The True Clovers (Trifolium) of Texas

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Without Cultivation in California, Calif. Agr. Exp. Sta. Bull.

637: 98, 1940), has never been recorded from Texas. It is
represented in the Gray Herbarium however by three collec-
tions, all from NUECES Co.: Corpus Christi, Dr. E. Palmer
2087, Sept. 1879-Oct. 1880. Open ground near Bay, Corpus
Christi, E. J. Palmer 11213, March 8, i917. Corpus Christi,
H. C. Benke 5451, April 4, 1930.

The True Clovers (Trifolium) of Texas

Joe F. Hennen 1
In Texas the true clovers do not represent a group of as
much economic importance as the bur clovers (Medicago)
and the sweet clovers (M elilotus). Trif olium rep ens, how-
ever, is widely grown in lawns and pastures. The native
species, especially T. amphianthum, are of some value in
pastures in the eastern half of the state. According to herb-
arium records, true clovers are lacking in the Panhandle and
Southern Plains regions of Texas, and only one species is
reported from the Trans-Pecos. It is likely, however, that
introduced species do grow in these sections.
The key is based on obvious vegetative characteristics as
far as possible, and secondarily on floral characters. Speci-
mens studied are in the Herbarium of Southern Methodist
University, and cited specimens are located there if not
otherwise stated. Lists from the University of Texas Herb-
arium (determinations verified by Mr. Robert Van Vleet)
and the Missouri Botanical Garden Herbarium (verified by
Dr. L. H. Shinners) were used in making distribution maps.
The flowering periods of the eastern species range from
the latter part of March in south Texas to the early part of
June in the north.


la. Leaflets over three times as long as wide

2a. Plant silky-pubescent; inflorescence villous, elongate, not sub-
tended by bracts; introduced ........................................ !. T. arvense
2b. Plant glabrous or nearly so; inflorescence glabrous, globose, sub-
tended by deeply divided involucral bracts; native in Trans-
Pecos ........................................................................ 2. T. Wormskjoldii
1 Formerly Student, Southern Methodist University; now Graduate Assistant in
agricultural botany, Purdue University.

lb. Leaflets rarely over twice as long as wide, usually 1 to 1.5 times
as long as wide
3a. Leaves pinnately trifoliolate (lateral leaflets sessile, terminal
one stalked)
4a. Inflorescence 25-40-flowered, about 1 cm. long (except on
dwarf plants) ...................................................... 3. T. campestre
4b. Inflorescence 9-lS-flowered, usually about 0.5 cm. long
--4. T. dubium
3b. Leaves palmately trifoliolate (all leaflets sessile)
5a. Flower heads sessile or nearly so at the ends of main
branches ( peduncles less than 0.5 cm. long), subtended by
large foliaceous stipules resembling involucral bracts
-5. T. pratense
5b. Flower heads on peduncles 1 cm. or more long; stipules
present at base of peduncles, but not immediately under
flowers and not resembling involucral bracts
6a. Inflorescence at least twice as long as wide, spike-like
-6. T. incarnatum
6b. Inflorescence usually about as long as wide, umbellate or
7a. Inflorescence subtended by bracts
Sa. Leaflets pilose over the surface; inflorescence devel-
oping into an underground bur ...... 7. T. subterraneum
Sb. Leaflets pilose on the veins only; inflorescence not
developing into an underground bur
-8. T. fragif erum
7b. Inflorescence not subtended by bracts
9a. Peduncles about as long as or a little longer than the
petioles of the leaves which subtend them; inflores-
cence usually more than 2 cm. across
-9. T. refiexum
9b. Peduncles 2.5 times or more as long as the petioles
of the leaves which subtend them; inflorescence
usually not more than 2 cm. across.
10a. Florets sessile or nearly so; peduncles less than 2
cm. long (usually about 1 cm.) ...... 10. T. resupinatum
10b. Florets pedicelled (pedicels 3 mm. or more long);
peduncles usually more than 2 cm. long
lla. Inflorescence short-racemose, the pedicels arising
along a distance of 2-5 mm. at the end of the
peduncle .................................................... 11. T. repens
llb. Inflorescence umbellate, the pedicels all arising at
the end of the peduncle
12a. Peduncles arising from creeping stolons; plants
bearing cleistogamous flowers and fruit under-
ground ...................................... 12. T. amphianthum
12b. Peduncles arising from upright stems; plants
not bearing cleistogamous-flowers and fruit
13a. Calyx lobes about as long as wide
-13. T. bejariense
13b. Calyx lobes three times or more as long as
wide ........................................ 14. T. carolinianum
1. T. ARVENSEL. Rabbit-foot Clover. (Fig. 1.) Known
from a single Texas collection. McLENNAN Co.: 0.5 miles
southwest of Robinson, Lorena Road, Stinson pasture; colony
of over 200 plants, R. C. Mauldin, June 6, 1949. Flowers

2. T. WORMSKJOLDII Lehm. (Fig. 2, map 2.) This clover

of the Pacific Coast and southern Rocky Mountain regions
has been collected in the Davis Mountains of Trans-Pecos
Texas. JEFF DAVISCo.: Davis Mountains, M. S. Young, Aug.
14, 1914 (in Herb. University of Texas and Missouri Botan-
ical Garden).
3. T. CAMPESTRE Schreb. Hop Clover. (Fig. 3.) This is an
introduced European species, first collected in Texas at Hous-
ton, HARRISCo., George L. Fisher 19052, April 15, 1919.


Flowers yellow.
This plant is usually known as T. procumbens L. in Ameri-
can floras. Briquet (1913) states, "The Linnaean specific
names of our clovers of the section Chronosemium ... are all
nomina confusa in the most complete sense of the term. It is
impossible, from the diagnoses and the habitat, to put them
in order, and the cited synonyms are most often in disagree-
ment between themselves and with the diagnosis, so that
they have undergone the most diverse interpretation. We
consider that these names should be completely abandoned,
following the1udicious counsel of MM. Ascherson and Graeb-
ner (Syn. VI, 2, 476 and 477) ." 2
•Translated by Dr. L. H. Shinners.

4. T. DUBIUMSibth. Least Hop Clover. (Fig. 4.) Differing

from the preceding species chiefly in being smaller in all
parts. An introduced species frequent on sandy soils in east-
ern Texas, first collected at Mineola, Woon Co., J. Rever-
chon, April 24, 1901. Flowers yellow.
5. T. PRATENSEL. Red Clover. (Fig. 5.) Known from a
single Texas collection. RED RIVER Co. : 0.2 miles west of
Anona, a colony on roadside, V. L. Cory 56021, May 12, 1949.
Varieties of this clover are common in cultivation farther
6. T. INCARNATUM L. Crimson Clover. (Fig. 6.) As yet
known only in cultivation, well adapted to the eastern part
of the State, and to be expected as an escape.
7. T. SUBTERRANEUM L. Subterranean Clover (the name
commonly shortened to "Sub Clover"). (Fig. 7.) The speci-
mens of this clover that were examined came from lawns on
the grounds of Texas A. & M. Substation No. 6 near Denton,
DENTONCo. Flowers white.
8. T. FRAGIFERUM L. Strawberry Clover. (Fig. 8.) No
Texas specimens of this clover have been seen. However, it
has escaped from cultivation in California, and may do so in
this State.
9. T. REFLEXUML. Buffalo Clover. (Fig. 9, map 1.) This
is one of the five native clovers of Texas, found on sandy soils
of the pine and oak belts of the eastern part of the State,
chiefly in cut-over pine woods, grassed-over fields, and along
roadsides and fence-rows. Standard magenta-red, wings and
keel whitish.
10. T. RESUPINATUM L. Persian Clover. (Fig. 10.) As yet
known only in cultivation. Flowers rosy lavender.
11. T. REPENSL. Dutch White Clover. (Fig. 11.) One of
the most common cultivated species of lawns and pastures,
and widely escaped. Flowers white.
12. T. AMPHIANTHUM T.&G. Peanut Clover. (Fig. 12, map
2.) A native species of sandy and sandy-clay soils of pastures
and fields in the eastern part of the State. This has been
called "peanut clover" because of the cleistogamous flowers
and underground fruits, suggesting little peanuts. Above-
ground flowers deep rose-red.

13. T. BEJARIENSE Morie. (Fig. 13, map 3.) A native spe-

cies of sandy and sandy-clay soils along roadsides, fence-
rows, open woods, and prairies in eastern Texas. Petals
yellowish white, inconspicuous.
14. T. CAROLINIANUM Michx. Carolina Clover. (Fig. 14,
map 4.) Another native species of sandy and sandy-clay soils
in oak and pine woods, along roadsides and fence-rows in
eastern Texas. Petals yellowish white, inconspicuous.


BENSON, LYMAN. Nomenclatorial recombinations in Trifolium and Opuntia. Leafl. West.
Bot. 4: 209-21 O. 1945.
BRIQUET, JOHN. Prodrome de la Flore Corse 2: 280. 1913.
EWAN, JOSEPH. The correct name for the Pacific involucrate Trijolium. Leafl. West.
Bot. 3: 222-224. 1943.
HOWELL, JOHN THOMAS. Marin County Flora. 1949. (Trifolium, pp. 168-172)

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