SC RPH Shadow
SC RPH Shadow
SC RPH Shadow
: 3rd November 2009 : Tuesday : 3.00pm 4.00pm : 60 minutes ( 1 hour) : 5 Nilam : 36 : Science : Investigating Force and Energy
Learning Area/ Topic : Light Learning objectives : The pupils will learn : The factors which causes the shape of the shadow to change Learning outcomes : At the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to: i) State that the shape of the shadow depends on the position of the source of light correctly ii) State that the shape of the shadow depends on the position of the object accurately iii) Design a fair test to find out what factors cause the shape of a shadow to change by deciding what to change, what to keep the same and what to observe correctly. Pre-requisite knowledge: Pupils have some knowledge about light produced by bulbs and torches. They have learnt in Year 3 how light from a torch can be made brighter or dimmer. Scientific skills: Observing, communicating, defining operationally, controlling variables Thinking skills: Making conclusions
Scientific attitudes and noble values: i) The pupils will practice systematic ways to carry out a fair test to find out what causes the shape of shadow to change. ii) The pupils will be honest and accurate in recording and validating data. iii) The pupils will cooperate and tolerate while conducting the fair test. Environmental issue: The pupils will realise the importance of saving electrical energy to overcome global warming problem. Teaching and Learning Resources: 4 cuboids, 4 cylinders, masking tape, torch, 4 A4 papers, worksheets and experiment sheets.
Content Shadows are the dark shapes formed on a surface. The shape of the shadow depends on the position of the object The shape of the shadow is similar to the outline of the object
Teaching and learning activity/strategy 1. The teacher will turn on the LCD and put a mug in vertical position first. 2. The pupils will observe the shadow formed by the mug. 3. Then, the teacher will put the mug in horizontal position. 4. The pupils will observe what happens. 5. Then, the teacher will initiate the pupils what they can say about the shadow formed when the position of the mug is changed. 6. The teacher will listen to the pupils answer. 7. Then, the teacher will tell the pupils that they are going to test their prediction through Changing Shapes experiment.
Remark Scientific skills: Observing and generating ideas Moral values: Having critical and analytical thinking. Teaching approach Inquiry approach Evaluation: The teacher will observe whether the pupils are able to figure why the warning labels are pasted on the electrical appliances. Scientific skills: Observing, controlling variables, defining operationally, communicating, making conclusions Moral values: a) Being cooperative. b) Being independent. c) Being systematic. d) Being confident and independent Teaching approach: Guided discovery approach Evaluation: The teacher will observe whether the pupils are able to observe what happens to the shadow when the position of light source is being changed.
Orientation (5 minutes)
Position A
Position B
2. The shape of the shadow changes. 3. a) Manipulated variable: The position of the light source b) Constant variable: The size of the object and the position of the object c) Responding variable: The shape of the shadow
A) Displacing the light source 1. The pupils will be seated in their groups. 2. The teacher will give the instructions and precautions need to be considered during the experiment. 3. The leaders will come to the front and collect the materials. 4. The pupils will paste an A4 paper on the box. 5. Then, the pupils will shine a torch on the paper. 6. The pupils will place the cuboid at a distance of 10 cm between the torch and the paper (position A). 7. The pupils will observe and draw the shadow formed on the experiment sheet. 8. Then, they will move the object at a distance of 20 cm from the right (position B). 9. The pupils will observe and draw the shadow on the paper.