A Preliminary Study On Sperm Morphology
A Preliminary Study On Sperm Morphology
A Preliminary Study On Sperm Morphology
ISSN 1303-2712
Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 16: 947-951 (2016) DOI: 10.4194/1303-2712-v16_4_22
In the present study, we investigated some qualitative parameters of milt in an endemic cyprinid fish, Shirbot, Barbus
grypus. The parameters including: sperm motility, sperm density and the composition of seminal plasma (calcium, sodium
and potassium, phosphorous, cholesterol, glucose. In this regard, 13 males ready to spawning (TW: 2846 ± 324 g, TL: 65.8 ±
4.8 cm) were provided from the South Aquaculture Research Center. Then, fish were injected during 12 days intraperitoneally
in one stage with 2 mg/kg.bw pituitary extract and after 10-12 h, the spermiation occurred and sperm collection was carried
out. According to results, the mean values of assayed parameters were: sperm motility duration: 108±13.6 s; sperm density:
18.8±2.44; seminal plasma pH: 7.87±0.2; % spermatocrit: 76.07±9.57; glucose: 9.41±1.29 mg/dl; cholesterol: 25.71±2.99
mg/dl; total protein: 1.27±0.29 mg/dl; Na+: 93.73±7.78 mmol/l; K+: 44.3±4.5 mmol/l; Ca++: 0.86±0.06 ; Mg++: 1.43±0.18
mmol/l; total sperm length: 4.17±0.34 µm; sperm head length: 1.2±0.2 µm; sperm flagellum length: 3.01±0.21 µm. Also,
significant correlation was found between sperm motility duration and pH of seminal plasma and also spermatocrit and sperm
Duration of sperm motility (s)
7.5 7.6 7.7 7.8 7.9 8 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4
pH of seminal plasma
Figure 1. The relationships between seminal plasma pH and duration of sperm motility in Shirbot, Barbus grypus.
Duration of sperm motility (s)
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Glucose concentration (mg/dl)
Figure 2. The relationships between glucose concentration and duration of sperm motility in Shirbot, Barbus grypus.
Spermatocrit (%)
y = 3.8938x + 2.6942
60 R² = 0.9873
13 15 17 19 21 23 25
Sperm density ( * 109 )
Figure 3. The relationships between sperm density and spermatocrit in Shirbot, Barbus grypus.
950 M. Khodadadi et al. / Turk. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 16: 947-951 (2016)
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