Techncial Proposal CRDS
Techncial Proposal CRDS
Techncial Proposal CRDS
Conducting feasibility study and business plan to establish small scale meat processing plant in
Heifer Bangladesh Project area
Subject: Submission of Technical and Financial Proposal for conducting feasibility study and business
plan to establish small scale meat processing plant in Heifer Bangladesh Project area.
Dear Concern,
Greetings from CRDS! Referring to the advertisement published in regarding the
consultancy service, I am pleased to submit the technical and financial proposal along with other relevant
documents for your kind perusal.
The team Leader has experience in working with a good number of livestock related projects as
well as leading the evaluation team to evaluate the projects related to feasibility study.
The consultant team is significantly experienced in working with market system development
projects across Bangladesh and they are skilled in working with Government line departments
and private sectors as well (CV of the Consultant team is enclosed.)
CRDS is very renowned for conducting various types of research specific to feasibility studies at
GoB and other development organizations.
In support of our expression of Interest, please find attached the Technical and financial Proposal for your
kind review. The technical proposal illustrates our understanding of the assignment, conceptual
framework, proposed methodology, team composition and work plan. The Financial proposal provides
the details of itemized budgets with details logistic aspects essential for the assignment.
It is our priority to ensure that the proposed approach and work plan meet your requirements. Necessary
adjustment can be made upon suggestions getting from your side. For any queries, please communicate
Md. Rubaiyat-ur-Rahman
Managing Director
Center for Resource Development Studies Ltd (CRDS)
Technical Proposal
Financial Proposal
CV of team members
VAT and Income Tax Certificate
1 Technical proposal
Technical Proposal
Conducting feasibility study and business plan to establish small scale meat processing plant in
Heifer Bangladesh Project area.
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2 Technical proposal
techniques for meat processing development of functional meat products is also gaining interest after
the processed meat was declared as Group 1 carcinogen5.
The LDDP project is contributing to promote climate resilient productivity growth, enhance market access'
and improve risk management among smallholder farmers and Agro-entrepreneurs, by providing support
for climate smart production systems, farmer empowerment and commercialization. The project is fostering
a market-led transformation of livestock production, while ensuring that the supply response to growing
demand is sustainable, inclusive, safe, and environmentally conscious. To this end, the project is trying to
improve the ecosystem for value chain development by financing key infrastructures including markets, and
access to market, insurance and financial products and services, capacity bridging and knowledge.
1.2 Conceptual framework
As mentioned in the circulated ToR, the overall objective of this study is Identify demand and supply
mapping of livestock in potential location to establish small scale meat processing plant/abattoir in project
areas of Heifer Bangladesh. CRDS thoughts that to establish of an abattoir, the following considerations
are of paramount:
Will there be a consistent supply of the required quality of animals (Beef and Goat)?
Does a steady demand for meat products exist in the target markets?
To achieve the above-mentioned overall objective some specific objectives are also set out which are
stated below. CRDS is proposing conceptual framework for the specific objectives such as what is our
understanding, approach to achieve the same.
Specific Objective Research methods and Tools
To determine preliminary mapping based on CRDS will conduct literature review specifically
national demand and sources and supply of those are very relevant to the research like-
livestock for small scale meat processing Bangladesh Livestock policy, research done by
plant/abattoir. BLRI, online journal related to Beef and Goat,
project documents.
To identify feasible location to establish small Value chain map, value chain heat map, SWOT
scale meat processing plant/abattoir analysis, stakeholder analysis, challenge and
considering business and demand supply opportunity matrix will be applied to achieve this
mapping of livestock. objective.
To provide complete business plan on small Business Model Canvas (BMC) will be developed
scale meat processing plant or abattoir (Beef after conducting FGD, KII and GDs with various
and Goat) including construction, locations, stakeholders across the meat value chain.
and the capacity etc.
CRDS is proposing the framework for conducting the feasibility study:
Market Economic and Policy Stakeholder Supply chain Feasibility
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3 Technical proposal
2. Research Methodology
Goat Value chain actors showing in different stages
2.1 Study Design:
The surveyInput
will provide data on Cooperative/SHG members income, Consumpti
cost benefit analysis of beef and
Production Trading Processing
Goat rearing, women engagement in entire value chain, climate change/ecological approach on for cattle &
goat rearing, access to market services etc., This study will be a cross-sectional survey, and which will be
conducted in across the project area of Heifer International Bangladesh. To address the objectives of the
assignment as set out, a mixed method approach will be adopted where both quantitative and qualitative
data will be collected and analyzed from primary as well as secondary sources. The study will ensure
participation of the targeted beneficiaries and all relevant stakeholders.
2.2 Data Collection
A skillful use of a combination of both techniques can maximize the required information, improve the
quality of data, and reduce the chance of bias. Both qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection
have their own strengths and weaknesses, but they can complement each other. Methods as mentioned
before, to meet the objectives of the survey, data/information will be collected through the followings:
Quantitative method (household data collection), Qualitative methods, Mixed method (secondary data
compilation) and Document review.
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z is the z score
ε is the margin of error
p̂ is the population proportion
95% confidence level
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3. Methodology finalization
After signing the contract, the research team will have an inception meeting with Heifer International
Bangladesh team relevant personnel for agreement on the data and information collection tools and
methods. At this stage an inception report will be submitted to Heifer International Bangladesh which will
primarily include the finalized methodology and implementation plan for the field data collection, data
management, data cleaning, and reporting format. Moreover, office and institutional arrangements, finalized
time frame, training plan for survey initiation, quality control mechanism for field data collection and data
processing, data editing and verification method for conducting the survey will be included in the report.
3.1 Development of Data Collection Instruments
The survey instruments will be developed considering the research objectives and research questions of
the study. Data collection tools will be finalized in consultation with the concerned officials of Heifer
International Bangladesh. All the instruments will be prepared in English. The research team will carry
out the translation of the questionnaire into Bangla if required. The study tools will include all the
research questions are mentioned in the ToR; a) Questionnaire for household information; b)
Questionnaire for marketing, factors affecting on meat production, processing, and market system, etc.; c)
Guidelines for FGDs; and d) Checklist for KII and Checklists for GD.
3.2 Translation and Computerization:
After translating the Questionnaire into Bangla, IT experts of the research team will prepare an android
based application using Kobo platform.
3.3 Pre-testing of the survey questionnaire
The research team will conduct the pretest of the draft questionnaire in some villages in program areas
(which will not be selected for the survey). The purpose of the pretest is to check the language, wording,
translation, consistency, and integrity of the questionnaire.
3.4 Recruitment of Field Personnel
Qualified field personnel will be deployed for data collection from the field. The field personnel would be
recruited based on minimum education level (Graduate), maturity, friendliness, experience of similar
work, and ability to work away in selected project locations. Field personnel will include 16 Field
Enumerators (FE). Gender balanced field team will be deployed in data collection under supervision of
two Field Supervisor to ensure data quality.
3.5 Training for the Field Enumerator
A daylong comprehensive training program on data collection operation will be organized for the field
personnel including enumerators and supervisors at a suitable training center. Field personnel will be
trained in data collection modules and collection strategies. Training sessions will be conducted by core
research team members. A training program will be developed, scheduling when what would be taught by
whom. The last session of the training program will be practicing sessions. The training program will be
sent to Heifer International Bangladesh so that they can send their resource person(s) to assist, observe
and guide the training.
The training will be designed to prepare the field personnel for the data collection work, giving
them the required knowledge and skills.
Training will consist of lectures, classroom practices, group discussions, and role- playing.
The training, among others, will include purpose of assignment, interviewing and rapport
building with respondents, a thorough explanation of all questions, definitions, and explanations
to Jargons, how to fill the questionnaires, handle non-response, check questionnaires for errors,
and handle their daily schedule.
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4. Team Composition:
4.1 Structure
The team has analyzed the ToR, the volume of work and has persuaded that the proposed assignment will
require highly experienced professional on study methodology design, feasibility study, contextual value
chain analysis, and business model development, inclusive market research, analysis and report writing,
programme design. Considering the above requirement, a team is formed comprising with highly
experienced professionals who have well understanding and acquaintance in the field of expertise as well
as have very good understanding on the context of Bangladesh. All members have very good quality of
tools development, data analysis and report writing. All the members of the team have prior experience of
conducting value chain analysis and business model development of different products at national,
regional, and international level. The team will be supported by one qualified Research Associate who is
a food technologist. All Field Enumerators will be minimum graduate having similar experience for
considerable period. Considering the geographical context all Field Enumerators will be hired from
concerned geographical location.
4.2 Roles and responsibilities of the team members:
Team Leader Md Jahid Strategic leadership of the team and coordination/ conducting the overall
Hossain, MSc in study, Provide guideline for market assessment, literature review.
Animal Communication with Heifer International Bangladesh team, take lead in
Nutrition from the meeting, workshop arranged by CRDS. Signing contract with Heifer
Scotland International Bangladesh.
Co-Team Md Gias Uddin Lead the research on economic and policy factors, stakeholder
Leader Talukder, engagement, supply chain modeling part of the study, lead the reporting
MSS and BSc process, presentation, literature review and interview with some
Ag important stakeholders as well.
Field Mostafa Nurul Training to the Field Investigators, Develop and finalize the data
Coordinator Islam, MSS and collection tools, conduct FGD and KIIs with key stakeholders, transcript
BSc Ag finalization and provide inputs for report. Data quality control, guide the
Field Enumerators.
Research Most Afroza Draft the data collection tools, data quality control, support to the
Associate Sharmin, enumerators during data collection period, conduct FGD, KIIs, GDs,
Nutritionist prepare transcript of qualitative tools and provide inputs on reporting.
5. Workplan:
CRDS is proposing the below tentative workplan which may require some adjustment due to practicality
of field situation in consultation with Heifer International Bangladesh team.
Preparation Due date
Award of Contract 01 December’23
Inception report 07 December’23
Draft Tools 11 December’23
Review Tools 14 December’23
Finalize Tools 15 December’23
Training of data collection team 16-17 December’23
Data collection 18-25 December’23
Data analysis 26-29 December 2023
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6. Relevant Experiences:
CRDS have conducted a significant number of research since its starting however below table illustrated
the very relevant to this feasibility study.
Funding Status/
SL Name of the Project Name of the Client
agency Duration
1. Pre-Feasibility Study of Climate Resilient Food and FAO July 2023
Agriculture for Transformative Ecosystem Agriculture
(CREATE) Concept Note for submission to the Organization of UN
Green Climate Fund (GCF) in Bangladesh
2. Endline study of Nutrition Sensitive Value Chain World Vision DFAT August
(NSVC) project Bangladesh 2023
3. Baseline Survey for Research, Development & Dept. of GoB February
Extension of Cashew Nut & Coffee Project Agricultural 2022
Extension (DAE)
4. Impact Evaluation on the project titled “South- IMED, Ministry of GoB February
Western Bangladesh Rural Development Planning 2022
5. The Feasibility Study of Livestock Projects Dairy MAIL, Afghanistan MAIL, June
Industry Development In All Provinces Of Afghanistan 2021 -
Afghanistan Present
6. Detail Feasibility Study (FS) {Participatory Rural Local Government JICA May 2019
Appraisal (PRA) & Feasibility Study (FS)} and Engineering
Detail Design (DD)” under Small Scale Water Department (LGED)
Resource Development Project (Phase-2) (SSWRDP-
7. Service Provider (Firm) for “Supply Chain Department of GoB Nov.
Management and Market Linkage” of National Livestock Services 2019 Oct.
Agricultural Technology Program, Phase-II Project (DLS) 2020
8. Feasibility Study of the Project titled “Exploring the Ministry of Women GoB Nov 2018
creativity of village children” under Shishu and Children Affairs Dec 2018
Academy, Bangladesh.
9. In-depth Monitoring of “Conservation and IMED, Ministry of GOB Feb 2017
Improvement of native sheep through community Planning -May
farming & commercial farming (2nd Phase)” 2017
implemented by BLRI & DLS.
10. Baseline Survey for South-West Regional Livestock Dept. of Livestock GOB Oct’2016
Development Project under DLS. Services (DLS), Dec’2016
11. Market Survey (baseline data collection) for the Food and FAO Mar 2014
establishment of Seed Multiplication Farm, Seed Agriculture Aug 2014
Processing Centre and Seed Testing Laboratory in Organization of UN
the Southern Coastal Region” under Project
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Funding Status/
SL Name of the Project Name of the Client
agency Duration
12. Baseline survey and poultry value chain study for Food and FAO Oct 2013
the project “improving food security of women and Agriculture Mar 2014
children by enhancing backyard and small-scale Organization of UN
poultry production in the southern delta region”
13. Assessment of Effectiveness of Livestock PIU, NATP: World Bank April
Technology Training Provided to CIG Farmers Livestock 2013 June
under NATP: Livestock Component Component, DLS 2013
14. Baseline Survey in Selective 29 Districts of Dept. of GOB Nov’2015
Integrated Agricultural Approach for Ensuring Agricultural Apr 2016
Nutrition and Food Security Project (IANEP) Area Extension (DAE)
under DAE.
15. Baseline survey and poultry value chain study for the Food and FAO Oct 2013
project “improving food security of women and Agriculture Mar 2014
children by enhancing backyard and small-scale Organization (FAO)
poultry production in the southern delta region” of UN.
16. Assessment of Effectiveness of Livestock PIU, NATP: World Bank April
Technology Training Provided to CIG Farmers Livestock 2013
under NATP: Livestock Component Component, DLS June 2013
17. Baseline Survey in selective three districts of the Dept. of GOB April
project area under Integrated Agricultural Extension Agricultural 2012
Approach for Poverty Reduction & Food Security Extension (DAE) June 2012
Project (IAPRFP), DAE
18. Final Evaluation of “Milk production as a means to Plan International - Plan May 2011
livelihood security of the poor (MPMLSP)”. Bangladesh Internationa June 2011
19. Interim impact assessment through PRA and survey Food and FAO April
in Special Programme for Food Security Project Agriculture 2006
under FAO. Organization (FAO) July 2006
of UN.
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