Applying Artificial Intelligence To Disease Staging: Deep Learning For Improved Staging of Diabetic Retinopathy
Applying Artificial Intelligence To Disease Staging: Deep Learning For Improved Staging of Diabetic Retinopathy
Applying Artificial Intelligence To Disease Staging: Deep Learning For Improved Staging of Diabetic Retinopathy
Department of Ophthalmology, Jichi Medical University, 3311–1 Yakushiji, Shimotsuke-shi, Tochigi, Japan
* [email protected]
Disease staging involves the assessment of disease severity or progression and is used for
treatment selection. In diabetic retinopathy, disease staging using a wide area is more desir-
able than that using a limited area. We investigated if deep learning artificial intelligence (AI)
Citation: Takahashi H, Tampo H, Arai Y, Inoue Y,
Kawashima H (2017) Applying artificial intelligence
could be used to grade diabetic retinopathy and determine treatment and prognosis.
to disease staging: Deep learning for improved
staging of diabetic retinopathy. PLoS ONE 12(6):
pone.0179790 The retrospective study analyzed 9,939 posterior pole photographs of 2,740 patients with
Editor: Keisuke Mori, International University of diabetes. Nonmydriatic 45˚ field color fundus photographs were taken of four fields in each
Health and Welfare, JAPAN eye annually at Jichi Medical University between May 2011 and June 2015. A modified fully
Received: January 27, 2017 randomly initialized GoogLeNet deep learning neural network was trained on 95% of the
photographs using manual modified Davis grading of three additional adjacent photographs.
Accepted: June 5, 2017
We graded 4,709 of the 9,939 posterior pole fundus photographs using real prognoses. In
Published: June 22, 2017
addition, 95% of the photographs were learned by the modified GoogLeNet. Main outcome
Copyright: © 2017 Takahashi et al. This is an open measures were prevalence and bias-adjusted Fleiss’ kappa (PABAK) of AI staging of the
access article distributed under the terms of the
remaining 5% of the photographs.
Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution, and
reproduction in any medium, provided the original Results
author and source are credited.
The PABAK to modified Davis grading was 0.64 (accuracy, 81%; correct answer in 402 of
Data Availability Statement: All dataset files are
available from the Figshare database (https://doi.
496 photographs). The PABAK to real prognosis grading was 0.37 (accuracy, 96%).
SDR, simple diabetic retinopathy; PPDR, pre-proliferative diabetic retinopathy; PDR, proliferative diabetic
Fig 1. A fundus photograph and schema of an eye ball. (A) Posterior pole fundus photograph with proliferative diabetic retinopathy. White arrow head:
Neovascularization. Black arrow heads: Soft exudates. Red dots: hemorrhage. (B) Schema of an eye ball. Because there is neovascularization, this eye
requires panretinal photocoagulation. Because the neovascularization is not shown in a normal fundus camera field, it could be misdiagnosed as simple
diabetic retinopathy, which does not require any therapy.
indicating good prognosis. Adopting this criterion, deep learning increases the possibility of
identifying neovascularization or other features of PDR outside a 45˚ angle to the posterior
pole by detecting non-verbalizable unclear signals.
Here, we show an AI that grades diabetic retinopathy involving a retinal area that is not
normally visible on fundus photography using non-verbalizable features that resemble impres-
sions. The AI has greater accuracy than conventional staging and can suggest treatments and
predict prognoses.
Our proposed AI disease-staging system can recommend treatments or determine progno-
ses from both verbalizable and non-verbalizable observations. We believe that this staging sys-
tem will promote disease staging by helping to improve disease outcomes.
Study design
This single-site, retrospective, exploratory study was performed in an institutional setting.
IRB approval
Institutional review board approval was obtained. Informed consent was obtained from all
subjects. The protocol adhered to the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki.
We obtained 9,939 posterior pole photographs from 2,740 patients with diabetes. Nonmydria-
tic 45˚ field color fundus photographs were taken of four fields in each eye annually at Jichi
Medical University between May 2011 and June 2015 on between one and four separate
Color fundus photographs of four fields at 45˚ were obtained using a fundus camera (AFC-
230; NIDEK Co., Ltd., Aichi, Japan). Color fundus photographs of either one or four fields
were graded by modified Davis grading (Table 1). Of the photographs, 6,129 were NDR, 2,260
were SDR, 704 were PPDR, and 846 were PDR. The grader was not told that the grading
would be used in this study. The original photographs were 2,720 × 2,720 pixels. The outlying
88 pixels of the margin were deleted and the photographs shrunken by 50% to 1,272 × 1,272
pixels to fit in the graphical processing unit memory (12 GB, GeForce GTX TITAN X; NVI-
DIA Co., Santa Clara, CA, USA). Four graphical processing units were used simultaneously.
The modified GoogLeNet was used in an open framework for deep learning (Caffe, Berkeley
Vision and Learning Center, Berkeley, CA, USA). The neural networks were trained for 400
The accuracy (sensitivity) value of the prediction itself is not useful due to variations in the
numbers in each group. The accuracy value tends to be high and is meaningful in only com-
parisons between AIs or graders. Because the normal Fleiss’ kappa value also has little value
due to variations in the numbers in each group, the prevalence- and bias-adjusted kappa
(PABAK)[18–20] was calculated as a main outcome instead. On the other hand, statistical
comparison between PABAK values is difficult. Statistical analysis was performed using JMP
Pro software version 12.2.0 (SAS Institute, Cary, NC, USA).
Fig 2. Two training methods and a three-patient model. AI1 was trained on the pairs of one figure and the modified Davis grading of a concatenated
figure. AI2 was simply trained on the pairs of one figure and the modified Davis grading of this figure. Red dot: dot hemorrhage representing SDR. Red
lightning bolt: neovascularization representing PDR.
anti-vascular endothelial growth factor therapy,[21] local steroid therapy,[22] or focal photo-
coagulation.[23] Subsequent fundus photographs were taken between 6 months and 2 years.
The remaining visual acuity represents visual prognosis within 0.2 logMAR after 6 months.
Among the 4,709 photographs, 95% were used to train the neural network and 5% were used
for validation; these photographs were randomly chosen from all grades at equal rates. The training
and validation sets were selected three times and the trained network that had the intermediate
accuracy of the three networks was chosen. GoogLeNet modifications included expansion of the
crop size to 1,272 pixels and reduction of the batch size to 4. The base learning rate was 0.0001.
Prediction rates using previous grading were calculated as follows. First, each actual prog-
nosis staging ratio in NDR, SDR, PPDR, and PDR was calculated in 95% of the 4,709
photographs, which were the same as the photographs used for training the neural networks.
Second, the prediction ratio of the real prognosis staging was calculated in each of the 5% of
the 4,709 photographs, which were also the same photographs used for validating the neural
We had three retinal specialists. HT, the first author, is a 15th year ophthalmologist and has
performed 200 vitrectomies per year. YA is a 5th year ophthalmologist and has performed 200
vitrectomies per year. YI, a co-author, is a 17th year ophthalmologist and has performed 100
vitrectomies per year. All specialists blindly graded the same 5% of all 4,709 photographs to
Grading including unseen retinal areas
We trained the modified GoogLeNet deep convolutional neural network with 9,443 45˚ poste-
rior pole color fundus photographs using manual grading in three additional color photo-
graphs for each initial photograph. The PABAK of the trained network was 0.74 (correct
answer with the maximum probability in 402 of 496 photographs; mean accuracy, 81%). Simi-
lar training using manual grading with one photograph achieved a PABAK of 0.71 (correct
answer with the maximum probability in 381 of 496 photographs; mean accuracy, 77%) but
0.64 (correct answer with the maximum probability in 362 of 496 photographs; mean accuracy,
72%) with grading of four photographs. The accuracy for the four photographs trained by one
photograph was significantly lower than for the four photographs trained by four photographs
(P < 0.0001, two-sided paired t-test). The mean accuracy of K-fold cross-validation (K = 20)
was 0.80.
ResNet with 1,272 pixels could not be used on a TITAN X with 12GB memory because
there was not enough memory. The maximum sizes that could be trained were 636 pixels for
ResNet-52 and 590 pixels for ResNet-152. The mean accuracy was 0.62 for each, which is sig-
nificantly worse than seen using GoogLeNet with 1,272 pixels (P < 0.0001, two-sided paired t-
The representative fundus photograph was graded as SDR in one photograph (Fig 3A) but
PDR in four photographs (Fig 3B). We compared the visualization of the conv2/norm2 layer
of GoogLeNet that was trained by either one or four photographs. One photograph-trained
neural networks visualized the photograph with higher frequency than the four photograph-
trained neural networks (Fig 3C and 3D). A one photograph-trained neural network could
detect small retinal hemorrhages and hard exudates. Here, the four photograph-trained neural
networks suggested NDR, SDR, PPDR, and PDR values with 28%, 26%, 23%, and 23% likeli-
hood values, respectively. The one photograph-trained neural networks suggested NDR and
SDR with 1% and 99% likelihood, respectively. Thus, the four photograph-trained neural net-
works are more useful than one photograph-trained neural networks and are able to grade dia-
betic retinopathy involving a retinal area that is not visualized on one photograph.
Fig 3. The representative fundus photograph which was graded as SDR in one photograph but PDR in four photographs. (A) Horizontal inversion
left fundus photograph of DMR showing hemorrhage (white arrow head) and hard exudates (black arrow head) without neovascularization or vitreous
hemorrhage. Classification is SDR. (B) Horizontal inversion, composite of four left fundus images showing neovascularization (red arrow head).
Classification is PDR. (C) Visualization of the conv2/norm2 layer of the four photograph-trained GoogLeNet. (D) Visualization of the conv2/norm2 layer of
GoogLeNet trained by one photograph. Trained network suggested NDR 1% and SDR 99%. Blurry view by the four photograph-trained neural networks;
distinct view by the one photograph-trained neural network.
The images from the middle layer suggested several characteristics that were used by AI1. A
photocoagulation scar was seen in 7 of the 20 randomly chosen PDR validation images (Fig 4B),
indicating PDR treatment; hard exudate in 7 of the 20 (Fig 4C), a criterion of SDR; soft exudate
in 2 of the 20 (Fig 4D), a criterion of SDR; proliferative membrane in 2 of the 20 (Fig 4E), a cri-
terion of PDR; and surface reflection of the retina in 2 of the 20 (Fig 4F), which was not used as
a criterion of diabetic retinopathy. The images with NDR had few characteristics (Fig 4A).
The AI1 is demonstrated on our website at
Fig 4. The images from the middle layer of the neural network. (A) Representative color fundus photograph of NDR and an image of the middle layer,
which has few characteristics. B-F: Representative color fundus photographs of PDR and their images of the middle layer. (B) Laser scars (white arrow
head) were enhanced in the middle image. (C) Hard exudates (white arrow head) were enhanced in the middle image. (D) Soft exudates (white arrow head)
were enhanced in the middle image. (E) Proliferative membranes (white arrow head) were enhanced in the middle image. (F) Reflections of the retina (white
arrow head) were enhanced in the middle image.
“requiring treatment in the current visit”. The treatment required was graded as “treatment
for diabetic macular edema”, “panretinal photocoagulation”, or “vitrectomy”. Visual acuity
was “improved”, “stable”, or “worsened” (Table 2).
The modified GoogLeNet was trained using 95% of the graded photographs. The PABAK
of the trained neural network was 0.98 (mean accuracy, 96%) in the 224 photographs that were
not used in the training phase. The PABAK of the traditional modified Davis staging was 0.98
(mean accuracy, 92%) in the same 224 photographs. The three retinal specialists (HT, YA, and
YI) had PABAK values of 0.93 (mean accuracy, 93%), 0.92 (mean accuracy, 92%), and 0.93
(mean accuracy, 93%), respectively. The trained neural network was significantly more precise
and consistent than the traditional grading (overall P < 0.0001): HT (P = 0.018), YA (P =
0.0067), and YI (P = 0.034) (two-sided paired t-test).
The false negative rate—when the grade was “not requiring treatment” but treatment was
actually needed—was 12%. The false positive rate—when the grade was “requiring treatment
in the current visit” but treatment was actually not needed at the next visit—was 65%.
Although diabetic retinopathy is the main target of machine learning, many challenges re-
main.[24] Nonetheless, some machine learning approaches have been used, such as that of ter
Haar Romeny et al.,[25] who reported brain-inspired algorithms for retinal image analysis,
which is a sophisticated approach. In our study, we simply used a convolutional neural net-
work for general image classification. However, we used classification information from un-
seen areas as training data for the deep learning, achieving a PABAK of 0.74 and an accuracy
of 81%. Using very deep convolutional neural network, Xu et al.[26] reported an accuracy of
94.54%. This accuracy is higher than ours, but the advantage of our trained network is two-
fold: that currently useless single-field fundus photographs can be used for disease staging of
diabetic retinopathy and that screening of fundus photographs is facilitated.
The convolutional neural network GoogLeNet was created for the general image classifica-
tion of 256 × 256 size images[10] but the network is thought to be useful for only four classes
with large images, such as 1,272 × 1,272 pixels, which we used in the first experiment. In our
preliminary experiments, AlexNet[9] did not achieve high accuracy, and ResNet[11] could not
store such large images in the 12 GB graphical processing unit memory. It was thus restricted
to 256 × 256 size images and did not achieve high accuracy (data not shown).
Surface reflection of the retina was enhanced in 2 of the 20 PDR images (Fig 4F). Reflection
has not previously been reported as a criterion of DMR. Surface reflection of the retina is
thought to be influenced by thickening of the internal limiting membrane, which has already
been reported in PDR but not used in grading.[23] Although surface reflection is often seen in
very young people, it is clear and not coarse. It is difficult to use reflection as a criterion of
DMR because of the difficulty of separating clear and coarse reflections. Nonetheless, these
findings suggest that deep learning might be a useful detector of novel classification criteria.
In the second experiment, it was difficult for the human judges to grade the images from 0
to 14 because there were no clear criteria. A lack of clear criteria is not a problem for machine
learning. Most patients with PDR did not need treatment (Table 2) because the eyes that had
previously undergone panfundus photocoagulation were graded as having PDR.
Advances in deep learning have improved AI.[9–11] In medicine, however, AI is mostly
used as an alternative to human graders in the field of diabetic retinopathy[24] for detecting
retinal hemorrhage[25] or classifying single photographs.[27] Experienced ophthalmologists
have gathered impressions of patients’ prognoses, but these impressions are not quantitative.
Therefore, we trained a deep convolutional neural network using single posterior pole color
fundus photographs of many eyes to determine staging involving parts of the retina not visible
in the photograph. In addition, the neural network was trained similarly to also determine
prognosis. This AI grading system can be applied to other diseases and may improve
This study has some limitations. First, it was based on conventional one-field 45˚ fundus
photographs. Machine learning that can be trained on ultra-widefield 200˚ scanning laser oph-
thalmoscopy[17] is needed. Second, the modified Davis grading is not as common. Thus, AI
trained by other common grading methods is needed. Third, for disease staging, the signifi-
cance of false predictions often differs according to class. For example, if a healthy patient
(NDR) is wrongly predicted as having PDR (false positive), the consequences are not particu-
larly grave because the physician will realize the mistake. However, if a PDR patient is wrongly
predicted as being NDR (false negative), there might be severe consequences because the lack
of follow-up treatment may lead to health problems. In this study, the false negative rate was
lower than the false positive rate but was still 12%. AI that considers the importance of false
negative findings is also needed.
We proposed a novel AI disease-staging system that grades diabetic retinopathy using a retinal
area that is not usually visualized on fundoscopy and another AI that directly suggests treat-
ments and determines prognoses.
Author Contributions
Data curation: Hironobu Tampo.
Resources: Hironobu Tampo.
Writing – review & editing: Hironobu Tampo.
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