Adv SHS 1 - Stations

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My English

help put the" " in this U
Lang age U class Created by: Ms.Theresa Jarino

Draw your
or coolest
As Shakespeare muses, “What’s in a Name?”
photo here. Special meaning behind your name:

The IMAGERY of you

The VERB you like doing the most:
If I step outside to relax, the first
thing I want to SEE would be
The ADJECTIVE your friends use for you:

If my favorite season had a TASTE ,

The NOUN you like the most: it would taste like

If your present and future were MOVIE or

If you shared my headphones, it
BOOK CHARACTER, who would you be? Why? would SOUND like

If I took you to my favorite childhood
location, it would SMELL like

If I handed you something that I’m

proud of, it would FEEL like
Stressed Chest
What do you worry about English class this year?

What do you worry about the school?

What do you worry about your teacher?

Reflection Writing
Look back at your previous English class. What do you think are the
habits and actions that hindered you from achieving your goals and
maximizing your potential in learning English?

What actions do you think you can do now that would benefit your
future self?
My Learning Preference
In our class, I value and respect your opinion and will. Please answer this survey so I
can help you better in learning English. Check the box of the most appropriate answer.

S t r o ngly S t r o ngly
Q u e stion Agree Agree N e u tral D i s a gree D i s a gree

I wo rk best when i t i s q u i e t .

I ca n work whe n t h e r e i s n o i s e
in t he classroom

I wo rk best when I r e c e i v e h e l p
from teacher

I li k e to learn by m o v i n g a r o u n d

I li k e to work in g r o u p s o r w i t h a
p a r t ner

I li k e to work b y m y s e l f

I ca n do my task s f a s t

I ne ed more time t o t h i n k a n d t o
fini s h a task

W h a t area in Eng l i s h a r e y o u go o d a t ? W h a t area do you w a n t t o i m p ro v e m o r e ?

Pledge of a
GOOD student
I promise to
always DO my best and to BE my best in class. I
will always use my time in class appropriately.
What I do today will make a difference in my

I promise to be RESPONSIBLE . I will value and

acknowledge others opinions and ideas. I will
treat others with KINDNESS and RESPECT . My
actions will affect me and those around me.

I will LISTEN , FOLLOW DIRECTIONS , and will be

HONEST at all times. If I do not follow these rules,
my teacher will move me to a spot that will
better meet my needs.
Date: ____ /__ / __

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