Pomponi and Moncaster (2016)
Pomponi and Moncaster (2016)
Pomponi and Moncaster (2016)
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Of all industrial sectors, the built environment puts the most pressure on the natural environment, and in
Received 29 March 2016 spite of significant efforts the International Energy Agency suggests that buildings-related emissions are
Received in revised form on track to double by 2050. Whilst operational energy efficiency continues to receive significant atten-
21 June 2016
tion by researchers, a less well-researched area is the assessment of embodied carbon in the built
Accepted 11 August 2016
Available online 21 August 2016
environment in order to understand where the greatest opportunities for its mitigation and reduction lie.
This article approaches the body of academic knowledge on strategies to tackle embodied carbon (EC)
and uses a systematic review of the available evidence to answer the following research question: how
Embodied carbon reduction
should we mitigate and reduce EC in the built environment? 102 journal articles have been reviewed
Embodied carbon mitigation systematically in the fields of embodied carbon mitigation and reduction, and life cycle assessment. In
Low carbon built environment total, 17 mitigation strategies have been identified from within the existing literature which have been
LCA buildings discussed through a meta-analysis on available data. Results reveal that no single mitigation strategy
alone seems able to tackle the problem; rather, a pluralistic approach is necessary. The use of materials
with lower EC, better design, an increased reuse of EC-intensive materials, and stronger policy drivers all
emerged as key elements for a quicker transition to a low carbon built environment. The meta-analysis
on 77 LCAs also shows an extremely incomplete and short-sighted approach to life cycle studies. Most
studies only assess the manufacturing stages, often completely overlooking impacts occurring during the
occupancy stage and at the end of life of the building. The LCA research community have the re-
sponsibility to address such shortcomings and work towards more complete and meaningful
Crown Copyright © 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (F. Pomponi).
0301-4797/Crown Copyright © 2016 Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
688 F. Pomponi, A. Moncaster / Journal of Environmental Management 181 (2016) 687e700
1. Introduction and theoretical background It measures and indicates the contribution of buildings and their
products to global warming and climate change, which is
Of all industrial sectors, the built environment puts the most increasingly critical (Moncaster, 2015; IPCC, 2014);
pressure on the natural environment. In the European Union, it Through considering the carbon intensity of the energy carrier it
accounts for 50% of all extracted materials, 42% of the final energy is more comprehensive than embodied energy (Pomponi et al.,
consumption, 35% of greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions (EC, 2011) 2015);
and 32% of waste flows (EEA, 2012), and global figures are not much While it may not accurately represent additional ecological and
different (Khasreen et al., 2009). To manage the environment sus- environmental impacts (Pomponi et al., 2016a; Asdrubali et al.,
tainably, the role of the built, and particularly the urban, environ- 2015a; Turconi et al., 2013), it correlates well with several
ment is crucial. Cities occupy only 3% of the Earth's land but account impact categories of more comprehensive impact assessment
for around 70% of energy consumption and carbon dioxide emis- methods (e.g. ReCiPe) (Heinonen et al., 2016), thus acting as a
sions (UN, 2016). While buildings provide the essential infrastruc- useful indicator for impacts other than climate change.
ture for civilization and our need for shelter, they also create an
ecological threat in terms of resource consumption and depletion, The substantial growth of related literature from outside
air quality, and pollution of soil and water (Naustdalslid, 2014). academia (ASPB, 2014; RICS, 2012; UKGBC, 2015; IEA, 2016; ICE,
Considerable effort across policy, academia and industry has 2015; BRE, 2015) which address the themes of EC reduction and
therefore gone into improving the energy efficiency of buildings. mitigation also confirms the importance of embodied carbon.
Until recently political effort has focused almost entirely on the In spite of this growing interest and understanding of the issue,
operational stage (occupancy phase) of buildings, with one the body of academic knowledge on strategies to tackle embodied
example being the European Union final deadline for nearly Zero carbon has not previously been investigated systematically. This
Energy Buildings (nZEB) from 2020 (EU, 2010). The reason given for article addresses this shortcoming and uses a systematic review of
this focus is that operational energy (and carbon) accounts for the the academic evidence to answer the following research question:
greatest share of life cycle energy (and carbon) of a building. how should we mitigate and reduce, embodied carbon in the built
In spite of these efforts CO2 emissions are continuing to rise, environment? The following section introduces the method
with the International Energy Agency (IEA) suggesting that emis- whereas section three discusses each of the mitigation strategies
sions are on track to double by 2050 (IEA, 2014). Part of the reason identified and provides a synopsis of the reviewed literature in
appears to be that the higher energy efficiency leads to rebound table form. Section four includes the meta-analysis of all collected
effects from increased energy demand, due to, for instance, “more data to identify existing trends and issues. It also discusses the
heated space, higher temperatures, and for longer periods” (Rovers, outcomes of the systematic review and identifies the most pressing
2014). However a less well-researched reason may be due to the issues which demand close attention. Section five concludes the
unnecessary dichotomy between operational and embodied im- article.
pacts, which has the unintended consequences both of ignoring the
effects of increased construction and in some cases of shifting the 2. Method
environmental burdens from one life cycle stage (occupancy) to the
others (Pomponi et al., 2016a). There is now robust evidence that The systematic approach used to review the existing literature
the embodied impacts of buildings are a significant contributor to ensures thoroughness, rigour and objectivity in the selected
global emissions, and that as a percentage of whole life impacts of studies. This approach is widely used in medical and management
buildings they can account for more than 50% (Crawford, 2011), sciences (Tranfield et al., 2003; Delbufalo, 2012) but also in built
with 70% calculated for some cases in the UK (Ibn-Mohammed environment research (Pomponi et al., 2016b). A further technique
et al., 2013). often combined with this process is the meta-analysis of data to
Out of several potential measures, ‘embodied carbon equivalent’ quantitatively integrate research findings across a wide number of
(CO2e1) is useful for several relevant reasons: studies (Delbufalo, 2012) in order to reveal and map significant
trends (Pomponi et al., 2016b) through the harmonised use of
reviewed data (Asdrubali et al., 2015a; Pomponi et al., 2016b). Ul-
timately, the purpose of a systematic literature review and meta-
Defined as the sum of CO2eq emissions related to all activities and components analysis is to make sense of key elements within a large collec-
other than the operational energy consumption related to a building's life. More
generally, embodied costs or impacts may refer to different units such as energy,
tion of sometimes-contradictory studies to facilitate decision-
carbon, water, natural resource depletion, etc. Carbon dioxide equivalent emissions making and action with an aim to inform both policymaking and
are also the measuring unit of the Global Warming Indicator (GWI). practice (Tranfield et al., 2003).
F. Pomponi, A. Moncaster / Journal of Environmental Management 181 (2016) 687e700 689
In this article the following strings2 and combinations thereof in chronological order of access. The sub-sections following these
have been searched across main literature database3: tables take each mitigation strategy in turn and discuss it with
reference to a few specific papers.
Embodied carbon mitigation (þstrategy)
Embodied carbon reduction (þstrategy)
Embodied carbon management (þstrategy) 3.1. MS1: use of materials with lower embodied energy and carbon
Embodied carbon building(s)
Life cycle assessment building(s) The use of alternative materials with low EE and EC to mitigate
LCA building(s) the contribution of the built environment to climate change was a
Life cycle carbon building(s) particularly common solution (e.g. Yu et al., 2011; Ng et al., 2012). In
many studies, this approach involves the use of natural materials
Due to the rapidly developing field, search results were (e.g. timber, bamboo, hemp-lime composites). For instance, Reddy
temporally limited to 10 years and given existing disputes over (Reddy, 2009) investigated the use of stabilised mud blocks (SMB)
reliability, data quality, and system boundaries within LCA, results as a substitute for load bearing brickwork and found nearly a 50%
were also limited to peer-reviewed journal articles. In total, after reduction in embodied costs. With a focus on using alternative
manually removing duplicates due to the different search engines building materials over more traditional ones for a 28-storey resi-
used, 876 manuscripts matched the initial search criteria. The ab- dential building in Hong Kong, Cui and colleagues (Cui et al., 2011)
stracts of these papers were then reviewed for a second selection quantified the related embodied carbon savings, obtaining a 34.8%
round which resulted in 229 articles, due to the key words being reduction. Switching from material level to a full house project,
mentioned in different parts of the abstracts without any connec- Salazar and Meil (Salazar and Meil, 2009) assessed the GHG impacts
tion. These 229 were analysed in depth, and 102 were identified to of what they call a ‘wood-intensive’ house in comparison to a
fall within the remit of the present work, which included sufficient typical one with brick cladding in Canada and found extremely
information for the scope of this study with respect to embodied significant differences between the two: 20 tCO2e for the former vs.
carbon mitigation and reduction in the built environment and 72 tCO2e of the latter. The enormous potential of a broader adoption
enough detail on the LCA study, where this was undertaken. of wood as a construction material seems confirmed by Upton and
The research question asks, how should we mitigate and reduce colleagues (Upton et al., 2008) who, in a US residential-sector-wide
embodied carbon in the built environment? To answer this, the study, indicated savings of 9.6 MtCO2e/annum by using wood as an
following elements were identified from the studies: alternative to concrete- and steel-based building systems under the
assumption of 1.5 million single-family new houses built each year.
(1) Mitigation strategies: first as they arose from the articles and Vukotic and colleagues (Vukotic et al., 2010) also found a timber
then coded into consistent and coherent clusters; structure school building to have lower impacts than the steel
(2) The geographical breadth of the study (GA), rated 0 to 3, frame alternative, but recommend that “rather than encouraging
where 0 is a study not related to a geographical area and 1 to debate about which material is ‘better’ than any other”, the best use
3 instead cover super-country, country, and sub-country is made of chosen materials in any particular situation (Vukotic
levels respectively; et al., 2010). It is worth noting that in some comparative studies,
(3) The scale of the study (SS), rated 0 to 3, where 0 is a study the use of materials with lower EE/EC may also involve commonly-
related to, for instance, a whole neighbourhood and 1 to 3 used materials, such as in the work of You and colleagues (You et al.,
cover context (i.e. building), system (e.g. façade), and 2011) who found a 4.2% CO2 reduction in preferring steel-concrete
component (e.g. brick) levels; structures over masonry-concrete structures; an aspect which
(4) The life cycle stages included in the analysis, mapped using leads to the importance of design discussed in the next sub-section.
the framework developed by the European Technical Com-
mittee TC350 (BSI, 2011) (Fig. 1).
3.2. MS2: better design
Regarding the latter point, not all the studies allowed for a
thorough mapping of life cycle stages and therefore this specific Good design practice and appropriate choices at the design
analysis is limited to 77 articles which are more of an LCA nature stage, as well as techniques such as design for deconstruction, were
out of the 102 reviewed. identified as crucial strategies for EC reduction and mitigation.
Acquaye and Duffy (Acquaye and Duffy, 2010) conducted an input-
3. Embodied carbon mitigation strategies output analysis of the Irish construction sector; they suggest that
their results showed that better design could have reduced indirect
Seventeen mitigation strategies (MSs) were identified in the emissions by 20% and direct emissions by 1.6% totalling 3.43
reviewed literature, and these are presented in Table 1. MSs were MtCO2e. In examining refurbishment of high-rise concrete build-
defined progressively along with the review of all articles. For ings in Hong Kong, Chau and colleagues (Chau et al., 2012) also
instance, MS1 was the first to be defined as the first paper we found a determinant role of design. They argued that “the most
reviewed recommended a greater use of wood as a construction to effective option is to maintain 15e30% of the existing structural and
reduce EC in buildings. Table 2 then details each of the 102 articles non-structural building elements as it can reduce the CO2 footprint
by 17.3%”. This view is echoed and supported by Cue llar-Franca and
with the four elements of analysis: the mitigation strategies
Azapagic (Cue llar-Franca and Azapagic, 2012) who reflect on the
(numbered as given in Table 1); the geographical breadth of the
study (GA); the scale of the study (SS); and the life cycle stages longevity of decisions taken at the design stage and call for a sus-
included (as identified within BS EN 15978). The articles are listed tainable home design which considers the impact that design
choices exert over the building's life cycle. The centrality of design
is also emphasised by H€ akkinen and colleagues (Ha €kkinen et al.,
The search was limited to Title, Abstract, and Keywords of manuscripts to avoid
2015) who recommend a gradual and systematic procession
completely unrelated results. through all different phases and stages of design to accurately
Web of Knowledge, Web of Science, Science Direct and Google Scholar. assess GHG emissions and achieve low-carbon buildings.
690 F. Pomponi, A. Moncaster / Journal of Environmental Management 181 (2016) 687e700
Basbagill and colleagues (Basbagill et al., 2013) investigated in 3.5. MS5: policy and regulations (Governments)
detail the application of LCA to help designers understand and
reduce the environmental impacts of building materials and com- Perhaps unsurprisingly, the implementation and/or revision of
ponents. They found that by optimising key parameters (e.g. policy and regulations by Governments also emerged as a
thickness of piles and footings, and of external and internal walls) commonly cited strategy for EC reduction (e.g. Blengini and Di
“anywhere from 63% to 75% reduction in the building's maximum Carlo, 2010; Dakwale et., 2011; Foraboschi et., 2014). In some
total embodied impact is possible” (Basbagill et al., 2013). Garcia- studies (Giesekam et al., 2014) this strategy is mainly intended as a
Segura and colleagues (Garcia-Segura et al., 2014) assessed the means to support other mitigation strategies, like a wider use of
reduction of GHG emissions due to a reduced use of Portland low EE/EC materials, whereas in others policy has a broader reach.
cement and its substitution with blended cement, which has a For instance, Dhakal (Dhakal, 2010) reports on Chinese and Japa-
higher content of fly ash (FA) and blast furnace slag (BFS). Such an nese contexts where a 50% CO2 reduction could be achieved
approach promises to lead to 7%e20% fewer emissions (Garcia- through the impact of policies on design and construction practices.
Segura et al., 2014). Similar environmental benefits following a
reduction in use of cement are echoed by Atmaca and Atmaca 3.6. MS6: refurbishment of existing buildings
(Atmaca and Atmaca, 2015) and Miller and Doh (Miller and Doh,
A few scholars believe the greatest opportunity for EC
Table 2
Data Collected from the systematic review of the literature.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 C1 C2 C3 C4 D
(continued on next page)
Table 2 (continued )
Ref. Mitigation strategies GA SS BS EN 15978:2011 life cycle stages
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 C1 C2 C3 C4 D
mitigation lies with the upkeep of existing buildings. This appears 3.11. MS11: people-driven change (key role of all stakeholders in the
to be especially true in developed countries where the existing built environment)
building stock forms the vast majority of the built environment.
Gaspar and Santos (Gaspar and Santos, 2015) assessed the potential This cluster groups ‘social’ elements for a built environment
saving for a detached house in Portugal built in the late 1960s, with lower EC, such as an aesthetic demand for “buildings [with]
concluding that refurbishment would be 22% more efficient than sustainable credentials” (Monahan and Powell, 2011), or solutions
demolition and rebuild. A strong case for refurbishments can be related to people's skills such as the contractors' ability to plan
also found in the work of Power, who demonstrated that the case resources, their management skills and construction performance
for large scale demolitions “is greatly weakened” when considering mentioned by Sandanayake and colleagues (Sandanayake et al.,
EC as well as operational figures, for the EC of an average refur- 2016). Also, social or cultural aspects have been identified as bar-
bishment project to bring an existing house up to modern stan- riers to EC reduction, such as the inertia of builders towards envi-
dards is around one third of that of a new house (Power, 2008, ronmentally conscious regulations in China reported by Li and
2010). Colombier (Li and Colombier, 2009).
3.7. MS7: decarbonisation of energy supply/grid 3.12. MS12: more efficient construction processes/techniques
Just as the idea of decarbonising the energy supply is seen as one In some studies, a gain in efficiency in the construction sector is
pathway to operational-carbon-free buildings (Rovers, 2014), some seen as an important opportunity for EC reduction (e.g. Upton et al.,
scholars point out that there is the same opportunity for embodied 2008; Monahan and Powell, 2011; Sandanayake et al., 2016). This is
costs (Jiang and Tovey, 2009; Chang et al., 2011; Heinonen et al., often intended as a more efficient manufacture of building mate-
2011). For instance, in the study from Heinonen and colleagues rials, the use of innovative and less wasteful processes during the
(Heinonen et al., 2011) a specific ‘greener’ energy mix would cut 6% construction stage, or a combination of the two. This strategy also
off the total emissions figure. includes the reduction of delays, the impact of site conditions, and
the use of more energy efficient machinery.
3.8. MS8: inclusion of waste, by-product, and used materials into
building materials 3.13. MS13: carbon mitigation offsets, emissions trading, and
carbon tax
A further beneficial effect may be brought about by the inclusion
of waste and by-products into building materials (e.g. Lee et al., Some scholars see the solution to the EC problem in carbon
2011; Napolano et al., 2015), in light of cradle-to-cradle design mitigation and trading, and in fewer cases carbon taxing. For
and circular economy approaches which have recently received instance, Dalene (Dalene, 2012) reports on a case study of a resi-
increased attention as a valid and viable alternative to the tradi- dential building where all “GHG emissions were offset by carbon
tional linear make-use-dispose paradigm. Intini and Kuehtz (Intini mitigation programs and certified carbon offsets were purchased”
and Kuehtz, 2011) investigated the use of recycled plastic bottles to to achieve carbon neutral status. At a broader scale, Kennedy and
manufacture thermal insulation in Italy and concluded that recy- Sgouridis (Kennedy and Sgouridis, 2011) developed a carbon ac-
cled polyethylene terephthalate (PET) can reduce environmental counting framework for cities to categorise and determine urban
impact as much as 46% with respect to GWP. Some researchers also emissions strategies.
highlight the importance of considering the necessary supply chain
to realise this (Densley Tingley and Davison, 2011).
3.14. MS14: carbon sequestration
3.9. MS9: increased use of local materials The carbon sequestration approach found in few studies (e.g.
Gustavsson et al., 2006; Dhakal, 2010) is to some extent linked to
Several studies reported the EC reduction due to an increased the previous strategy but it deserves a separate category due to
use of local materials which would reduce transportation impacts different underlying principles: while carbon offsets and emissions
(e.g. Gustavsson et al., 2010; Asdrubali et.al., 2015b; Chou and Yeh, trading offer a policy solution to EC reduction, carbon sequestration
2015). In a detailed assessment of stone production carried out in looks at the technological side of the issue exploring new materials
accordance to PAS2050 guidelines, Crishna and colleagues (Crishna or innovative uses of existing ones to capture and store carbon. For
et al., 2011) argued that depending on the stone type and the instance, Sodagar and colleagues (Sodagar et al., 2011) studied the
country of origin, the use of UK-based stones can save between 2% use of biotic materials in a social housing project in the UK and
and 84% of the EC of stones sourced from abroad. It is also worth concluded that the carbon lock-up potential could reduce carbon
considering that such strategy would benefit local or national emissions by 61% over the 60-year lifespan of the houses.
economies as well as the environment.
3.15. MS15: extending the building's life
3.10. MS10: policy and regulations (construction sector)
Intuitively, extending a building's life span would delay and
For some scholars, the strength of policies and regulations lies therefore reduce the EC associated with deconstruction and de-
not (or at least not only) with governments but with bodies and molition, waste processing and rebuild. However, this strategy is
stakeholders within the construction sectors (e.g. Acquaye and only considered by a handful of studies in the existing literature
Duffy, 2010; Akbarnezhad et al., 2014). For instance, Alshamrani (e.g. Densley Tingley and Davison, 2011; Toller et al., 2011; Yung and
and colleagues (Alshamrani et al., 2014) developed an integrated Chan, 2012). In some of the studies, this strategy does not simply
LCA e LEED model for sustainability assessment and believe there consider aiming for a longer service life of the building but is also
would be positive consequences if it were voluntarily adopted and about designing the building with the necessary flexibility to be
used in the construction sector. durable and adaptable.
694 F. Pomponi, A. Moncaster / Journal of Environmental Management 181 (2016) 687e700
3.16. MS16: increased use of prefabricated elements/off-site has focussed on neighbourhoods, cities or e in some cases e the
manufacturing whole construction sector within a country.
Fig. 2 shows the analysis of temporal trend of published litera-
This category is somewhat linked to more efficient construction ture in the field. It is clear that academic interest around the topic is
processes but due to a clear stream within the existing literature growing steadily and it may be that major international events or
oriented towards off-site manufacturing and prefabrication it was outcomes related to climate change (such as the United Nations
coded separately. In some studies, the emission savings of this Climate Change Conferences COP16 and COP19 and the IPCC reports
strategy alone have been quantified. For instance Mao and col- of 2007 and 2014) could have fuelled research activity.
leagues (Mao et al., 2013) found that semi-prefabrication would Fig. 3 shows the occurrence and the cumulative percentage of
emit 3.2% less than conventional construction. Off-site the number of different mitigation strategies considered in the
manufacturing has been also investigated in combination with literature reviewed for this research.
other strategies (e.g. the use of low embodied carbon materials) Most studies (more than 60% as shown in Fig. 3) consider less
such as in the case of Monahan and Powell (Monahan and Powell, than four mitigation strategies ethe biggest bulk being within two
2011). and four e whereas just around 10% consider more than six. Given
the fact that the majority of the studies suggest a focus on few
3.17. MS17: demolition and rebuild strategies, if we consider embodied carbon as a ‘problem’ and the
mitigation strategies as ‘solutions’ it is useful to use a Pareto chart
In a very few cases, such as Dubois and Allacker (Dubois and to highlight this (Fig. 4). It can be seen that the usual 80/20 ratio
Allacker, 2015), it has been suggested that a truly significant car- typical of Pareto charts is not found here and more than half of the
bon reduction in the built environment would only be achievable mitigation strategies are necessary to get to an 80% value.
through wide campaigns of demolition and reconstruction with the A further element of interest regarding mitigation strategies is
belief that embodied costs of such activities are negligible how they are mutually combined. Due to space limit and length
compared to the benefits of new build. In another study (Boardman, requirements, such information is given in Table S1 and Table S2 of
2007), a demolition level higher than current practice is considered the supplementary material attached to this article.
a “sensible compromise” to tackle climate change. The correlation analysis shows, for instance, that in nearly half
of the cases when MS1 is proposed, MS2 is also mentioned, which
indicates that the use of materials with lower EC is a design issue. In
4. Meta-analysis and discussion
turn, MS2 occurs in 48% of the cases together with MS3 suggesting
a key role of design in both promoting low EC materials and
This section analyses and interpolates data from the systematic
reducing the use of high EC ones. It should be noted that MS4 (new
literature review presented so far. As such, it can be regarded as
tools, methods, and methodologies) correlates almost solely with
that which Glass (Glass, 1976) defines as ‘secondary analysis’ or
policies, either government led (MS4) or promoted by the con-
‘meta-analysis’. However while secondary analysis involves “the re-
struction sector (MS10). The correlation matrix in the
analysis of data for the purpose of answering new [research]
supplementary material helps interpret the results of the meta-
questions with old data”, meta-analysis is understood as “the
analysis. It is also noteworthy how the social ‘component’ (i.e.
analysis of results from individual studies for the purpose of inte-
MS11, change driven by strong demand from all built environment
grating the findings” (Glass, 1976), which is the purpose of this
stakeholders) shows higher correlation with both policies strate-
gies (MS5 and MS10), a wider use of local materials (MS9) as well as
As a starting point, Table 3 maps the geographical amplitude
the inclusion of waste and by-products into buildings (MS8).
and scope of the articles reviewed. Such two elements have been
The meta-analysis also gives useful insights into the details of
approached and reviewed systemically, and the clustering system
the life cycle stages. Two main pieces of information are plotted in
used goes from macro (e.g. super-country level) to micro (e.g.
Fig. 5 and Fig. 6 respectively: first the number of life cycle stages
regional level). However, the vast majority (64.3%) of the studies
considered in the studies; and second, which life cycle stages are
focus on single countries, while very few (10.4%) consider wider
considered (following the coding and terminology of TC350 stan-
geographical areas or single regions within a country. This may
dards (BSI, 2011) - see Fig. 1).
reflect how specific the built environment is from country to
Fig. 5 demonstrates the partial nature of current LCA research,
country, suggesting that a nation-wide approach is the preferred
with 50% of the studies considering less than 40% life cycle stages,
option when addressing embodied carbon issues to realistically
and nearly 90% of the studies less than 60% of a building's life cycle
consider the peculiarities of different contexts.
stages. Only 3 out of 77 articles have taken into account more than
Things change for the scope of the studies and the meta-analysis
80% of the stages identified by the TC350 standards. Please note
reveals that most consider either buildings as a whole (36.7%) or
that the number of individual stages does not reflect the impact of
break them down to single-material level (32.8%). Fewer studies
each stage.
(12.5%) have considered macro-assemblies such as façades or roofs.
Fig. 6 reveals exactly which stages are most focused on in the
However it is important to note the amount of literature (18%) that
literature. Most studies undertake a cradle-to-gate (stages A1 to
A3), cradle-to-site (A1 to A4), or cradle-to-commissioning assess-
Table 3 ment (A1 to A5). Such a focus is both narrow and short sighted, as it
Geographical Amplitude and Scope of the articles reviewed. accounts only for short-term embodied costs while neglecting
those in the medium and long term.
GA (geographical amplitude) SS (scope of the study)
Fig. 7 shows the occurrence of life cycle stages in the literature
0 15 (13%) (18%)
reviewed and they are ordered as would normally occur during a
1 14 (12.2%) (36.7%)
2 74 (64.3%) (12.5%) building's life cycle. What is interesting too is that the end of life
3 12 (10.4%) (32.8%) stages (C1eC4) and even post-end of life stage D, are more often
GA: 0 ¼ not related to geographical areas; 1 ¼ super-country level; 2 ¼ country
assessed than the embodied impacts during the in-use life of the
level; 3 ¼ sub-country level e SS: 0 ¼ supra-context level; 1 ¼ context level building, as assessed in stages B1eB5.
(building); 2 ¼ system level; 3 ¼ component level. From the LCA literature, insights from the systematic review
F. Pomponi, A. Moncaster / Journal of Environmental Management 181 (2016) 687e700 695
reveal a partial approach to buildings' life cycle. Over 90% of the LCA therefore characterised by high uncertainty.
studies are cradle-to-gate analyses which neglect what happens
once building's components have left the manufacturing plants. 5. Conclusions
Data quality and reliability also emerged as a source of concern.
Many studies utilise the ICE database of the University of Bath This article has systematically reviewed a substantial amount of
(Hammond and Jones, 2011) but there are doubts about the existing academic knowledge on embodied carbon mitigation and
representativeness and accuracy of their findings within the UK, reduction in the built environment and life cycle assessment of
let alone other countries. In fewer cases (around 50% of the studies) buildings.
the assessment extends until the end of the construction stage; The findings have highlighted the growing concern over the role
these still overlook the potentially substantial maintenance, of embodied carbon in the built environment. In total, 17 mitigation
replacement and repair activities that occur over the building's life. strategies have been identified which reveal a substantially diverse
Indeed the B stages are the most neglected by current research, range of approaches to address the problem. Two main things
being considered by only 20% of the studies. The end of life stages (C clearly emerged from the analysis. Firstly, the problem requires a
and D) are accounted for in around 30% of the studies examined. pluralistic solution because no single mitigation strategy is seen to
Additionally, these activities happen in a distant future and are be effective in EC reduction; indeed more than 80% of the reviewed
696 F. Pomponi, A. Moncaster / Journal of Environmental Management 181 (2016) 687e700
studies recommend more than one mitigation strategy. Secondly, policies at both government and construction sector levels. These
the analysis has shown the interconnectedness of the role of the however require support from the society at large (social ‘compo-
designer with those of the researchers, the materials manufac- nent’) if a substantial change is to be achieved.
turers and the policy makers. For instance, the development and In developed countries, the upkeep of the existing building
use of materials with low EC is intertwined with a better design stock also stood out as a crucial element. In most cases, this was
which in turn is seen as the key element to also reduce, re-use and simply seen as the need to refurbish existing buildings although
recover EC-intensive construction materials, such as steel and there are growing signs of more specific research activities in
concrete. New tools, methods and methodologies are also needed extending the building's life during a refurbishment project in a
to facilitate the transition to a low-carbon built environment, as are design-for-longevity aim. Interestingly, this aspect from the
F. Pomponi, A. Moncaster / Journal of Environmental Management 181 (2016) 687e700 697
Fig. 6. Life cycle stages considered in the LCA articles reviewed (77 publications out of the 102) according to TC350 coding and terminology.
Fig. 7. Life cycle stages considered in the LCA articles reviewed (77 publications out of the 102) according to TC350 coding and terminology and ordered as they occur during a
building's life cycle.
mitigation strategies analysis clashes with the assumed service life multidisciplinary approach to EC reduction is imperative if a sub-
of buildings in the LCA literature reviewed, in which, for the vast stantial change is to be achieved. It has also highlighted current
majority of the articles, buildings are assessed for a design life of 50 shortcomings and challenges in LCA research and calls for a more
years. However the evidence around us says otherwise; in the UK, comprehensive approach to buildings’ life cycle as well as greater
for instance, 80% of the buildings that will be standing in 2050 have consideration for data quality and uncertainty. Work at the Uni-
already been built (Kelly, 2008) and the average lifespan is 132 versity of Cambridge will continue with such interdisciplinarity in
years (Ma et al., 2015). mind to facilitate a quicker transition to a low carbon built
This research has also shown the current incompleteness of environment.
most LCAs. Over 90% of the LCA studies reviewed only look at the
manufacturing stage whereas just over 50% go up to the end of the 6. Limitations and further research
construction stage. Impacts occurring during the occupancy stage
and at the end of life of a building are often totally overlooked. This The method used, i.e. a systematic review, might miss out on
requires extra care when using results from published LCAs, which some literature that still fall within the scope and this can be seen
might be both partial and short sighted. While incomplete assess- as a limitation of this research. Such limitation is due to the
ment is better than no assessment at all (Hertwich et al., 2000), objective approach in selecting publicationsdwhich is based on
there is now the knowledge and potential to address and attempt to matching keywords rather than the subjective judgements of the
solve the current limitations, and the academic community have authors. For instance, this could be the case of some of the-
the responsibility to do so. Researchers should adopt a stricter despecially Nordicdliterature on the use of materials with low EC
terminology (and editors and reviewers should monitor this) and that has not been addressed extensively here because it did not
avoid to label as LCA what is often instead a cradle-to-gate appear in the search results. It is however important to note that
assessment. the systemic approach used goes from search strings to mitigation
In conclusion, this research suggests that a pluralistic and strategies through the identification of relevant literature, and not
698 F. Pomponi, A. Moncaster / Journal of Environmental Management 181 (2016) 687e700
the other way around. Therefore, while the literature around each assessment tool for buildings in the schematic design phase. Energy Build. 61,
MS might not be necessarily exhaustive, the one related to the
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search strings certainly is. assessment to early stage building design for reduced embodied environ-
Based on the findings, several avenues for further research can mental impacts. Build. Environ. 60, 81e92.
be identified. An interdisciplinary framework for collaboration Bin, G., Parker, P., 2012. Measuring buildings for sustainability: comparing the initial
and retrofit ecological footprint of a century homeeThe REEP House. Appl.
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harmonised updated tool would be an extremely valuable contri- ment of building construction works in Western Australia. Int. J. Sustain. Built
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tainty analysis are seldom undertaken in LCAs in the built envi- mortars for energetic rehabilitation of school buildings. Energy Build. 92, 1e9.
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of an environmental impact assessment by both academics and Bribi n, A.A., 2011. Life cycle assessment of building mate-
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practitioners. rials: comparative analysis of energy and environmental impacts and evalua-
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Brown, N.W.O., Olsson, S., Malmqvist, T., 2014. Embodied greenhouse gas emissions
involved with each MSs, from identification through mapping to from refurbishment of residential building stock to achieve a 50% operational
interactions, also constitute important advancements in the energy reduction. Build. Environ. 79, 46e56.
discourse around the topic. Finally, a quantitative evaluation of the BSI, 2011. Sustainability of Construction Works d Assessment of Environmental
Performance of Buildings d Calculation Method. BS EN 15978:2011.
EC reduction potential of each MS if adopted on a large scale would Cabeza, L.F., Barreneche, C., Miro , L., Morera, J.M., Bartolí, E., Ine
s Ferna
ndez, A.,
be an incredibly insightful contribution to further knowledge in the 2013. Low carbon and low embodied energy materials in buildings: a review.
field and help guide policy directions. Renew. Sustain. Energy Rev. 23, 536e542.
Chang, Y., Ries, R.J., Wang, Y., 2011. The quantification of the embodied impacts of
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Acknowledgements Energy Policy 39, 6321e6330.
Chau, C.K., Hui, W.K., Ng, W.Y., Powell, G., 2012. Assessment of CO2 emissions
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The authors wish to acknowledge the Isaac Newton Trust for options. Resour. Conservation Recycl. 61, 22e34.
funding this research. Grateful thanks also to the editor and re- Chou, J.-S., Yeh, K.-C., 2015. Life cycle carbon dioxide emissions simulation and
viewers for their constructive comments which helped improved environmental cost analysis for building construction. J. Clean. Prod. 101,
both quality and clarity of the article. Crawford, R.H., 2011. Life Cycle Assessment in the Built Environment. Spon Press,
London, New York.
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dimension stone. Resour. Conservation Recycl. 55, 1265e1273.
Cuellar-Franca, R.M., Azapagic, A., 2012. Environmental impacts of the UK resi-
Supplementary data related to this article can be found at http:// dential sector: life cycle assessment of houses. Build. Environ. 54, 86e99.
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