Alarm-Communication-& Display

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Alarm Communication and Display

Abstract. An alarm communication and display system (AC&D) transmits electronic signals from intrusion detection
sensors, entry control devices, and video cameras and associated systems to a central alarm station and displays the
information to a security operator for action. There are three key aspects and functions of an AC&D system. First is
alarm communication which includes the functions of data collection and data communication. Second is alarm
display which includes the functions of data processing and data presentation. Third is the operator function which
includes data interpretation and action. State-of-the-art systems use computer technology and graphics to
communicate information to the operator. The design of the system must consider the ability of the operator to
monitor and maintain control of the AC&D system. The designer of an alarm display system must decide what
information to display, how to present the information, how the operator will interact with the system, and how to
arrange the equipment at the operator work station for optimum performance. Additional implementation
considerations include reliability, availability and maintainability.

14.1 Introduction
Role of the Alarm An alarm communication and display (AC&D) system transmits alarm signals
Communication and from electronic devices and systems to a monitoring station and displays the
Display (AC&D) information to an operator for action.
More specifically, the alarm communication and display system is to:
 Collect and display data from the
o Alarm (intrusion detection) system
o Entry control (entry control) system
o Video Management System (assessment and surveillance)
 Provide the human/machine interface
o Provide overall status of site security system
o Provide mechanism for operator input
 Support communication to others
o To guards and response forces
o To emergency personnel

14.2 Alarm Communication

14.2.1 Data Collection

Introduction Data is collected from the alarm, entry control, video, and when applicable
network, devices and systems that make up the physical protection systems
(PPS) and is displayed at the alarm monitoring station.

Alarm System Data Alarm system data includes signals from interior and exterior intrusion
detection devices, from entry control devices, from devices that sense the
integrity of the overall system and from duress devices.

Entry Control System Entry, or access, control data includes signals from badge readers, biometric
Data devices, door status devices, and signals to and from systems that determine
area alarm states (access/secure).

EntryEntry control data also includes the data from the enrollment, or badging,

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station where the credential is printed, the Personal Identification Number

(PIN) is assigned and any biometric information is provided by the individual.

Video System Data Video system data includes live video signals for live display, storage and
recall. The data also includes signals associated with pan-tilt-zoom control.

14.2.2 Data Communication

Introduction Data communication methods include wire, optical fiber and, when necessary,
wireless links.

Wire Methods Wire methods send signals using electrical (voltage) pulses. Wire methods
include twisted pair wire (such as RS-232 cables or Category 6 cable) and
coaxial cable.

The disadvantages of using wire is signal degradation due to line losses, signal
impacts from lightning and improper grounding and signal impacts due to
electromagnetic radiation.

Optical Fiber Methods Optical fiber cables send signals using pulses of light. This method allows the
signals to be sent over longer distances and at higher speeds.
 Optical fiber is 100 times faster than coaxial cable.
 Optical fiber is 1000 times faster than twisted pair.

There are two types of optical fiber: multimode and single mode. Multimode
fiber uses an LED (or laser) that transmits light in several rays, or modes.
Over long runs, the multiple rays become dispersed and may cause signal

Single mode fiber uses a laser source to transmit one light ray, or mode; and,
can therefore, transmit the signals over a longer distance than multimode fiber.

Optical fiber is not affected by lightning, grounding problems or other sources

of electromagnetic radiation. However, there are stringent installation
requirements and, due to the equipment required, installation costs may be
higher than installing wire. Single mode cable is more expensive than
multimode cable. However, single mode fiber may be less expensive for
longer runs since active repeaters are required when using multimode fiber
over long distances. For data communication via optical fiber a transmitter and
receiver is required to convert the electrical signal to light and back to an
electrical signal. Each type of fiber has a minimum bend radius and some
signal is lost at each connection or splice. In the nuclear industry, radiation
darkening of the fiber is a consideration if the fiber runs through a radiation

Wireless Methods Wireless communications use a radio or microwave frequency, or for very
short distances infrared frequency, to transmit information. While this method
of communications provides a useful solution when hard line communications
are unavailable, wireless should not be considered as the main means of
communications. Disadvantages of wireless links are signal loss due to
jamming and susceptibility to interception.

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14. Alarm Communication and Display

Communication Devices and systems may be connected directly to the alarm reporting system
Network Topologies or the devices may be connected to field panels, which in turn are connected to
the a communications network. The network design should provide priority
for alarm communication, especially when video signals use the same network.
(Video signals use significant network bandwidth.)

Data communication networks have various types of topologies, or

architectures, to transmit information from one device to another. Examples of
communication network topologies include: star, bus, line, ring and tree

Star Network The star network uses a central computer to communicate with all other
devices on the network. This is a common configuration, such as a hub or
wireless router in a home network that connects a computer, printer and other
devices. This is also the configuration used with RS-232 and RS422 point-to-
point communications, for hardwired field and annunciator panels and older
video systems.

Bus Network The bus network is configured such that all devices are connected to a shared
communications line. This configuration is commonly used with the
motherboard in a computer and with RS-485 multi-drop communications.

Line Network A topology similar to the bus network is a line network in which devices are
“daisy-chained.” In this topology, the communication passes through each
device and can be transmitted over a longer distance since each device acts as a
repeater that keeps the signal strong between devices. Although this is the
easiest way to add devices, implementation for large systems is very

Ring Network A ring network configuration is a type of line network in which the devices at
each end are connected forming a ring.

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A second connection between devices in a ring network, called a “counter-

rotating” ring, may be used to provide redundancy. However, a
malfunctioning node can still be a single-point of failure; modifications to the
ring can disrupt the network; and, the increasing the number of nodes on the
network increases communication delays. A large number of nodes on
redundant fiber loops may also result in an unstable network upon failure of
one connection.

Ring topology has been used for over 20 years to provide continued
communication in the event of a single cut. However, technology
advancements now allow for configurations not constrained to a ring.

Tree Network The tree network configuration is a hierarchical topology with a root node and
branches. Note that unless there are at least three levels in the hierarchy or the
network would be classified as a linear network. As such, the tree
configuration is a hybrid combination of a star and multiple linear networks.
Unless the root node fails, communication failures are isolated to the affected
“branch” or “leaf.”

A tree network with redundancy uses redundant root notes with all linear nodes
connected to both root nodes. This is a very reliable and robust network
topology but can also be expensive to implement over long distances and as a
redundant and diverse network. This topology is recommended for high
security applications.

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14. Alarm Communication and Display

14.3 Alarm Display

14.3.1 Data Processing

Introduction There are three basic types of AC&D systems and associated methods for data
 Annunciator panels – with or without data processing
 Independent systems
 Integrated Systems

Annunciator Panels Annunciator Panels, as shown in Figure 14-1, are the simplest type of alarm
reporting system and may or may not have data processing. In many small
systems, the sensor information is directly wired to the annunciator panel to
display the status of individual sensors or sensor zones. The status of each
sensor is indicated by a set of colored lights and pushbuttons.

Figure 14-1 – Annunciator Panel Display

An annunciator panel is a simple system in which the electrical components

and correlation with the sensors is easily understood. Therefore, the system is
easy for the operator to understand and for maintenance personnel to
troubleshoot and repair. However, complexity increases with the size of the
system because separate circuitry is required for each sensor, or zone. Also,
the larger the system, the larger the panel and the more difficult for the
operator to learn to use. This type of system usually does not have the ability
to automatically log assessments or provide for data archival.

Newer annunciator panels may incorporate small processors, or computers, to

reduce amount of wiring and to provide additional information to the operator.

This type of panel may be optimal for small systems in which sensors are
within a building, such as a home security system, or small geographical area.

Evolution of Alarm As processing technology became faster and more affordable, systems to
Reporting Systems monitor alarms, control access and manage video became available.
Implementation of such systems became more complicated and has the
potential to overload the operator.

Independent Systems When alarm reporting systems implement independent alarm, entry control and
video systems, there are “many systems and multiple displays” for the

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operator, or operators, to monitor and control (Figure 14-2). The pertinent

information from each system is presented to the operator; however, the
operator must monitor and be trained on multiple systems. Implementation
and maintenance of each system is simpler when not integrated with other

Figure 14-2. Independent AC&D Systems

Integrated Systems When the AC&D system integrates the alarm, entry control and assessment
system there are “many systems and one display.” Integrated systems are more
efficient for the operator, or operators. Only needed or prioritized information
is presented to the operator. As such, the operator monitors and is trained on
only one system.

Figure 14-3. Integrated AC&D Systems

Data Management Data is managed differently for the different types of displays. As seen in
Figures 14-2 and 14-3, data can be managed by either the system or by the
alarm station operator.

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14. Alarm Communication and Display

For annunciators without processing, the information is provided directly to the

operator, who determines all subsequent actions. For annunciators with
processing, the system provides pertinent information and may be capable of
providing supplemental information upon request.

For independent systems, each system collects and stores the data collected and
displays information per the designated configuration.

For integrated systems, each system not only collects and stores the data
collected, but is also configured to discriminate what is displayed and provide
automated control functions. For example:

 Alarms can be integrated with entry control such that the door alarm is
not displayed when the entry control system provides authorized
access through the door.
 The video for an alarm zone can be automatically displayed upon
 When operator function confirmations identity, the entry control
system can display of the individual’s picture upon badge swipe.

14.3.2 Data Presentation

Introduction There are several types of AC&D displays. Examples include:

 Annunciator panels
 Geographic maps or mimic displays and
 Computer monitor displays

Annunciator Panels As described in earlier sections, for annunciator panels sensor information is
directly wired to the panel to display the status of individual sensors or sensor
zones. The status of each sensor is indicated by a set of colored lights. A
disadvantage of this display is that the exact location is not presented. Also,
for legal purposes, many agencies require records be kept of the alarms, alarm
assessments and actions taken. When using most annunciator panels, these
records must be generated manually.

The panel in Figure 14-1 is over 30 years old but such panels are still being
made and sold for use in building fire panels, for small process control systems
and where ruggedized interface is required.

Geographic Map An annunciator-type geographic map display, as shown in Figure 14-4

Displays provides the alarm status information in a graphical arrangement that
corresponds to the geographical location of the alarm. This provides the
operator additional alarm information; however, modifications to an
annunciator-type graphic display require significant modification to the display

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Figure 14-4 – Annunciator-type Geographic Map Display

As computer systems became more commonly used at work, computer

graphics displays became available for security systems, as shown in Figure
14-5. These systems originally used an older touchscreen technology such that
the operator could interface with the system in a similar fashion as the
annunciator panel – lights and pushbuttons. These systems provided not only
the geographical location to the operator but were capable of logging
assessment information and being interfaced with video systems. Modification
of the display was also easier.

Figure 14-5 – Computer Graphics Geographic Map Display

Computer Monitor As computer systems became more powerful and more commonly used at
Displays home, operators became more comfortable with the mouse and keyboard
interface with the computer. Computer displays, such as those shown in Figure
14-6, are able to provide more information, systems became integrated and
operator responsibilities became more interactive.

In addition to displaying information on a map computer systems are now able

to provide additional information in text form. A modern AC&D console may

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14. Alarm Communication and Display

include two displays: one with graphical information and one with text.

Figure 14-6 – Computer Text and Map Displays

14.4 Operator
14.4.1 Data Interpretation

Introduction The human decision remains the most important factor in the alarm assessment
process. The ability for the operator to quickly and accurately initiate
appropriate action depends on the ability to interpret the data provided to the
operator. Care must be taken to not overload the operator when designing and
implementing the AC&D console. For large or independent systems, two
operators may be necessary to monitor and maintain control of the security

Human-Machine A major task when designing a system is to identify the required operator
Interface functions and then the interface required to support the identified functions.

Human-machine interface considerations include answering the following


 How should the information be presented?

 How should the equipment be arranged at the operator's workstation?
 How does the operator interface with the system?
 What information should be presented to the operator?
 How much information should be presented?
 When should the information be presented?

The human factors – ergonomics –of the various hardware components and
software techniques should be considered. Because the operator spends much
time at the console, the system should be designed to make the work area
comfortable and easy to use (Figure 14-7).

Before designing the work area, consider the following factors:

 What the operator must be able to see (people, equipment, displays,

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 What the operator must be able to hear (other operators, warning

 What the operator must be able to reach and manipulate (computer
controls, communication equipment).

Figure 14-7 – Ergonomic Console

The space around the operator consists of zones of varying accessibility and
visibility (Figure 14-8). All displays and controls must be given spaced needed
for their intended function. Displays should be visible from the operator’s
normal working position and controls should be easily accessible. The
operator should be able to identify controls rapidly and correctly.

Figure 14-8 – Ergonomic Areas for an AC&D Console

Primary displays and controls – those displaying critical information – should

be located within the operator’s immediate line of site, requiring very little eye
or head movement. These displays and controls should be in or very near the
center of the console.

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14. Alarm Communication and Display

The location of any support equipment should be related to its importance and
frequency of use. Secondary displays and controls – frequently used displays –
should be located such that very little head movement is required to view the
display. Communication equipment, such as microphones and telephones,
should also be within easy reach.

Auxiliary displays and controls – non-critical and infrequently used displays –

should be outside of the secondary control area.

Information to Display Another major task when designing a system is identifying what information to
and When display to the operator. The basic information to display includes:

 Overall System Status

 Site Layout, including alarm zone status
 Alarm System Monitor Displays:
o Alarm Annunciation: “lights,” horns, map, text
o Location of the alarm
o What sensor is in alarm
o Time of the alarm
 Video Monitor Displays:
o Live video
o Assessment video
o Surveillance video
 Entry Control Displays:
o Entry control alarm events
o Entry control logs
 Network Communication Status

The design should consider when to display information to the operator:

always, upon alarm, upon request and never. For example, information to

 Always
o Zone status - secure or access
o Alarm status – no alarm, alarm, alarm reset, alarm
o Site layout – with or without zone status
o Systems status, including status of backup systems and power
o Operators logged in, including system administrator
 Upon Alarm
o Alarm location and time (map and/or text)
o Video of alarm zone
 When Requested
o Alarm history
o Procedural instructions
o Entry control information

Additional Design Techniques to organize and manage the information displayed can make the
Considerations operator interpretation and action more effective.

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Because of limited screen space, some techniques for managing the space

 Use of auditory alarms to alert the operator that an alarm has occurred.
Different sounds can be used to separate classes of alarms.
 Using colors to emphasis and categorize information (for example: red
for alarms.)
 Using separate computer monitors for graphic and text displays
 Using multi-layer graphics with links between layers. For example, a
map of a floor plan may indicate there is an alarm in a particular room.
Selecting the link to that room would bring up a display of the room
and the specific sensor in alarm.

In many systems the processor can be configured to prioritize what is

displayed. For example, alarms from sensors protecting nuclear material can
be given a higher priority than other zones. Therefore, any high priority alarm
would displace any lower priority message on the display if there is no room
on the display for the priority alarm.

14.4.2 Action

Introduction The overriding design philosophy for any security system must allow for the
operator to always be in command of the AC&D system and be able to take
appropriate action.

Alarm Monitoring and The operator must be able to monitor overall system status, respond to alarms,
Control log assessment of alarms, place alarms in access or secure and request
procedural instructions.

Alarm Assessment The operator must be able to either perform video assessment of an alarm or be
and Surveillance able to request guard or response force assessment of an alarm. When
applicable, the operator should be able to provide video surveillance of an
intruder or of a specific operation.

Entry Control The operator may be required to control entry at some locations. The operator
may be required to verify identity and authorization of an individual to some
locations, such as into the Central Alarm Station. The operator may be
required to verify entry for alarmed doors without entry control, such as
delivery doors.

Communication with The operator must be able to communicate with others, including guard forces,
Others response forces, emergency responders, staff and employees, and maintenance

Operator Training The operators must be trained to use the system and take appropriate action.
The roles and responsibilities for the operator should be well established and
documented in formal, written procedures. The operator should understand
how to control the system during normal operations, abnormal conditions and
during emergency and security incidents. The operator should not be
overloaded and should be trained to not ignore alarms.

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14. Alarm Communication and Display

14.5 Implementation Considerations

14.5.1 Availability

Desired System As stated earlier, the operator must always be in command of the system and
Characteristics be able to take appropriate action at all times. Therefore, there are
implementation considerations for the system itself.

Availability The primary design consideration is for maximum system availability.

Availability is the ability of the security system to perform required functions,
over the life of the system. Availability is commonly expressed as:

Uptime + Downtime

The availability requirement for a physical protection system is to perform

required functions 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.

Availability is related to the reliability of the equipment and the ability to

effectively maintain the system.

14.5.2 Reliability

Introduction Reliability is the ability of an item to perform a required function under given
environmental and operational conditions, for a stated period of time.
entry control
Reliability System reliability design considerations include:
 Selection of reliable equipment
− Quality components
− Rated for environment
 Eliminating failure modes
 Including appropriate redundancy
 Design for system integrity
− Security
− Physical protection

The system design should consider the quality and environmental rating of the
components. Ensuring components are installed and operating well within
specifications provides conditions for maximum availability for the

Failure modes should be evaluated to understand the extent of the outage due
to the failure. For example, in the tree network all components attached to a
“branch” that becomes isolated from the network are affected, but the other
branches remain unaffected. Installing redundant equipment on the same
network branch would result in both being affected by the same outage.

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Redundancy Redundancy allows components to fail without catastrophic consequence.

Use of auxiliary or Emergency power sources – emergency generators,

uninterruptible power supplies (UPSs) and batteries – provide for continued
use of the security system during loss of normal power.

Although often difficult to implement correctly, implementation of redundant

and redundant and diverse system servers (main system computers) provides
continuity of service during scheduled and unscheduled outages.

Less difficult to implementation is duplicate and duplicate and diverse AC&D

consoles (the workstations attached to the servers). High-security system
requirements frequently specify that the system is to include a central alarm
station and a diverse secondary alarm station.

Redundancy requires two, or more, operational and available systems. Some
systems are designed such that the second system to automatically assumes
control upon loss of the primary system. Other designs allow for the second
system to be manually assigned control very rapidly upon loss of the primary

Redundant and diverse requires two, or more, operational and available

systems in geographically separate locations.

System Integrity Maintaining system integrity ensures that the system continues to provide its
security function and is not modified without proper review and authority.
Methods to maintain system integrity includes design features for: denying
access to the equipment and denying and detecting access to the information.

Deny Access to An alarm reporting system is of little value if the communications link for the
Equipment system to the control center fails to report alarms because of accidental or
intentional damage. Thee system computers, operator consoles, field panels
and all network equipment should be physically protected by locating them
within a secure area in which access limited to authorized personnel.

Communication wire or fiber cables should be physically protected by

installation in metal conduit with all joints security welded.

Where possible, all cable runs should be inside the protected area of a facility
to limit physical access to the data cables. The data cables can be physically
protected by burying the communication lines when routed between buildings.
Burial of the communication line can be costly for long distance: however the
burial delays access to even the most determined attacker. During the planning
stage, extra lines should be included to allow for future expansion or individual
line failure. The cable can also be encased in concrete, or the soil directly
above the cable/conduit, can be covered with concrete or asphalt. If the entire
area surrounding the cable path is paved, any digging will be easy to detect.

To administratively protect the equipment, procedures, such as two-person rule

and configuration management should be implemented. Configuration

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14. Alarm Communication and Display

management ensures that modifications to the facility or to the systems

themselves are designed and installed to security standards and do not
introduce vulnerabilities into the system.

Deny/Detect Access Denying or detecting access to the system information includes restricting
to Information access to the system and system components.

Controlling access to the system includes providing intrusion detection and

surveillance for the system and system components, including spare parts.
Since the system administrator is considered one of the ultimate insiders, strict
control of physical access to the system computer is critical.

Tamper alarms should be installed for all sensors and equipment, including
field panels. Data links are vulnerable at the sensor and at various enclosures
along the data communication route. At these points, additional security can
be achieved by equipping the enclosures with tamper switches and equipment
rooms with BMSs to indicate an intrusion.

Controlling access to the system itself also includes implementing password

control. The operator and maintainer privileges should be restricted, such that
the ability to modify the system is restricted.

The system network should implement inherent and available security features.
One common temptation is to place the security hardware on an existing office
network, which usually has a connection to the Internet. However, even with
the availability of robust firewalls, keeping the system completely isolated
from the Internet is the only highly reliable means for protecting the security
system from an “outsider.”

Fiber optic transmissions are inherently self-protecting because the transmitter

and receivers usually include line supervision, and network switches may
include a port control feature that can be monitored. The drawback is that
integration of network alarms into the alarm system itself is not fully
developed. Therefore, separate network monitoring must be added to the
operator duties.

Use of encryption, especially when communication lines are routed through

lower security areas, can also increase security of the system. Some
commercial systems have implemented proprietary or standard encryption
techniques on portions of their systems. Independent encryption algorithms
may often be implemented throughout or in sections of the network.
Encryption can create significant communication delays and should be
evaluated for impact to overall alarm communication and assessment time.

When the system communication protocol uses polling, the time to report and
alarm depends on the time required for the local field panel to be queried. One
advantage, however, is that the polling requires a response from the field
equipment on a regular and frequent (less than a second) basis. Therefore, loss
of communication with any field panel is an indication of line loss or
tampering and can be indicated to the operator as an intrusion.

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14.5.3 Maintainability

Introduction Maintainability is the ability of a system to be retained in or restored to a state

in which the system can perform required functions when scheduled or
unscheduled maintenance is performed.

Impacts to not maintaining the system manifests results in implementing costly

compensatory measures for the duration of the outage. Stationing personnel to
protect radioactive assets is also a concern.

Monitor Performance Periodic inspections and tests – scheduled maintenance activities – are
necessary to ensure continued ability for and reliability of the system to collect
and communicate the data from the systems. The tests should confirm
continued operability and effectiveness of the systems.

Examples of items to inspect include:

 Data collection and communication of each alarm

 Wire terminations, which tend to loosen with temperature variations
 Sensor coverage which may be degraded due to age of the equipment
 Impacts from environmental conditions such as rain, dust, rodents and
insect activity

Each facility should determine the inspection procedures and schedule for the
systems based on the equipment installed and conditions under which the
equipment operates.

System Maintenance is easily accomplished when system documentation is readily

Documentation available and maintained to represent the system as installed. Such
documentation should include: vendor manuals, as-built drawings and site and
system configurations. Establishing configuration management procedures for
implementing changes provides an excellent mechanism for maintaining
documentation in as-built condition.

Efficient Replacement The ability to replace and repair the system – scheduled and unscheduled
and Repair maintenance – is also necessary to ensure continued availability of the systems.

Consideration of the life-cycle of components and systems ensures that

components are replaced before end-of-life failure.

Anticipating component failures ensures effective mechanisms are in place to

for maintenance of the system, and include:

 Modular design of the system to allow for rapid replacement and

return to service.
 Frequently backing up the system software and alarm configurations
ensures the most current system configuration, and thus operability and
functionality, can be restored.
 Disaster recovery processes and procedures should be documented and
practiced to ensure the system is correctly restored to full operability

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14. Alarm Communication and Display

and functionality as quickly as possible.

The availability of security system maintenance resources is a major

consideration for site operators. Trained maintainers and, for high security
systems, the ability to respond to system outages 24 hours 7 days a week is
critical to continued operation of the system.

Availability of exact or compatible spare parts and tools is also a concern for
proper maintenance. Vendors frequently update algorithms and modify the
physical configuration of equipment which can result in incompatibility of new
components with the older system. In the case of one fire alarm system, the
incompatibility resulted in a complete system outage.

Most importantly, is the absolute necessity for funding to ensure immediate

availability of trained maintainers and adequate spare parts.

14.6 Summary
Role The role of the AC&D system is to collect and display data from the PPS, to
provide the human-machine interface with the PPS and to support
communication to others. The ability for the operator to quickly and
accurately identify and assess an alarm and take appropriate action is the goal
of the AC&D system.

Key Aspects and The three key aspects the AC&D systems are alarm communication, alarm
Functions display, and the operator.

Alarm Communication functions are data collection and data communication.

Alarm Display functions are data processing and data presentation.
Operator functions are data interpretation and action.

Implementation AC&D implementation considerations include:

Considerations  Availability: 24 hours a day, 7 days per week
 Reliability: reliable equipment, eliminating failure modes,
implementing redundancy, and ensuring system integrity
 Maintainability: monitor system performance, efficient replacement
and repair, ensuring availability of resources and system

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