K-IDE Manual
K-IDE Manual
K-IDE Manual
Kawasaki IDE
User manual
Manual of the K-IDE Foreword
This manual describes the K-IDE software used for Kawasaki robots. The
purpose of this manual is to provide information on the structure of the K-
IDE system, basic usage and all commands/instructions. The operation of
the robot is only partially described here; please refer to the correspond-
ing user manual for this information. This manual should be read with due
regard to the manuals that accompany it. Once the contents of all manu-
als have been thoroughly read and understood, the K-IDE can be used
with the robot.
The contents of this manual are described on the assumption that the in-
stallation and connection of the robot has been carried out in accordance
with the manuals provided.
Manual of the K-IDE Foreword
Manual of the K-IDE Symbols
The elements that require special attention in this manual are marked
with the following symbols.
Indicates precautions regarding robot specifi-
cations, handling, teaching, operation and
1. The accuracy and effectiveness of the diagrams, proce-
dures and explanations in this manual cannot be con-
firmed with absolute certainty. Should any unexplained
problems occur, please contact Kawasaki Robotics GmbH
at the above address.
Manual of the K-IDE Descriptions
For a specific key press, the respective key is placed in angle brackets,
e.g. <F1> or <Enter>.
Manual of the K-IDE Table of contents
Table of contents
Foreword .......................................................................................... I
Symbols ........................................................................................ III
Descriptions .................................................................................... IV
Table of contents .............................................................................. V
1 Nomenclature in this manual ........................................................ 1
1.1 Gender declaration ................................................................. 1
1.2 Loading and saving files .......................................................... 1
1.3 Upload and download of AS data to and from the robot ............... 3
1.4 Naming AS data ..................................................................... 3
2 Overview of the K-IDE ................................................................. 4
2.1 Description of the K-IDE system ............................................... 4
2.2 The K-IDE in interaction with the robot ...................................... 5
2.2.1 Supported controllers ...................................................... 7
2.3 Installation of the K-IDE Software............................................. 8
2.4 First launch of the K-IDE ....................................................... 12
2.5 Connection of the K-IDE to the robot ...................................... 13
2.5.1 Connection to the robot via Ethernet (recommended) ........ 13 Parameterization of the Ethernet interface .................... 14 Settings in the K-IDE ................................................. 19
2.5.2 Connection to the robot via RS-232C ............................... 20
2.5.3 Connection to the robot via Bluetooth .............................. 22 Parameterization of the Bluetooth connection on the
controller............................................................................... 23 Settings in Windows ................................................... 24 Bluetooth settings in the K-IDE.................................... 27
2.5.4 Connection to a virtual robot (K-Roset) ............................ 28
2.5.5 Advanced network connectivity ....................................... 30
3 The user interface of the K-IDE ................................................... 32
3.1 General Information .............................................................. 32
3.1.1 The offline and online mode ........................................... 32
Manual of the K-IDE Table of contents
3.1.2 Generating and regenerating an AS file ............................ 33
3.2 Menu bar ............................................................................. 34
3.2.1 File management .......................................................... 34 New ......................................................................... 34 Open ........................................................................ 34 Open "DaSi" directory ................................................ 34 Last opened .............................................................. 35 Close file................................................................... 35 Save ........................................................................ 35 Save as .................................................................... 35 Save as template ....................................................... 35 Compare AS file with each other .................................. 35 End program. .......................................................... 36
3.2.2 Connection ................................................................... 36 Connection Manager................................................... 36 Connect .................................................................... 36 Disconnect ................................................................ 37 Reinitialize connection ................................................ 37 Switch on source code monitoring ................................ 37 Switch off source code monitoring................................ 37 File operations ........................................................... 38 Loading data from the robot ........................................ 38 Load system data from robot... ................................... 38 Send everything to the robot ..................................... 38 Marry project with robot ........................................... 38 Online toolbox ......................................................... 39 Remove synchronization mark ................................... 41
3.2.3 The AS Toolbox............................................................. 42 Signal allocation ........................................................ 42
3.2.4 Search bar ................................................................... 43
3.2.5 Tab pages .................................................................... 43
3.2.6 Window ....................................................................... 43
Manual of the K-IDE Table of contents
3.2.7 Options........................................................................ 44 Settings .................................................................... 44 AS-Syntax ................................................................ 44 Colours ..................................................................... 44
3.2.8 Help ............................................................................ 44 Manual ..................................................................... 44 Check for updates... ................................................... 44 Support Forum .......................................................... 44 Program Info ............................................................. 45
3.3 The parent toolbar ................................................................ 46
3.4 Project structure tree ............................................................ 47
3.5 AS structure tree .................................................................. 48
3.5.1 Operations in the AStree ................................................ 49 Toolbar of the AS Structure Tree.................................. 49 Context menu in the AS Structure Tree ........................ 52 The tab bar of the editor area ...................................... 56
3.5.2 AS Source code ............................................................ 56
3.5.3 Robot / controller .......................................................... 56
3.5.4 Protocols ...................................................................... 57 Error log ................................................................... 58 Operating protocol ..................................................... 60 Program execution protocol ......................................... 60
3.5.5 Project comment........................................................... 61
3.5.6 Interface panel ............................................................. 64
3.5.7 Translation points ......................................................... 66
3.5.8 Precision points ............................................................ 67
3.5.9 Reals ........................................................................... 68
3.5.10 Integer ........................................................................ 69
3.5.11 Strings ........................................................................ 69
3.5.12 Signals ........................................................................ 70
3.5.13 Boolean definitions ........................................................ 70
3.5.14 Tool/ Frame/ Basic definitions......................................... 71
Manual of the K-IDE Table of contents
3.5.15 Programs, Tasks, NumPG ............................................... 71
3.5.16 Visualizations in the AS Structure Tree ............................ 72 Filled categories ....................................................... 72 Changed categories .................................................. 72
3.6 Editor area........................................................................... 73
3.6.1 Text editor ................................................................... 73
3.6.2 Variable list editor ......................................................... 75
3.7 Terminal window .................................................................. 76
3.8 Inspection list ...................................................................... 77
3.8.1 Adding expressions to the inspection list .......................... 79 Parameterization of single command multi-line result ..... 80 Multicommand single result parameterization ................ 81
3.8.2 List of predefined commands .......................................... 81
4 Dialogue windows...................................................................... 82
4.1 File operations...................................................................... 82
4.1.1 File New....................................................................... 82
4.1.2 Close file ...................................................................... 83
4.1.3 Save file as template ..................................................... 83
4.1.4 New project comment.................................................... 87
4.1.5 Entry in the project history ............................................. 87
4.1.6 Compare AS files with each other .................................... 88 Recommended settings of WinMerge ............................ 89
4.2 Connection operations ........................................................... 89
4.2.1 Connection Manager ...................................................... 89 Add a connection ....................................................... 90 Edit connection data ................................................... 90
4.2.2 Establish connection ...................................................... 90
4.2.3 Disconnect ................................................................... 93
4.2.4 Reinitialize connection ................................................... 94
4.2.5 Load system data from the robot .................................... 95
4.2.6 Send everything to the robot .......................................... 96
4.2.7 Marry project with robot ...............................................100
Manual of the K-IDE Table of contents
4.2.8 Abort and kill programs ................................................102 Abort and kill the foreground program .........................102 Abort and kill background programs ............................104 Abort and kill NumPG program ...................................104
4.2.9 Start main program ......................................................104
4.2.10 Set coordinate systems.................................................106
4.2.11 Moving robots..............................................................107
4.2.12 Online variable list .......................................................109
4.2.13 Remove online variables and programs ...........................110
4.2.14 Clean up signal name list ..............................................111
4.3 AS-Toolbox .........................................................................112
4.3.1 Signal allocation ..........................................................112 Simple signal allocation .............................................112 Extended signal allocation ..........................................114
4.4 Search operations ................................................................117
4.4.1 Search for an identifier .................................................117
4.4.2 Search text .................................................................119
4.5 Program Options..................................................................122
4.5.1 Settings ......................................................................122 General settings .......................................................122 Online options ..........................................................124 Text comparison .......................................................126 Connection settings ...................................................127
4.5.2 AS-Syntax...................................................................128
4.5.3 Colors.........................................................................129
4.6 Help operations ...................................................................131
4.6.1 Updates ......................................................................131 Check for updates .....................................................131 Update ....................................................................132
4.6.2 The K-IDE Support Forum .............................................132
4.6.3 Program information ....................................................134
4.7 Dialog box in the project tree ................................................135
Manual of the K-IDE Table of contents
4.7.1 Create customer group .................................................135
4.7.2 Edit customer group .....................................................135
4.7.3 Create new customer ...................................................136
4.7.4 Edit customer data .......................................................136
4.7.5 Create new project group ..............................................137
4.7.6 Edit project group ........................................................137
4.7.7 Create new project .......................................................138
4.7.8 Edit project .................................................................138
4.7.9 Create new project file..................................................139
4.7.10 Edit project file ............................................................139
4.8 Dialog boxes in the editor windows ........................................139
4.8.1 Operations in the Text Editor .........................................139 Search function ........................................................139 Search and replace ...................................................140 Local variables..........................................................141 Regenerate ..............................................................143
4.8.2 Keyword operations......................................................143 Keyword assistance ...................................................143
4.8.3 Identifier operations .....................................................144 Create identifier (variable) .........................................145 Edit identifier ...........................................................150 Teach position ..........................................................150 Teach current position with reference ..........................151 Move to position .......................................................151 Change / control variable content ...............................152
4.9 Program Operations .............................................................155
4.9.1 Create new program .....................................................155
4.9.2 Edit Program Header ....................................................156
4.9.3 Create new program group............................................156
4.9.4 Delete program ...........................................................156
4.9.5 Loading programs from the robot ...................................157
4.9.6 Send programs to the robot ..........................................158
Manual of the K-IDE Table of contents
4.9.7 Program error during upload .........................................159
4.9.8 Program Manager ........................................................159 Editing the program structure.....................................160 Selection of programs ...............................................161
5 Using the K-IDE (Workflow) .......................................................164
5.1 General handling of the various control elements .....................164
5.1.1 Selection of objects ......................................................164
5.1.2 Filtering lists................................................................166
5.1.3 Copy, cut and paste .....................................................167
5.1.4 Edit, add and delete object ............................................168
5.2 Load / Receive / Import AS data into the K-IDE .......................168
5.2.1 Open file (load project from AS file) ...............................170 Import AS data .........................................................170
5.2.2 Receive AS data from robot ...........................................170 Partial loading from robot ..........................................171
5.2.3 Paste AS data from the clipboard ...................................171
5.3 Save / Send / Export AS data ................................................174
5.3.1 Save file (Save project to AS file)...................................174 Export AS data .........................................................175
5.3.2 Send AS data to the robot .............................................175 Partial sending of AS data to the robot ........................175 Handling K-IDE documentation during upload ...............175
5.3.3 Copy or cut data to the clipboard ...................................176
5.4 Creation of programs and program structures .........................176
5.4.1 Program call structure using the example of "KRG ............177
5.4.2 Create new program .....................................................178
5.4.3 Include the new program into the call structure ...............183
5.4.4 Tips on how to use the auto-complete function ................183
5.4.5 Naming of variables / identifiers ....................................183
5.5 Creating and editing variables ...............................................185
5.5.1 Creating variables ........................................................185
5.5.2 Editing variables ..........................................................186
Manual of the K-IDE Table of contents
5.5.3 Change of the variable name .........................................187
5.5.4 Variable handling in offline and online mode ....................188
5.5.5 Transmission of variables and variable lists .....................190 The synchronization marker for variable lists ................190
5.6 Data transmission between K-IDE and robot during commissioning
5.6.1 Upload of programs ......................................................191
5.6.2 Download of programs ..................................................192
5.6.3 Up- and download of the interface panel .........................193
5.6.4 Up- and download of system data ..................................193
5.7 Troubleshooting in robot programs ........................................193
5.7.1 Troubleshooting during commissioning ...........................193 Inspection of variables ..............................................193 Cyclical observation ..................................................194 Observe signals ........................................................195 Checking the program sequence .................................195
5.7.2 Troubleshooting after commissioning ..............................195
5.8 Working with additional axes .................................................196
5.9 Working in "DuAro mode ......................................................197
6 Annex .....................................................................................198
6.1 Short-cut commands in the K-IDE .........................................198
6.2 Hotkey commands in the text editor.......................................200
6.3 Motion types of the robot ......................................................203
6.4 Editing menus of the interface panel ......................................204
6.4.1 Pilot Lamp ...................................................................205
6.4.2 Push button.................................................................206
6.4.3 Push Button with lamp ..................................................207
6.4.4 Two-position switch ......................................................208
6.4.5 Three-position switch ...................................................209
6.4.6 Digital switch ...............................................................210
6.4.7 Digital display ..............................................................211
6.4.8 Variable display ...........................................................211
Manual of the K-IDE Table of contents
6.4.9 String window .............................................................212
6.4.10 Monitor Command........................................................212
6.4.11 Palletiser Icon..............................................................213
6.4.12 String Data Display ......................................................213
6.4.13 Two-position switch with lamp .......................................214
6.4.14 Three position switch with lamp .....................................215
6.4.15 Servo Dispenser ..........................................................216
6.5 Tab Actions .........................................................................217
Manual of the K-IDE Nomenclature in this manual
In this section you will find the definitions of the terms used in this man-
The author of the manual tries to use general terms to achieve the great-
est possible logical sense. Unfortunately, it must be noted that the terms
are reversed depending on the point of view when looking at one and the
same topic. It should also be noted that in the course of computer and
software history, concepts have developed in different ways. Therefore,
you will not find any terms in a modern manual that always do 100% jus-
tice to every expert opinion.
For better readability, this manual uses the language form of the generic
masculine. It is pointed out at this point that the exclusive use of the mas-
culine form should be understood independently of gender.
The terms "load" and "save" are very clear and are used in almost every
software. Most of the time it describes the opening of a file and, in return,
the saving of the edited data into a file.
If we look in the "AS Language Manual" e.g. for the Kawasaki E-Controller,
the terms "Load" and "Save" are used in connection with the "KRTerm"
software. This is a terminal program with which you can log on to the ro-
bot and perform actions from there. Here the point of view is very im-
portant! Since one is virtually "on the robot" after logging on to the robot
using KRTerm, loading an AS file means both opening the file and trans-
ferring it to the robot. The same applies to saving the data. The "KRTerm"
program used has no meaning in this logic, because the program itself
does not process the data.
The situation is different when you look at the K-IDE. Here the data is not
loaded into the robot when a file is opened, but into the K-IDE. The data is
then displayed on the screen for editing and can be saved again after edit-
ing. This loading and saving do not imply a transfer of data to and from
the robot.
Manual of the K-IDE Nomenclature in this manual
In connection with the loading and saving of data, one must also mention
the import and export of AS data. This is a special form of loading and
While loading and saving is rather based on a complete AS file (here called
AS project or K-IDE project), the files for import or export are mostly not
complete AS files or not all parts of the AS file are used for import or ex-
port. Another difference between Load/Save and Import/Export is that
when you load an AS file, this file is displayed as a new K-IDE project,
whereas an Import adds the AS file to the project that is currently open.
Manual of the K-IDE Nomenclature in this manual
1.3 Upload and download of AS data to and from the robot
Different terms are generally used for sending and receiving data. In our
opinion, the terms "upload" and "download" have become widely accepted
in recent years.
The K-IDE uses the following terminology to describe sending and receiv-
Please also note the arrow direction in the diagram above, which indicates
the direction of data flow and can be found on all icons related to sending
and receiving AS data to/from the robot.
AS data is handled in the form of text data. When the data is stored, it is
called an AS file. In this manual, AS files are also occasionally referred to
as "project files". AS data that is currently loaded in the K-IDE is called AS
project or K-IDE project in this manual.
Manual of the K-IDE Overview of the K-IDE
Manual of the K-IDE Overview of the K-IDE
2.2 The K-IDE in interaction with the robot
For the interface between robot and K-IDE a controller of the F series has
been chosen as an example. However, the K-IDE also supports other con-
troller series.
Manual of the K-IDE Overview of the K-IDE
The following figure shows the connection of the F-Controller including K-
IDE schematically:
Teach pendant
Robot connection
Robot arm
Manual of the K-IDE Overview of the K-IDE
2.2.1 Supported controllers
The K-IDE is mainly designed for newer E-controllers and for F-controllers
with the “standard firmware” (handling firmware). In addition, the K-IDE
also supports DuAro robots with D- and F-Controllers. More controller and
firmware types will follow in the future.
Manual of the K-IDE Overview of the K-IDE
2.3 Installation of the K-IDE Software
The robot can be controlled with the K-IDE from a personal computer (PC)
using the AS language. For this purpose, you have to install the software
K-IDE - Kawasaki IDE on the PC. The minimum PC requirements are listed
in the table below:
The software may not function properly if the
features are not described or are of inferior
Copy the software for the K-IDE provided by Kawasaki to any location on
the PC. Start the installation file KIDE-Setup-X.X.X.X.exe and execute the
program. The following steps show the installation with pictures. In gen-
eral, you can go back one step with the [Back] button and go to the next
step with the [Next] button. If the program is aborted, a warning message
will also appear, stating that the installation should be aborted. There you
have the opportunity to reconsider whether the installation should not be
carried out.
Manual of the K-IDE Overview of the K-IDE
1. The first step is to select the lan-
guage for the setup. Here you
can select German, English or
Japanese. This decision influ-
ences the language of the actual
program at the first start. There
you can subsequently set or
change the language in the options. (see chapter " Settings" on
page 44)
Manual of the K-IDE Overview of the K-IDE
3. In the further course of the installa-
tion a welcome text and the data
protection information will follow.
These texts serve as information
that should be read thoroughly. It
should be mentioned that the data
protection information explains that
the program does not send any
personal data. The software only
starts a query to the servers and
asks for an update. A special case is the feedback. There you can find
further information regarding data security.
Manual of the K-IDE Overview of the K-IDE
6. Here you are asked for the target directory where the installation files
are to be saved. If an older K-IDE version already exists, you should
choose the same directory.
Multiple parallel installed ver-
sions may cause error messages
in the program, because fea-
tures may not have been availa-
ble or implemented in the older
Manual of the K-IDE Overview of the K-IDE
9. In this step you only have to press
the install button. If there are still
changes to be made, you can press
the [Back] button.
After the installation you can start the K-IDE. To do this, click on the cor-
responding program icon on the desktop or select the program from the
Windows Start menu.
Manual of the K-IDE Overview of the K-IDE
The K-IDE always starts in offline mode.
You can now open existing AS files, load AS data from the robot or start
with a template under "File / New" (e.g. "KRG").
The following describes the steps to connect the K-IDE to the robot. Since
the K-IDE supports multiple controllers, the connection is shown with the
F series controller as an example.
The connection can be made in the two or three ways described in the fol-
lowing subchapters.
Manual of the K-IDE Overview of the K-IDE
For the Ethernet cables use straight cables with an RJ45 connector. The
connectors are assigned as shown below:
First check the robot's network settings and set the IP address if neces-
sary. By default, Ethernet port 1 is set to the IP address
You can use the teach pendant to check and set the IP address on the ro-
bot. To do this, press the "Aux" button in the main screen:
Manual of the K-IDE Overview of the K-IDE
Then follow the menu items in the "Aux Menu" under "System/Network
Setting/Ethernet Port Setting":
The "Ethernet Port Settings" window appears with the settings of the first
Ethernet port (on the front of the controller). If you want to use the sec-
ond Ethernet port (back of the controller), you can press on the “Next
Page” page or <A>+<Down Arrow> on the teach pendant.
Make a note of the displayed address or change the address to your liking
and exit the settings.
Manual of the K-IDE Overview of the K-IDE
Then set the IP address of your network card in the notebook or PC. You
will find the settings under "Windows Start/Settings/Network and Inter-
In the window that now appears, select the "Change adapter options" but-
Manual of the K-IDE Overview of the K-IDE
Select the entry "Ethernet" from the selection shown above. The following
window opens:
Manual of the K-IDE Overview of the K-IDE
Here you select Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4) to finally get to the IP
address settings:
Set a fixed IP address in this dialog by selecting the radio box "Use the
following IP address". You can then enter the IP address of your network
card. Note that the IP address must match the robot’s IP address in the
first three digits. In the fourth digit, however, the address must be differ-
ent. For the above-mentioned IP address on the robot (, the
first three digits (192.168.0) must therefore also be assigned in the net-
work configuration. The fourth digit (the "2" on the robot) must be differ-
ent. In the example, "99" was selected as the address of the network
Robot setting
PC setting
Please also note that the network address setting depends on many other
factors. The above-mentioned setting is not possible or useful in all envi-
ronments. Especially if several different participants are also present in
this network, one is forced to use other network addresses.
Manual of the K-IDE Overview of the K-IDE Settings in the K-IDE
This chapter describes the settings in the K-IDE to establish an Ethernet
connection to the robot.
Start the K-IDE and select the button with the lightning icon from the
toolbar or the entry "Connect" from the "Connection" menu.
Since the default address of our example is already available in the list,
we can select the entry "Standard" and establish the connection with
[Connect] or by double-clicking on the entry.
If you have selected a different address in the robot, you must create a
new entry in the list before you can establish the connection. Please refer
to chapter " Connect" on page 36.
Manual of the K-IDE Overview of the K-IDE
2.5.2 Connection to the robot via RS-232C
Another possibility to connect the K-IDE to the controller is the serial con-
nection. Since this connection type is very slow, it is nowadays only rec-
ommended if no Ethernet connection is available.
For the PC connection cable use a straight cable with two DSUB 9-pin fe-
male connectors. The connectors are assigned as follows:
No special settings in the robot or on the notebook are necessary for a se-
rial connection.
Start the K-IDE from the program icon or from the Windows Start menu.
Manual of the K-IDE Overview of the K-IDE
Then select the symbol with the flash from the toolbar or the menu item
Manual of the K-IDE Overview of the K-IDE
2.5.3 Connection to the robot via Bluetooth
Manual of the K-IDE Overview of the K-IDE Parameterization of the Bluetooth connection on the controller
The Bluetooth settings on the robot controller are very close to the set-
tings for the Ethernet connection. To do this, open the "Aux Menu" again:
Manual of the K-IDE Overview of the K-IDE
The Bluetooth settings page is then displayed:
Here you can set the IP address and the network mask. You also have the
possibility to change the device name. The default value corresponds to
the robot type designation (in the example "RS007N-A001") with attached
serial number (in the example "497"). It is recommended to leave the set-
tings as they are.
Manual of the K-IDE Overview of the K-IDE
2. In the window that now appears, select the "Change adapter op-
tions" button:
3. A window will now open which may look something like this:
Click on the icon for the Bluetooth connection or select "Show Blue-
tooth devices" from the context menu of this connection.
4. Click on Add device in the window that appears, a list of available
Bluetooth devices will appear:
Manual of the K-IDE Overview of the K-IDE
5. The device is addressed and paired.
6. The device now appears in the list of paired Bluetooth devices and
still needs to be connected. To do this, select the entry "Connect us-
ing..." from the menu and then "Access point":
The Bluetooth connection is now ready for connection to the K-IDE. The
next time the connection is established with the adapter just added, only
point 6 needs to be executed because the controller has already been
paired and installed.
Manual of the K-IDE Overview of the K-IDE Bluetooth settings in the K-IDE
For the connection via Bluetooth a new connection setting must be cre-
ated in the K-IDE in the connection manager.
The following figure shows the connection settings for a standard Blue-
tooth configuration:
Manual of the K-IDE Overview of the K-IDE
2.5.4 Connection to a virtual robot (K-Roset)
IP address : Port : 9105 : 9205 : 9305 : 9405 : 9505
The procedure is similar to connecting the K-IDE to the real robot via net-
work. However, when connecting to K-Roset, note that there is no sepa-
rate IP address for the virtual robots. In this case, you must use the IP
address of the "Local Host" ( to address the virtual robot.
In the K-IDE default setting, all 8 virtual robots are already pre-parame-
terized for K-Roset, so you can connect immediately. They are entered in
the connection settings under the names "KROSET R01" to "KROSET R08".
Then select the symbol with the flash or the menu item
"Connection/Connect" from the toolbar.
Manual of the K-IDE Overview of the K-IDE
In the "factory state" of the K-IDE all 8 possible virtual robots are already
present in the connection list.
Please keep in mind that each K-IDE can only be connected to one robot
at a time. But you can open multiple instances of the K-IDE to access all
robots at the same time.
Manual of the K-IDE Overview of the K-IDE
2.5.5 Advanced network connectivity
Often a simple point-to-point connection via Ethernet with the robot is not
useful or possible. Particularly in larger plants, the individual plant sec-
tions are usually networked and thus depend on the same Ethernet net-
work. In such a case it makes sense to connect to the whole network and
you get access to all components and possibly to several robots.
Another alternative is the connection via a WLAN router. This allows a rel-
atively flexible choice of workstation and independence from cables.
Another connection method via Ethernet is the connection via VPN and In-
ternet. This connection method is often used for remote maintenance.
Manual of the K-IDE Overview of the K-IDE
Please pay urgent attention to the connection security when using this
connection method! Always use a VPN tunnel when connecting via the In-
Manual of the K-IDE The user interface of the K-IDE
This chapter describes the user interface of the K-IDE. Among other
things, the meanings of the symbols are explained. Existing Short-cut
commands for the respective actions can be found on page 198.
The K-IDE basically distinguishes between two modes, which are de-
scribed below:
1. Offline mode
This is the basic mode of the K-IDE. When you open the program, you
automatically go to offline mode. A significant feature of this mode is
that you have no connection to a robot or controller. Furthermore, the
terminal and watch list are not available on the user interface.
2. Online mode
In this mode you are connected to a robot. This is visualized by the ter-
minal window and by the watch list, which are located in the lower part
of the program interface. Here you can follow, for example, which pro-
gram the robot is executing or how an observed value behaves. You
will find more details in chapters 3.7 (page 76) and 3.8 (page 77).
Manual of the K-IDE The user interface of the K-IDE
1. Generate an AS file
During generation, a new AS file is created from the project data. Dur-
ing this process, the AS source code is rebuilt so that a new source
code is generated. To generate, choose the Generate function in the
context menu for the AS source code.
2. Regenerating an AS file
Regeneration recreates the AS structure tree from the changed source
code. Here the changes you have made in the AS source code are
transferred to the tree. Great care must be taken here, as all unsaved
information from the AS tree is lost during regeneration.
Manual of the K-IDE The user interface of the K-IDE
Furthermore, the greatest caution must be exercised, since
the file could possibly be irreparably destroyed by changing
the AS source code. Only use this function if you are sure
what may be changed in the file.
The menu bar gives you a quick overview of numerous function groups of
the K-IDE. Among other things you can create or load new files, connect
to the robot, marry the project to the robot, or change the settings of the
Under the menu item “File” you can create new files, open an existing file,
open the “DaSi” directory or view the last opened files. The file can also
be closed or saved with a save option. At the very bottom of the menu
you can close the program by clicking. New
When you create a new file, a window (see page 82) opens, in which you
can decide whether to use a template or an empty file. After selecting the
option, a new AS file is created. Open
When opening, a window appears in which you can select an AS file to be
opened. To do this, you can search all directories on your PC.
Manual of the K-IDE The user interface of the K-IDE
data backups that are created each time a connection is established are
stored in this directory. Save
If the currently opened K-IDE project has been opened with "File / Open",
the "Save" function will save the data to the original file. But if the K-IDE
project has been created with "File / New" or by downloading the AS data
from the robot, the function "Save as" is used.
The "Save" function can also be executed at any time simply by using the
shortcut keys <Ctrl>+<S>. Save as
When this save function is selected, you will be asked for a file name and
The WinMerge program is required for comparing 2 AS
files. A download link can be found under [Settings]
[Options] [Text comparison]. After installation, the
software must be restarted.
After selecting the appropriate file, the WinMerge window appears. See
page 88 more information about the comparison.
Manual of the K-IDE The user interface of the K-IDE End program.
The last item you can select is whether you want to end the program. If
you make any changes to the current project, you will be asked whether
you want to save it (see page 83). If there is a connection to the robot, a
dialog box appears in which you can set how the connection to the robot is
to be terminated (see page 93).
3.2.2 Connection
The Connection menu depends on the mode you are in. Here you can
manage your connections, establish a connection to the robot, disconnect
an existing connection to the robot, turn source code monitoring on and
off, and load or send data from or to the robot. In addition, you can marry
the project to the robot, select the online toolbox, and remove synchroni-
zation marks. Connect
Under the item “Connect” you establish a connection to a robot. Two dif-
ferent dialog boxes may appear (see page 90).
Manual of the K-IDE The user interface of the K-IDE
window or select the [Connect] button. If you want to use a different con-
nection, press the [Other Connection] button and the connection selection
list will appear. Disconnect
When you click on "Disconnect", a dialog box appears with actions to be
performed before disconnection, depending on the setting (see page 93).
This feature can be very helpful during programming. If the watch list is
switched on in online mode, the source code watch is automatically
switched off. The switched on observation is visualized by the toolbar.
Switch on
Switch off
Manual of the K-IDE The user interface of the K-IDE File operations
In the file operations, you can save a file backup, save a full backup, save
the error log, save the operation log or send an AS file to the robot.
In the saving options, a file selection dialog is opened where you can se-
lect the location where the file is to be saved. When sending an AS file to
the robot, a similar window is opened. However, a file to be sent to the ro-
bot is to be selected in this window.
With the "normal" backup, all data necessary to restore all settings, varia-
bles and programs on the robot to the state they were in when the backup
was made are saved. A normal backup should be performed as often as
possible, but at least after the robot has been switched on for the first
The "full" backup on the other hand saves more data. This additional data
is not needed to restore the robot state. These are mostly log entries.
Manual of the K-IDE The user interface of the K-IDE
K-IDE project. For the exact application, see the dialog box with explana-
tion on page 100.
At this point the robot's motors are either switched off or on. In the termi-
nal or progress window, you can observe which action is currently being
performed in the robot. To switch off the motor voltage, a "HOLD" is first
sent to the robot to stop any movement that may be in progress. Then,
after a waiting period, the motor is switched off.
Selecting this item resets the errors in the robot. In the terminal or pro-
gress window you can observe which action is currently being performed
in the robot.
After selecting this menu item, a dialog box is displayed with which you
can confirm the action. Selecting [Ok] cancels and kills the current fore-
ground program (ABORT & KILL) and selecting [Cancel] does not perform
any action (see page 65).
Manual of the K-IDE The user interface of the K-IDE
The function is similar to the one described in point 3, but here the back-
ground programs are raked and killed (PCABORT & PCKILL). You can se-
lect here which background programs you want to terminate. You can also
specify the order in which the tasks are killed (see page 96 f.).
The function is similar to the one described in point 3, but here the
"NumPG" programs are aborted and killed (NUMABORT & NUMKILL).
For this point a program must be selected as the main program. If this is
not yet the case, you can do this in the AS tree on a program using the
context menu. To do this, select the option that the selected program
should be set as the main program. After this selection, the program is
marked with an asterisk in the AS tree.
When a main program has been selected, the dialog box on page 104 ap-
pears, in which you have several options for decision. First, you can set
the start options. Here you can decide whether to clear the previous er-
rors, turn on the robot's motors, kill the existing foreground process, and
kill the background programs. On the other hand, you can select the exe-
cution type with which the main program should be started. For this you
have the option to choose whether the execution should be started in the
foreground or in the background by tasks.
With the two points you can pause or continue the currently running fore-
ground program (HOLD & CONTINUE).
These actions only have an effect on a running pro-
gram. Furthermore, a program cannot be started by
the action [Continue program].
Here you can select the base or tool definitions from the project file to set
new coordinate systems (see page 106). The selection is made via a drop-
down menu with all base or tool definitions entered so far. By default both
Manual of the K-IDE The user interface of the K-IDE
coordinate systems are set to ZERO. This means that all parameters (X-Y-
Z-O-A-T) are set to zero. In the standard configuration one also speaks of
"Tool Zero" and "Base Zero".
In the tenth point, the robot can be moved to defined points using numer-
ous commands (see page 107). Here you can select the type of movement
to be performed. The individual meanings of the commands are explained
in blue letters after selection. Parameters that can be set for the type of
movement appear as white boxes where you can enter the desired values.
Irrelevant parameters for the selected movement type are grayed out.
The movement types are described in chapter 6.3 on page 203.
After selecting the online list of variables from the toolbox, a window
opens with all variables currently available on the robot (see page 109).
This item cleans up the online AS file by removing unused variables and
programs (see page 109). Here a dialog box displays which variables were
When this item is executed, the signal list in the robot is cleaned up (see
page 111). This is the list of signal names that can be displayed on the
teach pendant in the Monitor Area.
Manual of the K-IDE The user interface of the K-IDE
The AS Toolbox provides functions that are not directly related to pro-
gramming, but which relate to the configuration of the robot. This toolbox
is new in version 1.1 and will be further expanded in future versions.
With the help of the first two functions the fieldbus can be activated and
deactivated. These functions are only available if the K-IDE is connected
to a robot and the controller is not an F-controller. With an F-controller,
the fieldbus is always active and cannot be deactivated. However, with a D
and E controller, the function can be executed and replaces the loading of
the corresponding option files.
Manual of the K-IDE The user interface of the K-IDE Extended signal allocation
In cases where the simple signal allocation is not sufficient (e.g. if the
start address of a device should not be signal 1 or a device should be dis-
tributed to several areas), the extended signal assignment can be used.
Here the I/O blocks of each device can be assigned to arbitrary positions
of the I/O list of the robot.
For a more detailed description of the extended signal allocation see chap-
ter xxx on page xxx.
In the search bar you can search for an identifier or for a text. A separate
search window opens for this purpose.
With the identifier search you can search for an exact name. This means
that you can locate all places where, for example, a precision point is lo-
cated (see page 117).
With the text search you proceed similarly to the identifier search. Here
you can enter a free text to be searched for (see page 119).
Under the menu item Tab Pages you can see all open tabs and switch to
them directly. You can also close all tabs.
3.2.6 Window
In the window options you can see all open windows and switch to them
by clicking on them. You can also close all windows at the same time.
Manual of the K-IDE The user interface of the K-IDE
3.2.7 Options
In the options you can change the program settings, the AS syntax and
the colors. Settings
A detailed description of the four setting options is given from page 122. AS-Syntax
In this category you can change the syntax display of the AS language
(see page 128). However, you are not advised to do this, as other project
members usually use the regular syntax. Colours
In the color settings, you can select your desired colors and the desired
font for the text editor (see page 129).
3.2.8 Help
Under the menu item Help you can use the help function, search for up-
dates, switch to the K-IDE forum and view information about the program. Manual
Selecting this menu item opens the K-IDE manual. The corresponding
manual must be located in the "Doc" directory of the K-IDE installation di-
Manual of the K-IDE The user interface of the K-IDE
possible solutions. Often solutions have already been discussed before, so
that you can easily implement them.
The following link will take you to the Forum's website:
Manual of the K-IDE The user interface of the K-IDE
3.3 The parent toolbar
The toolbar is displayed permanently for you. You can execute a command
by clicking on it. Among other things, you can manage the project file, set
the connection settings to the robot, switch source code monitoring on
and off, save a backup from the robot, load data from or send data to the
robot, compare the online AS file with the offline AS file, execute the se-
lected main program or move the robot.
Since the toolbar is a quick click button from the menu bar, the corre-
sponding entries are referred to below. After clicking on the icons, the
same dialogs appear. The numbering is from left to right.
Manual of the K-IDE The user interface of the K-IDE
3.4 Project structure tree
In the project structure tree, you can set up your own project structure so
that the AS files can be found directly for customers or projects. You can
set up the structure with numerous layers, as shown in the following
graphic. The structure tree is particularly suitable for frequently used data.
You can use the context menu to add a customer group, a customer, a
project group or a project (see page 135 ff.). After setting up the struc-
ture, several AS files can be assigned to each project. This is suitable, for
example, for accessing backups.
The context menu, which can be opened with a right click, varies with the
corresponding category. If customers or customer groups do not yet exist,
for example, only these can be created. Projects and project groups can
only be created under Customers. You can only assign AS files to one pro-
ject. A double click on a project file loads it into the GUI (Graphical User
Interface) and the focus changes to the AS file tree. The project files are
only created as links, so that when you delete the project structure tree,
the files are still available on the hard disk of your PC.
The names of the entities within a cus-
tomer group must be unique.
Manual of the K-IDE The user interface of the K-IDE
3.5 AS structure tree
The AS structure tree displays the essential components of the AS file for
the K-IDE in a clearly arranged form. These are mainly programs and vari-
ables, but also logs with runtime information and comments.
Manual of the K-IDE The user interface of the K-IDE
3.5.1 Operations in the AStree
Symbol Function
Undoes a change.
Manual of the K-IDE The user interface of the K-IDE
Symbol Function
Manual of the K-IDE The user interface of the K-IDE
Symbol Function
Manual of the K-IDE The user interface of the K-IDE Context menu in the AS Structure Tree
In the AS Structure Tree, there are a number of possibilities that result
from the context menu when different categories are selected. The indi-
vidual icons are explained below.
Symbol Function
Pastes the matching data from the clipboard into the category.
Manual of the K-IDE The user interface of the K-IDE
Symbol Function
Duplicates the selected program. After clicking on it, a dialog
box is opened in which you can specify the new name.
Opens the dialog box for editing the program header data.
You can use this function to change the program name and
the call parameters.
1. Export: This function is similar to the “Save as” function, but here
you can select which components and sections of the AS data are
to be written to a file.
2. Export project documentation: This feature exports and saves
only the project documentation to a file.
3. Receive system data: Selecting this function loads all system
data from the robot and adds it to the K-IDE project.
4. Send: Corresponds to the function "Send everything to robot"
(see page 96). A dialog box appears for selecting the components
to be sent.
5. Send project documentation: This function only transfers the pro-
ject documentation to the robot.
With the menu item 'Generate', the AS source can be generated from the
changes made in the AS project (see page 33).
Manual of the K-IDE The user interface of the K-IDE Context menus of the log entries
This menu is the same for all protocol entries and for all variable groups.
The individual menu entries are already described above in the superordi-
nate chapter.
The individual menu items are already described above in the superordi-
nate chapter. Context menu of the program groups (programs, tasks, NumPG programs)
The individual menu items are already described above in the superordi-
nate chapter.
Manual of the K-IDE The user interface of the K-IDE
The individual menu items are already described above in the superordi-
nate chapter.
The individual menu items are already described above in the superordi-
nate chapter.
Manual of the K-IDE The user interface of the K-IDE The tab bar of the editor area
To provide a clear layout for you, a tab bar has been implemented in the
editor area. This shows the tabs you have opened. The currently active
tab has a white background and is displayed slightly higher than the other
tabs (see figure).
You can use different mouse clicks to modify the tab order. These are ex-
plained on page 217 in the appendix.
When you select the AS source code, the text editor displays the complete
source code, which is provided with robot specifications, programs, varia-
bles and K-IDE comments.
Changing the AS file can cause problems. A simultaneous
change of project data and source code inevitably leads to
inconsistency! Make sure that you have generated the AS
file before editing it.
You can view the corresponding symbols in chapter 3.5.1 on page 49.
There, the meaning of the respective symbol is explained. The symbol
with the two red gearwheels (regenerate) is particularly important for the
symbols. Great care must be taken when carrying out this action. In addi-
tion to this selection, you can carry out a large number of actions in the
AS file for which dialog boxes appear, which are described on pages 139
to 155.
Manual of the K-IDE The user interface of the K-IDE
You can view the corresponding symbols in chapter 3.5.1 on page 49.
There, the meaning of the respective symbol is explained.
This window displays information about the robot used in the project. If
there is a connection to a robot, you can switch between online and offline
view with the leftmost button of the toolbar.
Important information on this page includes the robot type, serial number
and software versions.
3.5.4 Protocols
You can view the relevant symbols in Chapter "3.5.1 Operations in the
AStree" on page 49. This explains the meaning of each symbol.
Manual of the K-IDE The user interface of the K-IDE Error log
After double-clicking on Error log in the AS tree, the following editor is dis-
1 2 4
3 6
Up to 1000 error messages are displayed in this window. If the error list
has not yet been loaded, this can be done using the robot icon from the
If you select an entry in the list (3), the data in fields (4) to (7) is updated
and then refers to the selected error number.
1. Date filter: Here you can select the start and end date for the list
display. When the page is called up for the first time or when the
list is reloaded, the start date is set to the first date and the end
date to the last date in the entire list, so that all entries are
The buttons [1], [2], [7], [31] are used to quickly select the
maximum age of the entry in the list in days. For example, if you
select [7], all entries with a maximum age of 7 days will be
displayed. The [Complete] button sets the filter back to the total
duration of all entries.
The [?] button can be used to search for the error number in the
"Trouble Shooting Manual". If the corresponding PDF document is
parametrized in the settings (see " Settings" on page 44),
the PDF document will automatically appear and the page with
the error description will be displayed if available:
Manual of the K-IDE The user interface of the K-IDE
to the program step that triggered the program. An editor
window opens in which the corresponding step is marked.
1. Filter: The filter has the same meaning as the date filter in the
previous chapter " Error log" on page 58.
2. Operation list: This list shows all operator actions. For each ac-
tion a consecutive number, date and time are displayed. The
origin of the action is also indicated. Where [TP] means teach
pendant, [PNL] Control Panel on the controller and [Aux] Actions
from the K-IDE or KRTerm.
Manual of the K-IDE The user interface of the K-IDE
2 3
1. Task name: Here you can select the task whose process you want to
see. Available are usually "Robot Program" (i.e. the foreground task)
and "PC Program x" for the background tasks.
2. History: Depending on the selected task, the progress of the individ-
ual steps is displayed here in the order of execution. The first entry
indicates the oldest entry, the last the most recent. You can scroll
through this list with the cursor keys (<arrow up> and <arrow
3. Program display: This displays the currently selected program in the
currently selected task. The currently selected step is highlighted.
When scrolling through the history list, the marking in the currently
executed program is moved, or another program is selected for dis-
Above the program display, the date and time of the step and the
execution duration are shown:
You can view the corresponding symbols in chapter 3.5.1 on page 49.
There, the meaning of the respective symbol is explained.
Manual of the K-IDE The user interface of the K-IDE
There are three areas in the editor area. The upper area (1) is for entering
a general comment as a project comment. Here, for example, the project
name, the customer name and / or the name of the contact person can be
entered (Please remember to respect data protection!). The project com-
ment can be queried via a dialog box after the file has been created (see
page 87).
In the lower area (2) you can find the project history. If desired, several
entries can be created here (e.g. for each day that this project was
worked on or for important changes). The individual entries are displayed
in the list on the left side. If an entry in this list is selected, the text for
this entry is displayed on the right side.
You can create a new entry with the [Add] button. The [Edit] button al-
lows you to change the currently selected entry. In both cases the right-
hand area is displayed with a white background and entries / changes can
be made. In addition, two buttons for confirming ([Ok]) or rejecting
([Cancel]) the entry appear at the bottom right.
Manual of the K-IDE The user interface of the K-IDE
When adding a new entry, the current date and time are used by default.
You can change this "time stamp" after the entry has been created. To do
this, right-click the required entry and select "Edit time stamp". A dialog
box for selecting the date and time will appear:
Manual of the K-IDE The user interface of the K-IDE
3.5.6 Interface panel
You can view the corresponding symbols in chapter 3.5.1 on page 49.
There you will find a brief explanation of the meaning of the respective
The interface panel editor of the K-IDE offers the possibility to edit the in-
terface panel on the teach pendant. This is a simple HMI (Human-Machine
Interface) that can be used on the teach pendant and is designed to sup-
port the operator in working with the robot.
1. Page title area: The individual pages of the interface panel can be
selected via the buttons [Page 1] to [Page 8]. Each page can be as-
signed a page title. A change of the title can be initiated with the
[pencil] button.
Manual of the K-IDE The user interface of the K-IDE
By double-clicking on an empty field, a context menu for creating a
new display or control panel appears.
If an empty field is selected in the page area, the editing area re-
mains empty for the time being. If you then click on the [Pen] but-
ton, the selection list for the field type is activated first. You can se-
lect the desired field type from this list.
Manual of the K-IDE The user interface of the K-IDE
After selecting a field type from the list, the list is locked again and
the data of the selected field type is displayed in the Editing Area:
In the Translation Points view, you can see all previously taught and newly
added translation points.
You can find the corresponding symbols of the toolbar in chapter 3.5.1 on
page 49. There, the meaning of the respective symbol is explained.
As with the online variable list, different lines can be selected (see page
You can select the following functions for a translation point using the con-
text menu:
Manual of the K-IDE The user interface of the K-IDE
Move into position... see page 151
ControlsChange content see page 152
In the list of precision points, many features are identical to the transla-
tion points, but the axis angles are entered and saved for these points.
This guarantees that the robot will move to the point in the same way.
You can find the corresponding symbols in chapter 3.5.1 on page 49. The
meaning of the respective symbol is explained there.
As with the online variable list, different lines can be selected (see page
Manual of the K-IDE The user interface of the K-IDE
You can select the following functions for a precision point using the con-
text menu:
Changing precision points only by entering a different an-
gle is complex. Use the possibility to correct the point
with the new current position.
3.5.9 Reals
All numeric variables are entered for the real. This gives you an overview
of which variables are available. These variables can be assigned to the
specific forms of identifiers. These include the signals, for example.
You can find the corresponding symbols in chapter 3.5.1 on page 49.
There you will find a brief explanation of the meaning of the respective
You can select the following functions for a real using the context menu:
Manual of the K-IDE The user interface of the K-IDE
Add to watch list Real is added to the
inspection list.
ControlsChange content see page 153
3.5.10 Integer
You can find the corresponding symbols in chapter 3.5.1 on page 49.
There, the meaning of the respective symbol is explained.
You can select the following functions for an integer using the context
3.5.11 Strings
You can find the corresponding symbols in chapter 3.5.1 on page 49.
There, the meaning of the respective symbol is explained.
You can select the following functions for a character string using the con-
text menu:
Manual of the K-IDE The user interface of the K-IDE
Add to watch list Real will be added to the current
inspection list.
ControlsChange content see page 155
3.5.12 Signals
You can view the corresponding symbols in chapter 3.5.1 on page 49.
There, the meaning of the respective symbol is explained.
This toolbar applies to all signal types. The signal types are classified as
You can select the following functions for a signal using the context menu:
You can view the corresponding symbols in chapter 3.5.1 on page 49.
There, the meaning of the respective symbol is explained.
Manual of the K-IDE The user interface of the K-IDE
A Bool (truth value) has by definition only two values: 0 = false and -1 =
true. However, since a Boolean variable is a real value, the following
agreement applies in the AS system: 0 = false and unequal to 0 = true.
This is not a special feature of the AS system, but similar in many other
programming languages.
You can view the corresponding symbols in chapter 3.5.1 on page 49.
There, the meaning of the respective symbol is explained.
The functions for these points are essentially identical to the translation
points, which are described on page 66 ff.
In the folders for programs, tasks or NumPG you create your programs.
Here you write in the text editor which is described in chapter 3.6.1 on
page 73.
You can view the corresponding symbols in chapter 3.5.1 on page 49.
There, the meaning of the respective symbol is explained.
The color of the editor is changed in the settings. For a description, see
page 44.
The AS syntax for writing the program can be found in the document "AS
Language Reference Manual".
Manual of the K-IDE The user interface of the K-IDE
Important note: the AS system does not distinguish between
foreground, background and NumPG programs. Nevertheless, from an
understanding point of view, it can be very important to distinguish
programs according to these criteria. Such a differentiation can help to call
programs from different processes at the same time.
The K-IDE sorts the programs according to the above convention when
loading them into the appropriate folders. Programs whose names do not
conform to the convention are therefore sorted as foreground programs
after loading.
Manual of the K-IDE The user interface of the K-IDE
In the text editor you can edit the source code of a file or program. The
editor supports you in your work with numerous features, which are ex-
plained briefly below.
1. The colors of the editor make it easy to assign the individual com-
mands and variables. Comments are displayed in grey, numerical val-
ues in turquoise, program starts and ends in olive green, commands in
white and bold and variables in yellow (standard color setting).
2. If you wipe over a command or variable and then stop with the mouse
pointer, a hint box appears. This hint box provides information about
the word. The hint text for keywords can be changed individually (see
" assistance", page 143). The note fields for variables
cannot be changed. These texts are generated by the current values of
the variable. The variables are shown in the figure with yellow text.
3. In addition to the color visualization, a code folding is automatically
generated. This means that WHILE or IF conditions are further in-
dented. Furthermore, an auto-completion function has been imple-
mented in the text editor. This allows you to search for the right com-
mand or the right identifier.
4. When changes are made to the text, the changed lines are marked yel-
low on the left side. This gives you an easy overview of the changes
you have made.
5. With the context menu on an element in the editor, various actions can
be performed. The individual actions are shown in the following list.
Manual of the K-IDE The user interface of the K-IDE
Searches the selected string in the K-IDE project. The result
is a window that displays each location where the character
string is used. The search function is described on page 119
This menu item provides the control options for the various
variable types.
Allows the contents of real and position variables to be
Sets the selected signal to "on" or the selected truth value
to "true".
Sets the selected signal to "off" or the selected truth value
(Bool) to "false".
The following shows how the text editor looks schematically with the basic
color settings. The horizontal, yellow line is a special feature. This can be
dragged up and down by holding down the left mouse button. If the bar is
Manual of the K-IDE The user interface of the K-IDE
pulled up, you can see two areas of a project file. This allows you to com-
pare text passages in the currently open program or in the source code.
In the variable editor, entered variables are shown with name, value and
comment. Variables can be real, boolean values, signals, translation or
precision points. This editor has a toolbar with which you can create, edit
and delete values.
To edit an element, it must be selected. The first column, with which you
can select an element, helps you to do this. If you want to select all ele-
ments, you can click on the first row of the characteristic descriptions in
the first column. This selects the whole row. You can also select a range of
Manual of the K-IDE The user interface of the K-IDE
elements or several elements. To select a range of elements, first click on
the element with which the range starts. Then press [Shift] on the last el-
ement of the range. For an exact selection of several elements, hold down
[Ctrl] (see page 109).
At the top of the Terminal & Log there are numerous symbols, below
which there are functions. These functions include killing the foreground
program, killing the background programs, turning the motors on and off,
resetting the errors, and starting and pausing the current program. The
speed display can be used to influence the monitor speed. Furthermore,
the current connection is shown above in bold blue letters, as well as the
quality of the connection, which is indicated by a heartbeat. Next to the
heart there is an output showing the current connection status.
Manual of the K-IDE The user interface of the K-IDE
There is a significant difference in the background color of the terminal
window and the watch list. If you are in online mode with a real robot, the
toolbar of the terminals and the watch list will be green. If you are con-
nected to a virtual robot, the toolbar is displayed in blue.
A feature of the terminal window is the blue font of the robot, because you
can open further options with one click. These options are used for faster
operation of the robot. The individual options are taken from the menu bar
in the chapter on page36.
In the inspection list, a large number of identifiers can be read out in real
There is a toolbar for this area to make it easier for you to use the watch
You can view the corresponding symbols in chapter 3.5.1 on page 49.
There, the meaning of the respective symbol is explained. As the symbols
of the green flag and the three bars have not been described so far, this
will be done here. The green flag means a separate observation of the sig-
nals from the controller. This observation is opened in a new window. The
symbol with the three bars is implemented for the function to record the
values. However, this function can only be used if the watch list is
switched on. An interval in milliseconds is specified for the recording of
data. This entry is made after pressing the symbol. Furthermore, both the
file name and the storage location can be specified in the dialog window.
Manual of the K-IDE The user interface of the K-IDE
By generating specific lists, you save time and computing effort, since not
all variables have to be observed.
The values entered are located under the toolbar. These can be added by
using the [+] button, for example.
Manual of the K-IDE The user interface of the K-IDE
If too many values are observed, the program can
become very slow or even the connection to the ro-
bot can be interrupted.
In the simplest case, new entries can be added to the inspection list via
the various editors. However, there is another possibility: if you click on
the [+] button in the watch list, a dialog for selecting the new entry ap-
On the left side of the dialog, you will find the selection of the designators
used in the project. New from version 1.1 are the so-called "system varia-
bles" from the category translation points and precision points. This now
allows e.g., the cyclic display of the target position (DEST resp. #DEST).
Manual of the K-IDE The user interface of the K-IDE
On the right side the possibility is offered to add special additional expres-
sions to the watch list. This is needed if there is no variable for a certain
information in the robot and this also cannot / should not be created.
Manual of the K-IDE The user interface of the K-IDE
You can see from the text above that the result is in the third line. Clicking
on the third line in the text box enters the number "3" under Result line. If
you want to use a line of the output as a comment, click first on the line
containing the desired comment and then on the [-> Comment] button.
Do not forget to set the result line correctly before confirming this dialog.
In most cases this command type will be used to read out the axis values
of the individual axes. However, it is also possible to select a free count.
The K-IDE offers the possibility to save frequently used commands in or-
der to be able to select them from a list the next time. To display this list,
click on the [...] button at the top right of the dialog box next to the com-
mand. The "Commands for the watch list" window opens, in which all pre-
defined commands are listed.
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
Using the first three buttons [+], [-], [Pen] you can add new entries to
the list or delete entries, as well as edit entries. When adding or editing an
entry, the following dialog appears:
The dialog is similar to the right half of the dialog for creating a new entry
in the inspection list and is operated in the same way.
4 Dialogue windows
The following chapter introduces all dialog boxes of the K-IDE. It does not
refer back to the chapters that appear. The references are based on the
user interface.
All available templates are displayed in the "New AS file" dialog box. When
you select a template from the list, a short description of the template ap-
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
1 2
If you want to close an AS file that has been modified but not yet saved,
the following dialog box appears. Here you are informed whether the
changes are to be saved.
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
1 2
The system data includes the fixed components "AS file comment" and
"Network configuration 1 and 2", as well as the dynamic components un-
der "Sections". The number and type of sections depends on the robot,
controller and firmware type.
The user data includes all data required to create a robot program, i.e. es-
sentially programs and variables.
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
Among other things, the robot type, the serial number and
the language are transferred from the robot / controller.
Here the SYSTEM data is transferred in the AS file
Transfer of AUXDATA in the AS file if signals are present
(even if they are deleted afterwards)
• Interface panel
Transfer of the interface panel // Both in the tree and in AS file
• Programs
Transfer of the programs // Both in the tree and in AS file
• IDE comments
Transfer for the declaration of the identifiers / only visible in the
AS file
• Translation points
Transfer of all points without definition into different categories
• Precision points
Transfer of the precision points
• REAL identifier
All REALS are accepted (REALS, Signals, Booles)
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
• STRING identifier
Transfer of the strings
• INTEGER identifier
Takeover of the integer
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
4.1.4 New project comment
After a new AS file has been created, the following dialog box appears. In
this dialog box, you can enter a comment for the created AS file. In this
way, later users can also see for which application area the file was cre-
If no comment is required, the window can be closed with the [Close] but-
ton in the upper right corner or with the [No comment] button.
After opening a project, the following dialog box is displayed. Here you
can create an entry for the project so that you can later track how the AS
file was developed. To do this, you can set the date and time at which the
project starts. The current date and time are displayed there by default. If
no documentation is to be made for the project history, the checkbox in
the middle of the window can be ticked so that no further prompts appear
when opening a file.
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
If you compare two AS files, the external program (WinMerge) shown be-
low is called. Here you can see the project file on the left and the compari-
son file on the right.
Furthermore, an overview of the two files is shown on the left side (posi-
tion bar).
In general, identical lines are marked white, similar lines yellow and differ-
ent or missing lines grey when comparing.
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows Recommended settings of WinMerge
In order to compare two AS files meaningfully, some changes should be
made in the configuration of WinMerge. These changes take into account
the different formatting of the AS file.
The settings shown in the picture have led to good results in practice
when comparing programs.
The Connection Manager allows you to create and modify a list of connec-
tions. For each IP address with which you want to connect to the robot,
there must be an entry in this list. The list maintained here is displayed
when a connection is established.
The screen displays the list of connections that are shipped "ex works"
with the K-IDE (1). The first 8 entries are used to connect up to 8 virtual
robots parameterized in K-Roset. Below this you can see the "Default" en-
try, which addresses Ethernet port 1 with its default IP address.
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
The area (2) is the editing area for a new or currently selected entry. If
you select an entry in the list, the data of the connection appears in the
editor area. The selected data can then be made editable by using the
[Pen] button to make changes. With the help of the [+] button a new con-
nection can be created and with the [Delete] button the current entry can
be deleted.
1 2
The input fields of the editing area are enabled and the input cursor
moves to the "Name" field in which the name of the new connection to be
created must be entered. You can also select a serial connection type by
clicking on the "COM" tab.
In the picture above you can see that the edit buttons (1) are shown in
grey which means that these buttons are no longer selectable. You are in
editing mode. You can also see that the two buttons for confirmation and
cancellation (2) have been activated.
The edit and confirm buttons behave exactly the same as when adding a
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
When clicking the [+] button you can add a single connection to the list
and immediately connect to the robot.
The [Gear] button allows you to access the connection settings or the con-
nection manager.
If a robot was connected to the K-IDE during a previous operation and the
K-IDE is restarted, the following dialog box appears. It shows the details
of the last connection with name, IP/COM and port/BAUD.
This window allows you to reconnect to the last used robot. Optionally you
can select another connection with the button [Other connection]. If you
want to use the displayed connection, simply press <Enter> or press the
[Connect] button.
After pressing the [Connect] button in one of the two windows shown
above, a progress dialog will appear informing about the status of the con-
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
1 2
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
4.2.3 Disconnect
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
4.2.4 Reinitialize connection
During an online session, the connection may "hang" under certain cir-
cumstances. In such a case it may be useful to reinitialize the blocked
connection. This can be done in three different stages.
This function is used to transfer the current system data from the robot to
the K-IDE project. After selecting the menu item, the following dialog ap-
If you want to save the current robot settings in your project, it is safest
to select all the data shown.
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
4.2.6 Send everything to the robot
This function is useful if you want to transfer many different or all data
from your project to the robot. After selecting the function, the following
dialog box appears where you can select the data to be sent:
1 2
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
specified order. This is important if you are using a so-called "watch-
dog process". This must then be terminated first. You can change
the order by "Drag & Drop".
The pictures show exemplarily the new arrangement of the 5th task as the
first task to be killed.
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
The following message is displayed after pressing the [Ok] button if you
have selected one of the variable types:
After all requests have been confirmed with [Yes], a progress window ap-
pears with information on the execution of the commands for the trans-
mission options:
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
The desired AS data is then transferred:
If you have chosen to delete programs and variables from the robot that
no longer exist in the project, a selection of the relevant programs and
variables will appear at the end. You can read a detailed description in
chapter "4.2.13 Remove online variables and programs" on page 110.
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
4.2.7 Marry project with robot
For the new (resulting) K-IDE project, the system data from the currently
connected robot and the program data from the original K-IDE project are
used. The following graphic illustrates this relationship:
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
The following dialog box is called up when you select this function:
After confirming the dialog with [Ok], all steps are performed one after
the other. As a success message, each completed step is marked with a
check mark instead of the horizontal bar.
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
After completion of the function, the same AS data are on the robot and in
the K-IDE project.
Cancel (ABORT) stops and resets a program. It can then no longer be con-
tinued. When killing (KILL) the entire call memory and the program selec-
tion is deleted. This can be seen on the teach pendant by the fact that the
field at "Program" is empty.
1. Foreground Task
2. Background Task
3. NumPG Task
The foreground task exists only once for each robot arm and only in this
task can robot movements be performed for the specific arm. In most
cases this task is only present once in the controller. An exception is the
special DuAro (Dual-Arm-Robot). In this case there are two foreground
There are other independent tasks, but they cannot be used for robot
movement. They are therefore called "background tasks". Normally
there are 5 background tasks available.
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
Please note that a foreground program cannot be aborted while the robot
is moving. In such a case, you can switch off the motors before. This will
cause the robot movement to stop (soft stop) and the motors to be
switched off. Afterwards, the program can be aborted without any
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows Abort and kill background programs
When this function is selected, the following dialog is displayed:
Here you can select which background programs are to be aborted. You
can also change the order of the tasks in this dialog. For more infor-
mation, refer to chapter "4.2.6 Send everything to the robot" on page 96.
After selecting [Ok], the commands "PCABORT" and "PCKILL" are sent to
the robot for each selected task.
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
shown in the AS Tree with an asterisk instead of the usual program sym-
If no main program is selected when you select this function, the following
message appears:
If a main program is defined, the dialog box for starting programs is dis-
In this window, you can select what should take place before the transfer
(start options) and in which task the program should be started.
For the options "Execute" (where should the program be started) only the
foreground makes sense for the main program.
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
To set the base coordinate system, the following dialog box opens, in
which you can define a new coordinate system using the drop-down list.
The entry "NULL" sets the base coordinate system to 0 (base zero), which
is the default setting. Click the [OK] button to confirm this action.
To set the tool coordinate system, the following dialog box opens, in which
you can define a new coordinate system using the drop-down list. The en-
try "NULL" sets the tool coordinate system to 0 (tool zero), which is the
default setting. Click the [OK] button to confirm this action.
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
4.2.11 Moving robots
1 7 6
3 4
10 11 9
The input field for the target position in (2) has a special functionality: all
previously selected positions are saved here, which can then be selected
again more quickly. It is a selection list in which an input is possible. If
you know the exact name of the position, you can simply enter it here. If
you do not know the name, press the [...] button to obtain a selection of
all position variables available in the project.
Under "Travel parameters" (4) you can specify the speed and ramps at
which the movement is to be executed. Please also refer to the above-
mentioned manual for more detailed information.
In addition, under "Preparation" (5) you can select whether any existing
error should be deleted for the movement and/or the motors should be
switched on. If there is no error or the motors are already switched on,
the two functions have no effect. They can therefore be left selected by
The "Arm" selection list (7) is only enabled if you are connected to a
"DuAro". In this case you can select the corresponding arm with which the
movement is to be performed.
Under "BASE and TOOL" you can set the tool and/or base reference for
the next movement.
With [Close] (10) the dialog window "Move Robot" is closed. Since this
window is not a "modal" dialog, you can always leave it open while work-
ing with the K-IDE and use it when needed.
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
The [Hold] button (11) is used to briefly stop the movement currently be-
ing executed. To continue the movement, the corresponding movement is
simply selected again and then restarted. ATTENTION: The [Hold] button
described here is not used to safely stop the movement! In a dangerous
situation, the emergency stop button on the teach pendant or on the con-
troller must be used! The Hold button on the teach pendant is best suited
for fast, gentle stopping, as it reacts much faster than the [Hold] button in
the dialog window described here.
The "Online Variable List" provides a quick overview of all variables availa-
ble in the robot and their contents. The aim is a variable overview of the
connected robot (as far as possible) independent of the currently loaded
3 1 2
A variable that exists in the robot but not in the K-IDE project is specially
marked (5). However, variables that are in the K-IDE project but not in
the robot are not displayed!
The left column is used to select lines in a variable list. The selection of
one or more rows is indicated by the blue row. You can...
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
Select a point with a single click
Select several separate points by clicking and holding the [Ctrl] key
Ctrl +
Shift +
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
identifiers which no longer exist. Then the result is displayed in the follow-
ing window:
If you want to remove online variables and programs, the system will first
search for unused identifiers and programs. If they are not used in the AS
file, they appear in an ordered list as shown in the figure above. Here you
can now select all variables and programs to be deleted by the robot. The
whole thing is used to clean up the robot after the commissioning is fin-
The signal name list is generated by the K-IDE based on the configured in-
puts and outputs and is transferred to the robot when signals are trans-
mitted. However, it may happen that signals are deleted during program-
ming and commissioning. These signals remain in the list even after dele-
To delete signal names that no longer exist from the list, the list must be
rebuilt and transferred to the robot.
If the list is already current when you call this function, the following mes-
sage is displayed:
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
4.3 AS-Toolbox
The requirements for the use of the simple signal assignment are:
1 4
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
Under signal definition (1) the respective block size is entered. This indi-
cates the maximum size of the block, but it may be that not all signals of
the block are assigned. The value for Internal designates the internal sig-
nals and is thus detached from the order of the I/O signals.
The selection field Order (2) allows to specify in which order the blocks
should be mapped to the signal area of the robot. By default, the order is
specified as follows:
In the third section of the window (Result (3)) the result of the values
given above is displayed. Here you can quickly read which signals of the
robot are in which blocks of the individual devices.
The radio buttons under Unit (4) can be used to change the display and
input. By default, the input is made in the unit Bits. However, the entries
can also be made in bytes (8 bits) or words (16 bits), which could corre-
spond more to the respective specification in the manuals of the bus de-
The dialog window offers a toolbar (5) in the upper left corner with the
possibility to transfer or export and import signal assignment data from
and to the robot.
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
When calling the simple signal assignment, the data from the currently
opened project are loaded and when leaving the dialog with OK, the en-
tered or changed data are saved in the project.
1 2
On the left side (1) the I/O area of the robot is shown. All possible signals
of the robot from 1 to 960 are listed here. The signals are grouped in
groups of 16 signals each. These groups indicate the smallest division of
the I/O signals. For each group one line is provided. The columns indicate
the respective device, whereby a distinction is made here between the de-
vices local, master and slave.
On the right side of the dialog (2) the address range of the devices is
shown. Exactly as on the robot side so also here in each line an address
group of 16 bits is indicated. Above the list it can be specified from which
bit (signal) the address range starts and how large the total address range
should be. All entries in the input lines must be made in steps of 16, be-
cause the address assignment is only allowed in steps of 16. The easiest
way is to use the up and down arrows in the respective input line, because
these already work in steps of 16.
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
and to send the displayed signal assignment to the robot or to export it to
a file. Procedure
If you work with the extended signal assignment, you should first remove
the already assigned signals from the robot. Then enter the maximum
number of signals of the devices (local, master, slave) on the right side.
Please set devices that are not to be used to the maximum number of sig-
nals 0. In the event of an incorrect entry (e.g. 16-pitch not observed), the
input field is displayed in red and the original value is restored. If possible,
use the arrow buttons next to the input fields!
In the respective list the blocks of 16 are displayed according to your in-
put. You can then select from which bit the I/O area of the relevant device
is to start. This is useful if signals at the beginning of the device range are
not relevant for the communication to the robot.
Please note the respective selection of the individual blocks in the follow-
ing assignment! In the picture above the first block (signal 1 to 16) is se-
In the robot I/O list, you can now insert a currently selected block from
the device at the corresponding position by double-clicking on a desired
field and thus assign it. Depending on which column you double-click, a
block from the respective device is assigned.
For example, if you want to assign the blocks shown above from the slave
device, double-click on a field in the slave column of the robot list.
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
The block of slave signals 0001-0016 is then deleted from the list of slave
signals and inserted into the list of robot I/Os. In the picture shown above
the slave area has been assigned to the robot signals 0001-0016.
You can also assign several signals of a device at once. To do this, select
all signals in the device that you want to assign:
If you then double-click in the robot list on the desired field in the column
of the device and the line of the desired signal range, the complete se-
lected range appears in the robot list and is thus assigned.
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
To delete an already assigned area from the robot list and return it to the
pool of available device signals, select the corresponding fields in the ro-
bot list and press the right mouse button. Then select the "Remove" menu
item. All entries are then removed and reappear with the devices on the
right side. You also have the possibility to remove the signals from several
devices at once. You can even select the complete list and press Remove.
The selection of the whole list is done, as usual, by clicking on the first
field of the list in the upper left corner.
"Identifier" in the terminology of the K-IDE are all units relevant to the
program of the robot. Identifiers include variables and programs. Identifi-
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
ers are grouped together in groups that differ in variable types or pro-
grams. Each identifier has a name. Unfortunately, the AS system does not
allow a clear assignment of name and identifier. This means that the same
names can be chosen for different identifiers without any errors occurring.
However, you as a programmer should avoid this!
The [...] button allows you to select the desired identifier from a list:
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
As an example for the identifier search, "MyTool" from the "KRG" template
was used here. As you can see, the variable was found in the tool defini-
tion (variable list for tools) and in the program "Init", line 16. In pro-
grams, the entire line is given for the location of the variable found, in the
example the command "TOOL MyTool" with a corresponding line com-
As you can see, the search window now becomes transparent and the in-
put focus switches to the location of the search result. So you can view
the search window as well as the place where the identifier was found. In
programs, the identifier name is marked, while in variable lists the com-
plete line is selected. The search window can remain open while you look
into the program. Afterwards you can use the window again at any time
and jump to the next found location, for example. When the search is
complete, the window can be closed with [Close].
The text search is very similar to the identifier search. However, here a
free text in programs or variables is searched for. The free text can be in
identifier names and comments, as well as in program texts as part of AS
commands, identifier names, static strings and comments.
The Text Search dialog box looks very similar to the Identifier Search
dialog box:
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
Enter the text you want to search for under "Text" and then press
<Enter> or the [Search] button. As an example, in the template "KRG" we
search the text "init" and get the following result:
As you can see, the program "Init" and the comment "Initialization" are no
longer found, because the case does not fit here.
In the same way, you can try the option "Only whole words", which leads
to the following result:
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
The selection of the desired location and the behavior of the window is
analogous to the previous section "4.4.1 Search for an identifier" page
117. Please read there for further information.
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
4.5 Program Options
4.5.1 Settings
Under "Settings" you can select options that influence the behavior and
operation of the K-IDE. The dialog box is divided into four areas that can
be accessed via a tab bar.
1. Language: Here you can set the language of the K-IDE interface.
2. Project root directory: Here you can specify a base directory for
storing projects. If you work with the project tree, you can select
the origin of your project tree here (e.g. "D:\Develop\Kawasaki\Ro-
bot"). With the help of this entry it is very easy to switch to another
data structure without having to rebuild the complete project tree.
3. Author: This entry is taken into account when creating new pro-
grams. If this line is left empty, the current Windows user name is
4. Troubleshooting Manual: Here you can select the location of the
Troubleshooting Manual. This PDF document is not part of the K-IDE
and must be obtained separately from Kawasaki. The manual can be
used in the "Error Log" dialog (see section " Error log" on
page 58) to facilitate troubleshooting.
5. Load last opened project at program start: When the K-IDE is
started, the last opened project is automatically loaded and the edi-
tors previously opened in it are also displayed.
6. Query project comment when opening the project: If a new project
is created, this setting is used to query a new project comment. In
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
addition, an entry in the project history is queried each time the
project is reopened.
7. Use Document Map in the text editor: This option displays a so-
called "Document Map" on the right-hand side in every text editor,
which provides a better overview of the entire program text.
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows Online options
The second page of the dialog box is dedicated to the options for the
online mode.
1 4
2 5
1. Establishing the connection: Here you can set what should be done
immediately after a connection to a robot has been established. The
only selectable action here is the creation of a data backup. This
setting is strongly recommended, as it allows you to reset the robot
to the state it was in before the connection was established. The
data backups created in this way are collected and can also be re-
used later. They are saved in the "DaSi" directory (see section
" Open" on page 34).
2. Disconnection of the connection: These options relate to the actions
to be performed before disconnecting the connection. The first entry
selects whether a query should be displayed before disconnecting. If
this first entry is deselected, the other options have no effect and
the connection is disconnected directly each time. Deselecting the
query before disconnecting is not recommended!
3. The options shown here all refer to the query dialog when discon-
necting and indicate the default setting of this query. An option se-
lected here is also selected in the query dialog. However, the option
can be individually selected or deselected each time the connection
is disconnected. The individual settings mean:
a. Send project documentation to the robot: This includes varia-
ble comments, the project structure, the classification of sub-
variables (Tools, Base, Signals, ...), the project comment and
the project progress etc.
b. Clearing the list of signal names: See section "4.2.14 Clean up
signal name list" on page 111.
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
c. Load system data from the robot: All system data is loaded
from the robot and replaces the existing system data in the
project. See also section "4.2.5 Load system data from the ro-
bot" on page 95.
d. Load variable contents from the robot: The contents of all var-
iables in the project are set to the current value in the robot.
e. Switch off message transmission: This option sets a "switch"
in the robot that suppresses output to the terminal using the
"TYPE" and "PRINT" commands. This is an optimization setting
to make the robot program run faster. Note: When connecting
the K-IDE to the robot, this switch is always turned on, other-
wise the K-IDE may not communicate with the robot or may
communicate incorrectly. Do not use this option if you or other
programmers work with other connection tools (e.g. KRTerm,
...) on the robot!
4. Timeout during cyclical observation: Switches off cyclical monitoring
after the time that can be changed below it. This setting is used to
reduce the network activities that occur during cyclic monitoring.
5. Add / Remove Identifier: This area decides what should happen
when a new identifier is created and/or changed in online mode.
a. Create identifier offline only: If an identifier is created in
online mode, it is not automatically transferred to the robot.
The identifier is therefore not available in the robot until it is
explicitly sent to the robot.
b. Create identifiers online as well: When you create a new iden-
tifier, it is immediately transferred to the robot and is immedi-
ately available there.
c. Check if identifier already exists: Before sending a newly cre-
ated identifier, checks whether it already exists in the robot
and prevents automatic transfer. This is for security reasons:
if a variable already exists on the robot, it would be overwrit-
ten with the newly created value.
6. Create new position: This area offers setting options for creating a
new item. It is about the default values of the new item variable.
a. Create new position with "0" values: All values of a new posi-
tion (X, Y, Z, O, A, T, JT1, JT2, ...) are set to "0".
b. Create new "safe" position: Assigns numerical values to all
values of a new position that are not accessible to the robot.
This is used to safely mark this position as "not yet taught".
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
c. Read out current position: When creating a new position, the
current position of the robot is read in and suggested as posi-
tion value.
d. Accept current position immediately: The current position of
the robot is not only suggested, but also set directly as the
start value.
If you have not yet installed "WinMerge", you can use the link "Download
WinMerge" to go to the download page of the manufacturer and download
the program. After installing the program, you can select the location of
the exe file under "File path to WinMerge".
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows Connection settings
On this page, you can set the TCP/IP parameters for connecting via net-
The value "Timeout (ms)" specifies how long the protocol should wait for a
connection request before the connection is considered failed (unreacha-
The exact background to these settings can be found on the Internet. The
subject would go beyond the scope of this manual.
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
4.5.2 AS-Syntax
In the "AS Syntax" dialog box, the individual sections for "syntax high-
lighting" the AS language are stored. A change to the data provided here
is far-reaching and only recommended to a limited extent.
These settings tell the Editor component which words and text passages
are used for a specific label.
To complete a word list, simply add additional words to the list. Please
note to take a separate line for each word!
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
4.5.3 Colors
In the color settings dialog you can configure the colors of the editor with
syntax highlighting.
On the first page you can select the scheme. There are up to four color
schemes available, of which the first two are already preset. The first
scheme is the "DOS IDE" scheme, which is somewhat similar to the "good
old" DOS development environment. The second schema is named "Win-
dows" and is rather inspired by development environments on this plat-
form. The other two schemes can also be adapted and used.
Furthermore, you can make the basic settings of the selected scheme on
the first page.
1. Character set: Here you can select the desired character set of the
schema. A standard Windows dialog is displayed:
2. Font color: Here you can select the color of the font that does not
correspond to any category defined in the syntax. A corresponding
Windows standard dialog is also displayed here:
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
3. Background color: Here you can set the default background color for
the editor. The same dialog opens as for the font color.
On the second page of the dialog box, the colors of the individual syntax
elements can be specified.
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
4.6 Help operations
4.6.1 Updates
1 2
1. This line displays the result of the update search. In the case shown
above, the K-IDE version is up to date.
2. The [?] button displays the release notes of the current K-IDE ver-
3. Download and install Setup: This downloads the latest K-IDE version
from the update server and then runs the setup.
4. Visit update server: A click on this link takes you to the update
server in your default browser. There you can view additional docu-
ments, such as the version history. There you will also find a setup
file for WinMerge.
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
The release notes of the new version are automatically displayed in this
case. Update
With every K-IDE start a new version of the software is searched for. Of
course, this only works with a working internet access and a suitable fire-
The displays and buttons provided here correspond to those already de-
scribed in the last section. Only the [Skip this version] button has been
added. If you press this button, the displayed version will be ignored and
at the next start this version will not be reported as new version anymore.
Only if another new version appears, it will be reported again when start-
ing the K-IDE.
Selecting this menu item opens a dialog box which redirects you to the K-
IDE support forum:
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
Please familiarize yourself with the Privacy Policy and Forum Rules before
registering with the Forum. You can quickly access the relevant docu-
ments using the links provided. Alternatively, you can go directly to the
forum and register there. When you register, you will be asked to read
and confirm the Forum Rules and Privacy Policy.
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
You will then receive an e-mail with a link. Only after you have clicked on
this link, the registration is complete.
The following dialog box appears when the program information is called
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
The version and the libraries used are displayed.
When you select this function, the following dialog box appears:
In this dialog, enter the desired name in the description of the customer
group and confirm with [Ok] to add the group.
When you select this function, the following dialog box appears:
Change the name and/or description and confirm with [Ok] to accept the
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
4.7.3 Create new customer
When you select this function, the following dialog box appears:
In this dialog, enter the desired name in the description of the customer
and confirm with [Ok] to add the customer.
When you select this function, the following dialog box appears:
Change the name and/or description and confirm with [Ok] to accept the
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
4.7.5 Create new project group
When you select this function, the following dialog box appears:
Enter the desired name in the description of the project group in this dia-
log and confirm with [Ok] to add the group.
When you select this function, the following dialog box appears:
Change the name and/or description and confirm with [Ok] to accept the
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
4.7.7 Create new project
When you select this function, the following dialog box appears:
Enter the desired name in the description of the project in this dialog and
confirm with [Ok] to add the project.
When you select this function, the following dialog box appears:
Change the name and/or description and confirm with [Ok] to accept the
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
4.7.9 Create new project file
After selecting this function, a file selection dialog box opens first in which
you can select the desired AS file. After confirming the selection, the data
of the selected file is entered in the "Create new entry" dialog.
You can now change the name and/or the description and then confirm
the entry with [Ok].
The same window opens as in the previous section. You can also change
the name and/or the description and accept the changes with [Ok].
In the following, the dialog boxes that are displayed by calling them from
the editor windows are discussed. The editor windows include the text edi-
tors, the variable list editors, and the interface panel editor.
You can access the dialog via the magnifying glass button or by pressing
<Ctrl>+<F> from the text editor.
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
In the "Find" input line you can enter the text to be searched for. If you
had selected a text before calling up the search function, this text is auto-
matically written in the input line. In the example, the text "Parallel task"
was marked and then <Ctrl>+<F> was pressed:
The results of the search can be influenced via the search options. If the
options are switched off, the entered text is searched without regard to
upper and lower case. The options mean in detail:
1. "Match case": Limits the search to text passages that exactly match
the specified spelling.
2. "Match whole word": Restricts the search to whole words only.
3. "RegEx" (Regular Expression): Allows you to enter search patterns.
This topic is a very broad field and a description would go beyond
the scope of this manual. An example of a regular expression would
be: "Para.*".
After entering the text you want to search for, press [Find next] to start
the search or alternatively simply press the <Enter> button.
The first part of the dialog refers to the search and corresponds exactly to
the description of the search function in the last section. In the "Replace"
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
input line you can enter the text with which the text to be searched for will
be replaced. The buttons have the following meaning:
1. "Find next": Searches for the next occurrence without replacing the
currently selected occurrence.
2. "Replace: Replaces the currently selected location and searches for
the next location.
3. "Replace all": Replaces all found places in the text. Caution is ad-
vised here, as all texts are replaced without further inquiry.
You can add new local variables via the context menu with the command
"Add local variable":
The following dialog box appears in which you can enter a comment:
Alternatively, you can add all local variables that are not yet in this list at
once. To do this, use the following button from the toolbar:
As soon as the local variable is in the list, it is also taken into account in
automatic word completion.
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows Delete local variables
To delete a local variable from the list you can also use the context menu.
To do this, select the "Delete local variable from list" command and con-
firm the security prompt.
From this manager dialog you can also add, remove and edit local varia-
bles. The same input and confirmation dialogs are displayed as when you
call it from the context menu.
In addition, two more buttons are available to simplify the work with local
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
2. Delete all local variables from the list that are no longer used.
This deletes all local variables for this program that are not used in
the source code of this program. Regenerate
After selecting this function the following dialog appears:
To enter keyword help, move the mouse over the relevant command and
press the right mouse button. Then select "Add keyword help". The follow-
ing dialog box appears:
In this window you can now enter the text that is displayed as a short help
under Help Text. You can then confirm the entry with [Ok].
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
To edit the keyword help, select the menu item "Edit Keyword Help" in the
context menu of the relevant command. The following dialog box appears:
In this window you can edit the existing help text and then accept the
changes with [Ok].
From the text editor, various functions can be applied to the different
identifiers. The functions that open a dialog box are described below.
It can happen that a certain variable name is assigned twice with different
variable types. This would not be a good programming style, but is cer-
tainly permissible in the AS system. If such an identifier is clicked with the
right mouse button, the following dialogue opens:
This shows that the identifier "Test" exists twice in the project, once as a
translation point and once as a real variable. In this case, select which of
these two identifiers you mean and confirm the entry with [Ok]. The con-
text menu of the identifier based on the selected variable type then opens.
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows Create identifier (variable)
Variables can be created from the text editor for programs or the source
code, as well as from the variable list editors.
In the text editor, go with the mouse to the desired name of the not yet
defined variable and press the right mouse button. From the context
menu that appears, select "Add as" and then the desired data type (e.g.
"Translation point"). The list of suggested variable types in the sub-menu
of "Add as" is restricted by the name of the variable selected. For exam-
ple, if the variable name begins with a hash (double cross, "#"), only pre-
cision points are proposed as the variable type.
After selecting the variable type from the submenu, the following dialog
box appears:
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
If the variable previously selected in the editor is an array variable, the
"Array" area is enabled and you can set the dimensions of the array:
A start and end index of "-1" means that the corresponding dimension is
not defined. In the example an index of the first dimension in the range
from 1 to 100 is defined for the variable array. The second and third di-
mension is not defined.
Press [Ok] to accept the entry and create the selected variable. It then
appears in the corresponding variable list.
The dialog box for the individual variable types is described below.
Under "Content" you can select the start value or default value of the vari-
able. You also have the option of performing an offset calculation. To do
this, enter the required offset in the "Calculation" column of the table for
each item component and then press [Perform calculation]. The values
entered are then added to the variable values line by line.
In online mode, depending on the settings for online operation, you have
additional selection options for translation and precision points. The win-
dow is extended by an additional column in the "Contents" table:
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
Here, the current position of the robot arm is also displayed and/or di-
rectly transferred. You now have the option of transferring the values from
the "Current" column directly to the "Value" column if it’s not automati-
cally copied. To do this, press [Take over current position].
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows Creating a real variable
Real variables also form the basis for the sub-variable types "Signals" and
"Boolean". Unlike position variables, real variables only provide one value
as content.
If the entered signal number already exists, the following error message is
The [...] button can be used to assist in the assignment of signal num-
bers. This leads to a dialog window "Change signal number / signal type":
This dialog also has a [...] button which leads to the dialog window "Selec-
tion of free signals":
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
In this dialog window, all signals already assigned are entered and sorted
in the corresponding categories. The dialog starts with the default setting
for the first free signal in the previously selected category (here for output
2, since output 1 was previously specified).
In this dialog, select the line with the desired free signal number and
press <Enter> or the [Ok] button.
This dialog box allows you to create a new integer variable. This variable
type does not support sub-variable types.
In this window you can store the information about string variables. The
content of this variable type is not entered under "Content" but under
"String content". This variable type does not support sub-variable types.
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows Edit identifier
By selecting the corresponding menu item, the same window is opened in
principle as described in the previous chapter. However, the values al-
ready entered are offered for modification here.
Some options of the identifier can no longer be changed. Only the name,
comment and content of the variable are offered for modification. In par-
ticular, it is not possible to select sub-variable types or parameterize array
definitions with this method. Other functions and mechanisms are respon-
sible for this.
1 2
Please note that it is possible to name several different variables with the
same name. The K-IDE then cannot distinguish between these variables
and displays all identifiers with the same name in the list. In this case,
please pay attention to which variable you want to rename. In the worst
case, an incorrect name can lead to an error that is difficult to find.
After pressing [Ok] the old identifier name is overwritten with the new
identifier name at the selected positions. In online mode, the new identi-
fier is also transferred to the robot.
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
3 5
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
1. Movement type: Select the movement command with which the
movement is to be executed. The following commands are available:
2. Distance for approach: Select the distance for the "JAPPRO" and
"LAPPRO" positioning commands here.
3. Indirect positioning: Select an optional reference here so that the
desired position is approached relative to this point.
4. Driving parameters: Ramps and travel speed can be set here.
5. Preparation: Select here whether a possibly pending error should be
deleted and/or the motors switched on before the movement. Both
are switched on by default and this is also the recommended set-
6. Reference: When moving to a translation point, the base and tool
coordinate systems are taken into account. These two coordinate
systems can be set on the robot with the two buttons [BASE] and
[TOOL] before starting the movement.
1 2 3 4
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
1. Current content: This displays the current online content of the vari-
able when the dialog box is called up. The value is for information
purposes and cannot be changed.
2. New content: The new content of the variable is entered here. These
values are transferred to the robot when [Ok] is pressed.
3. Compute: An offset can be entered here, which is added to the cur-
rently entered values. To do this, press the [Calculate] button below
the column. Each press of the button adds the specified offset again.
4. Current arm position: Shows the current arm position of the con-
nected robot. If nothing is displayed there, as shown in the picture
above, the current position can be read out with the [Read current
position] button.
5. Set position: Sets the content of the variable to the values from the
"current arm position" fields.
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
4.9 Program Operations
1 2
4 3
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
After confirming the dialog with [Ok] the following program is created and
opened for editing:
1 3 2
The text passages marked here are taken from the previous dialog.
When creating a new program group in the program directory, you can
specify a name for it.
Before you delete a program, you will be asked if the program should be
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
Here you can select which programs are to be loaded from the robot and
thus overwrite the programs existing in the project. All programs of the
robot that are not yet in the K-IDE project will be taken over without
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
4.9.6 Send programs to the robot
If you send multiple programs to the robot, the following dialog box ap-
pears where you can select which programs to send to the robot.
The picture shows an example of the call from the context menu of the
program directory. Use the [All] or [None] buttons to select all or no
entries. After pressing [Ok] the transfer options are displayed:
This window is similar to the transfer options from the dialog box in sec-
tion "4.2.6 Send everything to the robot" on page 96, see there for a
more detailed description.
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
4.9.7 Program error during upload
With the help of the program manager it is possible to move several pro-
grams to or from groups at the same time.
1 2
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
another program group is selected, the program directory on the
right-hand side is updated accordingly.
2. Program directory: All programs available in the currently selected
program group are displayed here. Here the programs can be se-
lected and dragged to another program group in the program struc-
ture tree (Drag & Drop).
Depending on the selection in the structure tree, the buttons are either
activated or not activated. The [+] button is only active in the root direc-
tory, since only there a new program group can be created. The [Explode]
and [Edit] buttons are only active if a group is selected, as only this group
can be edited or exploded.
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows Selection of programs
To select the programs to be moved, the program directory is available on
the right side.
Here no changes can be made to the programs themselves, but only the
location of the programs with regard to the program structure is defined
here. To do this, the programs to be moved are selected and moved to a
new location using "Drag & Drop".
Three buttons are available above the list to select several programs. You
can also use the standard methods available in Windows to select multiple
1. "Rubber band" pick: With the help of the mouse, a so-called "rubber
band" is drawn up while holding down the left mouse button. This
allows several programs lying next to each other to be selected.
2. Multiple selection with left-click and <Shift>: This also allows you to
select several programs lying next to each other. To do so, first click
on the first and then, together with the <Shift> key, on the last pro-
gram to be selected. Then all programs between the first and the
last selected program are marked.
3. Multiple selection with left-click and <Ctrl>: This allows you to se-
lect several programs that are not next to each other. To do this,
first click on the first program to be selected and then, together with
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
the <Ctrl> key, click on all others.
4. Select [All]: The [All] button allows you to quickly select all pro-
grams in the displayed directory.
5. Select [None]: The [None] button allows you to quickly deselect all
6. Select with [Filter]: Here you can select several programs that cor-
respond to a filter to be defined. The filter is entered after pressing
the [Filter] button in the form of a "regular expression" ("RegEx").
After selecting the programs, they can be moved with "Drag & Drop". Sev-
eral options are available for this:
1. Move to a program group from the structure tree: Here the pro-
grams are moved from the right to the left side. The respective
shape of the mouse cursor indicates whether this move is possible /
allowed. Shifts into the same group are not supported.
Manual of the K-IDE Dialogue windows
that exists there.
Manual of the K-IDE Using the K-IDE (Workflow)
After we have more or less dealt with the pure description of the user in-
terface in the previous chapters, we now devote ourselves to the opera-
tion of the program and the necessary procedures and work steps.
Basically, the K-IDE tries, as far as possible and reasonable, to stick to the
operating concepts that are common today and known from most other
programs. This is especially true for the selection of objects and for the
"clipboard functions" copy, cut and paste.
A single object can be selected simply by using the right mouse button. It
is also possible to select an object with the <cursor> keys, which is very
useful in lists and tables.
There are also several options for multiple selection. For example, it is
possible to select several objects lying next to each other (one behind the
other / one below the other) with <Shift>+<left mouse button> or to se-
lect several objects that do not necessarily lie next to each other with
<Ctrl>+<left mouse button>. The alternative with pure keyboard opera-
tion only allows the selection of adjacent objects.
In some cases it is also possible to select objects with the so-called "rub-
ber band" by clicking with the mouse on a free area in the corresponding
view and keeping the mouse button pressed. Then drag the mouse over
all objects to be selected and finally release the mouse button. This selec-
tion method is implemented in the K-IDE only in very few places.
In tables, it is still possible to quickly select the entire table with the
mouse by clicking in the upper left field.
Manual of the K-IDE Using the K-IDE (Workflow)
Here are a few examples of multiple selections in a table:
Manual of the K-IDE Using the K-IDE (Workflow)
5.1.2 Filtering lists
In order to keep the overview in large variable lists, the K-IDE offers the
possibility to use a filter. To activate this filter, click with the right mouse
button on the column header in the variable list. Thereupon an input field
appears under the mouse pointer.
You can now enter a filter text in this field. The filter text can contain the
following special features:
1. Normal text: filters all lines in which the entered text occurs as it
was entered in the filter line (case sensitive). Example: "Offs
2. Text preceded by "|" character: same as (1), but case-insensitive.
Example: "|offs"
3. Regular expressions in square brackets "[]": filters all lines whose
text matches the specified regular expression. For example:
Manual of the K-IDE Using the K-IDE (Workflow)
For purely numeric fields there are the following special features:
1. Normal numbers: filters all lines with exactly this value. Example:
2. Number preceded by "<" character: filters all lines whose value is
less than but not equal to the specified number. Example: "<10".
3. Number preceded by ">" character: filters all rows whose value is
greater than, but not equal to, the specified number. Example:
4. Two numbers preceded by a "~", "-" or "_" character: filters all rows
with values from the first number to the second number, including
the numbers themselves. Example: "10~100", "10-100", "10_100".
5. Number preceded by "~" or "_" character: filters all rows with val-
ues less than or equal to the specified number. Example: "~100",
6. Number followed by "~", "_" or "-" character: filters all rows with
values greater than or equal to the specified number. Example:
"100~", "100_", "100-".
The K-IDE supports the standard clipboard functions such as copy, cut and
paste. If possible, the usual key combinations are also used: <Ctrl>+<C>
for copy, <Ctrl>+<X> for cut and <Ctrl>+<V> for paste.
Note: While you can still derive the key combination for copying from
"Copy", the other keys are slightly different: for cutting, the key <X> was
chosen, which can be seen here rather symbolically. It is the symbol for
scissors. Just like the key <V>. Here, a symbol is used for pasting into a
Manual of the K-IDE Using the K-IDE (Workflow)
text, instead of using the "P" key for "paste". Why all this? - The goal was
to select keys for this often used function that can be reached with one
hand in combination with the <Ctrl> key. The keys <X>, <C> and <V>
are located next to each other on most keyboards and in close proximity
to the left <Ctrl> key.
In many places in the K-IDE the "standard action" is selected for editing
objects. This action is performed when the <Return> key is pressed for
the selected object. The default action in many places is "Edit" or "Open".
In most cases, the deletion is carried out as usual by pressing the <DEL>
button (Delete button). In return, the <Ins> key (Insert key) is used to
add a new object.
All these functions can also be executed with the mouse via the context
menu and/or a corresponding button.
The question of how to access data after starting any program is a very
natural question, which has been and is usually answered by many pro-
grams in a very natural way: you select a "data unit" (e.g. a file) from a
"data pool" (e.g. hard disk), which is then loaded into the program. While
in many standard programs like word processing or spreadsheet pro-
grams, "data pool" and "data unit" are usually hard disk or file, other pro-
grams, like the K-IDE, are more versatile by nature.
With the K-IDE there are many different ways to get data into the pro-
gram. On the one hand this is due to the fact that a connected robot can
contain a complete K-IDE project, which may not be available on the hard
disk, on the other hand it is due to the historical development concerning
the handling of AS files in the past.
Manual of the K-IDE Using the K-IDE (Workflow)
The following picture shows an overview of the possibilities:
from robot
File import
(mostly parts of
an AS file) Partial loa-
ding from Pasting
Open file robot from the
(usually a com- clipboard
plete AS project)
Manual of the K-IDE Using the K-IDE (Workflow)
Another way to start with a specific data set is to create a new file without
a template. In this case you start with no data. This could be the basis for
a project that is initially composed of many different components from
other projects.
This brings us to the possibility of combining the above points. Thus, with
the help of the K-IDE, different parts from different sources can be easily
transferred to the currently opened project.
The easiest and probably most used method to load data into the K-IDE is
to open an AS file. In most cases an AS file will be a complete project or a
backup. In the default setting of the K-IDE the last AS-file is automatically
reloaded every time the software is started. This also falls under the cate-
gory "Open file", even if it is not actively triggered.
Manual of the K-IDE Using the K-IDE (Workflow)
Loading AS data from the robot is similar to opening a project file, but the
"data pool" is the robot and the "data unit" is the text file of the robot.
This function is the safest way to get an up-to-date program status if you
are not sure whether you have the latest status of the AS source on your
computer. Because the K-IDE stores its data completely AS-compatible, all
settings in the project are also transferred to the robot and can be used
during download. So you get exactly the program structure which was set
during the last transfer.
Partial loading is also very often used when viewing the maintenance ar-
eas (log view). At this point, the current program status is not important.
It is simply a matter of viewing the current logs.
Most copy and cut actions in the K-IDE create AS-compatible text data in
the Windows clipboard. This text data can then be pasted elsewhere in the
current project or in another K-IDE with another open project. With this
method a fast and transparent data exchange between the different pro-
jects can take place.
Manual of the K-IDE Using the K-IDE (Workflow)
You can do the same with AS variables: To do this, select the list of varia-
bles including the header (".REALS", ".TRANS", ...) and footer (".END") in
the text editor. Again, the K-IDE recognizes the type of variable and offers
the corresponding insert option.
Several different sections can be copied to the clipboard at the same time,
e.g. several different variables and several programs. These different sec-
tions can then be copied into the open project at different locations.
When inserting, all elements not yet available in the project are inserted
without further inquiry. For elements that already exist, a decision is re-
quested whether the element in question should be overwritten.
Manual of the K-IDE Using the K-IDE (Workflow)
5.3 Save / Send / Export AS data
Just as when "fetching" data from the last chapter, the same applies when
"delivering" data from the K-IDE to a specific "data pool". Here the same
pools are supported, so that data exchange between different processes
can be easily performed.
The diagram known from the last chapter can be used in the opposite di-
rection for this chapter as well:
File export to the robot
(mostly parts of
an AS file)
Partial Copying
Save file to the
sending to
(usually a com- clipboard
the robot
plete AS project)
During this process the currently opened project in the K-IDE is written
into an AS file with all changes made. First a new "AS source" is created
("generated") and this is then saved. This means that after saving, the AS
source is updated to the current status. This can be seen from the fact
that the corresponding tree entry is no longer displayed in blue.
Manual of the K-IDE Using the K-IDE (Workflow)
The saved AS file is fully AS-compatible and can be transferred to the ro-
bot as it is, without any loss of data, and can also be downloaded from the
robot again.
File exports are useful, for example, if you want to transfer data to a robot
with which you cannot connect directly. So you can create export files
which can be sent by email to the operating personnel of the robot. The
recipients can then copy these files to a USB stick and load them into the
The transfer of the complete AS project to the robot is probably not done
that often. This is only useful if a complete backup has to be restored or if
a project without system data is loaded in the K-IDE.
Manual of the K-IDE Using the K-IDE (Workflow)
The K-IDE documentation contains the extended functionalities that allow,
for example, to add comments to variables or to arrange programs in se-
quence and to divide them into groups. The K-IDE documentation also
controls the classification into sub-variable groups such as signals or tools.
For this reason, always make sure that the current documentation is avail-
able on the robot after work. The best way to do this is to use the option
when disconnecting the connection (see chapter "4.2.3 Disconnect" on
page 93).
As with many other modern programs, the K-IDE allows you to use the
clipboard to exchange data with other applications. Also the data for the
clipboard is provided in text format in an AS-compatible form. So data can
be exchanged not only between two instances of the K-IDE, but also be-
tween K-IDE and other programs like text editor, without having to create
an AS file first.
In the last chapter we dealt with loading data and learned how to load al-
ready existing programs into the K-IDE. This chapter deals with the crea-
tion and editing of new programs.
Before you start creating a new program structure, you should consider
the future call structure of the programs. For larger projects, the following
questions arise at the beginning regarding the future program structure:
Manual of the K-IDE Using the K-IDE (Workflow)
1. Should the project be divided into several programs?
2. Which program is the "Start Program"?
3. Which programs are called from the Start program and how is the
structure structured?
4. Is it possible to form groups of programs and how are they logically
5. Are background programs required?
6. Are foreground programs called from the background?
The project template "KRG" contains examples of some programs that are
already linked to each other. The "Main" program has been marked as the
start program (program icon "Star", see chapter "4.2.9 Start main pro-
gram", page 104).
From the main program three further programs are already called up:
Manual of the K-IDE Using the K-IDE (Workflow)
The program flow structure of the foreground process looks like this in the
template "KRG" (the hatched programs do not belong to the template)
Main Init
Work Get
The template also contains the autostart background programs. The first
four autostart programs are preset with endless loops. The commands to
be executed can be inserted into these loops.
Manual of the K-IDE Using the K-IDE (Workflow)
Manual of the K-IDE Using the K-IDE (Workflow)
After pressing [Ok] the following program is created and opened:
The input cursor (vertical line in the line before the ".END") is located at
the position at which the input of program steps can be started.
We will now begin to enter the program steps. Please note the support
provided by the K-IDE (auto-complete, short help, ...). Enter the following
program step:
Here we have already programmed the first variable (PickPos). This varia-
ble is not yet known to the K-IDE. To make the identifier of the variable
known to the K-IDE, the variable must be added. It is a good idea to add
the variable immediately after the first writing, so that it will be consid-
ered in the auto-completion later on.
Now click with the right mouse button on the identifier "PickPos". A con-
text menu opens with the options for an unknown identifier:
Select "Add as" from the menu and then "Translation point" to add the
identifier as a translation variable. The following dialog box appears:
Manual of the K-IDE Using the K-IDE (Workflow)
Enter a comment and confirm the entry with [Ok] or with <Enter>. The
identifier has now been added as a translation variable. You can see this
from the fact that the entry for the translation points in the AS Structure
Tree is displayed in blue and italics.
You can now enter the next command line in the program. We neglect
some of the program text that should actually follow and move linearly to
the pickup point with the next command:
Complete the program as follows and then close the editor using the [x]
symbol from the toolbar:
You need not be afraid that something will be lost when you close the win-
dow, because the change to the program is already registered. You will
then see the following screen in the AS structure tree:
Manual of the K-IDE Using the K-IDE (Workflow)
At first we recognize the "Pick" program as the last
entry in the "Programs" program directory. We notice
that this program has been changed and not yet
saved (the entry is blue and italic). Furthermore, the
program directory has been changed (a program has
been added). The translation points have also
changed: a new variable has been added. The AS
source code has also changed or no longer corre-
sponds to the new changes in the AS structure tree.
Finally, the topmost entry indicates that the current
project has undergone changes that have not yet
been saved.
Manual of the K-IDE Using the K-IDE (Workflow)
5.4.3 Include the new program into the call structure
In the diagram from chapter "5.4.1 Program call structure using the ex-
ample of "KRG” on page 177 we have determined that the program
"Fetch" is to be called from the endless loop in the program "Work". Now
open the "Work" program by double-clicking:
Move the cursor to the line after the comment "; here CALLS to own sub-
routines" and there after the comment character. Then press <Enter> so
that a new line is created. There you write "CALL Pick", paying attention to
the auto-completion. Note that the "Get" program is already in auto-com-
Manual of the K-IDE Using the K-IDE (Workflow)
1. Avoid naming with keyword names! The AS language tolerates such
a naming. But for the K-IDE it is difficult to find out if it is a com-
mand or a variable. This can lead to misleading displays in the edi-
tor. Furthermore, when naming local variables, the variable may be
recognized as a section name, such as ".end".
2. Avoid double naming! It is possible with the AS language, e.g. to
name translation points and real variables the same. You can write
the following lines, for example:
POINT var = TRANS (0, 0, 0)
var = 0
var = var + 1
The AS language recognizes from the context of the variable what
type it is. The K-IDE does not proceed in this way and therefore has
difficulty recognizing the correct type of the variable. For this rea-
son, you will always be asked what type of variable is involved if the
variable is named twice. Avoiding double naming makes working
with the K-IDE easier and increases the readability of the program.
3. Use the mixed capitalization! Often you use variable names from
compound words like "AblPos" (filing position). To indicate the sepa-
ration of the individual words, the underscore "_" was used "back
then". The AS language does not distinguish between upper and
lower case letters and converts all identifiers to lower case letters,
while key words are converted to upper case letters. Thus, "AblPos"
would become -> "ablpos", which is not easy to read. Therefore,
"back then" the variables were always written like this: "abl_pos".
But by doing so, you give away a character in the name for the word
But thanks to the extended functions of the K-IDE it is possible to
use the mixed notation and the K-IDE takes care of the conversion
when reading the AS data from the robot.
Manual of the K-IDE Using the K-IDE (Workflow)
5.5 Creating and editing variables
One method of creating variables has already been discussed in the previ-
ous section: defining them directly when entering the program. This is
also the preferred method for creating new variables.
The same window appears as when you call "Add as / <Variable type"
from the editor. However, one difference to the definition from the editor
is that no subtypes can be changed here. For example, you cannot create
a signal from this dialog if you are in the list of reals. To create signals,
you must create a real and then define it as a signal outside the dialog or
go directly to the list of signals and create the signal there.
Manual of the K-IDE Using the K-IDE (Workflow)
First, you can use "Variable is an array" to determine whether the variable
is an array variable. In this case you can select the respective index to de-
fine an element from the array. If you also select "Create array field", you
can create several array elements at once. For example, to create an ar-
ray of a variable in the range "Var[0]" to "Var[10]", enter the following
There are two starting points for editing a variable. You can edit variables
from the program editor and the variable list.
Manual of the K-IDE Using the K-IDE (Workflow)
In the program editor, right-click on the relevant variable. The corre-
sponding context menu for the variable opens, which varies slightly from
type to type. Select the menu item "Edit identifier".
From the corresponding variable list, you can also right-click the entry and
select "Edit" or double-click the entry. You can also select the entry and
open the edit dialogue for the variable using the [Pen] button in the
In all cases, the same window opens and this window also corresponds to
the window for creating a variable:
Here you have the possibility to change the name, the comment and the
variable content.
You can also convert the variable into an array variable by selecting the
"Variable is an array" option and setting the index accordingly. Please use
the conversion with care! If the variable is already in the robot as a "non-
array variable" and you convert it into an array variable, an error message
will be displayed during a transfer. You must then delete the variable in
the robot and switch it off and on again if necessary.
While changing the comment and the variable content has no further ef-
fect, changing the name entails further actions. If the name of a variable
changes, all references to this variable must also be changed. When the
variable change is complete, a query is therefore displayed, which pro-
vides the option of selecting the changes to be made in the project.
Manual of the K-IDE Using the K-IDE (Workflow)
By confirming the selection dialogue, the changes are carried out at the
selected program locations. This is then also reflected in the AS structure
The variable handling differs slightly between offline and online mode. In
offline mode, variables are also only created offline and no further request
is made. If you are in the online mode (K-IDE is connected to the robot),
it depends on the settings in how far variables are automatically trans-
ferred to the robot and how this transfer takes place.
Therefore let's have a look at the K-IDE's "Settings" dialog, which can be
accessed in the main menu under "Options / Settings". On the second
page (Online Options) we find two setting ranges, with which we can con-
trol the behavior in online mode:
The first area deals with the general creation of variables in online mode.
The setting "Create identifier offline only" would also create a newly added
variable offline only in online mode and not automatically transfer it to the
robot. This setting saves time, because otherwise a transfer would also
Manual of the K-IDE Using the K-IDE (Workflow)
take place after each new creation of a variable. The setting "Create iden-
tifier also online", on the other hand, transfers each individual variable to
the robot directly after it has been created. This setting has an option to
check whether the variable is already in the robot before transfer. If this is
the case, it will not be transferred again. However, this option also re-
quires a transfer time again, so that with this setting up to two transfers
can take place after each new creation of a variable.
Please note that the column "Current" and the button [Accept current po-
sition] are only displayed if the option "Read current position" is activated
in the settings. If this is not the case, the position variables are always
preset with default values and can then be taught using the corresponding
functions in the variable list or editor.
Manual of the K-IDE Using the K-IDE (Workflow)
from the context menu of the respective variable or change the offline
content of the variable and send it explicitly to the robot.
Manual of the K-IDE Using the K-IDE (Workflow)
in the robot, you can look at the AS structure tree and check all entries
with synchronization marking. If you find programs with this marking,
they will in most cases still have to be transferred to the robot because
they have been forgotten. However, if you find marks on variable lists,
you can check and think about which changes you have made there and
whether these changes have to be transferred to the robot. Please pay at-
tention to the warnings in the last section!
This topic follows on seamlessly from the last topic on the transmission of
variables. There we already mentioned the special caution when transmit-
ting variables. In this chapter, we extend the considerations to the trans-
mission of programs and other data.
In principle, before any transfer, one must think carefully about what the
consequences of this transfer might be. There are also some things to
consider when transferring programs while the robot is running. For ex-
ample, it is strongly discouraged to transfer programs while the robot is
running, even if this could work smoothly if some conditions are met.
The safe way to transfer a program is to stop the robot, turn off the mo-
tors and kill the foreground program (and/or the background programs).
This is the only way to ensure with certainty that the program to be trans-
ferred is not currently in execution.
Manual of the K-IDE Using the K-IDE (Workflow)
from there. However, by clever division of the programs and correspond-
ing program structure, you can design your project in such a way that as
many changes as possible can be transferred during operation.
To transfer programs to the robot, select the [Upload] button from the
toolbar of the relevant program or select the corresponding menu item
from the context menu of the program or the associated program group in
the AS structure tree.
The download of a single program is only in the rarest cases really useful.
You can use this function, for example, if you only want to make a very
manageable change to a single program. So you can download this pro-
gram in the current version from the robot, make your changes and then
send it back to the robot. In case of larger changes, the previous complete
download of the whole project from the robot is much more reasonable in
any case.
Manual of the K-IDE Using the K-IDE (Workflow)
5.6.3 Up- and download of the interface panel
Up- and download of data for the interface panel is possible at any time
without having to consider the current status of the robot. When you
transfer the panel to the robot, it is possible that, if displayed, the current
page on the teach pendant is not updated. In this case you have to switch
the IFP page once or hide and show the IFP again.
While system data can be downloaded at any time without regard to the
current robot status, great care must be taken when uploading. The sys-
tem data contains many different data, settings and information that are
required by the robot for smooth operation. Uploading incorrect system
data can cause malfunctions or damage to the robot.
Before uploading system data, please check if you have a current backup
of the robot! In case of an error, you can restore the robot to the state at
the time of the data backup. It is safest to create a data backup directly
before transferring the system data to the robot. In this way you will have
as up-to-date a status as possible.
Manual of the K-IDE Using the K-IDE (Workflow)
this, activate the observation mode with the [Eye] button in the main
toolbar (see Chapter " on source code monitoring", page
37). Then, move the mouse over the variable to be inspected and wait un-
til the tooltip is displayed. There you can read the current content of the
In this case, the content is only read out if the mouse changes its position
and remains over a variable. To read the content again, the mouse must
be moved again.
The content of the variables from the list is now read "as soon as possi-
ble". The reading speed is indicated by the pulsating heart symbol and is
displayed as a time indication next to the heart.
Please regard that a high number of variables in the list extends the cycle
time for reading each variable. For fast processes the list should therefore
be as short as possible. Please note that you can create several lists and
then switch back and forth between these lists (see chapter "3.8Inspection
list", page 77).
Manual of the K-IDE Using the K-IDE (Workflow) Observe signals
A special form of the cyclic watch list is the function "Watch signals",
which can be called up via the [Flag] button in the toolbar above the
watch list. Since signals play an important role in most robot projects, the
watch list for signals is generated automatically.
Cyclical observation can also be started here via the green [Eye] button.
A look into this protocol is worthwhile, if you want to check if and how of-
ten a loop or query was passed.
Please note that the entries in the program flow trace always represent a
snapshot. If the program has been changed after the entry in the log (e.g.
by adding or deleting lines), the step number from the log may no longer
point to the command currently specified in the program text.
Even after commissioning, errors may still occur during normal operation
of the robot. The causes of such errors are manifold and cannot always be
attributed solely to the robot itself. For example, the cause of an error can
also be due to incorrect operation, incorrect behavior of sensors or errors
of higher-level controllers.
Such errors are usually difficult to locate, because one is usually no longer
on site and has to rely on the error description of third parties.
Manual of the K-IDE Using the K-IDE (Workflow)
For these cases the K-IDE offers some possibilities which have already
been described above:
The error log: This is where error messages from the robot are col-
lected and stored with many other useful details (see chapter
" log", page 58).
The operating protocol: This is where operating actions are saved
(see section " protocol", page 60).
The program flow chart: Here the program flow is stored step by
step (see last chapter or chapter " execution proto-
col", page 60).
In case of an error, always have the complete backup including all logs
sent to you or, in case of a remote maintenance, have a look at the above
mentioned log entries of the K-IDE. Please make sure to check the logs
with the current program version! A difference between your offline status
and the current program status in the robot could lead to wrong conclu-
If you are working with additional axes in your robot project, the K-IDE
must recognize this and manage an additional value in the position varia-
bles for each additional axis. This detection can be done in two ways:
1. Recognition based on the system data of the robot: The K-IDE anal-
yses the system data and finds possible settings for external axes.
2. Detection via the number of position values: If the K-IDE finds more
than 6 values in the variable area for position variables, it activates
a corresponding number of axes. This detection is for safety reasons
and should prevent the values of the external axes in the position
variables from being lost if no system data of the robot is available
for a project file.
If the K-IDE has detected additional axes, the values of these axes are
also displayed in the variable lists.
After activating the external axes in the robot, please make sure
that the current system data is transferred to the K-IDE project as
Manual of the K-IDE Using the K-IDE (Workflow)
soon as possible! In this way you prevent malfunctions and data
The Kawasaki "DuAro" is a double arm robot. In order to cope with this
fact and the associated operating and configuration effort, the K-IDE sup-
ports special functionalities that differ from other Kawasaki robots.
Due to the presence of two arms that can be programmed and controlled
separately, there are changes in many places in the K-IDE compared to
robots with single arms:
The K-IDE must be able to recognize from the system data of the robot
whether it is a DuAro or not, and in this case it activates the special func-
tions. The recognition is based on the controller type.
This manual does not cover all specifics of DuAro programming, but rather
refers to the corresponding Kawasaki manual.
Here are some screenshots of some changes of the DuAro mode compared
to other robots:
Manual of the K-IDE Annex
6 Annex
Manual of the K-IDE Annex
Hotkey Impact / Meaning Reference
Disconnects the current connection
Ctrl + F4 37
to the robot
Shift + Ctrl +
Loading data from the robot 38
F9 Save backup 38
Shift + Ctrl +
Switch off the robot motor 39
Manual of the K-IDE Annex
Hotkey Impact / Meaning Reference
Create new project group /
Ctrl + P
current AS file as project file
Ctrl + S File Quick Save 35
Shift + Ctrl +
File Save As... 35
Ctrl + Z
Undo (Undo last change)
Alt + ←
Ctrl + R Redo (Re-apply last withdrawn change)
Manual of the K-IDE Annex
Hotkey Impact / Significance
Shift + Tab Remove tab/indent
Shift + Ctrl +
Jump to the first character of the selected text
Shift + Ctrl +
Jump to the last character of the selected text
Jumps to the beginning of the current word or to
Ctrl +
the beginning of the previous word
Ctrl + Jumps to the beginning of the next word
Jumps to the beginning of the current word or to
Shift + Ctrl +
the beginning of the previous word in the selected
Shift + Ctrl + Jumps to the beginning of the next word in the se-
lected text
Shift + Ctrl +
Converts the selected text to lowercase letters
Shift + Ctrl +
Turns the comment for the current line on or off
Ins Toggles between input and override mode
Shift + Alt +
Enables column-oriented text selection
Manual of the K-IDE Annex
Hotkey Impact / Significance
Alt + Moves the current line up by one line
Shift + Ctrl +
Removes the bookmark at the current line
Ctrl + P Jumps to the next bookmark
Shift + Ctrl +
Jumps to the previous bookmark
Alt + F +
Searches the nearest [character].
Ctrl + Scrolls the text up/down
Shift + Alt +
Unfolds all codefolding blocks
0 (Null)
Manual of the K-IDE Annex
6.3 Motion types of the robot
TDRAW Moves around the specific value in the X, Y, Z axis of the tool
DRIVE Moves a single axis by the specified value. For rotational axes
the unit is degrees, for translational axes the unit is mm.
ALIGN Aligns the tool Z axis with the basic coordinate axis.
Manual of the K-IDE Annex
The [Pen] button enables editing in the editing menus. When pressing the
[Pen] button the grayed out areas to the right of the descriptions turn
white, indicating that the areas can be described and/or modified.
Basically, next to input fields where variable names or signal numbers can
be entered are the buttons for selecting and cross-referencing the varia-
bles. These are marked by [...] and [Magnifying glass]. If you enter a sig-
nal number known to the K-IDE, the signal number is replaced by the cor-
responding signal name after confirming the entry with [Ok].
For a more detailed description of the interface panel, please refer to the
chapter "9.0 Control Panel Screen" in the Robot Controller User's Manual
of the relevant robot controller.
Manual of the K-IDE Annex
6.4.1 Pilot Lamp
The first editing menu describes the "pilot lamp". Here you can use the
four labels to place a note on the symbol to indicate the usefulness of the
pilot lamp. In addition, the colors of the text, the background and the
lamp color can be set. The light itself operates with the signal that has
been selected.
Manual of the K-IDE Annex
6.4.2 Push button
The second editing menu deals with the Push Button. Here you can use
the four labels to place a note on the symbol, so that it becomes clear
what use the Signal button has. As with the first editing field, the colors
can also be set here. Furthermore, you can select a signal here that is
switched on as long as the button is held down. You can use the same
functions as in the first menu for editing and overview purposes.
Manual of the K-IDE Annex
6.4.3 Push Button with lamp
The third editing menu is extended with a signal lamp in contrast to the
second one. This function combines the first and second item. The previ-
ous functions are also available here with the text hint, color individualiza-
tion and selection of signals.
Manual of the K-IDE Annex
6.4.4 Two-position switch
In the editing menu of the fourth point you can create a switch for two po-
sitions. Again, the customization options are available with the labels and
the color selection for the editing field. Pressing the button switches be-
tween the two signals, which are entered below.
There are two ways to display the switch: as a rotary knob or as a slider.
Manual of the K-IDE Annex
6.4.5 Three-position switch
The fifth edit box option is similar to the fourth. However, here you can
add another signal to the field so that you can select from three signals
with the button. The customization options are identical to the fourth edit
field option.
Manual of the K-IDE Annex
6.4.6 Digital switch
The sixth editing field belongs to the Digital Switch. Here you can write a
text note with the labels and design the button individually with the color
For the function select a start signal with the number of signals.
Manual of the K-IDE Annex
6.4.7 Digital display
In the editing menu of the seventh point you can set up a digital display.
Here you can compose a text note with the labels and design the button
individually with the color elements.
In the eighth editing menu, you can select a variable in addition to the in-
dividualization of the field, which is always displayed.
Manual of the K-IDE Annex
6.4.9 String window
The ninth editing menu allows you to use one or more surfaces for text
output. The background color can be set for this purpose.
In the tenth editing option, you can design a field for the Monitor Com-
mand. Here you can design a descriptive text using the labels, vary the
different colors, and enter a command that is executed by pressing the
control element.
Manual of the K-IDE Annex
6.4.11 Palletiser Icon
The palletizer icon alternates between On and Off. In this dialog box, you
can define the labeling with the labels, vary the different text colors and
define the respective signals for the panel.
The String Data Display allows you to specify a character string. All rele-
vant customization options are available for the field.
Manual of the K-IDE Annex
6.4.13 Two-position switch with lamp
With the two-position switch with lamp you can write a text note with the
labels and customize the button with the color elements. By turning the
switch, either the "signal left" or the "signal right" is output, depending on
the position. Alternatively, this control element can also be displayed as a
slider or slide button in addition to the rotary knob.
Manual of the K-IDE Annex
6.4.14 Three position switch with lamp
Manual of the K-IDE Annex
6.4.15 Servo Dispenser
With the "Servo Dispenser" you can write a text note with the labels and
design the symbol individually with the colour elements. You can also se-
lect various symbols to be displayed on the button of the display element.
Manual of the K-IDE Annex
6.5 Tab Actions
Below you will find all the actions that can be performed from the editor
area in the tab bar.
A single left click on a tab will show the selected editor in front
Click and hold the left mouse button to move the tab to another lo-
cation in the tab bar
Right-click on a tab to open the context menu
Middle click on a tab to close the tab and remove it from the tab bar
The first action you can perform on the tab bar is a simple left mouse click
on an inactive tab, after pressing the mouse button it is activated, high-
lighted in white and its editor area is opened. The previous active tab is
greyed out.
With the mouse button pressed down on the active tab, the order can be
moved as desired. Make sure that only the active tab can be moved.
Manual of the K-IDE Annex
You can close a selected tab directly by pressing the middle mouse button.
Kawasaki Robotics