The document discusses different methods of depreciating property, plant, and equipment including straight-line, sum of years digits, double declining balance, and units of production methods. It defines key terms like depreciable amount, residual value, useful life, and depreciation rate. The document also notes that PAS 16 requires an annual review of depreciation methods and estimates of useful life and residual value.
The document discusses different methods of depreciating property, plant, and equipment including straight-line, sum of years digits, double declining balance, and units of production methods. It defines key terms like depreciable amount, residual value, useful life, and depreciation rate. The document also notes that PAS 16 requires an annual review of depreciation methods and estimates of useful life and residual value.
The document discusses different methods of depreciating property, plant, and equipment including straight-line, sum of years digits, double declining balance, and units of production methods. It defines key terms like depreciable amount, residual value, useful life, and depreciation rate. The document also notes that PAS 16 requires an annual review of depreciation methods and estimates of useful life and residual value.
The document discusses different methods of depreciating property, plant, and equipment including straight-line, sum of years digits, double declining balance, and units of production methods. It defines key terms like depreciable amount, residual value, useful life, and depreciation rate. The document also notes that PAS 16 requires an annual review of depreciation methods and estimates of useful life and residual value.
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Intermediate Accounting 1B - Notes
Property, plant and equipment (part 2) Note
- Under cost model, PPE is carried at cost less - Carrying amount is equal to residual value or accumulated dep. and accumulated impairment zero when asset is fully depreciated. losses. Depreciation Acceleration Depreciation Methods - Systematic allocation of depreciable amount - Depreciation decreases over time, depreciation over useful life. is higher earlier years and lower in the later Depreciable Amount years. - Historical or initial amount less residual value. 2. Sum of the years digits Residual Value - Depreciation is computed by applying series of - Estimated amount that entity would obtain fractions to the depreciable amount of asset. from disposal less cost of disposal. SYD denominator Useful life life+1 ¿ life× - Period of asset that it is available for use. 2 - Number of production or similar units expected Or, if useful life is 5 years, =5+4+3+2+1 to be obtained from the asset. Depreciation - Expected usage, expected physical wear, remaining life obsolescence, and legal limitation should be ¿ ( historical−residual ) × taken into account. SYD denominator 3. Double declining balance method Kinds of depreciation - Depreciation is computed by applying foxed 1. Physical- from deterioration and wear down. rate on the asset’s carrying amount, rather than 2. Functional or economic- obsolescence or depreciable amount. inadequacy to perform. Double declining rate 2 Note ¿ life - Each significant part of PPE is depreciated Depreciation separately. - Depreciation starts when it is available for use. ¿ carrying amount × double declining rate - Depreciation stops when asset is derecognized, Note classified as held for sale, and fully depreciated. - The minimum carrying amount of an asset with - PAS 16 does not require any depreciation a residual value is the residual value. Any method but prohibits depreciation based on amount that a depreciation might go below revenue. that, then the asset is considered fully - PAS 16 requires annual review of the depreciated. depreciation method and the estimates of useful - When double declining balance method results life and residual value, any changes is into a higher depreciation, carrying amount is accounted for prospectively. depreciated over the remaining useful life using Depreciation Methods straight line method. (Logic: total depreciation - Straight-line, diminishing, and units of should equal total cost, or the remaining production. balance should be zero or the residual value.) Depreciation Method based on time Depreciation method based on the actual physical 1. Straight-line Method use - Depreciation is recognized evenly over useful 4. Units of production life of asset. - Relates depreciation to the estimated Annual Depreciation production capability of an asset and is historical−residual value expressed in a rate per hour of input or per unit ¿ of output. useful life - When the asset is not used, there is no depreciation. Intermediate Accounting 1B - Notes Depreciation rate depreciable amount ¿ estimated hours∨est . units Depreciation ¿ actual hours∨units ×depreciation rate Note - If estimated hours is used in getting dep. rate, then used actual hours in getting depreciation. If estimated units is used in getting dep. rate, then use estimated units in getting depreciation.