Brain Tumor Detection Analysis Using CNN A Review
Brain Tumor Detection Analysis Using CNN A Review
Brain Tumor Detection Analysis Using CNN A Review
Nisha Chaurasia
Assistant Professor
Department Of Information Technology
Dr. B.R Ambedkar National Institute of Technology
[email protected]
Abstract—A Brain Tumor is essentially a malformed cell and damage the healthy cell [1]. In MRI image handling,
growth that can be cancerous and non-cancerous. The tumor digital image processing assumes an essential task. In the
in the Brain is the most dangerous disease and can be diagnosed restorative field, X-ray images are typically used for evaluating
easily and reliably with the help of detection of the tumor
with automated techniques on MRI Images. Several methods of and recognizing the body’s tumor growth. Both children and
efficient diagnosis and segmentation of brain tumors have been adults have a common brain tumor. Tumors cause extreme
suggested by many researchers for effective tumor detection. A brain pressure, which spread across the entire brain region.
review method involving two-stage approaches for 20 research Inside the skull, tumor development takes place and interferes
papers published in the period from 2000 to 2020 has been with normal brain function. There could be a tumor leading
conducted to learn about tumor detection in MRI images. There
has also been a comparative study of various processes. Two key to Cancer, a major cause of death and responsible for about
problems are discovered after an intensive analysis procedure, 13 percent of all deaths worldwide, which is a major cause
Image Restoration and Image Enhancement. Which are solved of death. The cancer incidence rate is dynamic increase at an
and clarified with suitable methodologies. The introduction of alarming rate of the world.
quantitative image analysis resulted in fields such as MRI The National Cancer Institute (NCI) has reported that
Images. On-going area for interest in brain tumors, in particular
focus on White Matter, CSF, GM. The novel method uses the 22,070 new cases of brain cancer and other central nervous
CNN classification technique and has been used to disregard systems will be diagnosed in the US in 2009. The American
the dataset picture algorithm error. The implementation of Brain Tumor Association explains this statics further reported
the suggested model is applied in the Python and TensorFlow that 62,930 the new case of a benign stage of brain tumor
environment. Algorithms and methodologies used to solve specific [7].Fig.1 illustrates the presence of a Brain tumor. There is
research problems were included in the results and along with
their strengths and limitations. This examines the quantitative currently no simple identification of the primary cause of brain
characteristics of brain tumors, such as shape, texture, and signal tumors. However, they’re caused by radiation contamination
intensity, to predict high accuracy with a low error rate and the during MRI, CT scan, and X-rays. The following symptoms
potential for future work in the field. confirm the existence of brain tumors, severe seizure, loss of
Index Terms—Brain Tumor, Convolution Neural Network, Self- motor function, convulsions, neurological disturbances, and
organizing map, Restoration, Enhancement, Computed tomogra-
phy, Magnetic resonance imaging issues with numbness, speech and also hormonal abnormalities
and personality change can also symptoms of brain tumor [3]
The latest traditional diagnostic method is based on the
The brain is one of the maximum complicated organs inside experience of humans in the perception of a decision in MRI
the human body that works with a very large no of cells. scan and arise the risk of false diagnosis and brain tumor
Brain tumors increase when there is an unregulated division recognition as well. Applying, on the other hand, Digital image
of cells that forms an irregular. The group of a cell will affect processing allows the identification of the tumor easily and
the normal functionality of the behavior of the brain activity reliably. A critical point of the research was medical image
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IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP21OAB-ART; ISBN: 978-1-7281-9537-7
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Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Systems (ICAIS-2021)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP21OAB-ART; ISBN: 978-1-7281-9537-7
Kiranmayee, et al. [8] Proposed an approach to detect the convolutional neural network-based brain tumor classification
brain tumor consisting of training and testing level. Building system. The preparation and assessment stages of the CNN-
a blueprint application has validated the functionality of the based brain tumor classification are separated. The number of
proposed algorithm. The results of the developed prototype photographs is separated into various groups by labeling them
show that the option of emotionally supportive networks in with terms like a tumor and non-tumor brain image, and so
the field of medicinal services can be combined to increase on. Preprocessing, feature extraction, and classification are all
the quality of services. used in the training phase [17].
Arya, et al. [9] presented a review on various image pre-
processing and segmentation techniques like image filtration
method, Denoising method, Histogram based segmentation,
Watershed segmentation, SVM based segmentation, and MRF
based segmentation can be a module for a better result for
accuracy and a lower rate of error.
Demiharan, et al. [14] proposed segmentation methods to
classify MRI in brain tumor. Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), edema,
white matter (WM), and gray matter are using station wavelet
transform, learning vector quantization, and Average similarity
was found in order of 0.87 of gray matter 0.96 of CSf.0.77 of
edema and 0.91 percent in white matter.
Aneja, et al. [16] proposed the fuzzy clustering means
method and segmentation algorithm, that work with FCM clus-
ter against noise image. Segmentation value is evaluated based
on the cluster validity functions, runtime, and convergence
error rate achieved by 0.537 percent.
Udhaya, et al. [17] Such techniques are investigated using
data mining algorithms, such as apriori, k-means clustering,
k-nearest neighbor classifier, fp tree-based association mining,
and decision tree creation performed an inside and outside
assessment techniques. This experiment completed in this
paper is accompanied by the following techniques: such as
various techniques for data mining algorithm, three methods
are separate. i) In almost all situations, the overhead of the
interface is below 10 percent. ii) For each of the four data
mining algorithms, strong parallel performance is achieved.
iii) For phenomenal execution, the combination of different
strategic swings is necessary if the decision tree construction
algorithm occurs.
Teshnehlab. et al. [35] Convolutional Neural Network
(CNN) was used to detect a tumor. The CNN was the first
place where images were seen. The Softmax Fully Connected
plate, which was used to classify images, had a classification
accuracy of 98.67 percent. The CNN’s precision is also 97.34
percent with the Radial Basis Function (RBF) classifier and
94.24 percent with the Decision Tree (DT) classifier.
The human brain is modeled through the design and ap-
Fig. 3. Overall flow of the brain tumor detction system
plication of a neural network. These Papers confer the Brain
Tumor Detection based on brain region photos on MRI Images
using CNN Model. Brain regions are in the first level, extracted A. Image Preprocessing
from the MRI image and any slice in that area is segmented Fig. 4 illustrates the preprocessing of the image. The fol-
to get tumors. The tumor regions that are segmented are lowing preprocessing steps were applied to every image: 1.
used of CNN Architecture. CNN is used to assess the Patient Crop brain containing a section of the images. 2. Transform
Images. The primary aim of this research is to detect Brain the images to the shape of (240, 240,3) as images have come
Tumor. If the tumor present in the brain part of a patient is from different sources. so they may have different images since
malignant or benign. Figure 3 shows a block diagram of a images in the dataset come in different sizes. So all images
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Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Systems (ICAIS-2021)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP21OAB-ART; ISBN: 978-1-7281-9537-7
need to be in the same form for feeding input to the neural F. Feature Optimization
network. 3. Normalization applied: to scale the pixel values to Feature optimization is the combined process of feature se-
the 0-1 range [17]. lection and extraction which play a crucial role in brain image
processing. The starting feature selection process decreases the
dimensionality of the feature sets and take a minimum time
for detecting. Then extract the best sets of feature raw dataset
Genetic Algorithm(GA) is used [17] [12].
G. Classification
Classification means labeling the image as per requirement
in features. Apply on best feature is recognized by the Genetic
Algorithm and such classifier like CNN for result [2] [26] [25].
Fig. 4. Raw Image and Preprocessed Image [17] H. Convolution Neural Network Architecture
In the area of medical image processing, the Neural Network
B. Image Segmentation is commonly used. Many researchers have tried to develop a
model over the years that can more accurately recognize the
It is the mechanism by which an image is split into tumor. To determine the utility of the proposed brain tumor
regions with different shades, textures, brightness, contrast, classification system, training accuracy, validation accuracy,
and gray characteristics level. A digital grayscale picture is and validation loss are measured. We attempted to come up
an input to the operation. Anomalies are the performance of with an example that could correctly identify the tumor from
the operation. The use of segmentation is to have greater data 3D images of the brain MRI. This tumor can be identified by a
than existing in medical photos. Different processes, such as fully-connected neural network, but we adopted CNN for our
Neural Networks, the decision tree, and the algorithm based on model because of parameter sharing and connection sparsity
rules and Bayesian Networks in a segment are used to obtain [17] [5].
desired performance data [17] [25] [26]. There are many other
segmentation methods.
1) Thresholding Method: As the name suggests, voxels
above the threshold are known as belonging to the tumor.
2) Region growing method: Seed voxel is entered into the
segmentation; from this seed, voxels that are identical are
identified as belonging to the tumour.
3) Region growing method: Changes in the density between
the edges of the voxels are seen as the limits of the tumors.
C. Watershed Algorithm
this is a unique segmentation method whereby the voxel
intensities or gradients are represented by a topographical map
similar to those seen in geography. Based on the ‘steepness’
of the map, a boundary is assigned.
Fig. 5. Convolution Neural Network Architecture [28]
D. Feature Selection
Feature Extraction is a method of collecting an image’s Each x (image) input has a (224 height, 224 widths, 1
visual content. The extraction of features is the method of channel) is given to the neural network and it passes to the
portraying the raw image in its reduced form to promote layers that follow: Fig. 5 illustrates the Working of Neural
decision-making, such as the classification of patterns. After Network such as: a) A layer of 0 fillings and (5, 5) pool size.
Segmentation of the brain, DWT is used for segmentation of i. 32 filter convolution sheet and (8, 8) filter size and stride of
MRI Images [13]. The most important characteristics of the 2. b) A batch normalization layer to normalize values of pixels
chained filter of low pass and high pass to derive features. for computation acceleration. i An activation layer, ReLU. ii
A Max Pooling Layer with f=4 and s=4. iii Same as before,
E. Image Classification a layer of Max Pooling layer with f=4 and s=4. iv A sheet to
Classification means marking the pictures according to level.
their characteristics. The best function is defined through the The CNN is organized in layers and has a hierarchical
application of GA, among other items. The other approach is structure. CNN also has input and output layers, as well as
advanced by involving the GA in three performance compar- convolutional, pooling, normalization, and Fully Connected
ative classifiers, such as CNN and ML [12]. layers. In terms of the number of layers used, the scale and
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Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Smart Systems (ICAIS-2021)
IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP21OAB-ART; ISBN: 978-1-7281-9537-7
number of images used, and the form of activation functions vector that can be used as an input for the next level. The
used, CNN is special and using trial and error as a basis for production of both convolution and pooling layers constitutes
experimentation [34]. a significant portion of the input image’s characteristics. For
1) Convolution Layer: CNN’s (convolutional neural net- our system, we used a Convolution Neural Network to train
works) are a form of neural network that is commonly used our model on a variety of datasets [17] [18].
for image recognition and classification.CNN is divided into
three categories. Le Net, Alex Net, and Google Net are their IV. B RAIN T UMOR DATASET
names. CNN is mostly used to classify images. We provide
the image as input, but the machine converts it to a pixel Tensorflow and Keras, developing a Brain tumor detection
array. To collect the function map, a filter is slid over the model using a CNN. The dataset combination of Br35H
input grayscale graphic. Another function map would result 2020 and Central research UK and the dataset includes three
from the convolution of another filter on the same image. Local categories: yes, no and prediction file containing 3060 MRI
dependencies can be determined from the given original image images of the brain, and yes contain. 1500 MRI images of
using the convolution operation. CNN can get filthy during the tumorous and no contains 1500 brain MRI images of non-
preparation period [33]. tumorous MRI images and prediction contain 60 brain MRI
images [29] [30] [31].
2) ReLU: Rectified Linear Unit (ReLU) is a nonlinear
phase abbreviation. Both negative pixel values are changed
to 0. ReLU is also implemented for the non-linearity equation A. Brain Tumor Cases
on CNN. As we take data from the real world for this model, Fig. 6 illustrates the Cancer Research UK, brain, other CNS
we use ReLU. So, we’re Using CNN to read the details [33] intracranial tumor incidence related to age, with the highest
[32]. incidence relate increasing in older people. In central research
3) Pooling(downsampling): Pooling is a dimensionality re- UK in 2015-2017. On Avg, no cases increase in each year
ductional algorithm that reduces each function map’s dimen- 23 percent in older age in 75 and most types of brain and
sion. There are many forms of pooling. Max pooling, Average Intracranial tumors also increasing rapidly in younger age.
pooling, and Sum pooling are the three options. The net value This maximum reflects cell DNA damage from time to time.
is replaced by the nearby outputs in the pooling function. Normal MRI does not see flowing fluid, such as blood in an
Max Pooling takes the largest element from the window and artery, and this produces flow voids that appear in the picture
modifies all the nearby elements in that window, replacing as black holes. Mostly detected a tumor in brain recognized
them with the large element [18] [33]. in a malignant stage, because a small tumor is not detected in
4) Fully connected Layer(flatten): It takes the previous MRI, CT scan and X-ray images [29]. Fig. 7 illustrates the
layers’ output, ”flattens” it, and transforms it into a single no of brain tumor case in india [30].
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IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP21OAB-ART; ISBN: 978-1-7281-9537-7
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IEEE Xplore Part Number: CFP21OAB-ART; ISBN: 978-1-7281-9537-7
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