Correction of Class II Division 2 Deepbite Malocclusion With Non-Extraction Therapy

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Case Report

Correction of Class II Division 2 Deepbite Malocclusion

with Non-extraction Therapy

Dr Situ L Shrestha,1 Dr Supreeth S Manipal,2 Dr Bikash V Shrestha,3 Dr Alok K Jaiswal4

Professor, Asst Professor, Dept of Orthodontics, Peoples Dental College, Kathmandu, Nepal

Asst Professor, Kedia Dental College, Birgunj, Nepal


Correspondence: [email protected]

The article presents a case report of a teen age girl with Class II Division 2 malocclusion with deep over bite. The
case was treated on non-extraction basis using 0.018 pre-adjusted edgewise appliance with anterior bite plate
(monobloc) to correct deep bite and forward placement of the mandible. Use of Class II elastics helped to achieve
Class I canine and molar retention. Treatment was completed in 22 months with good occlusion and facial esthetics.

INTRODUCTION Temporomandibular joint examinations confirmed

normal joints and maximum inter-incisal opening was
Class II malocclusion is among the common acceptable with no deviation. No joint noises were
malocclusions that is faced in orthodontic practice. perceptible in excursive movements of the mandible.
Early diagnosis and proper management can avoid
the unnecessary extractions and even orthognathic Orthodontically the patient presented with Angle’s
surgeries that might be needed in some cases. Class II Division 2 malocclusion. Complete traumatic
Monobloc (anterior bite plane) appliance can be used deep bite with 2 mm overjet and flared upper
in such case to treat the growing skeletal malocclusion. lateral incisors was noted. There was mild lower
Further treatment refinement is done using Class II anterior crowding (2 mm) and mild upper anterior
elastics, which shows desirable mandibular growth crowding (1.5 mm); and a moderate curve of Spee
leading to non-extraction correction of skeletal and in both arches. The soft tissue was within normal limits
dental Class II malocclusion. (Figure 1).


A 13 years and 7 months old female patient whose chief Cephalometric analysis (Figure 2) revealed
complaint in her own words was “I don’t like the way normognathic maxilla (SNA 82o), rethrognathic
my upper teeth are” was presented to the Department mandible (SNB 73o); skeletal Class II relationship (ANB
of Orthodontics, Peoples Dental College and Hospital.
9o) with a horizontal growth pattern (Y-axis growth 54o).
The patient’s medical history was noncontributory and
The upper and lower central incisors were retroclined
her dental history included routine dental check-ups.
(UI to NA angle 6o, LI to NB angle 8o), and the chin was
Other findings and history were unremarkable and
prominent (Table I). Panoramic evaluation revealed
perverse habits were not present.
permanent dentition with all permanent teeth present.
CLINICAL EXAMINATION The periodontal condition was within normal limits
(Figure 3).
Extra-oral examination of the patient showed
symmetric and leptoprosopic facial type on frontal
view. The profile view revealed prominent chin, TREATMENT
convex profile, prominent upper lip, deep labio-mental
After reviewing the diagnostic records and patient
sulcus, average nasolabial angle, and competent lip.
history; non-extraction orthodontic correction with

Orthodontic Journal of Nepal, Vol. 3, No. 1, June 2013

Shrestha SL, Manipal SS, Shrestha BV, Jaiswal AK : Correction of Class II Division 2 Deepbite Malocclusion with Non-extraction Therapy

Table 1: Comparative cephalometric analysis

Parameters Pre treatment Post treatment Mean value

SNA 78 83 83.2

SNB 73 78 79.8

ANB 5 5 3.4

UI to NA 6 21 21.3

LI to NB 8 30 26.3

Facial Angle 90 87 89.8

Angle of Convexity 4 4 3,1

Cant of OP 4 4 7.1

MP angle 16 20 23.2

Y-axis 54 57 58.6

preadjusted edgewise appliance technique was The overbite and overjet were corrected; and maxillary
initiated, expecting that growth of the mandible would and mandibular crowding was eliminated. The final
contribute to achieve a Class I molar and canine cephalometric radiograph is shown in Figure 5. The
relationship. posterior intercuspation was excellent with occlusal
settlement and the panoramic radiograph (Figure 6)
The upper arch was initially banded on the first molars
showed near parallel root position. The maxilla showed
and bonded from second premolar to second premolar
a slight forward movement, most likely because of the
with standard Roth prescribed 0.018 pre-adjusted
edgewise brackets, with arch wire progression starting residual growth. The mandible moved in a favorable
from 0.012 NiTi. Mono-block (anterior bite plane) was forward and downward direction. The upper and lower
fabricated and inserted which helped in advancement incisors showed excellent inter-arch relationship. Slight
of mandible. It also acted as anterior bite plate for extrusion and significant protraction of the lower molars
correction of deep bite. After 1 month lower arch was were observed (Figure 4). This can be attributed to
also bonded and banded. Class II mechanics that opened the bite. The following
esthetic changes were achieved: a decrease in facial
Class II elastics were used during the treatment and convexity, increase in anterior facial height, and flatter
Class I molar and canine relationships were achieved
labiomental sulcus. The profile was well balanced.
with excellent patient cooperation. After 22 months of
active therapy followed by 6 months of active retention
period, debonding was done and impressions were
made for retainers. The treatment attempted to potentiate more forward
growth and development of the mandible. Use of
RETENTION mono-block (anterior bite plane) worked for anterior
Clear retainer was placed in maxillary arch and fixed placement of mandible as well as for correction
lingual retainer was placed in the mandibular arch. The of deep bite; also to eliminate crowding, correct
patient was instructed to wear them full time for 1 year, midline discrepancy, obtain good torque and root
at night for an additional year, and to return for periodic axial inclination. Obtaining Class I molar and canine
evaluation until completion of growth. relationship; obtaining an acceptable overjet and
overbite; achieve proper intercuspation; improve facial
RESULTS ACHIEVED profile by reducing facial convexity and increasing
anterior lower facial height were other treatment goals
Post-treatment facial photographs are shown in Figure 4.
A Class I molar and canine relationship were obtained. OJN

74 Orthodontic Journal of Nepal, Vol. 3, No. 1, June 2013

Shrestha SL, Manipal SS, Shrestha BV, Jaiswal AK : Correction of Class II Division 2 Deepbite Malocclusion with Non-extraction Therapy

Figure 2: Pretreatment Lateral Cephalogram

Figure 1: Pretreatment facial and intra-oral photographs Figure 3: Pretreatment OPG

Figure 5: Post treatment Lateral Cephalogram

Figure 4: Post treatment facial and intra oral photograph Figure 6: Post treatment OPG

Orthodontic Journal of Nepal, Vol. 3, No. 1, June 2013


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