Smart Women Safety Device Using IoT and GPS Tracker

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2023 Intelligent Computing and Control for Engineering and Business Systems (ICCEBS)


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G. Uganya, N. Kirubakaran,
Assistant Professor, Department of Electronics Associate Professor
2023 Intelligent Computing and Control for Engineering and Business Systems (ICCEBS) | 979-8-3503-9458-0/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ICCEBS58601.2023.10449302

and Communication Engineering, Vel Tech Department of CSBS

Rangarajan Dr. Sagunthala R&D Institute of Chennai Institute of Technology, Chennai.
Science and Technology, Chennai. [email protected]
[email protected]
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Bernatin T, M. Boobalan,
Associate Professor, Department of ECE Assistant Professor, Department of CSE,
Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology, K S R Institute for Engineering and
Chennai. Technology, Tiruchengode.
[email protected]

Independent devices that may be carried discreetly and used

Abstract— The utilisation of IOT is one of the crucial
components. Since women are always scared to leave their houses more rapidly must be developed, such as safety bands,
for fear of being physically or sexually mistreated or subjected rings, key rings, etc. The women will be able to send
to violence, women’s safety in the modern world has become a location-based emergency alerts using these gadgets if they
critical worry. Despite the market being flooded with smart run into trouble [12].
devices and software, none of them provide a practicalsolution.
Experts in many sectors have discovered women’s safety II. LITERATURE SURVEY
technology that operates both manually and automatically for
an older method. The message can be provided immediately Rachana B et al. aimed to develop a smart device capable
if the user calls the police station, and the message’s accuracy will of assisting women in specific emergency scenarios. The
depend on how accurately the user talks. developed system is a wearable device that look like a
This work uses a GPS module, GSM module, heartbeat sensor,
jacket. One example of the many different modules found
and Esp-cam to illustrate a women’s safety detectionsystem. And
the monitoring and messaging system is made up of a inside the device includes a camera, buzzer, shock
“microcontroller”, “GSM modem”, and a “GPS receiver”. mechanism circuit, GPS, and GSM (Global System for
Latitude and longitude information is obtained by the GPS Mobile Communication). In this work, the author provides
receiver from satellites in the form of location data. ladies who are uneasy or alone with a reliable security
Index Terms—Women’s safety, Smart safety chain, IoT, GPS
system [1].
tracker, Real time tracking, Emergency alerts, Location-based
service. D. Kale et al. discussed the safety and issue of harassment
of every girl’s maximum concern in the modern society.
I. INTRODUCTION The one constant thought of every girl is the day when
In every aspect of society, men and women are currently in she would be allowed to roam the streets freely, never
having to worry about her safety. This venture suggests a
direct conflict with one another. Women are responsible
for 50 Percent of the growth of our nation. The women are cutting-edge method to safeguard women. The system is
madeup of a number of parts, including a Raspberry Pi-3
nevertheless concerned about being murdered and mistreated.
These and other types of harassment of women are becoming module,a memory card, a buzzer, a camera, and GSM and
GPS technology [2].
more prevalent. Therefore, it is essential to protect women’s
safety. The problem with applications is that their design is S. Rakesh et al. discussed the incidence of crimes against
typically subpar. After opening her phone, the woman must women including rape, eve-teasing, and molestation
incidents in public places are all too common. Women must
unlock it, need to open the application, and then asking of
help. In addition, they typically start with the phone [10]. have a safety gadget that may help to a rescue and shield
in the event of danger situation. Because women’s safety is
The "Internet of Things" (IoT) is a leading technology in real
world which have been sensors/actuators, application-based currently given top priority. With the help of ‘ pressure’,
software for information sharing and worldwide ‘ temperature’,and ‘pulse-rate sensor’, this study suggests a
smart device to give automatic alarm and uses outlier
communication. It uses the devices from domestic
applications, and industrial based. Now, the gadgets if seven detection to automatically identify potential atrocities.
This technology locates her and alerts loved ones to her
billion has been connected with IoT. From this estimation, in
2025, it has been increased to twenty-two billion. Oracle's position without the necessity for a woman’s engagement
in emergency scenarios [3].
network includes device partners [11].
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979-8-3503-9458-0/23/$31.00 ©2023 IEEE
security system for women is implemented to address these
V Suma et al [4], developed a IOT based smart wearable gadget
issues. This concept proposes a clever IOT application that not
with the usage of smart phoneto convey the dangered location
only assists women in taking care of themselves but also
by giving in the form of image which was taken in emergency
encourages them to face their fears.
situation. And the images are sent to the emergency contacts and
near to the police station without using additional hardware B. Proposed Method
modules [4]. This work employs an Arduino controller together with
Suhas Shirol et al. discussed the protection and security, sensors such the ‘ESP CAM’, ‘heart rate sensor’, ‘sound
particularly in light of the recent spike in reports of harassment buzzer’, ‘LCD’, ‘GSM’, and ‘GPS’ to create a friendly and
of women. The one constant thought of every girl is the day secure electronic system for women (shows in fig. 1). The
when she would be allowed to roam the streets freely, never device can be turned on using the victim’s panic button
having to worry about her safety. That is an enormous amount, module. The pulse sensor, GPS, and GSM modules
without a doubt! We present a theory that modifies how incorporated inside the gadget all switch on immediately
everyone thinks about the safety of women. When media sources when it is turned on. The system then transmitsa message
feature women’s accomplishments more frequently than alert to the authorized predetermined numbers as well as
instances of harassment, it is a success. Our recommendation is to the parents, including latitude and longitude
to have a device that integrates several different devices. It has measurements as well as a heart rate measurement. A
“wearable smart band” that is always in communication with a buzzer will also continuously beep at the same time to alert
smart phone that has an internet connection [5]. nearby residents to what is happening. When the sensor
goes overthe threshold limit, the device turns on and uses
Remya George et al. discussed the many cases of unethical the GPSmodule to locate the victim. The ‘GSM module’
physical harassment of women. This is accelerating as a result sends the victim’s location to the registered contact
of the absence of an effective surveillance system. Our initiative number.
is an attempt to resolve this problem. An essential part of the
systems is a monitoring device, whose output is utilized to
identify dangerous situations. When it notices dangerous
surroundings, the device will set off alarms placed around the
building and send a message to a nearby control center. This
gadget can be deployed in public spaces like train stations, bus
stops, walkways and retail malls where women are regularly
assaulted [6].
Akshata V.S et al. discussed the causes of violence against
womenare still a mystery in academic studies [7]. This is
partially due to the fact that numerous types of violence against
women including rape, sexual assault, and domestic abuse [8].
It is widely known that even today, it is impossible to obtain a
precise picture of violence against women, making it much more
difficult to paint a historical portrait of such violence. Even
though it might be difficult to pinpoint the origins of violence
against women, some claim that it has always been accepted,
supported by the state, and even encouraged [9].
Fig. 1. Block diagram
A. Problem Statement
Violence against women has been more prevalent world- wide A popular microcontroller development board called the
in recent years. Women confront various obstacles to their ESP32-CAM has a camera module built into it,
safety, particularly when they travel alone or in strange settings. making it perfect for projects requiring live video
Women may be exposed to risk when existing pre- cautions like streaming. You can see the video feed through a web-
emergency services and helplines don’t always offer timely based interface by settingup the ESP32-CAM (shown in
assistance. fig. 2)to connect to a web server and transmit video data.
The gadget must be user-friendly, portable, light, and havea The ESP32-CAM can be configured in a numberof
long battery life. Additionally, it must to have an alarm feature different ways to stream live video. One typical
that might warn neighbors and discourage prospectiveassailants. methodis to connect to a local network using the Wi-Fi
The device’s purpose is to enable women to walk freely without capabilities of the ESP32-CAM, then stream video data to
worrying about harassment or violence. a web server using protocols like RTSP or HLS. The
video feed can thenbe provided to viewers via a web-
Therefore, the problem statement for the women’s safety device based interface by the web server.
using IoT and GPS tracker is to provide an innovative, portable,
and efficient solution that can empower women to travel safely,
protect them from potential harm, and help them to alert their
loved ones or authorities
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An Arduino or microcontroller, along with a heartbeat sensor,
could be used to create a gadget that sounds a buzzer when a
user’s heartbeat is abnormal and a button is depressed. The
system would gauge the user’s heartbeat and assess it against
an established cutoff point for irregular heartbeats. Thegadget
would turn on the buzzer and sound an alert if the user’s
heartbeat went above the preset limit. Once the buzzer is
activated, the user can send a distress signal to a chosen
contact or emergency services by pressing a button on the
When a button is pressed, a device that broadcasts an alarm
SMS and GPS location can be made using a microcontroller,
a GSM module, and a GPS module. The device can be set up
to send an SMS with the user’s GPS location to a designated
contact or emergency service when the button is touched.
Fig. 4. Push Button

Push buttons are a typical switch type that are utilized in

numerous electronic applications shown in fig. 4. They are
straightforward switches that may be actuated with a single
button press.

Fig. 2. ESP32 CAM

This is a device that can be called an all-in-one unit. In

addition to the factory installed WiFi and Bluetooth
connectivity, two more options have been added for GPIO.
Has an integrated little video camera and a connection to a
MicroSD card that we can use to store photos or films.

Fig. 5. GSM

An electrical device known as a GSM module is used

to facilitate communication over the Global System for
Mobile Communications (GSM) network which is shown
in fig. 5. GSM modules are frequently utilised in a range
of applications, including tracking, security, and remote
monitoring and control systems. We shall go over the
functions, varieties, and uses of GSM modules in this post.
Signals are sent and received through theGSM network for
Fig. 3. Heart Beat Sensor GSM modules to function. They are made up of a SIM card,
a GSM modem, and a microcontroller. The GSM modem is
A particular kind of biomedical sensor, called a heartbeat in charge of sending and receiving data over the GSM
sensor, is used to gauge a person’s heart rate shown in fig. 3. network, and the microcontroller is in charge of managing
It is a widely used non-invasive technique for tracking cardiac communication between the GSM modem and the external
activity in medical, physical fitness, and sporting contexts. device.

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Fig. 7. Experimental Setup


Fig. 6. GPS

A GPS module is a piece of technology that uses the Global

Positioning System (GPS) to pinpoint the exact location of
a person, vehicle, or object. Many different applications,
including navigation systems, fleet tracking systems, and
geolocation devices, frequently use GPS units which is
shown in Fig. 6.

Receiving signals from a system of GPS satellites in orbit

around the Earth is how GPS module’s function. The GPS
module determines the precise location of the object or
person being tracked using signals from at least four
satellites. The GPS module determines the separationbetween
itself and the satellites by measuring the time it takes for Fig. 8. SMS Alert with user GPS Location
signals to travel from the satellites to the module. The Ublox
NEO series and the Skytraq Venus series are the two most
popular GPS module kinds. A high-performance module
appropriate for applications where accuracy and dependability
are essential components is the Ublox NEO series. On the
other hand, the Skytraq Venus series is a low- cost module that
is appropriate for applications where cost is a key

A prototype device to protect a woman from any unwanted
circumstance has been developed using GSM, GPRS,
Arduino Uno, buzzer, and camera module. A smart women
safety chain is a tool created to keep women secure in a
variety of circumstances, such as when they are travelling in
dangerous places or out alone at night. Fig. 7 shows the
experimental set up of our proposed method.

Fig. 9. User Location Tracked on Google Maps

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The Fig. 8 shows the received output with SMS alert and Additionally, this circuit will be used to lessen the girl’s
GPS location of user. Similarly, Fig. 9 shows the user tension when she goes alone at night so that she never feels
location tracked on google maps. Nishant et al. developed powerless on her own. Real-time adoption of the suggested
a smart device that finds nearest police station to give the approach can assist put an end to crimes against women.
alert notification. But it takes more time to reach the spot
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