Dental Suturing Materials and Techniques
Dental Suturing Materials and Techniques
Dental Suturing Materials and Techniques
Successful dental suturing or oral surgery is dependent on accurate coaptation of the flaps. Various
methods and materials have been used (sutures, stents, paste dressings, tissue tacks and adhesives)
for precise flap placement. Suturing has remained the most popular method.
The term “suture” describes any strand of material utilized to ligate blood vessels or approximate
The primary objective of dental suturing is to position and secure surgical flaps in order to promote
optimal healing (first / primary intention) provides support for tissue margin until they heal,
without dead space and reduce postoperative pain.
Inadequate suturing may result in flap skipping, exposed bone / necrosis, pain and delayed wound
The technique of closing wounds by means of needle and thread is several thousand years old.
The history of surgical sutures can be traced back to ancient Egypt, and the literature of the classical
period contains a number of descriptions of surgical techniques involving sutures. Before catgut
became the standard surgical suture material towards the end of the 19th century, many different
paths had been followed to find a suitable material for sutures and ligatures. Materials that had been
tried included gold, silver and steel wire, silk, linen, hemp, flax, tree bark, animal and human hair,
bow- strings, and gut strings from sheep and goats. At the beginning of the 19th century metal
threads were tested as suture material. At that time inertness of a material with respect to body
tissues was considered an advantage. Nevertheless, metal threads had major disadvantages: their
stiffness rendered knot- tying more difficult and could easily result in knot breakage; in addition,
suppuration of the wound edges occurred frequently.
These negative experiences with metal contributed to the establishment of silk as the number one
suture material. Wounds sewn with silk cicatrized within a few days, and the small knot caused no
problems. For these reasons most surgeons at that time chose silk for sutures and vessel ligatures.
A fundamental change in the assessment of suture materials followed the publication in 1867 of
Lister’s research on the prevention of wound suppuration. On the basis of work by Koch and Pasteur,
Lister concluded that wound suppuration could be prevented by disinfecting sutures, dressings, and
instruments with carbolic acid. Initially Lister used silk as a suture material, on the assumption that
it was absorbable and therefore could also be used for ligatures. Later he searched for a more rapidly
absorbable material and consequently began to use catgut. Catgut is produced from animal
connective tissue, in particular bovine sub serosa. Over the years it gradually emerged that animals
born and bred in South America were most suitable because they had the lowest fat content thanks
to their natural husbandry conditions. The use of catgut was never called into question until the
appearance of BSE at the beginning of the 21st century. Alternative products had already been
developed by this time. These are the synthetically manufactured absorbable suture materials, which
have largely superseded catgut in Europe. However, catgut continues to play a major role in wound
care worldwide. A wide variety of sterilization methods have been tested at various times. Nowadays
sutures are mostly sterilized by ethylene oxide or gamma irradiation. In response to the
requirements of modern surgery and thanks to the efforts of users and manufacturers over the last
few decades, a wide variety of sutures have now been developed.
• Suture material is an artificial fibre used to keep wound together until they hold sufficiently well by
themselves by natural fibre (collagen), which is synthesized and woven into a stronger scar.
• Suture is a stitch/series of Stiches made to secure apposition of the edges of a surgical/traumatic
wound (Wilkins).
• Any strand of material utilized to ligate blood vessels or approximate tissues (Silverstein L.H 1999).
• Provide an adequate tension of wound closure without dead space but loose enough to obviate
tissue ischemia and necrosis.
• Maintain hemostasis.
• Permit primary intention healing.
• Provide support for tissue margins until they have healed and the support is no longer needed.
• Reduce postoperative pain.
• Prevent bone exposure resulting in delayed healing and unnecessary resorption.
The selection of a suture material by a surgeon must be based on a sound knowledge of the:
• Healing characteristics of the tissues, which are to be approximated.
• The physical and biological properties of the suture materials.
• The condition of the wound to be closed.
• Probable post-operative course of the patient.
When a wound has reached maximal strength, sutures are no longer needed.
Multifilament sutures should be avoided in contaminated wounds as bacteria can linger within them
and may convert it into an infected one.
Where cosmetic results are important, close and prolonged apposition of wounds and avoidance of
irritants will produce the best results.
The smallest inert monofilament suture materials such as polyamide or prolene should be used.
The Ideal Suture:
1- Absorbable Sutures
Popular in periodontal and implant surgeries, less postoperative inflammation, more patient’s
comfort and it is available in two forms natural or synthetic.
Monofilaments of highly purified collagen, mild to moderate tensile strength, mild inflammatory
reaction, and difficult to handle.
Should not be used in high acidic environment (reflux bulimia, esophagitis, Sjogern’s syndrom,
radiation therapy).
Available in two types:
-Plain Gut resorption rate from 3 to 5 days.
-Chromic Gut: Dyed with chromium salt solution and prolonged resorption rate from 7 to 10 days.
b) Synthetic Absorbable Sutures:
Braided filaments - polyglycolic acid (P.G.A), PGA is absorbed by hydrolysis (hydrophobic), good
tensile strength (resist muscle pull), bacterial growth inhibition, mild tissue reaction, and resorption
rate from 21 to 28 days.
Available in two types:
- Dexon®: Non-toxic coating or uncoted, violet or undyed.
- Vicryl: Coated – violet or undyed, stronger than Dexon.
2- Non-absorbable Sutures:
Braided siliconized proteinogenous suture derived from silk worms, superior handling quality, high
elasticity, good knot security, black dyed for easy visibility, bacteria and fluid collection (Wick effect),
high potential for infection, and severe inflammatory reaction.
Cotton / Linen
Braided / twisted filaments, easy to handle, poor strength, and severe inflammatory reaction.
Braided (coated) or nonbraided, mono / multifilament’s, Excellent handling quality, excellent knot
security, greater tensile strength than silk, no inflammatory reaction, monofilaments have a tendency
to return to their original state memory.
Monofilament, excellent tensile strength, no inflammatory reaction, and difficult to handle.
Braided coated or uncoated and not tissue reaction.
Dacron, uncoated excellent knot security.
Coated, more gentle with tissue and less knot security.
A variety of suture materials and suture/needle combinations are available. The choice of suture for
a particular procedure is based on the known physical and biologic characteristics of the suture
material and the healing properties of the sutured tissues.
The selection of suture material is based on:
The condition of the wound, the tissues to be repaired, the tensile strength of the suture material,
knot-holding characteristics of the suture material, and the reaction of surrounding tissues to the
suture materials.
Suture Needles
Surgical needles are designed to lead suture material through tissue with minimal injury.
Needles can be:
- Straight (limited use in oral surgery) or curved (Fig: 3).
- Swaged or eyed.
Made up of either SS or carbon steel.
Classification of Surgical Needles:
1.According to eye:
-Eye less needles. -Needles with eye.
2.According to shape:
-Straight needles. -Curved needles.
3.According to cutting edge:
- Round body.
- Cutting: a-conventional. b-reverse cutting.
4.According to its tip:
-Triangular tip. -Round tip -Blunt tip.
5.Others: -Spatula needles. -Micro point needles. -Cuticular needles. -Plastic needles.
Swaged Needle:
• Swaged needles do not require threading and permit a single strand of suture material to be drawn.
• Suture attached to needle via a hole drilled through the end of the needle, and the end is swaged
during manufacturing.
• Atraumatic and act as a single unit.
• Prepacked and presterilized by gamma radiation.
Needle Body
Needle Point
Point runs from tip to the max, cross sectional area of the body.
Can be: -Triangular tip/cutting. -Round tip. -Blunt tip. (Table: 1).
Cutting needles are Ideal for suturing keratinized tissues like palatal mucosa and for securing drains.
Round/tapered needles used for closing mesenchymal layers such as muscle or fascia that are soft
and easily penetrable.
The conventional cutting point has two opposing cutting edges and third edge on the inside
curvature of the needle.
The reverse cutting point has two opposing cutting edges and third cutting edge on the outer
curvature of the needle.
The tapered point is used primarily on soft, easily penetrated tissues. It leaves small hole and
can be used in vascular surgery as well as facial soft tissue surgery.
The blunt point has a rounded end, which does not cut through the tissue.
Suturing Instruments
It is important to have good quality instruments that are the correct size for the location and nature
of the wounds being closed. The instruments also need to be correctly sterilized and handled
carefully. Some of the suturing instruments like scissors, tissue forceps, and needle holder (Fig: 4).
1) Do not take too-small bites of tissues so that the suture tears through the wound edges. The
needle should enter the tissue approximately 2-3 mm front the wound edge or papillae tip.
2) Do not attempt to bridge the tissues with the needle. It is not advisable to pass the suture
through the facial and lingual papillae in one pass.
3) If the needlepoint is dull, do not try to force it through the tissues – stop, get a new sharp
needle and then suture.
4) Sutures should always be inserted through the more mobile tissue flap first.
5) When penetrating through tissues, the needle should enter at right angles to the tissue.
6) Suture needles are grasped in the center (or about 1/3 the distance from the swaged area to
the tapered point of the needle) and only by needle holder, and are inserted and pulled
through the tissue in line with the circle. The suture is pulled just tightly enough to secure the
flap in place without restricting the blood supply.
7) The flaps should not be blanched when tying a suture.
8) Sutures should be placed no closer than 2-3 mm from the edge of the flap to prevent tearing
through the flap during the swelling that occurs 24-48 Hours post-operative.
Principles of Suturing Techniques:
• The needle holder should grasp the needle at approximately 1/3 of the distance from the end.
(Fig: 5).
• The needle should enter the tissue perpendicular to the surface. If the needle pierces the
tissue obliquely, a tear may develop.
• The needle should be passed through the tissue following the curve of the needle.
• The suture should be placed at an equal distance from the incision on both the sides and at an
equal depth.
• The needle should pass from the free tissue to the fixed side.
• If one tissue side is thinner than the other the needle should pass from the thinner tissue to
the thicker one.
• If one tissue plane is deeper than the other, then the needle should pass from the deeper to
the superficial side.
• The distance that the needle is passed into the tissue should be greater than the distance from
the tissue edge.
• Avoid excessive tissue bites with small needles, as it will be difficult to retrieve them.
• The tissues should not be closed under tension, since they will tear or necrosis around the
suture. If tension is present the tissues should be undermined to relieve it.
• The suture should be tied so that the tissue is merely approximated and the edges are everted.
• The knot should not be placed over the incision line.
• Sutures should be placed approximately 3-4mm apart.
• Closer spaced sutures are indicated in areas of tension.
Fig: 5.Proper location on the needle body for grasping by the needle holder.
Suturing Techniques:
4.Vertical Mattress:
a) Internal vertical mattress (Fig: 8).
It passes at 2 levels, one deep to provide support and adduction of wound surfaces at a depth and
one superficial to draw the edges together and evert them.
Used for closing deep wounds. Needle passed from one edge to the other and again from latter edge
to the fist and knot tied. When needle is brought back from second flap to the first, depth of
penetration is more superficial.
• For better adaptation and maximum tissue approximation.
• To get eversion of wound margins slightly.
• Where healing is expected to be delayed for any reason, it is better to give wound added support by
vertical mattress. Used to control soft tissue hemorrhage.
• Runs parallel to the blood supply of the edge of the flap and therefore not interfering with healing.
b) External vertical mattress, apically repositioning suture, reverse vertical mattress (Fig: 9).
This suture provides excellent wound support, decreases dead space, and provides superior wound
edge eversion. The needle is introduced 5-10mm from the wound edge and a deep bite of tissue is
taken before exiting the flap in the same position on the opposite wound edge. The needle position is
then reversed in the needle holder, and the needle is reintroduced 1-3mm from the second side of
the wound and a smaller bite of tissue is taken before exiting on the first side of the wound. A knot
can then be secured.
“Suture security is the ability of the knot and the material to maintain the tissue approximation
during healing process.” Thacker and collleaques 1975.
Components of a knot:
1. Square knot.
This suture knot is made by tying two overhand knots, each done in opposite directions (Fig: 16).
For example, the first loop is made by making a loop over the jaws of the needle holder, and the
second knot is subsequently made by forming a loop under the jaws of the needle holder.
This knot is easy to tie, but may loosen when a synthetic or monofilament suture material is used.
3. Granny knot.
The slipknot is similar to a square knot in that it is made with two overhand knots, but both knots
are made in the same direction (Fig: 18). With a needle holder, one overhand knot is made so that the
loop forms over the jaws of the needle holder and is then tightened. A second overhand knot is then
made so that the loop goes in the same direction over the needle holder and is tightened.
Knowledge of the suture, needles (type, size, shape), instruments, and techniques are absolutely
necessary in order to be a competent surgeon.
There is no suture superior to the others in each aspect.
The differences in terms of tissue reaction and bacterial adhesion between sutures should be always
considered in the selection of the appropriate suturing material.
Delicate and proper soft tissue handling during various suturing techniques can insure optimal tissue
healing and high esthetic result.
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