BSD Reviewer For MIDTERM
BSD Reviewer For MIDTERM
BSD Reviewer For MIDTERM
construction. properties.
- Walls separating the house from an attached
THICKNESS -Some materials, such as three-coat stucco,
unconditioned attic or garage are modeled as
are defined with a specific thickness (not editable by the
interior walls with unconditioned space as the
compliance user). The thickness of other materials, such
adjacent zone, which the compliance manager
as softwood used for framing, is selected by the
recognizes as a demising wall. Floors over a
compliance user based on the construction of the
garage are modeled as floor over exterior. The
exterior walls, floor, ceiling/roof of the
CONDUCTIVITY -is the steady state heat flow per square garageare modeled as part of the
foot, per foot of thickness, or per degree Fahrenheit unconditioned garage zone.
temperature difference.
“+ STANDARD DESIGN - The compliance software
-used in simulating the heat flow in the assembles a construction that meets the prescriptive
construction. standards for each user-defined construction or
CONDUCTIVITY -The conductivity of insulation materials “+ VERIFICATION AND REPORTING
varies with their temperature according to the
All proposed constructions, including insulation, frame
coefficient listed. Other materials have a coefficient of
type, frame size, and exterior finish or exterior
zero (0) and their conductivity does not vary with
condition are listed on the CF1R. Non-standard framing
(e.g., 24” on center wall framing, advanced wall
SPECIFIC HEAT -is the amount of heat in British thermal framing) is reported as a special feature.
units (Btu) it takes to raise the temperature of one
pound of the material one degree Fahrenheit.
DENSITY- weight in pounds per cubic foot of a material
1. Architectural Style -narrow down your options for
R-VALUE PER INCH- the R-value is the resistance to heat exterior materials based on what is authentic and
flow for a 1-inch thick layer. appropriate to that particular style.
2. Energy Efficiency -If you are interested in saving on
CONSTRUCTIONS are defined by the compliance user your energy bill, choose materials with the
for use in defining the building. appropriate insulation properties.
For framed constructions there is a FRAMING LAYER 3. Deed Restrictions, Covenants, and HOA Guidelines
that has parallel paths for the framing and the cavity -In some locations, your selection of exterior design
between the framing members. and materials is dictated by a deed restriction,
covenant, or HOA guidelines.
COMPLIANCE MANAGER calculates a winter design U- Deed restrictions are agreements that restrict the
factor that is compared to a construction that meets the use of a piece of real estate that are contained,
prescriptive standard. unsurprisingly, in the property deed.
U-FACTOR is displayed as an aid to the user. The Covenants are legal contracts that spell out what
CALCULATIONS USED IN THE ENERGY SIMULATION are you may and may not do to the exterior of your
based on each individual layer and framing rather than home. Covenants are typically found in the HOA
the Ufactor. terms rather than the property deed.
HOA guidelines are put into place to preserve a
CONSTRUCTION LAYERS: certain level of uniformity within development or
“+ PROPOSED DESIGN community.
4. Local Building Code - restrict materials based on
- The USER defines a construction for each their history of fire-resistance or durabilityagainst
surface type included in the proposed design. prevailing weather or seismic conditions.
Any variation in insulation R-value, framing size 5. Weather and Environment -The exterior materials of
or spacing, interior or exterior sheathing or a home are its first defense against extreme weather
interior or exterior finish requires the user to events suchas ice and snow, driving rain, or high
define a different construction. Insulation R- winds.
values are based on manufacturer-rated 6. Impact on Insurance -Insurance companies may have
properties rounded to the nearest whole R- restrictions on the type of material used on the roof
value. Layers such as sheetrock, wood andexterior to mitigate expensive replacement and
sheathing, stucco and carpet whose properties repair after damage or to limit the spread of fire.
are not compliance variables are included as
TYPES OF EXTERIOR MATERIALS The backer panel is made of sustainably harvested
1. Stucco wood and finished with low VOC-resin. The tiles are
- used for centuries and provides a distinct easily cut and installed using adhesive and nails.
appearance to your home. 2. Tilesmade from Leather Scraps
- homes with stucco exteriors are designed for Epitomizing luxury and elegance, leather has
Modern or Mediterranean architectural styles. been used for a long time as a building material
- Traditional stucco is cement-based plaster for niche interiors owing to the richness and
containing sand and limestone and is applied to a glamorous feel it gives. These are cheaper and
mesh screen, wood, or masonry walls in multiple easy to install.
layers. The outermost coat is the desired final 3. Fabric Wall Panels
color. Stucco can be painted but adds to the Fabric panels constitute of a panel of wood that
required maintenance of the home. is padded with batting and foam, covered over
2. Wood Siding with a fabric. Fabric Wall Panels have an
-is a beautiful, time-honored exterior material additional advantage over and above the
available in a variety of woods including pine, fir, aesthetics that they provide, as they are
spruce, redwood, cedar, and cypress. You can also capable of controlling reflection and
select an engineered wood, which incorporates real reverberation of sound, thereby providing an
wood but is more durable, pre-treated against acoustic solution. Fabric wall panels make a
termites and rot, as well as easy and less costly to room look warm and cozy.
install. 4. Laser Cut Sheet Metal Panels
- creates a timeless, natural appearance. can be installed in an outdoor setting as a
3. Concrete Fiber shading device, making them not only
- is made of concrete mixed with wood fiber and functionally viable, but also aesthetical as they
designed to mimic real wood. Fiber cement can also can enhance the spatial quality of the space by
be designed to look like stucco or masonry. casting artistic shadows as the natural light
- Hardicrete, HardiPlank, and HardiBoard are moves through the laser cut patterns. Other
brand names for concrete fiber siding. The applications include handrail screens, window
material provides sustainability by limiting screens, partitions etc.
deforestation and is exceptionally 5. Bronze Art Tiles Bronze
weatherproof. has been used for over hundreds of years to
- it is not as recyclable as wood is. create timeless pieces of art and architecture.
4. Brick They are impervious to heat and can withstand
-Solid brick imparts a very traditional look to a home. any kind of weather.
Most solid brick homes have only a single layer of 6. Laminated Resin
brick over a wood frame. Laminated Resin is a transparent resin that is
5. Stone and Cast Stone formulated to remain water clear even when it
- Incorporating stone into the exterior of your is catalyzed. Laminated Resin is not prone to
home adds significant dimension and texture. yellowing at all and is extremely easy to use,
- For a more organic natural look, consider using allowing easy flow and fast air bubble release. It
chop stone. For a cleaner, more is an ideal solution for applications that require
modernaesthetic, go with cut stone. a glass exterior.
- Cast stone is a faux stone product developed to 7. Eco Resin
look like stone at a lower cost. It is easier to Eco Resin is an environment-friendly resin that
control the shape and color of cast stone, which is formulated to complement carbon, fiberglass
sometimes makes it an attractive complement and other laminating materials. Made out of
to stone exteriors. Cast stone can last 30 to 50 natural plants and vegetable extracts, it is
years. clearly a sustainable substitute for polyester
6. Metal resin. It is almost odorless and can be used
- Metal siding is a versatile material that can be safely in almost any working environment.
manufactured to appear like any other siding 8. Strand Woven Bamboo Flooring
material. Typically created from steel or Hardwoods are vulnerable to weathering and
aluminum, metal siding comes in a variety of wear and tear.Strand woven bamboo flooring is
colors, textures, and shapes. much more durable than vertical or horizontal
bamboo flooring because the crosshatched
strands act in correspondence to keep the
individual components of the material intact.
There are several types of caisson foundations. Environmental impact of construction materials
- Deforestation
- Lost of animal habitat Metals
- Climate change
- Physical disturbance
Asphalt Paving
Gypsum Wallboard
Demolished Buildings
Need for Adoption of Proper Methods of Recycling - Common metals include steel, aluminum, and
copper. Metals are melted down and reformed
- Itreduces the demand on new resources. into metal products.
- Cuts down the cost and effort of transport and
production. Concrete
- Use waste which would otherwise be lost to - Itis crushed, the reinforcement bar is removed,
landfill sites. and the material is screened for size. Market
Viable Technology on Construction Waste Recycling outlets for recycled concrete includes road
base, general fill, pavement aggregate, and
- When considering a recyclable material, three drainage media.
major areas need to be taken in to account as
1. Economy Bricks
2. Compatibility with other materials - Recycle clean bricks by crushing material.
3. Material properties Market outlets for recycled bricks include
Commonly Recovered Construction Materials aggregate, drainage media, and general fill