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ZRZT 15-55 (VSD)

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Oil-free tooth

ZT15-22 & ZT22VSD (FF) ZR/ZT30-45 & ZR/ZT37-55VSD
Table of Contents

1 3 5 7
Cover Introduction Air Quality Efficiency

10 12 15 17
Reliability smart AIR solutions Engineered Service

19 22 24 28
Flowchart Options Technical Back cover

2 - ZT 15-55 VSD (FF)

Setting the standard in
efficiency, safety
& reliability
The shortest route to superior productivity is to minimize operational cost while maintaining an
uninterrupted supply of the right quality of air. The Atlas Copco Z compressor series is focused on

effectively saving energy, ensuring product safety – only oil-free machines exclude contamination risks for
100% – and guaranteeing the utmost reliability around the clock. And not just today,

but day after day, year after year, with minimal maintenance cost, few service interventions and long
overhaul intervals.

High-quality air Efficiency Complete solution
100% oil-free air to safeguard State-of-the-art technologies to Plug & Play package for
your production save time and costs simplified installation and

Reliability & Superb operator Certified

expertise experience First in ISO 8573-1 (2010) CLASS
Optimized components and Compact design
easy maintenance

4 - ZT 15-55 VSD (FF)

Superior air quality with zero contamination
Atlas Copco has pioneered oil-free air technology for over 60 years. Through continuous research and
development, we have become the benchmark for air purity and were the first manufacturer to be
awarded ISO 8573-1 Class 0 certification. Today, we offer the largest range of oil-free air compressors and

blowers in the industry.

Why quality air?
Contamination of a production process can be extremely costly, both in down time and scrap costs of products. Mitigating risks of contamination
therefore directly impacts total cost of ownership. For all products and processes that need high-quality compressed air, there is an international
standard called ISO8573:2010. The 3 most common contaminants that ISO8573:2010 defines are solid particles, moisture or pressure dew point, and

Class 0: The Industry Standard 1 ISO 22000 2 ID/IMD 3

6 - ZT 15-55 VSD (FF)

Typically, the investment and installation of a compressor represents about 15% of the total life cycle cost

of a compressor, calculated over 10 years. Maintenance represents another 15%, while the energy
consumption represents 70%. It is easy to understand that energy efficiency is important. Every percent
that can be gained in efficiency will have a direct impact on the life cycle cost of your
compressor. While being utterly reliable, our ZT 15-55 (VSD) and ZR 30-55 (VSD) are also competitive in
terms of efficiency. These are the highest contributors to the efficiency of this machine range:

Variable Speed Drive A Variable Speed Drive (VSD) compressor
automatically adjusts its
motor speed to the air demand. Applications have a varying air
demand. That is why Atlas Copco pioneered the Variable Speed
Drive (VSD) technology for compressors to make sure that your
system gets the right amount of air.

Save Energy with a VSD Adding one or more VSD machines to your
compressed air installation will greatly improve the energy efficiency of
the complete system, with energy savings easily up to 35%.

Integrated ID & IMD Dryers Integrating our ID or iMD dryers ensures

optimum efficiency for the combination of compressor and dryer. iMD
heat of compression rotary drum dryers will even give you a
dew point suppression of 40°C without loss of compressed purge air nor
extra energy input for a blower or heater.

This dryer is regenerated with the heat of compression. If you need dry
air, this is definitely the most efficient dryer solution, infinitely better
than any alternative.

Installation with external dryers

Full feature installation

8 - ZT 15-55 VSD (FF)

Advanced Control Algorithms
The Elektronikon compressor monitoring system saves energy by
using advanced control algorithms:

Delayed Second Stop (DSS): in traditional fixed speed machines

(load/unload), when a compressor reaches the unload pressure, the
machine will be kept running in unload for a fixed time, to prevent
too frequent starting and causing the electrical motor to overheat.

Our sophisticated Delayed Second Stop (DSS) will take the running
conditions of the machine into account and will allow the machine to
stop if no frequent motor starts preceded. This will generate major
savings compared to traditional load/unload compressors.

Timer Functions: stop your machines when no air is needed. Often,

machines are kept running over night and during weekends, even if
there is no need for compressed air during these times. The timer
function on our compressors can easily fix this.

Dual pressure band: even if compressed air is needed during nights

and weekends, often, the required pressure is lower during these
times. Implementing a dual pressure band with lower settings during
nights and weekends will save loads of energy.

Designed for efficiency Oil-free tooth element

Oil free tooth technology remains very competitive among the dry
compression technologies for this power range in terms of
efficiency. They make ZT/ZR 15-55 the best choice in this power
range of oil free compressors.

IE4 Motors: Super Premium Efficiency

On our fixed speed machines, introduction of IE4 class motors will
save extra energy, every hour the machine runs. With machines
typically running 4000 to 8000 hours per year, again a major
contributor to efficiency and energy savings.

Multiple Machine Control

Any installation with 3 or more machines will benefit from a central

controller. This can be our optional built in control algorithm EQ4i/ EQ6i,
our advanced sequencer, Equalizer 4.0 or our advanced controller,
Optimizer 4.0.

Each have their benefits for their typical target installations. But one
thing they all have in common: they will control your installation in
a more efficient way than the individual machines with individual
settings can.




10 - ZT 15-55 VSD (FF)

1 Oil-free Tooth Element 5 Cooling
Our oil free tooth elements have a supreme track record of proven ZT VSD compressors are provided with an air-cooled oil cooler, an
reliability and durability. Combined with competitive efficiencies, intercooler and an aftercooler. An electric motor driven fan
they make the ZT/ZR range the best choice in this power range of generates the cooling air. ZR compressors have a water-cooled oil
oil free compressors. cooler, an intercooler and an aftercooler. Newly introduced Tube
and Shell type coolers ensure sturdy performance. The cooling
system includes three parallel circuits:

2 Advance touch screen monitoring system

The next-generation Elektronikon® operating system offers a great
variety of control and monitoring features that allow you to 6 Plug & play package
increase your compressor’s efficiency and reliability thanks to the Our ZR/ZT are designed for easy installation and maintenance. No
many embedded advanced control algorithms. unnecessary interlinking of extra components, so no extra risks for

3 Mechanical Drive System

Our recently introduced super premium efficiency IE4 class motor, 7 Compact design
combined with a gear box design that has proven its extreme Low footprint and easy installation.
reliability, this ZT/ZR range is equipped with a highly efficient and
reliable mechanical drive system.

8 Soundproof design
The ZR/ZT compressor comes with a sound insulated canopy. No
4 Optimal control separate compressor room is required. It allows for installation in
On our VSD variants, we are using our in-house designed highly most working environments.
efficient NEOS frequency converters. Neos frequency converters
are built into a cubicle that ensures stable operation up to
50°C/122°F. We combine the NEOS frequency converter with
electric motors that have been specifically designed for VSD use, 9 Ease of maintenance
also on low motor speeds with attention for motor and
Components in the compressor are strategically placed for ease of
compressor cooling. All Atlas Copco VSD compressors are tested
and certified for Electro Magnetic Compliance. Compressor
operation does not influence external sources and vice versa. Our
VSD compressors can range between 30-100% of the maximum
capacity (turndown 70%). Between minimum and maximum
motor speed, the motor can run on every speed (there are no
resonance frequencies that need to be avoided), so that stable net
pressure and energy savings are ensured.

smart AIR solutions
Only a complete compressed air system is an energy efficient and reliable solution that delivers the
correct compressed air quality. That is why we call our solutions smart AIR solutions.

12 - ZT 15-55 VSD (FF)

1 Central Controller 5 Air receiver
A key component in a smart AIR solution is a central controller. Even with a Variable Speed Drive compressor, having an
They will control a multiple compressor installation in a more appropriately sized buffer tank for compressed air will help
efficient way than the individual machines can with their local smoothening the variation in demand and allow compressors to
settings. But they also provide you with connectivity solutions, work in more stable operating conditions, thus helping both
whether it is to disclose the controls to any device in your LAN, add energy efficiency and reliability.
advanced local visualization features, connect to your SCADA
system or to our unique connectivity solution SMARTLINK, which
will give you unique insights and provide you with suggestions and
solutions for improved uptime or energy efficiency. A central 6 Compressed air dryers
controller is like a conductor of an orchestra: it will take the best of
The correct choice of dryer technology corresponding to the
the individual components of your installation and makes sure
compressed air quality requirements is crucial to a reliable and
everything stays in tune, while providing extra transparency that
energy efficient compressed air installation.
would otherwise take major efforts to be gained.
The choice for integrated dryers – our full feature concept – will
have additional benefits, reducing installation cost, time and
complexity, having dryers controlled together with the
compressors, reducing connecting pipes, hence the chance of
2 Energy efficient and reliable compressors leakages and extra pressure drops. And look at the major space
All smart AIR solutions start with picking the correct components saving full feature machines can bring. Smart AIR solutions have
in the correct combination. Choosing energy efficient impact on every aspect of your compressed air installation.
compressors, paying special attention to the mix
of compressors will be a major contributor to a smart AIR solution.
Our sound proof design contributes to a better working
environment around the compressors. Our compressors have 7 Compressed air filters
been designed with maintenance in mind, reducing the downtime
Also the correct filter grade in correspondence with air quality
of machines and improving availability of compressed air.
requirements will be an important contributor in a smart AIR
solution. This goes hand in hand with correct
maintenance of the filters, as incorrectly maintained filters will
jeopardize both the reliability of your installation as the energy
3 Variable Speed Drive (VSD) compressors efficiency.
Compressed air demand of most applications varies widely.
Adding one or multiple VSD compressors to the installation will
greatly help to improve energy efficiency of the total installation,
stability of compressed air pressure and reliability, thanks to more 8 Air Distribution Net
stable regime of each machine.
Most factories grow organically over time. With every extension,
there is an increasing risk introduced in the air distribution net:
undersized and heavily corroded pipes, restrictions, massive
leakages. Whenever a compressed air system is audited, it is
4 Ventilation common to find massive opportunities there. Atlas Copco’s unique
Compressors generate heat. Adequate evacuation of this heat will AIRNET pipe system will deal with all of these: our sizing tools and
ensure favorable working conditions for compressors and dryers assistance from our engineering team will help to size the
alike. distribution net correctly. And with a choice of aluminum, plastic
and stainless steel components, there’s no need to fear for
corrosion over time. And there is no need to worry about leakages,
as all couplings have proven leak tight over time. AIRNET comes
with a guarantee of 10 years, that is how much we believe in our

14 - ZT 15-55 VSD (FF)

Engineered Solutions
Customized equipment for your needs.

Engineered solutions

Atlas Copco recognizes the need to combine our serially produced

compressors and dryers with the specifications and standards applied
by major companies for equipment purchases. Strategically located
departments within the Atlas Copco Group take care of the design and
manufacturing of customized equipment to operate at
extreme temperatures, often in remote locations.

Innovative technology & engineering

All equipment is covered by our manufacturer warranty. The reliability,

longevity and performance of our equipment will not be compromised.
A global aftermarket operation employing 3600 field service engineers in
160 countries ensures reliable maintenance by Atlas Copco as part of
a local service operation.

Each project is unique and by entering into partnership with our

customers, we can appreciate the challenge at hand, ask the relevant
questions and design the best engineered solution for all your needs.

16 - ZT 15-55 VSD (FF)

More than a compressor manufacturer.

Total solutions provider

Whether you’re looking to buy equipment or for installation of

equipment, adaptation of installations, auditing your installation,
delivery spare parts, performing maintenance, have your installation
covered under any level of service plan or further
optimize your installation, Atlas Copco is your one stop shop for all of it.
Without the risk of ending up between two discussing suppliers about
responsibility, without you having to worry about planning all the
different activities. Atlas Copco can take care of it all, so that you can
focus on your core business.


With our Full Feature concept, you buy simplified installation: not only
the compressor, but also dryer and many of the options can be built
into one package. This not only saves you valuable floor space, it
drastically simplifies installation, saving time and money for contractors
to execute work for connecting different components mechanically and

Total Responsibility Plan

What does it take to keep your equipment running in the most optimal
conditions? As compressed air experts we know. All that knowledge, we
have put into a comprehensive service plan called Total Responsibility.
As the name suggests, Total Responsibility takes care of it all, from
preventative maintenance, covering the risk
of breakdowns and solving the problem if a breakdown occurs up to
performing complete overhauls if and when needed.


As an energy conscious buyer, you have bought the most energy

efficient equipment in the market. But in time, how sure are you that
your equipment is still running in the most optimal and energy efficient
conditions? If that is the case, it is time to ask Atlas Copco to audit your

Atlas Copco has a world-wide network of trained employees to do

measurements, analyze the results and propose improvements. What
sets Atlas Copco apart from most of their competitors, is that we have
put our knowledge and experience as compressed air specialists in the
development of a simulation software called AIRchitect.

Thanks to this software, the recommendations we make from an

AIRScan audit are not just ball park figures, they are realistic simulations
of how your installation will perform after improvement. These tangible
savings you will get as energy savings, money saved, and CO2 emissions

18 - ZT 15-55 VSD (FF)

The process flow, step by step.

20 - ZT 15-55 VSD (FF)
1 Inlet & filtration 4 Integrated dryer
The air is represented by the light blue flow. It is drawn into the The cooled wet compressed air is now mixed with 40% of the
compressor through the inlet filter where the air is cleaned. Then it cooled regeneration air and enters the dryer. The dry compressed
passes through the throttle valve with air with guaranteed dew point is now ready
integrated blow off valve that takes care of the load unload for use in your application.
regulation. The air then continues to the compression stage.

5 Oil flow
2 First compression & cooling The yellow flow is the oil path within the compressor. The oil
In the first compression stage the air pressure is raised to an pump sucks oil from the oil sump and pumps it through the oil
intermediate pressure after which the air is cooled down in the cooler and the high efficiency filter. This delivers cool clean oil to
intercooler. After the intercooler the air passes through a moisture the bearings, the gears and the compressor’s element jackets. It is
separation system before entering the high pressure stage. important to note that in the complete process no oil comes in
contact with the Air, hence ensures complete oil free air.

3 Second compression & cooling

In the high pressure stage the pressure is brought to the final
pressure. The air at the outlet of the high pressure stage goes via
the pulsation damper with integrated check
valve to the aftercooler where it is cooled down and moisture is
separated and evacuated. The compressed air leaves the
compressor through the outlet connection

With the ZT/ZR, Atlas Copco provides an all-in-one standard package incorporating the latest technology
in a built-to-last design. To further optimize your ZT/ZR’s performance or to simply tailor it to your specific
production environment, optional features are available.

22 - ZT 15-55 VSD (FF)


Anchor pads Integrated refrigerant dryer (ID)

ANSI flanges Integrated MD dryer (iMD)

High ambient variant Integrated dryer bypass

Water shut-off valve Silicone-free rotor for MD

Main power isolator switch Anti condensation heaters and thermistors


5% input chokes Test certificate

Please note the availability of the option depends on the chosen configuration.

Technical data

ZT 15-22 ZR ZT 30-45 (50 Hz)

Installed motor power Weight without dryer Weight with ID dryer Weight with iMD dryer
Free air delivery (1) Noise level dB(A)
Type (2) (4) (4) (4)
l/s m³/min cfm kW hp kg lbs kg lbs kg lbs


ZT 15 – 7.5 40.1 2,4 84,9

ZT 15 – 8.6 36,7 2,2 77,7 15 20 65 975 2150 1189 2621 1231 2714

ZT 15 – 10 31,1 1,9 66,0

ZT 18 – 7,5 50,5 3,0 107,0

ZT 18 – 8,6 47,7 2,9 101,1 18,5 25 67 995 2194 1209 2665 1280 2822

ZT 18 – 10 38,4 2,3 81,4

ZT 22 – 7,5 61,1 3,7 129,5

ZT 22 – 8,6 55,4 3,3 117,3 22 30 69 1001 2207 1215 2679 1286 2835

ZT 22 – 10 49,4 3,0 104,8

ZT 30 – 7,5 78,8 4,7 167,0

1390 3064
ZT 30 – 8,6 73,9 4,4 156,6 30 40 66 1200 2646 1300 2866

ZT 30 – 10 61.9 3.7 131.2 – –

ZT 37 – 7,5 96,6 5,8 204,7

1440 3175
ZT 37 – 8.6 92,3 5,5 195,7 37 50 68 1250 2756 1350 2976

ZT 37 – 10 79.4 4.8 168.2 – –

ZT 45 – 7,5 114,3 6,9 242,2

1495 3296
ZT 45 – 8,6 108,9 6,5 230,9 45 60 70 1290 2844 1390 3064

ZT 45 – 10 94.3 5.7 199.8 – –


ZR 30 – 7,5 78,8 4,7 167,0

30 40 63 1150 2535 1300 2866 1390 3064
ZR 30 – 8,6 73,9 4,4 156,6

ZR 37-7,5 96,6 5,8 204,7

37 50 65 1200 2646 1350 2976 1440 3175
ZR 37 – 8,6 92,3 5,5 195,6

ZR 45 – 7,5 114,3 6,9 242,2

45 60 67 1220 2690 1390 3064 1495 3296
ZR 45 – 8,6 108,9 6,5 230,9

ZT 15-22 ZR ZT 30-45 (60 Hz)

Installed motor power Weight without dryer Weight with ID dryer Weight with iMD dryer
Free air delivery (1) Noise level dB(A)
Type (2) (4) (4) (4)
l/s m³/min cfm kW hp kg lbs kg lbs kg lbs


ZT 15 – 7,5 39,8 2,39 84,23

ZT 15 – 8,6 36,0 2,16 76,17 15 20 65 975 2150 1189 2621 1231 2714

ZT 15 – 10 31,8 1,91 67,30

ZT 18 – 7,5 50,9 3,05 107,77

ZT 18 – 8,6 46,7 2,80 98,93 18.5 25 67 995 2194 1209 2665 1280 2822

ZT 18 – 10 41,2 2,47 87,36

ZT 22 – 7,5 60,9 3,65 129,02

ZT 22 – 8,6 55,5 3,33 117,66 22 30 69 1001 2207 1215 2679 1286 2835

ZT 22 – 10 49,9 2,99 105,69

24 - ZT 15-55 VSD (FF)

ZT 30 – 7,5 59.4 3.6 126.0
1390 3064
ZT 30 – 8,6 76.5 4.6 162.2 30 40 66 1200 2646 1300 2866

ZT 30- 10 61.6 3.7 130.5 – –

ZT 37 – 7,5 97.0 5.8 205.6

1440 3175
ZT 37 – 8,6 92.9 5.6 196.9 37 50 68 1250 2756 1350 2976

ZT 37 – 10 78.3 4.7 165.9 – –

ZT 45 – 7,5 113.8 6.8 241.1

1495 3296
ZT 45 – 8,6 108.8 6.5 230.6 45 60 70 1290 2844 1390 3064

ZT 45 – 10 94.5 5.7 200.2 – –


ZR 30 – 7,5 79,7 4,8 168,9

30 40 66 1300 2866 1390 3064
ZR 30 – 8,6 76,5 4,6 162,2
1200 2646
ZR 37 – 7,5 97,0 5,8 205,6
37 50 65 1350 2976 1440 3175
ZR 37 – 8,6 92,9 5,6 196,6

ZR 45 – 7,5 113,8 6,8 241,1

45 60 67 1220 2690 1390 3064 1495 3296
ZR 45 – 8,6 108,8 6,5 230,6

ZT 22 VSD, ZR/ZT 37-55 VSD

Installed motor Weigh without Weight with ID Weight with iMD

Working pressure Free air delivery (1) (FAD) Noise level
Type power (2) dryer (4) dryer (4) dryer (4)
dB(A) (3)
bar(e) l/s m³/min cfm kW hp kg lbs kg lbs kg lbs


25- 52,80-
Minimum 4 1,49-3,6
60,07 127,28

ZT 22 VSD – 10 24- 50,04-

Effective 7 1,4-3,5 22 30 69 1130 2491 1259 2776 1341 2956
bar(e) 58,84 124,67

22- 47-
Maximum 10 1,33-2,9
48,76 103,31

42,4- 8,9-
Minimum 4
102,3 216,8
ZT 37 VSD – 8,6 41,3- 87,5-
Effective 7 1650 3638
bar(e) 101,2 214,4

41,2- 87,3-
Maximum 8,6 2,5-5,7
95,1 201,5
37 50 68 1430 3153 1560 3439
34.9- 74.0-
Minimum 4 2.1-5.9
97.9 207.5

ZT 37 VSD – 10 34.0- 72.0-

Effective 7 2.0-5.9 – –
bar(e) 97.6 206.8

32.5- 68.9-
Maximum 10 2.0-4.8
80.5 170.6

42,4- 89,8-
Minimum 4 2,5-8,6
143,7 304,5

ZT 55 VSD – 8,6 41,3- 87,5-

Effective 7 1740 3836
bar(e) 142,5 301,9
41,4- 87,1-
Maximum 8,6
138,8 294,1
55 75 70 1485 3274 1615 3560
34.8- 73.7-
Minimum 4 2.1-8.3
139.1 294.8

ZT 55 VSD – 10 33.9- 71.8-

Effective 7 2.0-8.3 – –
bar(e) 138.8 294.1

32.3- 68.4-
Maximum 10 1.9-7.3
122.0 258.5


42,0- 89,0-
Minimum 4 2,5-6,1
102,3 216,8

ZR 37 VSD – 8,6 40,8- 86,5-

Effective 7 2,4-6,1 37 50 65 1320 2910 1540 3395 1540 3395
bar(e) 101,2 214,4

40,7- 86,2-
Maximum 8,6 2,4-5,7
94,9 201,1

42,4- 89,8-
Minimum 4
140,6 297,9
ZR 55 VSD – 8,6 41,3- 87,5-
Effective 7 55 75 67 1360 2998 1490 3285 1595 3516
bar(e) 139,4 295,4

41,4- 87,1-
Maximum 8,6 2,5-8,1
135,0 286,1

ZT 22 VSD, ZR/ZT 37-55 VSD

Installed motor Weigh without Weight with ID Weight with iMD

Working pressure Free air delivery (1) (FAD) Noise level
Type power (2) dryer (4) dryer (4) dryer (4)
dB(A) (3)
bar(e) l/s m³/min cfm kW hp kg lbs kg lbs kg lbs


25- 52,80-
Minimum 4 1,49-3,6
60,07 127,28

ZT 22 VSD – 10 24- 50,04-

Effective 7 1,4-3,5 22 30 69 1130 2491 1259 2776 1341 2956
bar(e) 58,84 124,67

22- 47-
Maximum 10 1,33-2,9
48,76 103,31

42,4- 8,9-
Minimum 4
102,3 216,8
ZT 37 VSD – 8,6 41,3- 87,5-
Effective 7 1650 3638
bar(e) 101,2 214,4

41,2- 87,3-
Maximum 8,6 2,5-5,7
95,1 201,5
37 50 68 1430 3153 1560 3439
34.9- 74.0-
Minimum 4 2.1-5.9
97.9 207.5

ZT 37 VSD – 10 34.0- 72.0-

Effective 7 2.0-5.9 – –
bar(e) 97.6 206.8

32.5- 68.9-
Maximum 10 2.0-4.8
80.5 170.6

42,4- 89,8-
Minimum 4 2,5-8,6
143,7 304,5

ZT 55 VSD – 8,6 41,3- 87,5-

Effective 7 1740 3836
bar(e) 142,5 301,9
41,4- 87,1-
Maximum 8,6
138,8 294,1
55 75 70 1485 3274 1615 3560
34.8- 73.7-
Minimum 4 2.1-8.3
139.1 294.8

ZT 55 VSD – 10 33.9- 71.8-

Effective 7 2.0-8.3 – –
bar(e) 138.8 294.1

32.3- 68.4-
Maximum 10 1.9-7.3
122.0 258.5


42,0- 89,0-
Minimum 4 2,5-6,1
102,3 216,8

ZR 37 VSD – 8,6 40,8- 86,5-

Effective 7 2,4-6,1 37 50 65 1320 2910 1540 3395 1540 3395
bar(e) 101,2 214,4

40,7- 86,2-
Maximum 8,6 2,4-5,7
94,9 201,1

42,4- 89,8-
Minimum 4
140,6 297,9
ZR 55 VSD – 8,6 41,3- 87,5-
Effective 7 55 75 67 1360 2998 1490 3285 1595 3516
bar(e) 139,4 295,4

41,4- 87,1-
Maximum 8,6 2,5-8,1
135,0 286,1

26 - ZT 15-55 VSD (FF)


Dimensions Full Feature

Type Length Width Height Length Width Height

mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch

ZT 15-22 1760 69,3 1621 63,8 1760 69,3 1621 63,8

ZR/ZT 30-45 2005 78,9 1880 74,0 2005 78,9 1880 74,0
1026 40,4 1026 40,4
ZT 22 VSD 2195 86,4 1621 63,8 2195 86,4 1621 63,8

ZR/ZT 37-55 VSD 2440 96,1 1880 74,0 2440 96,1 1880 74,0


Dimensions Full Feature

Type Length Width Height Length Width Height

mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch mm inch

ZT 15-22 1760 69,3 1621 63,8 1760 69,3 1621 63,8

ZR/ZT 30-45 2005 78,9 1880 74,0 2005 78,9 1880 74,0
1026 40,4 1026 40,4
ZT 22 VSD 2195 86,4 1621 63,8 2195 86,4 1621 63,8

ZR/ZT 37-55 VSD 2440 96,1 1880 74,0 2440 96,1 1880 74,0

Data may vary for other operating modes, versions and conditions. Consult Atlas Copco for details.

Data and specifications are subject to change without prior notice.

28 - ZT 15-55 VSD (FF)
Atlas Copco AB

Reg. no: 556014-2720

Phone: +46 8 743 80 00
(publ) SE-105 23 Stockholm, Sweden
Atlas Copco Airpower NV, Belgium. All rights reserved. Designs and specifications are subject to change without notice or obligation. Read all safety instructions in the
manual before

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