Treatment of Class Ii Div 2 Malocclusion Using Powerscope: A Case Report
Treatment of Class Ii Div 2 Malocclusion Using Powerscope: A Case Report
Treatment of Class Ii Div 2 Malocclusion Using Powerscope: A Case Report
Correction of skeletal Class II malocclusion has become a major challenge for orthodontists. Class II jaw discrepancies
characterized by mandibular deficiency are treated with fixed functional appliances when there is no active growth present.
This case report illustrates the application of PowerScope in 16 years young adolescent male having skeletal Class II Div 2 with
mandibular deficiency who was reported with forwardly and irregularly placed upper front teeth with closed bite. The case
was treated initially with MBT 0.022” prescription followed by PowerScope. Successful results were obtained with a substantial
improvement in facial profile, skeletal jaw relationship and overall aesthetic appearance. PowerScope produced a significant
forward movement of mandible which obliterated the need of extractions.
Keywords: Class II Div 2 malocclusion, fixed functional appliance, mandibular deficiency, non-extraction, PowerScope
and mandibular arch form exhibited squarish shape Treatment objective: To improve facial profile, achieve
with severe curve of spee in mandibular dentition. Intra- adequate overjet and overbite relations, improve
oral examination showed Class II end-on molar relation smile esthetics, and to obtain Class I canine and
on both sides and Class II canine relation on both sides; molar relation without extracting teeth. Levelling
scissor bite was present with respect to 24. Upper and of curve of Spee is required in mandibular arch with
lower dental midline were coincident (Figure 1). the maintainence of inter-canine and inter-premolar
Extra-oral examination displayed reduced lower facial widths.
height, competent lips and convex profile with the Treatment plan: A non-extraction approach was
presence of passive lip seal and posteriorly divergent undertaken. MBT 0.022” brackets was selected and
and retrusive mandible. Distinct concavities were fixed functional appliance PowerScope was used at a
seen in the inferior border of C2, C3 and C4 in cervical
later stage to address skeletal problem thus utilizing the
vertebrae which corresponds to SMI 7 indicating
remaining growth (Figure 3).
deceleration stage which signifies 10% to 25%
adolescent growth left. The panoramic radiograph Treatment progress: The archwire sequence was co-
showed the presence of all permanent teeth (Figure 2). axial, 0.014 Niti, 0.016 Niti, 16x22 Niti, 16x22 SS; each
4 mm (70-74 mm). Maxillary length remained unchanged force is both extrusive and horizontal in force vector.8
after PowerScope correction. Substantial improvement
Rectangular stainless steel arch wire of 0.025” in horizontal
in soft tissue and skeletal profile was observed with a
dimension is required to use the appliance. It provides
tendency towards orthognathic profile. Esthetic line
precise fit for direct-to-wire attachments and restricts the
changed from -2 mm to -3.5 mm in upper lip and -4.5mm
appliance from unwanted movement and prevents soft
to -2 mm in lower lip. Pre-treatment and post-treatment
tissue irritation.15,16
cephalometric findings were compared (Table 1).
PowerScope itself does not cause forward repositioning
The PowerScope has certain advantages over Class II
of the mandible in anterior direction and when patient
elastics. The compressed Niti spring provides push force
functions in a maximum intercuspation position, its internal
mesial to maxillary molars and distal to mandibular canine,
spring works. Therefore, a significant midline discrepancy
and force is mainly horizontal and slight intrusive in nature
can still be seen.
whereas Class II elastics delivers pull type of force and
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