arresting officers and the judge, the lower
the official fine will be. Rich merchants have been
known to use the city watch against business rivals
and other annoyances such as pesky adventurers who
nose around where theyre not wanted.
The leadership of the city watch and the seat as
chief judge are combined into a single powerful office
called the Just Captain. Currently that title is held by
Torpin Urdo, the third son of his house (and he is glad
to be far removed from the line of succession, with its
inherent dangers). Torpin is a rarity in Westage; he is
a (mostly) honest man, which chiefly means he costs
more to bribe than most other officials.
Westgate has no standing army out of fear that it
might endanger commercial liberties. The council
prefers instead to hire mercenaries or pirates in times
of war. Several thousand mercenaries live in the city
year-round, always hungry for jobs to tide them over
until the next armed conflict.

Westgate lends itself to dark, morally ambiguous
fantasy stories like those of Fafhrd and the Gray
Mouser or Thieves World. You can draw inspiration from films like The Godfather and from
television shows like The Sopranos and The Shield.
Though Westgate exists officially in the
Forgotten Realms, the city fits any fantasy setting that highlights urban intrigue and moral

A City of
S coundrels
Power in Westgate shifts daily or even hourly
between grasping merchants and vile cults. Here,
greed is good, and ruthlessness is even better. Everyone who holds a position of power in Westgate is
connected, directly or indirectly, to the citys criminal
enterprises. Given the level of corruption in Westgate,
no one without such connections could ever rise to
prominence. The corruption rises up from the bottom
and sinks down from the top to meet in the middle
and infect every level of society.

The Ruling Council

Power in Westgate ostensibly rests in the hands of an
appointed council of the most powerful merchants
in the city, themselves chosen by a Croamarkh (first
lord) elected by the people every four years. As one
might imagine, elections are not particularly free and
balanced, so the word of the merchant lords is key in
anointing a Croamarkh.
The Croamarkh is the speaker for the council,
the de facto general of any mercenary army hired by
the lords, and the final arbiter of political and legal
decisions. He or she can be overruled by the council,
though this rarely happens: the Croamarkh, like the
other merchant lords, acts primarily to enrich the
council. Some Croamarkhs have been lords of the
people, well loved and respected by the populace,
while others (such as the current Lord Jaundamicar
Bleth) rule through fear and violence.
The council has proven a surprisingly stable
body of government, despite occasional tumults.
After the Dhostar debacle over a century ago, when
a croamarkhs son tried to take over Westgate, the
weakened council craved new leadership and offered
seats at the ruling table to the recently arrived Bleth
and Cormaeril families, both of which were exiled

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from Cormyr as traitors. These families brought with
them their ties to the Fire Knives, a group of assassins dedicated to ending the Obaskyr line in Cormyr.
In Westgate the group licked its wounds and turned
itself toward garnering power in the city. Today the
Croamarkhs ties to the Fire Knives criminal syndicate are an open secret among the citys powerful.
Just behind the Fire Knives in influence are two
merchant houses that exert considerable power in
the city. An increasing number of ships in the bay
fly the red sun banner of House Malavhan, in part
because of secret bargains the house matriarch Lady
Devis struck with pirates on the Sea of Fallen Stars.
The steel-gray hand flag of ruthless House Vhammos is showing up more and more as a slave brand on
the streets, and Vhammos saves a fortune on tariffs
through its extensive smuggling operations.
Beneath these top-tier powers, a second stratum of
merchant houses scrambles for influence and wealth.
These houses are constantly on the alert for signs of
weakness in those above them. The most prominent
include Thorsar (wealthy traders), Guldar (known
for their nobility), Ssemm (generous in donating to
municipal efforts), and Urdo (great scholars). The
most wealthy Shou family, the Goto clan, is also vying
for position on the Ruling Council. Its effort is supported by shrewd manipulation of public opinion and
the deep coffers of the Shadowmasters of Telflamm,
who are keen to expand their influence in the region.
Gotos ascension could mark the dawn of a new era of
east-west relations in the city, or it could spark rioting
and open warfare.
The merchant lords were shaken by recent claims
that House Darkdance may have descended from
Westgates last king. Only one member of that house
remains: Myrin Darkdance, orphaned, unmarried,
and childless. If House Darkdance is truly linked
to the ancient kings, Myrin may become a target of
those seeking to preserve Westgates current structure and those seeking to change it.

The Fire Knives

Jaundamicar Bleth has been Croamarkh for the past
two decades, thanks in part to the great debt of gratitude Westgate owes the Cormyrian houses. Bleth and
Cormaeril were instrumental in driving out the legendary Night Masks, thus freeing up space for a new
thieves guild: theirs.
House Bleth derives considerable power as the
head of the Fire Knives. Having sworn undying
revenge on the Forest Kingdom and the Obarskyr
dynasty, they have lurked in Westgate for over a century, building their power base until they can strike
back and reclaim what they perceive as their birthright. They are a vicious gang of assassins whose
calling carda dagger wreathed in flameis widely
and correctly feared.

Jaundamicar Bleth, Faltering Lord

For many years, the power-hungry Jaundamicar
entertained ambitions to change his title from Open
Lord to King, but his grip on power is slipping. The
Nine Golden Swords uprising of the late 1470s slew
many of his lieutenants, his sons, and his wife. Left
a broken old man, Bleth has mostly lost the respect
(and fear) of the people of Westgate. His subordinates
look to the ascension of his last heirhis daughter
Riganteto restore the familys power.

Rigante Bleth, the Fire Princess

Known for her fiery temper, the daughter of Jaundamicar Bleth has only recently returned to Westgate
after a long absence. In 1476, she had a falling out
with her father over her scandalous courtship with
the paladin Muorn Cormaeril, uniting the two
families. For the last decade, she has joined her new
husband in riding with the Draeven marauders out
of Proskur, who are sworn to resist Cormyrs occupation. When her mother and brothers were slain, she
finally yielded to her ailing fathers requests to return
and take over the family business.

Jaundamicar is fading, but Rigante is young,

strong, and fierce. Some compare her to the legendary Steel Princess Alusair Obarskyr of Cormyr, and
she makes a natural counterpoint to Princess Raedra
of the modern era. If the Bleths are to hold onto
power, she is their best chance.

Gangs of Westgate
Ironically, the criminals who rule Westgate are themselves undermined by other criminals in the form of
the citys gangs and ruthless mercantile consortiums.
The most dangerous threat to the power of the Fire
Knives of these is the return of the Night Masks, but
lesser gangs have proven a thorn in the side of Houses
Bleth and Cormaeril as they consolidated power.

The Eye of Justice

This highly militant order of knights grew out of the
shattered Night Masks a century ago, operating in the
city to bring vigilante justice to those the law refuses
to or cannot touch.
After so many years, the Eyes noble aims have
fallen by the wayside, and many of its members have
become very corrupt. Today, because of their brutal
methods and their frequent alliances with the Fire
Knives, most residents of Westgate see the Eye of Justice as little more than well-connected thugs. Often
they serve as muscle for hirea weapon to be used by
one merchant house against another.
More detail on the Eye of Justice can be found in
the article of the same name in Dungeon 171.

The Nine Golden Swords

The Fire Knives have faced opposition from various
gangs undermining their power, though few have
been as successful as the Nine Golden Swords.
Since the Spellplague a century ago, Shou refugees
have flooded into Faerun, particularly the Dragon

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Coast. They found a difficult life awaiting them in
Westgates slums. In 1441, nine heroeswarriors and
wizards in their native Shou-Lungarose from the
ranks of the poor to defend those who could not fight
for themselves. They declared that all Shou in Westgate were under their protection, and they carved out
a territory for the Shou in the east end of the city. Disputed Tidetown became a battleground.
Although the nine were courageous and committed to doing the right thing, their movement could not
endure without powerful backing. By 1450, they had
accepted funding and more direct forms of support
from Shou criminal organizations in Telflamm who
were eager to gain a foothold in Westgate. Agents from
Telflamm played upon the nines heroic legacy, first to
win the confidence of the Shou populace of Westgate
and then to build their own criminal guild in the city
under the banner of the Nine Golden Swords. More

than one of the original nine heroes objected to this

alliance with gangsters, but in the end, as always in
Westgate, the gangs seemingly endless flow of cash
won out over the nines example of gallantry.
By the 1470s, conflict between the growing
Shou organization and the established Fire Knives
escalated into all-out warfare, with the two gangs
competing directly for control of Westgates bloodsoaked streets. The Swords murdered most of House
Bleths leadership, thereby smashing the Fire Knives
control over that clan and the city.
After the war against the Fire Knives, the few surviving members of the original Nine Golden Swords,
disgusted by the dishonor the guild had heaped upon
itself, severed ties with the organization. These samurai walk the streets today, defending the defenseless
and serving the cause of justice. Most of them are now
very old but still worthy of the legends told of them.

The Night Masks

None can say for certain how many of the original heroes that gave rise to the Nine Golden
Swords survive to this day, but many are quick
to claim part of the legend. The gutter drunk
Mu-Mushi seems to be the genuine article, and
most agree that the eccentric wizard Raikou
is another. A half-elf Shou thief who calls herself Grey is widely thought to be one of the
nine, and she is happy to make the claim at
her occasional public stunts, where she embarrasses corrupt merchants and divides their gold.
Though she never speaks of it, the elderly priestess Chouko, who operates a shrine to Chauntea
in the East End, seems of the proper age and disposition, and an aura of heroism surrounds her.

Darkness stirs once more with the newest, greatest

threat to Westgate: the return of the Night Masks. The
thieves and killers of the Night Masks wear black eyemasks and hunt at night. As suggested by this symbol,
most of the rank-and-file is faithful to Mask, god of
thieves, but the modern leaders of the guild care
little for faith other than as propaganda. As of old,
the guild seeks a stranglehold on power in the city
through embezzlement, protection rackets, weapons
deals, and all sorts of sordid criminal activity.

Guild Organization
The Night Masks consist of hundreds of low-level
agentsthieves, assassins, spieswho report to
middle-ranked agents whose loyalty to the guild is
well-established. Wise junior members of the Masks
assume they are constantly being watched, as is
true in many cases. The middle agents (Knights)
answer to a coven of Night Masters, each of whom has

command over one aspect of the guilds operations,

be they extortion, theft, or murder.
Historically, the thieves guild ruled Westgate
from the shadows for many years under a court of
Night Mastersa shadow council to match the ruling
lords, each of them given control over a certain segment of crime in the city. They went through several
leaders, including a doppelganger called the Faceless, then Victor Dhostar, a human lord who hid his
appearance with a magic mask. Setback after setback
brought them low, and the guild might have collapsed
if not for the coming of the vampires.

Orbakh, Lord of the Zhentarim

Still undead after many centuries, the one-time vampire king of Westgate Orlak found a terrible treasure
beneath the city: a clone of the infamous Manshoon.
He turned the clone into a vampire, but the creature
turned upon him and for a time assumed his mantle
as Orlak II before changing his name to Orbakh.
With the aid of the Night Kings regalia (a magic cup
called the Argraal, an animated dagger called the
Flying Fangs, and the Maguscepter of Myntharan),
Orbakh seized control of the Night Masks, allied with
the Fire Knives, ensorcelled or turned many nobles
into vampires, and soon dominated most of Westgate
from the shadows.
Orbakh might have openly crowned himself king,
but his naked ambition and brutality earned him
powerful enemies. The Fire Knives betrayed the
Masks, siding with the merchant lords, the fledgling
Eye of Justice, and outlander adventurers to drive
them from the city shortly after the Spellplague a
century ago. One of the few surviving vampires of the
Night Masks and ultimately the last surviving clone
of Manshoon, Orbakh turned his ambitions to consolidating the Zhentarim. He maintains occasional
oversight over Westgate, but leaves the management
in the hands of his old lieutenant, Kirenkirsalai.

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Kirenkirsalai, Heir of Night
Over the last five years, one man has single-handedly
restored the once undisputed rule of the Night Masks
through a campaign of murder, intimidation, and illusion. He is an older entity than anyone suspects, and
his roots in the city run deep.
The half-drow Tebryn Shadowstalker Dhialael
was once a lowly member of the guild in the 1340s
and 50s until a duel with a rival forced him to flee
underground. He spent almost a decade as a slave
in the drow city of Sschindylryn until he escaped
and returned to his ancestral home, only to fall prey
to Orbakhs Flying Fangs. Now a vampire, Tebryn
became one of Orbakhs Night Court, where his extensive experience with the guild proved invaluable.
Tebryn survived the fall of the Masks and took
refuge with the secretive Zhentarim, though he
never stopped rebelling (to his masters amusement).
Decades ago, Orbakh instructed his insubordinate
servant to ply illusion magic to insinuate himself
among the Shou. Donning the name Kirenkirsalai
(or Kire) for the first time, he presented himself as a
wise old man, skilled in the arts of magic and stealth.

Kire is a powerful vampire for his relative youth,
and his ruthless sadism often gets the better of
him, especially during negotiation. He is cold,
arrogant, and deadly. A half-elf of drow descent
in life, Kire long ago mastered the arts of illusion
magic and shadowdancing (teleporting between
shadows), which he combines to befuddle foes
and strike without warning. He prefers to shape
a rapier from pure darkness to use in battle.

As one of the original Nine Golden Swords, he saw to

the perversion of the bands ideals and the rise of a
city-wide thieves guild.
After the Swords crippled the Fire Knives, Orbakh
rewarded Kirenkirsalai by placing him in command
of Westgates underworld. Kire recruited his own
circle of Night Masters and declared the Night Masks
reborn. Now he builds up his dominance of Westgate
in preparation to take over the city.

Court of Night Masters

The nameless vampire crimelords who operate the
Night Masks hide their identities behind eye masks,
and their names are known to few other than their
creator, Kirenkirsalai.
The most public of the Night Masters is the Twilight Knight, a young hot-headed vampire who calls
himself Vengeance and wields a powerful sword consecrated to Hoar, God of Retribution. His left arm is
swaddled in withered bandages as though from a long
ago injury. He serves as the guilds enforcer.
The guilds chief spy and assassin, the Duke of
Shadows is a pudgy man with an easy voice and charismatic manner. As a scion of House Vhammos, he
always dresses in rich attire, preferring red and black
to hide bloodstains.
More vampires serve Kire as Night Mastersthe
Dutchess of Death and the Duke of Whispers, the
Count of Coins and the Countess of Stormsbut their
identities are a closely held secret.

A City of Mysteries
The Gateway to the West has a long-standing reputation as a free city, open to all manner of trade and all
races, so long as they respect the legal authority of
the oligarchy. The favorable location of the port, its
relaxed tariffs and casual corruption, and a willingness to hire pirates to deal with disagreeable shipping

captains have combined to make Westgate rich and

free from would-be invaders.

Market Triangle and Shops

A triangular market in the center of the city is open
every day from dawn until after dusk, though only the
best protected merchants do business after dark. At
the center of the market is the Tower, a 5-story stone
edifice where trade in the city is regulated. Its massive coffers demand a strong defensive force, making
it an attractive but dangerous mark for thieves.
Westgate is an excellent place to shop, in particular at Silks at Dawn, a high end boutique known for
its gorgeous dresses and amazingly functional clothing. Unlike most of the shops in the city, the Silks
pays no protection money to the Night Masks, and it
is rarely the target of thieves. Patrons credit its powerful owner, a former adventurer called Ilira Nathalan
(who also owns the Purple Lady, see below).
Travelers interested in more mundane equipment can resupply at the Blind Eye, which started
as a simple tack and trail shop outside the west wall
and has become a full-fledged outlet for adventuring
gear). The shop is notoriously the site of many underhanded ambushes and illicit double-dealing.

Temple District
Westgate prides itself on its openness and tolerance
for multiple faiths, even those considered reprehensible or bizarre in other lands. Temples cater to
outlander adventurers, dispensing healing potions,
blessings, and auguriesall for a price.
Two temples in the northwest quarter of the city
compete in a race to glorify their respective deities:
Fortuneboon Hall, sworn to Tymora the goddess of
luck, and Painbless Hall, sworn to Loviatar and very
popular with many decadent young nobles. Both have
wealthy, anonymous backers and pour donations
into construction, with substantial coin skimmed off

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the top by corrupt clergy. The comparatively simple
temple to Ilmater, called simply The House, is famous
for its Spire of Suffering, which can be seen from
miles outside the city.
The relatively simple Morningstar Haven pays
homage to both Lathander and Amauntor, using
either name for the same sun god. Whitecap Hall
(Umberlee) caters to pirates and smugglers and has
recently been the site of clashes between clergy and
the town watch.
Lesser temples and shrines exist to gods that fell
out of favor or vanished from Westgate for a time,
such as the House of Spires and Shadows (Mask), The
House of the Wheel (Gond), and the hulking monolith the House of the Winds (Talos). Priests have only
recently resumed services in these halls.
The subterranean House of Steel (Garagos,
beneath the Market Triangle) has become a haunted
ruin that repels attempts to reclaim it (see Sewers).

Inns and Taverns

of the Old City
Westgate caters to travelers of all lands and stripes,
from the decadent to the gutter-poor, so long as they
have at least some coin to spend.
The citys most glamorous watering hole is the
wealthy Rosebud tavern, which boasts an ale garden
on the River Thunn that separates the Old City from
the East End. Those with less coin patronize Big
Ednas, which caters mostly to fishermen and sailors,
or a centrally located dive called the Black Eye tavern
and festhall, where folk who take part in the commonplace bar brawls often end up in the harbor. The
scoundrels of the city congregate in the Rotten Root,
a gloomy place marked by the sign of a black-barked
treant that looms over the entrance.
Those interested in dance and pleasurable company can find it at one of Westgates popular clubs,
open by night for revelry and pickpocketing. The

Purple Lady festhall down on the Ssemm Spur is

famous for its attractive waitstaff clad in diaphanous
purple robes. Its owner, the perpetually black-clad
elf lady Ilira Nathalan (who also owns Silks at Dawn
near the Market Triangle), is a skilled and passionate
dancer, and if one is charming and agile enough to
keep up with her, the experience is unforgettable.
Nobles visiting the city for a time often stay near
Mulsantirs Gate at the Jolly Warrior Inn, which
caters primarily to travelers and has a relaxed atmosphere. Wealthier folk often drink and sleep at the
Blue Banner (patronized extensively by House Bleth).
The slightly cheaper Gentle Ghost Inn offers one a
chance to catch a glimpse of the ghost of a former
proprietor that haunts its rooms. Those looking for
a bed on the cheap should try the Bent Mermaid
inn, famous for its sign depicting a rather mightily
endowed mermaid folded almost in half, or the Black
Boot by the River Bridge, where brawls and murder
are commonplace.

Noble Villas
The merchant lords of Westgate dwell in impressive
keeps scattered around the Old City or just outside
Westgates walls, all of them walled off and eminently
defensible during the occasional uprising.
Of particular note is the once-magnificent Castle
Bleth a stones throw from the citys south wall,
grown hollow and sad as Jaundamicars fortunes
have waned. The merchant council prefers to meet at
Castle Cormaeril just northwest of the city to conduct
its business. The craggy, cliff-side path to the castle is
treacherous and a good place for ambushes.
Standing at the west end of the city, Castle Thalavar passed to Gedrin Shadowbane upon his mother
Thistles passing, and it has since become the refuge
of the Eye of Justice (see above).

Dock Ward
The commercial heart of the city, Westgates seedy
docks see enough commerce on a daily and nightly
basis to rival most other civilized lands in Faerun.
Goods (legal or illegal) and coin of all sorts change
hands at all hours, and the merchant houses of Westgate constantly vie for control of the area so they can
take their cut of trade tariffs. Each of the merchant
lords owns a section of dock and multiple warehouses, some obvious, some hidden.
Gang violence is particularly fierce near the disputed docks so the watch patrols the docks. Officers
stationed here tend to be especially corrupt, and
fines are usually sufficient to make the law look the
other way.

When the Sea of Fallen Stars receded during the
Wailing Years, much of the harbor became semisolid ground. Shou immigrants settled the area and
erected a crude neighborhood on the uneven ground.
The council might not have bothered about it at all,
but suddenly ships could only get to the lower docks,
so the merchant houses scrambled to build infrastructure there just to compete. This waterside slum
became known as Tidetown, and the Nine Golden
Swords and Fire Knives constantly fought over it.
Recently, the waters have begun to rise again,
making Tidetown increasingly treacherous. Most
have simply abandoned their homes for drier climes,
though some have expanded upward on stilts. As a
result, the harbor is dotted with miniature man-made
islands where residents offer food and other services
to inbound ships, much to the consternation of mainland businesses. Pirates also stage ambushes from
these floating houses, and criminals often go here to
hide from the watch.

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Raikous Tower
One enterprising Shou wizard has kept his home in
Tidetown just as it is, rain or flood. One of the original Nine Golden Swords, Sopata Raikou has built
up his tower to withstand all intrusion, be it from
weather or would-be robbers. Fifty feet of the tower is
underwater, and a further fifty feet rises into the air,
its spire flickering with dancing effigies of spectral
foxes and birds. The magical effects provide a guiding
light for ships at sea. Raikkou himself has not been
seen in at least a decade.

The Sewers
League upon league of unexplored, dripping tunnels
underlie Westgate, connecting to various old houses
and holdfasts. In a city thousands of years old, it is
hardly surprising that many of these old dungeons
and hideaways have been forgotten. Urban legends
persist of fabulous lost treasures belonging to old
King Verovan or Orlak the Night King, just waiting to
be found in the dank, stinking underworld.

Swords of Night
Some years ago, an heir of House Vhammos led a
delving crew in search of access to a rival houses vault
and broke through into the forgotten House of Steel,
a temple to the ravager god Garagos. The temples old
defensesanimated swords and various undead guardiansslaughtered most of the heirs party and left him
dying. The Night King came upon him and turned him
into a vampire to join the Night Masters. The temple is
now the Night Masks guildhall.

Sleeping Danger
A common expression in Westgate used to urge caution is Dont wake the Quelzarn. The creature has
not been seen in decades, so that many believe it an
urban legend. If only the city were so lucky.

The Spellplague of a century gone had little
effect on Westgate with one exception: the Sea
of Fallen Stars drained partially, significantly
altering the landscape and disrupting commerce.
Recently, the sea has been rising once more,
but many effects linger. Flooding is common
in Westgate, and collapsing structures reveal
the entrances to secret passages and dungeons
hidden long ago by lords building in Tidetown.

Westgates infamous resident sea monster, the

giant aquatic serpent hibernates deep in the oldest
sewers beneath the city. This particular quelzarn has
swelled to truly massive size over the last century,
and its massive bulk extends through more than one
tunnel. When roused it breaks through sewer walls
and burrows through the underworld like a worm. Its
natural hunting grounds are subterranean, but it has
been known to strike at ships in the bay or humanoids along the docks.

The East End

Westgates East End (sometimes called Shou Town)
is the undisputed territory of the Shou in the city.
Crossing the bridge gives one the sense of stepping
into a different world, surrounded by calligraphyinscribed banners and heavily Shou-inspired
architecture. Shou faces are the norm here, and justice comes at the blades of the Nine Golden Swords.

The Quivering Thumb

Thumb (so named for a legendary duel involving a

troll that refused to die). Due to its success over the
last century, the arena has invested in marvels both
mechanical and magical that can shape its environs to accommodate everything from icy mountain
duels to sea battles to one memorable aerial jousting
tourney. A slave who survives a year of escalating
challenges in the arena wins his freedom, and coin
prizes are offered for outlanders who wish to test
their strength and courage.

The Timeless Blade

This scenic dojo overlooking the drop-off to the sea
near the River Bridge is equal parts swordplay school
and refuge for meditation. The Blade charges no fees,
but it accepts only those students who can prove their
potential in duels against several of the schools masters. Once a student is in, the utmost commitment is
expected. The headmaster of this secretive school is
thought to be a gray-eyed half-elf called Lueth, but
no one outside the school can say much about him
(or possibly her) with certainty and those within the
school dont discuss its workings with outsiders.

The aged Mu-Mushi is a fixture on Westgates
East End: a wandering man in rags, he is rude,
smelly, and obnoxious. Travelers avoid or openly
mock him, but the locals know not to cross
Mu-Mushi. As one of the original Nine Golden
Swords, the man is a legend among the Shou of
Westgate, easily matched with the greatest warriors in a hundred leagues. He is known to ask
cryptic questions of those who catch his interest
and to dispense seeming nonsense.

Just outside the citys East End lies the fantastically

popular gladiatorial arena called the Quivering

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The Seven Lost Gods

A set of seven hills west of the city, each topped with
a menhir ring, were consecrated at a time when
temples were prohibited in Westgate and remained
even after the edict was reversed. Enterprising nobles
and merchants often hire adventurers to explore the
unopened subterranean temples that supposedly
underlie most or all of the hills.
The most memorable of the menhir-topped hills
is the unsettling Hill of Fangs with its crimson
plinths, sworn to Moander. The others honor Garagos, Ghaunadaur, Jergal, Savras, Silvanus, and a long
forgotten deity. Local sage Iak Hovas speculates this is
Auppenser, Jhaamdathi god of mental magic, but this
has not been proven one way or another.

The environs immediately surrounding Westgate
and the greater Dragon Coast offer vast possibilities for intrigue-laden adventure. For instance:
The nearby city of Teziir was formed originally
as a place for honest merchants to escape Westgate, which makes it a natural haven for those
ousted from Westgate to drum up righteous
indignation against rivals.
The city of Proskur, far to the west of the
city, has been annexed by Cormyr. The Draeven Marauders (including Rigante Bleth) seek
at all times to throw off the Forest Kingdoms
The city of Elversult has recently seen the
growing influence of a cult of the demon prince
Grazzt, which is turning its eye toward Westgate
as a new city to dominate.

In recent years, torch lights have been seen in the

area, leading some to believe ancient rites are being
performed among the hills.

A City of
A dventures
Glory and rewards await some of those daring
enough to delve Westgates underworld, and ignominious death waits for others
Coin is king in Westgate, and a clever mind,
nimble fingers, or a quick wit will find plenty to be
earned in Westgate. All the merchant houses are constantly looking for able warriors and wizards to do
all sorts of tasks they cannot directly perform without compromising themselves. Indirect operatives
often post such opening in every tavern or festhall
adventurers are known to frequent. Any adventurers
operating in the city for any length of time will find
themselves--justly or not--on the wrong side of the
law, and if they acquire too much wealth or power,
they will attract rivals like flies.
The various mercantile houses of Westgate are
constantly wrestling for advancement, undercutting
business rivals, stealing or sabotaging shipments, or
sometimes killing enemy agents. Often, the houses
cannot act directly or risk the Ruling Councils displeasure, so they hire foreign adventurers to do their
dirty work for them. Such agents offer two important
benefits: plausible deniability and easy severance.
Working for one or more of the merchant lords,
adventurers stand to make a good deal of coin, but if a
deal turns bad, they will find their employers quickly
desert them.

Fistful of Coins
Houses Guldar and Ssemm have been feuding for
the past decade, largely over a rotten trade deal the
details of which neither house recalls precisely.

Commonfolk and servants loyal to one house or the

other shout and harass one another on the street,
and brawls erupt in taverns on a regular basis. The
conflict has grown so bad that two common street
insults have cropped up: black bird, in reference to
Guldars black hawk banner, meaning a pompous
would-be noble, and white bird, a greedy hypocrite who does good only for coin in reference to
Ssemms white talon.
Recently, the two houses are competing over a
rumored treasure hoard buried somewhere in Westgates sewers. The treasure belongs to a black dragon
called Wehrgemohr and is said to consist of artifacts and heirlooms belonging to both houses. The
dragon has not been seen in years, and the houses
are recruiting skilled adventurers to find the hoard
and claim it for them, and impede agents of the other
house in the process. Particularly cunning adventurers might play the two sides against one another for
greater pay, manipulating them into greater conflict,
but that would be a dangerous game indeed.
Alternatively, the adventurers might stumble upon
the hoard quite by accident, and then have to decide
what to do with it, when both houses extend a full
claim. They might try to split the treasure (with a
finders fee for their trouble) or find some way to hide
it and/or defend it.

Foreign Influence
The grasping merchants that rule Westgate have ever
been Faerunian houses, but recently a Shou family
has risen to prominence. Since the fracturing of the
Swords, Matriarch Akuma of House Goto has struck
out on her own through a campaign of civic improvement coupled with surgical strikes against her
mercantile rivals, and is now making an aggressive
bid for a seat on the Ruling Council. Akuma is searching for adventurers to act as bodyguards, thieves, or
even assassins against her enemies in the city, plus
artisans, bards, and engineers to create great works of

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art to beautify her adopted citywinning hearts and
minds through the distribution of coin.

Nothing to Lose
But Their Chains
Over the past months, House Thorsar, looking to
muscle in on House Vhammoss increasingly lucrative trade presence, has launched an intense smear
campaign to damage their credibility. Meanwhile,
Thorsar is looking for discrete agents to head off
the Nymphs Bosom, a smuggling ship supposedly
loaded with goods from across the Inner Sea. Anyone
who takes the job will be placed in a serious bind,
as Vhammoss ship carries nearly a hundred slaves.
While illegal in Westgate, slaves are still bought and
sold secretly. Heroes who free or protect these slaves
face the wrath of two merchant houses.

Cult of the Old Seven

Some believe the seven hills outside Westgate were
originally sworn to gods that were ancient before the
interloping Westgate Seven ever came to Faerun.
A cult operating out of the city is currently in the
process of defiling the shrines on the hilltops, with
an eye to re-consecrate them to older, darker deities.
Whether the Cult of the Old Seven follows a real set
of deities or not, their actions have caused a furor
among the faithful of Westgate. No soldiers from the
city have ever been able to catch them in the act.

Broken Waystation
A century ago, the little-known inn called Blais
House (near the Blue Banner Inn at the end of East
Market Street) catered to planar travelers and in
the know mages. For a century, it has been sealed
to all patrons, its portals broken and disconnected.
Recently, the unstable magic at Blais House has interfered with nearby Auroras Emporium, specifically

disrupting its extensive teleportation network. Aurora

is seeking adventurers who can repair the broken
connections and perhaps reopen Blaiss doors.

Legacy of Bondage
Over a century ago, a cabal of evil sorcerers and
priests (including representatives of the Fire Knives)
wrought a set of blue tattoos to control numerous
adventurers based in the Dragon Coast. Recently,
marks similar to the legendary Azure Bonds have
appeared among Westgates lower classes, suggesting that someone (or something) has unearthed the
secret of their construction. What foul events this
presages cannot be guessed.

Purple Dragons Reach

If Westgate has a national enemy, it is imperialist
Cormyr. Over the last century, the Forest Kingdom
has expanded its borders in the name of resisting
Netheril, going so far as to annex the Dragon Coast
city of Proskur several days to the west.
Outlander heroes are often hired to protect Cormyrians operating in the area, while less noble
adventurers can earn coin robbing Cormyrian merchants, rooting out Highknight agents, or otherwise
frustrating the efforts of imperialist Cormyr.
Recently, word has circulated of a noble heir to a
Cormyrian family who has gone missing while on
a pleasure cruise on the Sea of Fallen Stars. Pirates
(hired by House Malavhan) are suspected. But is the
heir truly a prisoner, or a willing hostage?

About the Author

Erik Scott de Bie is an author and game designer, best

known for his work in the beloved panoramic Forgotten
Realms setting. His most recent novel is Shadowbane: Eye of
Justice, which is set in Westgate and breathes further life
into many of the organizations, locales, and personages
herein presented.

Events that have shaped Westgates recent history are included below:
1385The Spellplague disrupts Orbakh and
his vampires magic, tipping the balance of
1387An alliance of Lords, Fire Knives, and
the Eye of Justice, along with outlander adventurers drive the weakened Night Court from
Westgate. The Fire Knives ascend to take
their place.
1393Increasing waves of refugees from
Shou-Lung settle in the area dubbed Tidetown.
1451Brutal repression of the Shou prompts
the emergence of nine heroes to stand up
for the people. Dubbed the Nine Golden
Swords, they carve out a home for the Shou
in the East End. They inspire a new gang to
emerge, manipulated by wealthy backers
from the East.
1463Gedrin Shadowbane Thalavar passes
on his sword Vindicator and dies in battle with
his old nemesis, Kirenkirsalai.
1470Kalen Dren, heir of Shadowbane,
comes to Westgate to train with the Eye of
1477Tensions between the Nine Golden
Swords and the Fire Knives become an open
uprising. House Bleth suffers devastating
losses over the next years.
1487Kirenkirsalai completes his own court
of Night Masters and declares the Night Masks

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