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Heliyon 8 (2022) e08650

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Research article

Integrating the traditional Emirati community within urban fabric of the

city to enhance the historical identity
Inshirah Shublaq a, Abeer Abu Raed a, b, *, Tamarah Alqalami c, Esraa Altwassi d, Rafael Pizarro e
Department of Architecture, American University of Ras Al Khaimah, Ras Al Khaimah 10021, United Arab Emirates
Department of Architectural Engineering and Technology, TU Delft, the Netherlands
Department of Reconstruction and Projects, University of Baghdad, Iraq
Istanbul Okan University, Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture, Department of Architecture, Turkey
College of Architecture, Art and Design, Department of Architecture, American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates


Keywords: The site of Al Ain Civic Centre consists of major vacant lands and scattered development. This site is facing many
Heritage issues such as car dependency, disconnectivity, low-density development, poor quality of life, and lost identity.
Green fingers Even though Al Ain city is well known for its green and open spaces, yet still such spaces cannot serve this site
Urban development
efficiently. This is because of the poor connectivity among open spaces and oases in Al Ain. One of the suggestions
is to provide major connectivity plans and functional open spaces to solve such a situation and revitalize the area
as a requirement made by Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Council. This is achieved through the demonstration of
green fingers in a way that collects/integrates the site as a whole with the surroundings. As a result, introducing
green fingers is part of planned solutions as well as a requirement by the Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Council.
Another issue is the major breakage that is represented by Al Slimi wadi. This wadi is known for its transverse site
as well as its disconnected pedestrian walkways. Hence, connecting the two areas by a pedestrian bridge is one of
the solutions presented in this research. More importantly, the site is considered to handle a neighborhood
development with a challenge that aims to preserve, maintain, and protect the traditional Emirati housing. This
kind of housing was demonstrated in Fareej form with all its required elements such as courtyard houses, Sikkas,
barahas, and maidan. The project turned out to represent a master-planned community. The site claims to work as
a zero-car neighborhood, with allocated accesses that lead to a parking space and a golf cart rental station. In
conclusion, this neighborhood site plan/the design of this neighborhood can provide an efficiently designed urban
plan that is highly walkable, friendly, accessible, and simultaneously protects the environment for its users. The
concepts of connectivity and proximity are applied successfully while maintaining the heritage side and Identity
of Al Ain.

1. Introduction areas with a history, the same approach has been suggested by the United
Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and
Due to the cultural uniqueness of Al Ain, it was inducted into the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) [1]. According
UNESCO World Heritage List. The inclusion was due to unique cultural to the Washington Charter [2], economic, cultural, and social develop-
sites, the historical importance of Jebel Hafit, Hili cultural landscape, ment policies are integrated into projects of urban heritage preservation
Bidaa Bint Saud, the Oases areas and the Falaj system. UNESCO World and regeneration. Thus, this research acknowledges the need for a link
Heritage Committee, held in June 2011 over its 35th session, registered between heritage management and spatial planning. The goal of this
this property for the World Heritage List. This research adopts a new work is to enhance the historical identity of Al Ain through revitalizing
approach that identifies cultural and historic entities as urban land- the traditional Emirati Fareej and neighborhood while connecting the
scapes. The research approach emphasizes the importance of an inter- city through greenways called (green fingers). The area is transverse by a
twined design of spatial planning and strategic planning. For urban major natural feature represented by Al Slimi Wadias as shown in

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (A.A. Raed).

Received 2 October 2021; Received in revised form 11 November 2021; Accepted 17 December 2021
2405-8440/© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
I. Shublaq et al. Heliyon 8 (2022) e08650

Al Ain is a city that is affected widely by bio-physical conditions. Its

location and identity show clearly the variety of natural elements Al Ain
accommodates. The city of Al Ain lies at the meeting point of three
different topographies (Jabil Hafeet, the nurturing oases and the majestic
desert). Its landscapes and ecosystems, particularly the Oasis, Mountains,
and Wadis, made it very diverse in wildlife (The Eastern Region's
biodiversity is concentrated in Jebel Hafeet with 95%). Al Ain city in-
cludes virgin inhabitants, large cultivated farms, small patches of garden
and open spaces, Wadi, etc. However, the green spaces available in Al Ain
are scattered and not serving the users well. The current average walking
time to open space is 10 min. Connecting these open spaces to make them
accessible for users is the key to revitalizing them and reduce the average
walking time to open an open space to 3 min. Open spaces should be
treated at the micro-level in relation to the environmental qualities that
tend to be treated at the macro level.
The Heritage and conservation field is widely known for its integrated
relationship with urban planning since the early 1990s. This is because
the basics of design strategies have developed an appropriate approach
that maintains an integrated relationship between the responsibility of
preserving cultural heritage and the demands to achieve the sustain-
ability of development [3]. More importantly, Any conservation effort in
historic towns must take place within the planning process [4]. Equally
relevant, conservation and revitalization should be applied in harmony
and not in a way that contradicts the logic of heritage identity and cul-
ture. The European Charter of the Architectural Heritage introduced this
approach as a new policy in 1975 and became accepted as a theme in the
integrated conservation approach [5, 6].
This research aims to highlight certain elements within a flexible
design strategy to be applied in the sustainability as well as the conser-
vation of city identity. These are demonstrated in green fingers and
Fareej neighborhood and elements. The concepts selected to discuss the
suggested contemporary design are connectivity and proximity. The
research adopts a sustainable framework to protect and respect the place
identity through well-managed sites.
Al Slimi Wadi transverses the site under study and works as a main
feature in the site area. This wadi runs through Al Ain and it is dried out
most of the year. Similarly, an appropriate strategic approach is the one
that realizes the importance of avoiding the exploitation of the heritage
for the sake of urban regeneration [7]. Thus, an initiative of creating a
green finger to run along the wadi can work towards a macro level of
major green connection throughout Al Ain. All public open spaces,
including cultural landscapes, agricultural landscapes, parks and natural
landscapes should be treated as part of a coherent whole. 1.7% of Al Ain
city is public open space. It has 234 ha of developed parks for a popu-
lation of nearly 623,000 (Plan Al Ain 2030).
Al Ain has numerous Attractions and activities as shown in Figure 3.
Upon the conducted site visits and further site analysis, it was noticed
that there is a huge gap between what the city offers the site under study
and what families living in the site should be provided. The uniqueness of
Figure 1. Site's location. the site makes distributing the facilities and day-to-day activities chal-
lenging. Focusing on how to provide such amenities with proximal dis-
Figures 1 and 2. The land indicated by red is for the exact site used for tances within the site will increase the chances of users to walk and enjoy
designing the project. Any adjacent area is part of the context of Civic their trips.
Centre sharing the same urban fabric, qualities and identity but not part According to the regulations illustrated by UNESCO, strategic de-
of the proposed area in the final master plan model. The selection was cisions are the reason behind the transformation of conservation de-
based on the percentage of built up area with least disturbance. The cisions into regulations and establishing local standards [8]. It is argued
allocated red site was almost vacant. that the future should always be part of the culture but not be imprisoned
Hence, these components should not be neglected, on the contrary, by the past/to exist only as an exact copy of the past [9].
they all should be adapted to contemporary needs within a harmonious In addition to the traditional causes of decay, historic urban fabric is
blend of relationships between traditional and contemporary cities to also increasingly affected by changing social and economic conditions. In
maintain a sustainable urban form. conclusion, A thorough study and development of the Plan of Al-Ain is

I. Shublaq et al. Heliyon 8 (2022) e08650

Figure 2. Existing land use. Almost half of the Civic Centre goes to vacant land and utility areas. Almost 20% of the area is dominated by the presence of the Wadi. The
rest of the area gathers different uses (residential, commercial, medical, governmental, and recreational).

still needed to address how tradition and modernity interact. The aim of 2. Literature review
this research is to develop an integrated relationship between the past
and future by creating the context of a sustainable urban form based on a There is a growing need for enhancing the identity of cities in the gulf
unified vision that combines tradition, modernity, and sustainability. The region, while preserving their authentic and historical features [10]. It is
inconsistency of such relationships may result in many issues that affect believed that heritage preservation works as an ally for economic and
the communication of the values, ideas, needs and identity of Al Ain social development [11]. The challenge of having a revitalized historical
community. urban space that is well connected within the rest of the city can't be
The UAE is a desert country and Al Ain is called “Garden city of The undermined. The connection of the city with the revitalized space should
Gulf”. As shown in Figure 4, the city has mainly seven oases, Al Ain, Al happen at multiple levels. Connecting the city to the newly revitalized
Jahili, Al Mutaredh, Al Muaiji, Al Jimi, Al Qattara, and Hili. Al Ain Oasis urban space should depend mainly on the nature of the city. In case that a
is the largest while Al Jahili Oasis is the smallest. These oases are lined city has urban natural resources, most of the connections might happen at
with palm trees. The city is known for its greenery, natural springs, and the level of landscape [12]. By this ideology, a conflict between creation
moderate climate compared to the rest of the emirates. The tallest and preserving is settled to impose a unique product for the users to live
mountain in Abu Dhabi, Mount Hafeet is located in Al Ain. the experience of an authentic space within a developed city.
The only natural feature occurring in the Civic Centre is the dried-out Regulations and laws are inevitable in revitalising the architectural
Wadi. Other main bio-physical varieties (oases and mountain) are not heritage and urban plan. For instance, in the UAE many historical
located within the site, they are rather located around the Civic Centre buildings have been demolished only for the need to create new business
within 5 km diameter. All the seven oases are very close to the Civic towers and shopping malls [13, 14]. Consequently, preservation is not
Centre in a way that calls for a certain layer of connection among them. just about the preservation of the buildings or landscapes, as much as
The status-quo of the Civic Centre is a dry desert with almost 50% vacant preserving the place's cultural identity [15]. Protecting individual
land. The absence of any green natural elements called for the proposal of buildings was the traditional approach in the past; however, its focus has
Green Fingers. Green Fingers work as added green tissue to connect these shifted to a more holistic approach that focusses on areas. According to
scattered oases and enhance the green image of the city. the “International Council on Monuments and Sites” (ICOMOS), the goal

I. Shublaq et al. Heliyon 8 (2022) e08650

Figure 3. Attractions within the city.

of conservation is to cultivate a place such that it sustains its “cultural simultaneously serves economic and social development. Similarly, any
significance”. city with a cultural heritage site and landscapes always has an advantage
At the beginning and particularly when oil fields were discovered in in the global market. This is because design strategy of heritage conser-
the Arabian Gulf and later oil-driven urbanization and associated with vation projects a unique identity that can be easily integrated when
rapid urban growth in population and infrastructure, the local authorities developing local communities to accommodate the change in people's
did not pay attention to the most important aspect which is preserving demands while preserving the historic urban areas [22]. Even though
the features of the local identity and cultural values [16]. While in cities and communities are changed inevitably and sometimes trans-
Western cities, especially, during the 1970s a decrease in massive pro- formed to meet the demands of their community, yet the conservation of
jects that concern urban transformation is noticed while urban regener- historic fabric, pattern and elements is fundamental for protecting the
ation started as an alternative for urban renewal. For example, the urban identity and cultural values [23, 24, 25].
“Amsterdam Declaration” incorporated cultural heritage into a city's Therefore, there is a need to look at these elements as a tool to pre-
conservation strategy and demonstrated its positive impact [17]. This is serve history, culture, and nature while reconnecting between past,
because revitalizing urban plans and forms adapts to the issues intending present, and future [26]. In this sense, UN-Habitat mentioned it is
to improve the living standards for locals without losing the identity of essential to start by preserving the cultural heritage in present cities by
place. It is a team effort in which even stakeholders must understand sustaining tangible and intangible aspects for their impact in shaping the
their city planning policies and regulations. place, identity and culture [27]. Regenerating cultural heritage serves as
This research illustrates Al Ain city as a complex area that requires the a means of enhancing a city's uniqueness and uniqueness as a whole.
protection of not just the architectural heritage within historic urban
landscapes but also the protection of planning activities, nature, and 3. Materials and methods
documentation. In most cases, heritage conservation is considered an
opposing concept to urban planning. Nonetheless, in most Western Eu- Although the traditional features of Al Ain doesn't call for a specific
ropean countries these two terms represent two sides of the same coin landscape design, the proposal of Green Fingers aligns with the need of
[18]. Nevertheless, the same laws should not be presented as a rigid green spaces within the city. On the one hand, this suggestion fulfills the
framework and outline. On the contrary, they should be elaborated in a urgent need of providing accessible green spaces for the users. There are
way that works not just for protecting and preserving the heritage sites two main layers of greenery in the proposed model, green open spaces
and identity but also for organizing the process of intervention and and green connecting spaces. The green spaces can work in hierarchy as
development to maintain economic and social patterns. follows (from small to large scale):
On one hand, there is always a misconception when it comes to the
idea of understanding the heritage preservation consistency, particularly, 1. Private dwelling courtyard
in its role as a barrier that hinders any attempt to develop a historic urban 2. Pocket park/Baraha (shared among a fareej)
landscape [19, 20, 21]. On the other hand, many attempts demonstrate 3. Neighborhood park/Maidan
the concept of heritage preservation as adaptable to change in a way that 4. Natural Oases

I. Shublaq et al. Heliyon 8 (2022) e08650

Figure 4. Al Ain Terrain showing the seven oases, the mountain and their relationship to the civic centre.

Figure 5. Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Council suggested design.

One the other hand, the green spaces already existing in Al Ain are 2. Green Belts
mainly the oases, they surround the Civic Centre and need to be con-
nected through another form of landscape. To ensure that the connec- The Green Fingers occur as a connective tissue between one pocket
tivity occurs at different levels, there are two main green connecting park and another and they lead to the common space that occurs in the
spaces as follows: neighborhood called Maidan. A Green Belt is the linear park that sur-
rounds a single fareej. Both levels of connection are needed to ensure that
1. Green Fingers a continuous green fabric occurs in the city. The absence of any green

I. Shublaq et al. Heliyon 8 (2022) e08650

forms of landscape within the Civic Centre calls for connecting the
scattered green oases already existing around it to enhance the image the
city that is known for its greenery.

3.1. Alternatives and comparisons

Historically, the availability of a courtyard was a necessity in every

dwelling unit and this element was called Hawsh. At a next level, an open
space that occurs within one Fareej is called Barah. A larger common area
that occurs among multiples of Fareej is called Maidan. The walkways
that occur at a Fareej called Sikka. The same kind of elements can be
reflected with similar hierarchy as contemporary elements. Below is a
comparison table emphasizing the different terminologies of similar
Traditional element Contemporary element

Fareej → Community
Hawsh → Private courtyard
Baraha → Pocket park
Maidan → Neighbourhood park
Sikka → walkway

Figure 6. Centres of providing services for different proximal areas - by Ideally, a Green Finger is a planted walkway. Traditionally, walkways
Christaller 1933. were called Sikkas and they were randomly lined with palm trees. Green

Figure 7. Conceptual diagrams.

I. Shublaq et al. Heliyon 8 (2022) e08650

Figure 8. The main Emirati Fareej concepts are applied in the model.

Figure 9. Comparison between the existing Fareej form by UPC and the proposed Fareej form.

Fingers are an added layer to the Sikkas and can work as a connective that connect the oases and run through the city of Al Ain. They are meant
element. They can work side by side within the Fareej to add a layer of to connect green areas like parks, courtyards and public outdoor spaces to
sustainable aspect to the project. result in a continuous tissue of shaded and walkable paths running
This work supports the major aims of “Plan Al Ain 2030” that takes through the city. This's supposed to enhance the character of Al Ain as a
into consideration the increasing need for housing that doesn't only have green city (Plan Al Ain 2030). The main focus should be given to families.
traditional aspects but also respects the environmental and social con- Providing for families and designing for them was the main aim
siderations, as well as accessibility to transport and amenities. The sug- throughout this project. Taking into consideration the cultural, tradi-
gested model in this project takes into consideration the traditional style tional constraints, connecting those families to the surrounding world
of neighborhood in the UAE. while providing for them public facilities within a walking distance. The
The smallest unit of the Emirati community is called “Fareej”. It is suggested design by Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Council is presented in
defined as a set of dwelling units that can be utilized to house an Figure 5.
extended Emirati family, these units are normally clustered around a This project implemented the Central Place Theory which was created
courtyard (Plan Al Ain 2030). The walkways are shaded and they are by the geographer Walter Christaller, who suggested that swelling units
locally called “Sikka”. They connect courtyards together for easy move- are supposed to work as ‘central places’ to offer services to proximal areas
ment and accessibility. The idea of “Green Fingers” was also incorporate as shown in Figure 6. This theory was discussed in detail by Hildebrand
into the design. Green fingers are a connective fabric of green walkways Frey in his book “Designing the City: towards a more sustainable urban

I. Shublaq et al. Heliyon 8 (2022) e08650

Figure 10. Conceptual plan.

form”. A sustainable urban form was suggested along with all its concepts concept of building a city from neighborhood units generates a rigid
that can work as an alternative for typical city forms towards a more structure that doesn't coincide with the social systems in an open so-
livable sustainable community. ciety. This is odd with structure of traditional neighborhood but very
Public transport stops provided accordingly within a walkable dis- close to the very old traditional Arabian neighborhood.
tance of homes and workplaces. A modular city structure, a city consists Car use is limited within urban area, the centre of neighborhood
of units that have walkable scale and offer good access to public could be connected with the centre of Fareej by a bus with stops
transport stops. One unit needs to be connected to the other by public distributed every 300 m or so. The travel distance from the centre of the
transport lines to provide choice of amenities and nobilities. The basis district to the edge could be an average of 1,350 m in 5 min. The radius of
for the micro-structure of the city is the interrelationship of people, the central area can have a radius of 150 m.
transport and amenities. These urban units that offer local facilities There are variety of things to enjoy and activities to serve the city,
within walkable distance are small in scale and population; they only however, there is either a problem in the connection between that
provide day-to-day needs. Any kind of needed service to be provided at particular activity and our site, or the distance is too long that another
a bigger scale can be offered by centres of a higher order of spacial similar activity should be provided. On the other hand, some day-to-day
units. These units should be connected by a public transportation sys- needs are better to be provided in each neighborhood with a proximal
tem of a higher order. A hierarchical system will be found in the city distance. Such amenities should be provided within a walking distance
with regard to the development of clusters (from Fareej to neighbor- from user's home. All such day-to-day amenities can be located in one
hood) and the transport systems (from bus to Light Railway Train place in the central node of each neighborhood. The conceptual diagrams
(LRT)). The maximum distance between one dwelling unit and a are shown in Figure 7.
transport stop is a walkable distance of 10 min. The size of catchment Applying such modifications to the normal Fareej structure can lead
area is an average of 110 ha. The average population density is 60 to a new sustainable form where users are enjoying the green walkways
persons per hectare, which might accommodate around 7,000 persons. wherever they walk, and these walkways can work as a leading path for
Catchment areas for schools, clubs, shops and groceries are not limited them as well. The nodes appear to be in the center of each form. This
to their neighborhood but overlap with other neighborhoods. The centre will a pocket park to serve each block it is located in. These nodes

I. Shublaq et al. Heliyon 8 (2022) e08650

Figure 11. Block structure.

shall be connected together through a road/walkway, so the destination community at the micro-level. The need to preserve the authenticity of Al
will be clear once users leave their home. Moving on to the real model, Ain city through having a Fareej community was successfully achieved at
the form we have is broken down to accommodate the level of inter- multiple levels. Firstly, the provided alternative layout for each unit is to
connection among other Fareej and to provide the maximum green space have the Emirati dwelling style with private courtyard. This should have
surrounding the Fareej. This green linear park is located at the perimeter a better impact than the layout of the open yard suggested by the Council.
of each Fareej. The Fareej is divided by four main shared spaces. These Secondly, at the city planning level, Al Ain city has natural resources
shared spaces can accommodate green fingers, golf paths, pedestrian presented mainly in the oases. These oases were successfully connected
walkways and bicycle paths. Another smaller and tighter level of with our suggested plan to ensure the continuity and connectivity of the
pedestrian occurs at Sikkas. Sikkas are the smallest level of pedestrian designed community within the city. The green fingers that occur at one
walkways that occur among villas and lead the users toward the outer landscape layer within the Fareej community ensure a very important
environment of this system. The green fingers aim to connect the green connectivity feature that shouldn't be overlooked when revitalizing a
spaces in Al Ain, however, the connection here is done through micro- space within a city. This was clearly reflected by the integration of
level as shown in Figure 8. A Comparison between the existing Fareej landscape at the micro-level of a dwelling unit towards the macro level of
form by Urban Planning Council (UPC) and the proposed Fareej form is a city.
shown in Figure 9. The existing urban form of the site under study is scattered and
The Family Hub will work as central element that provides the daily dispersed. Some development occurs on the site, however, this kind of
needs of users within the neighborhood catchment area. The inter- development of undefined form. There is an obvious waste of space and
connectivity between the multiple Fareej creates an ecosystem neigh- sense of lost. This results in unpleasing space to live or work in. The
borhood that interacts strongly with its surrounding as well as its core, superblocks that exist in the site should be broken down into smaller
the Family Hub as shown in Figure 10. blocks each of an average length of 120 m before a user can turn around.
Those blocks should define both sides of the road. Roads should be
4. Results and discussion defined by the blocks while respecting the surrounding development.
Public open spaces should have a unified form as well, and should occur
The rationale in having another alternative in developing the urban in consistent with the surrounding blocks. Whenever there is an existing
space other than the one suggested by the Urban Planning Council, is to open space, an open space should be developed in the site with respect to
recreate urban connections while preserving the historical features of a the existing one and adjacent to it.

I. Shublaq et al. Heliyon 8 (2022) e08650

Figure 12. Proposed land use plan.

In the proposed urban form, the plan looks much densified with blocks of the same Fareej and to the surrounding blocks. One of the
uniformed blocks. The development occurs to look more compact in important spaces is the one that occurs in each Fareej towards the central
comparison with the existing. The high-density residential villas appear area that is called in this project “The Family Hub”.
to have a very unique form with open spaces that are well connected. The The typologies of the blocks that occur on the perimeter of the site are
form that is applied in the areas of Fareej are following the central space very systematic and well responding to the surrounding. These blocks are
form. The form allows the designed to place a node in the centre of each of a different use, they are mixed use Gþ4 developments as shown in
form. This node is indicated with white color in the map to represent the Figure 11.
role of it with is an open space for people of the Fareej to gather. It is Analysing the surrounding activities and existing amenities and rec-
obvious from the proposed plan that this node is connected to each of the reational facilities, leads us to plan the requirements for the site and to
plan for their accessibility to the city. Some daily needs can be provided
in a proximal distance within each neighborhood and within a walkable
distance from a user's dwelling unit. As shown in Figure 12, the land use
distribution within the site follows the Central Place Theory.
The Fareej Community proposed in this project is a zero-car com-
munity. Roads within the site under study are all considered to work as
shared spaces. This means they should accommodate pedestrian, cyclists,
golf carts, etc. Users should be able to get to any destination within the
site easily by foot, bicycle or a golf cart. There is another level of
pedestrian walkways that occur between the residential units, it is called
Sikka. Sikkas are a traditional Emirati element in the Fareej form that
occurred in the historical spaces in the city. On the other hand, there are
public transit connections that serve the site as well. A proposed tram by
plan Al Ain 2030 is connected to the site under study through two bus
lines as presented in Figures 13, 14, and 15.
One of the major issues found in the site under study was the vacant
lands with undefined function. Another issue was found in Al Ain city, in
general, was the disconnected open spaces. These two factors were acting
Figure 13. Diagrammatic connections with Al Ain 2030. behind the concept of open spaces in this project. Suggesting well treated

I. Shublaq et al. Heliyon 8 (2022) e08650

Figure 14. Vehicular street & non-motorised network.

Figure 15. Vehicular street & non-motorised network.

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Figure 16. Proposed open space plan.

Figure 17. A traditional dwelling unit evolution in morphology. The transformation happens also at size and area. The full utilization of land is seen in the first three
rows, while the bottom row shows houses surrounded by a fence. This transformation took place in the 1970s (Asim Khanal and Khaled Alawadi) [28].

I. Shublaq et al. Heliyon 8 (2022) e08650

Figure 18. Morphological transformation of dwelling unit of a certain type in Al Hili district of Al Ain (based on drawings from Al Ain Municipality, Engineering
Section and Al Dhaheri, 1999) [28].

Figure 19. A detailed analysis for two types of dwelling units [28].

open spaces that are well connected together is one solution. Some of Other types of open spaces occur in the proposed open space plan as
these open spaces will work as green fingers. This concept was suggested shown in Figure 16. These open spaces varies between public and semi-
by the UPC. Green fingers are green pedestrian sideways to connect the public. The smallest gathering space available in the site is the pocket
oases within the city. The type of connection that should be happening park. The plaza is bigger in size and can serve the whole area of neigh-
here can be applied in a micro level. Privacy for the neighborhood will borhood. A sports open space that is located on the north of the wadi can
define another level of green connections. These green fingers can work serve the whole neighborhood as well. This can function as a main space
for another function within the neighborhood. They can connect the for users to enjoy playing football, basketball, and other outdoor sports. A
different pocket parks (barahas) in each Fareej. They can also work as a jogging track and a bicycle lane of unobstructed linear path is available in
connection between a bara-ha and a maidan (plaza). A green edge sur- the new plan of revitalizing the wadi. A plaza that is located in the centre
rounding each Fareej can work as further recreational facility for people of the neighborhood within the family hub can work as a very important
to enjoy while heading to their destinations. Engaging such level of green gathering centre. A well-treated open space is the key to plan for better
space in the site can enhance the quality of life within the neighborhood. communities.

I. Shublaq et al. Heliyon 8 (2022) e08650

living. The natural decentralized system was replaced by fewer con-

nected road network and elongated blocks. The appearance of private
surrounding fences and gates took place as well and it added on the
disturbance of the traditional urban form. This transformation was a
result of changing policies of zoning and regulations in order to accom-
modate larger plots and spaces for the growing number of citizens. One
main influence was the governmental settlements to accommodate citi-
zens. In this scenario, the architects working on such projects used to be
expats and their knowledge about the traditional framework was limited.
This resulted into losing the traditional aspects of architecture in the
country beside the frequent change of the dense urban fabric. The
number of housing projects that were spread across the country looked
the same, regardless of the location or climate. For example, the court-
yard that was strongly emphasized in the traditional architectural
dwelling unit, it was partially lost later in the contemporary approach.
Figure 20. The different typologies of the dwelling units used in the project This was not only a discarded architectural feature but also a loss of a
under study.
family communal space. This courtyard appeared in later contemporary
prototype as a smaller space, where the area is added for extra room in
the enclosed space. Another lost feature was the alignment to alleys
through interconnected grids. The dwellings followed the geometry
available on site and were always connected to one level of the road
network. In the contemporary urbanized system, the city starts with a
systematic grid and dwelling units follow this grid regardless whether or
not it is directional and serves the proximity measures of the provided
services within a walking distance. The contemporary approach into
designing dwellings set them up equal in size, height, courtyard location
and entrance direction. This monotonous approach left the dwellings
without any identity not even to relate to the social hierarchy. This's
another lost feature that made the cities car dependent. The alleys were
lost and the single community (Fareej) was less connected making it hard
to accommodate daily needs without the use of a car.
Describing the urban fabric formed from a traditional dwelling unit,
Al Bastakiyyah in Dubai (shown in Figure 21) is a good example for
highlighting this. It is one of the last built historical districts in the UAE
with all the traditional aspects. The construction of the district took place
in 1890s. It models a traditional Fareej community with courtyard units.
These units built to the edge of parcel for maximum occupancy. The al-
leys existed to connect the units to each other and to other facilities. This
district accommodates multiple functions and is normally busy with users
enjoying their walk around the site. The site was reconstructed according
to its historical value. Nowadays, this district plays an important role as
an authentic still-living district.
The same approach applies to Al Ain Civic Centre. The invitation of
Figure 21. Al Bastakiya figure-ground.
getting back in time to use the traditional urban elements is a new request
by decision-makers in the UAE; Abu Dhabi Urban Planning Council. It is a
call from the government to focus on using such concepts into working on
major projects to better reflect the image of the city. The preservation of
Major differences are valid to distinguish between the traditional and any historical elements in the site is a priority before infilling the land
contemporary urban fabric in the UAE as shown in Figures 17, 18, 19, with the discussed kind of fabric. The infill work discussed in this paper
and 20. The differences occur at multiple levels; form, space, and social happens at various levels; the historical/traditional identity of the city,
needs. The traditional communities were of high density, walkable, well the urban fabric of the city and the typology of a single dwelling unit. The
connected, easy oriented, social inviting, and mixed-use services. It also provided design proposal was not only dependent on a nostalgic histor-
enhanced the need of privacy for users of each dwelling, the need of ical design but also on emphasizing the need to revive the local archi-
housing extended family members comfortably, and fulfilling the social tectural vocabularies. Al Ain is a resilient city and this should be certainly
needs of the citizens through providing communal spaces. It is known reflected on its image. A community urban fabric is established to be
that traditional communities are a functional livable system at various resilient by testing it through climate change and context. The Emirati
levels. Another feature is the connection of roads and streets at multiple society deserves to re-live the quality urban spaces that once existed in
levels (alleys to main roads) and these weaving paths help in locating their ancestors' lives. The tradition of this society plays a great role in the
land uses to occur at proximal distances within one community (Fareej). lives of its citizens. A deep kind of connection between the old and
Major changes in the system occurred during the 1970s, these present should be visible in the image of the city as well as the daily life of
changes were linked to the intentions of better provision and a luxury of the users.

I. Shublaq et al. Heliyon 8 (2022) e08650

Figure 22. Master plan.

5. Conclusions proximity to all the facilities. The recreational and functional open
spaces are available everywhere around the site. Bike paths and
The proposed master plan of the project represents a master- pedestrian walkways are also connected all over the site. All roads
planned Fareej Community. The residential neighborhood with its work as shared spaces with access limited for golf carts only. There will
traditional Emirati Fareej form is spread among the site. The Fareej be a distinguished difference in the appearance and function of the
form is adjusted to serve the lifestyle of users nowadays. Having a previously undeveloped area and the proposed master plan as pre-
central space is certainly serving the whole neighborhood with sented in Figures 22 and 23.

I. Shublaq et al. Heliyon 8 (2022) e08650

Figure 23. Birdseye view.

Declarations Data availability statement

Author contribution statement No data was used for the research described in the article.

Inshirah Shublaq: Conceived and designed the experiments; Per-

Declaration of interests statement
formed the experiments; Analyzed and interpreted the data; Contributed
reagents, materials, analysis tools or data.
The authors declare no conflict of interest.
Rafael Pizarro: Conceived and designed the experiments; Contributed
reagents, materials, analysis tools or data.
Abeer Abu Raed: Analyzed and interpreted the data; Contributed Additional information
reagents, materials, analysis tools or data; Wrote the paper.
Tamarah Alqalami and Esraa Altwassi: Contributed reagents, mate- No additional information is available for this paper.
rials, analysis tools or data.
Funding statement
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