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Definition of Facebook
Facebook is a website operated by Meta, a joint stock company, one of
the most popular social media, and can be defined as a large social
network. Users can join networks organized by the city, employer, school
or territory, in order to connect and interact with others. Also, users can
add friends to their friend list and send them messages, update their
profiles and identify friends themselves. The name of the site refers to
the photo guide provided by colleges and preschools in the USA to faculty
and new students, which includes a description of campus members as a
way to get to know them.

4. The evolution of Facebook 2.The negatives

• The Facebook team then developed the "Profile" to
• Facebook can be addictive, spending a
appear in the look of "Timeline" or the timeline, in
lot of time on the site and moving away
which your account looks like your lifeline from the
from the real world.
date you entered until the present moment, and you
indicate on posts that you want to express the events •Facebook leads people to compare
of your life. To the right of the Facebook page, you can themselves to others, which can lead
see the "Taker", which shows you an aspect of friends' to lower satisfaction with an
activity, in addition to the possibility of following the individual’s life standard.
posts of those who are not on the friends list through
• Sleep delay, as people find it
the "Subscribe"
‫‏‬ tool.
difficult to get away from the
• in 2006 Facebook became a site available to any
location before bed.
user on the Internet, but on the condition that he
be married at the age of 13. In 2009, Facebook
became the most widely used social networking 3. The positives
site, and in 2019 the number of subscribers
became 2 billion. • This site allows you to create personal files through
which you can upload photos or video clips or send a
5. How Mark invented Facebook message

and how it evolved • Information can be spread through it very

easily and quickly
In February 2004, Mark Suckerberg founded • Find people with the same interests
Facebook from his Harvard University City room, through the platform.

and in September 2004 he applied a Facebook wall

that gives people a place to broadcast their
messages to each other, in December 2004
Facebook users reached a million people, and in
October 2005 the site opens to international
schools with a photo streaming service.

• Information
Despite the establishment of Facebook in 2004, the site began to be known in
the Arab world, specifically Egypt, around the beginning of 2008 until it reached
its peak during 2010 and 2011, but unfortunately, the communication platform
turned out of its purpose and slowly turned into an arena for the exchange of
false and misleading information, whether at the international level or even
what we see in local affairs.

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