يف عملي
بسم اهلل الرمحن الرحيم
يا خادِمَ اجلسمِ كمِ تسعى خلدمتهِ ........أتطلبُ الربحَ مبا فوهِ خُسرانُ
س ال باجلسمِ انسانُ
أقبلِ على النفسِ وأستَك ِملِ فضائلها .......فانكَ بالنف ِ
Table of content
Epigastric pain 4
Hernia 6
Breast cases 10
Thyroid 12
Abdominal examination 26
Rectal examination 32
Hernia examination 36
Thyroid examination 41
Breast examination 47
Fracture examination 52
Urological examination 55
Vascular examination 56
Chapter three : Mind maps
General surgery
Acute sialoadenitis 65
Ganglion 66
Anatomy of breast 67
Triple assessment 68
Duct ectasia 70
CA breast 71
Anatomy of thyroid 72
Goiter 73
Graves disease 75
GIT surgery
Hernia 77
Management of hernia 78
Inguinal hernia 80
Anatomy of appendix 81
Acute appendicitis 82
Appendecetomy 84
Anatomy of gallbladder 85
Gall stone 86
Peptic ulcer 87
Hematemesis 91
Rupture spleen 92
Intestinal obstruction 93
Intussusception 94
Mickles diverticulum 95
Hemorrhoid 97
Pilonidal sinus 98
Special surgery
Acute ischemia 100
Pneumothorax 103
Burn 109
NG Tube 116
Colostomy 118
Catheter 120
Cannula 122
Suture 123
IV fluid 127
Hematuria 140
Hepatomegaly 141
Splenomegaly 141
Chapter one
How to take history in common surgery cases
Epigastric pain 4
Hernia 6
Breast cases 10
Thyroid 12
ID :
Age ( appendicitis can commonly occur in young age 20 – 30 but can occur in other age
group )
Sex ( if female its very important to exclude pregnancy because ectopic pregnancy is very
important DDx of RIF in female )
Chief complaint :
RIF pain for ( ….. ) duration
Systemic review :
Past medical :
Past surgical :
Drug and allergy :
Family history : Positive family history increase risk of appendicitis
Social history :
4 Epigastric pain history
ID :
Age :
cholecystitis more common in age 40
Duodenal ulcer is more common in 20-30 age
Sex :
Gallstone more common in female
DU more common in male
Chief complaint:
Epigastric pain for ( ……. ) day duration
Right hypochondrial pain for ( …… ) duration
systemic review :
past medical :
recurrent attack is very important
past surgical :
important especially if it was abdominal surgery near biliary tract area
drug and allergy :
very important but its better to mention it in history of present illness in such case
most important being NSAID
family history :
PU risk increase if he has positive family history
Social :
Alcohol most important especially for suspected pancreatitis
If he is alcoholic you should ask about :
Amount at each time ( most important )
6 Hernia history
ID :
Age : congenital inguinal hernia occur in infant and toddler
Occupation : more common in people who left heavy weight العُما ْل, الحَ مال
Chief complaint :
Swelling in left groin for 2 years duration
N.B : Hernia is usually painless swelling
Swelling in rt femoral region for 5 years duration
Swelling at site of scar for 3 month Pain suggest complication
Systemic review :
Past medical :
Chronic constipation is risk factor
Chronic cough is risk factor
Past surgical :
Prior surgery of appendicitis is risk for hernia why ?
During appendicitis we use grid iron incision
When you do grid iron incision , there is risk of injury to ilioinguinal nerve
Ilioinguinal nerve supply the conjoint tendon ,
So if you injury this nerve during doing appendicitis this can cause paralysis of conjoint
tendon which is risk of hernia due to weakness result from paralysis
Any other surgery is risk for incisional hernia
Family history :
May be of benefit because some hereditary collagen weakness condition like marfan and other have strong
family relation
Anal condition
8 history
( PNS , hemorrhoid )
Id :
Sex : PNS more common in male
chief complain :
mass per rectum for …… duration
bleeding per rectum for ….. duration
pain in anal region for ….. duration
Systemic review :
Hematological system to search for generalized bleeding tendency
Urinary system
Past medical :
Past surgical :
Drug and allergy :
Taking iron therapy may confuse with bleeding per rectum because iron supply change the color of
stool to black
Social and family history :
10 Breast cases history
ID :
Age : very important for ddx
If young age female with breast lump your first ddx will be fibroadenoma
While female above 50 with breast lump your first ddx should be ca
Chief complain :
Mass in right breast for …… duration
Pain in left breast for …… days
Abnormal discharge from nipple for …. Week
loss of wt
skin change in breast ( dimpling , eczema of paget disease )
7- pre operation , operation , post operation as appendix sheet
systemic review :
important especially if you suspect ca to see if there is feature of cancer metastasis
like jaundice if metastasize to liver or cough if to lung or bone pain if to bone \
past medical :
past surgical :
drug and allergy :
OCP increase risk of breast ca
allergy may be associated with paget disease
family history :
very important to ask about it
social :
smoking increase risk of ca
marital statue
gynecological history :
very important to ask about it in detail
12 Thyroid history
Id :
Age :
Chief complaint :
Painless swelling in neck for 2 years duration
Irritable and nervous for few month
Palpitation for 3 month
المرٌضة قد تاخذ عالج فٌقل حجم الغدة ثم بعد فترة ٌبدا الحجم فً الزٌادة
من جدٌد
Other swelling in body
What increase , what decrease the swelling
Pressure manifestation caused by swelling ( very important ) like dyspnea , dysphagia ,
hoarsness of voice )
2- Painful or painless ( thyroid swelling is painless usually , pain suggest complication )
3- Effect of swelling in general condition FAHM ( fever , anorexia , headache, malaise ) suggest
inflammatory swelling
4- Loss of wt ( for ca )
5- Disturbance of function ( feature of hyperthyroidism )
CNS : irritability
Night mares
Cardiac : ask about palpitation
Metabolic : ask about heat intolerance , , thyroid paradox ( increase appetite with decrease in wt )
13 history
Systemic review :
Very important to ask about each system in detail because thyroid gland control the other hormone
in body
Past medical :
Past surgical :
Drug and allergy :
Family history :
Important here because its graves disease is autoimmune and its related to family history
Social history :
Vital sign :
Pulse :
Hypothyroid pt has bradycardia
Hyperthyroid pt has tachycardia
Hyperthryod pt undertreatment may come with normal or bradycardia
BP :
Medullary Ca is part of MEN type II
Which include pheochromocytoma which cause HTN
So thyroid may present with HTN in case of MEN type 2
14 history
)head injury , fracture )
ID :
Chief complain :
Pain in leg since 3 hour ( fracture )
Bleeding from head since 2 hour ( head injury )
Loss of consciousness for …. Minute ( head injury or fracture )
Chief complain :
Red color urine for 2 day
Systemic review :
Gynecological history :
Very important if the patient female
Past medical :
HTN, DM are important
Past surgical :
17 history
Family history :
Social history :
Drug history :
Very important because a lot of drug are nephrotoxic like gentamicin which is strong antibiotic used
commonly in Iraq and its nephrotoxic
Chapter Two
Important note in examination of surgical condition
Abdominal examination 26
Rectal examination 32
Hernia examination 36
Thyroid examination 41
Breast examination 47
Fracture examination 52
Urological examination 55
Vascular examination 56
19 General examination general examination
1- Before starting :
Stand on right side of pt
Introduce yourself
Take permission
Explain what you will do to the patient
Say “ “ بسم هللاand then start
2- Introduction :
Describe the following point :
Age and sex ( child , young age , middle age , old age ….. male / female )
Position ( sitting , semisitting , lying supine , lying on side )
Level of consciousness ( conscious or no )
Oriented to time/place/person or no
How he looks ( comfortable , in pain , nervous , anxious )
Built ( normal wt or looks cachexic )
Dyspnea present or no ?
Environment ( cannula , oxygen, catheter , NG tube….etc )
3- Head and neck :
In face :
a-eye : conjuctival pallor , yellow discoloration of sclera
b- mouth : contour of mouth , any ulcer , any bleeding , dental caries , tonsil , uvula,
tongue abnormality )
c- lip : cyanosis
neck :
in both head and neck :
lymph node examination
( submental , submandibular , preauricular , post auricular , occipital
Anterior cervical , posterior cervical , supraclavicular )
20 general examination
21 general examination
Lymph node :
22 general examination
4- hand :
23 general examination
5- leg
24 general examination
Conjunctiva in eye
Palm of hand
Inner aspect of lip
Skin of face
Nail of hand
Q / cause of pallor ??
1. Anemia
2. Shock ( due to decrease cardiac output
3. Anxiety and fear
1. Shock
2. Fear and anxiety
1. Hypercarotenemia
2. Uremia
3. Xanthomatosis
Q / cause of jaundice ??
Q / cause of clubbing ?
Complete abdominal examination by examining hernia orifice , genitalia and doing per rectal examination
27 abdominal examination
Why to level of nipple ?? because maximum respiration will raise the diaphragm to level
of 5th intercostal abdominal organ will also be raised
For example in deep palpation we ask him to take deep breath and palpate the abdomen
, if we did not expose to level of 5th intercostal we may miss pathology and not palpate
Why to mid thigh ?? because the fascia of abdomen is contious with that of thigh , and
also not to miss hernia or undescended tests ( ectopic testes in femoral region
each one from midclavicular line down to midway between anterior superior iliac spine and
symphysis pubis
2 horizontal line :
1. Transpyloric plane : passes through tip of 9th costal cartilage on each side , that is area
where lateral edge of rectus abdomius ( linea semilunaris) cross the costal margin
It lies opposite 1 lumbar vertebrae
2. Intertubercler plane : line join the tubercle of iliac crest on each side
30 abdominal examination
Spleen :
Kidney :
32 PR examination
rectal examination
1- Position : there is three position for doing PR chose one and perform the examination
Left lateral position
Knee chest position
Lithiotomy position
2- Inspection :
Inspect the area of anal canal and perineum look for :
Sinus : like in case of PNS
Fistula : in case of anal fistula
33 PR examination
3- Palpation :
Using gloves and after applying lubricant and local analgesia , insert your finger into anal canal
Direction : first insert into directed toward umbilicus then direct it posteriorly toward ischium
average finger length is 6 – 10 cm , thus you can examine whole anal canal and more than half of rectum
as the length of anal canal is 4 cm , and rectum is about 12 cm
search for :
tenderness : if there is deep tenderness suggest salpingitis , acute appendicitis ,
mass : as in case of internal pile , impacted feces
in male only : examine prostate gland
in female : if ovarian tumor
after taking hand out of anal canal look for blood in your gloves
35 PR examination
Hernia examination
36 hernia examination
3- Special test :
a- Cough impulse :
Put your hand over the swelling
Ask the patient to cough
Feel the swelling as it become tense and expand in all direction , if yes this mean positive
expansile cough impulse
b- Reducibility :
Reduce the swelling by your hand to see its reducible or no
N.B Irreducible hernia suggest strangulation
c- After reduction :
Watch the swelling appear from where
1- Reappear direct forward this is direct inguinal hernia
2- Reappear oblique and downward this is indirect inguinal hernia
d- Pubic tubercle test :
Locate pubic tubercle
39 hernia examination
After that , ask patient to stand and then to cough , then watch the cough impulse
affect which finger :
4- Other :
Auscultation : positive bowel sound
Percussion : dull
Examine the lymph node
1. General :
Irritable , nervous , anxious
dull face ( hypothyroid )
body wt
jaundice ( side effect of anti- thyroid drugs )
2. eye : 8 sign
1. exophthalmos :
eye protrude outward
the sclera below lower limbus is visible
The upper eye lid does not keep pace with eyeball as it follow your finger
اما في هذا ال signفان upper lidتتاخر او التنزل مع حركة العين التي تتبع اصبعك التي تحركها انت
43 thyroid examination
4. Lack of convergence :
If you move finger from away toward nose side of eye , there will be convergence , this is in normal
5. Corneal ulceration :
6. Opthalmoplagia :
Edema of conjunctiva
3. Hand :
a) Pulse :
Bradycardia in hypothyroid
Tachycardia in hyperthyroid ( thyrotoxicosis )
Normal pulse in hyperthyroid ( due to side effect of beta blocker used in
treatment of thyrotoxicosis , so you may see hyperthyroid patient with
normal pulse if he is under treatment
b) Tremor :
Fine fast tremor
c) Look in palm of hand
Sweaty hand in hyperthyroid
45 thyroid examination
4. Neck
( inspection , palpation , auscultation percussion, lymph node )
a) Inspection :
Symmetry , swelling , scar ,
Ask her to swallow water
Ask her to protrude tongue
b) Palpation :
From behind :
Describe it ( site , size, shape , skin , surrounding skin , tenderness , temperature , edge , consistency )
c) Auscultation :
d) Percussion :
Percuss along clavicle
Percuss upper chest
Percuss over sternum
e) Lymph node :
( inspection , palpation )
1. Inspection :
Position : 4 position
1- Both breast are symmetrical or no ; you know this from level of nipple
2- Look to this nipple :
Direction should be downward , forward and to the left
Retraction : nipple retraction may be congenital or acquired , acquired may
be caused by cancer
3- Look to areola :
Eczema of paget disease which is malignant condition
4- Skin of whole breast :
Any sign of inflammation like redness of edema
Dilated vein ( disease of vein of breast called mandors disease )
Dimple ( ) نقطة صغيرة من الجلد متهة الى داخل
Bunkering ( ) مجموعة من النقاط متجهة الى الداخل
Peu de orange ( هذه واحدة من عالمات السرطان, ) شكل الجلد يشبه شكل قشرة البرتقال
5- Ask her to squeeze the breast to see if there is discharge
6- Look to infra mammary area for any skin abnormality
48 breast examination
49 breast examination
2. Palpation :
Best position is patient lying on bed
You can do also while she is setting
how to palpate ?
Before starting Assess gait Look , feel , move Special test examination
Stand at right Antalgic gait : Like testing for 1. Exam the distal
side of patient occur in hip union artery to
Introduce joint arthritis involved area
yourself Trendelberg 2. Do neurological
Take gait : in hip exam of area
permission muscle problem involved :
Explain to Foot drop : motor , sensory
patient what nerve injury , reflex
you will do
Say “ “ بسم هللا
and start
1. In skin : bruise , scar , 1. Skin : sensory loss 1. Active movement : ask the patient
ulcer , rashes , 2. Soft tissue : tenderness , to move joint in all direction of its
pigmentation effusion , mass movement
2. In soft tissue : 3. Bone : joint tenderness , joint 2. Passive movement : move the
swelling , lump , line involved joint or area In all
muscle wasting possible direction
3. Bone : deformity ,
abnormal alignment
53 fracture examination
Presentation :
1. Vital sign :
especially BP and pulse are extremely important in urological cases
2. General examination :
Periorbital edema
Leg edema , sacral edema
Shortness of breath
Level of consciousness
3. Local examination :
Inspection :
Palpation :
Tenderness is most important sign for example loin tenderness in kidney problem or suprapubic
tenderness in bladder problem like cystitis
Auscultation :
قم برفع رجل المريض وهو مستلقي بشكل مستقيم وانظر عند اي درجة يحصل تغير في لون القدم
تغير في color of legعند درجة 03من الرفع او عند 03درجة من رفع القدم او عند 03درجة من رفع القدم
كلما حصل التغير في colorفي درجة اقل فمعناه المرض اكثر sever
Hang the leg down the bed after doing burger test like in the picture
Chapter Three
Mind Maps of common surgical topics
General surgery
Acute sialoadenitis 65
Ganglion 66
Anatomy of breast 67
Triple assessment 68
Acute bacterial mastitis 69
Duct ectasia 70
CA breast 71
Anatomy of thyroid 72
Goiter 73
Simple nodular goiter 74
Graves disease 75
GIT surgery
Hernia 77
Management of hernia 78
Anatomy of Inguinal region 79
Inguinal hernia 80
Anatomy of appendix 81
Acute appendicitis 82
Sign of acute appendicitis 83
Appendicectomy 84
Anatomy of gallbladder 85
Gallstone 86
Peptic ulcer 87
Management of peptic ulcer 88
C.H.P.S 90
Hematemesis ( Upper GIT bleeding ) 91
Rupture spleen 92
Intestinal obstruction 93
intussusception 94
Mickle diverticulum 95
Anatomy of anal canal 96
Hemorrhoid 97
Pilonidal sinus ( PNS ) 98
Special surgery
General surgery
الجراحة العامة
This include :
Acute sialoadenitis 65
Ganglion 66
Anatomy of breast 67
Triple assessment 68
Acute bacterial mastitis 69
Duct ectasia 70
CA breast 71
Anatomy of thyroid 72
Goiter 73
Simple nodular goiter 74
Graves disease 75
, ليست مذكورة هنا, العامة تتضمن مواضيع اخرى مثل القرحة واالكياس الدهنية وغيرها
في هذا الفصل ذكرت ولخصت اكثر الحاالت شيوعا والتي يراها الطالب في المستشفى قبل
.... التخرج والتي يحتمل ان ُيسأل عنها في االمتحان
Acute sialoadenitis
Define c/p
Complication Investigation
General :fever ,
tachycardia Mx
Local :
Surgery :
Organism : staph aureus
Hilton operation
Predisposing factor :
Define c/p
Complication Investigation
Symptoms :
Chronic cyst X ray
contain mucoid Painless swelling at dorsum 1. Infection
material related of hand or around ankle 2. Rupture of cyst
to tendon 3. Hemorrhage
4. Calcification
Usually seen at
Sign :
dorsum of hand
or around ankle The swelling could
be tense
Cystic swelling
Indication of surgery :
Option of surgery :
Complete excision of cyst
67 Anatomy of breast
Notes Venous
Lymph node
Blood supply
Core cut :
Define c/p
DDX Investigation
Bacteria : staph aureus Either by making incision in skin and drainage of abscess
Or by u/s guide aspiration of abscess
Route of infection : mouth of baby
Presentation :
وهي ترضع انطفم رضاعت, ايرأة وندث قبم فترة قصيرة
breast بداث تشتكي يٍ انى في, طبيعيت
70 Duct ectasia
Define c/p
ً وباىتاىي قد ينىن عدد قييو فيه اىمزض فنقىduct 20-15 ومذىل يىجد هناك
Most common cause of nipple breast باستصاه اىقنىاث اىمصابت فقط دون ضزر بباقي اه
Incidence Classification
Investigation C/P
1. Ductal ca :
Very common Ductal ca in situ ( DCIS ) 1. For diagnosis : Symptoms :
condition Infiltrative ductal ca Triple assessment
Most common 2. For staging : Painless swelling In breast , the
2. Lobular ca :
cause of death in CT scan commonest presentation
lobular ca In situ ( LCIS )
middle age female 3. Investigation for Discharge
Infiltrative ca
Most common site metastasis like CBC , Symptoms of metastasis like bone
3. Paget disease of breast
of ca is in upper cxr , RFT , LFT pain , chest pain
lateral quadrant (
Sign :
60 % )
Extremely rare See breast examination page
below age of 20 ,
very common after
60 years old
Strongly related to وهي نم جحسوج ونم جرضع او جسوجث ونم, ونديها حانة سرطان في اقرباءهاbreast ) في الmass ( امرأة في انسحيىات مه انعمر جشحكي مه وجىد عقدة
family history , كيهى100 وهي جدخه ووزوها اكثر مه, وجسحعمم ماوع حمم بكثرة, جرضع
Risk factor
1. Local spread
1. Nulipara 2. Lymphatic spread : axillary LN mainly , less common to
2. Not breastfeeding supraclavicular LN
3. Use of ocp 3. Blood spread : LBLB ( liver , brain , lung , bone )
4. + family history , old age
5. Alcohol and obesity
6. Early menarch and late menopause
Anatomy of thyroid gland
1- External laryngeal
2- Recurrent laryngeal
73 Goiter
Define Classification
Its enlargement of the
thyroid gland
Surgical :
Define c/p
Symptoms :
TSH , T3 , T 4 all are normal
Non toxic ,
1- Cosmotic disfeguerment
noninflamatory , US : confirm presence of nodule
non malignant المزيضت تأتي ٌَي تعاوي مه تضخم الزقبت
enlargement of مما يسبب لٍا مشاكل وفسيت َتزعجٍا FNAC : to exclude malignant goiter
thyroid gland
ِ غالبا ال تُجد اي شكُِ اخز, عدا ٌذا
Its diagnosed by
exclusion of other 2- Presentation of
type complication :
Pressure manifestation
if massive enlargement
May change to toxic if Mx
left untreated
Sign :
On examination there is nodule
Surgical :
( nodular enlargement not
1- Partial thyroidectomy
diffuse )
Etiology 2- Subtotal thyroidectomy
3- Total thyroidectomy
Define c/p
Complication Investigation
GIT surgery
جراحة الجهاز الهضمي
Hernia 77
Management of hernia 78
Anatomy of Inguinal region 79
Inguinal hernia 80
Anatomy of appendix 81
Acute appendicitis 82
Sign of acute appendicitis 83
Appendicectomy 84
Anatomy of gallbladder 85
Gallstone 86
Peptic ulcer 87
Management of peptic ulcer 88
C.H.P.S 90
Hematemesis ( Upper GIT bleeding ) 91
Rupture spleen 92
Intestinal obstruction 93
intussusception 94
Mickle diverticulum 95
Anatomy of anal canal 96
Hemorrhoid 97
Pilonidal sinus ( PNS ) 98
الجهاز الهضمي تتضمن مواضيع تبدا من الفم وثم المرئ ثم المعدة واالمعاء الدقيقة والغليظة
, انتها ًء بالمستقيم والقناة الشرجية
قمت في هذا الفصل بتلخيص بعض المواضيع الشائعة والمهمة للطالب في اخر سنة من الكلية
...... وهذه هي المواضيع التي قد يراها الطالب في المستشفى و ُيسأل عنها في االمتحان,
77 Hernia
Part of
Define c/p Complication Investigation
Types of
(Weakness in wall) hernia
Congenital : like in congenital inguinal hernia 1- According to site :
internal hernia like hiatus hernia
Acquired :
External hernia like incisional hernia
1- Mx predisposing factor
Incision of operation 2- According to incidence :
2- Truss ( ) حزام الفتق
Increase intra abdominal pressure like in Common hernia : inguinal , incisional ,
3- Surgery :
chronic cough or constipation femoral , umblical
Weak anterior wall : repeated pregnancy , Rare hernia : obturator , lumbar , spigilian
obesity hernia
3- Special type :
Other casue : collagen weakness like in
marfan synbdrome Littre H , richter H , sliding H , pantalon H
78 Mx of hernia
Mx of predisposing Truss
factor Surgery
Herniorraphy ty
done in congenital inguinal hernia and hernia in children Its operation done in adult especially if there :
and infant Done in adult and elderly
Large defect
principle : Principle : Significant weakness in wall
open fundus of hernia Recurrent hernia
reduction of content of sac Do first herniotomy
excision of sac Then repair the weakness by Principle :
we do it in congenital inguinal hernia because there is no First do herniotomy then do
weakness herniorrhaphy , then put the mesh
if there is weakness like in adult you cant do herniotomy الف60 الشبكة سعرها تقريبا
79 Anatomy of inguinal canal
Roof :
Etiology Its part of posterior wall of inguinal canal
Arching fiber
of internal Boundaries :
Anterior wall :
Lateral by inferior epigastric vessel
External Transverse
Medially by lateral border of rectus
oblique abdominus
Fiber of Inferiorly by inguinal ligament
internal oblique
Transverse Surgical importance : its triangle by which direct
abdominus inguinal hernia passes
80 Inguinal hernia
Notes Artery supply Venous
( histology ) drainage
Very common
condition 1. Symptoms: Appendicitis is usually diagnosed clinically
Affect young age 2. Pain : typically start sign :
group mainly around umbilicus and However you do some Ix like :
see next page
between 20 – 30 then shift to RIF after few 1. Pregnancy test to exclude ectopic
Rare below 5 and hours , colikly in nature , pregnancy
after 60 , however agrevated by movement 2. Urinalysis to exclude UTI
if occur , its or cough 3. U/s and CT if you in doubt about
difficult to 3. Anorexia , nausea , your Dx
diagnose vomiting , slight fever ,
Most common constipation and
infectious agent is sometime diarhea
Most common
type is obstructive Fate of appendicitis
What will happen if
appendicitis not treated ?
1. Tenderness in RIF
2. Rebound tenderness in RIF
3. Rovsing sign : ( also called crossed tenderness )
Pressure in left iliac fossa cause pain in RIF due to movement of gas from pelvic colon to caecum
5. Cough sign :
Pain increase if you ask patient to cough
6. Pointing sign :
Pt point by his finger to area around umbilicus then to area of mc burney point
7. Obturator sign :
Internal rotation of flexed right thigh cause pain in Rif due to irritation to obturator internus
8. Psoas sign :
Extension of right thigh cause pain in Rif due to irritation of psoas muscle
Type of Complication
surgery of surgery
Notes supply Vein Lymph node
GB is pyriform Cystic artery which is Cystic vein which Cystic lymph node of lund
shape كمثري الشكل branch of RT hepatic artery drain into right
Capacity is 30-50 which is branch of common branch of portal
ml hepatic artery which is vein
It has three part : branch of celeiac trunk at
Fundus , body, level of T12 which is branch
neck of abdominal aorta
Fundus is the
part that seen
below the
inferior surface of
GB located in Triangle of
Nerve supply
posterior surface calot
of liver Surface anatomy
Function : store of GB
bile Very important anatomical Autonomic : sympathetic and
region in surgery of GB parasympathetic
At junction of right semilunar and right
costal cartilage This triangle is between : Sensory :
Types of
Define Presentation Complication
of gallstone
( fate of gallstone )
1. Cholesterol : commonest
Presence of stone In GB :
type in usa and EU 1. Asymptomatic : the
2. Pigmented : commonest commonest Biliary colic
in asia oresentation more than Acute cholecystits
Its common 70 % of case Chronic cholycystitis
Its two type
condition 2. Biliary colic : Empyema of GB
Black pigmented stone Sudden onset of colic Mucocele of GB
Incidence increase pain in RT
Brown pigmented stone Perforation
with age hypochondrial region
3. mixed type Cancer risk
Gallstone is most Radiate to shoulder
Increase by fatty meal In bile duct :
common biliary
condition Decrease by
Biliary obstruction (
obstructive jaudice )
Associated with nausea
Acute cholangitis
and vomiting
Acute pancreatitis
Risk factor 3. Presentation of
complication In intestine :
Define factor c/p Complication Investigation
Define c/p
Complication Investigation
1- Life style : loss of wt , stop smoking , avoid tea and coffee , avoid lying flat after meal
1. Hiatous hernia is one of the 2- Medical : first and main line of treatment
commonest cause
PPI like eomeprazole very effective in 80 % of case
2. In adult : smoking , alcohol ,
obesity increase risk of GERD 3- Surgery : if medical therapy fails :
3. Hellar operation used in
achalasia surgery Type of operation :
Define Complications
DDx Investigation
Define Important point in Investigation
point in hx
In duodenum :
Cause c/p On
Cause of
Define obstruction Complication
Its arrest of 1. Something in lumen : feces , FB,
downward 1. Electrolyte disturbance due to
propulsion of vomiting ( can lead to death )
2. Something in wall : stricture , tumor
intestinal content 2. Strangulation ( lead to death ) 4 cardinal feature :
3. Something outside wall : adhesion ,
3. Hypovolemic shock ( lead to
MOF which can end in death ) Pain
Classification Vomiting
According to pathological nature :
Define c/p
Define Presentation
2 inch in length
Its 4 cm in length
Superior rectal artery which is
Dentate line : Superior rectal vein drain into Above dentate line :
branch of inferior mesenteric
inferior mesenteric vein which
Divide anal canal into drain into portal system Its involuntary ( smooth muscle ) ,
upper and lower part Middle rectal artery which is supplied by sympathetic and
Middle rectal vein which drain parasympathetic
branch of internal iliac artery
Each of this two part into internal iliac vein
made by dentate line has Inferior rectal artery which is Below dentate line :
different blood supply Inferior rectal vein
branch of internal pudendal
Voluntary ( striated muscle ) has both
and nerve and lymph
sensory and motor innervation came
and venous drainage
from inferior rectal nerve
Below dentate line there
is no mucosa of
Define Etiology
C/P Investigation
Non surgical :
Grade of
hemorrhoid Cryotherapy
Laser therapy
Define Epidemiology
C/ P DDx
Its condition in which Common in male 20 – 30 Pain in area involved Perianal abscess
there is penetration of year Discharge : Anal fistula
hair into serosangiunous or
subceotaneus tissue Common in hairy men
through skin الذين لديهم شعز كثيز في هذه Tender swelling just
المناطق above coccyx
Nidus mean hole
Abscess complicated
Pilo mean hair Recurrence is common
Sinus mean
openin to skin Mx
which its other
side is blind
Special surgery
الجراحة التخصصٌة
Acute ischemia 100
Management of ischemia 101
Varicose vein 102
Pneumothorax 103
Complications of fracture 104
Treatment of fracture 105
Colles fracture 106
How to manage open fracture 107
Difference between EDH and SDH 108
Burn 109
Cleft lip and cleft palate 110
Urinary stone 111
التخصصٌة هً التً تشمل جراحة الكسور والمجاري البولٌة وجراحة االوعٌة الدموٌة والقلب
وجراحة الجمجمة والدماغ والفقرات والجراحة التجمٌلٌة والحروق
فً هذا الفصل قمتُ بتلخٌص بعض المواضٌع المهمة والشائعة فً الجراحة التخصصٌة والتً
قد ٌراها الطالب فً المستشفى و ٌُسأل عنها فً االمتحان .......
100 Acute ischemia
Define c/p
Complication Investigation
Lack of blood Gangrene For diagnosis :
flow due to Pain Chronic ischemia
Paralysis Duppler
sudden Volkman ischemic
Parasthesia Duplex
occlusion of a contracture
Pulselessness Arteriography
previously patent
Pallor To detect the source of emboli :
artery with no
Progressive coldness of
time for limb ( poikilothermia ) ECG and echo
collaterals to
1. Embolism If emboli :
2. Thrombosis
Embolectomy using fogerty catheter
3. Pressure from outside :
If thrombous : option according to condition and time :
Like tourniquet , tumor
Revascularization surgery
Medical Surgical
Define c/p
Complication Investigation
Cosmotic disfigurement
Dilated tortuous , is main complain Vein complication : Its diagnosed clinically
elongated otherwise there is mild
superficial vein of problem Hemorrhage Investiogation done to detect the site
lower limb Edema of limb of incompetence of vein :
Aching and discomfort
Mild swelling of leg Superficial
It could be primary Duppler U/S
or secondary Duplex
Skin complication : Venography
Skin pigmentation
and dermatitis
Secondary : ( 15 % ) Reassurance
Define c/p
According to etiology :
According to pathology :
Closed pneumothorax
Open pneumothorax
Tension pneumothorax ( top emergency )
104 Complication of fracture
General Local
Early general :
Early local complication :
Fat embolism Compartmental syndrome
Respiratory dysfunction Acute ischemia
Late general : Visceral injury ….etc
For fracture
Primary survey
Done under GA
Used if closed reduction failed
Usually require internal fixation
106 Colles fracture
Site Displacement
c/p Investigation Complication
Loss of active
Painful passive Mx
NVB examination :
Undisplaced : closed reduction + POP for 3
Fall on outstretched hand Allen test for radial artery week
Medial nerve injury lead to Displaced : CR+POP for 3-4 month
ape hand and sensory loss
over area supplied by median Indication of fixation :
Young unstable pt
Comminuted fracture
Clinical picture Usually there is mild brain Usually sever brain damage
damage No lucid interval
Lucid interval may present Hematoma commonly bilateral
The hematoma usually
Investigation CT : biconvex CT : cresentric ( concavoconvex )
Treatment Early surgery is successful The patient has serious brain damage
with edema in addition to hematoma , so
surgery is difficult and not always
Incidence complaint Complication Diagnosis
Cosmotic deformity
Isolated cleft lip Psychological for the After birth diagnosed clinically
15 % mother
During pregnancy :
Isolated cleft Feeding difficulty
palate 40 % All types of cleft can be detected by U/S after 18
Articulation problem week except isolated cleft palate because fetus
Cleft lip + cleft mouth is usually closed so we cant see the cleft
palate 45 % Complication after surgery : isolated cleft palate
Poor surgery which need
secondary reconstruction
Hearing problem that is
why we need to check the
Cleft lip : hearing before 12 month of
age Timing of
1- Unilateral : surgery
Complete unilateral
Incomplete unilateral
Cleft lip : role of 10
2- Bilateral :
Complete bilateral at 10 week ( 3 – 6 month ) if delayed may cause articulation problem
Incomplete bilateral 10 kg of weight
Cleft palate : 10 g/dl of hemoglobin
Epidemiology c/p
Complication Investigation
Chapter Four
s s
Important urgical kills and miscellaneous topics in surgery
NG Tube 116
Colostomy 118
Catheter 120
Cannula 122
Suture 123
IV fluid 127
Define Indication
When to
1. Pneumothorax
Its tube 2. Hemothorax 1. Bleeding :
inserted into 3. Chylothorax intercostal artery
chest to drain 1- Clinically :
4. Large plural 2. Injury to lung (
abnormal fluid There is no more discharge
effusion perforation 0
collection No more air bubble
5. Empyema 3. Local infection
Patient clinically improved
and empyema
Its connected 2- X ray :
4. Blockage of tube
to underwater Lung expand
5. Failure of
sealo to 3- If tube not functioning :
prevent return The tube is blocked and its not draining when it
of drainage should be draining
back into body
Q / in follow up of patient with chest tube , you should each day change the container , so how you do that , what
are step ?
1. The chest tube should be below level of patient , if its above this lead to return of the contain to the lung and may lead to death
2. Its better to give prophylactic antibiotic !
3. Look daily to the bag and tube its self for :
Functioning or not
Amount of discharge
color of discharge
4. Daily change the bag : how ?
Clump the tube by artery forcep and gauze
Remove the bag from below
Clean and connect it again
Open the clump
Ask patient to breath and cough to see if the tube functioning
Procedure :
Never do it in front of relative , check the drain and underwater seal is functioning ( appearance of gas bubble in the underwater seal is sign of functioning )
Q / after inserting chest tube , you do suturing , what is the name of this suturing , what is its benefit ?
Note Indications
Define Indication
Creation of an Temporary :
opening and Complication
diverting colon 1. Ca colon to remove obstruction
content ( feces ) until patient become fit for surgery
outside body 2. Trauma : bullet injury to rectum
1. Prolapse of mucosa of intestine
instead of rectum 3. After operation of fistula of anus till
through opening of colostomy
and anal canal wound heal
2. Bleeding from edge
4. Imperforated anus till operation
3. Gangrene at colostomy site
Permanent colostomy : 4. Peritonitis
5. Stenosis of colostomy orifices
Types 1. Excision of rectum 6. Complication after closure :
2. Crush injury to pelvis Adhesion and intestinal
3. Toxic mega colon obstruction
Failure of closure
According to time :
Incisional hernia
1. Temporary colostomy
2. Permanent colostomy
1. Ileostomy
2. Transverse colon colostomy
3. Sigmoidostomy
4. Colostomy of cecum
120 Catheter
Define Indication
Diagnostic indication :
Its type of closed 1. Urethral in jury
drain 1. Monitor urine output 2. Acute prostatitis 1. Traumatic insertion
2. Take urine for GUE 3. Prostatic abscess which can lead to
Type of catheter : 3. Urethrogram and cystorgram : 4. History of failure of insertion injury of urethra ,
of catheter bleeding
1. Foley In this investigation you insert catheter 2. UTI
catheter 5. UTI
then you inject dye and take imagine 3. Failure of deflation
2. Wing when want to remove
catheter Therapeutic indication :
3. Jj catheter 4. Late complication :
1. Urinary retention
Size of catheter induce stone
2. Irrigation of bladder( by 3 way
measured by formation
valve )
3. Relieve obstruction by clot
Each size has
4. Intravesical chemotherapy ( for
different color
bladder Ca )
Types of foley
Foley catheter
122 Cannula
Type of suture :
Size :
Method of suturing :
1. Simple interrupted
2. Simple continuos
3. Vertical matress
4. Horizontal matress
5. Subcuticlar
6. Purse string suture
126 Blood transfusion
Preparation Types of
GIT bleeding
127 IV fluid
Principle :
20 % of the 60 % is extracellular
From this 20 % :
Body fluid
60 %
Example :
30 L intracellular
12 L interstitial
3 L intravascular
Normal human replace this normal daily loss by eating and drinking
Post operation , or in repeated vomiting , he cant replace the fluid loss so we give him IV fluid
according to amount of blood loss
Types of fluid
1- Normal saline :
Name in Arabic : محلول ملح
Composition : 9 % NACL
Uses :
N.B :
Uses :
عالج حاالت النقص الشدٌد فً السكر hypoglycemiaوال سٌما فً الحاالت التً تأتً على شكل غٌبوبة -1
هبوط الضغط الشدٌد واالعٌاء -2
بعد العلمٌات لتعوٌض المرٌض عن نقص السوائل فً الجسم -3
تخفٌف بعض االدوٌة والمضادات الحٌوٌة مثل البوتساٌوم والهٌدروكورتٌزون -4
3- Ringer solution :
محلول رنجر Name in Arabic :
Composition :
Uses :
If there is extra loss you should add it for example extra loss from NG tube , colostomy ,
drain , fever
Example one :
23 year old male 70 kg , appendicectomy done for him today morning , you want to give
him fluid , how to give fluid and which type of fluid you give him knowing that he has no
extra loss
Answer :
First 10 kg 1000 ml
Second 10 kg 500 ml
Day three if patient not discharged yet : add ringer lactate to correct the potassium
Day one :
Because of body response to trauma ( read chapter one of baily and love book )
Day 2 :
Example 2 :
30 year old male weight 70 kg had car accident and open laparotomy done for him and
NG tube + drain used for him
How to give fluid in this patient if you knew that NG tube loss is 1000 ml and that of
drain from abdomen is 500 ml ?
Extra loss :
NG tube 1000
Drain 500
Day one :
How to give :
1500 ml NACL
Day 2 :
1500 dextrose
1000 NACL
If there is extra loss add nacl if there is no extra loss no need for another NACL
Day three :
+ give potassium
1 ml /kg this equal 70 mmol of potassium in this patient , give it in the iv fluid not
directly into cannula
133 Antibiotic group
Generation of
Sulphonyl is receptor found on This group bind to receptor Inhibit the enzyme in small intestine wall that
pancrease cell other than that bind by break down the oligo and disaccharide into mono
sulphonylurease saccharide
Drug belong to sulphonylureas
group act by causing exocytosis So this group shouldnot be give يقلل تحْيل العام الى سكز لذلك يستعول كوساعد للسكز ّليس عالج
of this receptor leading to together with sulphonylurease اساسي
secretion of insulin group
ُذا الدّاء هشِْر باسن شعبي ُّْ ( هساعد سكز ) في الصيدليات
Example of this group : Advantage : ّبيي الوزضى
Chapter Five
Important Differential Diagnosis
Hematuria 140
Hepatomegaly 141
Splenomegaly 141
RIF pain
RIF mass Left iliac fossa
( other than appendicitis )
In child : 1. Appendicular mass 1. Diverticular
2. Appendicular abscess 2. CA colon
Gastroenteritis 3. CA colon 3. Crohns disease
Mesentirc adenitis 4. Psoas abscess 4. Iliac lymphadenopathy
Meckle diverticulitis 5. Iliac lymphadenopathy 5. Kidney transplant
Intussusception 6. Ectopic kidney 6. Ectopic kidney
Lobar pneumonia 7. Transplanted kidney 7. Psoas abscess
8. Ovarian tumor
In adult :
9. Fibroid ( in female )
Regional entiritis 10. Hernia ( like incisional hernia )
Uretric colic
Perforated PU
Adult female :
Ectopic pregnancy
PID , pyelonephritis
Old age :
Intestinal obstruction
Ca colon
Mesentirc infarction
Pancreas : Uterus :
Liver : Ovary :
Renal tumor
Polycystic kidney
Pancreatic pseudocyst
RT suprarenal gland :
Subcutaneous : lipoma
In male only :
Ca prostate
141 ddx
general cause :
bleeding disorder
side effect of drug like
Chapter six
Several common and important picture with its possible question
امتحان ال OSCE
هو عبارة عن مجموعة محطات ( ) stationsفً ٍ
كل منها ٌوجد اما صورة مع اسئلتها
او حالة مرٌض امامك وعلٌه مجموعة اسئلة ,
كل stationلها وقت واحد غالبا 5-2دقائق ثم ٌنتقل الطالب الى ال stationالذي ٌلٌه ......
فً هذا الفصل محاكاةٌ لهذا االمتحان من خالل صور من المواضٌع الشائعة والتً ٌتوقع مجٌئها فً االمتحان مع
اسئلتها المحتملة وحتى ال ٌتفاجأ الطالب وٌنصدم اثناء االمتحان بطبٌعة ال stationsواسئلتها ........
Station 1
Station 2
Station 3
Station 4
Station 5
Station 6
Station 7
Station 8
Station 9
Station 10
Station 11
Station 12
Station 13
Station 14
Station 15
Station 16
Station 17
Station 18
Station 19
Station 20
Station 21