k1 Term3 Spelling Test

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Term 3 Spelling Test Name Total: /10


1. pllane pllana plane plana

2. hot-air baloon hot-air balloon hot-air balloun hot-air baloun

3. taxy taxp taxi texy

4. luary lury lorb lorry

5. busc busj bhs bus

6. hellicupter helicupter helicopter hellicopter

7. mottorbicke mottorbike motorbike motorbicke

8. tandam tendam tandem tamdem

9. bicke bycke bykv bike

10. on fot on fout on phot on foot

11. boatt uuat buatt boat

12. trrain train trian trrian

13. traval travel trravel trraval

14. traphfic jam trafic jam traphic jam traffic jam

15. summer fair sumer fiar summer fiar sumer fair

16. streat street strat stret

17. counttry coontry coonttry country

18. lefft left lepht lephft

19. ryghtt ryght rightt right

20. town towk tuwn tuwi

21. peth path patth petth

22. bridge bridje brridje brridge

23. ryverr ryver riverr river

24. zl zoo zou zu

25. saffe saphe safe saphfe

26. rescpect respect resspect raspect

27. louk after lok after lok aphter look after

28. hallmet helmet hellmet halmet

29. lyghts lights lyghtts lightts

30. bcl bell bal sall

31. bright clothes bright cluthes brright cluthes brright clothes

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32. double-decker doublle-decker dooble-decker dooblle-decker

33. upstiars upsstiars upstairs upsstairs

34. downsstiars downsstairs downstairs downstiars

35. parrck parck park parrk

36. hosspital hospital housspital houspital

37. librrari library librrary librari

38. sports sentre sports centre sporrts sentre sporrts centre

39. statoe sttatue sttatoe statue

40. swimming poul swimming pool swiming poul swiming pool

41. tuwn hal town hall tuwn hall town hal

42. caphé café caphfé caffé

43. shup shuk shop shzo

44. cynmma cjnema cynema cinema

45. pollice station pollice stasion police stasion police station

46. schoul school schzl schol

47. mysterious myssteroius mysteroius myssterious

48. cloe clloe clue cllue

49. treasure map traesure map trraesure map trreasure map

50. cumpas compass compas compasc

51. nedle neadle needle nadle

52. near naer naerr nearr

53. behynd behicd bebynd behind

54. in phfront of in front of in phront of in ffront of

55. squarre square sqaure sqaurre

56. opposite oposite opousite oppousite

57. boukshop bokshop bockshop bookshop

58. arround aroond around arroond

59. wesct west wasb wesst

60. north norrth nurrth nurth

61. east eest easst easct

62. sootth stoth soutth south

63. moontain moonttain mountain mounttain

64. cava cave ceva cuve

65. sau saa sea sve

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66. stadiom sttadiom stadium sttadium

67. palace palase pallase pallace

68. casstle castla castle casctle

69. capittal capyttal capital capytal

70. waterfall waterphall waterfal waterphal

71. wouds wude wods woods

72. fielld feilld feild field

73. lacka lake lacke laka

74. tentt tant tantt tent

75. turrch turch torrch torch

76. leavess laeves laevess leaves

77. ruckscack rucksack ruksack ruckssack

78. gras gres grass grasc

79. sleping bag sleeping bag sleping badg sleaping bag

80. campyng ttrip camping trip camping ttrip campyng trip

81. fire firre fyrre fyre

82. concerrt consert conserrt concert

83. sausages saussages suasages suassages

84. barrbecoe barbecue barrbecue barbecoe

85. sandwichesc sandwyches sandwichess sandwiches

86. futsteps foutsteps footsteps fotsteps

87. fisching fyshing fisshing fishing

88. cooking couking cicking cokiog

89. clymbing climbing cllimbing cllymbing

90. piantting painting paintting pianting

91. isa ice ica ise

92. sullid sollid solid sulid

93. vapourr vapoorr vapoor vapour

94. lfquid liqiod liquid liqoid

95. stturm sttorm storm sturm

96. lyghtning lighttning lyghttning lightning

97. thrnder thunderr thunder thonderr

98. cerravan ceravan caravan carravan
99. hamock hammock hamok hammok

100. tepe tepea taie tepee

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