Sustainability 15 14784
Sustainability 15 14784
Sustainability 15 14784
Understanding the Impact of Online Communication Strategies
on Consumer Purchase Intention for Green Cosmetics
Sara Teixeira 1, *, Zaila Oliveira 2, *, Sandrina Teixeira 3 and Sara Teixeira 3
Abstract: Increased environmental awareness has increased the demand for green products, mainly
cosmetics. This fact challenges companies to adapt to changes and consider environmental problems
in their communication strategies to offer products that meet current trends in the consumer market.
This implies the need to understand the antecedents of purchase intention better. This research was
guided by the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) with the aim of understanding the impact of online
communication strategies on consumer purchase intention of green cosmetics. Intention to purchase
green cosmetics was measured, as were two of the main TPB constructs, specifically attitude and
subjective norms. In addition, other variables were added to the study, such as electronic word of
mouth (e-WOM), influencer marketing, and brand content. Data collected through an online survey
(N = 151) were analysed using statistical techniques based on variance through partial least squares
(PLS) using the SmartPLS3 v.3.3.9 software. The results show that the online communication strategies
that impact the purchase intention of green cosmetics are e-WOM and brand content. In practice,
the results obtained provide valuable information for professionals and academics, benefiting the
perception of the factors that motivate the intention to purchase green cosmetics, contributing to the
implementation of better online communication strategies.
Citation: Teixeira, S.; Oliveira, Z.;
Keywords: green marketing; online green marketing strategies; green cosmetics; theory of planned
Teixeira, S.; Teixeira, S.
Understanding the Impact of Online
Communication Strategies on
Consumer Purchase Intention for
Green Cosmetics. Sustainability 2023,
15, 14784. 1. Introduction
su152014784 An increasing scarcity of natural resources and climate change harm the planet and
human life. For this reason, individuals are increasingly becoming environmentally con-
Academic Editors: Colin
Michael Hall and Arminda Paço
scious, seeking to modify behaviours and purchasing decisions toward more sustainable
configurations to minimise the environmental impact of their actions [1–4]. Consumers are
Received: 17 July 2023 paying more attention to a product’s origins, production processes, ecological implications,
Revised: 17 September 2023 and safety. Therefore, the preference for natural, biodegradable, bioactive compounds with
Accepted: 9 October 2023 non-toxic effects is growing over that for synthetic ones [5]. Thus, the search for natural
Published: 12 October 2023
ingredients is one of the main targets of the cosmetics industry [6].
The cosmetics industry has become a highly competitive sector for which its products’
quality, efficacy, and safety are paramount [7]. However, the term “natural” is in the
Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.
spotlight, and the latest trends tend to include natural ingredients in cosmetics development.
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Natural ingredient use is one of the significant challenges the cosmetics industry has faced
This article is an open access article since the 1990s because it involves a set of commitments that must be followed, such as
distributed under the terms and sustainable/organic agriculture use, the optimal use of natural resources, not containing
conditions of the Creative Commons synthetic chemical ingredients, and not containing genetically modified organisms (GMOs),
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// among others [8]. The demand for green cosmetics has increased exceptionally [6]. It is estimated that
4.0/). by 2023, the sector will be worth around 571.1 billion dollars, which represents an increase
of 8% from the previous year. In addition, projections indicate that the niche will continue
to grow and should reach 663 billion dollars a year worldwide by 2027 [9].
According to a study by [10], consumers who buy naturally produced ingredients in
facial and body products grew from an average of 18% of sales in 2017 to 24% of sales in
2021. Environmentally conscious consumers are willing to pay more for sustainable and
natural products. In 2022, the global cosmetics market grew by more than 15% compared
to the previous year [11].
In Portugal, the cosmetics market had a turnover of around 1.488 million euros in
2021 [9]. Motivated by the increased demand for green products, companies have sought
to adapt to this new form of consumption for this new consumer to meet their needs,
adopting more sustainable production, environmental management systems, and green
product incorporation in their portfolios [12,13]. However, more is needed for companies
to be sustainable in terms of production and products. They need to define new sustainable
marketing strategies (green marketing) to have a competitive advantage in the market [14].
These days, this type of strategy is facilitated by the digital medium through various online
channels to promote and build a relationship with consumers, making it possible to increase
their awareness of brands [15,16].
In the cosmetics industry, at the digital level, social networks are the principal forms
of companies’ communication with the green consumer for the dissemination of their
sustainable production methods, their portfolio of green products, and the respective
information about them [16,17]. Therefore, green cosmetics companies that implement
strategies on social networks can influence the purchase intention of the green consumer,
namely through electronic word of mouth (e-WOM), influencer marketing, and brand
content [4,17–21].
To understand consumer behaviour and its connection to the purchase intention of
green cosmetics, it is necessary to understand the antecedents that influence purchase
intention. In the literature, some green product and cosmetics investigations use the
theory of planned behaviour (TPB) to predict purchase intention [4]. In this investigation,
the quantitative methodology supported by the TPB model was used, focusing on the
relationship between purchase intention, attitude, and subjective norms.
The impact of online communication strategies on purchase intention needs to be
studied, and there needs to be more information on this subject, especially on the Por-
tuguese market. Despite environmental problems affecting aspects of human life, only a
few academic fields have studies on green topics [14]. To this end, the arguments used
in this study consider two dimensions of the TPB model, attitude and subjective norms,
and add three independent variables (e-WOM, influencer marketing, and brand content),
seeking to advance a debate that is still little explored in the Portuguese context. Such
inclusions are explained in the next section.
This paper begins with a review of relevant literature on green marketing, online green
marketing strategies and their relationship with purchase intention for green cosmetics,
and the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) and green cosmetics. The methodology used
to examine the relationship between the constructs of the proposed conceptual model is
presented. After that, the article offers a discussion of the findings and implications. Finally,
it indicates some limitations and directions for future research.
to explain the variation in voluntary behaviour which analyses the antecedents that can
influence consumers’ purchase intentions based on human perception of the possible
consequences of the purchase [4,23].
This model is frequently used to investigate the purchase intention of green products,
including the green cosmetics market [4,25]. Thus, purchase intention is at the centre of it
and is considered a motivating factor for carrying out specific purchasing behaviours [26].
Based on the same, the intention to implement a behaviour is influenced by the attitude
towards it, subjective norms, and perceived behavioural control [4,27,28].
2.2. Online Green Marketing Strategies and the Purchase Intention of Green Cosmetics
The purchase intention of green cosmetics and products can be influenced by online
green marketing strategies, such as e-WOM, influencer marketing, and brand content.
With the proliferation of the Internet and the online resources available (e.g., e-mail,
instant messaging, blogs, forums, review websites, online communities, and social net-
working websites), consumers are increasingly using this medium to share and search for
information, express their opinions and experiences, as well as to advise other consumers
about brands, products, or services on the market [36]. e-WOM refers to a positive/negative
statement that potential, current, or former customers make about a product or a company
via the Internet [32,37]. The e-WOM concept has been expanded to refer to any comments,
recommendations, or statements (positive, negative, or neutral) about brands, products,
or services made digitally available for discussion or sharing [38]. e-WOM is a powerful
promotional weapon for a company and its products and services [39]. However, e-WOM
only produces advertising or positioning value if consumers pass on the message to others
because it is only by passing on the message that they gain credibility. Consumers rely
more on information other consumers provide through social networks than on informa-
Sustainability 2023, 15, 14784 4 of 15
tion supplied by companies due to corporate greenwashing issues [40]. Several authors
have found that e-WOM significantly affects consumer green purchasing behaviour, as the
experiences and knowledge experienced by other consumers can affect their intention to
purchase green products [17,18,21,37,41,42].
Therefore, the first research hypothesis (H1) is:
Hypothesis 1 (H1). e-WOM positively impacts consumers’ purchase intention of green cosmetics.
Content marketing focuses on creating and distributing valuable content to attract, win,
and engage a profit-generating target audience [50]. It aims at a continuous socialisation
between brands and consumers through engaging and relevant content about the brands,
according to the stage of consumer journey. The content developed seeks to generate trust
and credibility among the target audience and facilitate consumer learning. Content should
be the basis of a digital marketing strategy, as it influences purchase intention, attracts
potential customers, and builds brand authority [33,34,50,51]. So, if consumer journey
content provides environmental knowledge and positive information about the attributes
of green products, the consumer’s intention changes and leads them to purchase green
products [19,23]. Al-Gasawneh and Al-Adamat [42], in its study in Jordan, found that
content marketing positively impacts the intent to purchase green products.
Thus, the following research hypothesis is proposed:
Hypothesis 3 (H3). Brand content positively impacts consumers’ purchase intention of green cosmetics.
Sustainability 2023, 15, 14784 5 of 15
Hypothesis 4 (H4). Attitude positively impacts the purchase intention of Portuguese consumers
for green cosmetics.
Subjective norms concern whether or not the individual performs a behaviour consider-
ing social pressure [26]. About the green cosmetics sector, Liobikienė and Bernatonienė [19]
state that the social context encourages consumers to purchase this type of cosmetics.
Therefore, how reference groups and peers perceive consumer behaviour influences them,
leading to the purchase of these cosmetics according to society’s perception [24,56]. The
last research hypothesis of this study is the following:
Hypothesis 5 (H5). Subjective norms positively impact the purchase intention of Portuguese
consumers for green cosmetics.
Figure Conceptualmodel.
Figure 1. model.
3.2. Sampling
Considering the scope of the investigation, the reference universe were members of
the Portuguese population aged 18 years or over who have already bought or intend to buy
green cosmetics (151), considering those who are users of social networks because the online
green marketing strategies under study are interconnected with these networks. To allow
for the characterisation of the sample, the questionnaire included some questions about
the participants’ sociodemographic data. It was created with the online functionalities
of Google Forms and was submitted to a pre-test with 10 Portuguese consumers, who
confirmed the clarity of the questions and items; no adjustments were necessary. Data were
collected online between June and August 2022 through social networks and e-mail.
Then, the measurement model was evaluated using statistical techniques based on variance,
using partial least squares (PLS).
Thus, to evaluate the model, reliability (through factor loadings and composite reliabil-
ity), internal consistency (through Cronbach’s alpha), convergent validity (through average
variance extracted), and discriminant validity of the model, through the Fornell–Larcker cri-
terion (square root of average variance extracted and correlation coefficients) and through
the heterotrait–monotrait ratio of correlations (HTMT index, HTMT correlation values)
were verified. Finally, the structural model (SEM) was evaluated through the PLS-SEM
evaluation, and the hypotheses were tested. Thus, several steps were performed to assess
the model, namely the assessment of multicollinearity (through the variance inflation
factor), determination coefficients (R2 ), predictive relevance (Q2 ), effect size (f 2 ), and the
estimation of the size and significance of the path coefficients. For the hypothesis test, the
significance level was defined (5%), and the Beta value (β), the probability of significance
(p-value), and the t-value, which is a complementary value to the p-value, were calculated.
Thus, these calculations made validating or rejecting the defined hypotheses possible.
4. Results
The analysis of the results began with the characterisation of the sample, followed by
the evaluation of the measurement model, allowing the assessment of the reliability and
validity of the constructs, evaluation of the structural model, and testing of hypotheses.
4.2.1. Reliability
Indicator Reliability
In this study, all constructs were modelled as reflexive. For [64], indicator reliability
is a measure of whether the variance of each indicator is explained by its construct. The
authors of [65] recommend that factorial loads (outer loadings), which reflect how much
an item contributes to a factor or a variable, should be greater than 0.70 for each item.
However, ref. [66] suggests that a value of 0.50 or 0.60 remains acceptable. As can be seen,
all items have values greater than 0.50 for the constructs at all points in the measurement
model, as shown in Table 3.
implies consistency and accuracy, suggesting that the scales are sufficiently consistent and
free of measurement errors to be useful [67]. All values are more significant than 0.70,
which supports the reliability of the variables (Table 4).
4.2.2. Validity
Convergent Validity
The third step is to evaluate the measurement model. Convergent validity refers to the
construct converging to explain the variance of its indicators. The measure used to evaluate
the convergent validity of a construct is the average variance extracted (AVE) for all the
indicators of each construct [64].
To establish convergent validity, the average variance extracted (AVE) must be greater
than 0.50 [65,68,69]. All average variance values extracted from the latent variables are
greater than 0.50, demonstrating adequate convergent validity.
Discriminant Validity
It is the last stage in the evaluation of the measurement model. Discriminant valid-
ity makes it possible to measure whether a construct is empirically distinct from other
constructs [64].
The Fornell–Larcker criterion and the heterotrait–monotrait ratio (HTMT) of correla-
tions were used to assess discriminant validity. According to the Fornell–Larcker criterion,
to establish discriminant validity, the square root of the average variance extracted (AVE)
of each latent variable must be greater than any other latent construct [68], that is, greater
than any correlation value with other variables.
It is possible to conclude that all variables demonstrated adequate discriminant validity
because the diagonal values, the values of the square root of the AVE, are greater than their
corresponding correlation coefficients with other variables, showing good discriminant
validity (Table 5).
Latent Variables 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
1. Attitude 0.834
2. Brand Content 0.591 0.814
3. e-WOM 0.514 0.649 0.798
4. Influence Marketing 0.202 0.286 0.293 0.221 0.209 0.94
5. Purchase Intention of Green Cosmetics 0.559 0.621 0.624 0.592 0.667 0.144 0.796
6. Subjective Norms 0.187 0.195 0.194 0.199 0.204 0.446 0.252 0.844
Note: The bold diagonal values represent AVE’s square root.
the results reflect a statistically insignificant effect of subjective norms on the purchase
intention of green cosmetics (H5: β = 0.158; t = 1.504; p > 0.05).
Table 6. Results of the evaluation of the structural model and hypothesis test.
consumer purchase intention of green cosmetics, the variables included in this study did
not demonstrate a significantly high importance. It is concluded that it is relevant to
enhance the basic model with the addition of independent variables to understand the
purchase intention of green cosmetics better.
Another important consideration that requires more attention from researchers is that
subjective norms were not considered significant in determining consumer purchase inten-
tion. Thus, the low relevance of subjective norms should be explored in further research.
Ajzen’s theory of planned behaviour also includes perceived behavioural control
and beliefs (behavioural, normative, and control). In this study, these variables were not
considered, so it is suggested that future research address online marketing strategies (e-
WOM, influencer marketing, and brand content) and their impact on perceived behavioural
control and beliefs.
This study had some limitations which should be considered. Firstly, since the sample
was small and non-probabilistic, the results obtained do not allow statistical generalisations
of the population to be made, thus affecting the representativeness of the study. Another
limitation is that this study is purely quantitative, using a questionnaire survey, which
could lead to participants not being precise in their answers.
However, scientific studies still need to be conducted due to the increasingly implicit
environmental problems and the cosmetics area being subject to demands regarding the
manufacturing process of its products and environmental issues. Since this is such an
important topic today but so little explored, with the literature scarce and inconclusive,
it is essential to study the impact of other antecedents and other online green marketing
strategies on the intention to purchase green cosmetics to broaden the range of information
on the topic. In addition, studies by category of cosmetics are also essential. For future
investigations, it is also suggested that this study be applied to other countries and that
it uses, as a complement to the quantitative approach, a qualitative approach so that it is
possible to compare results.
For the academic community, this research can be a starting point for future studies
on the impact of digital marketing on consumer behaviour about green cosmetics, namely
on purchase intention. Since no other studies on the behaviour of the Portuguese consumer
regarding the purchase of green cosmetics were identified in the literature, this research
will contribute quantitatively to an increase in academic knowledge about the purchase
intention of these cosmetics and the influence of green strategies online marketing, namely
e-WOM and branded content, on it.
Regarding the relevance for management, this study will provide relevant information
for marketing professionals who work with socially responsible cosmetic brands, providing
an informative means for them to better implement online communication strategies,
helping them in decision-making at an operational level, and providing them with a better
perception of the factors that motivate the intention to purchase these cosmetics. Thus,
these professionals will be able to broaden the motivations of consumers of green cosmetics
and predict purchasing behaviour based on ecological attitudes and behaviour.
In short, this study will be relevant in professional and academic terms as it highlights
e-WOM and brand content as online green marketing strategies that impact the purchase
intention of Portuguese consumers of green cosmetics. In addition, it reveals the attitude of
these consumers as an essential antecedent in the purchase intention of these cosmetics.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, S.T. (Sara Teixeira 1) and S.T. (Sara Teixeira 2); Methodol-
ogy, S.T. (Sara Teixeira 2) and Z.O.; Validation, S.T. (Sandrina Teixeira); Formal analysis, S.T. (Sara
Teixeira 1) and S.T. (Sara Teixeira 2); Investigation, S.T. (Sara Teixeira 1) and Z.O.; Writing—original
draft, S.T. (Sara Teixeira 1); Writing—review & editing, Z.O.; Supervision, S.T. (Sandrina Teixeira). All
authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
Funding: This work is financed by portuguese national funds through FCT—Fundação para a Ciência
e Tecnologia, under the project UIDB/05422/2020.
Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable.
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