English Lesson Plan 2

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Name: Mohd.Faizal Bin Mohd.Hassim Sekolah Kebangsaan KLIA, Sepang

Subject: Week: Topic: Class: Day/Date:

Mata Pelajaran: Minggu: Tajuk: Kelas: Hari/Tarikh:

English Language 38 Module 10 : The Aerodrom 3 Monday, 8th November 2021

World Around Us
7.50 – 8.50 a.m

Learning Standard Code: Moral Value: Cross Curricular Links:

Kod Standard Pembelajaran: Nilai Murni: Pautan Merentas Kurikulum:

1.1.1, 2.1.1 1. Contextual learning, 1. LINGUISTIC

2. Thinking skills,

Student Aspirations/ Aspirasi


Knowledge Thinking Leadership Bilingual Ethics & National

Skills Proficiency Spirituality Identity
Pengetahua Skills
/ / / /
n Kemahiran Kemahiran Etika dan Identiti
berfikir Kemahiran dwibahasa kerohanian nasional

Learning Objectives: Success Criteria:

Objektif Pembelajaran: Kriteria Kejayaan:

Learn more about the solar system 1) I can match at least 4 sentences correctly.

2) I can pronounce at least 3 words correctly.

3) I can transfer information by filling the table at least

3 questions correctly.

Key Concepts/ Key Vocabulary: Teaching and Learning Aids:

Konsep / Perbendahaaan Kata Utama: Bahan Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran:

Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune etc Student’s Book, Workbook, Exercise book

Rangka Pengajaran Impak/Refleksi

Starter/ Set Induksi

1. Silent Signal
2. Discussion : Brainstorming (HOTS ) :-
• Starter activity to engage 3. Idea Rush :
students / aktiviti untuk - Teachers give examples about things to do everyday
menarik minat murid (Set - Students write area on examples of things you do everyday
Induksi) ( previous lesson) in 1 minute time.
• inform students of the
4. Teacher relates the activities with the topic today and asks the
learning objective/
students to guess it.
memaklumkan kepada
5. Teacher explain the LO and SC.
murid tentang objektif
• stimulate recall of prior
learning/ merangsang
ingatan terhadap
pembelajaran terdahulu

Main Activities/ Aktiviti Activity 1:

- Sing a song together

1 Teacher open the interactive whiteboards and play the song and sing
• explanation of the together with the students.
content/ penerangan 2 Teacher asks the students to match the answers .
kandungan 3 Teacher picks another students to verify the correct answers .(PA) -Students Book
pembelajaran 4 Teacher shows the correct answers and students check their own page 15
• modelling and answers. ( SA)
demonstrating/ contoh 5 Teacher checks SC 1 achievement with the students.
dan tunjuk cara
• practise opportunities/
peluang membuat -Read and pronouns together with teacher on vocabulary
• guidance and feedback/ 1 Teacher open the interactive whiteboards and the additions from
bimbingan dan maklum Microsoft Powerpoint Presentations about the vocabulary Wordwall.
balas berterusan 2 Teacher picks some student’s name to pronounce the words and
• cater for different turn on the microphone.
learning styles/ bagi 3 Teacher picks another students to verify the correct pronunciations.
pelbagai gaya (PA).
pembelajaran 4 Teacher open the interactive whiteboards again.
• appropriate challenge for 5 Teacher asks the students to answer the question on Workbook page
all learners/ cabaran 10 ( 1). - Workbook page
bersesuaian untuk semua 6 Teacher picks some students to present their answers. 10
murid 7 Teacher picks another students to verify the correct answers .(PA)
8 Teacher shows the correct answers and students check their own
• opportunities to learn
answers. ( SA)
collaboratively/ peluang
9 Teacher checks SC 2 achievement with the students.
untuk belajar secara
• on-going guidance and
feedback (Assessment Activity 2 :
for Learning)/ bimbingan
Look-Think Comment:
dan maklum balas
berterusan (Pentaksiran 1 Teacher asks the students to fill in the table with the correct
untuk Pembelajaran-AfL)
answers in the exercise book. #Peer Assessment
: Students look to
2 Teacher asks some students to show their answers and show it to
other friends work
the camera ; others look and give comments.
by by giving
3 Teacher checks SC 3 achievement with the students. comments

Exercise book

Plenary/ Penutup Closure :

• Looking Back: review

and assessment of
learning 1. Teacher reminds at the last time about the LO and SC for today’s lesson. #Reflection :
• Looking Forward: identify 90% of the whole
next steps for learning students were
• An activity to provide able to
closure understand the
• Refleksi: kajian dan whole lesson
penilaian pembelajaran
• Akan datang: kenal pasti
• Aktiviti penutup

Students to follow-up Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment

Tindakan susulan murid : Pemulihan : Pengukuhan : Pengayaan :

Next lesson Youtube link


Name: Mohd.Faizal Bin Mohd.Hassim Sekolah Kebangsaan KLIA, Sepang

Subject: Week: Topic: Class: Day/Date:

Mata Pelajaran: Minggu: Tajuk: Kelas: Hari/Tarikh:

English Language 38 Module 8 : The Kargo 4 Monday, 8th November 2021

Amazing Animals
10.10 – 11.10 a.m

Learning Standard Code: Moral Value: Cross Curricular Links:

Kod Standard Pembelajaran: Nilai Murni: Pautan Merentas Kurikulum:

1.1.1, 2.1.1 3. Contextual learning, 1. LINGUISTIC

4. Thinking skills,

Student Aspirations/ Aspirasi


Knowledge Thinking Leadership Bilingual Ethics & National

Skills Proficiency Spirituality Identity
Pengetahuan Skills
/ / / /
Kemahiran Kemahiran Etika dan Identiti
berfikir Kemahiran dwibahasa kerohanian nasional

Learning Objectives: Success Criteria:

Objektif Pembelajaran: Kriteria Kejayaan:

Learn more about amazing animals 1) I can match at least 4 sentences


2) I can pronounce at least 3 words


3) I can transfer information by filling the

table at least 3 questions correctly.

Key Concepts/ Key Vocabulary: Teaching and Learning Aids:

Konsep / Perbendahaaan Kata Utama: Bahan Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran:

Tame animals, wild animals etc... Student’s Book, Workbook, Exercise book

Rangka Pengajaran Impak/Refleksi

Starter/ Set Induksi 1. Silent Signal
2. Discussion : Brainstorming (HOTS ) :-
3. Idea Rush :
• Starter activity to engage - Teachers give examples about things to do everyday
students / aktiviti untuk - Students write area on examples of things you do
menarik minat murid (Set everyday ( previous lesson) in 1 minute time.
Induksi) 4. Teacher relates the activities with the topic today and
• inform students of the asks the students to guess it.
learning objective/ 5. Teacher explain the LO and SC.
memaklumkan kepada
murid tentang objektif
• stimulate recall of prior
learning/ merangsang
ingatan terhadap
pembelajaran terdahulu
Main Activities/ Aktiviti Utama Activity 1:

-Read and pronouns together with teacher on vocabulary

• explanation of the content/ 1 Teacher open the interactive whiteboards and the
penerangan kandungan additions from Microsoft Powerpoint Presentations about
pembelajaran the vocabulary Wordwall.
• modelling and 2 Teacher picks some student’s name from the Google Meet
demonstrating/ contoh dan video grids to pronounce the words and turn on the
tunjuk cara microphone.
• practise opportunities/ 3 Teacher picks another students to verify the correct
peluang membuat latihan pronunciations.(PA).
• guidance and feedback/ 4 Teacher open the interactive whiteboards again. -Students Book
bimbingan dan maklum 5 Teacher asks the students to answer the question on page 15
balas berterusan Workbook page 10 ( 1).
• cater for different learning 6 Teacher picks some students to present their answers.
styles/ bagi pelbagai gaya 7 Teacher picks another students to verify the correct
pembelajaran answers .(PA)
• appropriate challenge for all 8 Teacher shows the correct answers and students check
learners/ cabaran their own answers. ( SA)
bersesuaian untuk semua 9 Teacher checks SC 2 achievement with the students.

• opportunities to learn
collaboratively/ peluang Activity 2 :
untuk belajar secara - Workbook page
kolaboratif 1
• on-going guidance and Microsoft Powerpoint Presentations.
feedback (Assessment for
Learning)/ bimbingan dan 1 Teacher shows some pictures.
maklum balas berterusan 2 Teacher asks some students on how they go to school
(Pentaksiran untuk whether always, sometime or never.
Pembelajaran-AfL) 3 Start with this;
Assessment :
4 “I always come to school by bus. I never cycle to school.”
Students look to
Ask some students to gain their self-esteem.
other friends
work by by giving
Activity 3 :
Look-Think Comment:

1 Teacher asks the students to fill in the table with the

answers in the exercise book. Exercise book

2 Teacher asks some students to show their answers and

show it to
the camera ; others look and give comments.

3 Teacher checks SC 3 achievement with the students.

Plenary/ Penutup Closure : #Reflection :

• Looking Back: review and 80% of the whole

assessment of learning students were
• Looking Forward: identify 1 Teacher reminds at the last time about the LO and SC for
able to
next steps for learning today’s lesson.
understand the
• An activity to provide whole lesson
• Refleksi: kajian dan
penilaian pembelajaran
• Akan datang: kenal pasti
langkah-langkah seterusnya
• Aktiviti penutup

Students to follow-up Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment

Tindakan susulan murid : Pemulihan : Pengukuhan : Pengayaan :

Next lesson Youtube link


Name: Mohd.Faizal Bin Mohd.Hassim Sekolah Kebangsaan KLIA, Sepang


Subject: Week: Topic: Class: Day/Date:

Mata Pelajaran: Minggu: Tajuk: Kelas: Hari/Tarikh:

English Language 38 Module 8 : The Terminal 4 Monday, 8th November 2021

Amazing Animals
11.10 – 12.10 a.m

Learning Standard Code: Moral Value: Cross Curricular Links:

Kod Standard Pembelajaran: Nilai Murni: Pautan Merentas Kurikulum:

1.1.1, 2.1.1 5. Contextual learning, 1. LINGUISTIC

6. Thinking skills,

Student Aspirations/ Aspirasi


Knowledge Thinking Leadership Bilingual Ethics & National

Skills Proficiency Spirituality Identity
Pengetahuan Skills
/ / / /
Kemahiran Kemahiran Etika dan Identiti
berfikir Kemahiran dwibahasa kerohanian nasional

Learning Objectives: Success Criteria:

Objektif Pembelajaran: Kriteria Kejayaan:

Learn more about amazing animals 1) I can match at least 4 sentences


2) I can pronounce at least 3 words


3) I can transfer information by filling the

table at least 3 questions correctly.

Key Concepts/ Key Vocabulary: Teaching and Learning Aids:

Konsep / Perbendahaaan Kata Utama: Bahan Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran:

Tame animals, wild animals etc... Student’s Book, Workbook, Exercise book
Rangka Pengajaran Impak/Refleksi

Starter/ Set Induksi 6. Silent Signal

7. Discussion : Brainstorming (HOTS ) :-
8. Idea Rush :
• Starter activity to engage - Teachers give examples about things to do everyday
students / aktiviti untuk - Students write area on examples of things you do
menarik minat murid (Set everyday ( previous lesson) in 1 minute time.
Induksi) 9. Teacher relates the activities with the topic today and
• inform students of the asks the students to guess it.
learning objective/ 10. Teacher explain the LO and SC.
memaklumkan kepada
murid tentang objektif
• stimulate recall of prior
learning/ merangsang
ingatan terhadap
pembelajaran terdahulu
Main Activities/ Aktiviti Utama Activity 1:

-Read and pronouns together with teacher on vocabulary

• explanation of the content/ 10 Teacher open the interactive whiteboards and the
penerangan kandungan additions from Microsoft Powerpoint Presentations about
pembelajaran the vocabulary Wordwall.
• modelling and 11 Teacher picks some student’s name from the Google Meet
demonstrating/ contoh dan video grids to pronounce the words and turn on the
tunjuk cara microphone.
• practise opportunities/ 12 Teacher picks another students to verify the correct
peluang membuat latihan pronunciations.(PA).
• guidance and feedback/ 13 Teacher open the interactive whiteboards again. -Students Book
bimbingan dan maklum 14 Teacher asks the students to answer the question on page 15
balas berterusan Workbook page 10 ( 1).
• cater for different learning 15 Teacher picks some students to present their answers.
styles/ bagi pelbagai gaya 16 Teacher picks another students to verify the correct
pembelajaran answers .(PA)
• appropriate challenge for all 17 Teacher shows the correct answers and students check
learners/ cabaran their own answers. ( SA)
bersesuaian untuk semua 18 Teacher checks SC 2 achievement with the students.

• opportunities to learn
collaboratively/ peluang Activity 2 :
untuk belajar secara - Workbook page
kolaboratif 1
• on-going guidance and Microsoft Powerpoint Presentations.
feedback (Assessment for
Learning)/ bimbingan dan 5 Teacher shows some pictures.
maklum balas berterusan 6 Teacher asks some students on how they go to school
(Pentaksiran untuk whether always, sometime or never.
Pembelajaran-AfL) 7 Start with this;
Assessment :
8 “I always come to school by bus. I never cycle to school.”
Students look to
Ask some students to gain their self-esteem.
other friends
work by by giving
Activity 3 : comments.

Look-Think Comment:

3 Teacher asks the students to fill in the table with the

answers in the exercise book. Exercise book

4 Teacher asks some students to show their answers and

show it to
the camera ; others look and give comments.

3 Teacher checks SC 3 achievement with the students.

Plenary/ Penutup Closure : #Reflection :

• Looking Back: review and 80% of the whole

assessment of learning students were
• Looking Forward: identify 2 Teacher reminds at the last time about the LO and SC for
able to
next steps for learning today’s lesson.
understand the
• An activity to provide whole lesson
• Refleksi: kajian dan
penilaian pembelajaran
• Akan datang: kenal pasti
langkah-langkah seterusnya
• Aktiviti penutup

Students to follow-up Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment

Tindakan susulan murid : Pemulihan : Pengukuhan : Pengayaan :

Next lesson Youtube link

Name: Mohd.Faizal Bin Mohd.Hassim Sekolah Kebangsaan KLIA, Sepang

Subject: Week: Topic: Class: Day/Date:

Mata Pelajaran: Minggu: Tajuk: Kelas: Hari/Tarikh:

English Language 38 Module 8 : The Terminal 4 Tuesday, 9th November 2021

Amazing Animals
8.50 – 9.50 a.m

Learning Standard Code: Moral Value: Cross Curricular Links:

Kod Standard Pembelajaran: Nilai Murni: Pautan Merentas Kurikulum:

1.1.1, 2.1.1 7. Contextual learning, 1. LINGUISTIC

8. Thinking skills,

Student Aspirations/ Aspirasi


Knowledge Thinking Leadership Bilingual Ethics & National

Skills Proficiency Spirituality Identity
Pengetahuan Skills
/ / / /
Kemahiran Kemahiran Etika dan Identiti
berfikir dwibahasa kerohanian nasional

Learning Objectives: Success Criteria:

Objektif Pembelajaran: Kriteria Kejayaan:

Learn more about amazing animals 1) I can match at least 4 sentences


2) I can pronounce at least 3 words


3) I can transfer information by filling the

table at least 3 questions correctly.

Key Concepts/ Key Vocabulary: Teaching and Learning Aids:

Konsep / Perbendahaaan Kata Utama: Bahan Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran:

Tame animals, wild animals etc... Student’s Book, Workbook, Exercise book
Rangka Pengajaran Impak/Refleksi

Starter/ Set Induksi 11. Silent Signal

12. Discussion : Brainstorming (HOTS ) :-
13. Idea Rush :
• Starter activity to engage - Teachers give examples about things to do everyday
students / aktiviti untuk - Students write area on examples of things you do
menarik minat murid (Set everyday ( previous lesson) in 1 minute time.
Induksi) 14. Teacher relates the activities with the topic today and
• inform students of the asks the students to guess it.
learning objective/ 15. Teacher explain the LO and SC.
memaklumkan kepada
murid tentang objektif
• stimulate recall of prior
learning/ merangsang
ingatan terhadap
pembelajaran terdahulu
Main Activities/ Aktiviti Utama Activity 1:

-Read and pronouns together with teacher on vocabulary

• explanation of the content/ 19 Teacher open the interactive whiteboards and the
penerangan kandungan additions from Microsoft Powerpoint Presentations about
pembelajaran the vocabulary Wordwall.
• modelling and 20 Teacher picks some student’s name from the Google Meet
demonstrating/ contoh dan video grids to pronounce the words and turn on the
tunjuk cara microphone.
• practise opportunities/ 21 Teacher picks another students to verify the correct
peluang membuat latihan pronunciations.(PA).
• guidance and feedback/ 22 Teacher open the interactive whiteboards again. -Students Book
bimbingan dan maklum 23 Teacher asks the students to answer the question on page 15
balas berterusan Workbook page 10 ( 1).
• cater for different learning 24 Teacher picks some students to present their answers.
styles/ bagi pelbagai gaya 25 Teacher picks another students to verify the correct
pembelajaran answers .(PA)
• appropriate challenge for all 26 Teacher shows the correct answers and students check
learners/ cabaran
their own answers. ( SA)
bersesuaian untuk semua
27 Teacher checks SC 2 achievement with the students.

• opportunities to learn
collaboratively/ peluang Activity 2 :
untuk belajar secara - Workbook page
kolaboratif 1
• on-going guidance and
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentations.
feedback (Assessment for
Learning)/ bimbingan dan 9 Teacher shows some pictures.
maklum balas berterusan 10 Teacher asks some students on how they go to school
(Pentaksiran untuk whether always, sometime or never. #Peer
Pembelajaran-AfL) 11 Start with this; Assessment :
12 “I always come to school by bus. I never cycle to school.” Students look to
Ask some students to gain their self-esteem. other friends
work by by giving

Activity 3 :

Look-Think Comment:

5 Teacher asks the students to fill in the table with the Exercise book
answers in the exercise book.

6 Teacher asks some students to show their answers and

show it to
the camera ; others look and give comments.

3 Teacher checks SC 3 achievement with the students.

Plenary/ Penutup Closure : #Reflection :

• Looking Back: review and 80% of the whole

assessment of learning students were
3 Teacher reminds at the last time about the LO and SC for
• Looking Forward: identify able to
today’s lesson.
next steps for learning understand the
• An activity to provide whole lesson
• Refleksi: kajian dan
penilaian pembelajaran
• Akan datang: kenal pasti
langkah-langkah seterusnya
• Aktiviti penutup

Students to follow-up Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment

Tindakan susulan murid : Pemulihan : Pengukuhan : Pengayaan :

Next lesson Youtube link

Name: Mohd.Faizal Bin Mohd.Hassim Sekolah Kebangsaan KLIA, Sepang

Subject: Week: Topic: Class: Day/Date:

Mata Pelajaran: Minggu: Tajuk: Kelas: Hari/Tarikh:

English Language 38 Module 10 : The Aerodrom 3 Tuesday, 9th November 2021

World Around Us
10.10 – 11.10 a.m

Learning Standard Code: Moral Value: Cross Curricular Links:

Kod Standard Pembelajaran: Nilai Murni: Pautan Merentas Kurikulum:

1.1.1, 2.1.1 9. Contextual learning, 1. LINGUISTIC

10. Thinking skills,

Student Aspirations/ Aspirasi


Knowledge Thinking Leadership Bilingual Ethics & National

Skills Proficiency Spirituality Identity
Pengetahua Skills
/ / / /
n Kemahiran Kemahiran Etika dan Identiti
berfikir dwibahasa kerohanian nasional

Learning Objectives: Success Criteria:

Objektif Pembelajaran: Kriteria Kejayaan:

Learn more about the solar system 1) I can match at least 4 sentences correctly.

2) I can pronounce at least 3 words correctly.

3) I can transfer information by filling the table at least

3 questions correctly.

Key Concepts/ Key Vocabulary: Teaching and Learning Aids:

Konsep / Perbendahaaan Kata Utama: Bahan Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran:

Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune etc Student’s Book, Workbook, Exercise book

Rangka Pengajaran Impak/Refleksi

Starter/ Set Induksi

6. Silent Signal
7. Discussion : Brainstorming (HOTS ) :-
• Starter activity to engage
8. Idea Rush :
students / aktiviti untuk
- Teachers give examples about things to do everyday
menarik minat murid (Set
- Students write area on examples of things you do everyday
( previous lesson) in 1 minute time.
• inform students of the
9. Teacher relates the activities with the topic today and asks the
learning objective/
students to guess it.
memaklumkan kepada
10. Teacher explain the LO and SC.
murid tentang objektif
• stimulate recall of prior
learning/ merangsang
ingatan terhadap
pembelajaran terdahulu

Main Activities/ Aktiviti Activity 1:

- Sing a song together

6 Teacher open the interactive whiteboards and play the song and sing
• explanation of the together with the students.
content/ penerangan 7 Teacher asks the students to match the answers .
kandungan 8 Teacher picks another students to verify the correct answers .(PA) -Students Book
pembelajaran 9 Teacher shows the correct answers and students check their own page 15
• modelling and answers. ( SA)
demonstrating/ contoh 10 Teacher checks SC 1 achievement with the students.
dan tunjuk cara
• practise opportunities/
peluang membuat
-Read and pronouns together with teacher on vocabulary
• guidance and feedback/ 10 Teacher open the interactive whiteboards and the additions from
bimbingan dan maklum Microsoft Powerpoint Presentations about the vocabulary Wordwall.
balas berterusan 11 Teacher picks some student’s name to pronounce the words and
• cater for different turn on the microphone.
learning styles/ bagi 12 Teacher picks another students to verify the correct pronunciations.
pelbagai gaya (PA).
pembelajaran 13 Teacher open the interactive whiteboards again.
• appropriate challenge for 14 Teacher asks the students to answer the question on Workbook page
all learners/ cabaran 10 ( 1). - Workbook page
bersesuaian untuk semua 15 Teacher picks some students to present their answers. 10
murid 16 Teacher picks another students to verify the correct answers .(PA)
• opportunities to learn 17 Teacher shows the correct answers and students check their own
collaboratively/ peluang answers. ( SA)
untuk belajar secara 18 Teacher checks SC 2 achievement with the students.
• on-going guidance and
feedback (Assessment Activity 2 :
for Learning)/ bimbingan
dan maklum balas Look-Think Comment:
berterusan (Pentaksiran
untuk Pembelajaran-AfL) 3 Teacher asks the students to fill in the table with the correct
answers in the exercise book.
#Peer Assessment
: Students look to
4 Teacher asks some students to show their answers and show it to other friends work
the camera ; others look and give comments. by by giving
3 Teacher checks SC 3 achievement with the students.

Exercise book

Plenary/ Penutup Closure :

• Looking Back: review

and assessment of
2. Teacher reminds at the last time about the LO and SC for today’s lesson. #Reflection :
• Looking Forward: identify 90% of the whole
next steps for learning students were
• An activity to provide able to
closure understand the
• Refleksi: kajian dan whole lesson
penilaian pembelajaran
• Akan datang: kenal pasti
• Aktiviti penutup

Students to follow-up Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment

Tindakan susulan murid : Pemulihan : Pengukuhan : Pengayaan :

Next lesson Youtube link


Name: Mohd.Faizal Bin Mohd.Hassim Sekolah Kebangsaan KLIA, Sepang


Subject: Week: Topic: Class: Day/Date:

Mata Pelajaran: Minggu: Tajuk: Kelas: Hari/Tarikh:

English Language 38 Module 8 : The Kargo 4 Tuesday, 9th November 2021

Amazing Animals
11.10 – 11.40 a.m

Learning Standard Code: Moral Value: Cross Curricular Links:

Kod Standard Pembelajaran: Nilai Murni: Pautan Merentas Kurikulum:

1.1.1, 2.1.1 11. Contextual learning, 1. LINGUISTIC

12. Thinking skills,

Student Aspirations/ Aspirasi


Knowledge Thinking Leadership Bilingual Ethics & National

Skills Proficiency Spirituality Identity
Pengetahuan Skills
/ / / /
Kemahiran Kemahiran Etika dan Identiti
berfikir dwibahasa kerohanian nasional

Learning Objectives: Success Criteria:

Objektif Pembelajaran: Kriteria Kejayaan:

Learn more about amazing animals 1) I can match at least 4 sentences


2) I can pronounce at least 3 words


3) I can transfer information by filling the

table at least 3 questions correctly.

Key Concepts/ Key Vocabulary: Teaching and Learning Aids:

Konsep / Perbendahaaan Kata Utama: Bahan Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran:

Tame animals, wild animals etc... Student’s Book, Workbook, Exercise book

Rangka Pengajaran Impak/Refleksi

Starter/ Set Induksi 16. Silent Signal
17. Discussion : Brainstorming (HOTS ) :-
18. Idea Rush :
• Starter activity to engage - Teachers give examples about things to do everyday
students / aktiviti untuk - Students write area on examples of things you do
menarik minat murid (Set everyday ( previous lesson) in 1 minute time.
Induksi) 19. Teacher relates the activities with the topic today and
• inform students of the asks the students to guess it.
learning objective/ 20. Teacher explain the LO and SC.
memaklumkan kepada
murid tentang objektif
• stimulate recall of prior
learning/ merangsang
ingatan terhadap
pembelajaran terdahulu
Main Activities/ Aktiviti Utama Activity 1:

-Read and pronouns together with teacher on vocabulary

• explanation of the content/ 28 Teacher open the interactive whiteboards and the
penerangan kandungan additions from Microsoft Powerpoint Presentations about
pembelajaran the vocabulary Wordwall.
• modelling and 29 Teacher picks some student’s name from the Google Meet
demonstrating/ contoh dan video grids to pronounce the words and turn on the
tunjuk cara microphone.
• practise opportunities/ 30 Teacher picks another students to verify the correct
peluang membuat latihan pronunciations.(PA).
• guidance and feedback/ 31 Teacher open the interactive whiteboards again. -Students Book
bimbingan dan maklum 32 Teacher asks the students to answer the question on page 15
balas berterusan Workbook page 10 ( 1).
• cater for different learning 33 Teacher picks some students to present their answers.
styles/ bagi pelbagai gaya 34 Teacher picks another students to verify the correct
pembelajaran answers .(PA)
• appropriate challenge for all 35 Teacher shows the correct answers and students check
learners/ cabaran
their own answers. ( SA)
bersesuaian untuk semua
36 Teacher checks SC 2 achievement with the students.

• opportunities to learn
collaboratively/ peluang Activity 2 :
untuk belajar secara - Workbook page
kolaboratif 1
• on-going guidance and
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentations.
feedback (Assessment for
Learning)/ bimbingan dan 13 Teacher shows some pictures.
maklum balas berterusan 14 Teacher asks some students on how they go to school
(Pentaksiran untuk whether always, sometime or never. #Peer
Pembelajaran-AfL) 15 Start with this; Assessment :
16 “I always come to school by bus. I never cycle to school.” Students look to
Ask some students to gain their self-esteem. other friends
work by by giving
Activity 3 :

Look-Think Comment:

7 Teacher asks the students to fill in the table with the Exercise book
answers in the exercise book.

8 Teacher asks some students to show their answers and

show it to
the camera ; others look and give comments.

3 Teacher checks SC 3 achievement with the students.

Plenary/ Penutup Closure : #Reflection :

• Looking Back: review and 80% of the whole

assessment of learning students were
4 Teacher reminds at the last time about the LO and SC for
• Looking Forward: identify able to
today’s lesson.
next steps for learning understand the
• An activity to provide whole lesson
• Refleksi: kajian dan
penilaian pembelajaran
• Akan datang: kenal pasti
langkah-langkah seterusnya
• Aktiviti penutup

Students to follow-up Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment

Tindakan susulan murid : Pemulihan : Pengukuhan : Pengayaan :

Next lesson Youtube link

Name: Mohd.Faizal Bin Mohd.Hassim Sekolah Kebangsaan KLIA, Sepang

Subject: Week: Topic: Class: Day/Date:

Mata Pelajaran: Minggu: Tajuk: Kelas: Hari/Tarikh:

English Language 38 Module 8 : The Terminal 4 Wednesday, 10th November 2021

Amazing Animals
8.50 – 9.50 a.m

Learning Standard Code: Moral Value: Cross Curricular Links:

Kod Standard Pembelajaran: Nilai Murni: Pautan Merentas Kurikulum:

1.1.1, 2.1.1 13. Contextual learning, 1. LINGUISTIC

14. Thinking skills,

Student Aspirations/ Aspirasi


Knowledge Thinking Leadership Bilingual Ethics & National

Skills Proficiency Spirituality Identity
Pengetahuan Skills
/ / / /
Kemahiran Kemahiran Etika dan Identiti
berfikir dwibahasa kerohanian nasional

Learning Objectives: Success Criteria:

Objektif Pembelajaran: Kriteria Kejayaan:

Learn more about amazing animals 1) I can match at least 4 sentences


2) I can pronounce at least 3 words


3) I can transfer information by filling the

table at least 3 questions correctly.

Key Concepts/ Key Vocabulary: Teaching and Learning Aids:

Konsep / Perbendahaaan Kata Utama: Bahan Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran:

Tame animals, wild animals etc... Student’s Book, Workbook, Exercise book

Rangka Pengajaran Impak/Refleksi

Starter/ Set Induksi 21. Silent Signal
22. Discussion : Brainstorming (HOTS ) :-
23. Idea Rush :
• Starter activity to engage - Teachers give examples about things to do everyday
students / aktiviti untuk - Students write area on examples of things you do
menarik minat murid (Set everyday ( previous lesson) in 1 minute time.
Induksi) 24. Teacher relates the activities with the topic today and
• inform students of the asks the students to guess it.
learning objective/ 25. Teacher explain the LO and SC.
memaklumkan kepada
murid tentang objektif
• stimulate recall of prior
learning/ merangsang
ingatan terhadap
pembelajaran terdahulu
Main Activities/ Aktiviti Utama Activity 1:

-Read and pronouns together with teacher on vocabulary

• explanation of the content/ 37 Teacher open the interactive whiteboards and the
penerangan kandungan additions from Microsoft Powerpoint Presentations about
pembelajaran the vocabulary Wordwall.
• modelling and 38 Teacher picks some student’s name from the Google Meet
demonstrating/ contoh dan video grids to pronounce the words and turn on the
tunjuk cara microphone.
• practise opportunities/ 39 Teacher picks another students to verify the correct
peluang membuat latihan pronunciations.(PA).
• guidance and feedback/ 40 Teacher open the interactive whiteboards again. -Students Book
bimbingan dan maklum 41 Teacher asks the students to answer the question on page 15
balas berterusan Workbook page 10 ( 1).
• cater for different learning 42 Teacher picks some students to present their answers.
styles/ bagi pelbagai gaya 43 Teacher picks another students to verify the correct
pembelajaran answers .(PA)
• appropriate challenge for all 44 Teacher shows the correct answers and students check
learners/ cabaran
their own answers. ( SA)
bersesuaian untuk semua
45 Teacher checks SC 2 achievement with the students.

• opportunities to learn
collaboratively/ peluang Activity 2 :
untuk belajar secara - Workbook page
kolaboratif 1
• on-going guidance and
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentations.
feedback (Assessment for
Learning)/ bimbingan dan 17 Teacher shows some pictures.
maklum balas berterusan 18 Teacher asks some students on how they go to school
(Pentaksiran untuk whether always, sometime or never. #Peer
Pembelajaran-AfL) 19 Start with this; Assessment :
20 “I always come to school by bus. I never cycle to school.” Students look to
Ask some students to gain their self-esteem. other friends
work by by giving
Activity 3 :

Look-Think Comment:

9 Teacher asks the students to fill in the table with the Exercise book
answers in the exercise book.

10 Teacher asks some students to show their answers and

show it to
the camera ; others look and give comments.

3 Teacher checks SC 3 achievement with the students.

Plenary/ Penutup Closure : #Reflection :

• Looking Back: review and 80% of the whole

assessment of learning students were
5 Teacher reminds at the last time about the LO and SC for
• Looking Forward: identify able to
today’s lesson.
next steps for learning understand the
• An activity to provide whole lesson
• Refleksi: kajian dan
penilaian pembelajaran
• Akan datang: kenal pasti
langkah-langkah seterusnya
• Aktiviti penutup

Students to follow-up Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment

Tindakan susulan murid : Pemulihan : Pengukuhan : Pengayaan :

Next lesson Youtube link


Name: Mohd.Faizal Bin Mohd.Hassim Sekolah Kebangsaan KLIA, Sepang


Subject: Week: Topic: Class: Day/Date:

Mata Pelajaran: Minggu: Tajuk: Kelas: Hari/Tarikh:

English Language 38 Module 10 : The Aerodrom 3 Wednesday, 10th November 2021

World Around Us
10.10 – 11.10 a.m

Learning Standard Code: Moral Value: Cross Curricular Links:

Kod Standard Pembelajaran: Nilai Murni: Pautan Merentas Kurikulum:

1.1.1, 2.1.1 15. Contextual learning, 1. LINGUISTIC

16. Thinking skills,

Student Aspirations/ Aspirasi


Knowledge Thinking Leadership Bilingual Ethics & National

Skills Proficiency Spirituality Identity
Pengetahua Skills
/ / / /
n Kemahiran Kemahiran Etika dan Identiti
berfikir dwibahasa kerohanian nasional

Learning Objectives: Success Criteria:

Objektif Pembelajaran: Kriteria Kejayaan:

Learn more about the solar system 1) I can match at least 4 sentences correctly.

2) I can pronounce at least 3 words correctly.

3) I can transfer information by filling the table at least

3 questions correctly.

Key Concepts/ Key Vocabulary: Teaching and Learning Aids:

Konsep / Perbendahaaan Kata Utama: Bahan Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran:

Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune etc Student’s Book, Workbook, Exercise book

Rangka Pengajaran Impak/Refleksi

Starter/ Set Induksi

11. Silent Signal

12. Discussion : Brainstorming (HOTS ) :-
• Starter activity to engage
13. Idea Rush :
students / aktiviti untuk
- Teachers give examples about things to do everyday
menarik minat murid (Set
- Students write area on examples of things you do everyday
( previous lesson) in 1 minute time.
• inform students of the
14. Teacher relates the activities with the topic today and asks the
learning objective/
students to guess it.
memaklumkan kepada
15. Teacher explain the LO and SC.
murid tentang objektif
• stimulate recall of prior
learning/ merangsang
ingatan terhadap
pembelajaran terdahulu

Main Activities/ Aktiviti Activity 1:

- Sing a song together

11 Teacher open the interactive whiteboards and play the song and sing
• explanation of the together with the students.
content/ penerangan 12 Teacher asks the students to match the answers .
kandungan 13 Teacher picks another students to verify the correct answers .(PA) -Students Book
pembelajaran 14 Teacher shows the correct answers and students check their own page 15
• modelling and answers. ( SA)
demonstrating/ contoh 15 Teacher checks SC 1 achievement with the students.
dan tunjuk cara
• practise opportunities/
peluang membuat
-Read and pronouns together with teacher on vocabulary
• guidance and feedback/ 19 Teacher open the interactive whiteboards and the additions from
bimbingan dan maklum Microsoft Powerpoint Presentations about the vocabulary Wordwall.
balas berterusan 20 Teacher picks some student’s name to pronounce the words and
• cater for different turn on the microphone.
learning styles/ bagi 21 Teacher picks another students to verify the correct pronunciations.
pelbagai gaya (PA).
pembelajaran 22 Teacher open the interactive whiteboards again.
• appropriate challenge for 23 Teacher asks the students to answer the question on Workbook page
all learners/ cabaran 10 ( 1). - Workbook page
bersesuaian untuk semua 24 Teacher picks some students to present their answers. 10
murid 25 Teacher picks another students to verify the correct answers .(PA)
• opportunities to learn 26 Teacher shows the correct answers and students check their own
collaboratively/ peluang answers. ( SA)
untuk belajar secara 27 Teacher checks SC 2 achievement with the students.
• on-going guidance and
feedback (Assessment Activity 2 :
for Learning)/ bimbingan
dan maklum balas Look-Think Comment:
berterusan (Pentaksiran
untuk Pembelajaran-AfL) 5 Teacher asks the students to fill in the table with the correct
answers in the exercise book.
#Peer Assessment
: Students look to
6 Teacher asks some students to show their answers and show it to other friends work
the camera ; others look and give comments. by by giving
3 Teacher checks SC 3 achievement with the students.

Exercise book

Plenary/ Penutup Closure :

• Looking Back: review

and assessment of
3. Teacher reminds at the last time about the LO and SC for today’s lesson. #Reflection :
• Looking Forward: identify 90% of the whole
next steps for learning students were
• An activity to provide able to
closure understand the
• Refleksi: kajian dan whole lesson
penilaian pembelajaran
• Akan datang: kenal pasti
• Aktiviti penutup

Students to follow-up Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment

Tindakan susulan murid : Pemulihan : Pengukuhan : Pengayaan :

Next lesson Youtube link


Name: Mohd.Faizal Bin Mohd.Hassim Sekolah Kebangsaan KLIA, Sepang


Subject: Week: Topic: Class: Day/Date:

Mata Pelajaran: Minggu: Tajuk: Kelas: Hari/Tarikh:

English Language 38 Module 8 : The Kargo 4 Wednesday, 10th November 2021

Amazing Animals
11.10 – 11.40 a.m

Learning Standard Code: Moral Value: Cross Curricular Links:

Kod Standard Pembelajaran: Nilai Murni: Pautan Merentas Kurikulum:

1.1.1, 2.1.1 17. Contextual learning, 1. LINGUISTIC

18. Thinking skills,

Student Aspirations/ Aspirasi


Knowledge Thinking Leadership Bilingual Ethics & National

Skills Proficiency Spirituality Identity
Pengetahuan Skills
/ / / /
Kemahiran Kemahiran Etika dan Identiti
berfikir dwibahasa kerohanian nasional

Learning Objectives: Success Criteria:

Objektif Pembelajaran: Kriteria Kejayaan:

Learn more about amazing animals 1) I can match at least 4 sentences


2) I can pronounce at least 3 words


3) I can transfer information by filling the

table at least 3 questions correctly.

Key Concepts/ Key Vocabulary: Teaching and Learning Aids:

Konsep / Perbendahaaan Kata Utama: Bahan Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran:

Tame animals, wild animals etc... Student’s Book, Workbook, Exercise book

Rangka Pengajaran Impak/Refleksi

Starter/ Set Induksi 26. Silent Signal
27. Discussion : Brainstorming (HOTS ) :-
28. Idea Rush :
• Starter activity to engage - Teachers give examples about things to do everyday
students / aktiviti untuk - Students write area on examples of things you do
menarik minat murid (Set everyday ( previous lesson) in 1 minute time.
Induksi) 29. Teacher relates the activities with the topic today and
• inform students of the asks the students to guess it.
learning objective/ 30. Teacher explain the LO and SC.
memaklumkan kepada
murid tentang objektif
• stimulate recall of prior
learning/ merangsang
ingatan terhadap
pembelajaran terdahulu
Main Activities/ Aktiviti Utama Activity 1:

-Read and pronouns together with teacher on vocabulary

• explanation of the content/ 46 Teacher open the interactive whiteboards and the
penerangan kandungan additions from Microsoft Powerpoint Presentations about
pembelajaran the vocabulary Wordwall.
• modelling and 47 Teacher picks some student’s name from the Google Meet
demonstrating/ contoh dan video grids to pronounce the words and turn on the
tunjuk cara microphone.
• practise opportunities/ 48 Teacher picks another students to verify the correct
peluang membuat latihan pronunciations.(PA).
• guidance and feedback/ 49 Teacher open the interactive whiteboards again. -Students Book
bimbingan dan maklum 50 Teacher asks the students to answer the question on page 15
balas berterusan Workbook page 10 ( 1).
• cater for different learning 51 Teacher picks some students to present their answers.
styles/ bagi pelbagai gaya 52 Teacher picks another students to verify the correct
pembelajaran answers .(PA)
• appropriate challenge for all 53 Teacher shows the correct answers and students check
learners/ cabaran
their own answers. ( SA)
bersesuaian untuk semua
54 Teacher checks SC 2 achievement with the students.

• opportunities to learn
collaboratively/ peluang Activity 2 :
untuk belajar secara - Workbook page
kolaboratif 1
• on-going guidance and
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentations.
feedback (Assessment for
Learning)/ bimbingan dan 21 Teacher shows some pictures.
maklum balas berterusan 22 Teacher asks some students on how they go to school
(Pentaksiran untuk whether always, sometime or never. #Peer
Pembelajaran-AfL) 23 Start with this; Assessment :
24 “I always come to school by bus. I never cycle to school.” Students look to
Ask some students to gain their self-esteem. other friends
work by by giving
Activity 3 :

Look-Think Comment:

11 Teacher asks the students to fill in the table with the Exercise book
answers in the exercise book.

12 Teacher asks some students to show their answers and

show it to
the camera ; others look and give comments.

3 Teacher checks SC 3 achievement with the students.

Plenary/ Penutup Closure : #Reflection :

• Looking Back: review and 80% of the whole

assessment of learning students were
6 Teacher reminds at the last time about the LO and SC for
• Looking Forward: identify able to
today’s lesson.
next steps for learning understand the
• An activity to provide whole lesson
• Refleksi: kajian dan
penilaian pembelajaran
• Akan datang: kenal pasti
langkah-langkah seterusnya
• Aktiviti penutup

Students to follow-up Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment

Tindakan susulan murid : Pemulihan : Pengukuhan : Pengayaan :

Next lesson Youtube link

Name: Mohd.Faizal Bin Mohd.Hassim Sekolah Kebangsaan KLIA, Sepang

Subject: Week: Topic: Class: Day/Date:

Mata Pelajaran: Minggu: Tajuk: Kelas: Hari/Tarikh:

English Language 38 Module 8 : The Terminal 4 Thursday, 11th November 2021

Amazing Animals
8.50 – 9.50 a.m

Learning Standard Code: Moral Value: Cross Curricular Links:

Kod Standard Pembelajaran: Nilai Murni: Pautan Merentas Kurikulum:

1.1.1, 2.1.1 19. Contextual learning, 1. LINGUISTIC

20. Thinking skills,

Student Aspirations/ Aspirasi


Knowledge Thinking Leadership Bilingual Ethics & National

Skills Proficiency Spirituality Identity
Pengetahuan Skills
/ / / /
Kemahiran Kemahiran Etika dan Identiti
berfikir dwibahasa kerohanian nasional

Learning Objectives: Success Criteria:

Objektif Pembelajaran: Kriteria Kejayaan:

Learn more about amazing animals 1) I can match at least 4 sentences


2) I can pronounce at least 3 words


3) I can transfer information by filling the

table at least 3 questions correctly.

Key Concepts/ Key Vocabulary: Teaching and Learning Aids:

Konsep / Perbendahaaan Kata Utama: Bahan Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran:

Tame animals, wild animals etc... Student’s Book, Workbook, Exercise book

Rangka Pengajaran Impak/Refleksi

Starter/ Set Induksi 31. Silent Signal
32. Discussion : Brainstorming (HOTS ) :-
33. Idea Rush :
• Starter activity to engage - Teachers give examples about things to do everyday
students / aktiviti untuk - Students write area on examples of things you do
menarik minat murid (Set everyday ( previous lesson) in 1 minute time.
Induksi) 34. Teacher relates the activities with the topic today and
• inform students of the asks the students to guess it.
learning objective/ 35. Teacher explain the LO and SC.
memaklumkan kepada
murid tentang objektif
• stimulate recall of prior
learning/ merangsang
ingatan terhadap
pembelajaran terdahulu
Main Activities/ Aktiviti Utama Activity 1:

-Read and pronouns together with teacher on vocabulary

• explanation of the content/ 55 Teacher open the interactive whiteboards and the
penerangan kandungan additions from Microsoft Powerpoint Presentations about
pembelajaran the vocabulary Wordwall.
• modelling and 56 Teacher picks some student’s name from the Google Meet
demonstrating/ contoh dan video grids to pronounce the words and turn on the
tunjuk cara microphone.
• practise opportunities/ 57 Teacher picks another students to verify the correct
peluang membuat latihan pronunciations.(PA).
• guidance and feedback/ 58 Teacher open the interactive whiteboards again. -Students Book
bimbingan dan maklum 59 Teacher asks the students to answer the question on page 15
balas berterusan Workbook page 10 ( 1).
• cater for different learning 60 Teacher picks some students to present their answers.
styles/ bagi pelbagai gaya 61 Teacher picks another students to verify the correct
pembelajaran answers .(PA)
• appropriate challenge for all 62 Teacher shows the correct answers and students check
learners/ cabaran
their own answers. ( SA)
bersesuaian untuk semua
63 Teacher checks SC 2 achievement with the students.

• opportunities to learn
collaboratively/ peluang Activity 2 :
untuk belajar secara - Workbook page
kolaboratif 1
• on-going guidance and
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentations.
feedback (Assessment for
Learning)/ bimbingan dan 25 Teacher shows some pictures.
maklum balas berterusan 26 Teacher asks some students on how they go to school
(Pentaksiran untuk whether always, sometime or never. #Peer
Pembelajaran-AfL) 27 Start with this; Assessment :
28 “I always come to school by bus. I never cycle to school.” Students look to
Ask some students to gain their self-esteem. other friends
work by by giving
Activity 3 :

Look-Think Comment:

13 Teacher asks the students to fill in the table with the Exercise book
answers in the exercise book.

14 Teacher asks some students to show their answers and

show it to
the camera ; others look and give comments.

3 Teacher checks SC 3 achievement with the students.

Plenary/ Penutup Closure : #Reflection :

• Looking Back: review and 80% of the whole

assessment of learning students were
7 Teacher reminds at the last time about the LO and SC for
• Looking Forward: identify able to
today’s lesson.
next steps for learning understand the
• An activity to provide whole lesson
• Refleksi: kajian dan
penilaian pembelajaran
• Akan datang: kenal pasti
langkah-langkah seterusnya
• Aktiviti penutup

Students to follow-up Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment

Tindakan susulan murid : Pemulihan : Pengukuhan : Pengayaan :

Next lesson Youtube link


Name: Mohd.Faizal Bin Mohd.Hassim Sekolah Kebangsaan KLIA, Sepang


Subject: Week: Topic: Class: Day/Date:

Mata Pelajaran: Minggu: Tajuk: Kelas: Hari/Tarikh:

English Language 38 Module 10 : The Aerodrom 3 Thursday, 11th November 2021

World Around Us
10.10 – 11.10 a.m

Learning Standard Code: Moral Value: Cross Curricular Links:

Kod Standard Pembelajaran: Nilai Murni: Pautan Merentas Kurikulum:

1.1.1, 2.1.1 21. Contextual learning, 1. LINGUISTIC

22. Thinking skills,

Student Aspirations/ Aspirasi


Knowledge Thinking Leadership Bilingual Ethics & National

Skills Proficiency Spirituality Identity
Pengetahua Skills
/ / / /
n Kemahiran Kemahiran Etika dan Identiti
berfikir dwibahasa kerohanian nasional

Learning Objectives: Success Criteria:

Objektif Pembelajaran: Kriteria Kejayaan:

Learn more about the solar system 1) I can match at least 4 sentences correctly.

2) I can pronounce at least 3 words correctly.

3) I can transfer information by filling the table at least

3 questions correctly.

Key Concepts/ Key Vocabulary: Teaching and Learning Aids:

Konsep / Perbendahaaan Kata Utama: Bahan Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran:

Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune etc Student’s Book, Workbook, Exercise book

Rangka Pengajaran Impak/Refleksi

Starter/ Set Induksi

16. Silent Signal

17. Discussion : Brainstorming (HOTS ) :-
• Starter activity to engage
18. Idea Rush :
students / aktiviti untuk
- Teachers give examples about things to do everyday
menarik minat murid (Set
- Students write area on examples of things you do everyday
( previous lesson) in 1 minute time.
• inform students of the
19. Teacher relates the activities with the topic today and asks the
learning objective/
students to guess it.
memaklumkan kepada
20. Teacher explain the LO and SC.
murid tentang objektif
• stimulate recall of prior
learning/ merangsang
ingatan terhadap
pembelajaran terdahulu

Main Activities/ Aktiviti Activity 1:

- Sing a song together

16 Teacher open the interactive whiteboards and play the song and sing
• explanation of the together with the students.
content/ penerangan 17 Teacher asks the students to match the answers .
kandungan 18 Teacher picks another students to verify the correct answers .(PA) -Students Book
pembelajaran 19 Teacher shows the correct answers and students check their own page 15
• modelling and answers. ( SA)
demonstrating/ contoh 20 Teacher checks SC 1 achievement with the students.
dan tunjuk cara
• practise opportunities/
peluang membuat
-Read and pronouns together with teacher on vocabulary
• guidance and feedback/ 28 Teacher open the interactive whiteboards and the additions from
bimbingan dan maklum Microsoft Powerpoint Presentations about the vocabulary Wordwall.
balas berterusan 29 Teacher picks some student’s name to pronounce the words and
• cater for different turn on the microphone.
learning styles/ bagi 30 Teacher picks another students to verify the correct pronunciations.
pelbagai gaya (PA).
pembelajaran 31 Teacher open the interactive whiteboards again.
• appropriate challenge for 32 Teacher asks the students to answer the question on Workbook page
all learners/ cabaran 10 ( 1). - Workbook page
bersesuaian untuk semua 33 Teacher picks some students to present their answers. 10
murid 34 Teacher picks another students to verify the correct answers .(PA)
• opportunities to learn 35 Teacher shows the correct answers and students check their own
collaboratively/ peluang answers. ( SA)
untuk belajar secara 36 Teacher checks SC 2 achievement with the students.
• on-going guidance and
feedback (Assessment Activity 2 :
for Learning)/ bimbingan
dan maklum balas Look-Think Comment:
berterusan (Pentaksiran
untuk Pembelajaran-AfL) 7 Teacher asks the students to fill in the table with the correct
answers in the exercise book.
#Peer Assessment
: Students look to
8 Teacher asks some students to show their answers and show it to other friends work
the camera ; others look and give comments. by by giving
3 Teacher checks SC 3 achievement with the students.

Exercise book

Plenary/ Penutup Closure :

• Looking Back: review

and assessment of
4. Teacher reminds at the last time about the LO and SC for today’s lesson. #Reflection :
• Looking Forward: identify 90% of the whole
next steps for learning students were
• An activity to provide able to
closure understand the
• Refleksi: kajian dan whole lesson
penilaian pembelajaran
• Akan datang: kenal pasti
• Aktiviti penutup

Students to follow-up Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment

Tindakan susulan murid : Pemulihan : Pengukuhan : Pengayaan :

Next lesson Youtube link


Name: Mohd.Faizal Bin Mohd.Hassim Sekolah Kebangsaan KLIA, Sepang


Subject: Week: Topic: Class: Day/Date:

Mata Pelajaran: Minggu: Tajuk: Kelas: Hari/Tarikh:

English Language 38 Module 8 : The Kargo 4 Thursday, 11th November 2021

Amazing Animals
11.10 – 11.40 a.m

Learning Standard Code: Moral Value: Cross Curricular Links:

Kod Standard Pembelajaran: Nilai Murni: Pautan Merentas Kurikulum:

1.1.1, 2.1.1 23. Contextual learning, 1. LINGUISTIC

24. Thinking skills,

Student Aspirations/ Aspirasi


Knowledge Thinking Leadership Bilingual Ethics & National

Skills Proficiency Spirituality Identity
Pengetahuan Skills
/ / / /
Kemahiran Kemahiran Etika dan Identiti
berfikir dwibahasa kerohanian nasional

Learning Objectives: Success Criteria:

Objektif Pembelajaran: Kriteria Kejayaan:

Learn more about amazing animals 1) I can match at least 4 sentences


2) I can pronounce at least 3 words


3) I can transfer information by filling the

table at least 3 questions correctly.

Key Concepts/ Key Vocabulary: Teaching and Learning Aids:

Konsep / Perbendahaaan Kata Utama: Bahan Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran:

Tame animals, wild animals etc... Student’s Book, Workbook, Exercise book

Rangka Pengajaran Impak/Refleksi

Starter/ Set Induksi 36. Silent Signal
37. Discussion : Brainstorming (HOTS ) :-
38. Idea Rush :
• Starter activity to engage - Teachers give examples about things to do everyday
students / aktiviti untuk - Students write area on examples of things you do
menarik minat murid (Set everyday ( previous lesson) in 1 minute time.
Induksi) 39. Teacher relates the activities with the topic today and
• inform students of the asks the students to guess it.
learning objective/ 40. Teacher explain the LO and SC.
memaklumkan kepada
murid tentang objektif
• stimulate recall of prior
learning/ merangsang
ingatan terhadap
pembelajaran terdahulu
Main Activities/ Aktiviti Utama Activity 1:

-Read and pronouns together with teacher on vocabulary

• explanation of the content/ 64 Teacher open the interactive whiteboards and the
penerangan kandungan additions from Microsoft Powerpoint Presentations about
pembelajaran the vocabulary Wordwall.
• modelling and 65 Teacher picks some student’s name from the Google Meet
demonstrating/ contoh dan video grids to pronounce the words and turn on the
tunjuk cara microphone.
• practise opportunities/ 66 Teacher picks another students to verify the correct
peluang membuat latihan pronunciations.(PA).
• guidance and feedback/ 67 Teacher open the interactive whiteboards again. -Students Book
bimbingan dan maklum 68 Teacher asks the students to answer the question on page 15
balas berterusan Workbook page 10 ( 1).
• cater for different learning 69 Teacher picks some students to present their answers.
styles/ bagi pelbagai gaya 70 Teacher picks another students to verify the correct
pembelajaran answers .(PA)
• appropriate challenge for all 71 Teacher shows the correct answers and students check
learners/ cabaran
their own answers. ( SA)
bersesuaian untuk semua
72 Teacher checks SC 2 achievement with the students.

• opportunities to learn
collaboratively/ peluang Activity 2 :
untuk belajar secara - Workbook page
kolaboratif 1
• on-going guidance and
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentations.
feedback (Assessment for
Learning)/ bimbingan dan 29 Teacher shows some pictures.
maklum balas berterusan 30 Teacher asks some students on how they go to school
(Pentaksiran untuk whether always, sometime or never. #Peer
Pembelajaran-AfL) 31 Start with this; Assessment :
32 “I always come to school by bus. I never cycle to school.” Students look to
Ask some students to gain their self-esteem. other friends
work by by giving
Activity 3 :

Look-Think Comment:

15 Teacher asks the students to fill in the table with the Exercise book
answers in the exercise book.

16 Teacher asks some students to show their answers and

show it to
the camera ; others look and give comments.

3 Teacher checks SC 3 achievement with the students.

Plenary/ Penutup Closure : #Reflection :

• Looking Back: review and 80% of the whole

assessment of learning students were
8 Teacher reminds at the last time about the LO and SC for
• Looking Forward: identify able to
today’s lesson.
next steps for learning understand the
• An activity to provide whole lesson
• Refleksi: kajian dan
penilaian pembelajaran
• Akan datang: kenal pasti
langkah-langkah seterusnya
• Aktiviti penutup

Students to follow-up Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment

Tindakan susulan murid : Pemulihan : Pengukuhan : Pengayaan :

Next lesson Youtube link

Name: Mohd.Faizal Bin Mohd.Hassim Sekolah Kebangsaan KLIA, Sepang

Subject: Week: Topic: Class: Day/Date:

Mata Pelajaran: Minggu: Tajuk: Kelas: Hari/Tarikh:

English Language 38 Module 8 : The Terminal 4 Friday, 12th November 2021

Amazing Animals
8.20 – 9.20 a.m

Learning Standard Code: Moral Value: Cross Curricular Links:

Kod Standard Pembelajaran: Nilai Murni: Pautan Merentas Kurikulum:

1.1.1, 2.1.1 25. Contextual learning, 1. LINGUISTIC

26. Thinking skills,

Student Aspirations/ Aspirasi


Knowledge Thinking Leadership Bilingual Ethics & National

Skills Proficiency Spirituality Identity
Pengetahuan Skills
/ / / /
Kemahiran Kemahiran Etika dan Identiti
berfikir dwibahasa kerohanian nasional

Learning Objectives: Success Criteria:

Objektif Pembelajaran: Kriteria Kejayaan:

Learn more about amazing animals 1) I can match at least 4 sentences


2) I can pronounce at least 3 words


3) I can transfer information by filling the

table at least 3 questions correctly.

Key Concepts/ Key Vocabulary: Teaching and Learning Aids:

Konsep / Perbendahaaan Kata Utama: Bahan Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran:

Tame animals, wild animals etc... Student’s Book, Workbook, Exercise book

Rangka Pengajaran Impak/Refleksi

Starter/ Set Induksi 41. Silent Signal
42. Discussion : Brainstorming (HOTS ) :-
43. Idea Rush :
• Starter activity to engage - Teachers give examples about things to do everyday
students / aktiviti untuk - Students write area on examples of things you do
menarik minat murid (Set everyday ( previous lesson) in 1 minute time.
Induksi) 44. Teacher relates the activities with the topic today and
• inform students of the asks the students to guess it.
learning objective/ 45. Teacher explain the LO and SC.
memaklumkan kepada
murid tentang objektif
• stimulate recall of prior
learning/ merangsang
ingatan terhadap
pembelajaran terdahulu
Main Activities/ Aktiviti Utama Activity 1:

-Read and pronouns together with teacher on vocabulary

• explanation of the content/ 73 Teacher open the interactive whiteboards and the
penerangan kandungan additions from Microsoft Powerpoint Presentations about
pembelajaran the vocabulary Wordwall.
• modelling and 74 Teacher picks some student’s name from the Google Meet
demonstrating/ contoh dan video grids to pronounce the words and turn on the
tunjuk cara microphone.
• practise opportunities/ 75 Teacher picks another students to verify the correct
peluang membuat latihan pronunciations.(PA).
• guidance and feedback/ 76 Teacher open the interactive whiteboards again. -Students Book
bimbingan dan maklum 77 Teacher asks the students to answer the question on page 15
balas berterusan Workbook page 10 ( 1).
• cater for different learning 78 Teacher picks some students to present their answers.
styles/ bagi pelbagai gaya 79 Teacher picks another students to verify the correct
pembelajaran answers .(PA)
• appropriate challenge for all 80 Teacher shows the correct answers and students check
learners/ cabaran
their own answers. ( SA)
bersesuaian untuk semua
81 Teacher checks SC 2 achievement with the students.

• opportunities to learn
collaboratively/ peluang Activity 2 :
untuk belajar secara - Workbook page
kolaboratif 1
• on-going guidance and
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentations.
feedback (Assessment for
Learning)/ bimbingan dan 33 Teacher shows some pictures.
maklum balas berterusan 34 Teacher asks some students on how they go to school
(Pentaksiran untuk whether always, sometime or never. #Peer
Pembelajaran-AfL) 35 Start with this; Assessment :
36 “I always come to school by bus. I never cycle to school.” Students look to
Ask some students to gain their self-esteem. other friends
work by by giving
Activity 3 :

Look-Think Comment:

17 Teacher asks the students to fill in the table with the Exercise book
answers in the exercise book.

18 Teacher asks some students to show their answers and

show it to
the camera ; others look and give comments.

3 Teacher checks SC 3 achievement with the students.

Plenary/ Penutup Closure : #Reflection :

• Looking Back: review and 80% of the whole

assessment of learning students were
9 Teacher reminds at the last time about the LO and SC for
• Looking Forward: identify able to
today’s lesson.
next steps for learning understand the
• An activity to provide whole lesson
• Refleksi: kajian dan
penilaian pembelajaran
• Akan datang: kenal pasti
langkah-langkah seterusnya
• Aktiviti penutup

Students to follow-up Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment

Tindakan susulan murid : Pemulihan : Pengukuhan : Pengayaan :

Next lesson Youtube link


Name: Mohd.Faizal Bin Mohd.Hassim Sekolah Kebangsaan KLIA, Sepang


Subject: Week: Topic: Class: Day/Date:

Mata Pelajaran: Minggu: Tajuk: Kelas: Hari/Tarikh:

English Language 38 Module 10 : The Aerodrom 3 Friday, 12th November 2021

World Around Us
10.10 – 11.10 a.m

Learning Standard Code: Moral Value: Cross Curricular Links:

Kod Standard Pembelajaran: Nilai Murni: Pautan Merentas Kurikulum:

1.1.1, 2.1.1 27. Contextual learning, 1. LINGUISTIC

28. Thinking skills,

Student Aspirations/ Aspirasi


Knowledge Thinking Leadership Bilingual Ethics & National

Skills Proficiency Spirituality Identity
Pengetahua Skills
/ / / /
n Kemahiran Kemahiran Etika dan Identiti
berfikir dwibahasa kerohanian nasional

Learning Objectives: Success Criteria:

Objektif Pembelajaran: Kriteria Kejayaan:

Learn more about the solar system 1) I can match at least 4 sentences correctly.

2) I can pronounce at least 3 words correctly.

3) I can transfer information by filling the table at least

3 questions correctly.

Key Concepts/ Key Vocabulary: Teaching and Learning Aids:

Konsep / Perbendahaaan Kata Utama: Bahan Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran:

Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune etc Student’s Book, Workbook, Exercise book

Rangka Pengajaran Impak/Refleksi

Starter/ Set Induksi

21. Silent Signal

22. Discussion : Brainstorming (HOTS ) :-
• Starter activity to engage
23. Idea Rush :
students / aktiviti untuk
- Teachers give examples about things to do everyday
menarik minat murid (Set
- Students write area on examples of things you do everyday
( previous lesson) in 1 minute time.
• inform students of the
24. Teacher relates the activities with the topic today and asks the
learning objective/
students to guess it.
memaklumkan kepada
25. Teacher explain the LO and SC.
murid tentang objektif
• stimulate recall of prior
learning/ merangsang
ingatan terhadap
pembelajaran terdahulu

Main Activities/ Aktiviti Activity 1:

- Sing a song together

21 Teacher open the interactive whiteboards and play the song and sing
• explanation of the together with the students.
content/ penerangan 22 Teacher asks the students to match the answers .
kandungan 23 Teacher picks another students to verify the correct answers .(PA) -Students Book
pembelajaran 24 Teacher shows the correct answers and students check their own page 15
• modelling and answers. ( SA)
demonstrating/ contoh 25 Teacher checks SC 1 achievement with the students.
dan tunjuk cara
• practise opportunities/
peluang membuat
-Read and pronouns together with teacher on vocabulary
• guidance and feedback/ 37 Teacher open the interactive whiteboards and the additions from
bimbingan dan maklum Microsoft Powerpoint Presentations about the vocabulary Wordwall.
balas berterusan 38 Teacher picks some student’s name to pronounce the words and
• cater for different turn on the microphone.
learning styles/ bagi 39 Teacher picks another students to verify the correct pronunciations.
pelbagai gaya (PA).
pembelajaran 40 Teacher open the interactive whiteboards again.
• appropriate challenge for 41 Teacher asks the students to answer the question on Workbook page
all learners/ cabaran 10 ( 1). - Workbook page
bersesuaian untuk semua 42 Teacher picks some students to present their answers. 10
murid 43 Teacher picks another students to verify the correct answers .(PA)
• opportunities to learn 44 Teacher shows the correct answers and students check their own
collaboratively/ peluang answers. ( SA)
untuk belajar secara 45 Teacher checks SC 2 achievement with the students.
• on-going guidance and
feedback (Assessment Activity 2 :
for Learning)/ bimbingan
dan maklum balas Look-Think Comment:
berterusan (Pentaksiran
untuk Pembelajaran-AfL) 9 Teacher asks the students to fill in the table with the correct
answers in the exercise book.
#Peer Assessment
: Students look to
10 Teacher asks some students to show their answers and show it to other friends work
the camera ; others look and give comments. by by giving
3 Teacher checks SC 3 achievement with the students.

Exercise book

Plenary/ Penutup Closure :

• Looking Back: review

and assessment of
5. Teacher reminds at the last time about the LO and SC for today’s lesson. #Reflection :
• Looking Forward: identify 90% of the whole
next steps for learning students were
• An activity to provide able to
closure understand the
• Refleksi: kajian dan whole lesson
penilaian pembelajaran
• Akan datang: kenal pasti
• Aktiviti penutup

Students to follow-up Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment

Tindakan susulan murid : Pemulihan : Pengukuhan : Pengayaan :

Next lesson Youtube link


Name: Mohd.Faizal Bin Mohd.Hassim Sekolah Kebangsaan KLIA, Sepang


Subject: Week: Topic: Class: Day/Date:

Mata Pelajaran: Minggu: Tajuk: Kelas: Hari/Tarikh:

English Language 38 Module 8 : The Kargo 4 Friday, 12th November 2021

Amazing Animals
11.10 – 12.10 a.m

Learning Standard Code: Moral Value: Cross Curricular Links:

Kod Standard Pembelajaran: Nilai Murni: Pautan Merentas Kurikulum:

1.1.1, 2.1.1 29. Contextual learning, 1. LINGUISTIC

30. Thinking skills,

Student Aspirations/ Aspirasi


Knowledge Thinking Leadership Bilingual Ethics & National

Skills Proficiency Spirituality Identity
Pengetahuan Skills
/ / / /
Kemahiran Kemahiran Etika dan Identiti
berfikir dwibahasa kerohanian nasional

Learning Objectives: Success Criteria:

Objektif Pembelajaran: Kriteria Kejayaan:

Learn more about amazing animals 1) I can match at least 4 sentences


2) I can pronounce at least 3 words


3) I can transfer information by filling the

table at least 3 questions correctly.

Key Concepts/ Key Vocabulary: Teaching and Learning Aids:

Konsep / Perbendahaaan Kata Utama: Bahan Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran:

Tame animals, wild animals etc... Student’s Book, Workbook, Exercise book

Rangka Pengajaran Impak/Refleksi

Starter/ Set Induksi 46. Silent Signal
47. Discussion : Brainstorming (HOTS ) :-
48. Idea Rush :
• Starter activity to engage - Teachers give examples about things to do everyday
students / aktiviti untuk - Students write area on examples of things you do
menarik minat murid (Set everyday ( previous lesson) in 1 minute time.
Induksi) 49. Teacher relates the activities with the topic today and
• inform students of the asks the students to guess it.
learning objective/ 50. Teacher explain the LO and SC.
memaklumkan kepada
murid tentang objektif
• stimulate recall of prior
learning/ merangsang
ingatan terhadap
pembelajaran terdahulu
Main Activities/ Aktiviti Utama Activity 1:

-Read and pronouns together with teacher on vocabulary

• explanation of the content/ 82 Teacher open the interactive whiteboards and the
penerangan kandungan additions from Microsoft Powerpoint Presentations about
pembelajaran the vocabulary Wordwall.
• modelling and 83 Teacher picks some student’s name from the Google Meet
demonstrating/ contoh dan video grids to pronounce the words and turn on the
tunjuk cara microphone.
• practise opportunities/ 84 Teacher picks another students to verify the correct
peluang membuat latihan pronunciations.(PA).
• guidance and feedback/ 85 Teacher open the interactive whiteboards again. -Students Book
bimbingan dan maklum 86 Teacher asks the students to answer the question on page 15
balas berterusan Workbook page 10 ( 1).
• cater for different learning 87 Teacher picks some students to present their answers.
styles/ bagi pelbagai gaya 88 Teacher picks another students to verify the correct
pembelajaran answers .(PA)
• appropriate challenge for all 89 Teacher shows the correct answers and students check
learners/ cabaran
their own answers. ( SA)
bersesuaian untuk semua
90 Teacher checks SC 2 achievement with the students.

• opportunities to learn
collaboratively/ peluang Activity 2 :
untuk belajar secara - Workbook page
kolaboratif 1
• on-going guidance and
Microsoft Powerpoint Presentations.
feedback (Assessment for
Learning)/ bimbingan dan 37 Teacher shows some pictures.
maklum balas berterusan 38 Teacher asks some students on how they go to school
(Pentaksiran untuk whether always, sometime or never. #Peer
Pembelajaran-AfL) 39 Start with this; Assessment :
40 “I always come to school by bus. I never cycle to school.” Students look to
Ask some students to gain their self-esteem. other friends
work by by giving
Activity 3 :

Look-Think Comment:

19 Teacher asks the students to fill in the table with the Exercise book
answers in the exercise book.

20 Teacher asks some students to show their answers and

show it to
the camera ; others look and give comments.

3 Teacher checks SC 3 achievement with the students.

Plenary/ Penutup Closure : #Reflection :

• Looking Back: review and 80% of the whole

assessment of learning students were
10 Teacher reminds at the last time about the LO and SC for
• Looking Forward: identify able to
today’s lesson.
next steps for learning understand the
• An activity to provide whole lesson
• Refleksi: kajian dan
penilaian pembelajaran
• Akan datang: kenal pasti
langkah-langkah seterusnya
• Aktiviti penutup

Students to follow-up Remedial Reinforcement Enrichment

Tindakan susulan murid : Pemulihan : Pengukuhan : Pengayaan :

Next lesson Youtube link


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