Garra Rufa

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Turk J Zool

34 (2010)
Research Article doi:10.3906/zoo-0810-11

Reproductive biology and age determination of Garra rufa

Heckel, 1843 (Actinopterygii: Cyprinidae) in central Iran

Masoud ABEDI1, Amir Houshang SHIVA2,*, Hamid MOHAMMADI2, Rokhsareh MALEKPOUR3

1Islamic Azad University - Sepidan Branch, Department of Biology, Sepidan - IRAN

2Islamic Azad University - Jahrom Branch, Department of Biology, Jahrom - IRAN

3Islamic Azad University - Kazeroun Branch, Department of Biology, Kazeroun - IRAN

Received: 20.10.2008

Abstract: Some aspects of the reproductive biology of Garra rufa Heckel, 1843, a native cyprinid fish species from the
Armand stream in Chaharmahal-o-Bakhtiari province, central Iran, were investigated by regular monthly collections
throughout 1 year. A significant relationship between length and weight and the isometric growth pattern were observed
in this fish. There were no significant differences in the total number of male and female specimens. The population of
this cyprinid fish had a narrow age range of 0-4 years, and the maximum number of samples belonged to the age group
of 2.01-3 years. Based on the patterns of gonadosomatic and Dobriyal indices, it was concluded that this fish population
has a prolonged, active reproductive period, which is a type of adaptation by this population to environmental conditions.
The average egg diameter was 0.67 mm; the highest diameters were seen in May and the lowest in November. The absolute
and relative fecundity were 1179.6 and 109.4, respectively. There was a significant relationship between fecundity and fish
size (total length and total weight), and also between absolute fecundity and gonad weight.

Key words: Garra, reproductive biology, age, fecundity, GSI, spawning, Iran

Introduction Garra Hamilton-Buchanan, 1822 are found

There are about 140 fish species in the inland throughout southwest Asia and from Africa to
waters of Iran, which generally belong to three southeast Asia, and are predominantly adapted to life
families: Cyprinidae, Balitoridae, and Cobitidae. The in swift-flowing waters, streams, and lakes (Krupp
cyprinid species exhibit a wide range of geographical and Schneider, 1989).
distribution, life histories, and reproductive styles The genus has about 73 species, and 4 are
(Winfield and Nelson, 1991). The family Cyprinidae, recognized from Iran: Garra persica Berg, 1913 in
with about 220 genera and about 2420 species, is the Hamun-e-Jaz Murian, Hormoz, and Sistan basins;
largest family of freshwater fishes and, with the Garra rossica Nikolsky, 1900 in Tedzhen River,
possible exception of Gobiidae, the largest family of Bedjestan, Sistan, Lut, Hamun-e-Jaz Murian,
vertebrates (Nelson, 2006). The members of the genus Mashkid, and Makran basins; Garra variabilis Heckel,

* E-mail: [email protected]

Reproductive biology and age determination of Garra rufa Heckel, 1843 (Actinopterygii: Cyprinidae) in central Iran

1843 in the Tigris river basins; and Garra rufa Heckel, L , and after logarithmic transformation has the form
1843 in the Tigris River, Kor River, Lake Maharlu, and of log W = log a + b log L, where W is the total weight
the Gulf and Hormoz basins (Coad, 1995). in grams, L is the total length in millimeters, a is a
Knowledge of the reproductive cycle and the coefficient related to body form, and b is an exponent
factors affecting it are important issues in fish and indicating allometric growth when unequal to 3. The
fisheries biology (Tomkiewicz et al., 2003). Studies of parameters a and b were estimated by linear regression
teleost reproduction often favor commercial or of log-transformed weight and length (Bagenal and
valuable native species (Matsuyama et al., 1988; Braum, 1978; Elliott, 1995). The significance of the
Appleford et al., 1998; Fowler et al., 1999; Smith and regression was assessed by analysis of variance
Walker, 2004). Among Iranian inland fishes, Garra (ANOVA). The significant difference of b from 3 was
rufa is one of the important biological species that is tested by using the equation given by Pauly (1984):
native to the Tigris basin. It has a small size and no sd ln L b–3
economic importance. Some of the common names t= # # n–2,
sd ln W 1–r
of this fish used in Iran are Gel-cheragh, Gel-khorak,
Mahi-e-sang lis, and Shirbot. Garra rufa has a wide in which n is the number of specimens, b is the slope
dispersion, but there is little information on its of the regression line, sd ln L and sd ln W are standard
biology in Iran. The purpose of this paper was to deviations of length and weight, respectively, and r is
consider the age and different aspects of biology of the regression coefficient.
this species, including the length-weight relationship, The fish were dissected laterally and sex was
sex ratio, gonadosomatic index, fecundity, spawning ascertained macroscopically. To examine the monthly
season, and condition factors necessary for changes in the gonads as a means for estimating the
conservation measures. We believe that information spawning season of this cyprinid fish, the
on the reproductive biology of this native fish could gonadosomatic index (GSI) and Dobriyal index (DI)
be important for conserving its stock. were used, which were calculated by GSI = (weight
of gonads/weight of fish) × 100 (Nikolsky, 1963),
Materials and methods DI = √GW and by DI = (Dobriyal et al., 1999),
where GW is the average gonad weight.
The field study site was a rocky stream called
Armand (31°40′N, 50°46′E). This stream is one of the To determine the ovum diameter, the ovaries were
branches of the Karun River and is located in the fixed in a 10% formalin solution. Subsamples were
Armand plain, near the town of Lordegan, 120 km taken from the anterior, middle, and posterior regions
south of Shahr-e-Kord, in Chaharmahal-o-Bakhtiari of the ovary. The diameters of 90 ova from all of the
province, central Iran. Fish were collected monthly subsamples were measured, using a stereomicroscope
from July 2006 to June 2007 using an electroshocker that was fitted with an ocular micrometer. In this
(200-350 V, 2-3 A). The specimens were immediately project, fecundity was defined as the number of ripe
preserved in 10% formalin until they could be and maturing oocytes in the ovaries prior to spawning
examined. The chi-square test was used to assess (Marshall, 1979; Payne and Collinson, 1983), and so
deviation from a 50:50 sex ratio (Robards et al., 1999). the absolute fecundity (F) was measured in terms of
The total body weight (W) of all preserved fish was the number of oocytes with a diameter greater than
measured using an electronic balance to the nearest 0.7 mm (Leonardos and Sinis, 1998), using 69 female
0.001 g. The total length (TL) was also measured, to gonads. The relative fecundity (number of ova per
the nearest 0.05 mm, using a vernier caliper. The unit of body weight) was also estimated using the
condition factor (K) was calculated monthly with the method suggested by Bagenal (1967). The fecundity
formula K = (W/L3) × 100,000, where W and L are the was then correlated with fish body size using F = a Lb,
total weight and total length, respectively (Biswas, where F is the number of eggs per specimen; L is the
1993). The length-weight relationship was calculated total length (TL), total weight (W), or gonad weight
by the method of least squares using the parabolic (GW) of the fish; and a is a constant and b is the slope
equation suggested by Le Cren (1951), which is W = a (Koutrakis and Tsikliras, 2003).


The age of all of the specimens was determined Table 1. Length-weight relationship of Garra rufa. n: number of
from the key sample scales taken from the left side of specimens, r: correlation coefficient, r2: coefficient of
determination, a and b: constant of regression equation.
the body, between the lateral line and the beginning of
the dorsal fin. The scales were cleaned mechanically Specimens n R r2 log a b P
using a fine brush and rinsed with distilled water.
Cleaned scales were dried on filter paper. To avoid Female 173 0.991 0.981 -5.036 3.089 <0.001
curling, the scales were mounted between 2 slides for Male 191 0.994 0.989 -5.092 3.134 <0.001
2-3 days. Observations were made using a
stereomicroscope with reflected light. For each Total 364 0.993 0.984 -5.076 3.112 <0.001
specimen, 4-5 scales were used and the number of
annuli (growth lines) in each scale was counted.
+ 3.089 log TL. There was no significant difference in
Results the parameters b and a between the sexes. However,
the parameter b for male specimens was
Sex ratio and age
comparatively slightly higher than for females. As the
During the present study, a total of 364 specimens b value was about 3, it could be concluded that the
of G. rufa were caught, ranging in total length from growth of this fish is isometric in the Armand rocky
29.11 to 151.27 mm. Of the total number of stream system.
specimens, 191 were males and 173 were females.
Condition factor
There was no significant difference in the total
number of male and female specimens (chi-square = For the pooled data, this factor ranged from 0.87 to
0.617, P > 0.473). 3.14 with a mean of 2.03 and fluctuated in different
months. The ANOVA test showed that there was no
Results revealed that the population of this
significant difference between males and females (P
cyprinid fish had a narrow age range of 0-4 years, and
= 0.428). The condition factor of females was the
the maximum number of samples belonged to age
highest in May and reached the lowest value in
group 2.01-3, followed by age groups 1.01-2, 3.01-4,
November. From November to May, it showed an
and 0-1, respectively (Figure 1).
increasing pattern (Figure 2). In the case of males, the
Length-weight relationship condition factor was the lowest in November and
There was a significant relationship with a high increased up until April. It showed almost decreasing
regression coefficient (r 3 0.991, P < 0.001) between trends from April to November (Figure 2).
the length and weight of the fish (Table 1), which can
be described with the following equations. Total
specimens: log W = -5.076 + 3.112 log TL, Males: log
W = -5.092 + 3.134 log TL, Females: log W = -5.036 18
16 GSI (F)
14 GSI (M)
12 K (F)

10 K (M)

30 2

0 0
0-1 1.01-2 2.01-3 3.01-4 Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May.Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.
Age group Figure 2. Variation of mean gonadosomatic index (GSI) and
Figure 1. Number of specimens of Garra rufa in different age condition factor (k) of female (F) and male (M) Garra
groups. rufa in different months.

Reproductive biology and age determination of Garra rufa Heckel, 1843 (Actinopterygii: Cyprinidae) in central Iran

Gonadosomatic and Dobriyal indices 1.2

There was a significant difference in the male and 1

female GSI in different months (ANOVA, P < 0.001). 0.8

The female gonadosomatic index increased from
November to May, peaking in the middle of spring
and then decreasing slowly from the end of May to 0.4

November (Figure 2), showing prolonged 0.2

reproductive activity. In the case of males, the peak of 0
the GSI plot was in April. This was due to an increase Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.
in gonad weight, indicating that the breeding season Figure 4. Mean ova diameter (mm) of Garra rufa in different
falls after April. In females, the DI was as high as 1.41 months.
in May, with a clear fall during June. We observed a
decreasing trend in the value from July to November,
confirming a long period of spawning. In males, the
DI showed an increasing trend from November to Table 2. Relationship between absolute fecundity (F) and total
April, when it was as high as 1.17. There was a fall in length (TL), weight (W), and gonad weight (GW) of
the value during May. The DI decreased gradually Garra rufa.
from June to November (Figure 3). Equation N r P

F = 0.412 TL1.875 69 0.596 <0.001

F = 138.94 W0.627 69 0.634 <0.001
1.6 F = 681.13 GW0.704 69 0.922 <0.001
1.4 DI (F)
1.2 DI (M)
Dobriyal index

0.4 The study of reproductive biology is an effective
method for recognizing the stocks and life cycle of
fishes (Hosseinzadeh et al., 2001). A variety of useful
Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May.Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. concepts, centering on the body shape of individual
fish, arise from the consideration of combined weight-
Figure 3. Variation of Dobriyal index (DI) of female (F) and male
(M) Garra rufa in different months. length data. The equation suggested by Le Cren
(1951) has proven to be a useful model for weight as
a function of length (Murphy and Willis, 1996). The
length-weight relationship in fishes is affected by a
number of factors, including season, habitat, gonad
Fecundity and ova diameter maturity, sex, diet and stomach fullness, health, and
The absolute fecundity ranged from 283 to 3794 preservation techniques (Tesch, 1968). Results of the
eggs per female, with an average of 1179.65. The mean present study indicated that the b value was about 3,
relative fecundity was 109.43 per gram of body so it could be concluded that the growth of this fish is
weight. We found a significant relationship between isometric, meaning that the shape does not change as
absolute fecundity and fish size (total length and the fish grows. In general, the value of b lies between
weight), and also gonad weight (Table 2). The ovum 2.5 and 4 and can be variable as a result of changes in
diameters ranged from 0.028 to 1.98 mm, with a mean fish shape, season, age, and food availability (Ricker,
of 0.67 mm. The highest diameters were seen in May 1979). In the present study, the value of b remained
and the lowest in November (Figure 4). within the expected range.


The monthly variations in the GSI were highly According to Jonsson and Jonsson (1999), fecundity
associated with the seasonality of the maturity stages increases with body size because the amount of
assigned macroscopically, as found by Morato et al. energy available for egg production and the body
(2003). An increase in the GSI of females was cavity accommodating the eggs increases with fish
observed from November to April, which indicated size. According to our findings, the coefficient of
the appearance of prespawning individuals. The GSI correlation for the relationship between fecundity and
peaked in May, corresponding to the first observation fish weight was 0.634, and for the relationship
of spawning individuals. A decrease in the GSI from between fecundity and gonad weight, it was 0.922
May to November coincided with the long spawning (Table 2). Thus, it is clear that the gonad weight has a
season. In the case of males, the spawning season better correlation with reproductive capacity than the
lasted from April to November, showing that perhaps body weight. Hence, the Dobriyal index could be used
male specimens start spawning earlier than females. A for determination of the spawning season, sexual
distinct fall in the GSI during June in females and May maturity, and frequency of the spawning of fish. The
in males may be an indicator of heavy spawning of DI involves only the data related to the sexual organs,
some fish in these months. As mentioned by De Silva which are easy for interpretation and calculation and
(1991), it was concluded that the individuals of the provide a narrow range of index if the gonad weight is
Garra rufa population are asynchronous spawners. very low or very high (Esmaeili and Shiva, 2006). The
Not all females spawn at once, and the gonads of ova diameter variation is probably one of the
individuals include a range of developmental stages. important pieces of evidence used in determination
All oocytes of a matured batch are generally spawned of fish reproductive strategy (Tomasini et al., 1996).
at once, but up to 20% may be retained for repeat The maximum diameter of ova was observed from
spawning. In common carp, after spawning and March to September, showing the spawning season of
absorption of residual oocytes, rematuration of the this fish population.
ovaries takes at least 3-4 months (Davies et al., 1986; The term condition was applied to analysis of the
Mills, 1991). The population of G. rufa in the Armand variation from the expected weight for length of
stream has a reproductive strategy in which, during individual fish or relevant groups of individuals as
the spawning period, different individuals release indications of fatness, general “well being,” gonad
their eggs and sperms at different times. Such a development, and so on (Murphy and Willis, 1996).
lengthy breeding season is a type of adaptation by this The condition factor of G. rufa was high at the
population, which lives in an unstable habitat, to beginning of the spawning season when more ripe
environmental conditions (Miller, 1979). eggs were present, and decreased slowly during the
The fecundity is affected by many factors, such as long spawning period. This shows the effect of gonad
the size and age of the female (Thorpe et al., 1984), weight on the k value. In fact, releasing the oocytes in
the life history strategy (Morita and Takashima, 1998), females and sperms in males decreased the weight of
food supply, and temperature (Fleming and Gross, fish, so they became thin and this decreased the k
1990). The fecundity of this fish is low in comparison amount. An increase or decrease in condition factor
with the other cyprinid fishes; for example, the could be due to availability of food, spawning, stress,
fecundity of Labeo dero is about 90,000 (Biswas et al., changes in temperature, pH or pollution of water, and
1984). This shows that the population of G. rufa in the so on (Türkmen et al., 1999; Erdoğan et al., 2002).
Armand stream is under stress. The Armand stream The study of fish scales is the best tool in fish
has a meandering and rocky bed, and boatmanship biology, because fish biologists are unable to get large
matches are held there, all of which can cause stress numbers of specimens for the studies due to the
and consequently low fecundity. It is obvious that reduction in fish stocks. Numerous studies on the
degeneration or malfunction of ovaries reduces the scale structure of fishes have been undertaken in the
female fecundity and reproductive potential (Rideout world, and the results have been successfully used for
and Burton, 2000). The fecundity of Garra rufa growth studies, calculation of minimum harvestable
increases with fish size (total length and body weight). size, and determination of age in fishes (Tandon and

Reproductive biology and age determination of Garra rufa Heckel, 1843 (Actinopterygii: Cyprinidae) in central Iran

Johal, 1996; Rifflart et al., 2006). Our results revealed Acknowledgments

that the population of this cyprinid fish had a narrow The authors would like to thank the Office of Vice
age range of 0-4 years. This shows that G. rufa is a fish Chancellor for Research of Islamic Azad University-
with populations mainly of young individuals. Sepidan Branch for financial support of this study.

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