Radiation Around Us
Radiation Around Us
Radiation Around Us
Radiation around Us
Direction: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your answer on a
separate sheet of paper.
2. Who is the polish chemist who received 2 Nobel prizes-one in physics and
another in chemistry for his/her success in the field of radioactivity?
a. Marie Curie
b. William Roentgen
c. Ernest Rutherford
d. Henry Becquerel
3. Which of the following is INCORRECT?
a. Atoms are made of subatomic particles called electrons, protons
and neutrons.
b. The electrons are distributed in space like a cloud around the
c. The nucleus of the atom consists of protons and neutrons.
d. The electrons are found inside the nucleus of the atom.
4. What do you call the force that holds the nucleus together?
a. nucleonic force
b. gravitational force
c. strong nuclear force
d. electromagnetic force
6. Which among the ionizing radiation can penetrate the farthest into a
a. a beta particle
b. a gamma ray
c. an alpha particle
d. All have the same penetrating capability.
7. The reason alpha rays are easy to stop is that they _____________.
a. are relatively big
b. slow down easily
c. are doubly changed
d. All of the above.
9. When Uranium (90 protons) ejects an alpha particle, how many protons
does the remaining nucleus have?
a. 92 protons
b. 90 protons
c. 88 protons
d. 86 protons
10. What happens to the atomic number of an element which emits 1 alpha
particle and 3 beta particles?
a. increases by 1
b. stays the same
c. decreases by 2
d. decreases by 1
11. What happens to the atomic number of an element which emits 1 alpha
particle and 2 beta particles?
a. increases by 1
b. stays the same
c. decreases by 2
d. decreases by 1
14. The half life of a certain isotope is 1 day. At the end of 2 days, how much
of the isotope remains?
a. one half
b. one quarter
c. one eighth
d. none of it
15. Energy released by the sun results from atomic nuclei __________
a. combining
b. breaking apart
c. None of the above
d. Needs more information to say
17. Which shape uses the smallest amount of material when creating a critical
a. cube
b. cone
c. sphere
d. elongated box
19. Suppose hydrogen bombs were exploded in a box that could contain all
the energy released by the explosion, the weight of the box after the
explosion would be __________.
a. less
b. more
c. the same
d. none of the above
Lesson 1 A Brief Account of Radioactivity
Read this!
Know this!
Marya Sklodowska (Marie Curie) was born
on November 7, 1867 in Warsaw, Poland. She left for Nobel Prize – prestigious award
Sorbonne in Paris to study chemistry where he met given to a person who has done
and married another chemist, Pierre Curie (1859- extraordinary things.
Electromagnetic waves – waves
In their own research on radiation, they were that do not need medium in order
able to discover that a mineral uranium, is 4x as to propagate.
radioactive as pure uranium. This led them to
conclude that the mineral must contain some
unknown radioactive element. By 1902, they successfully separated 0.1 gram of
the unknown element and called it radium. This breakthrough led them to a
Nobel Prize in Physics in 1903 and a Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1911. The
Curies were the first scientists who received 2 Nobel Prizes.
What you will do
Activity 1.1 Try Me!
3 2
1. Marie Curie’s husband
2. Becquerel’s first name or given name
3. Process of atom transformation
1. Element discovered by Becquerel to be radioactive
2. Radioactive element discovered by the Curies
3. Home town of Marie Curie.
The Nucleus of the Atom
Read this!
Electrons are held close to the nucleus by the protons. The neutrons, on
the other hand, hold the nucleus together. Nucleons are bound by an attractive
force known as the strong nuclear force, which holds the
1 2
protons and neutrons together inside the nucleus.
The common form of hydrogen has a bare proton as its nucleus. There are
however different kinds of hydrogen as seen in figure 1.2. They all have the
same number of protons but different number of neutrons. Thus, they are known
as the isotopes of hydrogen: deuterium and tritium.
1 H is a stable element. This means that it has no excess nuclear energy.
2 3
On the other hand, 1 H and 1 H which are isotopes of hydrogen are unstable
atoms. They have excess nuclear energy which is released when the neutrons
inside their nuclei decay.
1. What is the major contribution of the Curies in the field of radiation that
gave them two Nobel prizes?
2. Who initiated the research on radiation?
3. Between what subatomic particles does the strong nuclear force act?
4. How does the number of electrons in an electrically neutral atom compare
with the number of protons in its nucleus?
5. What do different isotopes of a given element have in common? How are
they different?
Lesson 2 Radioactivity
Read this!
Alpha particles consist of two protons and two neutrons Fig 2.2 Stable and Unstable Neutron
in the form of atomic nuclei. They carry a positive
electrical charge and are emitted from naturally occurring 4
2 He
Alpha particle
heavy elements such as uranium. Since alpha particles are
relatively large they collide readily with matter and quickly
loses this energy, thus they have little penetrating power. 0
Beta particle
Sheets of paper and skin can easily block or stop alpha
Gamma ray
Beta particles, on the other hand, are fast moving
electrons ejected from the nuclei. They are smaller than the
alpha particle, thus they have greater penetrating capability.
They can penetrate up to 2 cm of water or human flesh and
can only be stopped by a sheet of aluminum.
Fig 2.3 Ionizing particles and
X-rays and gamma rays are transmitted through
waves. X-rays are generally artificially produced while
gamma rays are generally emitted from the atomic nucleus. Both have high
penetrating power and can easily pass through the human body. Only thick
barriers of concrete, lead or water can be used to stop them.
Neutrons are particles, that are highly penetrating. They usually originate
from the splitting (nuclear fission) of atoms in a nuclear reaction. Water and
concrete are the most common shields against neutron radiation.
Direction: Identify the ionizing radiation that can penetrate the given
Take a look at figure 2.4. Uranium-238 has 92 protons and 146 neutrons.
The sum of the protons and neutrons is 238. This is known as the atom’s mass
number. The mass number of an
atom is the total number of
particles inside the atomic nucleus.
If an alpha particle ( 2 He ) is emitted 90 + 91 2 +
then the mass number of Uranium 144 143
is decreased by 4 while the number
of protons is decreased by 2. This 234 0
results to a nucleus with a mass 90 Th 91 Pa + −1 e
number of 234 (238-4=234) 90 and
(Parent nucleus) (Daughter nucleus) (beta particle)
protons (92-2=90). If we consult the
periodic table of elements, the
Fig 2.5 Beta Decay of Thorium-234
element with 90 protons and a
mass number of 234 is Thorium.
This means that Uranium (parent nucleus) has become thorium (daughter
nucleus) when an alpha particle is emitted. This radioactive decay is particularly
called alpha decay. When this happens, energy is then released in three forms:
gamma radiation, kinetic energy of the alpha particle and kinetic energy of the
Take a look at figure 2.5. Thorium is still radioactive and can possibly emit
a beta particle. Remember that a beta particle is an electron ejected from the
nucleus. When a beta particle is ejected, a neutron changes into a proton. For
thorium, beta emission leaves its initially 90 protons with fewer neutrons and an
additional proton. Thus, the new nucleus has 91 protons and 143 neutrons. In the
periodic table of elements the element which has 91 protons and 143 neutrons is
Gamma emission has no effect on the mass 234 234
number or on the number of protons. Thus, for
Thorium, gamma decay results to Thorium of 90 Th 90 Th +
lesser energy.
Fig 2.6 Gamma decay of Thorium-234
Remember this!
The number of nucleons on the left side of the equation (reactants) must always
equal the number of nucleons on the right side of the equation (products).
226 4
1. 88 Ra X + 2 He
234 0
2. 91 Pa X + 1 e
3. 26 Fe X +
4. 92 U X +
The Half-life
To develop an understanding of half life of radioactive atoms.
100 25-centavo coins, graphing paper
1. Place the 100 25-centavo coins in a shoe box.
2. Pour out the coins on a clean table.
3. Take out the coins that show the head. The coins that showed the head
represents the decayed radioactive material.
4. Count how many coins are left after the 1 st throw. Record your data on the
table provided.
5. Place the remaining coins in the box. Then again pour out the coins on the
clean table.
6. Take out the coins that show the head.
7. Count how many coins are left. Record your data on the table provided.
8. Continue doing the activity until only 2 or 3 coins are left.
1. Using your data what do you notice about the rate at which the coins
“decay” as their number decreases?
2. Plot the graph of the number of coins left (N) against the number of throws
(t). The number of coins should be along the vertical axis while the
number of throws should be on the x-axis.
3. How would you describe the graph?
4. Describe in your own words what half-life is.
1. Identify the daughter nucleus in the decay of 92 U by alpha particle
2. Name the element that results from the alpha decay of polonium.
3. If a sample of a radioactive isotope has a half-life of 2 years, how much of
the original sample will be left at the end of the 4th year?
Lesson 3 Nuclear Reaction: A menace?
Key to answers on page 29
than two years to extract enough U-235 from uranium ore to make one atomic
bomb that hit Hiroshima in 1945.
Nuclear Fusion
Take a look at the picture of the sun. What color do you see? Is this the
real color of the sun? What about the energy or light it emits? Is it also colored
yellow? The sun is really a yellow star. This is because the sun is a middle-aged
star. The color of the star tells us its temperature. Yellow stars have surface
temperatures of about 6000 oC. But the inside of the sun is much hotter than the
fusion. Since the sun is about 80% hydrogen,
18% helium, and 2% other elements deep inside
the sun, the hydrogen nuclei fuse or combine to
form a nucleus of helium.
In this reaction, four hydrogen nuclei
combine to form one helium nucleus. The mass of
the helium nucleus is usually much less than the
combined mass of the four hydrogen nuclei. This
missing mass is a matter that is changed into an
amount of energy. This conversion of mass to
energy is done using Einstein’s principle of
4 H He + Energy
matter-energy equivalence. It is usually Fig 3.4. Thermonuclear Fusion
expressed in his famous equation:
E = mc2
difference in mass which is detected in the form of electromagnetic waves such
as light, UV and microwaves.
Look for articles or pictures of the Bataan Nuclear Power Plant. Identify
what nuclear reaction is used to acquire energy. What are the possible
advantages and disadvantages of its construction and operation in the
Philippines (Cite at least 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages).
Lesson 4 Applications and Implications
Read this!
Table 4.1. Effective dose in Sv and their corresponding biological effects.
We live in a radioactive world. By filling out this form, you will get an idea
of the amount of radiation you are exposed to every year. The average Filipino is
exposed to between 100 and 300 units each year.
Ground radiation 15
If you have had a chest x-ray this year add 9 for each one: ______
If you live within 5 miles from a nuclear plant add 0: ______
TOTAL ______________
*Note: The unit in this computation is mSv. Check out table 4.1 if your annual
dose is within the optimum range.
What you will do
Self-Test 4.1
Let’s summarize
11. Radiation can be a menace through the production of atomic bombs.
However, radiation is of great help to humans especially in the field of
medicine and archeology, and as an energy source.
Direction: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your answer on a
separate sheet of paper
2. The physicist and the specialist in the field of fluorescence who discovered
that the element uranium is radioactive is ______________.
a. Marie Currie
b. William Roentgen
c. Ernest Rutherford
d. Henri Becquerel
4. What do you call the force that maintains the electrons in their orbitals?
a. nucleonic force
b. gravitational force
c. electrostatic force
d. strong nuclear force
6. Which among the ionizing radiation can penetrate the least into a material?
a. an x-ray
b. a beta particle
c. a gamma ray
d. an alpha particle
7. The reasons alpha rays are easy to stop is that they _____________.
a. are relatively big
b. slow down easily
c. are doubly changed
d. All of the above.
9. When Uranium (90 protons) ejects a beta particle, how many protons does
the remaining nucleus have?
a. 92 protons
b. 91 protons
c. 90 protons
d. 89 protons
10. What happens to the atomic number of an element which emits 1 alpha
particle and 1 beta particle?
a. increases by 1
b. stays the same
c. decreases by 2
d. decreases by 1
11. What happens to the atomic number of an element which emits 1 alpha
a. increases by 1
b. stays the same
c. decreases by 2
d. decreases by 1
12. A sample of a certain radioactive material has a half-life of 1.5 year. How
much of this radioactive material will be left at the end of 3 years?
a. one sixteenth
b. one eighth
c. one quarter
d. one half
c. a few seconds
d. half lives range from very short to very long
14. The half life of a certain isotope is 2 days. At the end of 2 days, how much of
the isotope remains?
a. one half
b. one quarter
c. one eighth
d. none of it
15. Which of the following nuclear reactions is responsible for the release of
energy by the sun?
a. Nuclear Fission
b. Thermonuclear Fusion
c. None of the above
d. Needs more information to say
17. Which shape uses the smallest amount of material when creating a critical
a. cube
b. cone
c. sphere
d. elongated box
19. An experimenter finds that 50% of a sample of U-238 has decayed. Since U-
238 has a half-life of 4.5 billion years, the sample’s age is about __________.
a. 0.60 billion years
b. 1.12 billion years
c. 2.25 billion years
d. 4.50 billion years
-End of Module-
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