RPP - Pewarisan Sifat Inggris Silabus Rsbi

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School Class / Semester Subject Competency Standards Basic Competence Allocation of Time Indicators : : : : : : : SMP NEGERI 1 MEJAYAN IX / 1 Science - BIOLOGY 5. Understanding the survival of living things 5.2. Describing the concept of heredity in living things 8 Hours Lesson (4 X Meeting) Karakter Bangsa Nation character rasa ingin tahu, jujur, tanggung jawab curiosity, honesty, responsibility rasa ingin tahu, jujur, tanggung jawab, teliti curiosity, honesty, responsibility, accurate rasa ingin tahu, jujur, tanggung jawab curiosity, honesty, responsibility rasa ingin tahu, jujur, tanggung jawab curiosity, honesty, responsibility rasa ingin tahu, jujur, tanggung jawab curiosity, honesty, responsibility

Indikator / Indicators 5.2.1 Mendeskripsikan materi genetis yang bertanggung jawab dalam pewarisan sifat (kromosom dan gen) Describe the genetic material responsible for heredity (chromosomes and genes) 5.2.2 Membedakan pengertian sifat dominan, resesif, dan intermediat. Distinguish sense trait dominant, recessive, and intermediate. 5.2.3 Menentukan gamet dari genotip tetua Determine gamete from parental genotype 5.2.4 Menentukan rasio hasil persilangan monohibrid melalui bagan Determine monohybrid intersection result ratio through table / diagram 5.2.5 Menentukan rasio hasil persilangan dihibrida melalui bagan Determine dihybrid intersection result ratio through table / diagram

A. Learning Objectives: After participating in the learning process is expected Learners can: 1. Explain the meaning of chromosomes and genes. 2. Describe the different understanding of nature 3. Distinguishing understanding the nature of dominant, recessive and intermediate. 4. Distinguishing the nature of genotypic and phenotypic characteristics 5. Describe the different nature of homozygote and heterozygote 6. Explain the meaning of pure strains B. Learning Materials Genetics: Inheritance properties of living things The Monk and his peas An Austrian monk, Gregor Mendel, developed the fundamental principles that would become the modern science of genetics. Mendel demonstrated that heritable properties are parceled out in discrete units, independently inherited. These eventually were termed genes. Gregor Mendel, the Austrian monk who figured out the rules of hereity. The above photo is from http://www.open.cz/project/tourist/person/photo.htm. Mendel reasoned an organism for genetic experiments should have: 1. a number of different traits that can be studied 2. plant should be self-fertilizing and have a flower structure that limits accidental contact 3. offspring of self-fertilized plants should be fully fertile. Mendel's experimental organism was a common garden pea (Pisum sativum), which has a flower that lends itself to self-pollination. The male
Lesson Plan- Science Biology SMPN 1 MEJAYAN By : Agus Joko Sungkono, S.Pd

parts of the flower are termed the anthers. They produce pollen, which contains the male gametes (sperm). The female parts of the flower are the stigma, style, and ovary. The egg (female gamete) is produced in the ovary. The process of pollination (the transfer of pollen from anther to stigma) occurs prior to the opening of the pea flower. The pollen grain grows a pollen tube which allows the sperm to travel through the stigma and style, eventually reaching the ovary. The ripened ovary wall becomes the fruit (in this case the pea pod). Most flowers allow cross-pollination, which can be difficult to deal with in genetic studies if the male parent plant is not known. Since pea plants are self-pollinators, the genetics of the parent can be more easily understood. Peas are also self-compatible, allowing self-fertilized embryos to develop as readily as out-fertilized embryos. Mendel tested all 34 varieties of peas available to him through seed dealers. The garden peas were planted and studied for eight years. Each character studied had two distinct forms, such as tall or short plant height, or smooth or wrinkled seeds. Mendel's experiments used some 28,000 pea plants.

Some of Mendel's traits as expressed in garden peas. Images from Purves et al., Life: The Science of Biology, 4th Edition, by Sinauer Associates (www.sinauer.com) and WH Freeman (www.whfreeman.com) Mendel's contribution was unique because of his methodical approach to a definite problem, use of clear-cut variables and application of mathematics (statistics) to the problem. Gregor Using pea plants and statistical methods, Mendel was able to demonstrate that traits were passed from each parent to their offspring through the inheritance of genes. Mendel's work showed: 1. Each parent contributes one factor of each trait shown in offspring. 2. The two members of each pair of factors segregate from each other during gamete formation. 3. The blending theory of inheritance was discounted. 4. Males and females contribute equally to the traits in their offspring. 5. Acquired traits are not inherited. Gene - a unit of inheritance that usually is directly responsible for one trait or character. Allele - an alternate form of a gene. Usually there are two alleles for every gene, sometimes as many a three or four. Homozygous - when the two alleles are the same. Heterozygous - when the two alleles are different, in such cases the dominant allele is expressed. Dominant - a term applied to the trait (allele) that is expressed irregardless of the second allele. Recessive - a term applied to a trait that is only expressed when the second allele is the same (e.g. short plants are homozygous for the recessive allele). Phenotype - the physical expression of the allelic composition for the trait under study. Genotype - the allelic composition of an organism.
Lesson Plan- Science Biology SMPN 1 MEJAYAN By : Agus Joko Sungkono, S.Pd

Punnett squares - probability diagram illustrating the possible offspring of a mating. Mendel studied seven traits which appeared in two discrete forms, rather than continuous characters which are often difficult to distinguish. When "true-breeding" tall plants were crossed with "true-breeding" short plants, all of the offspring were tall plants. The parents in the cross were the P1 generation, and the offspring represented the F1 generation. The trait referred to as tall was considered dominant, while short was recessive. Dominant traits were defined by Mendel as those which appeared in the F1 generation in crosses between true-breeding strains. Recessives were those which "skipped" a generation, being expressed only when the dominant trait is absent. Mendel's plants exhibited complete dominance, in which the phenotypic expression of alleles was either dominant or recessive, not "in between". When members of the F1 generation were crossed, Mendel recovered mostly tall offspring, with some short ones also occurring. Upon statistically analyzing the F2 generation, Mendel determined the ratio of tall to short plants was approximately 3:1. Short plants have skipped the F1 generation, and show up in the F2 and succeeding generations. Mendel concluded that the traits under study were governed by discrete (separable) factors. The factors were inherited in pairs, with each generation having a pair of trait factors. We now refer to these trait factors as alleles. Having traits inherited in pairs allows for the observed phenomena of traits "skipping" generations. Summary of Mendel's Results: 1. The F1 offspring showed only one of the two parental traits, and always the same trait. 2. Results were always the same regardless of which parent donated the pollen (was male). 3. The trait not shown in the F1 reappeared in the F2 in about 25% of the offspring. 4. Traits remained unchanged when passed to offspring: they did not blend in any offspring but behaved as separate units. 5. Reciprocal crosses showed each parent made an equal contribution to the offspring. Mendel's Conclusions: 1. Evidence indicated factors could be hidden or unexpressed, these are the recessive traits. 2. The term phenotype refers to the outward appearance of a trait, while the term genotype is used for the genetic makeup of an organism. 3. Male and female contributed equally to the offsprings' genetic makeup: therefore the number of traits was probably two (the simplest solution). 4. Upper case letters are traditionally used to denote dominant traits, lower case letters for recessives. Mendel reasoned that factors must segregate from each other during gamete formation (remember, meiosis was not yet known!) to retain the number of traits at 2. The Principle of Segregation proposes the separation of paired factors during gamete formation, with each gamete receiving one or the other factor, usually not both. Organisms carry two alleles for every trait. These traits separate during the formation of gametes. Principle of Segregation Mendel studied the inheritance of seed shape first. A cross involving only one trait is referred to as a monohybrid cross. Mendel crossed pure-breeding (also referred to as true-breeding) smoothseeded plants with a variety that had always produced wrinkled seeds (60 fertilizations on 15 plants). All resulting seeds were smooth. The following year, Mendel planted these seeds and allowed them to self-fertilize. He recovered 7324 seeds: 5474 smooth and 1850 wrinkled. To help with record keeping, generations were labeled and numbered. The parental generation is denoted as the P1 generation. The offspring of the P1 generation are the F1 generation (first filial). The self-fertilizing F1 generation produced the F2 generation (second filial). Inheritance of two alleles, S and s, in peas. Image from Purves et al., Life: The Science of Biology, 4th Edition, by Sinauer Associates (www.sinauer.com) and WH Freeman (www.whfreeman.com), used with permission.

Lesson Plan- Science Biology SMPN 1 MEJAYAN By : Agus Joko Sungkono, S.Pd

Punnett square explaining the behavior of the S and s alleles. Image from Purves et al., Life: The Science of Biology, 4th Edition, by Sinauer Associates (www.sinauer.com) and WH Freeman (www.whfreeman.com) P1: smooth X wrinkled F1 : all smooth F2 : 5474 smooth and 1850 wrinkled Meiosis, a process unknown in Mendel's day, explains how the traits are inherited. The inheritance of the S and s alleles explained in light of meiosis. Image from Purves et al., Life: The Science of Biology, 4th Edition, by Sinauer Associates (www.sinauer.com) and WH Freeman (www.whfreeman.com) Mendel studied seven traits which appeared in two discrete forms, rather than continuous characters which are often difficult to distinguish. When "true-breeding" tall plants were crossed with "true-breeding" short plants, all of the offspring were tall plants. The parents in the cross were the P1 generation, and the offspring represented the F1 generation. The trait referred to as tall was considered dominant, while short was recessive. Dominant traits were defined by Mendel as those which appeared in the F1 generation in crosses between truebreeding strains. Recessives were those which "skipped" a generation, being expressed only when the dominant trait is absent. Mendel's plants exhibited complete dominance, in which the phenotypic expression of alleles was either dominant or recessive, not "in between". When members of the F1 generation were crossed, Mendel recovered mostly tall offspring, with some short ones also occurring. Upon statistically analyzing the F2 generation, Mendel determined the ratio of tall to short plants was approximately 3:1. Short plants have skipped the F1 generation, and show up in the F2 and succeeding generations. Mendel concluded that the traits under study were governed by discrete (separable) factors. The factors were inherited in pairs, with each generation having a pair of trait factors. We now refer to these trait factors as alleles. Having traits inherited in pairs allows for the observed phenomena of traits "skipping" generations. Dihybrid Crosses When Mendel considered two traits per cross (dihybrid, as opposed to single-trait-crosses, monohybrid), The resulting (F2) generation did not have 3:1 dominant:recessive phenotype ratios. The two traits, if considered to inherit independently, fit into the principle of segregation. Instead of 4 possible genotypes from a monohybrid cross, dihybrid crosses have as many as 16 possible genotypes. Mendel realized the need to conduct his experiments on more complex situations. He performed experiments tracking two seed traits: shape and color. A cross concerning two traits is known as a dihybrid cross. Crosses With Two Traits Smooth seeds (S) are dominant over wrinkled (s) seeds. Yellow seed color (Y) is dominant over green (g). 4

Lesson Plan- Science Biology SMPN 1 MEJAYAN By : Agus Joko Sungkono, S.Pd

Inheritance of two traits simultaneously, a dihybrid cross. The above graphic is from the Genetics pages at McGill University (http://www.mcgill.ca/nrs/dihyb2.gif). Again, meiosis helps us understand the behavior of alleles. The inheritance of two traits on different chromosomes can be explained by meiosis. Image from Purves et al., Life: The Science of Biology, 4th Edition, by Sinauer Associates (www.sinauer.com) and WH Freeman (www.whfreeman.com). Methods, Results, and Conclusions Mendel started with true-breeding plants that had smooth, yellow seeds and crossed them with truebreeding plants having green, wrinkled seeds. All seeds in the F1 had smooth yellow seeds. The F2 plants selffertilized, and produced four phenotypes: 315 smooth yellow 108 smooth green 101 wrinkled yellow 32 wrinkled green Mendel analyzed each trait for separate inheritance as if the other trait were not present.The 3:1 ratio was seen separately and was in accordance with the Principle of Segregation. The segregation of S and s alleles must have happened independently of the segregation of Y and y alleles. The chance of any gamete having a Y is 1/2; the chance of any one gamete having a S is 1/2.The chance of a gamete having both Y and S is the product of their individual chances (or 1/2 X 1/2 = 1/4). The chance of two gametes forming any given genotype is 1/4 X 1/4 (remember, the product of their individual chances). Thus, the Punnett Square has 16 boxes. Since there are more possible combinations to produce a smooth yellow phenotype (SSYY, SsYy, SsYY, and SSYy), that phenotype is more common in the F2. From the results of the second experiment, Mendel formulated the Principle of Independent Assortment -- that when gametes are formed, alleles assort independently. If traits assort independent of each other during gamete formation, the results of the dihybrid cross can make sense. Since Mendel's time, scientists have discovered chromosomes and DNA. We now interpret the Principle of Independent Assortment as alleles of genes on different chromosomes are inherited independently during the formation of gametes. This was not known to Mendel. Punnett squares deal only with probability of a genotype showing up in the next generation. Usually if enough offspring are produced, Mendelian ratios will also be produced. Step 1 - definition of alleles and determination of dominance. Step 2 - determination of alleles present in all different types of gametes.
Lesson Plan- Science Biology SMPN 1 MEJAYAN By : Agus Joko Sungkono, S.Pd

Step 3 - construction of the square. Step 4 - recombination of alleles into each small square. Step 5 - Determination of Genotype and Phenotype ratios in the next generation. Step 6 - Labeling of generations, for example P1, F1, etc. While answering genetics problems, there are certain forms and protocols that will make unintelligible problems easier to do. The term "true-breeding strain" is a code word for homozygous. Dominant alleles are those that show up in the next generation in crosses between two different "true-breeding strains". The key to any genetics problem is the recessive phenotype (more properly the phenotype that represents the recessive genotype). It is that organism whose genotype can be determined by examination of the phenotype. Usually homozygous dominant and heterozygous individuals have identical phenotypes (although their genotypes are different). This becomes even more important in dihybrid crosses. C. Learning Methods 1. Model: Cooperative learning 2. Method: Group discussion D. Step Activities: Meeting 1 : a. Preliminary Activities Teacher greetings Teacher asks one student to lead the prayer Motivation: Which comes from the properties we have? Prerequisite knowledge: Students have to understand cell division by mitosis and meiosis Teacher shows learning objectives b. Core Activities: Teacher explains chromosomes and genes responsible for the inheritance of traits in living things. Teacher Provides information about different properties, dominant, recessive and intermediate Teacher gave examples of the nature of dominant, recessive, and intermediates in living things Teacher explains terms associated with the process of crossing Teacher explains how to write the genotype of living things Teacher explains how to determine the gametes from a genotype Teacher gave examples inheritance of monohybrid through full dominance crosses. Orang berambut keriting kawin dengan orang berambut lurus, sifat rambut keriting adalah dominan ditentukan oleh gen K dan sifat lurus adalah resesif ditentukan oleh gen k. Tentukan : - Genotip kedua induknya - Ratio genotip dan ratio fenotip F1 - Ratio genotip dan ratio fenotip F2 *) Ada istilah homozigot dan heterozigot KK, kk homozigot Kk heterozigot Curly-haired man marries a straight haired, curly hair is a dominant trait determined by genes K and straight is a recessive trait determined by genes k. Specify: - Genotype both parents - Ratio of genotypic and phenotypic F1 - Ratio of genotypic and phenotypic F2 *) There is a term homozygous and heterozygous KK, kk homozygous Kk heterozygous

Teacher make groups of four learners. Teacher gives a monohybrid crosses quiz to do in groups

Lesson Plan- Science Biology SMPN 1 MEJAYAN By : Agus Joko Sungkono, S.Pd

Tikus rambut hitam dikawinkan dengan tikus putih, sifat rambut hitam dominan terhadap sifat putih ditentukan oleh gen H. Tentukan : a. Genotip kedua induk b. Ratio Genotip dan ratio fenotip F1 c. Ratio Genotip dan ratio fenotip F2 black hair mice mated with white mice, the nature of black hair is dominant determined by H and white gene was recessive. Specify: - Genotype both parents - Ratio of genotypic and phenotypic F1 - Ratio of genotypic and phenotypic F2

Each group presentedthe result of group work

c. End Activities Teachers and students make a conclusion / summary of study results
Macam persilangan AA >< AA AA >< Aa AA >< aa Aa >< Aa Aa >< aa aa >< aa Ratio Genotip 1 AA 1 AA : 1 Aa 1 Aa 1 AA : 2 Aa : 1 aa 1 Aa : 1 aa 1 aa Ratio Fenotip 1 (A) 1 (A) 1 (A) 3 (A) : 1 (a) 1 (A) : 1 (a) 1 (a)

The teacher gave a test to determine the absorption of the newly learned material Teachers give homework.

Mangga manis (SS) disilang dengan mangga masam (ss), sifat manis dominan terhadap sifat masam. Tentukan : a. Ratio Genotip dan fenotip F1 b. Ratio Genotip dan fenotip F2 c. Apabila F1 disilang dengan mangga manis (SS) tentukan kemungkinan sifat keturunannya. d. Apabila F1 disilang dengan mangga masam (ss) tentukan kemungkinan sifat keturunannya.
sweet mango (SS) crossed with sour mango (ss), the nature of sweet is dominant over sour. Specify: a. Ratio genotype and phenotype of F1 b. Ratio genotype and phenotype of F2 c. If F1 is crossed with sweet mango (SS) determine the nature of the offspring. d. If F1 is crossed with sour mango (ss) determine the nature of the offspring.

Meeting 2 : a. Preliminary Activities Teacher greetings Teacher asks one student to lead the prayer Motivation: How did you work yesterday? Let us prove it! Prerequisite knowledge: Learners have been doing the homework. Teacher shows the correct answer.
Lesson Plan- Science Biology SMPN 1 MEJAYAN By : Agus Joko Sungkono, S.Pd

Teacher convey that today would study the intermediates monohybrid crosses Teacher shows learning objectives b. Core Activities: Teacher explain about monohybrid intermediate crosses.

Sifat warna bunga merah Mirabilis jalapa (bunga pukul 4) ditentukan oleh gen M, sifat warna bunga putih ditentukan oleh gen pasangannya yaitu m. Antara sifat merah dan sifat putih ini tidak ada yang dominan dan tidak ada yang resesif Kedua sifat bercampur dan muncul bersama sehingga keturunannya berwarna Merah muda. Genotip bunga merah MM Genotip bunga merah muda Mm Genotip bunga putih mm
The nature red flower color of the Mirabilis jalapa determined by M genes, the nature of the white flower color is determined by the partner gene that is m. Between the properties of red and white nature there is nothing dominant and recessive. Both properties are mixed and come together so that the offspring colored pink. genotype of red flower MM genotype of pink flower Mm genotyps of white flower mm

Teacher gave examples inheritance of monohybrid intermediate crosses.

Mirabilis jalapa bunga merah disilang dengan bunga putih, sifat merah ditentukan oleh gen M sedang sifat putih ditentukan oleh gen pasangannya. Tentukan : a. Genotip kedua induknya b. Ratio genotip dan ratio fenotip F1 c. Ratio genotip dan ratio fenotip F2
Mirabilis Jalapa red flowers crossed with white flowers, red properties are determined by the M gene was determined by the nature of the white gene partner. Specify: a. Genotyping both parents b. F1 genotype and phenotype ratios c. F2 genotype and phenotype ratios

Teacher make groups of four learners. Teacher gives a monohybrid intermediate crosses quiz to do in groups Mirabilis jalapa bunga merah disilang dengan bunga kuning, sifat merah ditentukan oleh gen R sedang sifat kuning ditentukan oleh gen pasangannya. Tentukan : a. Genotip kedua induknya b. Ratio genotip dan ratio fenotip F1 c. Ratio genotip dan ratio fenotip F2 d. Tentukan kemungkinan sifat keturunannya apabila F1 disilang dengan : d1) bunga merah ; d2) bunga kuning Mirabilis jalapa red flowers crossed with yellow flowers, red properties are determined by the R gene, the yellow gene was determined by partner. Specify: a. Genotyping both parents b. F1 genotype and phenotype ratios c. F2 genotype and phenotype ratios d. Determine the likely nature of the F1 offspring when crossed with: d1) red flowers;d2) yellow flowers
Each group presentedthe result of group work

c. End Activities Teachers and students make a conclusion / summary of study results 8

Lesson Plan- Science Biology SMPN 1 MEJAYAN By : Agus Joko Sungkono, S.Pd

Macam persilangan AA >< AA AA >< Aa AA >< aa Aa >< Aa Aa >< aa aa >< aa

Ratio Genotip 1 AA 1 AA : 1 Aa 1 Aa 1 AA : 2 Aa : 1 aa 1 Aa : 1 aa 1 aa

Ratio Fenotip 1 (A) 1 (A) : 1 (Aa) 1 (Aa) 1 (A) : 2 (Aa) : 1 (a) 1 (Aa) : 1 (a) 1 (a)

The teacher gave a test to determine the absorption of the newly learned material Teachers give homework. Meeting 3 : a. Preliminary Activities Teacher greetings Teacher asks one student to lead the prayer Motivation: How do we make a cross if the nature of the difference is more than one trait? Prerequisite knowledge: Learners have understood the monohybrid crosses Teacher shows learning objectives b. Core Activities: Teacher explains how to determine the gametes of dihybrid genotype. Teacher makes group of four Teacher gives quiz about determine the gametes of dihybrid and trihybrid genotype do by group, and then each group presented in front of the class. Teacher gave examples inheritance of dihybrid through full dominance crosses. Orang berambut keriting berhidung mancung (KKMM) kawin dengan orang berambut lurus berhidung pesek (kkmm), sifat keriting dan mancung adalah dominan. Tentukan : a. RG dan RF F1 b. RG dan RF F2 Curly haired sharp nosed (KKMM) marries a straight haired pug-nosed (kkmm), curly and sharp nature are dominant. Specify: a. RG and RF F1 b. RG and RF F2 Learners write it in a book Teacher gives a dihybrid crosses quiz to do in groups c. End Activities Teachers and learners make a conclusion / summary of study results The teacher gave a test to determine the absorption of the newly learned material Teachers give homework. Mangga berbuah kecil rasa manis (bbSS) disilang dengan mangga berbuah besar rasa masam (BBss), sifat buah besar dan rasa manis adalah dominan. Tentukan : a. RG dan RF F1 b. RG dan RF F2 c. Apabila F1 disilang dengan mangga bergenotipe : -1. BBSS, -2. BBss, -3. BbSS, -4. bbSS, -5. bbSs, -6. bbss, tentukan kemungkinan sifat-sifat keturunannya Small manggo sweet taste(bbSS) crossed with big mango acerbity taste (BBss), big and sweet nature are dominant. Specify : a. a. RG dan RF F1 b. b. RG dan RF F2 If F1 crossed with mango genotypes : -1. BBSS, -2. BBss, -3. BbSS, -4. bbSS, -5. bbSs, -6. bbss, determine the possibility of offspring traits
Lesson Plan- Science Biology SMPN 1 MEJAYAN By : Agus Joko Sungkono, S.Pd

Meeting 4 : a. Preliminary Activities Teacher greetings Teacher asks one student to lead the prayer Motivation: How did you work yesterday? Let us prove it! Prerequisite knowledge: Learners have been doing the homework. Teacher shows the correct answer. Teacher convey that today would study the intermediates dihybrid crosses Teacher shows learning objectives b. Core Activities: Teacher explain about dihybrid intermediate crosses. Teacher gives example inheritance of dihybrid intermediate crosses. Learners write it in a book Teacher makes group of four learners Teacher gives a dihybrid intermediate crosses quiz to do in groups c. End Activities Teachers and learners make a conclusion / summary of study results The teacher gave a test to determine the absorption of the newly learned material E. Learning Resources a. Natural Science Books b. LKS / Student Task c. Other relevant books F. Assessment of Learning Outcomes a. Technical assessment: written test / Pen and Paper Test b. Form of the instrument: double and Field Options c. Instruments: Attached

Mengetahui Kepala SMPN 1 MEJAYAN

Mejayan, Januari 2012 Guru Mata Pelajaran IPA-BIOLOGI

Drs. DOLI SAPARDI, M.Pd. NIP. 19640703 199003 1 013

AGUS JOKO SUNGKONO, S.Pd. NIP. 19660228 198903 1 005

Lesson Plan- Science Biology SMPN 1 MEJAYAN By : Agus Joko Sungkono, S.Pd


WRITTEN TEST INSTRUMENT Competency Standards Basic Competence Form of instrument : 2. Understanding the survival of living things : 2.1 To describe the concept of heredity in living things : Multiple Choice and Description

I. Put a cross on the letter in front of the correct answer! Instruments No 1. Yang berfungsi pembawa sifat dari induk kepada keturunannyaadalah a. kromosom b. gen c. sitoplasma d. nukleoplasma The main function of the nature of the keturunannyaadalah ... a. chromosome b. gene c. cytoplasm d.nukleoplasma 2. Penurunan sifat pada perkawinan ditentukan oleh . a. kromosom b. cuaca c. gen d. kecerdasa. The decline in marriage is determined by nature .... a. chromosome b. weather c. gene d. kecerdasa. 3. Gen yang sifatnya menonjol sehingga gen itu muncul sebagai fenotip suatu individu disebut gen a. resesif b. galur murni c. intermediate d. dominant Genes that are protruding so that the gene is emerging as the phenotype of an individual called a gene ... a. recessive b. pure line c. intermediate d. dominant 4. Perkawinan silang dengan melibatkan hanya satu sifat beda dinamakan . a. pembastaran b. monohibrida c. dihibrida d. trihibrida marriages involve only a single cross with different properties are called .... a. crossbreeding b. monohibrida c. dihibrida d. trihibrida 5. Sifat-sifat yang tampak dari suatu individu disebut . a. genotip b. heterozygote c. fenotip d. homozygote


The properties that appear from an individual known as .... a. genotype b. heterozygote c. phenotype d. homozygote 6. Pasangan sifat genotip yang berbeda disebut . a. genotip b. homozygote c. fenotip Pairs of different genotypes of nature is called .... a. genotype b. homozygote c. phenotype 7. d. heterozygote d. heterozygote

Sifat beda tertentu yang bertahan dari generasi ke generasi disebut . a. dominant b. resesif c. intermediate d. galur murni The nature of specific differences that persist from generation to generation is called .... a. dominant b. recessive c. intermediate d. pure line


Sifat makhluk hidup yang dikaji pewarisannya dari generasi ke generasi melalui pembiakan secara kawin disebut . a. tingkah laku b. sifat beda c. adaptasi d. budaya The nature of living beings who studied inheritance from generation to generation through mating of breeding are called .... a. behavior b. different nature c. adaptation d. culture

Lesson Plan- Science Biology SMPN 1 MEJAYAN By : Agus Joko Sungkono, S.Pd



Seorang anak yang dilahirkan dari ayah yang bertubuh tinggi dan ibu bertubuh pendek, bila tinggi bersifat dominant,kemungkinan anak tersebut bertubuh . a. tinggi b. rendah c. sedang d. gemuk A child born of a tall father and the mother was short, when height is dominant, the possibility of the child's stature is .... a. high b. low c. middle d. fat Bacalah informasi persilangan berikut untuk menjawab soal nomor 2-4! Dilakukan persilangan induk tanaman berbunga merah dan yang berbunga putih.seluruh turunan pertama berbunga merah. Pada persilangan tersebut yang tergolong homozygote adalah a. hanya induk berbunga merah c. seluruh tanaman pertama b. induk berbunga putih saja d. induk berbunga merah maupun putih Read the following information to answer the question crosses a number 2-4! Conducted parent crosses the red flowering plant and a flowering red flowering putih.seluruh first derivative. In these crosses are classified as homozygote is ... a. only red-flowered parent c. the first crop b. white flowering stem d. red and white flowering stem Yang tergolong galur murni pada persilangan itu adalah.. a. hanya induk berbunga merah b. induk berbunga merah maupun putih c. induk berbunga merah dan turunan pertama d. induk berbunga putih saja. What pure line at the intersection that is ... .. a. only red-flowered parent c. red flowering stem and the first derivative b. red and white flowering stem d. white flowered parent only. Bila turunan pertama disilangkan antar sesamanya menghasilkan turunan kedua. Perbandingan jumlah antara yang berwarna merah dengan yang putih adalah . a. 2 : 1 b. 1 : 3 c. 1 : 1 d. 3 : 1 When the first derivative were crossed among each other to produce a second derivative. Comparison between the red number with the white is .... a. 2: 1 b. 1: 3 c. 1: 1 d. 3: 1





Orang yang pertama kali melaporkan persilangan monohibrida adalah a. J. G. Mendel c. Louis Pateur b. A.V. Leuwenhoek d. S. I. Newton People who first reported the cross monohibrida is ... a. J. G. Mendel c. Louis Pateur b. A.V. Leuwenhoek d. S. I. Newton Bacalah informasi persilangan berikut untuk menjawab soal nomor 14-17! Ani menyilangkan ayam Andalusia betina berbulu putih dengan ayam berbulu hitam. Sifat warna bulu hitam dan putih pada ayam Andalusia tergolong intermediate. Seluruh turunan pertama berbulu abu-abu. Ani menyilangkan sesama turunan pertama untuk menghasilkan turunan kedua. Read the following information to answer the question crosses a number 6-9! Ani Andalusian chicken crossed the white-haired female with a black feathered chicken. The nature of the color black and white feathers on the chicken Andalusia classified intermediate. All of the first derivative of gray fur. Annie crossed her fellow first derivative to produce a second derivative.


Jumlah seluruh turunan kedua adalah . a. belumdiketahui c. biasanya 20 ekor b. sangatbanyak d. 4 ekor The total number of second derivative is .... a. belumdiketahui c. usually 20 fish b. sangatbanyak d. 4 tails

Lesson Plan- Science Biology SMPN 1 MEJAYAN By : Agus Joko Sungkono, S.Pd



Perbandingan antara jumlah ayam berbulu hitam,abu-abu dan putih pada turunan kedua adalah . a. 1 : 1 : 1 c. 1 : 1 : 2 b. 2 : 1 : 1 d. 1 : 2 : 1 Comparison between the number of black feathered chicken, gray and white in the second derivative is .... a. 1: 1: 1 c. 1: 1: 2 b. 2: 1: 1 d. 1: 2: 1


Sifat beda genotip induk yang disilangkan,misalnya adalah a. Bb dan Bb c. BB dan bb b. Bb dan bb d. BB dan Bb The nature of different genotypes of the parent that is crossed, for example, is ... a. Bb and Bb c. BB and bb b. Bb and bb d. BB and Bb


Induk yang tergolong galur murni adalah yang . a. berbulu hitam c. berbulu putih b. berbulu hitam dan putih d. berbulu abu-abu Parent classified as pure line is that .... a. black hairy c. white feather b. furry black and white d. furry gray Bacalah informasi persilangan berikut untuk menjawab soal no. 18-20! Lusi menyilangkan tanaman ercis berbiji bulat berwarna kuning dengan ercis berbiji keriput berwarna hijau. Seluruh turunan pertama berbiji bulat berwarna kuning. Bila turuna pertama disilangkan sesamanya diperoleh turunan kedua Read the following information to answer the question crosses no. 10-12! Lusi crossed pea plants with yellow round seeded pea green wrinkled seeds. All of the first derivative of a round yellow seeds. When first crossed each other turuna obtained second inheritance.


Jumlah macam fenotip pada turunan kedua adalah. a. tidak tentu c. tiga b. dua d. empat The number of kinds of phenotypes in the second derivative is .... a. not necessarily c. three b. two d. four


Perbandingan jumlah fenotip-fenotip pada turunan kedua adalah . a. 1 : 2 : 1 c. 9 : 3 : 3 : 1 b. 1 : 2 : 2 : 1 d. 1 : 2 : 3 : 4 Comparison of phenotype-phenotype in the second derivative is .... a. 1: 2: 1 c. 9: 3: 3: 1 b. 1: 2: 2: 1 d. 1: 2: 3: 4 Simbol-simbol genotip induk persilangan itu adalah . a. BBKK dan Bbkk c. BbKK dan BBkk b. BBkk dan bbkk d. BBKK dan bbkk The symbols that crosses the parent genotype is .... a. BBKK and Bbkk c. BbKK and BBkk b. BBkk and bbkk d. BBKK and bbkk Jumlah


Lesson Plan- Science Biology SMPN 1 MEJAYAN By : Agus Joko Sungkono, S.Pd


II. Jawablah pertanyaan berikut dengan singkat dan jelas ! II. Answer the following questions briefly and clearly! No 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Instrumen Jelaskan yang dimaksud sifat beda dibidang genetika ! Sebutkan 5 contoh sifat fenotip pada pohon mangga ! Apa manfaat symbol sebagai tanda untuk tiap sifat beda? Jelaskan yang dimaksud sifat beda homozygote ! Jelaskan perbedaan sifat genotip dan sifat fenotip ! 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Describe the nature of the difference is in the field of genetics! Please list five examples of the nature of phenotypes at the mango tree! What are the benefits of the symbol as a mark for each character different? Explain the difference is the nature of homozygote! Explain the differences in the nature of the genotype and the nature of phenotypes! Jumlah Skor 2 5 2 2 2


Kunci Jawaban PG: No Jwb 1. A 2. C 3. D 4. B Skor 1 1 1 1 No Jwb 5. C 6. D 7. D 8. B Jumlah Skor 1 1 1 1 8 2 5

Kunci Jawaban Uraian: 1. Sifat makhluk hidupyang dikaji pewarisannya dari generasi ke generasi melalui pembiakan secara kawin. 2. - Buah manis - Bentuk bulat - warna kulit buah hijau - bentukdaun lonjong - warna daging buah kuning 3. Memudahkan penghitungan keturunan 4. Pasangan sifat beda genotip yang mempunyai sifat sama 5. Genotip Sifat yang tak terlihat Fenotip Sifat yang terlihat Answers Description: 1. The nature of creatures studied hidupyang inheritance from generation to generation through breeding is mating. 2. - Fruit sweet - Shape Round - Color green rind - Oval leaf shape - The color yellow flesh 3. Facilitate counting descent 4. Couple different nature which have the nature of the same genotype 5. The invisible nature of genotypic The nature of the visible phenotype Jumlah

2 2 2


Lesson Plan- Science Biology SMPN 1 MEJAYAN By : Agus Joko Sungkono, S.Pd


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