English 420 Autobiography

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Language Acquisition Autobiography

Kirsten Dawson

English 420, LAPU

Professor Gonzalez

July 19, 2021

○ Describe what memories you have about speaking, or being spoken to in
your earliest years.

The earliest memory I could remember was when I was 5 years old and I was in

kindergarten.I was very shy however I had to stand up in the classroom by my desk to state my

name, how old I was and what I liked to do. I remember being so nervous that my heart was

racing when it got closer to my turn to speak. Throughout elementary school I did not like being

the center of attention to talk by my desk or in the front of the class. I was fine raising my hand

to answer or ask questions. The only embarrassing thing that happened would be saying the

answer and feeling bad when it was wrong. As an adult I still become nervous if I have the

spotlight on me, an example would be when I had an interview via zoom and the spotlight was

on me, unfortunately I was very nervous and it showed with me stumbling over my words and

not making any complete sense of what I was saying in the beginning, but I did pull myself

together to get through it.

○ Describe how your family prioritized language, speaking, books, literacy, etc.

I remember having a big bookshelf in the dining area where I would complete my

homework. There would be so many books there was even an A-Z encyclopedia that came in

handy when I had to look things up on certain subjects for school. My parents were really big in

my education while growing up, I remember sitting for hours memorizing spelling words and

multiplication facts. There were times during the summer when my sister and I just wanted a

break, but before we could go outside to have fun we would have to either read or write a report
on something we found interesting in the encyclopedia. I felt like I was in boot camp when I had

to do those assignments. But the saying goes, “work hard play hard” that is the positivity I will

take from it. My parents are from Belize so they spoke proper English then what they would call

broken English which is more of the creole dialect. Instead of saying “what is going on girl” it

would be “wha di go on gal”. I never could speak in the creole dialect but I grew up around the

language so I understand when I hear it.

○ Explain how those memories connect to your current experiences/feelings

about language and literacy.

I feel like all these memories are of things I had to do in order to get

where I am today. I wish to have learned how to speak Spanish at a young age,

but that didn’t happen for me. So at times I regret that my parents didn’t have me

learn Spanish instead of they wanted me to learn to play the piano. I am grateful

today for my parents showing me that education is very important and will help

make you successful in life. From what I have learned in my past memories I am

able to show my children today the importance of reading or making up stories.

We like to read stories, listen to audiobooks,music, and say rhyming words to

hear the ending sounds of words and distinguish if they sound the same. Also we

make the first sound of letters in words to show that all the words we say make

sounds from the letters in the alphabet.

Describe how your career path is reflected in or inspired by those

With all of my experiences I have, it definitely has molded me to have a

head on my shoulders to be mature enough and take my work more seriously

than I did when I was younger. Since this is something I really want in life I care

about my grades and spend more time on completing my assignments to

thoroughly answer the questions to achieve a better grade.I am proud to say I

have gone through alot of schools to further my education and value all that I

have learned. I am happy to have come back to school in my late 30’s to pursue

my Bachelor’s Degree. It gives me the sense of accomplishment to know I am

doing the right thing for myself and my family.

○ What can you extrapolate from your own experiences and the experiences of

I have a few friends that are in school and are in the same shoes as I am

wanting to better myself and career. So those types of friends are important to

me so I can have a group that is on the same level when it comes to their

education goals to better themselves. We all feed off of each other’s experiences

at the different universities we are attending. It is fun that we share the same

interests for our education and how we will all graduate in 2022.
■ How do early language/literacy experiences affect a person's
feelings about language/literacy later in life?

According to the Early Literacy article, “oral language is the foundation for

literacy development” Early language development is important because

later in life the child will grow a love of reading and do better in school to

have better grades. It also will help the student not get into trouble with

the law, because overtime they will learn the importance of education and

working hard to get where they want to be in life.

■ How do those theories help you understand your own experiences

with language, and the experiences of others?

I don’t remember who taught me in my language acquisition of how to

speak. I was the first child in my family, where we lived the environment

consisted of my mom, step-dad, aunt, grandma, and uncle. I didn’t have a cousin

until I was 5 years old. I assume it was partly my mother that taught me some of

what I know, but more so my grandmother since she was there most of the time. I

do remember the literacy development of learning how to read and my aunt,

mom, and grandma all taking turns to help me with reading out loud to me and

help me sound out the letter sounds to make up words. In the end it takes a

village to raise children and get them to learn the important things in life to thrive

and be successful. I am enjoying the start of English 420 and learning a new

approach in this class.

Reading Rockets

The Study of Language.2017 George Yule Cambridge University Press

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