Lesson 1 Orthographic Projection Sample
Lesson 1 Orthographic Projection Sample
Lesson 1 Orthographic Projection Sample
Relevant Previous Knowledge: Students should have a good knowledge of orthographic projection
from studying orthographic projection 1and will have a very good idea where to place all the views
and how to set up the drawings.
Relevant Previous Skills: Students are very comfortable with using the drawing equipment and can
present their drawing neatly and correctly with the assistance o the teacher
Brief outline of WHY this content is the basis of the lesson; what are your reasons for KEY*
planning the lesson in this way? (1 para or bullets).
Learning Intentions (LI’s) Assessment of Learning Success Criteria for LI’s Key
At the end of this lesson Have the students say C
the students will be your name when they ask
enabled to: a question.
Identify the teacher The students excel in their
by name.
Learning Intentions (LI’s) Assessment of Learning Success Criteria for LI’s Key
At the end of this lesson Correctly able to identify PM
the students will be the three views in
enabled to: orthographic projection.
PowerPoint (questions)
Identify the three Be able to position the
views in orthographic
three views correctly.
projection correctly.
PowerPoint (questions)
Position the three
views correctly.
1.6 Apply their understanding of geometric principles to solve problems
Learning Intentions (LI’s) Assessment of Learning Success Criteria for LI’s Key
At the end of this lesson BE able to engage in the A
the students will be lesson and listen to the
enabled to: information being shared.
Peer assessment
Engage in the lesson
within groups and Be able to understand the
individually. basics of orthographic
Give a brief
description as to
what orthographic
projection is.
TIME 10-15 Explain to the students what The students engage in the O
the three views are. Have the lesson and explain to the
students explain where the teacher where the three views G
views are to be positioned. are positioned.
Begin to get the students to Discuss the breakdown of the MI
break down the drawing drawing with the teacher.
through discussion. G
Demonstrate to the students Work through the drawing step
the steps to complete the CLI
by step using the teacher as
drawing. their guide.
30-33 Have the students conclude the
drawing. The students finish up the
drawing and pack up their
drawing equipment.
*KEY: L=Literacy, N=Numeracy, O=Oracy, G=Graphicacy, SEN=Special Educational Needs, MA=Mixed Ability,
CL= Cooperative Learning, GI=Gender Inclusion & MI=Multicultural Inclusion.
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