Hip Pain Questionnaire: HIP PAIN: (If You Have Pain On Only One Side, You Can Skip Questions Related To The Other Side.)

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HIP PAIN: (If you have pain on only one side, you can skip questions related to the other side.)

What side is your pain on?

Left Right Bilateral. If Bilateral: Equal Left greater than Right Right greater than Left
How long have you had hip problems?
Left hip:
Please specify how many days, weeks, months, or years:_____________________
Right hip:
Please specify how many days, weeks, months, or years:_____________________
How severe is your pain? (Circle one.) 0 is no pain and 10 is worst pain of your life.
Left hip:
SCALE OF PAIN: 0 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 8 – 9 – 10
Right hip:
SCALE OF PAIN: 0 – 1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – 7 – 8 – 9 – 10
Where do you feel your hip pain? (Mark all that apply or describe it yourself on the blank line provided)
Left hip: _________________________________
Groin Side of hip Front of thigh Inner thigh-medial Outer thigh-lateral
Buttocks Lower back Sacroiliac join Back of the thigh
Right hip: _________________________________
Groin Side of hip Front of thigh Inner thigh-medial Outer thigh-lateral
Buttocks Lower back Sacroiliac join Back of the thigh
What does the pain feel like? (Mark all that apply or describe it yourself on the blank line provided)
Left hip: _________________________________
Dull Achy Sharp A baseline dull and achiness with episodes of sharp pain
Throbbing Burning Clicking Catching
Right hip: _________________________________
Dull Achy Sharp A baseline dull and achiness with episodes of sharp pain
Throbbing Burning Clicking Catching
Does the pain radiate? Yes / No. If yes, where does it radiate to? (Mark all that apply or describe it yourself)
Left hip: _________________________________
Groin to knee To the ankle Into foot Into the toes
Groin to side of hip Groin to buttock Down back of leg to knee Down back of leg to foot
Right hip: _________________________________
Groin to knee To the ankle Into foot Into the toes
Groin to side of hip Groin to buttock Down back of leg to knee Down back of leg to foot
Pain is aggravated by: (Mark all that apply or describe it yourself on the blank line provided)
Left hip: _________________________________
Ascending stairs Descending stairs Arising from a chair Kneeling or squatting Laying on side of hip
Walking Exercise Getting in/out of a car Putting on shoes and socks Pushing on side of hip
Right hip: _________________________________
Ascending stairs Descending stairs Arising from a chair Kneeling or squatting Laying on side of hip
Walking Exercise Getting in/out of a car Putting on shoes and socks Pushing on side of hip
Pain is relieved by: (Mark all that apply or describe it yourself on the blank line provided)
Left hip: _________________________________
Rest Sitting Standing Lying down Stretching
Pain medications Topical ointments Topical patches Ice Heat Nothing
Right hip: _________________________________
Rest Sitting Standing Lying down Stretching
Pain medications Topical ointments Topical patches Ice Heat Nothing
Associated symptoms?
Left hip: _________________________________
None Clicking Popping Locking Catching
Right hip: _________________________________
None Clicking Popping Locking Catching
Do you have a history of back pain? Yes / No. Do you have sciatica? Yes / No

If yes, please explain:__________________________________________________________________________________

How does your hip pain affect your ability to walk?
Left hip: _________________________________
No difficulty Slight Mild Moderate Marked/serious limitations
Only walks around the house Totally disabled, wheelchair bound
Right hip: _________________________________
No difficulty Slight Mild Moderate Marked/serious limitations
Only walks around the house Totally disabled, wheelchair bound
How far can you walk without stopping because of your hip pain?
Left hip: _________________________________
Unlimited > 6 blocks (30 mins) 2-3 blocks (10-15 minutes) < 1 block Indoors only Bed to chair
Right hip: _________________________________
Unlimited > 6 blocks (30 mins) 2-3 blocks (10-15 minutes) < 1 block Indoors only Bed to chair
Do you need support when walking?
None Cane for long walks Cane full time One crutch
Two canes Two crutches Walker Unable to walk / wheelchair
What have you tried to improve your hip pain?
Weight loss NSAIDs Tramadol Tylenol Physical therapy
Cane/Walker Glucosamine Cortisone injections Other: ___________________________________
If you’ve had an injection in the involved joint, how many have you had?
Left hip:
None One Two Three Other: _________. When was the last one injection? ______________________
Right hip:
None One Two Three Other: _________. When was the last one injection? ______________________
Do you feel your legs are equal in length?
Yes, they feel equal. Right feels longer by about ____________? Left feels longer by about ____________?
Have you ever had a DVT (deep vein thrombosis)? Yes / No

Have you ever had a PE (pulmonary embolism? Yes / No

Do you have any history of bleeding or clotting disorders? Yes / No

Has anyone in your immediate family had a DVT or PE? Yes / No

Current living arrangements:
I live alone in a house or apartment
I live in a house or apartment with my spouse/relatives or other(s)
I live in a nursing home or residential health care facility
Other: ________________________________________________________________________________________
Do you have stairs in your home/apartment? Yes / No. If yes, how many? _________________________________
PAST SURGERIES: NONE – OR LIST: (If yes, please specify date of surgery):
Previous Surgery on ___________? (mm/yyyy) Type of Surgery and Name of Surgeon
Left knee: YES NO _______________________ _____________________________________________
Right knee: YES NO _______________________ _____________________________________________
Left hip: YES NO _______________________ _____________________________________________
Right hip: YES NO _______________________ _____________________________________________
Previous infection ____________?
Left knee: YES NO Left hip: YES NO Other: ______________________________________
Right knee: YES NO Right hip: YES NO
Other types of surgery? Date of Surgery (mm/yyyy)
______________________________________________________ __________________________________________
______________________________________________________ __________________________________________
______________________________________________________ __________________________________________

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