Reducing Creatinine in Canine Kidney Disease
Reducing Creatinine in Canine Kidney Disease
Reducing Creatinine in Canine Kidney Disease
Creatinine is a waste product of creatine phosphate resulting from muscle and protein
metabolism. It is released at a constant rate by the canine body and this is a normal
process. Two per cent of the body's creatine and phosphocreatine pool (mostly present in
muscle) is converted to creatinine each day.
The normal creatinine blood level for dogs is 1.4mg/dL or lower. When it rises to between
1.4mg/dL and 2.00mg/dL it suggests stage-1 of kidney disease, but this potential judgement
needs to be considered alongside other relevant blood and urine tests so the diagnosis can
be confirmed. The International Renal Interest Society (IRIS) states that urine specific
gravity, the level of protein-loss (if any) in urine, high blood pressure, and other factors all
collectively contribute to an accurate diagnosis.
When blood creatinine levels are above 1.4mg/dL a dog is said to be suffering from
azotaemia. This term relates to an event (acute or chronic) where the kidneys are no longer
able to get rid of enough nitrogen waste. Abnormally high levels of creatinine and BUN
(blood urea nitrogen) are usually due to decreasing kidney function and varying levels of
damage to the organs. The organ damage may have been caused by trauma, a birth or
genetic defect, a different but associated primary illness, medications, toxic substances
(including human medications), poor quality or contaminated foods, severe infections, poor
dental hygiene, or age-related wear and tear.
Although an abnormally high creatinine level is a major contribution to diagnosing kidney
failure, there are additional factors alongside other blood and urine values that need to be
taken into consideration.
Blood creatinine concentration is the most commonly used marker of glomerular filtration
rate (GFR) in dogs. But despite a slow, steady and consistent rise in creatinine over years, it
can remain within normal range despite a significant fall in GFR. Maintaining a good record
of blood test results for comparison year on year is perhaps the best method of picking up
these changes, although the Idexx SDMA (serum symmetrical dimethylarginine) test is also a
very useful early indicator of problems. GFR can also be tested by vets in isolation or
alongside other blood tests. Increased Urine Albumin is another early warning red-flag.
Albumin is a protein that can pass into the urine when the filters in the kidneys are
What may appear to some vets and vet technicians as abnormal creatinine levels
(hypercreatininemia) can also be associated with additional factors, which when taken into
consideration can make the higher blood creatinine level normal for a particular dog.
Interpretation of blood levels therefore needs to be undertaken with the greatest care,
diligence and expertise. Misdiagnosis can occur if these additional factors are not
considered and potentially disastrous treatments and diet controls may be introduced
without good reason.
Dogs that have a high muscle mass or muscle volume often have slightly higher than normal
creatinine levels. These moderate apparent abnormalities are due to the consistently
increased level of creatinine from muscle mass and muscle use. Breeds that fall into this
category are likely to include greyhounds and other sighthounds, boxers, sled and working
dogs. A veterinarian needs to physically examine a dog’s muscle mass and interpret the
creatinine level in light of this influencing factor. Owners can also help by maintaining a
reference history of blood test results over several years despite any changes to the vet
used, as this will provide an insight into the consistency of results. If creatinine has shown to
be slightly raised over all historic blood results, without consistently increasing any further,
then owners are likely to be safe in assuming this is normal for their breed of dog.
Different laboratories sometimes use different references for creatinine. So for example,
one test may show a marker for a high result, whereas the analysis of a test by another
laboratory or a vet’s in-house blood test may show the same level to be within normal
range. While these are often minor variances, they can be interpreted inconsistently by
different vets. In addition, high concentrations of bilirubin, lipids, and glucose may lead to
an overestimation of blood creatinine concentrations. While this variable is affected
adversely by the Jaffé's reaction method in human laboratories, it is not widely used in
veterinary blood analysis. It is of course always worth confirming the type of laboratory used
to analyse blood samples by your vet, just in case.
Dehydration also plays an important role in creatinine levels. IRIS states that low
extracellular fluid volume may increase blood creatinine concentration when dehydration
exceeds a mere 5%. Vets need to consider this fact as it may lead them to a misdiagnosis of
kidney disease in the absence of other necessary diagnostic measures being taken. Normal
BUN levels in dogs seldom reach higher than 25 to 30 mg/dl, and values higher suggest
dehydration. While values of 90mg/dL and higher are likely to be associated with kidney
disease, these varying levels could also be the result of inadequate water intake, a bout of
diarrhoea or vomiting, vigorous exercise, heatstroke, a fever or other illness. It is perhaps
worth noting that dogs ordinarily require at least one fluid ounce (30mls) of water per day
for each pound of body weight.
Some creatine in meat is converted to creatinine during cooking, so if an owner home cooks
for their dog on a regular basis the blood creatinine may be slightly higher because of it. The
term applied to this is intestinal absorption of exogenous creatinine and it is certainly
something worth discussing with your vet.
Some medications and typically certain antibiotics are likely to temporarily raise creatinine.
The same is true of a recent meal, which makes fasting for 8 hours an ideal prerequisite for
taking the blood sample. Recent exercise can also raise creatinine levels. IRIS report, for
example, that creatinine commonly rises in greyhounds by about 20% in the 60 minutes
following exercise.
Young puppies commonly have slightly elevated serum creatinine levels and this is perfectly
normal. By the time they reach one year old, creatinine ordinarily subsides to the
appropriate range for adult dogs. Old-age has little or no influence on creatinine in
otherwise healthy dogs. The level should be about the same as younger adult dogs.
Fluids are the priority first-line treatment for lowering abnormally high blood creatinine
levels. While clean fresh water should always be made available and drinking encouraged,
this alone is unlikely to prevent creatinine rising during the course of canine kidney disease.
When two-thirds of the nephrons have been lost in the kidney organs a dog is no longer able
to conserve water and passes larger amounts of dilute urine. When levels of creatinine are
significantly high, two or three days of intravenous fluids given by a vet should kick-start a
reduction in the blood level. The type and dose of fluid depends on a number of factors and
not least whether there is any heart condition, notably severe murmurs and/or congestive
heart disease. Fluids also have to be moderated if anaemia is evident and the type of fluid
needs to reflect other blood values including abnormal potassium, sodium and calcium.
While intravenous (I/V) fluids are important and often essential as the first line of treatment,
little will be gained without a continuation of fluid therapy from subcutaneous (SubQ) fluids
given under the skin. SubQs can be likened to ongoing maintenance that flushes toxins and
rehydrates the cellular structure, and subsequently fights against rising creatinine and BUN.
The aim of SubQs is to achieve a point where creatinine plateaus … where it remains stable
without falling or significantly rising over three consecutive blood tests. Damaged kidneys
are unlikely to achieve a normal range for creatinine regardless of treatment or
management of the disease. However, finding the creatinine plateau achieves the best
possible kidney function despite the organ damage. SubQ fluids should be undertaken daily
with a reduction in dose once the level of creatinine has fallen. Many kidney dogs require
this treatment for the remainder of their life.
SubQ fluids can be given by the owner at home with veterinary support. This saves cost and
relieves some of the stress that some dogs suffer when visiting the vet. The rule of thumb on
dosing is to provide 10mls to 15mls of fluid for every pound of dog weight per day.
Rebecca Robinson writing in Vet Times (a UK veterinary professional journal) states:
‘Maintenance fluid rates are the subject of debate, but for dogs, these are quoted to be
between 40ml/kg/day to 60ml/kg/day.’ My personal favourite reference for fluids comes
from Dr Sean Smarick (an emergency and critical care specialist and the Hospital Director at
AVETS) whose article on fluid therapy in Veterinary Practice News suggested using the
formula [30 x (weight in kg)] + 70. If only moderate fluids are required, I usually omit the +70
from the calculation.
There are more accurate dosing calculations that a vet may be able to provide and fluid
therapy should never be commenced without veterinary approval and guidance. Most dogs
become accustomed to this treatment over several days but may yelp initially when the first
few needle jabs are made. To help ease this discomfort, I recommend the use of Terumo
Thin Wall needles gauge 22 to 26. The lower the gauge, the easier and faster it is to inject
the fluid. The higher the gauge, the slower fluids can be injected but the less painful it is for
the dog.
On the rare occasions that intensive IV and follow-up SubQ fluids fail to reduce creatinine,
advanced renal therapies (e.g., peritoneal dialysis, haemodialysis) may be necessary. Signs
that indicate these therapies should be considered include a dangerously high potassium
level, fluid in the lungs, or lack of improvement in laboratory results while a dog receives IV
fluids. Both peritoneal dialysis and haemodialysis are generally very expensive.
While high-quality protein in diet is much easier for the kidneys to deal with, recent science
has shown that reduced protein diets are not always helpful despite many articles and
veterinarians suggesting this course of action. The reality is that so much depends on the
stage of illness and the type of kidney disease. Moreover, excessive reductions in protein
can cause severe malnutrition and a loss of muscle mass in all dogs along with other
lifethreatening repercussions. Reducing the volume of protein does help those dogs in later
stages of the disease, because the kidneys then don’t have quite as much work to do and
have a chance at eliminating some of the by-product toxin. But that reduction needs to be
undertaken with care as too much will cause weight-loss and malnutrition. Sometimes this is
a difficult balance to achieve and getting a veterinary nutritionist on-board can prevent
greater issues arising.
More severe reductions in protein are essential when a urinalysis shows protein levels in
urine samples of 3+. This suggests the glomerular architecture of the organs to be severely
damaged (protein-losing nephropathy) and normal levels of the toxic waste products from
protein simply cannot be filtered, resulting in further accelerating deterioration.
Hypoalbuminemia (low blood albumen) can occur from reducing protein in the diet. Under
such circumstances it is useful to provide some supplemental protein, ideally as hard-boiled
egg whites (albumin). Each large egg white provides 6 grams of protein. In addition, giving
angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (for example, Enalapril) have been shown to
reduce proteinuria in dogs suffering from this particular form of kidney disease.
It is always a good idea to aim for reducing the volume of food fed while increasing the
frequency of meals. While not all owners are able to achieve this due to other
commitments, the less food that can be fed at one time helps reduce the work and
therefore the stress on the kidneys. Feeding tiny meals six times a day is much better than
feeding one or two larger meals, for example, as long as the total amount for the day
equates to the volume of food and nutrients required for the size and breed of dog.
It is worth noting that creatinine blood levels always increase after a meal, so a fasting of 8
hours is usually advised before a sample is taken by the vet for testing. Repeating this
protocol for every blood test allows for accurate and consistent historic references over the
course of the illness.
Omega-3 as a supplement
There is research study history that provides evidence of improved renal health with dietary
added omega-3 fatty acids for dogs with kidney disease. The improvements are not
substantial, but are nonetheless significant. In addition, many studies show that omega-6
fatty acids have a detrimental effect on kidney function. A small 1998 study (‘beneficial
effects of chronic administration of dietary omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids in dogs
with renal insufficiency’) published in The Journal of Laboratory and Clinical Medicine was
probably amongst the first to recognise it. The paper states: ‘We conclude that
supplementation with omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids enhanced renal injury;
supplementation with omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids was renoprotective.’
This conclusion has been unchanged by the passage of time. An article by Dr. Angela Witzel
Rollins DVM, PhD, a Diplomate and former President and Chair of the Board for the
American College of Veterinary Nutrition in Todays Veterinary Practice (2020) states: ‘Diets
high in omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to reduce glomerular capillary pressure and
proteinuria and to abate the decline of glomerular filtration rate in dogs with experimentally
induced CKD.’
Omega-3 fatty acids, notably eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA),
are known to be beneficially anti-inflammatory. Their assistance in reducing the adverse
effects of kidney disease allows for improved filtration and elimination of toxic substances,
thus reducing the level of creatinine. However, it is worth pointing out that owners should
not merely add omega-3 indiscriminately to a dog’s diet as too much can prove disastrous. A
dosage of 40 mg/kg EPA combined with 25 mg/kg of DHA q24h has been recommended for
dogs with CKD (Cline M. ‘Nutritional management of chronic kidney disease in cats & dogs’).
One of the richest sources of omega-3 is from natural organic salmon oil. Owners that use
this for their dogs should add a vitamin E supplement at a canine suitable dose, because
salmon oil depletes this vitamin in a dog’s body.
It is important here to mention that omega-3 and other fish oils should be stopped during
any flare-up of pancreatitis, as fats in the diet schedule exacerbate the inflammation.
A study (Rehmannia glutinosa ameliorates the progressive renal failure induced by 5/6
nephrectomy) published in the Journal of Ethno pharmacology concluded that the
renoprotective effect of Rehmannia glutinosa might be mediated by suppressing the
expression of angiotensin II and AT(1) receptor and by regulating TGF-beta1 and type IV
collagen expression. This is just one of multiple studies that suggest creatinine reduction
may be partly achieved by the introduction of Rehmannia glutinosa as a dietary supplement.
The steamed root of the Scrophulariaceae family has been widely used in Asian countries for
the treatment of renal diseases for centuries. It is only in recent years that Rehmannia
extracts have been produced as potentially beneficial products intended for dogs with
kidney disease, making this supplement worth considering as part of a combined therapy.
A large amount of the mineral potassium is lost when urine production becomes excessive.
Urgent, frequent and nocturnal urination is very typical in dogs with kidney disease. Low
potassium blood test levels have also been shown to further reduce kidney function,
thereby increasing creatinine levels. A potassium supplement replaces the loss of nutrients
and helps maintain kidney function.
While it is better to have potassium blood levels on the higher side of normal, it is equally
important not to allow potassium to rise into abnormal levels and therefore develop into
hyperkalaemia. High levels of potassium increase acidity in a dog's blood which can have a
direct impact on the heart's ability to function normally.
It is worth mentioning that certain types of fluid given by IV or SubQ can incrementally
increase potassium blood levels, so always check with a vet whether the type and amount of
fluid being given is suitable for a dog with existing abnormally high potassium levels in
kidney disease.
Immunosuppressive therapy
Immunosuppressive therapy can be an effective line of treatment for those dogs that have
protein-losing glomerular disease. The improvement achieved often helps reduce
progression to chronic kidney disease and consequentially rising creatinine and BUN.
The American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine published an IRIS Canine GN Study
Group paper ‘Consensus recommendations for immunosuppressive treatment of dogs with
glomerular disease based on established pathology’ in 2013. It concluded mycophenolate or
chlorambucil alone or in combination with azathioprine should be given on alternating days.
Therapeutic effectiveness should be assessed serially by changes in proteinuria, renal
function, and serum albumin concentration. In the absence of overt adverse effects, at least
8 weeks of the rapidly acting nonsteroidal drug therapy and 8-12 weeks of slowly acting
drug therapy should be provided before altering or abandoning an immunosuppressive trial.
Various studies have concluded that supplementing with CoQ10 can reduce some kidney
values including creatinine by improving a dog’s metabolic profile. In 2018 a systematic
review and meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) were conducted to
determine the effects of coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) supplementation on metabolic profiles of
patients diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), published by PubMed. The review
concluded: ‘Overall, the current meta-analysis demonstrated that CoQ10 supplementation
significantly improved metabolic profile in patients with CKD by reducing total cholesterol,
LDL-cholesterol, MDA and creatinine levels, yet it did not affect fasting glucose, insulin,
HOMA-IR, and CRP concentrations.’
Creatine is a natural compound generated in a dog’s liver. It’s transported to the muscles
where it’s used for energy. Unused creatine that’s not used as energy gets converted into
the waste product creatinine. When a dog with kidney disease appears to be improving with
good and adaptive management and treatment, as assessed by falling serum creatinine
amongst other test results, it is vital to confirm this is not a false-positive due to liver
As the liver fails, so creatine production also fails, and reduced volumes of creatinine enter
circulating blood. The liver and kidneys perform sympathetic roles in the management of
waste products so when the kidneys fail this puts additional stress on the liver. Abnormal
blood values for liver enzymes in routine testing are not at all uncommon in canine kidney
disease. One possible way of preventing this from occurring is to add a Milk Thistle herbal
remedy as a supplement to diet. The silymarin in Milk Thistle is valued for its known
protection of the liver and has been used for centuries for its antioxidant, antiviral and anti-
inflammatory properties.
Creatine is considered to improve strength, increase lean muscle mass, and help the muscles
recover more quickly during exercise. Muscle wastage is a common physiological symptom
of advanced kidney disease in dogs. When there is less muscle, less creatine is released by
the liver and lower amounts of creatinine are measured in circulating blood as a direct
A creatinine (UPC) ratio greater than 0.5 in a dog indicates there is significant protein loss
through the kidneys, and a diagnosis of primary kidney disease is confirmed, although it is
necessary to prove that the protein loss through the kidney is an ongoing problem and not
something transitory. An abnormal UPC above the threshold is a condition termed
proteinuria. The recommendation by VCA Animal Hospitals in the USA and Canada is to
repeat the protein:creatinine ratio (with complete urinalysis) on at least three consecutive
urine samples taken at 2-week intervals. The protein:creatinine ratio only helps to establish
that a problem exists and is useful in assessing and adapting ongoing treatment and
management, but serum creatinine and BUN remain important primary tests along with
other kidney values and physical examinations.
The relevance of creatinine in staging canine kidney disease
Creatinine levels are one of the multiple elements involved in staging the severity of kidney
disease in dogs. While creatinine levels provide a rough estimate of the stage, it would be
inappropriate to use them in isolation. It is also prudent to note that staging is not always a
one-way process. A dog that is diagnosed at stage 3, for example, may actually drop back to
stage 2 with the introduction of adaptive, appropriate and rapid treatment and
Stage 1 kidney disease: Creatinine less than 1.4 mg/dL (<125 umol/L). SDMA <18.
Stage 2 kidney disease: Creatinine 1.4 – 2.8 mg/dl (125 to 250 umol/L). SDMA 18 to 35.
Stage 3 kidney disease: Creatinine 2.9 - 5.0 mg/dl (251 – 440 umol/L). SDMA 36 to 54.
Stage 4 kidney disease: Creatinine greater than 5.0 mg/dl (440 umol/L). SDMA >54.
High blood glucose, vitamin C supplements and certain antibiotics (cephalosporins) can
falsely raise creatinine readings, depending on how the blood sample is tested. When the
margin of diagnostic creatinine is small and suggests kidney disease at around 1.4mg/dL, it is
worth remembering that dehydration, stomach antacids, antibiotics, heart and blood
pressure medications, and arthritis medications, all have the capacity to cause slight
increases in normal serum creatinine levels.
And finally …
There is a whole raft of companies promoting natural and formulated supplement products
that claim to reduce creatinine levels, but other than those already mentioned above, I am
not aware of any that have been independently scientifically studied and peer-reviewed to a
point of proven success. I would therefore suggest scepticism, caution and meticulous
scrutiny before owners procure any such product.
Note: While this article is presented as a free information resource for dog owners and associated interested
parties to read, it remains the copyright of Tony Booth. No copying, publishing or printing in full or part is
permitted without express written permission and agreement of the author.