The True Clovers (Trifolium) of Texas
The True Clovers (Trifolium) of Texas
The True Clovers (Trifolium) of Texas
lb. Leaflets rarely over twice as long as wide, usually 1 to 1.5 times
as long as wide
3a. Leaves pinnately trifoliolate (lateral leaflets sessile, terminal
one stalked)
4a. Inflorescence 25-40-flowered, about 1 cm. long (except on
dwarf plants) ...................................................... 3. T. campestre
4b. Inflorescence 9-lS-flowered, usually about 0.5 cm. long
--4. T. dubium
3b. Leaves palmately trifoliolate (all leaflets sessile)
5a. Flower heads sessile or nearly so at the ends of main
branches ( peduncles less than 0.5 cm. long), subtended by
large foliaceous stipules resembling involucral bracts
-5. T. pratense
5b. Flower heads on peduncles 1 cm. or more long; stipules
present at base of peduncles, but not immediately under
flowers and not resembling involucral bracts
6a. Inflorescence at least twice as long as wide, spike-like
-6. T. incarnatum
6b. Inflorescence usually about as long as wide, umbellate or
7a. Inflorescence subtended by bracts
Sa. Leaflets pilose over the surface; inflorescence devel-
oping into an underground bur ...... 7. T. subterraneum
Sb. Leaflets pilose on the veins only; inflorescence not
developing into an underground bur
-8. T. fragif erum
7b. Inflorescence not subtended by bracts
9a. Peduncles about as long as or a little longer than the
petioles of the leaves which subtend them; inflores-
cence usually more than 2 cm. across
-9. T. refiexum
9b. Peduncles 2.5 times or more as long as the petioles
of the leaves which subtend them; inflorescence
usually not more than 2 cm. across.
10a. Florets sessile or nearly so; peduncles less than 2
cm. long (usually about 1 cm.) ...... 10. T. resupinatum
10b. Florets pedicelled (pedicels 3 mm. or more long);
peduncles usually more than 2 cm. long
lla. Inflorescence short-racemose, the pedicels arising
along a distance of 2-5 mm. at the end of the
peduncle .................................................... 11. T. repens
llb. Inflorescence umbellate, the pedicels all arising at
the end of the peduncle
12a. Peduncles arising from creeping stolons; plants
bearing cleistogamous flowers and fruit under-
ground ...................................... 12. T. amphianthum
12b. Peduncles arising from upright stems; plants
not bearing cleistogamous-flowers and fruit
13a. Calyx lobes about as long as wide
-13. T. bejariense
13b. Calyx lobes three times or more as long as
wide ........................................ 14. T. carolinianum
1. T. ARVENSEL. Rabbit-foot Clover. (Fig. 1.) Known
from a single Texas collection. McLENNAN Co.: 0.5 miles
southwest of Robinson, Lorena Road, Stinson pasture; colony
of over 200 plants, R. C. Mauldin, June 6, 1949. Flowers
Flowers yellow.
This plant is usually known as T. procumbens L. in Ameri-
can floras. Briquet (1913) states, "The Linnaean specific
names of our clovers of the section Chronosemium ... are all
nomina confusa in the most complete sense of the term. It is
impossible, from the diagnoses and the habitat, to put them
in order, and the cited synonyms are most often in disagree-
ment between themselves and with the diagnosis, so that
they have undergone the most diverse interpretation. We
consider that these names should be completely abandoned,
following the1udicious counsel of MM. Ascherson and Graeb-
ner (Syn. VI, 2, 476 and 477) ." 2
•Translated by Dr. L. H. Shinners.
BENSON, LYMAN. Nomenclatorial recombinations in Trifolium and Opuntia. Leafl. West.
Bot. 4: 209-21 O. 1945.
BRIQUET, JOHN. Prodrome de la Flore Corse 2: 280. 1913.
EWAN, JOSEPH. The correct name for the Pacific involucrate Trijolium. Leafl. West.
Bot. 3: 222-224. 1943.
HOWELL, JOHN THOMAS. Marin County Flora. 1949. (Trifolium, pp. 168-172)