Sibu Trial 2020
Sibu Trial 2020
Sibu Trial 2020
1 ½ hours
Name: _________________________ 2020
There are fifteen questions in Section A. For each question, four choices of answers are given.
Choose one correct answer and indicate it on the answer sheet.
Answer all questions. Marks will not be deducted for wrong answers.
Answer all questions in Section B. Write your answers in the spaces provided.
Answer any two questions in Section C. All working should be shown. For numerical answers, units
should be quoted wherever appropriate. Begin each answer on a fresh sheet of paper and arrange
your answers in numerical order.
2. The graph below shows the two different oxygen dissociation curves.
Curve P
Curve Q
3. An artificial pacemaker is a device which can be implanted to help the patient with a severe
malfunctioning of
A autonomic nerve fibres B sinoatrial node
C cardiac muscle fibres D Purkinje fibres
4. Which of the following are functions of the lymphatic system?
I transporting lipid droplets to the blood circulatory system
II absorbing vitamin B and C by the lacteals in the small intestine
III defending the body by filtering the pathogens and producing new lymphocytes
IV returning excess interstitial fluid and some plasma proteins from the blood capillaries
5. The diagram below shows a part of the transport system of a dicotyledonous plant.
Cell X
Cell Y
Which of the following statements is true about the cells involved based on the pressure flow
A Cell X receives organic substances transported by cell Y
B In the sink, water diffuses into cell X by passive transport
C In cell X, the transport of organic substances is bidirectional
D Cell X depends on cell Y to supply ATP for its activities as it is a dead cell
9. Which of the following is not true about the effect of cocaine abuse?
A Cocaine can cause an intense feeling of euphoria
B There is high concentration of dopamine in the synaptic cleft
C Long term cocaine abuse results in less production of dopamine
D The cocaine molecules bind to the receptors in the postsynaptic membrane
11. Which of the following is true about the passage of sperms before fertilisation?
A Vas deferens Epididymis Urethra Cervix
B Vas deferens Epididymis Cervix Urethra
C Epididymis Vas deferens Urethra Cervix
D Epididymis Vas deferens Cervix Urethra
13. Which statement is not true about the loop of Henle of a desert rat?
A It is longer than the loop of Henle of the rats in tropical forests
B Water diffuses out through the wall of the descending limb by osmosis
C The thick segment of the ascending limb remove sodium chloride actively
D Highest concentration of salts in found in the descending limb next to the proximal tubule
14. The diagram below shows a protein molecule involved in human body defence.
Which of the following statements are true about the protein molecule shown?
I It is mainly found on the surface membrane of B cells
II It is produced by cells in the mucous membrane
III It provides natural passive immunity through breast feeding
IV It stimulates B cells to differentiate into plasma cells and memory cells
Molecule Y
d) Explain how the binding of the complex formed to DNA can result in a cellular response. [2]
e) Describe how the mechanism of action of insulin is different from hormone X. [2]
17. The diagram below shows a series of reactions which cause the reabsorption of sodium ions
when a person has just donated blood.
d) Explain why the blood sodium ion concentration can affect the blood pressure. [2]
Section C [30 marks] – Answer any two questions in this section.
19 a) Explain rejection of transplanted organ and efforts which can be taken to minimise the
problem. [8]
b) Explain how a human immunodeficiency virus can attack human cell and cause AIDS. [7]
b) Describe the causes, signs and symptoms of dengue haemorrhagic fever. [6]
c) Discuss how the local community can help to prevent dengue infection. [7]
Section B
Q Answer Mark
16. a Steroid hormone 1
b Testosterone/ Oestrogen/ Progesterone/ Aldosterone/ Glucocorticoid
c P1 – It is a protein molecule 1
P2 – It is a binding site/ receiving site which can bind with a specific hormone 1
P3 – It can form a hormone-receptor complex which can enter the nucleus and 1
bind to a specific regulatory site on DNA Max.2
d P1 – The binding activates a specific gene in the DNA 1
P2 – which induces the transcription of the specific gene to produce mRNA 1
P3 – Translation of the mRNA produces a polypeptide chain/ protein which 1
results in a physiological response Max.2
e D1 – Insulin does not pass through the plasma membrane but binds to a specific 1
receptor protein in the plasma membrane itself
D2 – Insulin does not activate the gene in the nucleus but acts as the first 1
messenger to start a series of reactions/ cascade reactions
D3 – Insulin brings about a more rapid and amplified response but the effect does 1
not last as long as hormone X Max.2
17. a Name: Juxtaglomerular apparatus 1/0
Location: At the wall of the distal convoluted tubule and afferent arteriole (near
to the glomerulus)
b Adrenal cortex 1
c Renin 1
d Identity of Hormone Z: aldosterone 1
Explanation of function: It activates the genes which increase the number of 1
protein pumps for Na+ and K+ in the plasma membrane of the cells of distal
convoluted tubules and collecting ducts, this results in more reabsorption of Na+
and more secretion of K+
e E1 – Sodium ion concentration of the blood determines the water potential of the 1
E2 – High blood sodium concentration results in low blood water potential 1
E3 – Water enters the blood capillaries by osmosis and increases the blood 1
E4 – An increase in blood volume raises the blood pressure 1
Section C
Q Answer Mark
18a P1 – Germinal epithelial cells near the surface of an ovary divide by mitosis to 1
form diploid oogonia (2n).
P2 – Oogonia undergo growth by mitosis and form primary oocytes which 1
remain at prophase of meiosis I throughout childhood.
P3 – All primary oocytes undergo meiosis but stop at prophase I of meiosis in the 1
developing foetus.
P4 – A primary oocyte completes meiosis I to form two haploid cells which are 1
not equal in size.
P5 – The larger cell becomes a secondary oocyte (n). 1
P6 - The secondary oocyte starts meiosis II which progresses until metaphase II. 1
P7 – When the secondary fuses with a sperm/ at fertilisation, it undergoes the 1
second meiotic division to form an ovum and a second polar body. Max.6
19 a P1 – The cells of the transplanted organ have class I MHC proteins which act as 1
specific markers for an individuals
P2 – Different individuals have different class I MHC proteins 1
P4 – A healthy immune system is able to distinguish between the body’s cells 1
P5 – The MHC proteins in the plasma membrane of the cells in a transplanted 1
organ are detected by the host’s immune system as non-self.
P6 – Cells with non-self proteins are attacked by the immune system which 1
results in rejection of the transplanted organ. Max.4
P5 – The signs and symptoms of dengue haemorrhagic fever are initially similar 1
to that of dengue fever like headaches with severe pain behind the eyes,
joint and muscle ache, swollen lymph nodes, nausea and vomiting,
P6 – As dengue haemorrhagic fever progresses, other signs and symptoms are Any 2-
shown, these include severe abdominal pain, petechiae, severe bleeding 2
from the gastro-intestinal tract, bleeding in the nose or gums, black stools,
persistent vomiting, decrease blood supply to vital organs, blood in urine.
c To prevent dengue infection, people in a local community can do the following: