ITH Hydraulic Bolt Tensioning Cylinders EN Web
ITH Hydraulic Bolt Tensioning Cylinders EN Web
ITH Hydraulic Bolt Tensioning Cylinders EN Web
Technical Requirements for the use
of Bolt Tensioning Cylinders
Technical introduction
Industrial bolting tools can be divided by their fundamental affect the bolt itself. When using the ITH Stretch Method
bolting method: there is the rotation method (torqueing) there are no effects of friction, bending or torsion (“Hydraulic,
and tensioning method. Rotation methods (torqueing) work friction-free and torsion-free tightening”) affecting the bolting
according to the torque or the rotation angle principle. When procedure. The initial assembly preload FVM are applied with a
torqueing the accuracy of the preload force is influenced very high precision of +/- 2.0% and with a high repeatability.
negatively by friction and by torsion and bending loads which
Functional principle
The change bushing (light green) of The required pressure p is generated When the pressure has been
the Bolt Tensioning Cylinder (BTC) by an ITH high pressure pump. This achieved, the nut is threaded onto
is threaded onto the projecting creates an elongation in the bolt the support surface without friction
thread of the bolt. The turning sleeve (Δl). The initial assembly preload FVM by turning the turning sleeve. The
encloses the nut. is applied free of friction and free of Bolt Tensioning Cylinder can be
torsion. removed once the pressure is
Advantages of the ITH stretch method 3 High utilization of the proof stress
3 No friction effects between the nut / supporting surface (up to > 90% RP0.2 possible).
or between nut thread / bolt thread. 3 Bolted joints subject to high temperatures (e.g. on
3 High precision and high repeatability of the target gas turbines) can be disassembled easily and
value assembly preload FM because of no friction effects. damage-free even after long periods of time.
3 Linear relation between pressure p and initial 3 Perfect for use with stainless steels as there is no risk of
assembly preload FVM ensures a high system accuracy cold soldering (seizing) on the thread.
and a high reproducibility. 3 Well suited for on-site assembly.
3 No bending stresses in the bolt, no torsion effects in 3 Simultaneous pre-tensioning of several bolts at the
the bolt because the force is applied in an only axial same time possible (ITH Multi Tensioning System,
direction. see page 19).
3 High preload forces even in small tool dimensions
* clamping length ratio must be lK/d ≥ 5, fasteners must be
(e.g. thread W 510 or M340; 45,000 kN).
machine processed.
3 Small αA-factors up to 1.05* when designing bolted joints.
2 Find further information on and contact your local ITH representative. We would be happy to give support.
Bolt Tensioning Cylinder (BTC) designs
The design of Bolt Tensioning Cylinders (BTC) can be divided two or more piston areas. For this reason the multi-stage
into single-stage and multi-stage types. Single-stage BTCs Bolt Tensioning Cylinders usually have a reduced outside
have one effective piston area while multi-stage BTCs have diameter.
4 Find further information on and contact your local ITH representative. We would be happy to give support.
Modular design of Bolt Tensioning Cylinders
Change bushings Change bushings
… 3 O
ne BTC can be equipped with several change
and more bushings to adapt different thread profiles or bolt
Turnings sleeves
3 T he turning sleeve is the part of the support which
… contacts the nut radially.
Turnings sleeves and more 3 T he turning sleeve can be exchanged to fit any nut
and washer set-ups (hexagonal nut designs or radial
nut designs).
h1 dt
Pos. Bolt-Ø d Bolt Required Width Nut height Thread Washer Clearance Clamping Radial Bolt Pitch Number
x quality assembly across Projection thickness Height Length Distance Spacing Diameter of bolts
pitch P preload flat
FM SW | AF h1 h2 hS he lK le t dt nS
Fill in the columns and send it to us, preferably via email to [email protected]. We would be happy to help you choosing the right ITH Bolt
Tensioning Cylinder for your application.
FM (Residual) assembly preload t Bolt spacing in a multi-bolted joint
FVM (Initial) assembly preload = bolt load created by BTC dt Pitch diameter
F0.2 Bolt load at the 0,2% proof stress ns Number of bolts in a multi-bolted joint
d Bolt diameter = outside diameter of thread (nominal diameter) ds Diameter at stress cross section AS
P Pitch of the thread pG Limiting surface pressure
SW | A/F Width across flats of the nut
H1 Tool height of the BTC
D3 Tool diameter of the BTC
h1 Nut height
h2 Thread projection above the nut
hS Washer thickness
he Clearance height
le Radial distance
lK Clamping length
6 Find further information on and contact your local ITH representative. We would be happy to give support.
Preload forces
Design parameters Defining the preload force
For the use of Bolt Tensioning Cylinders ITH recommends The required preload force is usually determined in the bol-
a thread projection above the nut of 1.0 x bolt diameter d, ted joint design. For a bolted joint design ITH recommends
depending on the required preload force (h2 ≥ 1.0 x d). The to use the fundamental German bolting guideline VDI 2230.
ratio between clamping length lK to bolt diameter d should The following preload forces are an ITH recommendation for
be bigger than 2.0 (lKmin ≥ 2.0 x d). shank bolts and reduced shank bolts based on a 90% utiliza-
tion of the stress at 0,2% non-proportional elongation (Rp0,2).
*SW/AF width from M16 to M 68 according to ISO 4032. SW/AF width > M68 according to DIN 2510
Preload forces for shaft bolts and reduced shaft bolts with a 90% utilization of the stress at 0,2% non-
proportional elongation Rp0,2:
Preload forces for shank bolts FVS Preload forces for reduced shank bolts FVD
D3 Features
1. Patented safety fracture device
2. Automatic piston return
3. Interchangeable parts for different
thread and nut profiles
4. Pre-configured for optional bolt
d elongation measurement
5. Direct gear drive with internal gear
6. Spring loaded turning sleeve
7. Stroke limitation
h2 (Over-stroke limiter)
8. Control notch
9. Patented safety carrying handle
10. Patented cycle counter
1. Chrome-nickel surface coating NIOX
Fig. with optional features 2. Safety measurement pin for
thread projection
3. Swivel connection for high pressure
couplings and nipples
Modular design 4. Multi Tensioning high pressure
3 O
ne Cylinder
… can be equipped coupling
and more with several 5. Patented protection cap with handle
change bushings,
… supports & tur-
and more ning sleeves
3 See page 5
… for details
and more
8 Find further information on and contact your local ITH representative. We would be happy to give support.
Type ES for Bolt Quality 10.9 – Standard 150
Type Order no. Preload force Bolt diameter d SW | A/F-width Tool diameter D3 Tool height H1
[kN] [lbs] [mm] ["]* [mm] ["] [mm] ["] [mm] ["]
ES 16 - 10.9
ES 20 - 10.9 Contact us for technical specifications with an email to: [email protected]
ES 22 - 10.9
ES 24 - 10.9 33.05441 306.2 68837 M 24 x 3 1 36 1 4/9 77.5 3,05 116.5 4.59
ES 27 - 10.9 33.05442 399.6 89834 M 27 x 3 - 41 1 5/8 87.5 3.44 116.5 4.59
ES 30 - 10.9 33.05443 486.1 109280 M 30 x 3,5 1 1/8 46 1 4/5 96.0 3.78 121.0 4.76
ES 33 - 10.9 33.05444 604.4 135875 M 33 x 3,5 1 1/4 50 2 105.0 4.13 137.3 5.41
ES 36 - 10.9 33.05445 712.0 160053 M 36 x 4 1 3/8 55 2 1/5 115.0 4.53 132.4 5.21
ES 39 - 10.9 33.05446 848.7 190787 M 39 x 4 1 1/2 60 2 3/8 124.5 4.90 139.2 5.48
ES 42 - 10.9 33.05447 980.9 220516 M 42 x 4,5 1 5/8 65 2 4/7 134.0 5.28 156.7 6.17
ES 45 - 10.9 33.05448 1145.9 257599 M 45 x 4,5 1 3/4 70 2 3/4 144.0 5.67 153.0 6.02
ES 48 - 10.9 33.05449 1290.0 290005 M 48 x 5 1 7/8 75 3 154.0 6.06 157.2 6.19
ES 52 - 10.9 33.05450 1540.0 346207 M 52 x 5 2 80 3 1/8 167.0 6.57 176.3 6.94
ES 56 - 10.9 33.05451 1775.0 399038 M 56 x 5,5 2 1/4 85 3 1/2 177.7 7.00 179.0 7.05
ES 60 - 10.9 33.05452 2075.6 466618 M 60 x 5,5 2 3/8 90 3 3/4 193.0 7.60 190,5 7.50
ES 64 - 10.9 33.05453 2325.2 522728 M 64 x 6 2 1/2 95 3 7/8 204.0 8.03 239.4 9.43
ES 68 - 10.9 33.05454 2685.4 603700 M 68 x 6 - 100 4 1/4 219.5 8.64 193.3 7.61
ES 72 - 10.9 33.05455 3010.1 676694 M 72 x 6 2 3/4 105 4 5/8 231.5 9.11 221.4 8.72
ES 80 - 10.9
Up to Contact us for technical specifications with an email to: [email protected]
ES 110 - 10.9
Technical enhancements and modifications reserved. *Inch dimensions for a pitch of 8 UN, any further pitches available.
Most of ITH Bolt Tensioning Cylinders are designed due to customer specification
ITH BTCs are designed according to nearly all bolt qualities, any bolt/nut-configurations or customer
specific requirements. Contact us and we would be pleased to help you to find the right ITH Bolt
Tensioning Cylinder or when having technical questions.
*Slim Line: Reduced dimensions of BTC type ES. **Inch dimensions for a pitch of 8 UN, any further pitches available. Technical enhancements and
modifications reserved.
Most of ITH Bolt Tensioning Cylinders are designed due to customer specification
ITH BTCs are designed according to nearly all bolt qualities, any bolt/nut-configurations or customer
specific requirements. Contact us and we would be pleased to help you to find the right ITH Bolt
Tensioning Cylinder or when having technical questions.
10 Find further information on and contact your local ITH representative. We would be happy to give support.
Type ES for Bolt Quality 8.8 – Standard 150
Type Order no. Preload force Bolt diameter d SW | A/F-width Tool diameter D3 Tool height H1
[kN] [lbs] [mm] ["]* [mm] ["] [mm] ["] [mm] ["]
ES 16 - 8.8 33.05638 88.0 19783 M 16 x 2 5/8 24 1 1/16 50.0 1.97 115.8 4.56
ES 20 - 8.8 33.05639 138.0 31024 M 20 x 2,5 3/4 30 1 1/4 58.0 2.28 122.8 4.83
ES 22 - 8.8 33.05640 172.0 38667 M 22 x 2,5 7/8 34 1 7/16 67.0 2.64 122.1 4.81
ES 24 - 8.8 33.05641 200.3 45025 M 24 x 3 1 36 1 4/9 69.0 2.72 114.2 4.49
ES 27 - 8.8 33.05642 260.7 58608 M 27 x 3 - 41 1 5/8 73.6 2.90 127.3 5.01
ES 30 - 8.8 33.05643 320.0 71939 M 30 x 3,5 1 1/8 46 1 4/5 81.7 3.22 122.0 4.80
ES 33 - 8.8 33.05644 400.3 89991 M 33 x 3,5 1 1/4 50 2 92.0 3.62 125.6 4.94
ES 36 - 8.8 33.05645 470.0 105661 M 36 x 4 1 3/8 55 2 1/5 98.6 3.88 131.1 5.16
ES 39 - 8.8 33.05646 560.0 125894 M 39 x 4 1 1/2 60 2 3/8 106.5 4.19 136.2 5.36
ES 42 - 8.8 33.05647 640.0 143878 M 42 x 4,5 1 5/8 65 2 4/7 115.0 4.53 142.7 5.62
ES 45 - 8.8 33.05648 754.0 169507 M 45 x 4,5 1 3/4 70 2 3/4 123.2 4.85 144.7 5.70
ES 48 - 8.8 33.05649 854.0 191988 M 48 x 5 1 7/8 75 3 132.5 5.22 147.9 5.82
ES 52 - 8.8 33.05650 1016.0 228407 M 52 x 5 2 80 3 1/8 142.0 5.59 169.5 6.67
ES 56 - 8.8 33.05651 1176.0 264377 M 56 x 5,5 2 1/4 85 3 1/2 155.0 6.10 179.8 7.08
ES 60 - 8.8 33.05652 1400.0 314734 M 60 x 5,5 2 3/8 90 3 3/4 166.0 6.54 180.8 7.12
ES 64 - 8.8 33.05653 1550.0 348456 M 64 x 6 2 1/2 95 3 7/8 176.0 6.93 211.5 8.32
ES 68 - 8.8 33.05654 1678.0 377231 M 68 x 6 - 100 4 1/4 187.0 7.36 185.8 7.31
ES 72 - 8.8 33.05655 1800.0 404658 M 72 x 6 2 3/4 105 4 5/8 191.0 7.52 214.2 8.43
ES 80 - 8.8 33.05656 2276.8 511843 M 80 x 6 - 115 5 215.0 8.46 221.9 8.73
ES 90 - 8.8 33.05657 2450.0 550785 M 90 x 6 3 1/2 130 5 3/8 225.0 8.86 233.3 9.19
ES 100 - 8.8 33.05658 2750.0 618228 M 100 x 6 4 145 6 1/8 243.0 9.57 271.0 10.67
ES 110 - 8.8 33.05659 3350.0 753114 M 110 x 6 4 1/4 155 6 1/2 268.0 10.55 297.7 11.72
Technical enhancements and modifications reserved. *Inch dimensions for a pitch of 8 UN, any further pitches available.
Most of ITH Bolt Tensioning Cylinders are designed due to customer specification
ITH BTCs are designed according to nearly all bolt qualities, any bolt/nut-configurations or customer
specific requirements. Contact us and we would be pleased to help you to find the right ITH Bolt
Tensioning Cylinder or when having technical questions.
D3 Features
1. Patented safety fracture device inside
2. Exchangeable change bushings
3. Bore hole to use the optional bolt elonga-
tion measurement
4. Deviation distance limitation
5. Control notch for the nut
6. Burnished surface treatment (blackening)
h2 H1
1. Patented cycle counter
2. NIOX coating (Nickel-Chromium) offers
extra protection from corrosion
3. Two direction swivel for the hydraulic
Modular design
3 O
ne Cylinder
… can be equipped
and more with several
change bushings,
… supports & tur-
and more
ning sleeves
… 3 See page 5
and more for details
The flexible change bushing gets run down onto the BTC body. Foundation bolt tensioning.
12 Find further information on and contact your local ITH representative. We would be happy to give support.
SES for Bolt Quality 8.8 – Standard 150
Type Order no. Preload force Bolt diameter d SW | A/F-width Tool diameter D3 Tool height H1
[kN] [lbs] [mm] ["]* [mm] ["] [mm] ["] [mm] ["]
SES 16 - 8.8 33.10390 125 28101 M 16 x 2 5/8 24 1 1/16 50.9 2.00 75.5 2.97
SES 20 - 8.8 33.10391 150 33722 M 20 x 2.5 3/4 30 1 1/4 56.9 2.24 81.5 3.21
SES 22 - 8.8 33.10389 150.0 33722 M 22 x 2.5 7/8 34 1 7/16 60.0 2.36 81.2 3.20
SES 24 - 8.8 33.10392 200 44962 M 24 x 3 1 36 1 4/9 65.6 2.58 81.2 3.20
SES 27 - 8.8 33.10393 260 58451 M 27 x 3 - 41 1 5/8 73.0 2.87 84.0 3.31
SES 30 - 8.8 33.10394 320 71939 M 30 x 3.5 1 1/8 46 1 4/5 82.0 3.23 90.0 3.54
SES 33 - 8.8 33.10395 400 89924 M 33 x 3.5 1 1/4 50 2 91.5 3.60 100.0 3.94
SES 36 - 8.8 33.10396 470 105661 M 36 x 4 1 3/8 55 2 1/5 98.9 3.89 109.7 4.32
SES 39 - 8.8 33.10397 560 125894 M 39 x 4 1 1/2 60 2 3/8 108.0 4.25 109.0 4.29
SES 42 - 8.8 33.10398 640 143878 M 42 x 4.5 1 5/8 65 2 4/7 116.0 4.57 119.0 4.69
SES 45 - 8.8 33.10399 750 168608 M 45 x 4.5 1 3/4 70 2 3/4 123.0 4.84 119.0 4.69
SES 48 - 8.8 33.10400 854 191988 M 48 x 5 1 7/8 75 3 132.0 5.20 127.0 5.00
SES 52 - 8.8 33.10401 1016 228407 M 52 x 5 2 80 3 1/8 145.0 5.71 135.0 5.31
SES 56 - 8.8 33.10402 1175 264152 M 56 x 5.5 2 1/4 85 3 1/2 155.5 6.12 145.0 5.71
SES 60 - 8.8 33.10403 1400 314734 M 60 x 5.5 2 3/8 90 3 3/4 166.0 6.54 140.0 5.51
SES 64 - 8.8 33.10404 1550 348456 M 64 x 6 2 1/2 95 3 7/8 176.0 6.93 161.0 6.34
SES 68 - 8.8 33.10405 1678 377231 M 68 x 6 - 100 4 1/4 184.5 7.26 169.0 6.65
SES 72 - 8.8 33.10406 1800 404658 M 72 x 6 2 3/4 105 4 5/8 191.0 7.52 181.0 7.13
SES 80 - 8.8 33.10408 2350 528304 M 80 x 6 - 115 5 215.0 8.46 193.0 7.60
SES 90 - 8.8 33.10409 2450 550785 M 90 x 6 3 1/2 130 5 3/8 225.9 8.89 198.0 7.80
SES 100 - 8.8 33.10411 2750 618228 M 100 x 6 4 145 6 1/8 245.0 9.65 242.0 9.53
SES 110 - 8.8 33.10414 2500 562025 M 110 x 6 4 1/4 155 6 1/2 245.0 9.65 216.0 8.50
SES 120 - 8.8
Up to Contact us for technical specifications with an email to: [email protected]
SES 150 - 8.8
Technical enhancements and modifications reserved. *Inch dimensions for a pitch of 8 UN, any further pitches available.
Most of ITH Bolt Tensioning Cylinders are designed due to customer specification
ITH BTCs are designed according to nearly all bolt qualities, any bolt/nut-configurations or customer
specific requirements. Contact us and we would be pleased to help you to find the right ITH Bolt
Tensioning Cylinder or when having technical questions.
BTC type SES together with an ITH Eco-MAX 18. Typical ANSI flange application at a heat exchanger.
D3 1. Patented safety fracture device
2. Automatic piston return
3. Interchangeable parts for different
thread and nut profiles
4. Pre-configured for optional bolt
elongation measurement
5. Direct gear drive with internal gear
6. Spring loaded turning sleeve
7. Stroke limitation
d (Over-stroke limiter)
8. Control notch
9. Patented safety carrying handle
10. Patented cycle counter
1. Chrome-nickel surface coating NIOX
2. Safety measurement pin for thread
14 Find further information on and contact your local ITH representative. We would be happy to give support.
Type MS for Bolt Quality 10.9 – Slim Line 180 / 225
Type Order no. Design Preload force Bolt diameter d SW | A/F-width Tool diameter D3 Tool height H1
[kN] [lbs] [mm] ["]* [mm] ["] [mm] ["] [mm] ["]
MS 16 - 10.9
MS 20 - 10.9 Contact us for technical specifications with an email to: [email protected]
MS 22 - 10.9
MS 24 - 10.9 33.02791 322.0 72389 M 24 x 3 1 36 1 4/9 66.0 2.60 172.0 6.77
MS 27 - 10.9 33.02792 379.3 85270 M 27 x 3 - 41 1 5/8 71.5 2.81 166.5 6.56
MS 30 - 10.9 33.02793 457.6 102873 M 30 x 3,5 1 1/8 46 1 4/5 77.0 3.03 192.2 7.57
MS 33 - 10.9 33.02794 567.0 127467 M 33 x 3,5 1 1/4 50 2 84.5 3.33 181.5 7.15
MS 36 - 10.9 33.02795 Slim line 666.0 149723 M 36 x 4 1 3/8 55 2 1/5 93.4 3.68 197.5 7.78
MS 39 - 10.9 33.02796 800.0 179848 M 39 x 4 1 1/2 60 2 3/8 99.5 3.92 210.0 8.27
MS 42 - 10.9 33.02797 924.0 207724 M 42 x 4,5 1 5/8 65 2 4/7 107.0 4.21 220.0 8.66
MS 45 - 10.9 33.02798 1080.0 242795 M 45 x 4,5 1 3/4 70 2 3/4 113.0 4.45 226.0 8.90
MS 48 - 10.9 33.02799 1221.4 274583 M 48 x 5 1 7/8 75 3 121.5 4.78 231.0 9.09
MS 52 - 10.9 33.12800 1450.0 325975 M 52 x 5 2 80 3 1/8 127.0 5.00 259.8 10.23
MS 56 - 10.9 33.12801 1682.2 378166 M 56 x 5,5 2 1/4 85 3 1/2 137.8 5.43 287.9 11.33
MS 60 - 10.9 33.12802 Slim line 1966.0 441976 M 60 x 5,5 2 3/8 90 3 3/4 149.5 5.89 274.1 10.79
MS 64 - 10.9 33.12803 225 2213.0 497505 M 64 x 6 2 1/2 95 3 7/8 156.5 6.16 294.6 11.60
MS 68 - 10.9 33.12804 2545.0 572141 M 68 x 6 - 100 4 1/4 169.5 6.60 305.0 11.95
MS 72 - 10.9 33.12805 2882.0 647902 M 72 x 6 2 3/4 105 4 5/8 179.0 7.05 318.9 12.56
MS 80 - 10.9
Up to Contact us for technical specifications with an email to: [email protected]
MS 110 - 10.9
Technical enhancements and modifications reserved. *Inch dimensions for a pitch of 8 UN, any further pitches available.
Most of ITH Bolt Tensioning Cylinders are designed due to customer specification
ITH BTCs are designed according to nearly all bolt qualities, any bolt/nut-configurations or customer
specific requirements. Contact us and we would be pleased to help you to find the right ITH Bolt
Tensioning Cylinder or when having technical questions.
Tower segment bolt connection at wind turbine. Tower segment bolt connection at tower crane.
D3 Features
1. Patented safety fracture device
2. Automatic piston return
3. Interchangeable parts for different
thread and nut profiles
4. Pre-configured for optional bolt
elongation measurement
5. Direct gear drive with internal gear
6. Spring loaded turning sleeve
H1 7. Stroke limitation
(Over-stroke limiter)
d 8. Control notch
9. Patented safety carrying handle
h2 10. Patented cycle counter
1. Chrome-nickel surface coating NIOX
Fig. with optional features 3. Swivel connection for high pressure
couplings and nipples
Modular design 4. Multi Tensioning high pressure
3 O
ne Cylinder
… can be equipped
and more with several 5. Patented protection cap with handle
change bushings,
supports & tur-
ning sleeves
and more 3 See page 5
for details
16 Find further information on and contact your local ITH representative. We would be happy to give support.
Type MSK for Bolt Quality 10.9 – Compact 150
Type Order no. Preload force Bolt diameter d SW | A/F-width Tool diameter D3 Tool height H1
[kN] [lbs] [mm] ["]* [mm] ["] [mm] ["] [mm] ["]
MSK 16 - 10.9
Up to Contact us for technical specifications with an email to: [email protected]
MSK 22 - 10.9
MSK 24 - 10.9 33.50091 308.5 69354 M 24 x 3 1 36 1 4/9 57.0 2.24 190.5 7.50
MSK 27 - 10.9 33.50092 401.5 90261 M 27 x 3 - 41 1 5/8 63.5 2.50 199.6 7.86
MSK 30 - 10.9 33.50093 485.5 109152 M 30 x 3,5 1 1/8 46 1 4/5 70.0 2.76 202.7 7.98
MSK 33 - 10.9 33.50094 606.3 136302 M 33 x 3,5 1 1/4 50 2 78.3 3.08 224.6 8.84
MSK 36 - 10.9 33.50095 708.3 159233 M 36 x 4 1 3/8 55 2 1/5 82.6 3.25 237.0 9.33
MSK 39 - 10.9 33.50096 842.2 189335 M 39 x 4 1 1/2 60 2 3/8 90.8 3.57 259.4 10.21
MSK 42 - 10.9 33.50097 974.4 219044 M 42 x 4,5 1 5/8 65 2 4/7 98.0 3.86 263.0 10.35
MSK 45 - 10.9 33.50098 1140.5 256396 M 45 x 4,5 1 3/4 70 2 3/4 105.0 4.13 278.9 10.98
MSK 48 - 10.9 33.50099 1288.4 289645 M 48 x 5 1 7/8 75 3 111.5 4.39 293.8 11.57
MSK 52 - 10.9 33.50100 1529.7 343899 M 52 x 5 2 80 3 1/8 122.0 4.80 307.2 12.09
MSK 56 - 10.9 33.50101 1785 401286 M 56 x 5,5 2 1/4 85 3 1/2 130.5 5.14 350.4 13.80
MSK 60 - 10.9 33.50102 2125.8 477892 M 60 x 5,5 2 3/8 90 3 3/4 140.8 5.54 342.0 13.46
MSK 64 - 10.9 33.50103 2336.8 525336 M 64 x 6 2 1/2 95 3 7/8 147.8 5.82 352.4 13.87
MSK 68 - 10.9 33.50104 2745 617103 M 68 x 6 - 100 4 1/4 159.8 6.29 377.4 14.86
MSK 72 - 10.9 33.50105 3041.2 683697 M 72 x 6 2 3/4 105 4 5/8 168.0 6.61 387.0 15.24
MSK 80 - 10.9
Up to Contact us for technical specifications with an email to: [email protected]
MSK 110 - 10.9
Technical enhancements and modifications reserved. *Inch dimensions for a pitch of 8 UN, any further pitches available.
Most of ITH Bolt Tensioning Cylinders are designed due to customer specification
ITH BTCs are designed according to nearly all bolt qualities, any bolt/nut-configurations or customer
specific requirements. Contact us and we would be pleased to help you to find the right ITH Bolt
Tensioning Cylinder or when having technical questions.
18 Find further information on and contact your local ITH representative. We would be happy to give support.
Digital Documentation System: PD/PSD System
The ITH PD / PSD System is a digital management
system for nearly all applications with ITH Bolt Tensioning
• Digital management & digital documentation of all
application data via industrial touch panel PC’s (several
• Automatic control of the hydraulic pump unit by
Automatic Pressure Control (APC).
• Version 1: The PD system measures and records
the hydraulic pressure.
• Version 2: The PSD System measures and records both
the hydraulic pressure and the bolt elongation of the
Both systems offer direct feedback about the joint quality.
All bolting procedures can be documented. The ITH soft-
ware can be customized.
The electric high pressure pump Hydro-MAX, developed by designed for high cycles and fast working processes.
ITH, is manufactured in different designs. The Hydro-MAX 18 Additional features include user-friendly operation and
is used for service jobs and the Hydro-MAX 37, 38 and 39 are increased safety because of the positioning of the hydraulic
used for shop applications. ITH Hydro-MAX pumps are couplings.
5 7
2 Features
1. Oil cooler
2. ITH Hydro Booster
1 3. Protective aluminium frame with
lifting point
9 4. Hydraulic shut-off valve
5. High pressure gauge with protective
6. Safety positioning of the two high
pressure couplings (directed away
10 from user, work safe design)
7. Oil level indicator
8. Pressure adjusting valve (PAV),
for variable pressure adjusting
9. Multi ribbed oil tank, made of light-
weight and robust aluminium (high
temperature conductivity),
for optimal cooling
Fig.: Hydro-MAX 18 10. Low voltage indicator light and
electronic cycle counter at the control
Performance Remotes
3 Max. operating pressure 2.500 bar.
3 Voltage range from 90 V - 480 V for 50 Hz and/or 60 Hz.
3 NIOX-Coating of all steel components (offshore ready).
3 Safe positioning of the two high pressure couplings.
3 Wear-free single rotor-eccentric shaft.
3 Standard: Remote.
3 Optional: Digital Remote displaying pressures.
3 Optional: Constant digital automatic pressure control
(APC, see page 23).
3 Optional: Direct pressure stretch documentation system
3 Optional for Hydro-MAX 18 and 38: Suitable for offshore
applications by NIOX-Coating and aluminium frame with Standard (10m) Optional: Multi-Function
protective cage. Digital (10m) Remote for
Pressure Control
function (APC)
20 Find further information on and contact your local ITH representative. We would be happy to give support.
Hydro-MAX 18
Field of application: Order no. 34.x1318- Motor-ID
3 For service and assembling jobs Type 1813 1815 1825
3 Optimized weight Pressure max. [bar] 1.350 1.500 2.500
3 Easy transport Dimension (LxWxH) 620 x 360 x 400mm
3 One-man operation with remote Weight 41.6 kg (without oil 37 kg)
Connection 90-110 V 1 50+60 Hz -09174
190-230 V 1 50 Hz -19150
190-230 V 1 60 Hz -19160
200-230 V 3 50+60 Hz -20370
380-420 V 3 50+60 Hz -40370
480 V 3 60 Hz -48360
Capacity Phase Frequency Motor-ID
Hydro-MAX 37
Field of application: Order no. 34.x1337- Motor-ID
3 For shop applications Type 3713 3715 3725
3 Manual shut-off valve Pressure max. [bar] 1.350 1.500 2.500
3 High performance motor Dimension (LxWxH) 640 x 440 x 450mm
3 Designed for high bolt cycles Weight 61.0 kg
and large bolt dimensions Connection 230 V 1 50 Hz -23150
230 V 1 60 Hz -23160
230 V 3 50+60 Hz -23370
380-420 V 3 50+60 Hz -40370
480 V 3 60 Hz -48360
Capacity Phase Frequency Motor-ID
Hydro-MAX 38
Field of application: Order no. 34.x1338- Motor-ID
3 For shop applications Type 3813 3815 3825
3 One-man operation with remote Pressure max. [bar] 1.350 1.500 2.500
3 High performance motor Dimension (LxWxH) 640 x 440 x 450mm
3 Designed for high bolt cycles Weight 66.4 kg
and large bolt dimensions Connection 230 V 1 50 Hz -23150
230 V 1 60 Hz -23160
230 V 3 50+60 Hz -23370
380-420 V 3 50+60 Hz -40370
480 V 3 60 Hz -48360
Capacity Phase Frequency Motor-ID
Hydro-MAX 39
Field of application: Order no. 34.x1339- Motor-ID
3 For shop applications and Type 3913 3915 3925
service jobs Pressure max. [bar] 1.350 1.500 2.500
3 One-man operation with remote Dimension (LxWxH) 640 x 370 x 450mm
3 High performance motor Weight 64.3 kg
3 Optimized weight Connection 230 V 1 50 Hz -23150
3 Designed for high bolt cycles 230 V 1 60 Hz -23160
and large bolt dimensions
230 V 3 50+60 Hz -23370
380-420 V 3 50+60 Hz -40370
480 V 3 60 Hz -48360
Capacity Phase Frequency Motor-ID
For standard applications with high cycles ITH developed obtained by aluminium protection and transport frame.
electric high pressure pumps Eco-MAX. A robust design is
1 Features
1. Aluminium Frame
2. High pressure couplings
3. High pressure gauge
4. Oil level sight glass
Pressure adjusting valve (PAV),
6 for variable pressure adjusting
6. Multi ribbed oil tank, made of light-
weight and robust aluminium (high
temperature conductivity),
for optimal cooling
Fig.: Eco-MAX 18
with optional two hydraulic connectors (standard is one)
22 Find further information on and contact your local ITH representative. We would be happy to give support.
Eco-MAX 17
Field of application: Order no. 34.x1117- Motor-ID
3 For service and assembling jobs Type 1713 1715
3 Optimized weight
Pressure max. [bar] 1.350 1.500
3 Easy transport
3 Manual shut-off valve Dimension (LxWxH) 495 x 350 x 375mm
Weight 30.5 kg
Connection 90-110 V 1 50 Hz -09151-IS19
90-110 V 1 60 Hz -09161-IS19
190-230 V 1 50 Hz -19151-IS19
190-230 V 1 60 Hz -19161-IS19
230 V 3 50+60 Hz -23371
380-420 V 3 50+60 Hz -40371
480 V 3 60 Hz -48361
690 V 3 50+60 Hz -69371
Capacity Phase Frequency Motor-ID
Eco-MAX 18
Field of application: Order no. 34.x1218- Motor-ID
3 For service and assembling jobs Type 1813 1815
3 Optimized weight
Pressure max. [bar] 1.350 1.500
3 Easy transport
3 One-man operation Dimension (LxWxH) 495 x 350 x 375mm
Weight 35.0 kg
Connection 90-110 V 1 50 Hz -09150-IS1
90-110 V 1 60 Hz -09160-IS1
190-230 V 1 50 Hz -19150-IS1
190-230 V 1 60 Hz -19160-IS1
230 V 3 50+60 Hz -2337x
380-420 V 3 50+60 Hz -4037x
480 V 3 60 Hz -4836x
690 V 3 50+60 Hz -6937x
Capacity Phase Frequency Motor-ID
Automatic-Pressure-Control APC
When operating ITH Bolt Tensioning Cylinders, it can happen the bolt connection. The digital automatic pressure control
that the pressure drops by stretching of the hose lines or (APC) readjusts the pre-determined pressure constantly and
settling of the construction. This has effects on the results of ensures a high degree of accuracy at the bolt connection.
Pressure ITH High Pressure Pump with APC control
ITH Micro-MAX Series were developed for service jobs for In limited spaces or jobs of certain height the ITH Micro-MAX
crane and wind turbine manufacturers. By a compact design, work reliable, quick, safe and comfortable. Battery version
low weight and optimized dimensions the ITH Micro-MAX type Micro-MAX 72 even enables you to work independently
perfectly match the requirements for these applications. from wired power supplies.
3 5
1. Two high pressure couplings
2. Pressure adjusting valve (PAV),
for variable pressure adjusting
7 3. High pressure gauge
with protection cover
4. Protective aluminium frame
5. Automatic Cycle counter integrated
6. Oil Level Sight Glass
7. Hydraulic Shut Off Valve
Dimensioning compared
Fig.: Micro-MAX 70
24 Find further information on and contact your local ITH representative. We would be happy to give support.
Micro-MAX 70 - with remote
Field of application: Order no. 34.01070-Motor-ID 34.11070-Motor-ID
3 For service jobs Type 7013 7015
3 Optimized weight
Pressure max. [bar] 1.350 1.500
3 Easy one-man operation with
remote Dimension (LxWxH) 390 x 290 x 450mm
Oil tank volume 3 l / 1.5 l usable
Weight 22.5 kg
Connection 90-110 V 1 50+60 Hz -09174
190-230 V 1 50+60 Hz -19174
Capacity Phase Frequency Motor-ID
Included with:
For bolting jobs in areas where there is a risk of explosion or and 10 are designed for shop applications while Aero-MAX
where there is no electric power supply ITH offers Pneumatic 89 and 90 are made for service jobs because of their light-
High Pressure Pumps „Aero-MAX“ in several types. Aero-MAX 9 weight design and easy transport.
5 6
7 Features
1 1. Two high pressure couplings
2. Pressure adjusting valve (PAV),
for variable pressure adjusting
3. Protective aluminium frame
4. Support Unit with oiler, water filter,
air pressure gauge and air shut off
5. High pressure gauge
6. Oil level sight glass
7. Shut-off valve
Fig.: Aero-MAX 9
26 Find further information on and contact your local ITH representative. We would be happy to give support.
Aero-MAX 9 - Shop-Version with PAV and Aero-MAX 10 – Shop version without PAV
Field of application: Order no. 34.x0009 / 34.x0010
3 For shop applications Type 0913 / 1013 0915 / 1015 0925 / 1025 1030 1040
3 Designed for high cycles
Pressure max. [bar] 1.350 1.500 2.500 3.000 4.000
Min. air pressure [bar] 4.5 5.0 6.0 7.0 6.0
Air requirement ca. 1400 l/min
Dimension (LxWxH) 430 x 330 x 660mm
Weight 35.0 kg
Aero-MAX 89 - Mini-Version with PAV and Aero-MAX 90 – mini version without PAV
Field of application: Order no. 34.x0089 / 34.x0090
3 For service and assembling jobs Type 8913 / 9013 8915 / 9015 8925 / 9025 9030
3 Light-weight design
Pressure max. [bar] 1.350 1.500 2.500 3.000
3 Easy transport
Min. air pressure [bar] 5.0 5.5 6.0 7.0
Air requirement ca. 900 l/min
Dimension (LxWxH) 430 x 330 x 660mm
Weight 21.0 kg
Travel-MAX 41
Field of application: Order no. 34.x0041
3 For service and assembling jobs Type 4115 4125
3 Compact and light weight design
Pressure max. [bar] 1.350 2.500
3 Easy to maintain
3 Easy transport by case with Min. air pressure [bar] 6.0 6.0
trolley function Air requirement ca. 900 l/min
Dimension (LxWxH) 500 x 305 x 457mm
Weight 27.5 kg
1. Pressure adjusting valve (PAV),
for variable pressure adjusting
2. High pressure gauge
with protection cover
3. Locking mechanism for easy transport
4. Shut-off valve
5. High pressure coupling
*Mini for 1.350 bar and 1.500 bar: The hand lever high pressure pump mini-version has a shorter oil tank and therefor a lower weight.
28 Find further information on and contact your local ITH representative. We would be happy to give support.
D o u b l e-stage
New ment
Devteblooltinpg procedures
for faste
1. High pressure gauge with protection
2. Locking mechanism for easy transport
3. Shut-off valve
4. One high pressure coupling (standard),
second coupling optional for ITH Multi
Series 33 – Safety spring (kink protection) Series 34 - Protection cover + safety spring
3 Hard drawn
3 Galvanized
30 Find further information on and contact your local ITH representative. We would be happy to give support.
Hydraulic equipment
Coupling elbow Series 120 – Twin thread nipple
67 mm
90 mm
Fig.: 34.20061
Colour Pressure-ID
1.500 bar* Black 1
2.500 bar* Blue 2
Fig.: 34.20076 3.000 bar** Red 3
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