Subhash Vs Reena Rana
Subhash Vs Reena Rana
Subhash Vs Reena Rana
Sh. Subhash Chand age …… years s/o Sh. Ranjit Singh mar R/o
Village Bangarh , Tehsil & Distt. Una (HP)
1. Smt. Reena Rana w/o Sh. Ranjit Singh R/o Village Bangarh ,
Tehsil & Distt. Una (HP).
………. Respondent
Claim in appeal
To set aside the judgment and decree dated 08.06.2023 passed by Sh.
Sandeep Singh Sihag, Senior Civil Judge Court No. I, Una District
Una in civil suit No. 80/2016 in case titled “Reena Rana vs Subhash
Chand” and to dismiss the suit of the plaintiffs/ Respondents, by
accepting this appeal.
Grounds of appeal: -
1. That the impugned judgment & decree dated 08.06.2023 passed
by Sh. Sandeep Singh Sihag, Senior Civil Judge Court No. I,
Una District Una in civil suit No. 80/2016 in case titled “Reena
Rana vs Subhash Chand”, vide which the suit of the
plaintiff/Respondent, has been decreed, is against the law &
2. That the ld. Lower has passed the impugned judgment and
decree on surmises and conjectures.
6. The Ld. Lower court has decided the other issues also in
contradiction to each other. The Ld lower court has failed to
appreciate the evidence on record in its right prospective. The
observations of the trial court are certainly against the settled
principles of law. It was mandatory for the Ld. Lower Court to
dismiss the suit. However, the suit was decreed on flimsy &
baseless grounds. Proved as the scriber of the agreement i.e.
Deed writer as well as attesting witness Jitender has not been
examined so as to prove the genuineness & tampering in the
original record & it was the only reason the plaintiff has not
examined these witnesses.
7. That Ld lower Court has also ignored this fact that the alleged
agreement to sell was not legally proved and it was required to
be proved as per law. Moreover the awarded interest rate is also
on higher side.
8. That the findings of the Ld Lower Court on other issues are also
wrong and not sustainable under the law.
9. That the findings of the Ld. Lower Court is against the law as
the Ld. Lower court has not followed the proper procedure and
has also failed to appreciate the legal aspect of the dispute,
hence the judgment and decree passed by the Ld. Lower Court is
not sustainable in the eyes of law.
It is, therefore, prayed that the judgment and decree passed by Sh.
Sandeep Singh Sihag, Senior Civil Judge Court No. I, Una District
Una in civil suit No. 80/2016 dated 08.06.2023 vide which suit of the
plaintiff/ Respondent, has been decreed, may please be set aside and
the suit may please be ordered to be dismissed by accepting the
Dated:23.05.2022 Appellant
Through counsels
Sh. Subhash Chand age …… years s/o Sh. Ranjit Singh mar R/o
Village Bangarh , Tehsil & Distt. Una (HP)
2. Smt. Reena Rana w/o Sh. Ranjit Singh R/o Village Bangarh ,
Tehsil & Distt. Una (HP).
………. Respondent
5. That this application has been made and filed in good faith
and in bonafide manner. An affidavit is attached.
It is, therefore, humbly prayed that the application may kindly be
allowed and the implementation of the impugned order dated
08.06.2023 passed by Sh. Sandeep Singh Sihag, Senior Civil Judge
Court No. I, Una District Una in civil suit No. 80/2016, in case titled
“Reena Rana vs Subhash Chand” may please ordered to be stayed till
the final decision of the appeal in the interest of injustice.
Dated: Applicant
Through Counsels
Sh. Subhash Chand age …… years s/o Sh. Ranjit Singh mar R/o
Village Bangarh , Tehsil & Distt. Una (HP)
1. Smt. Reena Rana w/o Sh. Ranjit Singh R/o Village Bangarh ,
Tehsil & Distt. Una (HP).
………. Respondent
I Subhash Chand age …… years s/o Sh. Ranjit Singh mar R/o
Village Bangarh , Tehsil & Distt. Una (HP), do hereby solemnly
affirm and declare as under:-
1. That the accompanying application for staying the
implementation of the impugned order has been drafted as per
my instruction & at my instance & the same has been read over
& explained to me in vernacular.
2. That the contents of the application are true & correct to the best
of my knowledge & nothing material has been concealed there
Dated Deponent
I, above named deponent further solemnly affirm and declare that the
contents of my above said affidavit are true and correct to the best of
my knowledge and nothing material has been concealed there from.