NSTP Group 4 Midterm
NSTP Group 4 Midterm
NSTP Group 4 Midterm
future evaluations.
Monitoring and Evaluation
Participatory Evaluation is a process where the
The chapter is intended to help
community members take the lead in assessing the
students/implementers effectively apply monitoring
impact of the project and activities on the
and evaluation information for improvements in
community. It is concerned with determining the
performance, decision- making and learning. It
accomplishments of goals and objectives.
addresses the use of evaluative evidence, monitoring
and evaluation information, and the purposes of The specific purpose of participatory evaluation are:
to enable the community members to make
It describes how to ensure effective feedback on good and appropriate decisions;
monitoring and evaluation results, touches on to develop the evaluation skills of the
evaluative evidence and discusses lessons learned. community members;
Included in the discussions are the knowledge and to have a better understanding of the
learning from experiences, definitions, feedback community members;
from monitoring and evaluation, information tools to facilitate communication between the
and methods and applying recommendations from community members and community
feedback. leaders. to gather and analyze information
which can further improve the community
situation; and
Monitoring and Evaluation is a process of looking to mobilize community participation in
into the status of the implementation to determine resolving community problems.
areas of weakness and strengths. It is concerned
Steps in Facilitating Participatory Monitoring and
with how objectives are being attained, and what
necessary adjustments have to be done in the course
of plan implementation. They are interactive, 1. Formation of monitoring and evaluation team
complimentary and mutually supportive functions
that serve the demands for proper implementation 2. Formation of the monitoring and evaluation plan
of programs, projects, accountability in the use of 3. Actual monitoring, analysis and presentation of
resources and data based decision-making. Proper results 4. Actual Evaluation and Data Analysis
monitoring and evaluation produces effective
indicators, which determine the extent of how 5. Preparation of the Evaluation Report
objectives of the program are achieved, its
6. Presentation and Community Validation of the
performance and its relevance. Monitoring and
Evaluation Report 7. Finalization of the Evaluation
evaluative indices may help determine which and to
Report and Dissemination of Results
what extent resources have been allocated to insure
that project plans are translated into concrete action Knowledge and Learning: Use of Evaluative
at the community level. Evidence
Monitoring and Evaluation Must Be Participatory Knowledge gained through monitoring and
evaluation is at the core of every organizational
Participatory monitoring is a process where the
learning process. Monitoring and evaluation provide
community members pause to check It also involves
information and facts that, when accepted and
whether or not results of activities match with the
internalized, become knowledge that promotes
set objectives.
learning. Learning must therefore be incorporated
systematic recording, integration and periodic into the overall programming cycle through an
analysis information gathered throughout the effective feedback system. Information must be
implementation process by the community members disseminated and available to potential users in
themselves: order to become applied knowledge. Learning
complements performance measurement by lending
The specific purposes of participatory monitoring a qualitative edge to assessments. Even when the
are: indicators associated with results are not good or
to provide an overall picture of plan clear, it is possible to learn from the process and to
implementation; use this knowledge to improve it. Learning is also a
to identify problem areas in project/activity key tool for management and, as such, the strategy
implementation, and remedy the situation for the application of evaluative knowledge is an
immediately; important means of advancing towards outcomes,
to ensure that resources are used which in turn should present more opportunities for
effectively; and learning to take place.
To ensure the relevance of learning, evaluative elements are experience, knowledge, access and
evidence should demonstrate "real time" capability. relevance. It requires a culture of inquiry and
An immediate advantage is that conclusions can be investigation, rather than one of response and
field-checked with respondents within weeks, reporting. This is more easily accomplished when
providing important opportunities for eliminating people are given the chance to observe, engage in,
erroneous interpretations, increasing respondents' and invent or discover strategies for dealing with
sense of ownership of their distilled experiences and particular types of problems or development issues.
providing evaluative results to interested stake- On the other hand, knowledge is content- and
holders when it is likely to be most useful. Giving context-specific information capable of bringing
real-time results to stakeholders means getting it change or more effective actions at a wider level that
right from the start. The publication of outdated can contribute to new learning and knowledge. The
results or irrelevant recommendations should management of knowledge involves creating,
decrease once dissemination of real-time sharing and leveraging knowledge that not only
information becomes normal practice. requires establishing systems and processes to
gather, organize, package and disseminate
Evaluations should be seen not as an event but as
information on time to the right decision makers, but
part of an exercise whereby different stakeholders
also conducting assessments of the processes.
are able to participate in the continuous process of
Information gained from the processes may be
generating and to what extent they will be involved
described as feedback.
(informed, consulted, actively involved, equal
partners applying evaluative knowledge. Managers Evaluative evidence helps us to use information
must decide who participates in this process and or generated from experience to influence the way in
as the key decision-makers). These are strategic which appropriate policies and programs are
decisions for managers that have a direct developed, or the way in which projects are
managed. Evaluative evidence refers to information
bearing on the learning and the ownership of results.
or data indicating qualitative and quantitative values
A monitoring and evaluation framework that
of development processes, outcomes and impact,
generates knowledge, promotes learning and guides
derived from multiple sources of information and
action is, in its own right, an important means of
compiled in an evaluation exercise. Evaluative
capacity development and sustainability of national
evidence does not, however, always include direct,
detailed observations as a source of evidence. Good
Monitoring and evaluation contribute to the evaluations are based on observation or experience
organizational and global body of knowledge about rather than theory and is designed to test validity,
what works, what does not work and why. They also consistency and impacts.
indicate under what conditions in different focus
It may be based on:
areas lessons learned should be shared at a global
level, through communities of practice or monitoring The explanation of causal links in
and evaluation groups. With the focus on outcomes, interventions and their effect;
the learning that occurs through monitoring and Analysis from close-up, detailed observation
evaluation has great potential for application at the of the development context by the
organizational level and for policy and operational investigator(s)
purposes. Outcome evaluations may help bring Analysis from research and review and
together development partners. In this way, learning other documents (secondary sources)
from evaluative knowledge becomes wider than relevant
simply organizational learning and also encompasses to the development context;
development learning. It helps to test systematically The attempt to avoid any preconceptions in
the validity, relevance and progress of development, the assessment.
maximize learning and ensure that it is timely and
generate sufficient information. Feedback from Monitoring and Evaluation
Effective monitoring can detect early signs of The major challenge in monitoring is to gather, store
potential problem areas and success areas. and use information that serves different levels of
Programme Managers must act on the findings, assessment. Monitoring should be multifunctional so
applying the lessons learned to modify the that information generated at one level is useful at
programme or project. This learning by doing serves the next. Monitoring should also go beyond checking
the immediate needs of the programme or project, whether events are taking place as planned. The
and it also may provide feedback for future monitoring process should be committed to
programming. improving the linkages among project and
programme staff, including feedback processes, for
Learning has been described as a continuous, learning purposes. Analysis of the existing or possible
dynamic process of investigation where the key linkages across programmes and projects should be
as critical, objective and exhaustive as possible. assessment must be undertaken to determine how
Students and concerned authorities must be to apply the recommendations from the feedback.
involved in the entire monitoring process.
It must be noted that evaluation is a process- FEEDBACK
oriented exercise that requires establishing common
Part of the feedback obtained through monitoring
baseline data for making comparisons. The problem
and evaluation will be in the form of
is knowing from the outset every factor that is
recommendations for action. Different types of
relevant and how all factors affect each other before
recommendations from monitoring and evaluation
venturing on any evaluation the group should:
processes should be analyzed separately. This is
■ Agree on the priority issues demanding accomplished by answering a number of questions
information. Reconciling different viewpoints by about the type and consequences of
negotiating a consensus on priority issues can help recommendations. The questions address both
build ties between stakeholders and facilitate substantive and implementation recommendations.
cooperation. Feasibilities and priorities based on the answers to
these questions must then be set for the short,
■ Determine the information needs of decision-
medium and long terms.
making groups. The key to effective use of
information is to focus only on essential information.