Lab Values Explained: Common Tests To Help Diagnose Kidney Disease
Lab Values Explained: Common Tests To Help Diagnose Kidney Disease
Lab Values Explained: Common Tests To Help Diagnose Kidney Disease
Lab Values
Common Tests to Help Diagnose
Kidney Disease
Lab work, urine samples and other
tests may be given as you undergo
diagnosis and treatment for renal
failure. The test results will be used working at full strength. Other possible causes of
to assist the healthcare team (your an elevated BUN include dehydration and heart
doctor, nurses, and others) in failure.
evaluating your kidney function and
developing your healthcare plan. Serum Creatinine Creatinine is a waste
Remember, you are in control and product in the blood created by the normal use
you are your own best healthcare of muscle cells. Healthy kidneys take creatinine
provider, so it is essential for you to out of the blood and it’s excreted in the urine. When
understand what these tests mean. the kidneys are not working well, creatinine builds
up in the blood. If the kidneys lose their ability to
Remember, there can be some filter blood, more creatinine will accumulate and
differences in the results from one serum creatinine will rise. As a result, creatinine
lab to another, so make sure you is an indirect marker of how well the kidneys are
learn the normal values for your lab. working. A creatinine level of greater than 1.2
Let’s get started. for women and greater than 1.4 for men may be
an early sign that the kidneys are not working
Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) properly.
Blood carries protein to cells
throughout the body. After the cells Creatinine Clearance Creatinine clearance is a
use the protein, the remaining waste measure of how much creatinine is in your urine.
product is returned to the blood as It gives an accurate measure of the kidneys’
urea nitrogen. Healthy kidneys take ability to remove creatinine out of your body.
urea nitrogen out of the blood so it To calculate a creatinine clearance you may be
can be excreted in the urine. If your asked to save your urine for 24 hours and bring
kidneys are not working well, the it to the lab. The lab measures the amount of
urea nitrogen will stay in the blood. creatinine in the urine. The normal creatinine
Normal blood contains 7-20 mg/ clearance is greater than 90 ml/min.
dLof urea. If your BUN is more than
20 mg/dL, your kidneys may not be
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Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) measured with a standard dipstick may
GFR is a measurement of how well the leak into the urine.
kidneys are processing waste. A sample This condition is known as micro-
of your blood is sent to the lab. The blood albuminuria. This is how the test is read:
creatinine level is factored in with your • Less than 30 mg/L is normal
age, gender, height, race, and weight to
calculate your glomerular filtration rate • Greater than 30 mg/L but less than
(GFR). Normal GFR varies according to 300 mg/L is called microalbuminuria
age—as you get older it can decrease.
• Greater than 300 mg/L is called
The normal value for GFR is 90 ml/min or
above. A GFR below 60ml/min is a sign the
kidneys are not working properly. A GFR
below 15 ml/min indicates that a treatment Urine Protein As kidney function
for kidney failure, such as dialysis or worsens, the amount of albumin and other
transplant, will be needed. proteins in the urine often increases, and
the condition is called proteinuria. Your
Microalbumin Urine Healthy kidneys doctor may test for protein using a dipstick
remove waste from the blood but leave in a small sample of your urine taken in the
protein. Impaired kidneys may fail to doctor’s office. The color of the dipstick
separate a blood protein called albumin indicates the presence or absence of
from the waste. At first, only a small proteinuria. This test should be negative.
amount of protein that is too tiny to be
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Blood Tests that Measure
Diabetes Control
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Nutritional Blood Tests
Glomerular Filtration Rate (GFR) A measure of how well the Normal: 90 ml/min.
kidneys are processing Less than 15 indicates Kidney
wastes. failure.
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Quick Reference Lab Test List — Continued
Laboratory Tests That Measure Kidney Function
Hematocrit Measures the number and size of Normal: a healthy adult is 38–
red blood cells. 45%. A desireable HCT for
a person with CKD is 33–36%.
Hemoglobin A1C (HbA1c) Reveals your average blood For most people, the result
glucose level ove the past three should be less than 7%.