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3.1 Mendel’s Study of Pea Plants

3.2 Law of Segregation
3.3 Law of Independent Assortment
3.4 The Chromosome Theory of
3.5 Studying Inheritance Patterns in

3.6 Probability and Statistics

The garden pea, studied by Mendel.

Zigzag Mountain Art/Alamy Stock Photo

An appreciation for the concept of heredity can be traced far back However, the pioneering work of Gregor Mendel would prove in-
in human history. Hippocrates, a physician, was the first person to strumental in refuting this viewpoint.
provide an explanation for hereditary traits (around 400 B.C.E.). In this chapter, we will first examine Mendel’s crosses of
Hippocrates’ incorrect explanation was that “seeds” are produced pea plants. We begin our inquiry into genetics here because the
by all parts of the body and then collected and transmitted to the inheritance patterns observed in pea plants are fundamentally re-
offspring at the time of conception. Furthermore, these seeds were lated to inheritance patterns found in other eukaryotic species,
hypothesized to cause certain traits of the offspring to resemble such as corn, fruit flies, mice, and humans. Mendel’s experiments
those of the parents. This idea, known as pangenesis, was the first revealed some simple laws that govern the process of inheritance.
attempt to explain the transmission of hereditary traits from gen- We will then explore the chromosome theory of inheritance that
eration to generation. explains the relationship between the transmission of chromo-
The first systematic studies of genetic crosses were carried somes during sexual reproduction and the pattern of transmission
out by Joseph KÖlreuter from 1761 to 1766. In crosses between of traits observed by Mendel. In addition, we will consider how
different varieties of tobacco plants, the offspring were usually researchers were able to confirm the chromosome theory of
intermediate in appearance between the two parents. This obser- inheritance by showing that certain genes are located on sex
vation led KÖlreuter to conclude that both parents make equal chromosomes.
genetic contributions to their offspring. Furthermore, it was con- In the last section of this chapter, we will examine some
sistent with the blending hypothesis of inheritance. According to general concepts in probability and statistics. How are statistical
this idea, the factors that dictate hereditary traits could blend methods useful? First, probability calculations allow us to predict
together from generation to generation. The blended traits would the outcomes of simple genetic crosses, as well as the outcomes
then be passed to the next generation. Before the 1860s, the popu- of more complicated crosses described in later chapters. In addi-
lar view, which combined the notions of pangenesis and blending tion, we will explore the use of statistics to test the validity of
inheritance, was that hereditary traits were rather malleable and genetic hypotheses that attempt to explain the inheritance pat-
could change and blend over the course of one or two generations. terns of traits.


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Learning Outcomes:
1. Describe the characteristics of pea plants that make them a
suitable organism to study genetically.
2. Outline the steps that Mendel followed to make crosses
between different strains of pea plants.
3. Define the following terms: strain, character, and trait (or

Starting in 1856, Gregor Mendel grew and crossed thousands of

pea plants in a small 23- by 115-foot garden (Figure 3.1). The pea
plants differed with regard to various traits. For example, some
had purple flowers and others had white flowers. Mendel gathered
a large amount of quantitative data concerning the outcomes of
crosses between plants with different traits.
The culmination of Mendel’s work, entitled Experiments in
Plant Hybridization, was published in 1866. This paper was
largely ignored by scientists at that time, possibly because of its
title, which did not reveal its key observations. Another reason this
work went unrecognized could be a lack of understanding of chro-
mosomes and their transmission, a topic discussed in Chapter
2. Mendel reflected, “My scientific work has brought me a great
deal of satisfaction and I am convinced that it will be appreciated
before long by the whole world.”
In 1900, the studies of Mendel were independently rediscov-
ered by three biologists with an interest in plant genetics: Hugo de
Vries, Carl Correns, and Erich von Tschermak. Within a few years, F I G URE 3 . 1 Gregor Johann Mendel (1822–1884).
the influence of these studies was felt around the world. In this National Library of Medicine
section, we will begin by considering the process of sexual repro-
duction in pea plants. We will then examine key features of pea
plants that were advantageous from an experimental point of view. enters the micropyle, an opening in the ovule wall, and
In Sections 3.2 and 3.3, we will explore how Mendel’s experi- fuses with an egg cell, resulting in the formation of a
ments revealed fundamental laws that govern the transmission of zygote.
traits from parent to offspring. ∙ Via cell division, a zygote first develops into a plant em-
bryo within a pea seed. After the seed is planted, the seed
germinates, and the embryo develops into a seedling and
Sexual Reproduction in Pea Plants Occurs eventually a mature pea plant.
Via Pollination and Fertilization
Before we delve into Mendel’s experiments, let’s first consider Pea Plants Can Reproduce by Cross-Fertilization
how flowering plants reproduce. The reproductive features of the or Self-Fertilization
garden pea, Pisum sativum, are shown in Figure 3.2.
Mendel’s study of genetics grew out of an interest in ornamental
∙ The term gamete is used to describe haploid reproductive flowers. Many plant breeders had previously conducted experi-
cells that fuse to form a zygote. ments aimed at obtaining flowers with new colors. When two dis-
∙ Male gametes (sperm cells) are produced within pollen tinct individuals with different characteristics are bred to each
grains that form in the anthers. other, the experiment is called a cross, or a hybridization, and the
∙ Female gametes (egg cells) are produced within ovules offspring are referred to as hybrids. For example, a hybridization
that form in the ovaries. experiment could involve a cross between a purple-flowered plant
∙ For fertilization to occur, a pollen grain first lands on the and a white-flowered plant.
stigma, an event called pollination. This event then stimu- Certain properties of the garden pea were particularly
lates the growth of a pollen tube (Figure 3.2c). The pollen advantageous for studying plant hybridization. First, the flow-
tube enables sperm cells to enter the stigma and migrate ers of the garden pea are relatively large, making it easy to
toward an ovule. Fertilization takes place when a sperm manipulate the anthers where the pollen is produced. In some

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Petals Pollen
grain Stigma

Keel tube
Two sperm (each 1n)


Ovule Style
Ovary Central Ovule (containing
(a) Structure of a pea flower cell with embryo sac)
2 polar Egg (1n)
(each 1n) Micropyle

Pollen tube grows into

One sperm unites with the
egg, and the other sperm
unites with the 2 polar

(b) A flowering pea plant

nucleus (3n)

Zygote (2n)
(c) Pollination and fertilization

FI GURE 3.2 Flower structure and pollination in pea plants. (a) The pea flower produces both pollen and egg cells. The pollen grains are
produced within the anthers, and the egg cells are produced within the ovules that are contained within the ovary. The keel is two modified petals that
are fused and enclose the anthers and ovaries. In this drawing, some of the keel is not shown so that the internal reproductive structures of the flower
can be seen. (b) Photograph of a flowering pea plant. (c) A pollen grain must first land on the stigma. After this occurs, the pollen grain sends out a
long tube through which two sperm cells travel toward an ovule to reach an egg cell. The fusion between a sperm and an egg cell results in fertilization
and creates a zygote. The second sperm fuses with a central cell containing two polar nuclei to create the endosperm. The endosperm, which is a major
component of a pea seed, provides nutritive material for the developing embryo.
(b): np-e07/iStock/Getty Images

CONCEPT CHECK: Prior to fertilization, where are a pea plant’s male gametes located?

experiments, Mendel wanted to make crosses between different able to pry open immature flowers and remove the anthers be-
plants. This process, known as cross-fertilization, requires fore pollen was produced. Therefore, these flowers could not
that the pollen from one plant be placed on the stigma of an- make their own pollen. Instead, pollen was obtained from an-
other plant. The procedure is shown in Figure 3.3. Mendel was other plant by gently touching its mature anthers with a

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that display one or more differences compared to another group of

individuals. In this case, several garden pea strains varied in height
and in the appearance of their flowers, seeds, and pods. For ex-
Remove anthers ample, one strain had purple flowers and another strain had white
from purple flower.
flowers. These color differences were due to variation in a gene
that controls flower color.
Anthers ∙ The general characteristics of an organism are called
Transfer pollen
characters. For example, flower color is a character of peas.
from anthers of ∙ The term trait, or variant, is typically used to describe the
white flower to specific properties of a character. For example, purple
the stigma of a
purple flower.
flower color is a trait (or variant) of peas.
generation Purple
∙ Different strains of pea plants differed with regard to their
Cross-pollinated flower traits (or variants).
produces seeds.
Over the course of 2 years, Mendel tested the pea strains to deter-
mine if their traits bred true. Breeding true means that a trait does
not vary in appearance from generation to generation. For exam-
Plant the seeds. ple, if the seeds from a pea plant were yellow, the next generation
would also produce yellow seeds. Likewise, if these offspring
were allowed to self-fertilize, all of their offspring would also
produce yellow seeds, and so on. A strain that continues to pro-
duce the same trait after several generations of self-fertilization is
First- called a true-breeding strain.
generation Mendel focused on the analysis of characters that were
offspring clearly distinguishable between different true-breeding strains.
Figure 3.4 illustrates the seven characters that Mendel eventually
chose to follow in breeding experiments. All seven were found in
two variants. For example, one character was height, which was
FI GURE 3.3 How Mendel cross-fertilized pea plants. This found in two variants: tall and short plants.
illustration depicts a cross between one plant with purple flowers and
another with white flowers. The offspring from this cross are the result
of pollination of the purple flower using pollen from a white flower.
CONCEPT CHECK: In this experiment, which plant, the white- or purple-
flowered one, is providing the egg cells, and which is providing the sperm cells? 1. Which of the following were experimental advantages of using
pea plants?
a. They came in several different varieties.
paintbrush. This pollen was applied to the stigma of the flower b. They were capable of self-fertilization.
that already had its anthers removed. In this way, Mendel was c. They were easy to cross.
able to cross-fertilize the pea plants, thereby obtaining d. All of the above were advantages.
2. With regard to Mendel’s experiments, the term cross refers to an
In other experiments, Mendel allowed plants to reproduce
experiment in which
by self-fertilization, which means that the pollen and eggs are
a. the gametes come from different individuals.
derived from the same plant. In peas, two modified petals are
fused to form a keel that encloses the reproductive structures of a b. the gametes come from a single flower of the same
flower. Because of this covering, pea plants naturally reproduce by individual.
self-fertilization. Usually, pollination occurs even before the c. the gametes come from different flowers of the same
flower opens. To achieve self-fertilization, Mendel simply let the individual.
pea plants reproduce naturally. In other words, the anthers were d. Both a and c are true.
not removed. 3. To avoid self-fertilization in his pea plants, Mendel had to
a. spray the plants with a chemical that damaged
Mendel Studied Seven Characteristics That the pollen.
Differed Among Strains of Pea Plants b. remove the anthers from immature flowers.
A second experimental advantage of the garden pea is that it was c. grow the plants in a greenhouse that did not contain
available in different strains. Within agricultural species such as pollinators (e.g., bees).
the garden pea, a strain is a genetically related group of individuals d. do all of the above.

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Seed color
Yellow Green


Seed shape
Tall Short Round Wrinkled

Pod color
Flower color Green Yellow

Purple White
Pod shape
Smooth Constricted

Flower position

Axial Terminal

FI GURE 3.4 An illustration of the seven characters that Mendel studied. Each character was found as two variants that were decisively dif-
ferent from each other.
CONCEPT CHECK: What do we mean when we say a strain is true-breeding?

In the previous section, we considered how cross-fertilization or

3.2 LAW OF SEGREGATION self-fertilization experiments can be conducted on pea plants. In
Learning Outcomes: this section, we will examine how Mendel studied the inheritance
of characters by crossing variants to each other. A cross in which
1. Analyze Mendel’s experiments involving single-factor crosses. an experimenter observes one character is called a single-factor
2. State Mendel’s law of segregation, and explain how it is re- cross. A cross between two parents with different variants for a
lated to gamete formation and fertilization. given character produces single-character hybrids, also known as
3. Predict the outcome of a single-factor cross or a self- monohybrids. As you will learn, this type of experimental ap-
fertilization experiment using a Punnett square. proach led Mendel to propose the law of segregation.


Mendel Followed the Outcome of a Single F1 generation, or first filial generation (from the Latin filius,
Character for Two Generations which refers to a male offspring). As seen in the data, all plants of
the F1 generation showed the trait of one parent but not the other.
Prior to conducting crosses in pea plants, Mendel did not have a This prompted Mendel to follow the transmission of this character
hypothesis to explain the formation of hybrids. The goal of Men- for one additional generation. To do so, the plants of the F1 genera-
del’s experiments was to determine the quantitative relationships tion were allowed to self-fertilize to produce a second generation
that govern the transmission of hereditary traits from parent to called the F2 generation, or second filial generation.
offspring. This rationale is called an empirical approach. Laws
deduced from an empirical approach are known as empirical laws.
Mendel’s experimental procedure is shown in Figure 3.5.
T H E G O A L ( D I S C O V E R Y- B A S E D S C I E N C E )
This type of experiment began with true-breeding plants that
differed in a single character. These are termed the parental Mendel speculated that the inheritance pattern for a single charac-
generation, or P generation. Crossing true-breeding parents to ter may follow quantitative natural laws. The goal of this experi-
each other, called a P cross, produces offspring that constitute the ment was to uncover such laws.

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ACHIEVING THE GOAL F I G U R E 3 . 5 Mendel’s analysis of single-factor crosses.

Starting material: Mendel began his experiments with true-breeding strains of pea plants that varied in only one of seven different
characters (look back at Figure 3.4).

Experimental level Conceptual level

1. For each of seven characters, Mendel P plants TT x tt

cross-fertilized two different true-
breeding strains. Keep in mind that
each cross involved two plants that
differed in regard to only one of
the seven characters studied. The
illustration at the right shows one
cross between a tall and short plant. Tall Short
This is called a P (parental) cross.

2. Collect the F1 generation seeds. The Note: The P F1 seeds All Tt

following spring, plant the seeds and cross produces
allow the plants to grow. These are seeds that are
the plants of the F1 generation. part of the F1
F1 plants Tt

Tall Tall
3. Allow the F1 generation plants to self- Self-
fertilize. This produces seeds that are fertilization
part of the F2 generation.
F2 seeds TT + 2 Tt + tt

4. Collect the F2 generation seeds and

plant them the following spring to
F2 plants
obtain the F2 generation plants.

5. Analyze the traits found

in each generation. Tall Tall Short Tall

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T H E DATA 1. The data argued strongly against a blending mechanism of

heredity. In all seven cases, the F1 generation displayed traits
Ratio of that were distinctly like one of the two parents rather than
traits in traits that were intermediate in character. Mendel’s first pro-
P cross F1 generation F2 generation F2 generation posal was that one variant for a particular character is domi-
Tall × All tall 787 tall, 2.84:1 nant to another variant. For example, the variant of green
short height 277 short pods is dominant to that of yellow pods. The term recessive
Purple × All purple 705 purple, 3.15:1 is used to describe a variant that is masked by the presence
white flowers 224 white of a dominant trait but reappears in subsequent generations.
Yellow pods and short height are examples of recessive vari-
Axial × All axial 651 axial, 3.14:1 ants. They can also be referred to as recessive traits.
terminal flowers 207 terminal 2. When a true-breeding plant with a dominant trait was
Yellow × All yellow 6,022 yellow, 3.01:1 crossed to a true-breeding plant with a recessive trait, the
green seeds 2,001 green dominant trait was always observed in the F1 generation. In
Round × All round 5,474 round, 2.96:1 the F2 generation, most offspring displayed the dominant
wrinkled seeds 1,850 wrinkled trait, but some showed the recessive trait. How did Mendel
Green × All green 428 green, 2.82:1 explain this observation? Because the recessive trait ap-
yellow pods 152 yellow peared in the F2 generation, a second proposal was made—
the genetic determinants of traits are passed along as “unit
Smooth × All smooth 882 smooth, 2.95:1 factors” from generation to generation. The data were con-
constricted pods 299 constricted sistent with a particulate theory of inheritance, in which
Total All dominant 14,949 dominant, 2.98:1 the factors that govern traits are inherited as discrete units
5,010 recessive that remain unchanged as they are passed from parent to
Source: Mendel, Gregor, “Versuche über Plflanzenhybriden, Verhandlungen des offspring. Mendel referred to the genetic determinants as
naturforschenden Vereines in Brünn, Bd. IV für das Jahr 1865,” Abhandlungen, unit factors, but we now call them genes (from the Greek,
1866, 3–47. genesis, meaning “birth,” or, genos, meaning “origin”).
3. When comparing the numbers of dominant and recessive
I N T E R P R E T I N G T H E DATA traits in the F2 generation, Mendel noticed a recurring pat-
tern. Within experimental variation, a 3:1 ratio was observed
The data in the table are the results of producing an F1 generation between the dominant and the recessive trait. As described
via cross-fertilization and an F2 generation via self-fertilization of next, this quantitative approach allowed Mendel to make a
the F1 plants. A quantitative analysis of these data allowed Mendel third proposal—genes segregate from each other during the
to propose three important ideas: process that gives rise to gametes.

A 3:1 Phenotypic Ratio Is Consistent with refers to an alternative form of a particular gene. For example, the
the Law of Segregation height gene in pea plants is found as a tall allele and a short allele.
With this modern knowledge, the results shown in Figure 3.5 are
Mendel’s research was aimed at understanding the laws that gov- consistent with the idea that each parent transmits only one copy
ern the inheritance of traits. At that time, scientists did not under- of each gene (i.e., one allele) to each offspring. Using modern
stand the molecular composition of the genetic material or its terminology, Mendel’s law of segregation states the following:
mode of transmission during gamete formation and fertilization.
We now know that the genetic material is composed of deoxyribo- The two copies of a gene segregate (or separate) from each
nucleic acid (DNA), a component of chromosomes. Each chromo- other during the process that gives rise to gametes.
some contains hundreds to thousands of shorter segments that
Therefore, only one copy of each gene is found in a gamete. At
function as genes—a term that was originally coined by Wilhelm
fertilization, two gametes combine randomly, potentially produc-
Johannsen in 1909. A gene is defined as a unit of heredity that
ing different allelic combinations.
may influence the outcome of a trait in an organism. Each of the
Let’s use Mendel’s cross of tall and short pea plants to il-
seven pea plant characters that Mendel studied is influenced by a
lustrate how alleles are passed from parents to offspring according
different gene.
to the law of segregation, and also to define some new genetic
Most eukaryotic species, such as pea plants and humans,
terms (Figure 3.6).
have their genetic material organized into pairs of chromosomes,
as discussed in Chapter 2. For this reason, eukaryotes have two ∙ The letters T and t are used to represent the alleles of the
copies of most genes. These copies may be the same or they may gene that determines plant height. By convention, the up-
differ. The term allele (from the Latin alius meaning “other”) percase letter represents the dominant allele (T for tall

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Tall height, in this case), and the recessive allele is represented

P generation by the same letter in lowercase (t, for short height).
∙ For the P cross, both parents are true-breeding plants (see
Figure 3.6). Therefore, each one has identical copies of the
height gene. When an individual has two identical copies
of a gene, the individual is said to be homozygous with
respect to that gene. (The prefix homo- means “like,” and
the suffix -zygo means “pair.”) In the P cross, the tall plant
TT tt is homozygous (TT) for the tall allele, and the short plant
is homozygous (tt) for the short allele. These alleles segre-
gate during the process that gives rise to gametes.
∙ In contrast, the F1 generation is heterozygous, Tt, because
every individual carries one copy of the tall allele and one
Gametes T T t t copy of the short allele. A heterozygous individual carries
different alleles of a gene. (The prefix hetero- means “dif-
Cross-fertilization ferent.”) The alleles in F1 plants also segregate during the
process that gives rise to gametes (see Figure 3.6). Their
gametes can carry either a T allele or a t allele, but not both.
Tall ∙ The term genotype refers to the genetic composition of an
F1 generation individual. Following self-fertilization, TT, Tt, and tt are
(all tall)
the possible genotypes of the F2 generation. By randomly
combining these alleles, the genotypes are produced in a
1 TT : 2 Tt: 1 tt ratio.
∙ The term phenotype refers to observable traits of an organ-
ism. Because TT and Tt both produce tall phenotypes, a 3 tall:1
short ratio of phenotypes is observed in the F2 generation.
A Punnett Square Can Be Used to Predict
Segregation the Outcome of Crosses and Self-Fertilization
Gametes T t T t An approach to predict the outcome of simple genetic crosses and
self-fertilization experiments is to use a Punnett square, a method
originally proposed by Reginald Punnett. To construct a Punnett
Self- square, you must know the genotypes of the parents. With this infor-
F2 generation fertilization mation, the Punnett square enables you to predict the types of off-
Genotypes: TT Tt Tt tt spring the parents are expected to produce and in what proportions.
(1 : 2 : 1)
Step 1. Write down the genotypes of both parents. (In a self-
fertilization experiment, a single parent provides the
sperm and egg cells.) Let’s consider an example in
which a heterozygous tall plant is crossed to another
heterozygous tall plant. The plant providing the sperm
(via pollen) is viewed as the male parent and the plant
providing the eggs is the female parent.
Phenotypes: Tall Tall Tall Short
(3 : 1) Male parent: Tt
Female parent: Tt
FIGURE 3.6 Mendel’s law of segregation. This
illustration shows a cross between a true-breeding tall Step 2. Write down the possible gametes that each parent can
plant and a true-breeding short plant and the subsequent make. Remember that the law of segregation tells us that
segregation of the tall (T) and short (t) alleles in the F1 a gamete carries only one copy of each gene.
and F2 generations.
Male gametes: T or t
CONCEPT CHECK: With regard to the T and t alleles of pea plants, explain
what segregation means. Female gametes: T or t
Step 3. Create an empty Punnett square. In the examples shown
in this textbook, the number of columns equals the
number of male gametes, and the number of rows equals

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the number of female gametes. Our example has two genotype must be pp. From your understanding of the topic, you
rows and two columns. Place the male gametes across may remember that alleles segregate during gamete formation and
the top of the Punnett square and the female gametes each parent passes one allele to their offspring; the two alleles
along the side. combine at fertilization.
Male gametes P ROBLEM-SOLVING S TRATEGY: Predict the outcome.
T t One strategy to solve this type of problem is to use a Punnett
square to predict the outcome of the cross. The Punnett square is
shown next.
Female gametes

p p

P = purple
P Pp Pp p = white

Step 4. Fill in the possible genotypes of the offspring by combin- p pp pp

ing the alleles of the gametes in the empty boxes.
Male gametes
T t ANSWER: The ratio of offspring genotypes is 1 Pp : 1 pp. The ratio
of the phenotypes is 1 purple : 1 white.
Female gametes



t Tt tt
1. A pea plant is Tt. Which of the following statements is correct?
a. Its genotype is Tt, and its phenotype is short.
Step 5. Determine the relative proportions of genotypes and b. Its phenotype is Tt, and its genotype is short.
phenotypes of the offspring. The genotypes are obtained c. Its genotype is Tt, and its phenotype is tall.
directly from the Punnett square. These genotypes are d. Its phenotype is Tt, and its genotype is tall.
contained within the boxes that have been filled in. In 2. A Tt pea plant is crossed to a tt plant. What is the expected ratio
this example, the genotypes are TT, Tt, and tt in a 1:2:1 of phenotypes for offspring from this cross?
ratio. To determine the phenotypes, you must know the a. 3 tall : 1 short
dominant/recessive relationship between the alleles. For
b. 1 tall : 1 short
plant height, T (tall) is dominant to t (short). The geno-
types TT and Tt are tall, whereas the genotype tt is short. c. 1 tall : 3 short
Therefore, our Punnett square shows us that the ratio of d. 2 tall : 1 short
phenotypes is 3:1, or 3 tall plants : 1 short plant.

heterozygous with regard to flower color (purple is dominant to ASSORTMENT
white) is crossed to a pea plant with white flowers. What are the
predicted outcomes of genotypes and phenotypes for the offspring? Learning Outcomes:
1. Analyze Mendel’s experiments involving two-factor crosses.
T OPIC: What topic in genetics does this question address? The 2. State Mendel’s law of independent assortment.
topic is Mendelian inheritance. More specifically, the question is 3. Predict the outcome of a two-factor cross using a Punnett
about a single-factor cross. square.
4. Use the forked-line or multiplication method to predict the
I NFORMATION: What information do you know based on the outcome of crosses involving three or more genes
question and your understanding of the topic? From the
question, you know that one plant is heterozygous for flower color.
If P is the purple allele and p the white allele, the genotype of this Even though the experiments described in Figure 3.5 revealed
plant is Pp. The other plant exhibits the recessive phenotype, so its important ideas regarding a hereditary law, Mendel realized

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that additional insights might be uncovered if more compli- two-factor crosses followed the inheritance of two different
cated experiments were carried out. In this section, we will characters within the same groups of individuals. These ex-
examine crosses in which Mendel simultaneously investigated periments led to the formulation of a second law—the law of
the pattern of inheritance for two different characters. Such independent assortment.


Mendel Also Analyzed Crosses Involving The experimental protocol for this two-factor cross is shown
Two Different Characters in Figure 3.8. Mendel began with two different strains of true-
breeding pea plants that were different in seed shape and seed
To illustrate Mendel’s work, we will consider an experiment in color. One plant was produced from seeds that were round and
which one of the characters involved was seed shape, found in yellow; the other plant from seeds that were wrinkled and green.
round or wrinkled variants, and the second character was seed When these plants were crossed, the seeds, which contain the
color, which existed as yellow and green variants. In this two- plant embryo, are considered part of the F1 generation. As
factor cross, Mendel followed the inheritance pattern for both expected, the data revealed that the F1 seeds displayed a pheno-
characters simultaneously. type of round and yellow. This phenotype was observed because
What results are possible from a two-factor cross? One pos- round and yellow are dominant traits. It is the F2 generation that
sibility is that the genes for these two different characters are supports the independent-assortment model and refutes the
always linked to each other and inherited as a single unit linked-assortment model.
(Figure 3.7a). If this were the case, the F1 offspring could produce
only two types of gametes, RY and ry. A second possibility is the
genes are not linked and can assort themselves independently into
gametes (Figure 3.7b). If independent assortment occurred, an F1
offspring could produce four types of gametes: RY, Ry, rY, and ry. The inheritance pattern for two different characters follows one or
Keep in mind that the results of Figure 3.5 have already shown us more quantitative natural laws. Two possible hypotheses are de-
that a gamete carries only one allele for each gene. scribed in Figure 3.7.

P generation seeds RRYY rryy RRYY rryy R = round

r = wrinkled
Y = yellow
y = green

Haploid gametes RY x ry RY x ry

F1 generation seeds RrYy RrYy

Haploid gametes 1/ RY 1/ ry Haploid gametes 1/ RY 1/ Ry 1/ rY 1/ ry

2 2 4 4 4 4
(a) HYPOTHESIS: Linked assortment (b) HYPOTHESIS: Independent assortment

FI GURE 3.7 Two hypotheses to explain how two different genes assort during gamete formation. (a) According to the hypothesis of linked
assortment, the two genes always stay associated with each other. (b) In contrast, the independent-assortment hypothesis proposes that the two different
genes randomly segregate into haploid cells.
CONCEPT CHECK: According to the hypothesis of linked assortment shown here, what is linked? Are two different genes linked, or are two different alleles of the
same gene linked, or both?

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TESTING THE HYPOTHESES F I G U R E 3 . 8 Mendel’s analysis of a two-factor cross.

Starting material: In this experiment, Mendel began with two types of true-breeding strains of pea plants that were different with regard
to two characters. One strain produced round, yellow seeds (RRYY); the other strain produced wrinkled, green seeds (rryy).

Experimental level Conceptual level

True-breeding True-breeding
round, yellow seed wrinkled, green seed
1.Cross the two true-breeding strains to
each other. This produces F1 generation RRYY rryy
seeds. Seeds are planted Gametes

RY x ry

2.Collect many seeds and record their

phenotype. F1 generation

All RrYy
3.F1 seeds are planted and grown, and the Self-
F1 plants are allowed to self-fertilize. fertilization
This produces seeds that are part of the
F2 generation.
RrYy x RrYy

RY Ry rY ry

F2 generation
seeds Ry
RRYy RRyy RrYy Rryy

4.Analyze the characteristics found in the

F2 generation seeds. rY
RrYY RrYy rrYY rrYy

RrYy Rryy rrYy rryy

P cross F1 generation F2 generation As seen in the data, the F2 generation had four categories of seeds.
Round, yellow All round, 315 round, yellow seeds In addition to seeds that were like those of the parental genera-
seeds × wrinkled, yellow seeds 108 round, green seeds tion, the F2 generation also had seeds that were round and green
green seeds 101 wrinkled, yellow seeds and seeds that were wrinkled and yellow. These two categories of
32 wrinkled, green seeds F2 seeds are called nonparental because these combinations of

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traits were not found in the true-breeding plants of the parental produce gametes that were RY or ry. These would combine to
generation. produce RRYY (round, yellow), RrYy (round, yellow), or rryy
The occurrence of nonparental variants contradicts the (wrinkled, green) seeds in a 1:2:1 ratio. Nonparental seeds could,
linked-assortment hypothesis (see Figure 3.7a). According to that therefore, not be produced. However, Mendel did not obtain this
model, the R and Y alleles should be linked together and so should result. Instead, a phenotypic ratio of 9:3:3:1 was observed in the F2
the r and y alleles. If this were the case, the F1 plants could only generation.

Mendel’s Two-Factor Crosses Led to the Law of combinations result in seeds with the following phenotypes:
Independent Assortment 9 round, yellow; 3 round, green; 3 wrinkled, yellow; and 1 wrinkled,
Mendel’s results from many two-factor crosses rejected the linked- green. This 9:3:3:1 ratio is the expected outcome when a plant that
assortment hypothesis and, instead, supported the hypothesis that is heterozygous for both genes is allowed to self-fertilize. Mendel
different characters assort themselves independently. Using mod- was clever enough to realize that the data from the two-factor
ern terminology, Mendel’s law of independent assortment states crosses were close to a 9:3:3:1 ratio.
the following: As an example, let’s consider the data in Figure 3.8. The F1 gen-
eration produced F2 seeds with the following phenotypes: 315 round,
Two different genes will randomly assort their alleles during yellow; 108 round, green; 101 wrinkled, yellow; and 32 wrinkled,
the process that gives rise to gametes. green. This yielded a total of 556 seeds. If you divide each phenotype
In other words, the allele for one gene will be found within a re- by 556 (the total number of seeds) and multiply by 16 (the total num-
sulting gamete independently of whether the allele for a different ber of possible genotypes), the phenotypic ratio of the F2 generation is
gene is found in the same gamete. In the example given in Figure 9.1 : 3.1 : 2.9 : 0.9. Within experimental error, Mendel’s data approxi-
3.8, the round and wrinkled alleles are assorted into haploid gam- mated the predicted 9:3:3:1 ratio for the F2 generation.
etes independently of the yellow and green alleles. Therefore, a The law of independent assortment held true for two-factor
heterozygous RrYy parent can produce four different gametes— crosses involving all seven characters described earlier in Figure 3.4.
RY, Ry, rY, and ry—in equal proportions. However, in other cases, the inheritance pattern of two different genes
In an F1 self-fertilization experiment, any two gametes can is consistent with the linked-assortment hypothesis described in Fig-
combine randomly during fertilization. This allows for 42, or 16, ure 3.7a. In Chapter 6, we will examine the inheritance of genes that
possible offspring, although some offspring will be genetically are linked because they are close to each other within the same chro-
identical to each other. As shown in Figure 3.9, these 16 possible mosome. As we will see, linked genes do not assort independently.

Four possible male Ry ry

RY rY R = round
r = wrinkled
Possible ways for Y = yellow
male and female y = green
gametes to combine

Four possible female

gametes: RY Ry rY ry

RRYY RRYy RrYY RrYy RRYy RRyy RrYy Rryy RrYY RrYy rrYY rrYy RrYy Rryy rrYy rryy
By randomly combining male and female gametes, 16 combinations are possible.
Totals: 1 RRYY : 2 RRYy : 4 RrYy : 2 RrYY : 1 RRyy : 2 Rryy : 1 rrYY : 2 rrYy : 1 rryy
9 round, 3 round, 3 wrinkled, 1 wrinkled,
Phenotypes: yellow seeds green seeds yellow seeds green seed

FIGURE 3.9 Mendel’s law of independent assortment.

Genes→Traits This self-fertilization experiment involves a parent that is heterozygous for seed shape and seed color (RrYy). Four types of male gam-
etes are possible: RY, Ry, rY, and ry. Likewise, four types of female gametes are possible: RY, Ry, rY, and ry. These four types of gametes are the re-
sult of the independent assortment of the seed shape and seed color alleles relative to each other. During fertilization, any one of the four types of male gametes
can unite with any one of the four types of female gametes, resulting in 16 combinations.
CONCEPT CHECK: Why does independent assortment promote genetic variation?

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Independent Assortment Promotes Genetic Diversity many genetically different gametes enables a species to produce a
great diversity of individuals with different combinations of traits.
An important consequence of the law of independent assortment
This variety of phenotypes allows environmental factors to select
is that a single individual can produce a vast array of genetically
for those combinations of traits that favor reproductive success.
different gametes. As mentioned in Chapter 1, diploid species
have pairs of homologous chromosomes, which may differ with A Punnett Square Can Be Used to Solve
respect to the alleles they carry. When an offspring receives a
Independent Assortment Problems
combination of alleles that differs from those in the parental gen-
eration, this phenomenon is termed genetic recombination. One As depicted in Figure 3.8, we can make a Punnett square to predict
mechanism that accounts for genetic recombination is indepen- the outcome of experiments involving two or more genes that as-
dent assortment. A second mechanism, discussed in Chapter 6, is sort independently. Let’s see how such a Punnett square is made by
crossing over, which can reassort alleles that happen to be linked considering a cross between two plants that are heterozygous for
along the same chromosome. height and seed color (Figure 3.10). This cross is TtYy × TtYy.
The phenomenon of independent assortment is rooted in the When we construct a Punnett square for this cross, we must keep
random pattern in which the pairs of chromosomes assort them- in mind that each gamete has a single allele for each of two genes.
selves during the process of meiosis, a topic addressed in Section 3.4. In this example, the four possible gametes from each parent are
When two different genes are found on different chromosomes, they TY, Ty, tY, and ty
randomly assort into haploid cells (look ahead to Figure 3.13). If a
In this two-factor cross, we need to make a Punnett square contain-
species contains a large number of chromosomes, this creates the
ing 16 boxes. The phenotypes of the resulting offspring are pre-
potential for an enormous amount of genetic diversity.
dicted to occur in a ratio of 9:3:3:1.
Let’s consider how independent assortment affects genetic
diversity in humans. Human cells contain 23 pairs of chromo- The Forked-Line and Multiplication Methods
somes. These pairs separate and randomly assort into gametes
Can Also Be Used to Solve Independent
during meiosis. The number of different gametes an individual can
make equals 2n, where n is the number of pairs of chromosomes. Assortment Problems
Therefore, a human can make 223, or over 8 million, possible gam- In crosses involving three or more genes, the construction of a single
etes, due to independent assortment. The capacity to make so large Punnett square becomes very unwieldy. For example, in a

Cross: TtYy x TtYy T = tall

TY Ty tY ty t = short
Y = yellow
y = green
Tall, yellow Tall, yellow Tall, yellow Tall, yellow

TTYy TTyy TtYy Ttyy

Tall, yellow Tall, green Tall, yellow Tall, green

TtYY TtYy ttYY ttYy

Tall, yellow Tall, yellow Short, yellow Short, yellow

TtYy Ttyy ttYy ttyy

Tall, yellow Tall, green Short, yellow Short, green

Genotypes: 1 TTYY : 2 TTYy : 4 TtYy : 2 TtYY : 1 TTyy : 2 Ttyy : 1 ttYY : 2 ttYy : 1 ttyy

Phenotypes: 9 tall 3 tall 3 short 1 short

plants with plants with plants with plant with
yellow seeds green seeds yellow seeds green seeds

FI GURE 3.10 A Punnett square for a two-factor cross. The Punnett square shown here involves a cross between two pea plants that are het-
erozygous for height and seed color. The cross is TtYy × TtYy.
CONCEPT CHECK: If a parent plant is Ttyy, how many different types of gametes can it make?

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three-factor cross between two pea plants that are Tt Rr Yy, each different male gametes and eight different female gametes are pos-
parent can make 23, or 8, possible gametes. Therefore, the Punnett sible: TRY, TRy, TrY, tRY, trY, Try, tRy, and try. It would become
square must contain 8 × 8 = 64 boxes. As a more reasonable alterna- rather time-consuming to construct and fill in this Punnett square,
tive, we can consider each gene separately and then algebraically which would contain 64 boxes. As an alternative, we can consider
combine them by multiplying together the expected outcomes for each gene separately and then algebraically combine them by mul-
each gene. Two methods for doing this kind of analysis are termed tiplying together the expected phenotypic outcomes for each gene.
the forked-line method and the multiplication method. To illustrate In the cross Tt Rr Yy × Tt Rr Yy, a Punnett square can be made for
these methods, let’s consider the following question: each gene (Figure 3.11a).
In the forked-line method, a series of forked lines are created
Two pea plants are heterozygous for three genes (Tt Rr Yy),
that connect the variants in this three-factor cross. The variants are
where T = tall, t = short, R = round seeds, r = wrinkled
tall or short, round or wrinkled, and yellow or green (Figure 3.11b).
seeds, Y = yellow seeds, and y = green seeds. If these plants
The genetic proportions of the 8 possible phenotype combinations
are crossed to each other, what are the predicted phenotypes
are determined by multiplying the probabilities of each of the vari-
of the offspring, and what fraction of the offspring will have
ants. For example, as shown at the top of Figure 3.11b, 3/4 tall ×
each phenotype?
3/4 round × 3/4 yellow = 27/64 tall, round, yellow.
You could solve this problem by constructing a large Punnett An alternative to the forked-line method is the multiplication
square and filling in the boxes. However, in this case, eight method. In this approach, you use the product rule (discussed

T t R r Y y

Tall Tall Round Round Yellow Yellow

Tt tt Rr rr Yy yy
t r y
Tall Short Round Wrinkled Yellow Green

3 tall : 1 short 3 round : 1 wrinkled 3 yellow : 1 green

(a) Punnett squares for each gene
Tall or Round or Yellow or
short wrinkled green Observed product Phenotype
3/ 27/ tall,
4 yellow ( 3/4 )( 3/4 )( 3/4 ) = 64 round, yellow
4 round
1/ ( 3/4 )(3/4 )( 1/4 ) 9/
4 green = 64 tall, round, green
3/ tall
3/ 9/
4 yellow ( 3/4 )( 1/4 )( 3/4 ) = 64 tall, wrinkled, yellow
4 wrinkled
1/ ( 3/4 )( 1/4 )( 1/4 ) 3/
4 green = 64 tall, wrinkled, green
3/ 9/
4 yellow ( 1/4 )( 3/4 )( 3/4 ) = 64 short, round, yellow
4 round
1/ ( 1/4 )( 3/4 )( 1/4 ) 3/
4 green = 64 short, round, green
4 short
3/ 3/
4 yellow ( 1/4 )( 1/4 )( 3/4 ) = 64 short, wrinkled, yellow
4 wrinkled
1/ 1/ short,
4 green ( 1/4 )( 1/4 )( 1/4 ) = 64 wrinkled, green
(b) Forked-line method
P = (3 tall + 1 short)(3 round + 1 wrinkled)(3 yellow + 1 green)
First, multiply (3 tall + 1 short) times (3 round + 1 wrinkled):
(3 tall + 1 short)(3 round + 1 wrinkled) = 9 tall, round + 3 tall, wrinkled + 3 short, round + 1 short, wrinkled
Next, multiply this product by (3 yellow + 1 green):
P = (9 tall, round + 3 tall, wrinkled + 3 short, round + 1 short, wrinkled) (3 yellow + 1 green) = 27 tall,
round, yellow + 9 tall, round, green + 9 tall, wrinkled, yellow + 3 tall, wrinkled, green + 9 short, round,
yellow + 3 short, round, green + 3 short, wrinkled, yellow + 1 short, wrinkled, green
(c) Multiplication method

FI GURE 3.1 1 Two alternative ways to predict the outcome of a three-factor cross. The cross is Tt Rr Yy × Tt Rr Yy. (a) For both methods,
each gene is treated separately. The three Punnett squares predict the outcome for each gene. (b) Forked-line method. (c) Multiplication method.

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later in Section 3.6) and multiply the phenotypic outcomes The chromosome theory of inheritance explains the relation-
together in three sequential pairs: (3 tall + 1 short)(3 round + ship between the transmission of chromosomes from parent to
1 wrinkled)(3 yellow + 1 green) (Figure 3.11c). Even though the offspring and the transmission of traits from parent to offspring.
multiplication steps are rather tedious, this approach is usually This theory was a major breakthrough in the study of genetics
faster than making a Punnett square with 64 boxes, filling them in, because it established the framework for understanding how chro-
deducing each phenotype, and then adding them up. mosomes carry and transmit the genetic determinants that govern
the outcome of traits. In this section, we will examine the five
principles of the chromosome theory of inheritance and consider
how they relate to Mendel’s laws of inheritance. We will also
3.3 COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS consider an experiment in fruit flies that provided evidence for
this theory.
1. A pea plant has the genotype rrYy. How many different types of
gametes can it make and in what proportions?
a. 1 rr : 1 Yy The Chromosome Theory of Inheritance Relates
b. 1 rY : 1 ry the Behavior of Chromosomes to the Mendelian
c. 3 rY : 1 ry Inheritance of Traits
d. 1 RY : 1 rY : 1 Ry : 1 ry
This theory dramatically unfolded as a result of three lines of sci-
2. A cross is made between a pea plant that is RrYy and one that is entific inquiry.
rrYy. What is the predicted outcome of the seed phenotypes?
a. 9 round, yellow : 3 round, green : 3 wrinkled, yellow : 1 ∙ One of these concerned Mendel’s breeding studies, in
wrinkled, green which the transmission of traits from parent to offspring
b. 3 round, yellow : 3 round, green : 1 wrinkled, yellow : 1 were analyzed quantitatively.
wrinkled, green ∙ A second line of inquiry focused on the biochemical basis
for heredity. Carl Nägeli and August Weismann champi-
c. 3 round, yellow : 1 round, green : 3 wrinkled, yellow : 1
oned the idea that a substance found in living cells is
wrinkled, green
responsible for the transmission of traits from parent to
d. 1 round, yellow : 1 round, green : 1 wrinkled, yellow : 1 offspring. Nägeli also suggested that both parents contrib-
wrinkled, green ute equal amounts of this substance to their offspring. We
3. In a population of wild squirrels, most of them have gray fur, but now know that DNA within the chromosomes is the
an occasional squirrel is completely white. If we let P and p genetic material.
represent dominant and recessive alleles, respectively, of a ∙ The third line of inquiry involved the microscopic exami-
gene that codes an enzyme necessary for pigment formation, nation of the processes of meiosis and fertilization. When
which of the following statements do you think is most likely to the work of Mendel was rediscovered, several scientists
be correct? noted striking parallels between the segregation and
a. The white squirrels are pp, and the p allele is a loss-of- assortment of traits noted by Mendel and the behavior of
function allele. chromosomes during meiosis. Among them were Theodor
b. The gray squirrels are pp, and the p allele is a loss-of- Boveri and Walter Sutton, who independently proposed
function allele. the chromosome theory of inheritance.
c. The white squirrels are PP, and the P allele is a loss-of- According to this theory, the inheritance patterns of traits can be
function allele. explained by the transmission patterns of chromosomes during
d. The gray squirrels are PP, and the P allele is a loss-of- meiosis and fertilization. The chromosome theory of inheritance
function allele. is based on a few fundamental principles:
1. Chromosomes contain the genetic material that is transmit-
ted from parent to offspring and from cell to cell.
3.4 THE CHROMOSOME 2. Chromosomes are replicated and passed along, genera-
THEORY OF INHERITANCE tion after generation, from parent to offspring. They are
also passed from cell to cell during the development of
Learning Outcomes: a multicellular organism. Each type of chromosome re-
1. List the five principles of the chromosome theory of inheritance. tains its individuality during cell division and gamete
2. Explain the relationship between meiosis and Mendel’s laws formation.
of inheritance. 3. The nuclei of most eukaryotic cells contain chromosomes
3. Analyze the results of Morgan’s experiment, which showed that are found in homologous pairs—the cells are diploid.
that a gene affecting eye color in fruit flies is located on the One member of each pair is inherited from the female
X chromosome. parent, the other from the male parent. At meiosis, one of
the two members of each pair segregates into one daughter

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cell, and its homolog segregates into the other daughter Heterozygous (Yy ) cell from
cell. Gametes contain one set of chromosomes—they are a pea plant with yellow seeds
4. During the formation of haploid cells, different types of Meiosis I
(nonhomologous) chromosomes segregate independently Prophase y
of each other.
5. At fertilization, each parent contributes one set of chromo-
somes to its offspring. The maternal and paternal sets of
homologous chromosomes are functionally equivalent;
each set carries a full complement of genes.

The Law of Segregation Is Explained by the y Y

Separation of Homologs During Meiosis Metaphase

The chromosome theory of inheritance allows us to see the rela-

tionship between Mendel’s laws and chromosome transmission.
As shown in Figure 3.12, Mendel’s law of segregation can be
explained by the homologous pairing and segregation of chro- Anaphase
mosomes during meiosis. This figure depicts the behavior of a Telophase
pair of homologous chromosomes that carry a gene for seed
color in pea plants. One of the chromosomes carries a dominant
allele that confers yellow seed color, whereas the homologous
chromosome carries a recessive allele that confers green color. y y Y Y
A heterozygous individual passes only one of these alleles to
each offspring. In other words, a gamete may contain the yellow
allele or the green allele but not both. Because the homologs
segregate during meiosis I and the sister chromatids separate
Meiosis II
during meiosis II, a gamete contains only one copy of each type
of chromosome.

The Law of Independent Assortment Is Explained y y Y Y

by the Random Alignment of Homologs During
Haploid cells
How is the law of independent assortment explained by the be-
havior of chromosomes? Figure 3.13 considers the segregation F I G U R E 3 . 1 2 Mendel’s law of segregation can be ex-
of two types of chromosomes in a pea plant, each carrying a dif- plained by the segregation of homologs during meiosis. The two
ferent gene. copies of a gene are located on homologous chromosomes. In this
example using pea plant seed color, the two alleles are Y (yellow) and
∙ One pair of chromosomes carries the gene for seed color:
y (green). During meiosis, the homologous chromosomes segregate
The yellow (Y) allele is on one chromosome, and the from each other, leading to segregation of the two alleles into sepa-
green (y) allele is on the homolog. rate gametes.
∙ The other pair of (smaller) chromosomes carries the gene Genes→Traits The gene for seed color exists in two alleles, Y (yellow) and
for seed shape: One copy has the round (R) allele, and the y (green). During meiosis, the homologous chromosomes that carry these
homolog carries the wrinkled (r) allele. alleles segregate from each other. The resulting cells receive either the Y or
∙ At metaphase of meiosis I, the different types of chro- y allele, but not both. When two gametes unite during fertilization, the alleles
mosomes have randomly aligned along the metaphase they carry determine the traits of the resulting offspring. In this case, they
affect seed color, producing yellow or green seeds.
plate. As shown in Figure 3.13, this can occur in more
CONCEPT CHECK: At which stage of meiosis do homologous chromosomes
than one way. On the left, the y allele has sorted with the
separate from each other?
R allele, whereas the Y allele has sorted with the r allele.
On the right, the opposite situation has occurred. There-
fore, the random alignment of chromatid pairs during As we will see in Chapter 6, this law is violated if two
meiosis I can lead to an independent assortment of different genes are located close to one another on the
genes that are found on nonhomologous chromosomes. same chromosome.

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y r r
Heterozygous diploid
y Y cell (YyRr ) from a pea
plant to undergo meiosis


y Y y Y

Meiosis I
(two possible
R r arrangements r R
in metaphase)

y y Y Y y y Y Y

R R r r r r R R

Meiosis II

y y Y Y y y Y Y

R R r r r r R R

2 Ry : 2 rY 2 ry : 2 RY

FI GURE 3.13 Mendel’s law of independent assortment can be explained by the random alignment of bivalents during metaphase of
meiosis I. This figure shows the assortment of two genes located on two different chromosomes in a pea plant, using seed color and shape as an exam-
ple (YyRr). During metaphase of meiosis I, different possible arrangements of the homologs within bivalents can lead to different combinations of the
alleles in the resulting gametes. For example, on the left, the recessive y allele has sorted with the dominant R allele; on the right, the dominant Y allele
has sorted with the dominant R allele.
Genes→Traits Most species have several different chromosomes that carry many different genes. In this example, the gene for seed color exists in two alleles,
Y (yellow) and y (green), and the gene for seed shape is found as R (round) and r (wrinkled) alleles. The two genes are located on different (nonhomologous) chromo-
somes. During meiosis, the homologous chromosomes that carry these alleles segregate from each other. In addition, the chromosomes carrying the Y or y alleles
will independently assort from the chromosomes carrying the R or r alleles. As shown here, this sorting process can create haploid cells with different combinations
of alleles. When two gametes unite during fertilization, the alleles they carry affect the traits of the resulting offspring.
CONCEPT CHECK: Let’s suppose a pea plant is heterozygous for three genes, Tt Yy Rr, and each gene is on a different chromosome. How many different ways
could the three pairs of homologous chromosomes line up during metaphase of meiosis I?


Morgan’s Experiments Showed a Connection showing that a gene affecting eye color in fruit flies (Drosophila
Between a Genetic Trait and the Inheritance of a melanogaster) is located on the X chromosome.
Within a population of red-eyed flies, Morgan identified a
Sex Chromosome in Drosophila
male fruit fly with white eyes rather than the common (wild-type) red
Even though an examination of meiosis provided compelling evi- eyes. Because this had been a true-breeding strain of flies, this white-
dence that Mendel’s laws could be explained by chromosome sort- eyed male must have arisen from a new mutation that converted a
ing, researchers still needed to correlate chromosome behavior with red-eye allele (denoted w+) into a white-eye allele (denoted w).
the inheritance of particular traits. In the early 1900s, American Morgan is said to have carried this fly home with him in a jar, kept it
geneticist Thomas Hunt Morgan carried out a particularly influen- on a bedside table at night, and then took it back to the laboratory
tial study that confirmed the chromosome theory of inheritance by during the day!

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Morgan studied the inheritance of this white-eye trait by T H E G O A L ( D I S C O V E R Y- B A S E D S C I E N C E )

making crosses and quantitatively analyzing their outcome
(Figure 3.14). First, the white-eyed male was crossed to a true- This is an example of discovery-based science rather than hypoth-
breeding red-eyed female. All of the F1 offspring had red eyes, esis testing. In this case, a quantitative analysis of genetic crosses
indicating that red is dominant to white. Next, the F1 offspring may reveal the inheritance pattern for the white-eye allele.
were then mated to each other to obtain an F2 generation.

ACHIEVING THE GOAL F I G U R E 3 . 1 4 Inheritance pattern of an X-linked trait in fruit flies.

Starting material: A true-breeding strain of red-eyed fruit flies plus one white-eyed male fly that was discovered in the population.

Experimental level Conceptual level

+ +
1. Cross the white-eyed male to a P generation Xw Y x Xw Xw
true-breeding red-eyed female.

+ +
2. Record the results of the F1 generation. F1 generation Xw Y male offspring and Xw Xw female
This involves noting the eye color and offspring, both with red eyes
sex of many offspring. +
Xw Y x Xw Xw

+ + + +
3. Cross F1 offspring with each other to F2 generation 1 Xw Y : 1 Xw Y : 1 Xw Xw : 1 Xw Xw
obtain F2 offspring. Also record the 1 red-eyed male : 1 white-eyed male :
eye color and sex of the F2 offspring. 2 red-eyed females

4. In a separate experiment, perform a Xw Y x Xw Xw
testcross between a white-eyed male
from the F2 generation and a x
red-eyed female from the F1
generation. Record the results.

+ +
1 Xw Y : 1 Xw Y : 1 Xw Xw : 1 Xw Xw
1 red-eyed male : 1 white-eyed male :
1 red-eyed female : 1 white-eyed female

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T H E DATA experimentally. These results indicated that the eye color alleles are
located on the X chromosome. Genes that are physically located
Cross Results within the X chromosome are called X-linked genes, or X-linked
Original white-eyed F1 generation: All red-eyed flies alleles.
male to a true-breeding However, it should also be pointed out that the experimen-
red-eyed female tal ratio of red eyes to white eyes in the F2 generation is (2459 +
1011):782, which equals 4.4:1. This ratio deviates significantly
F1 male to F1 female F2 generation: 2459 red-eyed females
from the predicted ratio of 3:1. How can this discrepancy be
1011 red-eyed males
explained? Later work revealed that the lower-than-expected
0 white-eyed females
number of white-eyed flies is due to their decreased survival
782 white-eyed males
F2 white-eyed male Testcross: 129 red-eyed females Morgan also conducted a testcross (see step 4, Figure 3.14)
to F1 female 132 red-eyed males in which an individual with a dominant phenotype and unknown
88 white-eyed females genotype is crossed to an individual with a recessive phenotype.
86 white-eyed males In this case, an F1 red-eyed female was mated to an F2 white-eyed
Source: Morgan, Thomas H., “Sex limited inheritance in Drosophila,” Science, male. This cross produced red-eyed males and females in
vol. 32, no. 812, July 22, 1910, 120–122. approximately equal numbers, and white-eyed males and females
in approximately equal numbers. The testcross data are also consis-
tent with an X-linked pattern of inheritance. As shown in the
following Punnett square, a 1:1:1:1 ratio is predicted for this
As seen in the data table, the F2 generation consisted of 2459 red-eyed testcross:
females, 1011 red-eyed males, and 782 white-eyed males. Most nota-
bly, no white-eyed female offspring were observed in the F2 genera- Male is Xw Y +
tion. These results suggested that the pattern of transmission from F1 female is Xw Xw
parent to offspring depends on the sex of the offspring and on the al-
Male gametes
leles that they carry. As shown in the Punnett square below, the data
are consistent with the idea that the eye color alleles are located on the Xw Y
X chromosome. This phenomenon is called X-linked inheritance. + +
Xw Xw Xw Y

Female gametes
F1 male is X Y+ Xw
F1 female is Xw Xw Red, female Red, male

Male gametes
+ Xw Xw Xw Y
Xw Y
+ + + White, female White, male
Xw Xw Xw Y
Female gametes

Red, female Red, male
The observed data are 129:132:88:86, which is a ratio of
+ 1.5:1.5:1:1. Again, the lower-than-expected numbers of white-
Xw Xw Xw Y
eyed males and females can be explained by a lower survival rate
Red, female White, male for white-eyed flies. Based on these data, Morgan concluded that
red eye color and X (a sex factor that is present in two copies in the
female) are combined and have never existed apart. In other words,
The Punnett square predicts that the F2 generation will not this gene for eye color is on the X chromosome. Morgan was the
have any white-eyed females. This prediction was confirmed first geneticist to receive a Nobel Prize.

b. Chromosomes are replicated and passed along, generation

3.4 COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS after generation, from parent to offspring.
1. Which of the following is not one of the principles of the chromo- c. Chromosome replication occurs during S phase of the cell
some theory of inheritance? cycle.
a. Chromosomes contain the genetic material that is transmit- d. Each parent contributes one set of chromosomes to its
ted from parent to offspring and from cell to cell. offspring.

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2. A pea plant has the genotype TtRr. The independent assortment

of these two genes occurs at ________ because chromosomes I -1 I -2
carrying the _______ alleles line up independently of the chro-
mosomes carrying the _________ alleles.
a. metaphase of meiosis I, T and t, R and r
b. metaphase of meiosis I, T and R, t and r II -1 II -2 II -3 II -4 II -5
c. metaphase of meiosis II, T and t, R and r
d. metaphase of meiosis II, T and R, t and r
III -1 III -2 III -3 III -4 III -5 III -6 III -7

3.5 STUDYING INHERITANCE (a) Human pedigree showing cystic fibrosis

Learning Outcomes:
1. Describe the features of a pedigree. Male
2. Analyze a pedigree to determine if a trait or disease is domi-
nant or recessive. Sex unknown or not

Before we end our discussion of simple Mendelian traits, let’s Miscarriage

address the question of how we can analyze inheritance patterns
that occur in humans. As discussed in Sections 3.2 and 3.3, Men- Deceased individual
del selectively made crosses and then analyzed a large number of
offspring. When studying human traits, however, researchers Unaffected individual
cannot control parental crosses. Instead, they must rely on the
information that is contained within family trees, or pedigrees, Affected individual
which are charts representing family relationships. This type of
Consanguineous mating
approach, known as pedigree analysis, is aimed at determining (between related individuals)
the type of inheritance pattern that a gene follows. Although this
method may be less definitive than performing experiments like
Mendel’s, pedigree analyses often provide important clues con- Fraternal (dizygotic) twins
cerning the pattern of inheritance of traits within human fami-
lies. An expanded discussion of human pedigrees is found in
Chapter 24, which concerns the inheritance patterns of many
human diseases.
Identical (monozygotic) twins
In order to discuss the applications of pedigree analysis, we
need to understand the organization and symbols of a pedigree
(Figure 3.15). (b) Symbols used to denote phenotype in a human pedigree

∙ The oldest generation is at the top of the pedigree, and the F I G URE 3 . 1 5 Pedigree analysis. (a) A family pedigree in
most recent generation is at the bottom. which some of the members are affected with cystic fibrosis. (b) The
∙ Vertical lines connect each succeeding generation. symbols used in a human pedigree. Note: The symbols shown here de-
∙ A male (square) and female (circle) who produce one or note phenotypes, not genotypes.
more offspring are directly connected by a horizontal line. CONCEPT CHECK: What are the two different meanings of horizontal lines
∙ A vertical line connects parents with their offspring. in a pedigree?
∙ If parents produce two or more offspring, the group of
siblings (male and/or female offspring) is denoted by two black) that distinguish them from unaffected individuals. Each
or more squares and/or circles projecting downward from generation is given a roman numeral designation, and individu-
the same horizontal line. als within the same generation are numbered from left to right. A
few examples of the genetic relationships in Figure 3.15a are
As discussed in Section 1.5 in Chapter 1, the terms male and
described here:
female refer to an individuals’ sex. These terms do not indicate
gender identity. ∙ Individuals II-1 and II-2 are the parents of III-1, III-2, and
The pedigree shown in Figure 3.15a involves the transmis- III-3.
sion of a human disorder called cystic fibrosis. Affected indi- ∙ Individuals I-1 and I-2 are the grandparents of III-1, III-2,
viduals are depicted by filled symbols (in this case, filled with III-3, III-4, III-5, III-6, and III-7.

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∙ Individuals III-1, III-2, and III-3 are siblings.

∙ Individual III-4 is affected by a genetic disease. 3.5 COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS

The symbols in Figure 3.15 and those found in the problem sets at 1. Which of the following would not be observed in a pedigree if a
the end of the chapter indicate phenotypes. In such pedigrees, af- genetic disorder was inherited in a recessive manner?
fected individuals are shown with filled symbols, and unaffected a. Two unaffected parents have an affected offspring.
individuals, including those that might be heterozygous for a re- b. Two affected parents have an unaffected offspring.
cessive disease, are depicted with unfilled symbols. c. One affected and one unaffected parent have an unaffected
Pedigree analysis is commonly used to determine the inheri- offspring.
tance pattern for human genetic diseases. Human geneticists are d. All of the above are possible for a recessive disorder.
routinely interested in knowing whether a genetic disease is inher- 2. For the pedigree shown here, which pattern(s) of inheritance is/
ited as a recessive or dominant trait. One way to discern the domi- are possible? Affected individuals are shown with a filled symbol.
nant/recessive relationship between two alleles is by pedigree
analysis. Genes that play a role in disease may exist as a common
(wild-type) allele or a mutant allele that causes disease
If the disease follows a simple Mendelian pattern of inheri-
tance and is caused by a recessive allele, an individual must in-
herit two copies of the mutant allele to exhibit the disease.
Therefore, a recessive pattern of inheritance makes two important
a. Recessive
∙ Two heterozygous unaffected individuals will, on average,
b. Dominant
have 1/4 of their offspring affected.
c. Both recessive and dominant
∙ All offspring of two affected individuals will be affected.
d. Neither recessive nor dominant
Alternatively, with a dominant trait, affected individuals will have
inherited the gene from at least one affected parent (unless a new
mutation has occurred during gamete formation). 3.6 PROBABILITY AND
As mentioned, the pedigree in Figure 3.15a illustrates in-
heritance of a human genetic disease known as cystic fibrosis
(CF). Among people of Northern European descent, approxi- Learning Outcomes:
mately 3% of the population are heterozygous carriers of the re-
1. Define probability.
cessive allele. In homozygotes, the disease symptoms include
2. Predict the outcomes of crosses using the product rule or the
abnormalities of the pancreas, intestine, sweat glands, and lungs.
binomial expansion equation.
These abnormalities are caused by an imbalance of ions across the
3. Evaluate the validity of a hypothesis using a chi square test.
plasma membranes of cells. In the lungs, this leads to a buildup of
thick, sticky mucus. Respiratory problems may lead to early death,
although modern treatments have greatly increased the life span of A powerful application of Mendel’s work is that the laws of in-
CF patients. heritance can be used to predict the outcomes of genetic crosses.
In the late 1980s, the gene for CF was identified. It codes a In agriculture, for example, plant and animal breeders are con-
protein called the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance reg- cerned with the types of offspring resulting from their crosses.
ulator (CFTR). This protein regulates ion balance across the cell This information is used to produce commercially important crops
membrane in tissues of the pancreas, intestine, sweat glands, and and livestock. In addition, people are often interested in predicting
lungs. The mutant allele causing CF alters the CFTR protein in the characteristics of the children they may have. This may be
such a way that the altered protein is not correctly inserted into the particularly important to individuals who carry alleles that cause
plasma membrane, resulting in decreased function that causes the inherited diseases. Of course, we cannot see into the future and
ion imbalance. definitively predict what will happen. Nevertheless, genetic coun-
As seen in the pedigree, the pattern of affected and unaf- selors can help couples to predict the likelihood of having an af-
fected individuals is consistent with a recessive mode of inheri- fected child. This probability is one factor that may influence a
tance. Two unaffected individuals can produce an affected couple’s decision whether to have children.
offspring. Although not shown in this pedigree, a recessive mode In this section, we will see how probability calculations are
of inheritance is also indicated by the observation that two af- used in genetic problems to predict the outcomes of crosses. We
fected individuals produce 100% affected offspring. However, for will consider two mathematical operations known as the product
human genetic diseases that limit survival or fertility (or both), rule and the binomial expansion equation. These methods allow us
there may never be cases where two affected individuals produce to determine the probability that a cross between two individuals
offspring. will produce a particular outcome. To apply these operations, we

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must have some knowledge regarding the genotypes of the parents sample. For example, if we toss a coin six times, our probability
and the pattern of inheritance of a given trait. The following op- prediction suggests that 50% of the time we should get heads (i.e.,
erations are used to solve certain types of problems: three heads and three tails). With this small sample size, however,
we would not be too surprised if we came up with four heads and
∙ The product rule is used for problems in which the out-
two tails. Each time we toss a coin, there is a random chance that
comes are independent of each other.
it will be heads or tails.
∙ The binomial expansion equation is used for problems
The deviation between the observed and expected outcomes
having an unordered combination of outcomes.
is called the random sampling error. In a small sample of coin
Probability calculations can also be used in hypothesis testing. In tosses, the error between the predicted percentage of heads and the
many situations, a researcher would like to discern the genotypes actual percentage observed may be quite large. By comparison, if
and patterns of inheritance for traits that are not yet understood. A we flipped a coin 1000 times, the percentage of heads would be
traditional approach to this type of problem is to conduct crosses fairly close to the predicted 50% value. In a larger sample, we ex-
and then analyze their outcomes. The proportions of offspring pect the random sampling error to be a much smaller percentage.
may provide important clues that allow the experimenter to pro- For example, the fairly large data sets produced by Mendel had
pose a hypothesis, based on the quantitative laws of inheritance, relatively small sampling errors (refer back to the data table fol-
that explains the transmission of the trait from parents to offspring. lowing Figure 3.5).
Statistical methods, such as the chi square test, can then be used to
evaluate how well the observed data from crosses fit the expected The Product Rule Is Used to Predict the
data. We will end this chapter with an example that applies the chi Probability of Independent Outcomes
square test to a genetic cross.
We can use probability to make predictions regarding the likeli-
hood of two or more independent outcomes from a genetic cross.
Probability Is the Likelihood That When we say that outcomes are independent, we mean that the
an Outcome Will Occur occurrence of one outcome does not affect the probability of an-
The chance that an outcome will occur in the future is called the other. As an example, let’s consider a rare, recessive human trait
outcome’s probability. For example, if you flip a coin, the known as congenital analgesia. Persons with this trait can distin-
probability is 0.50, or 50%, that the head side will be showing guish between sharp and dull, and hot and cold, but do not per-
when the coin lands. Probability depends on the number of pos- ceive extremes of sensation as being painful. The first case of
sible outcomes. In this case, two possible outcomes (heads or congenital analgesia, described in 1932, was a person who enter-
tails) are equally likely. This allows us to predict a 50% chance tained the public as a “human pincushion.”
that a coin flip will produce heads. The general formula for For a phenotypically unaffected couple, in which each par-
probability (P) is ent is heterozygous, Pp (where P is the common allele and p is the
recessive allele causing congenital analgesia), we can ask, What is
Number of times a particular outcome occurs
Probability = _______________________________ the probability that the couple’s first three offspring will have con-
Total number of possible outcomes genital analgesia? To answer this question, the product rule is
Thus, the probability of heads for a coin flip is used. According to this rule,

Pheads = 1 heads / (1 heads + 1 tails) = 1/2, or 50% The probability that two or more independent outcomes will
occur is equal to the product of their individual probabili-
In genetic problems, we are often interested in the probability that ties.
a particular type of offspring will be produced. Recall that when
two heterozygous tall pea plants (Tt) are crossed, the phenotypic A strategy for solving this type of problem is shown here.
ratio of the offspring is 3 tall to 1 short. This information can be The Cross: Pp × Pp
used to calculate the probability for either type of offspring:
The Question: What is the probability that this couple’s first
Number of individuals with a given phenotype three offspring will have congenital analgesia?
Probability = _______________________________
Total number of individuals Step 1. Calculate the individual probability of this phenotype.
Ptall = 3 tall / (3 tall + 1 short) = 3/4, or 75% As described previously, this is accomplished using a
Pshort = 1 short / (3 tall + 1 short) = 1/4, or 25% Punnett square. The probability of an affected offspring
is 1/4.
The probability is 75% for offspring that are tall and 25% for off- Step 2. Multiply the individual probabilities. In this case, we are
spring that are short. When we add together the probabilities of all asking about the first three offspring, and so we multiply
possible outcomes (tall and short), we should get a sum of 100% 1/4 three times.
(here, 75% + 25% = 100%).
A probability calculation allows us to predict the likelihood 1/4 × 1/4 × 1/4 = 1/64 = 0.016, or 1.6%
that an outcome will occur in the future. The accuracy of this pre- In this case, the probability that the first three offspring will have
diction, however, depends to a great extent on the size of the this trait is 0.016. We predict that 1.6% of the time the first three

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offspring will all have congenital analgesia when both parents are heterozygotes. As seen in the following Punnett square, 3/4 of the
heterozygotes. In this example, the phenotypes of the first, second, offspring have brown eyes and 1/4 have blue eyes.
and third offspring are independent outcomes. The phenotype of
B b
the first offspring does not have an effect on the phenotype of the
second or third offspring. B = brown
In the problem described here, we have used the product B BB Bb b = blue
rule to determine the probability that the first three offspring will
all have the same phenotype (congenital analgesia). We can also
apply the rule to predict the probability of a sequence of outcomes
that involves combinations of different offspring. For example, b Bb bb
consider this question: What is the probability that the first off-
spring will be unaffected, the second offspring will have congeni-
tal analgesia, and the third offspring will be unaffected? Again, to
solve this problem, we begin by calculating the individual proba- With the relative probabilities of producing children with
bility of each phenotype. each type of eye color, we can calculate the probability of an
unordered combination of offspring. In this case, we are not
Unaffected = 3/4
concerned with the order in which the offspring are born. In-
Congenital analgesia = 1/4 stead, we are only concerned with the final numbers of blue-
The probability that these three phenotypes will occur in this spec- eyed and brown-eyed offspring. To solve this type of problem,
ified order is the binomial expansion equation can be used. This equation
represents all of the possibilities for a given set of two unor-
3/4 × 1/4 × 3/4 = 9/64 = 0.14, or 14% dered outcomes.
This sequence of outcomes is expected to occur 14% of the time. n!
P = ______ p x q n−x
The product rule can also be used to predict the outcome of x !(n − x ) !
a cross involving two or more genes. Let’s suppose an individual where
with the genotype Aa Bb CC was crossed to an individual with the
genotype Aa bb Cc. We could ask: What is the probability that an P = the probability that the unordered outcome will occur
offspring will have the genotype AA bb Cc? If the three genes in- n = total number of outcomes
dependently assort, the probability of inheriting alleles for each x = number of outcomes in one category (e.g., blue eyes)
gene is independent of the probability for the two other genes. p = individual probability of x
Therefore, we can separately calculate the probability of the de- q = individual probability of the other category
sired outcome for each gene. (e.g., brown eyes)
Cross: Aa Bb CC × Aa bb Cc Note: In this case, p + q = 1.
Probability that an offspring will be AA = 1/4 The symbol ! denotes a factorial. The factorial n! is the
Probability that an offspring will be bb = 1/2 product of all integers from n down to 1. For example,
Probability that an offspring will be Cc = 1/2 4! = 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 24. An exception is 0!, which equals 1.
The use of the binomial expansion equation is described next.
We can use the product rule to determine the probability that an
offspring will be AA bb Cc: The Cross: Bb × Bb
The Question: What is the probability that two out of five off-
P = 1/4 × 1/2 × 1/2 = 1/16 = 0.0625, or 6.25%
spring will have blue eyes?

The Binomial Expansion Equation Is Used Step 1. Calculate the individual probabilities of the blue-eye and
to Predict the Probability of an Unordered brown-eye phenotypes. If we constructed a Punnett
square, we would find the probability of blue eyes is 1/4
Combination of Outcomes and the probability of brown eyes is 3/4:
With regard to probability, unordered combinations are outcomes
in which the order of a set of events does not matter. For example, p = 1/4
a group of children in a given family might be composed of two q = 3/4
females and one male, but the order of their births does not matter. Step 2. Determine the number of outcomes in category x (in this
From first to last, the order could be: female, female, male; female, case, blue eyes) versus the total number of outcomes. In
male, female; or male, female, female. this example, the number of outcomes in category x is
With regard to genetics, the probability of an unordered two blue-eyed children among a total number of five.
combination also depends on the relative probability of each
phenotype. For example, we can calculate the relative probabili- x=2
ties of brown-eyed and blue-eyed children, if both parents are n=5

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Step 3. Substitute the values for p, q, x, and n in the binomial ex- observed outcome, an experimenter may make a tentative hypoth-
pansion equation. esis. For example, the data may seem to obey Mendel’s laws. Hy-
pothesis testing provides an objective, statistical method to
P = ______ p x q n−x evaluate whether the observed data really agree with the hypoth-
x !(n − x ) !
esis. In other words, we use statistical methods to determine
P = ______ (1 / 4 ) 2(3 / 4 ) 5−2 whether the data that have been gathered from crosses are consis-
2 !(5 − 2 ) ! tent with predictions based on quantitative laws of inheritance.
5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 (1 / 16 ) (27 / 64 )
P = ____________ The rationale behind certain types of statistical approaches
(2 × 1 ) (3 × 2 × 1 ) is to evaluate the goodness of fit between the observed data from
P = 0.26, or 26% experimentation and the expected data that are predicted from a
hypothesis. This predictive hypothesis is also called a null hy-
Thus, the probability is 0.26 that two out of five offspring will pothesis because it is the hypothesis that the experimenter may or
have blue eyes. In other words, 26% of the time we expect a may not nullify. The null hypothesis assumes that there is no real
Bb × Bb cross yielding five offspring to have two blue-eyed chil- difference between the observed and expected data. Any actual
dren and three brown-eyed children. differences that occur are presumed to be due to random sampling
When more than two outcomes are possible, we use the error. In some cases, statistical methods may reveal a poor fit be-
multinomial expansion equation to solve a problem involving tween hypothesis and data. In other words, a high deviation may
three or more types of unordered outcomes. A general expression be found between the observed and expected values. If this occurs,
for this equation is the null hypothesis is rejected or nullified. Hopefully, the experi-
n! menter can subsequently propose an alternative hypothesis that
P = _____ pa qb rc ⋯
a !b !c !⋯ has a better fit with the data.
where In other cases, if the observed and expected data are very
similar, we conclude that the hypothesis is consistent with the
P = the probability that the unordered number of outcomes observed outcome. It is reasonable to accept the hypothesis. How-
will occur ever, it should be emphasized that statistical methods can never
n = total number of outcomes prove that a hypothesis is correct. They can provide insight as to
a+b+c+⋯=n whether or not the observed data seem reasonably consistent with
a hypothesis. Alternative hypotheses, perhaps even ones that the
experimenter has failed to realize, may also be consistent with the
( p is the likelihood of a, q is the likelihood of b, r is the data.
likelihood of c, and so on) One commonly used statistical method to determine good-
The multinomial expansion equation can be useful for many ge- ness of fit is the chi square test (the symbol for “chi square” is χ2).
netic problems in which more than two combinations of offspring We can use the chi square test to analyze population data in which
are possible. For example, this formula can be used to solve prob- the members of the population fall into different categories. We
lems involving an unordered sequence of outcomes in a two-factor typically have this kind of data when we evaluate the outcomes of
cross (see question 3 in More Genetic TIPS at the end of this genetic crosses, because these usually produce a population of
chapter). offspring that differ with regard to phenotypes. The general for-
mula for the chi square test is
(O − E ) 2
The Chi Square Test Is Used to Test the χ 2 = Σ_____
Validity of a Genetic Hypothesis where
Let’s now consider a different way to analyze genetic problems,
O = observed data in each category
namely hypothesis testing. Our goal here is to determine if the
data from genetic crosses are consistent with a particular pattern E = expected data in each category based on the experi-
of inheritance. For example, a geneticist may study the inheritance menter’s hypothesis
of body color and wing shape in fruit flies over the course of two The symbol Σ means that the data values for each category are
generations. The following question may be asked about the F2 added together. For example, if the population data fell into two
generation: Do the observed numbers of offspring agree with the categories, the chi square calculation would be
predicted numbers based on Mendel’s laws of segregation and in-
(O1 − E1 ) 2 _______
(O − E2 ) 2
dependent assortment? As we will see in Chapters 4 through 6, not χ 2 = _______ + 2
all traits follow a Mendelian pattern of inheritance. Some genes do E1 E2
not segregate and independently assort themselves in the way that We can use the chi square test to determine if a genetic hypothesis
Mendel’s seven characters did in pea plants. is consistent with the observed outcome of a genetic cross. The
To distinguish inheritance patterns that obey Mendel’s laws strategy described next provides a step-by-step outline for apply-
from those that do not, a conventional strategy is to make crosses ing the chi square test. In this problem, the experimenter wants
and then quantitatively analyze the offspring. Based on the to determine if a two-factor cross obeys Mendel’s laws. The

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experimental organism is Drosophila melanogaster (the common 3/16 = curved wings, gray bodies
fruit fly), and the two characters involve wing shape and body 1/16 = curved wings, ebony bodies
color. Straight wing shape and curved wing shape are designated
by c+ and c, respectively; gray body color and ebony body color The observed F2 generation contained a total of 352 indi-
are designated by e+ and e, respectively. Note: For certain species, viduals. Our next step is to calculate the expected num-
such as Drosophila melanogaster, the convention is to designate bers of each type of offspring when the total equals 352.
the common (wild-type) allele with a plus sign. Recessive mutant This is accomplished by multiplying each individual
alleles are designated with lowercase letters and dominant mutant probability by 352.
alleles with capital letters. 9/16 × 352 = 198 (expected number with straight wings,
gray bodies)
The Cross: A true-breeding fly with straight wings and a gray
body (c+c+e+e+) is crossed to a true-breeding fly with 3/16 × 352 = 66 (expected number with straight wings,
curved wings and an ebony body (ccee). The flies of the F1 ebony bodies)
generation are then allowed to mate with each other to pro- 3/16 × 352 = 66 (expected number with curved wings,
duce an F2 generation. gray bodies)
1/16 × 352 = 22 (expected number with curved wings,
The Outcome:
ebony bodies)
F1 generation: All offspring have straight wings and gray
bodies. Step 4. Apply the chi square formula, using the observed data
F2 generation: 193 straight wings, gray bodies listed in step 2 and the expected values that have been
calculated in step 3. In this case, the data include four
69 straight wings, ebony bodies
categories, and thus the sum has four terms.
64 curved wings, gray bodies
26 curved wings, ebony bodies (O1 − E1 ) 2 _______ (O − E3 ) 2 _______
(O − E2 ) 2 _______ (O − E4 ) 2
χ 2 = _______ + 2 + 3 + 4
Total: 352 E1 E2 E3 E4
(193 − 198 ) 2 (69 − 66 ) 2 (64 − 66 ) 2 (26 − 22 ) 2
Step 1. Propose a hypothesis that allows us to calculate the ex- χ 2 = ________ + _______ + _______ + _______
198 66 66 22
pected values based on Mendel’s laws. The phenotypes of
χ 2 = 0.13 + 0.14 + 0.06 + 0.73 = 1.06
the F1 generation suggest that the trait of straight wings is
dominant to curved wings and gray body color is domi-
Step 5. Determine the degrees of freedom. Before we can deter-
nant to ebony. Looking at the F2 generation, it appears
mine the probability that this deviation occurred as a
that the data show a 9:3:3:1 ratio. If so, this is consistent
matter of random chance, we must first determine the
with an independent assortment of the two characters.
degrees of freedom (df) in this experiment. The degrees
Based on these observations, the null hypothesis is the of freedom indicate the number of categories that are in-
following: dependent of each other. When phenotype categories are
derived from a Punnett square, the degrees of freedom
Straight (c+) is dominant to curved (c), and gray (e+) is
are typically given by n − 1, where n equals the total
dominant to ebony (e). The two characters segregate and
number of categories. In our fruit fly problem, n = 4 (the
assort independently from generation to generation.
categories are the phenotypes: straight wings and gray
Step 2. List the observed data, including the total number of ob- body; straight wings and ebony body; curved wings and
served offspring. gray body; and curved wings and ebony body); thus, the
degrees of freedom equal 3.* We now have sufficient in-
193 straight wings, gray bodies
formation to interpret our chi square value of 1.06.
69 straight wings, ebony bodies
64 curved wings, gray bodies Step 6. Determine the P value for the chi square value calcu-
lated in step 4. This is done using a chi square table and
26 curved wings, ebony bodies
the degrees of freedom determined in step 5. We must
352 Total use Table 3.1 to determine a P value, which is the prob-
Step 3. Based on the hypothesis and the total number of observed ability that the amount of variation indicated by a given
offspring, calculate the expected values of the four pheno- chi square value is due to random chance alone, based on
types. We first need to calculate the individual probabili- a particular hypothesis. The chi square value is 1.06 and
ties of the four phenotypes. According to our hypothesis, the degrees of freedom equals 3. Begin in the left col-
the ratio of the F2 generation should be 9:3:3:1. Therefore, umn at 3 degrees of freedom and slide to the right until
the expected probabilities are as follows: you identify the range where 1.06 is located. In this case,

9/16 = straight wings, gray bodies *If the hypothesis assumed that the law of segregation is obeyed, the degrees of
3/16 = straight wings, ebony bodies freedom would be 1 (see Section 6.2).

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TA B L E 3.1
Chi Square Values and Probability
Null Hypothesis Rejected
Degrees of
Freedom P = 0.99 0.95 0.80 0.50 0.20 0.05 0.01
1 0.000157 0.00393 0.0642 0.455 1.642 3.841 6.635
2 0.020 0.103 0.446 1.386 3.219 5.991 9.210
3 0.115 0.352 1.005 2.366 4.642 7.815 11.345
4 0.297 0.711 1.649 3.357 5.989 9.488 13.277
5 0.554 1.145 2.343 4.351 7.289 11.070 15.086
6 0.872 1.635 3.070 5.348 8.558 12.592 16.812
7 1.239 2.167 3.822 6.346 9.803 14.067 18.475
8 1.646 2.733 4.594 7.344 11.030 15.507 20.090
9 2.088 3.325 5.380 8.343 12.242 16.919 21.666
10 2.558 3.940 6.179 9.342 13.442 18.307 23.209
15 5.229 7.261 10.307 14.339 19.311 24.996 30.578
20 8.260 10.851 14.578 19.337 25.038 31.410 37.566
25 11.524 14.611 18.940 24.337 30.675 37.652 44.314
30 14.953 18.493 23.364 29.336 36.250 43.773 50.892
Source: Fisher, Ronald A., and Yates, Frank, Statistical Tables for Biological, Agricultural, and Medical Research. London: Oliver and
Boyd, 1943.

it is located between 1.005 and 2.366. If you then look rather than a 1% level has the advantage that you are less
up to the top of the table, 1.005 is a P value of 0.8 and likely to accept an incorrect null hypothesis.
2.366 is 0.5. Our chi square value of 1.06 is pretty close
For our problem involving flies with straight or curved
to 1.005, so the P value is close to 0.8, or 80%.
wings and gray or ebony bodies, the calculated chi
Step 7. Interpret the P value you have obtained. As mentioned, a square value is 1.06, which gives a P value of approxi-
P value is the likelihood that the amount of variation in- mately 0.80, or 80%. Because this P value is greater than
dicated by a given chi square value is due to random 0.05, you accept the null hypothesis. To reject the null
chance alone, based on a particular hypothesis. In our hypothesis at the 5% significance level, the chi square
example, the P value is approximately 0.8, or 80%. With would have to be equal to or greater than 7.815 (see Ta-
3 degrees of freedom, chi square values that are equal to ble 3.1). Because it is actually far less than this value,
or greater than 1.06 are expected to occur about 80% of you accept that the null hypothesis is correct. Keep in
the time when a hypothesis is correct. In other words, mind that the chi square test does not prove a hypothesis
about 80 times out of 100 we expect that random chance is correct! It is a statistical method for evaluating
alone will produce a deviation between the observed data whether the data and hypothesis have a good fit. In other
and the expected data that is equal to or greater than words, the chi square test provides an objective way to
1.06. In general, such a low chi square value indicates a accept or reject a hypothesis based on the deviation be-
high probability that the observed deviations could be tween observed data and expected data.
due to random chance alone. By comparison, if a high
chi square value were obtained, an experimenter be-
comes suspicious that the high deviation has occurred 3.6 COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS
because the hypothesis is incorrect.
1. A cross is made between AA Bb Cc Dd and Aa Bb cc dd individu-
A common convention is to reject the null hypothesis if
als. Rather than making a very large Punnett square, which sta-
the chi square value results in a probability that is less
tistical operation could you use to solve this problem, and what
than 0.05 (less than 5%) or if the probability is less than
would be the probability that the cross produces an offspring
0.01 (less than 1%). These are called the 5% and 1% sig-
that is AA bb Cc dd?
nificance levels, respectively. Which level is better to
a. Product rule, 1/32
choose? The choice is somewhat subjective. If you
choose a 5% level rather than a 1% level, a disadvantage b. Product rule, 1/4
is that you are more likely to reject a null hypothesis that c. Binomial expansion, 1/32
happens to be correct. Even so, choosing a 5% level d. Binomial expansion, 1/4

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2. In dogs, brown fur color (B) is dominant to white (b). A cross is made 3. Which of the following operations could be used for hypothesis
between two heterozygotes for fur color. If the litter consists of six testing?
puppies, what is the probability that half of them will be white? a. Product rule
a. 0.066, or 6.6% b. Binomial expansion equation
b. 0.13, or 13% c. Chi square test
c. 0.25, or 25% d. Any of the above operations could be used.
d. 0.26, or 26%


3.1: gamete, sperm cell, pollen grains, anthers, egg cell, ovules, 3.4: chromosome theory of inheritance, X-linked inheritance,
ovaries, stigma, cross, hybridization, hybrids, cross-fertilization, X-linked gene, X-linked allele, testcross
self-fertilization, strain, characters, trait, variant, true-breeding 3.5: pedigrees, pedigree analysis
strain 3.6: probability, random sampling error, product rule, binomial
3.2: single-factor cross, monohybrids, empirical approach, pa- expansion equation, multinomial expansion equation, hypoth-
rental generation (P generation), F1 generation, F2 generation, esis testing, goodness of fit, null hypothesis, chi square test,
dominant, recessive, particulate theory of inheritance, segre- degrees of freedom, P value
gate, gene, allele, Mendel’s law of segregation, homozygous,
heterozygous, genotype, phenotype, Punnett square
3.3: two-factor crosses, nonparental, Mendel’s law of indepen-
dent assortment, genetic recombination, forked-line method,
multiplication method


∙ Early ideas regarding inheritance of traits included pangenesis assort their alleles during the formation of haploid cells (see
and the blending hypothesis of inheritance. These ideas were Figures 3.7, 3.8, 3.9).
later refuted by the work of Mendel. ∙ Independent assortment promotes genetic diversity.
∙ A Punnett square can be used to predict the outcomes of two-
3.1 Mendel’s Study of Pea Plants factor crosses (see Figure 3.10).
∙ Sexual reproduction in pea plants occurs via pollination fol- ∙ The multiplication and forked-line methods are used to solve
lowed by fertilization (see Figure 3.1). the outcomes of crosses involving three or more genes (see
∙ Mendel chose pea plants as his experimental organism because Figure 3.11).
it was easy to carry out cross-fertilization or self-fertilization
experiments with these plants, and because pea plants were 3.4 The Chromosome Theory of Inheritance
available in several varieties in which a character existed in two ∙ The chromosome theory of inheritance describes how the
distinct variants (see Figures 3.2, 3.3, 3.4). transmission of chromosomes can explain Mendel’s laws. This
theory is based on five fundamental principles.
3.2 Law of Segregation ∙ Mendel’s law of segregation is explained by the separation of
∙ By conducting single-factor crosses, Mendel proposed three key homologs during meiosis (see Figure 3.12).
ideas regarding inheritance: (1) Traits may be dominant or re- ∙ Mendel’s law of independent assortment is explained by the
cessive. (2) Genes are passed unaltered from generation to gen- random alignment of bivalents during metaphase of meiosis I
eration. (3) The law of segregation states the following: The two (see Figure 3.13).
copies of a gene segregate (or separate) from each other during ∙ Morgan’s work provided strong evidence for the chromosome
transmission from parent to offspring (see Figures 3.5, 3.6). theory of inheritance by showing that a gene affecting eye color
∙ A Punnett square is used to predict the outcome of single-factor in fruit flies is located on the X chromosome (see Figure 3.14).
crosses and self-fertilization experiments.
3.5 Studying Inheritance Patterns in Humans
3.3 Law of Independent Assortment ∙ Human inheritance patterns are determined by analyzing charts
∙ By conducting two-factor crosses, Mendel formulated the law that represent family relationships and are known as pedigrees
of independent assortment: Two different genes will randomly (see Figure 3.15).

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3.6 Probability and Statistics individual probabilities. This rule can be used to predict the
outcome of crosses involving two or more genes.
∙ Probability is the number of times an outcome occurs divided
∙ The binomial expansion equation is used to predict the proba-
by the total number of outcomes.
bility of a given set of two unordered outcomes.
∙ According to the product rule, the probability that two or more
∙ The chi square test is used to test the validity of a hypothesis
independent outcomes will occur is equal to the product of their
(see Table 3.1).


occurring, you can use the binomial expansion equation. Because

MORE GENETIC TIPS 1. In dogs, black fur color each litter is an independent outcome, you multiply the probabil-
is dominant to white. Two heterozygous black dogs are mated. ity of the first litter times the probability of the second litter to get
What is the probability of the following combinations of the probability of both litters occurring in this order.
offspring? ANSWER: From the Punnett square, you can deduce that the probability
of black fur is 3/4, or 0.75, and the probability of white fur is 1/4, or 0.25.
A. A litter of six pups, four with black fur and two with white fur
A. Because this is an unordered combination of outcomes, you use
B. A first litter of six pups, four with black fur and two with white
the binomial expansion equation, where n = 6, x = 4, p = 0.75
fur, and then a second litter of seven pups, five with black fur
(probability of black), and q = 0.25 (probability of white).
and two with white fur
The answer is that such a litter will occur 0.297, or 29.7%, of
T OPIC: What topic in genetics does this question address? The the time.
topic is Mendelian inheritance. More specifically, the question is B. The two litters occur in a row, so they are independent out-
about a single-factor cross involving fur color in dogs. comes. Therefore, you use the product rule and multiply the
probability of the first litter times the probability of the second
I NFORMATION: What information do you know based on the litter. You need to use the binomial expansion equation for each
question and your understanding of the topic? From the litter: The result from this equation for the first litter is multi-
question, you know that black fur is dominant to white fur and that plied by the result for the second litter.
the parents are heterozygotes. If B is the black allele and b is the
For the first litter, n = 6, x = 4, p = 0.75, q = 0.25. For the sec-
white allele, the genotype of each parent must be Bb. From your
ond litter, n = 7, x = 5, p = 0.75, q = 0.25.
understanding of the topic, you may remember how to use a
Punnett square to predict the outcome of a cross. You may also The answer is that two such litters will occur in this order
realize that each litter is an unordered combination of two different 0.092, or 9.2%, of the time.
outcomes and, therefore, the binomial expansion can be used to
calculate the probability of each litter. 2. A pea plant is heterozygous for three genes (Tt Rr Yy), where T =
tall, t = short, R = round seeds, r = wrinkled seeds, and Y = yellow
P ROBLEM-SOLVING S TRATEGIES: Predict the outcome. seeds, y = green seeds. Tall, round, and yellow are the dominant
Make a calculation. To begin to solve this problem, you need to traits. What is the probability that an offspring from self-fertilization
know the probabilities of producing black offspring and white of this plant will be tall with wrinkled, yellow seeds?
offspring. These can be deduced from a Punnett square, which is
shown next. T OPIC: What topic in genetics does this question address? The
B b topic is Mendelian inheritance. More specifically, the question is
about a three-factor self-fertilization experiment involving a pea
B = black plant.
B BB Bb b = white
I NFORMATION: What information do you know based on the
question and your understanding of the topic? In the question,
you are given the genotype of a pea plant and told that it is self-
fertilized. From your understanding of the topic, you may
b Bb bb
remember how to use a Punnett square to predict the outcome of a
self-fertilization experiment. You may also realize that the
outcome for each gene can be considered an independent outcome
For part A of the question, you can derive probabilities for black and the product rule can be used to solve this type of problem.
and white fur from the Punnett square, and then use those values
in the binomial expansion equation. For part B, you need two P ROBLEM-SOLVING S TRATEGIES: Predict the outcome.
types of calculations. To determine the probability of each litter Make a calculation. Instead of constructing a large, 64-box

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Punnett square, you can make smaller Punnett squares to I NFORMATION: What information do you know based on the
determine the probability of offspring inheriting each of the three question and your understanding of the topic? In the question,
genes and having particular phenotypes. you are given the genotype of a pea plant and told that it is self-
fertilizing. From your understanding of the topic, you may
T t
remember how to use a Punnett square to predict the outcome of a
self-fertilization experiment. You may also recall how to use the
multinomial expansion equation to predict the probability of an
Tall Tall
unordered combination of offspring having more than two

Tt tt P ROBLEM-SOLVING S TRATEGIES: Predict the outcome.

t Make a calculation. To begin to solve this problem, you need to
Tall Short know the probability of producing the four types of offspring
described in the question. As shown at the bottom of the
3 tall : 1 short Conceptual level in Figure 3.8, this can be determined from a
Punnett square. The phenotypic ratio is: 9 round, yellow; 3 round,
R r green; 3 wrinkled, yellow; and 1 wrinkled, green.

RR Rr The probability of a round, yellow seed: p = 9/16

R The probability of a round, green seed: q = 3/16
Round Round
The probability of a wrinkled, yellow seed: r = 3/16

Rr rr The probability of a wrinkled, green seed: s = 1/16

r For the values in the multinomial expansion equation, you have
Round Wrinkled
n = 5, a = 2, b = 1, c = 1, d = 1
3 round : 1 wrinkled
ANSWER: Substitute the values in the multinomial expansion equation.
n! p a q b r c s d
P = ______
Y y a !b !c !d !
5 ! (9 / 16 ) 2 (3 / 16 ) 1 (3 / 16 ) 1 (1 / 16 ) 1
P = ______
YY Yy 2 !1 !1 !1 !
P = 0.04, or 4%
Yellow Yellow
This means that 4% of the time you can expect to obtain five off-
Yy yy spring with the phenotypes described in the question.
Yellow Green 4. A cross was made between a hyacinth plant that has blue flowers
and purple seeds and another hyacinth plant with white flowers and
3 yellow : 1 green green seeds. The F1 generation was then allowed to self-fertilize. The
following data were obtained:

Next, you use the product rule. Multiply the specified combi- F1 generation: All offspring have blue flowers with purple seeds.
nations together. In this case, tall = 3/4, wrinkled = 1/4, and F2 generation: 208 offspring with blue flowers, purple seeds; 13
yellow = 3/4. with blue flowers, green seeds; 19 with white flowers, purple
ANSWER: The probability of an offspring being tall with wrinkled, yel- seeds; and 60 with white flowers, green seeds. Total = 300
low seeds is offspring.
Start with the hypothesis that blue flowers and purple seeds are
3/4 × 1/4 × 3/4 = 9/64 = 0.14, or 14%
dominant traits and that the two genes assort independently. Calcu-
late a chi square value. What does this value mean with regard to
3. A pea plant that is (RrYy) is allowed to self-fertilize. Round seed (R) your hypothesis? If you decide to reject the hypothesis, which as-
is dominant to wrinkled (r), and yellow seed (Y) is dominant to green pect of the hypothesis do you think is incorrect (i.e., that blue
(y). What is the probability of producing the following group of five flowers and purple seeds are dominant traits, or that the two genes
seeds: two round, yellow; one round, green; one wrinkled, yellow; assort independently)?
and one wrinkled, green? T OPIC: What topic in genetics does this question address? The
topic is hypothesis testing. More specifically, the question is about
T OPIC: What topic in genetics does this question address? The evaluating the dominant and recessive relationships of two genes
topic is Mendelian inheritance. More specifically, the question is and determining if they are obeying the law of independent
about a two-factor self-fertilization experiment involving a pea plant. assortment.

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I NFORMATION: What information do you know based on the miniature wings). Thousands of offspring were then examined
question and your understanding of the topic? From the with regard to their eye color, wing length, and sex. As expected,
question, you know the outcome of a two-factor cross. You are most of the offspring were females with red eyes and long wings
given a starting hypothesis. From your understanding of the or males with white eyes and long wings. On rare occasions
topic, you may remember that this type of experiment should (approximately 1 out of 1700 flies), however, female offspring
produce a 9:3:3:1 ratio of the four types of offspring in the with white eyes or males with red eyes were obtained. The wing
F2 generation, according to the law of independent assortment. length in these flies was also noted and then their chromosome
composition was examined using a microscope. The following
Alternatively, you could set up a Punnett square and deduce the
results were obtained:
outcome for the F2 generation. You may also remember that the
chi square test can be used to evaluate the validity of a Eye Wing Sex
hypothesis. Offspring Color Length Chromosomes
Expected females Red Long XX
P ROBLEM-SOLVING S TRATEGY: Analyze data. One Expected males White Long XY
strategy is to analyze the data by carrying out a chi square test.
Unexpected females (rare) White Long XXY
According to the hypothesis, the F2 generation should display a
Unexpected males (rare) Red Miniature X0
ratio of 9 offspring with blue flowers, purple seeds : 3 with blue
flowers, green seeds : 3 with white flowers, purple seeds : 1 with Source: Bridges, Calvin B., “Non-disjunction as Proof of the Chromosome Theory of
white flowers, green seeds. Because a total of 300 offspring were Heredity,” Genetics, vol. 1, no. 2, March, 1916, 107–163.
produced, the expected numbers are as follows: Explain how the unexpected female and male offspring were produced.
9/16 × 300 = 169 blue flowers, purple seeds
3/16 × 300 = 56 blue flowers, green seeds T OPIC: What topic in genetics does this question address? The
topic is X-linked inheritance—more specifically, the question is
3/16 × 300 = 56 white flowers, purple seeds
about X-linked inheritance and its relationship to abnormalities in
1/16 × 300 = 19 white flowers, green seeds chromosome number.

ANSWER: In this case, the data include four categories, and thus the I NFORMATION: What information do you know based on the
sum for calculating the chi square value has four terms. question and your understanding of the topic? From the
+ +
question, you know the outcome of a cross involving Xw,m Xw,m
2 +
( O1 − E1) _______ ( O − E3) _______
( O − E2) _______ ( O − E4) 2
female flies and Xw ,mY male flies. From your understanding of the
χ 2 = _______ + 2 + 3 + 4
E1 E2 E3 E4 topic, you may remember that females transmit an X chromosome
(208 − 169) 2 (13 − 56) 2 (19 − 56) 2 (60 − 19) 2 to both daughters and sons, whereas males transmit an X to their
χ 2 = ________ + _______ + _______ + _______ daughters and a Y to their sons. In fruit flies, sex is determined by
169 56 56 19
the ratio of the number of X chromosomes to the number of sets of
χ 2 = 154.9
autosomes. It is not determined by the presence of the Y
chromosome (see Figure 2.15).
Looking up this value in the chi square table under 3 degrees of
freedom, you see that it is much higher than would be expected P ROBLEM-SOLVING S TRATEGY: Compare and
1% of the time by chance alone. Therefore, you reject the hypoth- contrast. One strategy to solve this problem is to compare and
esis. The idea that the two genes are assorting independently contrast the outcomes of this cross if the female transmits the
seems to be incorrect. The outcome for the F1 generation supports wrong number of chromosomes or if the male transmits the
the idea that blue flowers and purple seeds are dominant traits. wrong number.
Note: We will discuss why independent assortment may not occur
+ +
in Chapter 6. The cross is Xw,m Xw,m × Xw+,m Y.

5. Calvin Bridges, who worked in the lab of Morgan, made crosses to Female Male Offspring’s Offspring’s
Transmits Transmits Genotype Phenotype
study the inheritance of X-linked traits in fruit flies. One of + + + +
Bridges’ experiments concerned two different X-linked genes Xw,m Xw,m Y Xw,m Xw,m Y White eyes, long
affecting eye color and wing length. For the eye color gene, the wings, female
+ + +,m + +
red-eye allele (w+) is dominant to the white-eye allele (w). A Xw,m Xw,m Xw Xw,m Xw,m
Red eyes, long wings,
second X-linked trait is wing length; the allele called miniature is Xw ,m female
recessive to the wild-type allele, which is called long. In this case, No sex chromosomes Y Y Inviable
+ +
m represents the miniature allele and m+ the long allele. A male fly No sex chromosomes Xw ,m Xw ,m Red eyes, miniature
carrying a miniature allele on its single X chromosome has small wings, male
+ +,m + +,m
(miniature) wings. A female must be homozygous, mm, in order to Xw,m Xw Y Xw,m Xw Y Red eyes, long wings,
have miniature wings. female
+ + + +
Bridges made a cross between Xw,m Xw,m female flies Xw,m No sex Xw,m White eyes, long
w+,m chromosomes wings, male
(white eyes and long wings) and X Y male flies (red eyes and

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ANSWER: The white-eyed female flies were due to the union be- containing one X chromosome. The wing size of the unexpected
tween an abnormal XX female gamete and a normal Y male gam- males was a particularly significant result. The red-eyed males
ete. The unexpected male offspring had only one X chromosome showed a miniature wing size. As noted by Bridges, this means that
and no Y. These male offspring were due to the union between an they inherited their X chromosome from their male parent rather
abnormal egg without any X chromosome and a normal sperm than their female parent.

Conceptual Questions
C1. Why did Mendel’s work refute the blending hypothesis of
inheritance? I -1 I -2
C2. What is the difference between cross-fertilization and
C3. Explain the difference between genotype and phenotype. Give
three examples. Is it possible for two individuals to have the same II -1 II -2 II -3 II -4 II -5
phenotype but different genotypes?
C4. With regard to genotypes, what is a true-breeding organism?
C5. How can you determine whether an organism is heterozygous or III -1 III -2 III -3 III -4 III -5 III -6 III -7
homozygous for a dominant trait?
C6. In your own words, describe Mendel’s law of segregation. Do not
use the word segregation in your answer.
C7. With regard to genes in pea plants that we have considered in this IV-1 IV-2 IV-3
chapter, which statement(s) is/are not correct? (a)
A. The gene causing tall plants is an allele of the gene causing
short plants.
B. The gene causing tall plants is an allele of the gene causing
purple flowers. I -1 I -2

C. The alleles causing tall plants and purple flowers are

C8. For a cross between a heterozygous tall pea plant and a short pea II-1 II-2 II-3 II-4 II-5
plant, predict the ratios of the offspring’s genotypes and
C9. Do you know the genotype of an individual exhibiting a recessive
trait or of an individual exhibiting a dominant trait? Explain your III -1 III -2 III -3 III -4 III -5
C10. A cross is made between a pea plant that has constricted pods (a
recessive trait; smooth is dominant) and is heterozygous for seed
color (yellow is dominant to green) and a pea plant that is IV-1 IV-2 IV-3
heterozygous for both pod texture and seed color. Construct a
Punnett square that depicts this cross. What are the predicted (b)
outcomes of genotypes and phenotypes of the offspring? C14. Ectrodactyly is a recessive disorder in humans that affects the
C11. A pea plant that is heterozygous with regard to seed color (yellow structure of the hands. If a phenotypically unaffected couple produces
is dominant to green) is allowed to self-fertilize. What are the an offspring with ectrodactyly, what are the following probabilities?
predicted outcomes of genotypes and phenotypes of the offspring? A. Both parents are heterozygotes.
C12. Describe the significance of nonparental combinations of traits B. The next offspring is a heterozygote.
with regard to the law of independent assortment. In other words,
explain how the appearance of nonparental combinations refutes C. The next three offspring will be phenotypically unaffected.
the hypothesis of linked assortment. D. Any two out of the next three offspring will be phenotypically
C13. From the following pedigrees, describe what is the likely unaffected.
inheritance pattern (dominant or recessive). Explain your C15. Identical twins are produced from the same sperm and egg.
reasoning. Filled (black) symbols indicate affected individuals. Sometime after the first mitotic division, the cells detach from each

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other and develop into distinct individuals. In contrast, fraternal C22. An individual has the genotype Aa Bb Cc and makes an abnormal
twins are produced from separate sperm and separate egg cells. If gamete with the genotype AaBc. Does this gamete violate the law
two parents with brown eyes (a dominant trait) produce one twin of independent assortment or the law of segregation (or both)?
child with blue eyes, what are the probabilities of the following? Explain your answer.
A. The other twin, who is an identical twin, has blue eyes. C23. In people with maple syrup urine disease, the body is unable to
B. The other twin, who is a fraternal twin, has blue eyes. metabolize the amino acids leucine, isoleucine, and valine. One of the
symptoms is that the urine smells like maple syrup. An unaffected
C. If the other twin is fraternal, this twin will transmit the blue eye couple produced six children in the following order: unaffected female,
allele to an offspring. affected female, unaffected male, unaffected male, affected male, and
D. The parents are both heterozygotes. unaffected male. The youngest unaffected male in this family and an
unrelated unaffected female have three children in the following order:
C16. In cocker spaniels, solid coat color is dominant over spotted coat
affected female, unaffected female, and unaffected male. Draw a
color. If two heterozygous dogs were crossed to each other, what
pedigree that represents this family. What type of inheritance (dominant
would be the probability of the following combinations of offspring?
or recessive) would you propose to explain maple syrup urine disease?
A. A litter of five pups, four with solid fur and one with spotted fur
C24. Marfan syndrome is a rare inherited human disorder characterized
B. A first litter of six pups, four with solid fur and two with spot- by unusually long limbs and digits plus defects in the heart
ted fur, and then a second litter of five pups, all with solid fur (especially the aorta) and the eyes, among other symptoms.
C. A first litter of five pups, the firstborn with solid fur, and then Following is a pedigree for this disorder in a certain family.
among the next four, three with solid fur and one with spotted Affected individuals are shown with filled (black) symbols. What
fur, and then a second litter of seven pups in which the first- type of inheritance pattern do you think is more likely?
born is spotted, the second born is spotted, and the remaining
five are composed of four solid and one spotted animal
I -1 I -2
D. A litter of six pups, the firstborn with solid fur, the second born
spotted, and among the remaining four pups, two with spotted
fur and two with solid fur
C17. Crosses were made between a white male dog and two different black II -1 II -2 II -3 II -4 II -5 II -6
females. The first female gave birth to eight black pups, and the
second female gave birth to four white and three black pups. What are
the likely genotypes of the male parent and the two female parents?
Explain whether you are uncertain about any of the genotypes.
III -1 III -2 III -3 III -4 III -5
C18. In humans, the allele for brown eye color (B) is dominant to that for blue
eye color (b). If two parents who are heterozygous for eye color produce
children, what are the following probabilities for those offspring?
A. The first two children have blue eyes. IV-1 IV-2 IV-3 IV-4
B. Among a total of four children, two have blue eyes and the
other two have brown eyes. C25. A true-breeding pea plant with round and green seeds was crossed
C. The first child has blue eyes, and the next two have brown eyes. to a true-breeding pea plant with wrinkled and yellow seeds.
Round and yellow seeds are the dominant traits. The F1 plants
C19. Albinism, a condition characterized by a partial or total lack of were allowed to self-fertilize. What are the following probabilities
skin pigment, is a recessive human trait. If a phenotypically for the F2 generation?
unaffected couple produce a child with albinism, what is the
probability that their next child will have albinism? A. An F2 plant with wrinkled, yellow seeds
C20. A true-breeding tall plant was crossed to a short plant. Tallness is a B. Three out of three F2 plants with round, yellow seeds
dominant trait. The F1 individuals were allowed to self-fertilize. C. Five F2 plants in the following order: two have round, yellow
What are the following probabilities for the F2 generation? seeds; one has round, green seeds; and two have wrinkled,
A. The first plant is short. green seeds
B. The first plant is short or tall. D. An F2 plant with either round, green seeds, wrinkled, yellow
seeds, or wrinkled, green seeds
C. The first three plants are tall.
C26. A true-breeding tall pea plant was crossed to a true-breeding short
D. For any seven plants, three are tall and four are short. pea plant. What is the probability that an F1 individual will be
E. The first plant is tall, and then among the next four, two are tall true-breeding? What is the probability that an F1 individual will be
and the other two are short. a true-breeding tall plant?
C21. For pea plants with the following genotypes, list the possible C27. What are the expected phenotypic ratios from the following cross:
gametes that each plant can make. Tt Rr yy Aa × Tt rr YY Aa, where T = tall, t = short, R = round,
A. TT Yy Rr C. Tt Yy Rr r = wrinkled, Y = yellow, y = green, and A = axial, a = terminal;
T, R, Y, and A are dominant alleles. Hint: Consider using the
B. Tt YY rr D. tt Yy rr multiplication method in answering this problem.

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C28. On rare occasions, an organism may have three copies of a round, yellow seeds; one with round, green seeds; and two with
chromosome and therefore three copies of the genes on that wrinkled, green seeds?
chromosome (instead of the usual number of two copies). The C32. Wooly hair is a rare dominant trait found in people of Scandinavian
alleles for each gene usually segregate so that a gamete will contain descent; their hair resembles the wool of a sheep. A male with wooly
one or two copies of the gene. Let’s suppose that a rare pea plant hair, who has a female parent with straight hair, moves to an island
has three copies of the chromosome that carries the height gene. Its that is inhabited by people who are not of Scandinavian descent.
genotype is TTt. The plant is also heterozygous for the seed color Assuming that no other Scandinavians immigrate to the island, what
gene, Yy, which is found on a different chromosome. With regard is the probability that a great-grandchild of this male will have wooly
to both genes, how many types of gametes can this plant make, and hair? (Hint: You may want to draw a pedigree to help you figure this
in what proportions? (Assume that it is equally likely that a gamete out.) If this wooly-haired male has eight great-grandchildren, what is
will contain one or two copies of the height gene.) the probability that one out of eight will have wooly hair?
C29. Honeybees are unusual in that male bees (drones) have only one C33. Huntington disease is a rare dominant disorder that causes
copy of each gene, but female bees have two copies of their genes. neurodegeneration later in life. A 34-year old person named Alonzo
This difference arises because drones develop from eggs that have already has three children. One of Alonzo’s parents has recently
not been fertilized by sperm cells. In bees, the trait of long wings developed Huntington disease though the other parent is unaffected.
is dominant over short wings, and the trait of black eyes is If you assume that the unaffected parent does not carry the allele
dominant over white eyes. If a drone with short wings and black causing Huntington disease, what are the following probabilities?
eyes was mated to a queen bee that is heterozygous for both genes,
what are the predicted genotypes and phenotypes of male and A. Alonzo will develop Huntington disease.
female offspring? What are the phenotypic ratios if we assume an B. Alonzo’s first child will develop Huntington disease.
equal number of male and female offspring?
C. One out of three of Alonzo’s children will develop Huntington
C30. A pea plant that is short with green, wrinkled seeds is crossed to a disease.
true-breeding pea plant that is tall with yellow, round seeds. The F1
C34. Brown eyes are caused by a dominant allele (B), whereas blue eyes
generation is then allowed to self-fertilize. What types of gametes,
are recessive (b). A person with brown eyes has seven children, all
and in what proportions, will the F1 generation make? What will
of whom have brown eyes. The other parent has blue eyes.
be the ratios of genotypes and phenotypes of the F2 generation?
A. What is the probability of producing such a family if the
C31. A true-breeding pea plant with round and green seeds is crossed to
brown-eyed parent is a heterozygote?
a true-breeding pea plant with wrinkled and yellow seeds. The F1
plants are then allowed to self-fertilize. What is the probability of B. What is the probability that the brown-eyed parent is a hetero-
obtaining the following plants in the F2 generation: two that have zygote if an eighth child has blue eyes?

Experimental Questions
E1. List three advantages of using pea plants as an experimental When considering the data in this table, keep in mind that they de-
organism. scribe the F3 generation that was produced from F2 individuals
E2. Explain the technical difference between a cross-fertilization ex- with a dominant phenotype. These data were deduced by analyzing
periment and a self-fertilization experiment. the outcome of the F3 generation. Based on Mendel’s laws, explain
why the ratios are approximately 1:2.
E3. How long did it take Mendel to complete the experiment in Figure 3.5?
E5. From the point of view of crosses and data collection, what are the
E4. For all seven characters described in the data table for Figure 3.5, experimental differences between a single-factor and a two-factor
Mendel allowed the F2 plants to self-fertilize. When F2 plants with cross?
recessive traits were allowed to self-fertilize, they always bred
true. However, when F2 plants with dominant traits were allowed E6. As in many animals, albino coat color is a recessive trait in guinea
to self-fertilize, some bred true but others did not. A summary of pigs. Researchers removed the ovaries from an albino female
Mendel’s results is shown in the following table. guinea pig and then transplanted ovaries from a true-breeding
black guinea pig. They then mated this albino female (with the
transplanted ovaries) to an albino male. The albino female pro-
F2 Parents True-Breeding Non-True-Breeding Ratio duced three offspring. What were their coat colors? Explain the
Round 193 372 1:1.9 results.
Yellow 166 353 1:2.1 E7. The fungus Melampsora lini causes a disease known as flax rust.
Gray 36 64 1:1.8 Different strains of M. lini cause varying degrees of the disease.
Conversely, different strains of flax are resistant or sensitive to the
Smooth 29 71 1:2.4
various varieties of the fungus. The Bombay variety of flax is re-
Green 40 60 1:1.5 sistant to M. lini strain 22 but sensitive to M. lini strain 24. A strain
Axial 33 67 1:2.0 of flax called 770B has the opposite characteristics; it is resistant
Tall 28 72 1:2.6 to strain 24 but sensitive to strain 22. When 770B was crossed to
Bombay, all F1 individuals were resistant to both strain 22 and
TOTAL: 525 1059 1:2.0

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