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a nd Other Methods
of Skin Closure
Julio Hochberg, MD*, Kathleen M. Meyer, MD, Michael D. Marion, MD
Skin closure Sutures Surgical needles Staples
Topical adhesives Tapes
Historically, there were few surgical options for wound closure. From catgut, silk, and
cotton, there is now an ever-increasing array of sutures, approximately 5,269 different
types, including antibiotic-coated and knotless sutures. In addition to the continual
advancement in suture material, the variety and refinement of surgical needles and
packaging has also increased. New closure methods have recently been developed,
such as topical adhesives and absorbable staples, which can either be used alone or
in combination with traditional suture repair.
The surgeon evaluating a skin laceration has to choose the best closure method for
that particular patient and wound from a multitude of possibilities. Closing a wound in
an infant differs greatly from closing a wound in an elderly patient with multiple comor-
bidities, such as diabetes, heart disease, steroids use, and thin skin. Skin itself varies
throughout the body in terms of its thickness, elasticity, speed of healing, and
tendency to scar. Suture techniques that avoid suture marks such as ‘‘railroad tracks,’’
especially in skin exposed in normal clothing, are generally more aesthetically pleasing
to the patient. In the selection of a suture, a patient’s health status, age, weight and
comfort, and the presence or absence of infection are as important as the biomechan-
ical properties of the suture, individual wound characteristics,1 anatomic location, and
a surgeon’s personal preference and experience in handling a suture material. There is
often more than one appropriate method of closure. Although suture materials from
different companies have similar chemical components, the performance and quality
of these products are not always equivalent.
The ultimate responsibility for the choice of the best material lies with the surgeon.
The cost of a complication, such as wound dehiscence, a fistula, reoperations, pain,
and even death, will never justify the use of a less expensive, lower quality suture.
Choosing a method of closure that affords a technically easy and efficient proce-
dure, with a secure closure and minimal pain and scaring, is paramount to any
Department of Surgery, Marshfield Clinic, 1000 North Oak Avenue, Marshfield, WI 54449, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (J. Hochberg).
surgeon. This article addresses the current state of affairs of sutures and methods of
wound closure. The nuances, advantages and disadvantages, and strengths and
weaknesses of various suture choices in different circumstances are reviewed.
Much of this reflection is based on the collective experience of the authors, each of
whom has trained at a different institution and brings a unique set of experiences to
the discussion.
Tissue Absorption
Tissue absorption is a suture characteristic distinct from the rate of tensile strength
loss. A suture may display rapid loss of tensile strength yet be absorbed slowly.4 An
absorbable suture is defined as a suture that undergoes degradation and absorption
in tissues. A nonabsorbable suture maintains its tensile strength and is resistant to
absorption. However, most foreign materials will eventually undergo some degree of
degradation over time. The rate of absorption is especially pertinent to late suture
complications, such as the development of sinus tracts and granulomas.5 Absorbable
sutures are generally used for buried sutures that approximate deep tissues.6 Nonab-
sorbable sutures are most commonly used externally in the skin and will eventually be
removed, or for wounds in deeper structures that require prolonged support.6 Factors
that delay wound healing are many and include, but are not limited to, diabetes, corti-
costeroid therapy, malnutrition, stress, and systemic disease. Such factors signifi-
cantly influence suture choice, and with an increased risk of delayed healing,
a nonabsorbable external closure would likely be chosen over an absorbable suture.
Cross-Sectional Diameter
Suture diameter designations are specified in descending sequence (ie, 1-0 is larger
than 11-0). When selecting suture size, the finest gauge commensurate with the
natural strength of the tissue is recommended.3 The number and diameter of sutures
used to close a wound should be the minimum necessary for coaptation of the edges.
Coefficient of Friction
The coefficient of friction pertains to how easily a suture passes through tissue.4
Knot Security
Knot strength is calculated by determining the force necessary to cause a knot to
slip.4,7 The least reliable part of any suture is the knot.3 Knot security is the quality
of a suture that allows it to be tied securely with a minimum number of throws per
knot.2 Greater knot strength minimizes the risk of wound dehiscence. A knot stays
tied because of the friction produced by one part of the knot acting on another, which
relates to the coefficient of friction of the suture material. A suture with a high
coefficient of friction has good knot security but tends to abrade and drag through
tissue.8 A knot should hold securely without fraying or cutting. For safety, a knot
should have at least 3 throws with 3-mm long ends. Smooth surfaces decrease
knot security and must be compensated for with extra throws.
Suture Choice and Other Methods of Skin Closure 629
Elasticity is the ability of a material to return to its original length after stretching.4 High
elasticity will allow the suture to stretch with wound edema but return to its original
length and form once swelling has subsided. A high degree of elasticity provides
obvious clinical advantages, because highly elastic suture material is less likely to
cut through the skin with swelling and effectively approximates wound edges
throughout the healing process.
Plasticity is defined as the capacity of a suture to be permanently molded or altered.4
Plasticity refers to the ability of a suture to stretch with wound edema without return to
its original form once swelling subsides. Thus, sutures that are highly plastic may
become too loose when swelling decreases and fail to correctly appose wound edges.
Memory is the capacity of a suture to assume a stable linear configuration after
removal from packaging and after stretching. Memory is the capacity of a suture to
remain free of curling and other contortions that may interfere with surgical handling
and use. Sutures with significant memory are not pliable, which makes them difficult
to work with, and significant memory necessitates additional knots.9 (Nylon has signif-
icant memory, whereas Gore-Tex suture has no memory).
Several factors impact on how a suture handles including elasticity, plasticity, and
memory.3 The material should handle comfortably and naturally. The hallmark of silk
is its exceptional handling characteristics (workability) and ease of knot tying, setting
the standard with which all other material is compared.3,6
Tissue Reactivity
All suture materials are foreign to human tissue and may elicit a tissue reaction,3 such
as an inflammatory response, that interferes with wound healing and increases the risk
of infection. The duration and severity of the tissue response depends on the type and
quantity of suture material used along with its configuration.9,10 An ideal suture stim-
ulates minimal tissue reaction and does not create a situation favorable to bacterial
growth. Suture material should be nonelectrolytic, noncapillary, nonallergenic, and
Suture material may be either natural or synthetic; natural fibers (eg, surgical gut and
silk) cause a more intense inflammatory reaction than synthetic material (eg,
Physical Configuration
Suture material may be composed either of a single filament or multiple filaments.
Monofilament. Monofilament sutures have several desirable qualities, including
strength, low tissue drag, and low propensity to harbor infection. The incidence
of wound infection is significantly lower with monofilament compared with
braided sutures.4,11 However, monofilament sutures do not handle as easily as
braided sutures.
630 Hochberg et al
Polyglactic 910 (Vicryl) is a synthetic, absorbable, braided suture made of poly-
glactin 910 coated with a copolymer of L-lactide and glycolide (Polyglactin 370)
and calcium stearate. Polyglactic 910 thus retains 65% of its tensile strength
at 2 weeks and 40% at 3 weeks. It is extremely useful as a completely buried
suture to approximate wound edges until the wound has gained enough strength
to keep the edges from separating.6 Complete absorption of Vicryl occurs
between 60 and 90 days by hydrolysis. There is less of an inflammatory response
due to the absorption of polyglactic acid by hydrolysis if compared with the
proteolytic absorption of surgical gut.2 Vicryl is available in a clear undyed or
violet-dyed form. In cutaneous closures, the dyed form is often visible beneath
the skin surface. Vicryl can be extruded if used in the subcuticular layer.
Polyglactic 910 (Vicryl Rapide) is a synthetic, absorbable, multifilament suture. It
is derived from polyglactin 910 that is partially hydrolyzed in a buffer solution and
sterilized with gamma irradiation. This processing speeds absorption, leaving the
Suture Choice and Other Methods of Skin Closure 631
Quill suture is its speed in closing deep layers. However, a disadvantage is that
this suture has significant memory, and the needle size is not always appro-
priate for certain procedures. The product is in its infancy and will surely be
Plain, chromic and fast-absorbing plain gut are biologic, absorbable, monofila-
ment sutures. These materials are made by twisting together strands of mostly
purified collagen prepared from the submucosal layers of the small intestine of
sheep or the serosal layer of the small intestine of cattle. The plain gut is
untreated, the strength retention is 7 days, and absorption occurs in 10 to 14
days. The chromic gut is tanned with chromic salts to increase the holding
time to approximately 14 days with absorption in 21 days. Fast-absorbing plain
gut is heat-treated to create more rapid absorption. These sutures have less
tensile strength than plain gut of comparable size. Fast-absorbing plain gut is
used primarily for epidermal suturing where sutures are required for only 5 to 7
days. Fast-absorbing plain gut is helpful for suturing wounds in children or
wounds in locations from which it is difficult to remove sutures.2 Chromic gut
is absorbed by proteolysis and macrophages, and plain gut attracts small
lymphocytes that facilitate absorption.21,22
Nylon (Ethilon), a synthetic, nonabsorbable, monofilament suture made of
a chemically inert polyamide polymer fiber, has low tissue reactivity. Nylon
sutures are the most commonly used sutures in cutaneous operations.6 The
tensile strength of this material at 2 weeks is high, with a potential loss of 50%
by 1 to 2 years due to progressive hydrolysis over time.
Polypropylene (Prolene), a synthetic, nonabsorbable, monofilament suture made
by catalytic polymerization of propylene, has low tissue reactivity and high tensile
strength, similar to nylon. Polypropylene has as an extremely smooth surface,
which decreases knot security and must be compensated for with extra throws.
A significant advantage of Prolene is its high plasticity, and ability to accommo-
date wound edema. Polypropylene is easy to remove and is therefore an ideal
suture for a running, subcuticular stitch.6 This suture is also not subject to
Silk is a natural, nonabsorbable, braided suture that is white, extruded by silk
worm larvae, and made of protein filaments. Surgical silk is braided for easy
handling and dyed for greater visibility. Silk has good knot security but evokes
a significant inflammatory response. Owing to its braided configuration, silk is
also prone to infection and can be infiltrated by tissue ingrowth. Silk suffers
progressive degradation that may result in gradual loss of tensile strength.
Braided polyester (Mersilene) is a synthetic, nonabsorbable, uncoated, braided
or monofilament suture material. The tensile strength at 2 weeks is high, and
the material has a high coefficient of friction. The monofilament form has poor
knot security, whereas the braided form gives a more secure knot. The braided
form cannot be used in the presence of infection or contamination.6 This suture
has low tissue reactivity and undergoes no significant changes in vivo.
ePTFE (Gore-Tex CV4) is a synthetic, nonabsorbable, monofilament suture made
of polytetrafluoroethylene that has been expanded to produce a porous micro-
structure that is 50% air by volume. This suture is white in color and provokes
minimal tissue response with cellular ingrowth. The tensile strength does not
change in vivo. Gore-Tex is soft and supple, affording excellent handling.
Suture Choice and Other Methods of Skin Closure 633
Gore-Tex does not degrade in the presence of infection and is not subject to the
action of tissue enzymes.
Needles are manufactured from stainless steel wire, which has excellent resistance to
corrosion. Needles are chosen based on strength, temper, rigidity, malleability,
ductility, and surface finish. Needles must be matched to the patient and surgery.
The factors to be considered include the thickness and accessibility of the tissue to
be sutured, the importance of attaining a good cosmetic result, and the size of the
suture material.2 Surgical needle performance is determined by the following param-
eters: sharpness, resistance to bending, resistance to breaking (ductility), and by the
force that must be exerted to grasp a curved needle with the jaws of the needle
holder.5 Surgical needles have distinctive anatomy and characteristics, such as
shape, size, point, and method of suture attachment.
Needle Anatomy
Eye: the eye is the site of attachment of the needle to the suture. The close eye is
similar to a household sewing needle. The French eye has a slit from inside the
eye to the end of the needle that holds the suture. The swaged needle is config-
ured so that the suture and the needle form a continuous unit.
Body: the body of the needle is the portion grasped by the needle holder.
Point: the point of the needle extends from the tip to the maximum cross-
sectional area of the body.
Needle Shape
1/4 circle: used in microsurgery.
3/8 circle: used to approximate the divided edges of thin planar structures that
are readily accessible (ie, skin).
1/2 circle: used in deep body cavities and other confined locations.
5/8 circle: used in the nasal cavity.
1/2 curved or ski: used in endoscopic procedures.
Straight: used when suturing easily accessible tissue, where direct finger-held
manipulation can be easily performed.
Needle Size
The choice of the length and curvature of a needle is determined by the size and depth
of the wound. The diameter of the needle should match the suture size to minimize
damage as the needle passes through tissue.
Needle Points
Each type of needle point is designed to penetrate a specific type of tissue. Needle
points are either cut, tapered, or a combination of both.3
Conventional cutting. The needle body is triangular and has two opposing cutting
edges and a third edge on the inside of the curve. This configuration creates
a track that faces the wound edge, producing the potential to accidentally cut
tissue.3 (This point is used in tough tissues like skin and mucosa.)
Reverse cutting. This needle point has the third cutting edge on the outside of the
curve to avoid the possibility of accidentally cutting tissue. (This point is used in
tough tissues like skin, mucosa, and in the nasal cavity.)
634 Hochberg et al
Precision cosmetic. This form offers the most honed point for maintaining sharp-
ness. (This is used in delicate plastic or cosmetic surgery and on the skin.)
Trocar point or tapercut. The needle body is round, tapered and ends in a small
triangular cutting point. The cutting edges of the trocar point needle extend only
a short distance from the needle tip and blend into a round, tapered body.5 (This
point is used for closures in the oral mucosa and nasal cavity.)
Spatula point. This point is flat on the top and bottom with a cutting edge along
the front to one side. (This point is used with corneal or scleral tissue.)
Blunt point. This is simply a blunted, dull point. (This point is used for friable
tissues such as fascia.)
Taper. The needle body is round and tapers smoothly to a point that spreads the
tissue without cutting it. (This point is used in soft tissue that does not resist nee-
dle penetration, such as fascia, subcutaneous fat, and muscle.)
Keith needle. This is a straight, cutting needle. (This point is used primarily for skin
closure of abdominal wounds.)
Specialty needles. There are needle points especially designed for cleft palate
and microsurgery.
Swaged needle (atraumatic needle) provides a less traumatic, smaller diameter
needle3 that does not require preparation or handling. The needle may be perma-
nently swaged to the suture or may be designed to come off with a sharp, straight
tug. These ‘‘pop-offs’’ are commonly used for interrupted sutures, whereby each
suture is only passed once and then tied.5 Nearly all modern sutures feature the
swaged, atraumatic needle.
Threaded needle (traumatic needle) is a needle whereby the suture is threaded
through the eye of the needle. Threaded needles are more difficult to handle
and cause more tissue trauma than swaged needles. Threaded needles are
rarely used today. However, a threaded needle may salvage a suture line if
a continuous suture has broken.
Simple interrupted sutures. These are the most commonly used sutures and are
useful in linear or irregular wounds. The needle is introduced at a 90 angle into
the skin to include a larger portion of the deeper dermis.21 This method allows the
width of the suture at its base in the dermis to be wider than the epidermal
entrance and exit points.6 An advantage of interrupted sutures is that more selec-
tive adjustments of wound edges can be made.2
Vertical mattress sutures. These sutures are appropriate for either thick or thin
skin. Vertical mattress sutures are used if eversion is not achieved with simple
interrupted sutures. This suture provides a secure grasp of tissue and a good
approximation of the skin margins. Vertical mattress sutures need to be soft
and pliable but should not stretch tissue. These sutures help distribute tension.
Unfortunately, permanent hatch mark scars result if the sutures are left in place
for more than 5 to 7 days.6,23
Half buried horizontal mattress or 3-corner sutures. This type of suture is used for
flap edges, because the suture minimizes tissue ischemia. The 3-corner suture is
especially useful for closing a V-shaped wound or for approximating skin edges
that differ in texture or thickness.
Suture Choice and Other Methods of Skin Closure 635
Knots must be tight enough to coapt the wound edges and should be no tighter.
Regarding knot strength, sliding knots with extra throws are as secure as square
knots, and surgeon’s knots are no more secure than square knots for smaller diameter
636 Hochberg et al
sutures.26 For safety, a knot should have at least three throws with 3-mm long ends.
Smooth surfaces, as seen with monofilament sutures, decrease knot security and
must be compensated for with extra throws.
The final decision concerning the method and material used in closure is highly depen-
dent on the length and anatomic location of the wound (Table 1).7,27,28
Nonabsorbable (Proximate). These staples are made of stainless steel and
combine the highest tensile strength of any suture material in use today with
a low tissue reactivity.2 Metal staples come in two sizes, regular and wide, and
are dispensed from lightweight easy to grip cartridges. Metal staples provide
a faster closure than sutures.2,29 Metal staples also provide excellent wound
edge eversion without strangulation of tissue and result in minimal cross-hatch
scarring.23 Staples yield a satisfactory result for cutaneous wound closure in
a wide variety of circumstances and are extremely useful in fixation of skin grafts.
Metal staples may offer a slightly superior cosmetic outcome when used to close
scalp wounds. It is common to use staples to close scalp wounds that are under
a great deal of tension. Contaminated wounds closed with staples have a lower
incidence of infection than those closed with sutures. Staple closure also elimi-
nates the risk that a health care provider will experience a needle stick, which
is a particularly important consideration in caring for trauma patients with
unknown medical histories. There are specially designed extractors for staple
removal, although removal can also be accomplished with a hemostat.
Absorbable (Insorb). A novel form of skin closure that uses absorbable subcutic-
ular staples is now available. The staple is composed of an absorbable copol-
ymer of predominantly polylactide and a lesser component of polyglycolide.30
The closure of contaminated wounds with Insorb staples was found to be supe-
rior to closure with Vicryl sutures, because the Insorb staples had a significantly
lower incidence of infection.4 Insorb staples will not interfere with MRI examina-
tions. In some studies, the performance of Insorb staples was similar to that of
percutaneous metal staples with respect to the development of wound infection.
Table 1
Suture choice according to anatomic location of wound
Hochberg et al
Table 1
Other studies have suggested that the Insorb staples may be superior to metal
staples with respect to inflammation, pain, and cosmetic outcome.31,32
Steri-Strips. Modern cutaneous tapes have an important roll in wound closure
and have certain advantages over sutures and staples. Closure with microporous
tape produces far more resistance to infection than other closure techniques.6
Tapes maintain the integrity of the epidermis, resulting in less tension to the
wound.2 Linear wounds in areas with little tension are easily approximated with
tape alone, whereas wounds in areas where the skin is more taut generally
require that tape skin closure be supplemented with dermal sutures. In addition,
tape will not adhere to mobile areas under tension or moist areas. Retention of
sutures in skin wounds beyond a few days may result in slower development
of tensile strength than if sutures are removed earlier. Thus, some surgeons
prefer to replace cutaneous sutures with tape at 3 to 6 days,6 and some surgeons
prefer to use tape in conjunction with liquid adhesive (Mastisol).2 If used over
sutures at the time of surgery, wound closure tape can relieve tension at the
wound edges, provide a partially closed environment, improve the aesthetics
of the wound, and reduce the often tedious wound management for which the
patient is responsible.2 Wound edge approximation is less precise with tape
alone than with sutures. Wound edema can lead to blistering at the tape margins
and to eversion of taped wound edges.
Numerous options for skin closure have become available in the last 30 years. It is
paramount to choose a method tailored to each patient and wound. With excellent
technical execution, several methods of closure can achieve similar, high quality
results. A full understanding of the biomechanical properties of suture material allows
wound closure decisions to be made based on sound scientific knowledge.
640 Hochberg et al
Our thanks to Victor Gottlieb MD, Rama P. Mukherjee MD, FRCS, and Alison Wing
for their great support and critique.
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